Let Me Just Enter Jannah | Mohammad Hoblos

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Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh what's the payment what is the reward what is to happen you know if I become the best Muslim as an active day I use an active list and an active what's the reward Allah says if you are successful if you pass for you I have prepared something my reward to you is something no eye has ever seen no he has ever heard no heart and no mind has ever imagined or contemplated this is what I have prepared this is what I have prepared for those believers that are successful I have prepared for them a paradise the likes of which no one has ever seen or heard or even imagined this is what a way to my brother and my sister Jana Jana tajiri min tahti hell and hell a paradise awaits you under which rivers flow underneath your feet Oh Oh Oh bismillah alhamdulillah wa salatu was-salam ala rasoolillah we praise Allah Azza WA JAL the king the master the sustainer the creator of the seven heavens and the earth and we send peace and blessings upon his beloved Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam my brothers and sisters my Lost Planet Allah reward you it's been a three long days and I know we've come to the end of the event so naturally we are a bit Restless but in charlotte allah if you can bear with me it's only 40 minutes and then we will conclude inshaallah so please I ask you patiently to bear with us insha'Allah to give me your undivided attention I can assure you we left the best topic to last not the best speaker but the best topic to last if I can ask those who have children I know it's getting late and your kids are getting tired but please do your best to to keep them as quiet as you possibly can my brothers and sisters in my Dawa I've come across many people who when they think of akhira when they think of hellfire and they think of jannah they always tend to say to me that man you know what let me just enter jannah and one lie I'll be happy have you heard this do you guys say this here as well some people they say you know because Jannah is not one level year Jannah is many levels so many of us when we think about paradise and we think about Jannah many of us we tend to say to each other what that Yahoo Allah he let me just enter paradise and I be happy and I'll be content well I I'm here to tell you that that's not the truth because in this dunya we're never content with what we have in this world you're never happy with the car that you drive you're never happy with the phone that you're holding you're never happy with the house that you live in in this world you're never content with anything that you have and you always wish that you had better or you wish that you had more but when it comes to Aldean and when it comes to our thinner people turn around and tell me brother let me just interject I'll be happy you know my brothers and sisters I want to share two stories with you from the Sahaba your father's look at their understanding of Jannah and look at our understanding of Jannah I want you to leave this hadith with me please one of the companions his name was revered in Kabul Aslam E and this companion was a was a very young companion and this companion he belonged to the people of Iowa sofa for those of you who don't know who else offer is in the masjid of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there was a section in the back that belonged to the people called a lucifer and so far were the people that had literally no money today you and I we say brother you know what while I'm doing it tough man I'm doing it huzzah but really what you and I mean as in I'm doing it tough means I'm not driving an AMG I'm driving my dad's tiara Camarena but for these people were like they were really doing it tough imagine you lived in the masjid of rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you have that poor you didn't have enough money to buy clothes to cover your aura imagine you prayed in the masjid of Rasulullah and you're out I was showing so when I tell you that these people were really doing it tough they were really doing it tough so this young companion Arabiya being Kabul Aslam II he was one of the servants of the prophet of Allah and please I want you to imagine that you're living they forget about the lights I want you to imagine you're living in Medina you're living in the city of Rasulullah assalam you in his Masjid and you are the servant of Rasulullah and because you believe in Eman because you have no head and you believe in Allah you have reached such a state you don't even have enough money to feed yourself so this young companion he was one of the servants of the prophet of Allah now I want you to imagine you him imagine you had the honor of serving the prophet of Allah so the prophet of Allah he is the commodity his house for the tahajud prayer and this young Sahaba revered in Karbala salamĂŠ he used to bring the bowl of water for the prophet of Allah so he can make wudu so the prophet of allah comes Arabi Isis this is authentic hadith sahih hadith Ravi RC is the prophet of Allah so he goes to prepare the bowl of water for the profit of a lot to make wudu then he comes to the prophet of a line he gives him the bowl so the prophet of allah looking at abeer seeing how poor he's seeing his condition you know i assume that he felt sorry for him so he system revere ask me man Rabia make a wish who's asking the prophet of allah the one who if he raised his hands one Mahe Allah will allow the heavens to rain gold if he asked for and this young Tsar happy now imagine what an opportunity I want you to imagine that some of us maybe because the prophet of Allah is a fast rich I want you to imagine Bill Gates you went to visit Bill Gates you know and you're sitting in his room you're having a good conversation with Bill Gates and you know how much money he has so he turns around and you know he knows where you live he knows your circumstances say he says