if you reply to my 6 questions i will accept Islam Dr Zakir Naik #HUDATV

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today i'm coming here because i have six doubts which i believe if i get the right answer i'm ready to convert and accept to miss islam to start with on my first question is that how do i know that islam is the right way to worship and i will follow that question with the second question which goes like how do i know that the message i'm conveying is going to god okay and my that question since dr azaki have been listening to you before you have said before and you've preached that there's no way you can go to heaven without strictly abiding to the commandments that were given to moses in the present world and challenges with the media with everything that comes along to our life in our present day how do we abide to this law and does god forgive you if you repeatedly make mistakes and repent brother wants to give in two parts he wants to ask six questions the first three questions brother asked that how do i know in islam the worship is correct it can be understood as how we worship in islam is that correct or it can mean that is islam the correct religion what do you mean do you want to know the way you worship in islam is it the right way or is islam the correct religion the first question the brother asked he wants to know how will he come to know that is islam the correct religion we should follow and the second part that is similar that how will you come to know that islam is the truth exactly and the third that he said i had said one of my speech that jesus christ peace be upon him said that if you want to enter jannah you should keep all the commandments and follow all the laws mentioned in the old testament how in this age can we follow all the laws of the old testament i will try and club the first two questions together that how do you know that islam is the correct religion to worship and how do you know that islam is the truth islam comes from the word salam which means peace it is also derived from the arabic word film which means to submit your will to god islam means peace acquired by submitting a will to almighty god and for any book to claim that it is a message from god for any religion to prove that it is from almighty god this revelation this book this religion should stand the test of time previously it was the age of miracles and the glorious quran is the miracle of miracles later on came the age of literature and poetry muslim and non-muslim arabic scholars alike they claim the glorious quran to be the best arabic literature available on the face of the earth but today if a religious book says in a very poetic fashion the world is flat will a mortal man believe but natural no because today is the age of science and technology so if we put this test of science and technology to all the religious scriptures that we have today of the different religions of the world all of them failed the test except the quran and have given a lecture on the topic quran and modern science compatible or incompatible time does not permit me to give a full lecture in this question answer session but i'd like to mention that albert einstein said the famous physicist and the nobel prize winner that science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind let me remind you the glorious quran is not a book of science s-c-i-e-n-c-e but its book of signs s-i-g-n-s and there are more than six thousand signs more than six thousand ayats in the glorious quran out of which more than a thousand speak about science now if you compare the scientific facts that we have come to know we find that what science has discovered recently maybe 50 years back 100 years back 200 years back 400 years back the glorious quran has mentioned 1400 years ago the quran speaks about the creation of the universe in surah ambiya chapter number 21 verse number 30 what the scientists discovered recently about the big bang what they discovered 50 years back is mentioned in the quran 14 years ago we came to know that the earth is spherical in 1577 when san francisco around the earth the quran says in surah naziat chapter number 79 verse number 30 that we have made the earth act x-shaped referring to the egg of an ostrich and we know the egg of an ostrich is geospherical in shape we previously thought that the light of the moon was its own light recently we came to know 100 years back 200 years back 300 years back that the light of the moon is reflected light not its own light this is mentioned in the quran 14 years ago in surah furqan chapter number 25 verse number 61. so who could have mentioned all these facts in the quran which we came to know recently previously when i was in school i had learned that the sun revolves but does not rotate about its own axis quran mentions 21 verse number 33 that the sun besides revolving it also rotates about his success today science has come to know that besides the sun revolving it even rotates about his axis which is mentioned in the quran 14 years ago in this way the quran speaks about botany about biology about zoology about embryology about genetics all which we came to know recently in science 50 years back 100 years back 300 years back 500 years back so if we put this test of science today to all the religious scriptures the only religious scripture that passes this test is the glorious quran today science hasn't advanced so much that it knows everything so i tell the people that if you analyze the quran we come to know approximately 80 percent what the quran speaks about science today science has confirmed it is 100 correct there may be about 20 which is ambiguous neither right neither wrong so my logic says when 80 percent is 100 percent correct the balance 20 percent insha'allah will also be correct so it is a logical belief there is not a single verse in the quran which has been disproved by scientific fact there may be hypothesis which may not agree with the quran but there is not a single verse in the quran which is disproved by any scientific fact so based on this if we put this test to any scripture the only religion the only scripture that passes this test is islam and quran i started the question after session by quoting the verse of the quran from israel chapter number 17 was number 81 which says say that has arrived and falsehood perishes for falsehood it's by its nature bound to perish so if you put this test the only religion