A Muslim who left Islam Asks Dr Zakir, “If God is Uncreated, then how can we feel His existence?”

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um yeah hi my name is ahmed i come from the glorious country of iraq and i'm a born muslim my problem is that i practice islam on our brother first we'd request questions from the non-muslims once all the questions from non-muslims are over inshallah we'll give you a chance yeah but i'm telling my problem only it's it's but but you said you're ammo then you're a born muslim i am born muslim but now are you a muslim or not i'm agnostic oh so now you have left the religion of islam yeah i'm confused okay fine if you have loved the nation of islam you can ask the question brother okay so my question is how come i don't have the faith that you and the other muslims have and some of my friends even though i practiced islam a lot and i even did umrah but i still do most of the sins that are forbidden in islam and i sometimes i'm lazy to do the prayer and the other subjects we have to do in islam i have read many books and about other religions and conspiracy theories and documentaries and such i even have seen your own videos in youtube and there are many questions that go around my head about allah and the messenger and muslims in general and basically the most important question is you said in one of your debates or questions that allah is the creator and he's uncreated but i have realized how can the uncreated exist and if he exists how can we notice him how can we see him or hear him or feel him or know of his existence if he's uncreated in our own dimension also that's one of the questions brother hammer said that he's a born muslim he comes from iraq he read the quran he read the books but he commits many sins he believes maybe sometimes he's agnostic and he lazy for praying brother before i answer your main question if you do sins and if you're lazy for praying that does not make you a non-muslim as long as you believe that praying is further sometimes you miss it's a sin it's a major sin that you sometimes don't pray but that doesn't make you a non-muslim if you say praying is not required then you're doing kufr but if sometimes you do sin sometimes minor sin sometimes major sin it is haram it's forbidden but that does not throw you outside the fold of islam there are sometimes vasasa of the shaitan asking you you're a muslim but this is wrong in islam this is wrong and it does deviate the person's mind at that time maybe your iman may be low but these things should not make you consider that you are non-muslim regarding your question that i mentioned in my speech on your right that almighty god is the creator but he himself is uncreated you ask the question how can the uncreated how can we see the uncreated and how it's possible allah is the creator and by definition he's uncreated because normally people say that when they try and prove in logic that everything has a creator who created this table the carpenter from where he got from the tree who created the tree so it goes back to allah so when many of the people try to convince an atheist they try and say that everything has a creator and then they get trapped when they just ask them who created allah so if you hear my tapes i never go that way i asked the atheist that how did you come to know about the universe how did you come to know about the functioning of the stars of the sun and he says and goes back that the creator so it's the vice versa so if you know how to deal with logic you don't trip over this problem with the atheist trap the muslims are the believers by saying who created allah by definition allah is uncreated and if you ask the question who created allah if you have heard my tapes i gave the reply that suppose a person comes and says that my brother john yeah i know i saw that i heard that's funny but i mean how does he exist if he's uncreated not um yeah that's the difference between you and allah how does he exist he was existing from he doesn't have a beginning you and i have a beginning that human being so that is the difference between us and allah you can't say that allah has to be like us if allah is like you and me why should he worship him i see but have you heard of the phenomenon the big brother used by various orders and political agendas to control the people and such by implementing it into multiple gods and then later on it became a monotheistic religions all over the world to make it easier i've never heard of the religion big brother it's not a religion it's um like a theory an idea basically yes what does this idea say what does it say is that when you have a big brother it's easier for you to live life when you have someone watching you the whole time understanding the whole time protecting you the whole time being with you the whole time and you can't talk to him although he never talks to you back maybe in your dreams do it your mind and such it's easier for you to live while a human who does not have a big brother and is not easily controlled into doing so and having complete freedom is a danger for the major ruling powers and such what does this say i don't understand big brother maybe the big brother may not be there what is it what does it have to do with islam and god what does it have to do because basically allah is watching the whole time he you want to say allah is like a big brother indeed you use him for your protection so you won't be scared you know what i mean see this is the hypothesis hypothesis if you have heard how do i convince an atheist if i've heard my answer that you said that you're agnostic you're atheist yeah the first thing i do and he says i congratulate him what i congratulate him have you ever been so atheist yeah your congratulations but i haven't seen your debates with the atheist i just saw your answers on some questions fine so you haven't seen the act