Forager Stream #4 - CRYSTAL SWORD

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I'll scale baby order extras I do anything in here cosmetic item pack all right we're back what do we do last time we have a thing that like automatically kills the undead we have what else we bought a bunch of lands I got a bunch of poop so that we can like make more land how much land can I make right now 21 I got a first of all make sure that I keep some animal food which I got seven of which is very very decent keep animal food on me so that I can go ahead and get more pooping at any time I speed the animals and I get poop how's it going chat how you doing [Music] odd stay strapped to that animal feet is very important so upgraded look at that one shots Kelly boys Chuck I'm loaded on the bones I wouldn't mind double mining stop that could be real good 17 nightshade what did I need the nightshade for I have the ability to automatically collect anything that I crapped out of my crafting places which is like super if I put land over in the Skelly boy area does it automatically turn into the Skelly boy land or is it gonna be green and be weird-looking oh it's like oh this is how we can like like do like farming and turn the game music down a little bit I could it like deafeningly loud is that better I like the music down look at that Bay Bay that's really good now try chicken start at me a little too long I didn't like it well this land guys never mind the fact that used to be a giant turnip family should try doing more magic people have definitely recommended that to me let's take some animal feed get some more puh-pow inbound burning on our pic goodness gracious is that nice I'll see you get away from my cow No get away from my cow chumps you're gonna make me accidentally kill my own cow dodge that apparently okay feed 14 poop for one food bro sixteen eight twelve could there be any more poop stupid salami okay make animal feed sixteen of it what's our bottleneck here flowers we need more flowers and I meant to hit the flower I swear but you know going around anything chickens with our flaming pickaxe actually makes the hook to meet which is incredibly handy heals us wherever we are that's a pig oh the mean charging things yeah no no I will kill all those I don't like them at all or I mean these you thought these are pigs turnips are delicious we're still need to get to Royal threads for this lady let's like go over all of our upgrades that we were working towards maybe eat cow eat don't over click on though than these you'll accidentally hit him with your pickaxe when you're done they are pigs I don't I don't think those are pigs do you do all the museum stuff oh I'm not too concerned about the museum stuff at the moment I feel like in the museum stuff like at the very end it'll just be a walk in the park unless I get like really good bonuses now physically put beets in my mouth they go move man cow pigs try to get cooking the cook pot is super efficient what can we do here tycoon backpack we need the demon horns for this we need lavender and royal clothing we could do the huge wallet totally how many of these can we make how many what else do we need way more leather okay let me get the kill the cows I come back right I'll be given the rest of the food harvest the mer I think I need the hides for the stuff you know the stuff Punk that's looks like a horse [Music] smacks them out of the air that's a good I am got 19 more land - I'm gonna kind of just start like filling in all these like stupid space and this I hate this so much these bland are these uh wood bridges lots of burning bridges and firms it's a bull you're a bull am I just not looking at it right how much nicer is that it's so much nicer more please marce and I need flowers for saying to God dang it no I don't I can just shovel it enough of it that's right we had our super upgraded thing coal since when do we get coal from digging now oh my god all more land more sand am i right I just really wish you'd dug up like grass and flowers with the shovel like make it easy on me come on you're telling me that that beat you can't dig up that beat I'm busy Skelly boy I like how the piles like physically look larger when there's more stuff in them it's a nice little feature okay complain about sand now chump gonna make like a little bit of animal stuff first [Music] landfill 75 land ooh ooh baby I love the way every day I'm checking Kela he's my shovel - sorry chicken gotta go game like literally can't keep up with me anymore how much I'm destroying the entire planet get me go to the nightshade ez game ez game ez life I want this game though to be honest the only problem in the game is that it's not a roguelike right like you can't just keep playing it again and again soon as you beat it's over then you just watch somebody else play it in front of you oops I need to eat one each day that's such an easy way to get coal too though oh my goodness there's a joke now even trying me what else should I be making I should be using this coal up right should be smithing something maybe gold ingots 172 Zed its 321 okay ball K where yo products at my energy is already low but sure is a hot button for eating food maybe there is does anybody know I don't have told Myron to be honest you should probably be making some steel too maybe even some Royals steel two of those it's gonna use up all my though that I need to have for the Royal clothing you know well good anyways think I'm going to do we need to start mining some rocks then so we can get some more of those gems they're an upgrade I can get to get more gemstones to drop maybe like it also like take a gander I done suppose sell in here just to see if there's anything I can drop off pumpkins golden egg milk probably glass jars take that cow eggs I want to get those wheat wheat but probably stored away in my things one of these yeah I'll take that wheat I'll take that bet you're going to regret because I'm the best there's ever been I think I have pumpkins too I don't have very many of these