you brother sister you know what open checkbook ask me what do you want so this young sahabi prophet of Allah is asking he says our prophet of Allah I want your companionship in Jannah for you and I we say brother I'm happy to just enter paradise look how these people for men he says a prophet of Allah I want your cypher I want your friendship in Jannah so the prophet of allah he asks him again almost as if to indicate their Rebbe I'm not talking about earth lira I'm talking about he now what do you want you want a wife you want a house you want to tell me what do you want make a wish so he looks at the prophet of Allah he says a prophet of Allah that's all I want he says that's all I want our prophet of Allah the only thing I wish for the only thing that I desire the only thing I want from this world is your companionship in Jannah so the prophet of Allah he says Arabia you've asked for something massive Ravi I you need to help me you need to assist me in your request in making a lot of sehun another companion my brother's he comes to the prophet of allah and again want you to see the mindset I want you to think like Sahaba thought a man comes to the prophet of a line he says o prophet of Allah when I'm with you I'm elated I'm flying he says our prophet of Allah but then when I leave you and I go back home to my family he says a prophet of Allah I start to miss you he says a prophet of Allah I start to miss you my heart yearns to see you he says a prophet of Allah then I leave my family I come back I lay my eyes on you and our prophet of Allah I find peace and happiness in my heart once more but I profit of a love the thought came to me soon you will die and I will die a prophet of Allah you will be in paradise up there with the prophets and I if I entered paradise I will be down there yeah in the lower levels he says our prophet of Allah how can Jenna be Jenna if I'm not with you for one of the very few times the prophet of Allah was speechless so gibreel alayhi salat or Selim comes down and says to the prophet of Allah that tell your ma tell your min tell your followers they will be with the ones that they love in general and a solid alot Ilan who used to say by Allah there was no hadith that was more beloved to us than this hadith for by Allah there was no one we loved more than the prophet of Allah Abu Bakr and Omar Abdul Hassam this was Jannah for your companions this was Janna for the Sahaba my brothers and sisters I asked you when you think about yourself and you think about Janna where do you see yourself are you just happy to just make it or are you of those very few people who want the high levels because my brothers and sisters won't lie I have news for you don't think that Janna is all the same you know my brother's what pushes you to do what you do in this world what makes you wake up every morning and go to work what your love for work what makes you get up every morning and go to work your love for work no your love for this because you know right I work because I need this and I need this so that I can get through my daily life yes or no what makes you go to school in the morning what your love for knowledge no but you know I need to go to school to get a good education right and with a good you know with a good education then I can get a good job and with a good job it always comes back down to what these on today I'm here to tell you why do we do what we do why do we fast why do we pray why do we hold these events why do you do what you do as a Muslim it's also for the sons but not here they don't think for a second my brother's Jannah is the reward Allah spanha wat Allah he says for those that are successful on the day of judgment I will reward them what is I'm not going to reward you my brother and my sister this is they are very personal now because Allah is talking to you with all of these difficulties in dunya you know through the three days we've been trying to encourage you to become a better Muslim to become a better Muslim are to become someone that's you know all of these things but for why what's the purpose what's the payment what is the reward what is to happen you know if I become the best Muslim and active values and active this and an active what's the reward Allah says if you are successful if you pass for you I have prepared something my reward to you is something no eye has ever seen no he has ever heard no heart and no mind has ever imagined or contemplated this is what I have prepared this is what I have prepared for those believers that are successful I have prepared for them a paradise the likes of which no one has ever seen or heard or even imagined this is what awaits you my brother and my sister Jana Jana Tangela min tahti hell and her a paradise awaits you under which rivers flow underneath your feet you know I don't know what the condition is here but I know in Sydney property is based on water the closer you live to water the more expensive your house is is it the same here no in Sydney the closer you live to water the more expensive your house is and if you can see water from your house it's called water views if your home has water views then your property automatically doubles and if you have a waterfront and if you live on the water between you and the water is only saying you you you have a waterfront house then this is what they call prime real estate Allah doesn't tell you you live on the waterfront a losses under Keith your feet underneath your houses underneath your palaces rivers flow this is what I have prepared for my believers this is what I've prepared for those that pass and let me tell you my brothers what lie he gender is of levels and don't you for a minute think that those that are on the high levels are the same as those on the low levels I'll give you an example ever been has anyone here ever been on an aeroplane just raise your hand have you been on an aeroplane have you been on an international flight yeah mashallah I want to give you this analogy soon I'll be