of atheist no but i've seen your debate with david william campbell and that's william now when an atheist tells me he does not believe in god like your theory of big brother yeah and if you believe in that theory i will ask you first thing i do to the atheist i congratulate him you know why yeah because they think and they don't follow what their parent does and such stuff like that no no i congratulate him because he's not doing blind belief the other people are doing blind belief he is a christian because a christian in the because the father is hindu most of the muslims are muslim fathers the muslim he's thinking he says there is no god he has said the first part of the islamic shahada the reason i congratulate him is because he has said the first part of the islamic shahada islamic creed la illaha the only thing i have to do is allah which i shall do inshallah so if you have heard my answer an atheist becomes then he says because he believes in science he believes in logic or i ask him that if an equipment is bought in front of him which no one in the world has ever seen and if the question is asked that who will be the first person who will be able to tell you the mechanism of this new equipment what is the answer of course he's going to tell you the producer the maker of the super creator producer maker so when we ask him questions that how did this universe come to existence he will talk about the big bang this what we're going to talk is already mentioned in the quran 1400 years ago in surah chapter number 21 verse number 30 anna that the heavens and the earth were joined together and we closed them asunder this what you came to know 50 years back is mentioned in the quran 14 years so who could have mentioned that well in various civilizations in like 2000 or 5000 bc before islam came or christianity itself there was various civilizations that are good in astronomy and they know more about our solar system than we do now sadly brother brother your knowledge of science is little not in-depth i do agree there are certain things which were known as hypothesis for example for example we came to know we were proved that the earth was spherical in 1577 i know that in sixth century bc there were pythagoras who believed that the earth was spherical but the same pythagoras who believed the earth was spherical also believed that the earth was the center of the universe which is wrong you show me one civilization which believes hundred percent what the quran has mentioned i challenge you what you say so do you mean to say there was a person who said okay this civilization out of 100 things these two things are right out of 100 thing these five things are right out of this hundred and picked and chose who can do that no one besides the creator even if you know that there were ten different civilizations hundreds of civilizations there is not a single civilization that you know in the past which knew hundred percent of science what we know today so where is your logic where is your theory i do know that certain things the hypothesis which were proved later on but there is not a single civilization which knows everything what is mentioned in the quran so the answer goes back to the original question who could have collected this in the quran someone 1400 years back could he do and say okay out of these hundred things these three are right out of these hundred things these two are right out of this it's not possible mathematically it's not possible well you never gave the idea of extraterrestrials or so i mean knowledge is power and brother i'm asking a simple question we are not coming here to have a debate yeah i'm asking you a question point out a single civilization you're asking something else yeah we are not here to discuss you can come in the room and discuss you ask a question i am giving you the answer you give about old civilization i told you i write but out of 100 thing 98 they were wrong so i am asking you who could have mentioned this in the quran you are talking something else now yeah i'm asking a simple question how much you're saying i'm telling you three multiplied by threes how much i'm asking a name you're telling that where do you live i'm asking a simple question name me a single civilization which has everything whatever mentioned in the quran do you know of any or not yes or no well not everything of course even not ten percent why babylon knows of most of the planets and such planet is not the only thing mentioned in the quran there are thousand things mentioned in the quran to say what thousands things are mentioned in the quran 10 would be equal to 100 things did babylonian civilization knew about 100 things mentioned in the quran no because they cannot they knew five of course who can be the author of the quran besides the creator to know what is right what is wrong today science has established the hypothesis mentioned by babylonian so many centuries back is today proven so these were hypotheses in the past which out of them many have been rejected some have been accepted so to collect all which is 100 correct has to be from the creator and no one else hope that answers the question
Channel: Dr Zakir Naik
Views: 486,284
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Keywords: Zakir, Naik, ZakirNaik, DrZakirNaik, Allah, Allaah, God, Muslim, Islam, Islaam, Comparative, Religion, Comparativereligion, Atheism, Atheist, Christianity, Christian, Hinduism, Hindu, Buddhism, Buddhist, Judaism, Jew, Sikhism, Sikh, Jainism, Jain, Lecture, Question, Answer, QuestionsandAnswer, Logic, Reason, Science, Misconception, Misunderstanding, PeaceTV, Dawah, Muhammad, Mohammed, Hadeeth, Hadith, Saheeh, Sahih, Man, Woman, Human, Humanity, Problem, Solution, Rights, Media, War, Peace, Similarities, Debate
Id: AV3_WchuKOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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