whenever I have them nightshade lavender I had three of these scrolls I need one of them the druid Scrolls best scuse me yes yes good the little itty-bitty also some eggs not very many though not very impressive collection of egg but almost done mine and you need some crystals I need some gold where's my gold he's telling me I got some gold on me but where and some coal cool all the game grumps I don't know your life glass so I my last gosh darnit that's just like oof take my brick but don't take my glass archeology and I don't know any about that I'm sure probably have to dig in the right spots for that [Music] guess you can have it okay trapping take my fairies I've done all I can do class just need sand good till they make more plaster now if I really wanted to well I need for these things lavender flowers and leather I could do that plastic can't do that yet didn't we just unlock me unlock something got to build it offshore drilling five fifteen bricks and a factory bricks and glass we should maybe make some more of these things what are they called furnaces farness want some glass a stat I want some brick now I need coal it's just like one thing to get to another thing begets another thing like kind of reminds me of graveyard keeper but this is way more pleasing to my face it's just me [Music] you already have a factory Eileen a factory up here plastics bottled oil that I get from my offshore drill Ricky Bobby get away get away see you let me okay brick me dddd need some more gemstones this is just like a grind right now a couple topaz nice couple amethyst maybe just one I don't know actually it tells you the amount snot that you've got but the amount total that you have now so it's confusing it will get [Music] the music is nice you want to get upgrade for gems you can aim for jewelry all these things - fine when you get a buy more Lance I'm not really going for money I guess at the moment we totally could but you know it's like what are we gonna focus on we can shift our focus on 12 different things the moment I kind of want to get that lady to Royal real stuff and then get the big wallet I feel like that's to be like the top of my list all this other that we're doing in the meantime is just folly I'm hungry pounds couple oranges yes I can see taking up bones here - okay sure I should go watch the other YouTube videos since I ah give me a tax since I sometimes find your level of pain equal to mine when it comes to RNG if I remember correctly the two royal women gives you an item that will help you get leather which would be helpful helpful things are helpful helpful sounds pretty helpful so royal clothing I need leather needs leather to get the girl thing to help you get leather and of course of course go three enemies are more with a single sword slash upgrade your pickaxe always a good idea I'm gonna actually take out these things since I don't lose them anymore I always put them elsewhere maybe we should have like a designated water area though cuz I can't really dig out land after the fact right so that make the water area so far away but I guess I don't know I don't have to be like too big of a pain maybe I'll just keep this area behind the tree full of water since it's covered up anyways we could put our offshore drilling there or maybe this little circle in here with the stuff maybe make an offshore drilling rig first oh boy that's big all right offshore bottled oil craft one this thing I can craft a bottle right from there is that what that said I'm not sure what I just lived or did I just give it an empty bottle that I had you have to really clothing already let's do it this is perfect this is perfect here you go friend look goddamn it they giving me here's a walked thing on the eye of the key what would you ever give something somebody a lock thing you'll never know what's inside but it could be anything intriguing right hey now you can't destroy anything underneath the ferry without killing the ferry [Music] pink bow animals drop 25% more resources and spawn much more often that actually is pretty good I like it that'd be good oil yet that's a slow process bottle see I have to yeah I need bottles for bottles new glass and thread what else we're making glass for huge wall it's gonna be an emerald fibroid clothing and a lot more lavender just use up my emerald to make it well clothing oil takes forever dude that was one oil how much oil did I need and what are we doing on what don't worry hot thoughts you will now need a lot of sand that's why I should keep digging no Sherlock keep digging Watson oh Jesus you spawn in front of my face and I'll respond more often in front of you inside of you I wonder if that lady is gonna ask for anything more need more graveyard islands ding up arrows is nice still just let me dig up the god damn flowers [Music] you look very fashionable I take it off that's it ok this guy still needs a dino egg the whole time go to the treehouse I can take the bow off but do I lose the effect economy please I beg of you sir you guys begging for magic you're begging for cooking you're begging for economy can't do it all what else can we make bread hydrate good idea it keeps the effect okay if I take the bowl off cool dude what the hell is that super fancy backpack double item I just want more land good call can I fit uh thinking here though douche get out here sorry slimes too busy singing energy to do that Carver tier-one saw what's up Carver in the Stremme life appreciate your sub alright 1374 subs I kill you we're not stupid fairies get out of here block everything living the dream [Music] why can't I destroy these goodness gracious with a magical let me fill it in with land dammit this looks way better I've been streaming for so long Lowell you back a couple hours it's been too long since you've been on stream or been so long that I've been streaming hots Jesus please quit alright killing it right now what are we doing oh yeah that's right there's money up here 415 bro did you not could you know it might oh man look it up there we need