leaving Oslo and I'll be flying to Sydney right and I'm taking an Emirates flight so you and I now we're both jumping on the same aeroplane we're jumping on an Emirates flight and we're going to Sydney technically both you and I are on the same aeroplane but I want to ask you is the one that is sitting in first class can he be compared to the one that's sitting in the back you see when you and I travel or at least me anyway when I travel I sit in the back usually next to the toilets right at the back economy and usually when they take you into the aeroplanes how do they take you in when you come to the airport they ask you so you're flying business or economy you say economy they tell you they line up with the Sheep insha'Allah come to the left you look at the queue you're a liar you think bro this planes going to leave and we're going to be still standing here look at the people but those who fly business and first-class sir ma'am please right this way right this way you're worried on two three kilos overweight he has fifty kilos over whatever he has fifty kilos is the minimum of what he's allowed are they the same then when they take you onto the aeroplane how do they take you in they make you walk through first-class and business-class and tell you so keep going straight down to the toilets please and they make you see the seats you've seen the seats you've seen the size of the TV screens and you walk through and your heart burns there for 14 hours I'm going to be smelling the toilets while this guy's reclining all the way back but you and I can still both boast that hey I was on the Emirates flight with him but can you really be compared the food is not the same the seats are not the same well even the hosts are not the same have you noticed how they're always pretty in the front and you get to the back you think you're a thief please then serve me ran out on it everything changes in dunya what about what Allah has prepared for those who are on the high levels men you think they're the same or llahi they're not in Jannah my brothers and sisters I want you to think about paradise because this is what drives us in paradise my brothers and my sisters time will no longer exist Allah says in Jannah Holly Dina fear obadah in Jannah my brother and my sister you will live therein forever and in our 100 years not a thousand is not 10,000 years not a hundred you will live therein forever you will never ever ever die can you imagine that you will never die some of the scholars they tried to give an analogy to help you understand and they said imagine right can you imagine this Hall now imagine we filled up this hall with sand how many grains of sand Urich in albania hulless it's a figure that you can't count yeah surely the scholar said imagine we filled up the whole earth we filled that up with sand really the the they actually used mustard seed right but Yanni they said imagine we filled up the whole earth with mustard seed from the ground all the way to the skies and every one billion years one bird would come to earth take one mustard seed and go and it won't come back for another billion years it'll come back after a billion years take one seed and go the scholars say this bird will use up all of these mustard seeds all the mustard seeds would finish and you will still be in general Holly Dina fear ever there you will be there forever my brother and my sister no fear of death in Jannah you will never grow old did you know that an old lady she came to the Prophet of Elijah says our prophet of Allah is there room in Jannah for an old lady like me he says to her no in Jannah there are no old ladies so she began to cry so he smiled at her sallallahu are using them with that smile that penetrates the heart and he says to Anjana Allah will take you back to your youthful days and you will live forever in Jannah as a youth in Jannah my brothers and sisters you will be the age of about 33 years old can you imagine you and your father are the exact same age you and your mother will be the exact same age and in general you will be as tall as your father Adam about 30 meters high in Jannah my brothers and sisters you will never have to go to the toilet ever again imagine that you never ever have to do number one or number two or number three some people do number three I don't know what that one is to the best of my knowledge there's only one and two in Jannah you will never go to the toilet again my sisters in paradise you will never have your monthlies ever again you will never have these emotions and everything that comes along with that my sister never done finished dusted in Jannah you will never get sick in Jannah you will never get tired in Jannah you will never sleep you don't sleep in Jannah in general my brother's you will never get old you will never get tired you will never feel fatigued it's just pure and pure and pure happiness for eternity forever this is the price that Allah has prepared in Jannah there's no more fasting in Jannah there's no more salary in Jannah there's no model in janma there's no more worship nothing you never have to do anything ever again Anjana you will be clean-shaven no more this you see this this won't be there in paradise I can't wait man I like how I look really what lie it's the Sunnah and all my I love the Sunnah of Rasulullah SAS Allah what lights the Sunnah and it's here but if I had the choice there well not a ripoff as soon as I came you know I'm an electrician by trade so as an electrician I use the cordless drill a lot and sometimes I'll be doing a delicate job and and I have to sort of focus and get close so many times you know I'll be focusing getting close as I'm using the Jew in rain and my bead gets caught from the drew right in Jannah no more and in Jannah my brothers and sisters imagine maybe the boys they won't appreciate this as much but the sisters in Jannah the prophet of Allah he tells us that you're going to look in the mirror and you're going to be the most amazing creation that ever