that passes the test the only truthful religion which is not corrupted that's the reason william said that the only religious scripture he said 200 years back being a critic of islam the only religious scripture that has not been altered and has maintained its pure form for 1200 years it is the glorious quran so based on these facts the only religion we can think and can understand and can believe it is truthful and correct it is a quran as far as the third question is concerned that i had mentioned in my speech that jesus christ peace be upon him said that you have to follow the commandments in the old testament i was quoting the verse of the bible the gospel of matthew chapter number five verse number 17 to 20 where jesus christ peace be upon him says that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the skies and the pharisees in no way shall you enter the kingdom of heaven so if you have to be a good christian at the time of jesus christ peace be upon him if you want to enter paradise you have to follow all the commandments of the old testament you cannot break a single jot or a tittle if you do that you shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven so based on this verse of the bible of gospel of matthew chapter 5 verse 17-20 you have to follow each and every law of the old testament and your question was very good and very logical how can we in this age follow everything of the old testament which is difficult i agree with you that's the reason jesus christ peace be upon him also said in the gospel of john chapter number 16 verse number 12 to 14. he said i have many things to say unto you but he cannot bear them now for he when the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you into all truth he shall not speak of himself all that dear shall he speak he shall glorify me your prophet jesus peace be upon him is prophesying the coming of the last and final messenger last and final prophet prophet muhammad peace be upon him that when he will come he will guide you on to all truth that means jesus christ peace be upon him knew that everything what is mentioned in the bible cannot be followed later on maybe a few centuries later that's the reason he said that he when the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you into also talking about prophet muhammad peace be upon him so at that time maybe it was possible to follow the rules and regulations mentioned in the old testament and the new testament but jesus christ peace be upon him said in future when the last and final messenger prophet muhammad peace be upon him comes you should follow him so if you have to be a good christian today besides believing in one god we should also believe in prophet muhammad peace be upon him hope that answers the question the other question is coming from a christian background with a christian family how will i adapt or connect to my family if i convert to islam and having two different faiths in the same compound brother has the question that if i convert to islam how will i connect with my family having two different faiths brother you know there's something like the old testament and something like the new testament even though you are a christian you can follow the laws of the old testament after the new testament has come if there is something like the old testament and new testament there's also something like the last testament the glorious quran is the last testament of almighty god and in this glorious quran not a single prophet which is mentioned in the bible has been derogated in islam you have to believe in all the prophets that came earlier and there are no less than 25 prophets which are mentioned in the quran and all of them except for prophet muhammed and a couple of them they are mentioned in the bible so we have to respect all the prophets of almighty god and our beloved prophet muhammad said that almighty god has sent 124 000 messengers on the face of the earth so if you become a muslim you do not have to disrespect any of the prophets mentioned in the bible in fact you will have to tell them i am following a hundred percent what jesus christ peace be upon him said what the other christians are doing they may be following 80 percent maybe 90 percent maybe 50 you should tell them that gospel of john chapter number 16 verse number 12 to 14 says i have many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now for he when the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you into all truth so i am following jesus christ peace be upon him much better than the other so called christians so if you become a muslim you will be a better christian than the christian themselves hope that answers the question brother yes what's the fifth question i just ran out of questions now finds all your questions answered yes it has thank you now are you convinced about the region of islam i'm convinced about the religion of islam and i'm ready to accept islam do you believe that there's one god i'm sorry do you believe that there is one god i believe there is one god do you believe jesus christ peace be upon him is god i believe jesus christ was the messenger of god do you believe do you believe that prophet muhammad peace be upon him is the last and final messenger i believe prophet muhammed was the last and final marshall brother is anyone is anyone forcing you to accept islam i'm ready to accept is anyone forcing you to accept islam nobody's forcing me that's my decision i'm making it from myself out of your free will out of your own conviction out of my own heart because forcing anyone into islam is prohibited in our religion and it is prohibited even by laws of most of the countries in the world so doing our free will inshallah i'm doing it out of free will i will say in arabic and inshallah i can repeat it i believe [Applause] i bear witness i bear witness that that there is no god there is no god but allah but is the messenger the messenger i am servant of allah and servant of allah masha'allah you have become muslim and i pray to that allah guides you and he helps you to guide your family to come to the religion of peace and i pray to allah to give you the best in this world as well as in the next life [Applause]
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Id: SbGLT3bVGf0
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Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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