some mining rods stat can I make a mining roads [Music] standing like standing too hard on it [Music] there we go it's like a good spot for a money rod we need to get some more lavender and crystals so yay to get that money might as well activate the only shrine that we have 6000 own ten lands and five thousand coins look at me tycoon dominate it making oil what we're making oil for to build something else no making oil so that we can upgrade something maybe [Music] anymore emeralds too couple plastic so to make plastic could you just try calling a second buddy yeah to make plastic made some oil we also need plastic to make fiberglass electronic needs crystals and plastic and royal seal obliterator needs two great skulls and 100 fiberglass and 100 electronics yeah I'm gonna get right on that sweet I wish the sand was automatic you collected level 28 wanting an upgrade you call for the upgrade really what do we got lasers money rods deal double damage droids deal double damage unlocks droids power plants market sell more items haven't done anything with magic what else is down here slain enemies drop coins geology all rocks drop coal 10% more chance of dropping gems would probably be pretty helpful since I really need to pump up my royal clothing and royal steel and I need Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim jam jam Jam books book sound great and all but him I feel like getting books and getting magic is just gonna make it so that I need to get more magic power funds are pretty old P shifts the pace of the game I don't even know what a power plant does shrines are pretty nice helps speed things up you need Jan what are you doing right now conscription tables set this is that a shrine this is a shrine mines what's a mine you mean the mining rod shrines or geology thumbnails are good hope that's rolling well sprinklers though wood cutting guys let's get real folks give more XP that's the inscription that's this what our books have no idea [Music] find your books all right your goal is gonna be the most magical thing I've ever seen don't put it there you drunk bastard gettin sloppy paper I need flowers I'll make a flower farm fast way to get flowers guys goes go tell me I make flowers rainy cloth flowers are a bit difficult to force druid Scrolls basically it if I don't have a thing to make scrolls I can only get flowers here in the Green Zone right I need more mining rods maybe to just kind of collect them naturally maybe that's what we should do we should beef up our entire zones with mining rods what do you say a clear anyways mining rod all green zones I want to like double the range of money rods I feel like that's gonna take a whole nother level by the way if you upgrade sword it gets wickedly overpowered I feel like it already is pretty overpowered honestly excuse me the tree we seem to be trying to occupy the same place druid sword flowers I can do that lavender and flowers lavenders are just flowers fight me flowers fight me to the death did I miss anything big yeah flowers crystal sword is amazing lavenders are flowers in disguise not they're just flowers notice guys straight up you know the eggs in the whole world on me yeah pity eggs let's go put that in the museum thanks I'm totally not gonna eat these eats them surprised - Pikachu face hot see the inscription table moldy book thread I can't wait for a moldy book I'm so excited so excited just can't hot it's moldy looks YUM any more bricks don't worry cow do not panic I'm here to save you bag have fun with that rod old man let's pretend I didn't say that you heard nothing [Music] what does it druid Sora do calls for the team of fairies let's buy some land let's see here three three six three seven four two eight two oh five going down yes don't you mean bacon Prime subs I mean bacon welcome got a dude that needs our help clearly and another dungeon slash puzzle thing all right back up the 2500 gold multi-book go the one straight cow in here that's like dude what the who ever wanna make bridges no I'm gonna wait till I can make land five reserve multi-book XP gain increased by 15% extra mold sneeze per level gained what's a bottle rainbow eye bottom all mine now [Music] moldy book message cancelled your land craft what did it you right I got one land hello his skeletons are becoming a big problem it would be great if you could help me get rid of them bring me 100 bones an hour will warn you bro you did it I only doubted you up until the ends here's your reward all right let's get a key let's smack this with our I don't have an actual I'm gonna smack all right Capri Sun Kemp for a Sun prime sub what's up welcome my friend shoot the sub all right was I gonna do oh then make a key right the novel is not a puzzle it's like a shrine like The Gathering one oh it's activate it I can't because the other ones active sculpey opens all treasure chests for free that's nice I'm so glad I am NOT a potato that's all you got that's all you're gonna give me go you are very funny looking you might the potato here let's do it Adam boy twelve months what is up full year welcome back who's gonna be great [Music] good work Jam make room in my bag for the puzzled gentle enough to soothe the skin strong enough to break the stone what force and strength cannot get through I with my teeth can do I can fall from great heights and live but submerged in water I die alive without breath called his death never thirsty always drinking hold his death probably on a fish but like never thirsty always drinking fish gentle not to soothe the skin strong enough to break the stone what soothes your skin and what breaks stone paper oranges follow your instincts don't second-guess yourself so it should be fish then I don't not they're cold though water soothe the skin I don't have water what is this thing no you tell me what it is okay boo boo boo boo boo boo boo Fisher cold-blooded and I called his ice though this one I'm pressing heat oh can you read it to me I'm pressing do I only get one read fall from great heights and live but submerged