walked the earth one light in this dunya grab the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet the most breathtaking woman and tell a look if you can change a couple of features within yourself what would you change what life should give you a whole list of things but in Jannah my brothers and my sisters you're going to look in the mirror and you're going to go God there who is that man hey perfect in every way sisters are really struggling what does he mean you ain't change anything perfect in every way this is Janna and in Jannah nothing will ever get old with you you see in dunya everything gets old in dunya everything is beautiful to begin with but then it gets worse and worse and worse and worse and I'll give you an example maybe the younger guys they're not going to know what I'm on about but maybe there's a little bit older will catch on do you guys remember when the Atari came out does anyone know what the Atari is seiga Nintendo the young guys are thinking is this dinosaur man or even a target does anyone remember the Nintendo you remember the first one no why why another one that back on yeah when that thing came out I was a very young young young when that thing came out Ya Allah that was the peak of happiness that was it if you had that that's general earth there isn't any more purpose to life then Nintendo so when we were young I couldn't afford it and it was expensive you know my mum and dad were doing it you know so big mum dad you don't understand what like this is it this is the peak of happiness this is the reason this is the purpose of my existence then intend I mean you gotta get me the Nintendo anyway so because he took him so long to save up the money and buy it for me eventually when they did buy it allahu akbar the joy and the happiness in my heart man you know how long the joy lasted for until the Super Nintendo came out and because he took them so long to buy it there was a very small gap between the head man the super 1 lie and what was the purpose of my happiness became the purpose of my misery and destruction come on and I can't played back hand while the brothers are playing Mario Kart come on man what lie he and I spent my life like this eventually when my mom bought me the Super Nintendo the Nintendo 64 came out when the Nintendo 64 and this is done Yemen you're never ever ever happy remember when you bought your first car anyone he remember their first car yeah I Drive my foot it was the biggest piece of crap that ever walked the earth but I drove that thing like was a Lamborghini Gallardo let's leave pumping the music the pass of trades falling out the yeah and honestly ice the drive past the girl stinking year I know you want to be in here I know I know alright drive that here here do you remember do you remember the joy do you are honestly do you remember the happiness that came to your heart with your first car now you wouldn't be caught dead in it and from that day to now you've been changing and upgrading your car have you found happiness yet you remember your first phone yeah well like you've been upgrading your phone for how long now they tell you what what's this do you still remember when the iPhone came out then the iPhone 3 then the iPhone 4 then the iPhone 4s one liar I was convinced that iPhone 4s stands for iPhone 4 stupid that whoever bought it was really that pathetic it was the exact same phone with the exact but the fact that there was an iPhone 4s there was misery in your heart until you but that but in general it's the opposite man Anjana the prophet of Allah he tells us that you'll pick up a fruit you don't even pick it you see fruit in paradise and you just have to wish it you just have the desire and that fruit will come to you then you take a bite the prophet of Allah tells us it will be the most amazing thing you ever tasted in your life then the next bite from the same fruit will be better than the first and for eternity in Jannah you will never ever taste that first bite ever again it will only get better and better and better for eternity when you see your wife sorry sisters man but I got to tell the brothers the truth you know when you see your wife in Jannah for the first time it he said you will be lost in all for 40 years so you gotta go war for 40 years then when you look away and look at her again she's going to be more beautiful than when you first looked at her today the most beautiful girl in this world you look at her for four minutes he say Brett he's her lion he's her nose out of line yeah over there it only gets better over there she only gets better and your wife say your wife of dunya if she's there with you you know people ask me Brett is my wife going to be there in Jannah I'm thinking cause really do you really want her there bruh isn't it enough you had her here you want her there as well but if she's there with you the prophet of Allah tells us that your wife's beauty compared to the beauty of her d'Alene is like the light of a candle compared to the light of the Sun incomparable all this Allah has prepared for you houses not houses the prophet of Allah he tells us your tent do you guys have tents you know what a tent is yeah Hema your your tent you know when you go camping the prophet of Allah tells us your tent in Jannah not your house your tent in Jannah will be carved out of one single pole the height of which is 60 miles high and 60 miles wide this is your tent your Palace is in Jannah their bricks will be made of gold and silver the mortar that brings the bricks together will be made of masks all this is for you in general all this is for those who are holding on for those who are patient for that little bit in this world all this Allah has prepared as a reward for you but you know what's the most amazing thing in paradise is in Jannah Allah will collect us all together in Charma in Jannah and the law will speak to us imagine authentic hadith I want you to really honestly my brothers I really want you to imagine this all jokes aside now in