in water I died what put into water dies what would you even drop from great heights submerged in water you die drops from great heights what the would you drop from great heights fire slime bug paper you passed it are we allowed to answer it as hot to want to figure it out I kind of want to figure it out so if you don't know feel free to like take a guess but don't just spoil it this one I can't read again I'm pressing me on the thing it doesn't read it sweet feathers Birds gentle not to suit the skin strong enough to break stone what would you soothe your skin with [Laughter] [Music] has to be water I can't just get a bottle of water though can I try using a bottle on water will do this is supposed to make a noise when I get it right break bones not corrode though bottled water does water soothe your skin horse is not on me it's a slimy tone make it make it now put away our bottle rainbow what else we not need on us at all times probably not real clothing take the bottle of water vault thing cuz it knows better than me how do I know when I get it right what force and strength cannot get through I with my teeth can do teeth what has teeth saw has teeth force and strength makes me think it's not anything to do with physical force teeth teeth teeth teeth teeth teeth teeth teeth your pretty son needs a lot I'm Georgia dude what's up looking happy with it what can I do for you can't see anything by this stupid tree bogarting all the flowers [Music] I mean you could be trusted ooh a key key makes sense keys have teeth last section on craft one unless like a second Forge easy what else we have in storage not much in storage would you just I'm dodging everything no bone book Necronomicon paper and royal clothing make more paper I need flowers so bad probably a key the what really I got everything right oh yes oh don't tell me my inventory is full sell something why inventories fool don't care to the poop you need that what if I got rid of the plastic how many people would cry and sell off my 3.48 would eleven thousand money [Music] solve the galaxy puzzle hard container what didn't give me an option this time it's like alright buddy you have way too much damage take some helf loser I take my item back you sorry fish ferrari eyeball [Music] bottle oil you served your purpose chickens look at all those chickens too slow slimes hitboxes are pretty picky in this game [Music] okay should we buy some buy some lands what's next five three two four three six two seven three four four four five [Music] all right almost done upgrade more on my order place let's go put a stuff for the computer let's get inside track collecting stuff oh I hate having to build these stupid bridges but do what I gotta do you know bonus xp for mining when table is gonna be active a time bonus XP that's it I don't even get like more she get the double double amount or like double chance for gems or something that's all that Island hat really really did we get to suck the toe no that's okay total lives for another day looks like an advanced clicker game not sure if I love it or hate it quicker games are popular for a reason though they're addictive more land is more resources spawn all right what is this island lunch for me flowers are always flowers it's a flower island there is a secret where flowers don't live [Music] 300 spots I miss the gungeon stream did you unlock all the alt weapon skins I [Music] unlocked the old weapon skins for the convict in the hunter all anyone's supposed to be difficult sign your stupid would you play grant that's out a role play I'm gonna know that is like I've seen a lot of people do it but it's still not sure what it is skill points to be spent on what quite possibly Jin be that'll be more fun um over the interwebs or in person hey burn raw clothing rapes [Music] I like in-person would be fun but in-person isn't like maybe we like wait it's on a server where you can pretend to be a drug dealer or a cop or a paramedic still like getting in there's like a world what can we put away the bottles we could use the bottles while we're out in abouts we don't need to store all this gold or on me what should be upgrade logistics is nice and huge qol shrines right the game and you make around three damage that's true Jan I mean I'm an expert already I'm super good you're always out of stamina I know but I'm always gonna be out of stamina no matter what all I'm doing is just decreasing the time between having to eat oranges is it really changing the game for me not really [Music] damage is not something I can just buy right am I wrong about this XP just instantly levels you up it doesn't give you bonus xp you guys damage them be smart and go damage it's like the only one thing that I can't just already gets from something else you keep it wait four seconds into four more seconds until you need oranges you have to eat two less oranges every time still in orange as though you guys are all yelling at me to do like 30 different things but I'm not gonna just like pick one person's thing I need you to do shrines damn it scrolls are way better logistics you dumb lighthouses power plants I don't know what power play power plants are nice huge power plants you dumb do you launder things at the same time mining rods ballistas lasers cuz it's lasers money ride still double damage I mean have droids no people were wanting me to do Stu douche rinds shrines don't need anything else besides being made so you're saying that's a good thing I should do shrines lasers lasers strawpoll lenny in the background we need religion shrines give you buffs go with whatever to be honest let's just exceed you double mining rods make money pic doesn't give me lasers you guys it gives me double damaged rods call Matei franz are pretty good some fun buffs and stuff but it's up to you [Music] double rods structures at double health structures cost 25 percent a bit that that about bolts have more inventory slot sounds kind of nice purchasing land is bad muffy amazing two three sub eight months total thank you so much lucky i appreciate that so much i think that like shot market selling more items is really like the way that we should go guys I'm just like really thinking so let me see these double double range rods oh yeah it's all the way out to here that's pretty big rod range rod range have fiber from the chef's make sense I guess huge rod gains all right what are we even doing right now with our life five real clothing I'm gonna make to need more gemstones along with that what else can we make royal shovel crystal pickaxe bro that plastic doll leather and flowers deep in a village electronics and demon hordes can ours and leather flowers and leather flowers and under just make the shovel now think about flowers and leather for the future I have no hot sauce and I'm kind of bummed what have you done chat favorite hot sauce go or flavorful sauce if you're like I can't handle the spicy what do you use I just got this garlic sauce at high V oh it's good in the health food section super good damage increased by 300% all resources may now drop gems Oh daddy I'm gonna get gemstones from flowers sriracha that garlic hot sauce you have super good something local old mule barbecue sauce harissa is best table patio thinking always yields what pours that that's a dress give me my gemstones up I need my gemstones I walk away from it does not I collect it I wish I could turn down the volume of those lasers and the screen shakes love mixing hot mustard with maple syrup jail stones dirty dicks you guys have ever thought about I'm sending anything to my PA box it would be a super cool idea and I've gotten a few of these before and I loved it doing like a package of like your favorite stuff right especially especially if it's local especially if it's something I got a try we're talking hot sauces we're talking any kind of candy in your area any kind of someone sent me soda bego soda which is like a Michigan thing just normal sauce as I guess I'm a a definite sauce man what else someone sent me that Viking blood Mead stuff ooh daddy was that good that could have been cheap though but my favorite stuff is money see Marco likes 36 months or I never get to watch the streams but love your videos and can't believe it's been three years already keep up the good work three years but you'll never get back no I'm kidding see more closely I appreciate it did so much you're still supporting me all right brother frog I had a couple of things on that list that I was gonna think of and say but I forgot it now no story right only 36 months damn stomps Szechuan sauce what's that thing we use to auto mine everything mining rods oh my gemstones are everywhere it was a gold fruits what those will turrets I still don't know what this 372 is [Music] [Music] all right real clothing I need more also need more poop you get the quarry it spawns all the metal gems and crystals response glory I don't think I have a core yet made some more leather now 81 leather is that gonna be enough cores are powerful amazing good spanked me where do we see queries power plants droids vases it's probably down here isn't it prospecting sounds real nice [Music] still cranking away on wait a second is it though this is making 91 land but where is it is it must be in oh Jesus it's been putting it in here the whole time I got eighty land just sitting there doing nothing that was confusing let's get to work it's so hard to hit these little bridges out don't you dare send kinder eggs I'll choke on it what our lighthouse is far do they just light up the night it's just a sprint for the finish line at this point I feel like demon pickaxe robotic shovel bottled death moth oh yeah I got a few of those in the back [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now what boom bump bump bump but we're gonna go for these quarries that you guys are yakking about or should we go more into magic right now [Music] or should we go to the top right you go for lasers there's a flower right near your base plastic from digging without the robotic shovel Plastics from oil pots do we need water I need water personally you'll need two skills for Cory's Cory's more mining more XP prospecting let's prospecting this one Oh more gems what if you got more magic shrines I'm balancing I mean you're balanced oh you mean like bouncing out it's like why engineering 25% faster for what this all structures work 25% faster I mean that would be kind of nice I don't know joins do though geology all rocks drop coal go for that bottom left cooking though crock pots or cook pots EMP Nate's droids follow you and attack enemies and harvest for you that sounds really nice crackpots cooking so more than just oranges droid sound amazing you guys [Music] droids eat a lot of plastic and electronics though they won't follow you in that state though let's go droids all meanies oranges droids though let's just see what the top let's just see it maestro it slow and make it the right song where would I make the rice factory factory factory - fiberglass - electronics fiberglass needs five plastic royal clothing electronics needs plastics such as plastics go hard on the plastic pretty straightforward really bop bop bop bop bop bop boop boop bop bop 64 glass need to shovel more I got a look at my show Scali boys supreme land Oh worth worth every second every heart given fight me smite me old mighty smiter that was like a six in one maybe impressed you should be I got a kepala and I'm tired Capilla accra Pola this is the guy that doesn't like Skelly boys either he's like ah six one eight okay it's gonna be some sort of like end puzzle I get it so just like can remember the number thing simple simple simple simple [Music] is that a chance thing to dig up those special items are they in a special spot excuse me chance I guess the do I do the capital off kepala all right two of them look at me go I'm rollin rollin the goods like more glass for me please and they can put them into here mining Navy archeology polo done who needs droids when you got this shovel I things to automatically collect money