general Azure gel he will gather us all and he will speak to us and Allah will say to you my brother and my sister is there anything more that you want is there anything I can do for you imagine Allah speaking to you like this imagine Allah says to you is there anything more that I can do for you so we will say o Allah you saved us from Hellfire you entered us into the paradise you have allowed us to live for ever and ever in your gender you have given us all of these luxuries oh Allah what more could we possibly ask for so now say sir are you content we will say o Allah we are so content there is nothing more we can possibly ask for Allah will say then if that is the case as of this day forward I promise you that from this day forward I will never ever be displeased with you ever again imagine this my brothers imagine this allah azza wajal will never be displeased with you ever again you think that's enough well like it's not the prophet of Allah he tells us in the authentic hadith he says allah azza wajal will gather us once more and he will say o my servants are you happy are you pleased are you content and we will say o Allah what more could we possibly ask for our lie have given us everything that we've desired our naive entered us into the paradise you've given us all that which we desired and our lie you've promised us that you will never be displeased with us ever again I will now what more could we possibly ever ask for so Allah will say to you and I my brothers and sisters Allah will say as of this moment I will remove the veil and you will see me with your very eyes imagine seeing Allah so the Sahaba asked they said our prophet of Allah will we really see Allah with our eyes so the prophet of Allah he says he points to the full moon he says to them do you see the full moon they said yes he said you will see Allah like you see the full moon with no difficulties whatsoever this is the ultimate gift in Jannah my brothers and sisters this 50 60 years that we're going to live here one lie it's nothing for those of you who work hard for those of you who hang on to their Deen know that this is what Allah has promised you this is what Allah has promised the believers imagine seeing Allah with your own eyes imagine being in that environment where you everything your heart ever desires but my brothers and sisters were llahi if that is what you desire then you have to work for a room like how every one of us he knows that if he wants to drive a Ferrari in this world then he has to work hard and if you want to live in a nice mansion then you have to work doubly hard if you're expecting that reward from Allah know that you have to pay the ultimate price and this is what it's all about sometimes people tell me no I don't have that stamina to move forward never forget why you do what you do when things get tough remember that I want to see Allah when things get tough remember that I want to be of those who live in Jannah for eternity and this is what drives us my brothers and sisters unlike I want to thank you all for allowing me to come I want to thank the organizers for bringing me here well I I've I've really I've really loved Osler honestly I really enjoyed that I believe you people are beautiful beautiful people my last part Allah blessed this city my lost faith Allah bless every single one of you my last fan Tala bring you all closer to the Dean my brothers and sisters don't don't waste these three days don't waste your time don't don't don't become don't make these things like you know events that we attend make a move in your life men well i he don't waste your life you now on the day of judgment allah spanner wat Allah he will say to the believer he will say to him read Quran like you used to read in dunya and the last verse that you stopped at will be the level of Jannah that you will end up in so imagine those that memorize the Quran then imagine you and I who only nuchal who Allahu Ahad and colossal bearable phonic one lying for every letter that you didn't memorize one lie you're gonna kick yourself that if I just work that little bit harder then I would have made it so my brothers after these three days of you know masha'Allah talk after talk what are you going to do what is your plan what is your action plan are you going to be like everyone else who came was entertained went home and no change in his life or are you going to be from those people who are going to make promises to Allah you know my brothers the race is on the competition is on Sahaba are already there where do you want to end up do you want to be with Rasul Allah in Jannah you want to be in first class or do you want to be right at the back next to the toilets Minh you make that choice inshaallah i ask allah smart allah to make us all from the people of Philadelphia ila I ask Allah so Allah to make us from the Companions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi assalam I ask Allah smart Allah to bless this city and to bless every single one of you and to God every single one of us in the whole large ask Allah smart Allah to guide us to the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi assalam and I ask him to not take our souls until he is pleased with the soprano Kalama behind ik shadow and Laila healer and nest Africa when a - we like Salaam aleikum Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh ah Oh Oh
Channel: Islam Net
Views: 501,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, Allah, Muhammed, Muhammad, Quran, Qur'an, Koran, norway, oslo, islamnet, islam net, peace conference, hijab, jihad, mohammad hoblos, mohamed hoblos, dawah team, love of allah, mohamed hoblos new, mohammad hoblos emotional, mohammad hoblos gangsters, mohammad hoblos death, mohammad hoblos pray, mohammad hoblos dunya, dawah team mohamed hoblos, islamic lecture
Id: nks9OYamEeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 24sec (2784 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2016
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