everybody can do that then they're in you're hired I get gemstones from digging oh won't that be a wonderful world needs more glass bottles that's gonna take a lot of glass bottles I really wish I got the glass bottle back after I made oil I'd be incredibly handy why should I make another loo more lavender morrocoy nine real clothing uh steamroll in the game now how do I check how long I've been sub says blue feei they can go to your subscriptions page should be one of the tabs on twitch all this beach stepping has made me tired a lot of oranges panic help hey if 194 snakes like to feed a chicken something special to get a golden egg from it where's our gonna be a special chicken don't fill the water because the offshore drilling we need it took this spots for [Music] that is what this spot is for more offshore drilling for oil to go faster [Music] like goodness golly I can't make enough and it's nice and hidden by this tree so it doesn't look all agree and wunderbar blob Zilla Tier one sub welcome blob Zilla thank you for breaking the silence what do we need two flowers for again everything [Music] [Music] the sword books go through this hell yeah now what drew its sword rope we need fish to eat I'm sick of oranges have we made more bottle it's 24 bottles babe a scaly boy you're out of your zone Skelly boy XP gain crease by 45% beautiful then ones the island in the top right my god you're right top right [Music] [Music] out/banned look at that hell yeah ten gifted subs nice I want to see some HUDs emotes chat let me see Adam Darien best mango blue Fang melon sandiest mate d3 1/3 C Z key sickle flutter butter SB 3 Nick girl girl Burt and fire exe bra thank you so much out band I appreciate that very much we're so close to fourteen hundred subs man [Music] check that out what you looking at boy you just assumed that eyeball is gender name avenge am still on this girl follows to The Devil's toe [Music] your plane's eldery zelda ocarina of time it's an easy one right spoilers then bows don't consume arrows wait what infinite infinite arrows now we snipe these oars those sheep never stood a chance I wonder if there's somebody out there that made like ten bajillion gazillion arrows and they're all excited about it and then they get that druid sword slain enemies drop herbs why herb me I get for herbs he's not enemies I got some lavender that's weird Skelly boys fight me herb me sea weed nightshade cinderbloom all right strange way to collect that but sure to be unlock any more islands that we didn't go to oh gosh is it still it keeps going oh demon hordes though demon me demon me now can I take out this raw meat some plastics - please keep everything rolling so he looks angry stop it don't i got demon horns found um honey I'm home cows wouldn't you get out of here doing something here bite me dude tried to bite me get your bushes out of here get your stupid bushes out of my face stupid demon bushes fire temple someone's growling get wasted my inventory is full sell off your cactus fruits and your iron ores and your jellies maybe do I really need all this jellies six value for bricks oh my god if I just sold them all think I'm how much money I'd make ten thousand dance Hunter say oh it's two birds we're sitting on a sitting on a perch and one says do you smell fish love and hugs do you smell fish sitting on a perch like a perch fish things dance the bits I figured it out the items that you get inside dungeons don't go to vaults yeah yeah for sure Wolfert oats explodes in this dungeon I don't like it but cinderbloom small room and my inventories forum I don't need these eggs I don't think or to fish for that matter no tre town right this instant sit down the fire dig it chop it slap it shoot a shoot an arrow through the through the fire that kind of works it lit up something hmm Oh light it like this right no that didn't work get a fire rod [Music] just to be Iraq maybe I upgrade my rod do a fire rod [Music] smartass man live in this guy check for cracks oh this really blows now against enemies how many demon horns do we have already 24 some of those things need 50 could still sell off some stuff do-do-do-do-do-do-do oh okay oh I could beat it I thought I was faster than it I was where's the red door green door front flip boss door green door [Music] we need arrows for infinite arrows where is the green door again fire rod use it to blast objects and enemies it is a different ride do I hurt myself no come on fire rod [Music] this looks like a hint of sorts two four one six four five no two three one six four five two three one six four five two three one six four five remember that two three one six four five two three one six four five two three one six four five two zero one six four five just outside dad roll oh my face two three one six four five eight six seven five three oh nine eight seven five three oh nine year so you don't get AI friends noted where else were their doors made of plants eight six three oh all the secrets we ready for this their grave demon-like bullwhip let's dangle them all am I just that bad any member to shoot at me you're silly whoa okay less silly not very great though gotta say but sorry about your greatness slightly over exaggerated our container and once again got sick of me not putting my upgrade orbs into my arts I leveled up too sick bro [Music] cool story so what was that whole number sequence thing then you missed two puzzle rooms did I did I really I gotta start all the way over just because I missed a couple little things crystal sword see if you can make it seriously though what was the number combination for I guess I get more demon horns by going in here but like what a pain the pillars oh the pillar room yeah yeah I remember that it's over here right I mean it's like totally over here this way not back there back there is for chumps no also jump bill that way totally this one two three one six four five No [Music] two three one six four five well first the almighty prime sub oh you know what two three one is in like this one no wait two three one this one goes first one two three six four five so four five six [Music] alright what was the other one gonna miss then birthday Almighty welcome we just misread it a little bit got demon horns give me him all of them all the big brain plays top left are you sure seven five three oh nine eight seven five three this is the serum the serum and the order or sub specific order I can refight the bosses again I'm going to totally do that [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo the grave demon again I'm a sniveling little he's like mom's out of Lunchables I don't like crust on my sandwich eel my food touch City sounds like this is a big dumb [Music] [Music] wait a second I need thread for bottles is that true since when we need threads for bottles I need fiber I sold all my fiber remember I know where to get more my inventory is full what I pick up that's new Kepala sorry you don't need to be in my inventory steel and brick for more vaults I sold my brick - God dang what am I gonna sell now bought no sand like a sell sand pretty easily at this point I'm honestly speaking let's see if I can do some of these demon horns - for electronics for a team a pickaxe crystal sword one royal steel juicy boba prime cell what's up I should sell something here my beats and my peppers unreadable what was gonna do I was gonna do something with stuff and things Oh fiber fibromyalgia what I was gonna do one more solvent at Satan's Toma 391 actually for nine more good enough spit it out got a skill unavailable two lasers geology or shrines chats laser time we're already clearing out pretty much everything I'm not sure the lasers are really gonna add anything Geo lasers shrine geo geo shrine try some magic he said 1400 right yeah I'm currently at 1391 Dino eggs are dug up in the four biome what's the four biome geo geo geo laser [Music] shrine we really don't need the the geology anymore you guys we just picked up like how many of those things crystal sword completely rids the need for a pick fire biome Lazer's then if you feed sheep animal feed that give you even more fibers geology is epic pie we have lots of gems already we just like we could redo that that temple to our many times to get unbelievable mounts faith shrine I think we got to do more magic you guys recover energy when killing enemies sounds nice why have an ask chat then lots of gems for all stuff more thread bow and arrows are part of the most dissapointing kill the heretic oh goodness cats all mad stuff like look at that like the area around the mining like lasers are like almost clear already what our lasers going to be gaining us in this scenario more damage to the lasers but princess and drama - 500 - what's up what's up welcome and a my risk what's the best and worst thing you have gotten in your Bo box well I've already shown the worst thing before might be best and worst I don't know I switch my thing similar nope my stream deck is gonna fail me picker polisher uncle Richards world famous hi I'm dick this is my soap enjoy don't be silly wash that Willy are you tired of unwanted debris caught in hard-to-reach places what a stroke of luck man's got to take good care of his tools I take as much pride in my well-kept hose as I do in the amount of seeds I've sown been naughty that's all I use it daily it's just amazing Wow jealous not surprised we're gonna make more vault stealing need some steel I'd like some steel and maybe some break I'd like some steel and some possible more brick I think that would be pretty cool if I could get some of that then I think I would make some more bolts and be happy I chickened charged me didn't see it stop defense officer [Music] fricken hitbox down this game sometimes though just hit the damn thing man there we go [Music] stealin brick huts butts back figure I can listen to you while I'm also playing for long just put the damn spot land in the damn thing faster please all right we can totally buy a bunch of right now how much this gonna be one rail steel and that's done what else you'd use up my steel on my bowl but both balls demon amulet electronics we wanted to make droids as well let's not forget droids gonna take fiberglass and - electronics do these made more rugged clothing I like all demons and skeletons drop flowers when you kill them now leave again mini but okay bye sword okay yeah Wow I'll make a sword real clothing I just freakin ah I gotta wait for more royal clothing oh my a meanie but again you'll knock the boots and gloves no doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo possibly goodbye a few pieces that is a lot to land to remember that part more attack speed and movement speed what I mean to make a shrine my royals steal that i just made for my sword no crystal sword there now shut up I'm kind of excited for it so about that geology sorry cows can't see anything dinah legs are dug up in the fire zone a paint my shovel need to dig spots to get their treasures when I turn up some more damage to enemies the sort can attack the resources as well how efficient is it though that's one damage from that pretty good that's gonna save me some time now that increased attack speed sounds pretty good remember when I was like man I wish my sword could just chop up flowers I can chop up flowers and everything oh yeah things don't burn to death though which is kind of a loss still pretty good for clearing some stuff sorry Skelly boys got to come through more range 90-second multiple hit things in front of me now like the sword can just select one thing at a time and it's nice as I don't even kill my own buildings at this rate yeah that's good that's pretty good that's a positive thing wow what was gonna make what about a huge wallet take your backpack though royal clothing and fiberglass I could do that it's a bit last upgrade right cam and take the fiber glasses of my inventory is full there's only gonna make bolt store my thread my gemstones a glass probably kepala no one cares [Music] to electronics right we need more real steel let's make more that we need more regular steel finish the droid Owen Wilson Wow Dino legs an artifact so it's a chance find demon sword gonna need some more oil I need some more bottles gonna need some more thread [Music] it's up with the stupid island over here [Music] what's up with your stupid island Islands want us to get what that supposed to mean [Music] [Music] skill point for what geology yeah ten percent more chance of dropping gems increase the chance of flying rare items when digging by 30 percent sounds nice excuse me stuff pardon me coming through sorry you were stupid in my way I'll ban 1,000 bits till my twelve nine class in the morning so here so I'm going to go died now thanks or make my night much better help and thanks so much to the sub gift thing in the the donations I appreciate you my friend absolutely I just drank something oh I made bottled water an accident okay that's those are notes dad well which one time which one's low though can I make any noise at all in fact hey what's up Mouse it's on fire now [Music] no gloves shoe bleep OOP gloves on the list on the to-do list all right mess it up damage there - any more hands I'm gonna need some more land I was like a big boy over there Jacob what did you do 20 subs - what a 2001 subs you guys for Chris Andros Black Lotus 94 Yolo Devil's scream Python gamer thorugh dessous PG lipschultz IE vu t nate guy flaming ketchup b-dawg ty scarin 30th 38th defender Drebin ater titania chaos broody glarb XX r e9 d 1b sassafras Alf astok mr. Skeletron Skeletor on hell yeah Jacob thank you so much for that toe time let's go yeah but like what if we could get 100 more subs by the end of the night and then it would be 5 minutes a toe time and not two and a half minutes a toe time thank you so much Jay up emotes now hundred more subs ok ok take them calm down plus a joke joke oh hell yeah wait never mind I want butts is just what's an al hey now ouch hundred is here when subs like 500 bucks dude that's insane no way put down the wallet eat the toe use one level up I don't want to use one level that's lame damage okay this one I don't really want to do damage though you guys I'm gonna damage oh why am i me why can't I be normal boots and gloves so much for putting all my freaking gemstones away what a waste no way the that I come back to tow time what is this you did it did you know you makes the sentence to swing the sword or whatever however ghosts five electronics I need two electronics were a droid more plastic and more Royal Steel I didn't know I just gifted subs hurt me daddy where's a nicer when you need them alright it's a tote I'm smelly platypus 20 months what's up again my anniversary message thing came really late anyways love you guys hope your hope you're been having a good time I haven't having a good time [Music] huh here it is Satan's toe you smell Satan's toe cheese from either toe time suck that toe you guys are weird don't make this any more weird than it now it has to be smells like coal sounds like brimstone and fire if I can open it oh well can't open it best time to eat a striped pepper is toe time [Music] yeah that's disgusting you guys see it it actually looks like it's like a like yeah that's gross it's like a pepper pop yeah what does it say nine million Scoville sick bro it smells like a hot tamale all right so here's the challenge you guys zero is a coward one is wimp - a show-off three is loss of feeling for is really in five is this 911 what's your emergency and I promised two and a half minutes which sounds like a lot of time you imagine just taking a hot pepper in your mouth and then sitting there for two and a half minutes with it sitting on your tongue anyone usually you chew it up you swallow it you're done I'm actually going to take a tums beforehand and you're not I'm not jealous on my toilet flowers well if I just got distracted I'm like oh hey toad is that pour a glass of MalK Mulk a glass of milk actually does something a really good idea let me go get one of those I'll be back let's do this it's all Jacob's fault you ready lady he will like it do you eat your milk with or without the shell is it boneless milk bread helps I did not think I'd be doing this tonight you guys that was time how do we set a timer stopwatch stopwatch all right three two one go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god I did the mistake of trying to swallow my saliva that was building up and I almost gagged oh my lips oh why did I touch it with my lips ah oh my god [Music] my whole face it's like burns I'm gonna go wash my hands you guys holy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I think that was worse than any pepper challenge I've done so far not not good my nose is running my eyes are running I wash my hands yeah wash my face Oh that was so bad it's like a pepper challenge you can chew it up and swallow it immediately or you can spit it out oh I like you don't even have to chew through the seeds to get the oils out of the seeds and when you're doing a pepper challenge this is like just straight-up it's already in there ah I did not even think I was gonna be doing this tonight my lips my lips do [Music] oh my bright red lips it's not going away CDM 1/35 said the wheels on the bus go shut up kids shut up kids or the hell that come from I never bet some Jacob you're amazing I'm sorry I put you through that now gonna race see welcome back am I in the discord or some is how I just like spoke that to me ah [Music] I have a kite they call the stream right now i can call the stream i can't do this
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 41,400
Rating: 4.8069496 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, forager, adventure, indie, pixel graphics, survival, crafting, 2d, open world, sandbox, simulation, building, exploration, base building, singleplayer, casual, clicker, soundtrack, best indie 2019
Id: nzC6pHDZ-7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 44sec (8744 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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