Rat Boss Attempt 8 - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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let's go baby you got to be bullet you gotta be bullet absolutely guaranteed look at this guy's look oh it's so cool Congrats on bidding the rats as resource rodent rip to you bell Brendo it's time for the salt baby salt in the wound just uh wish me luck four key drops spam Huck's luck please putz luck me right now I'm gonna show you so many huts locks behind my head I'm seeing no huts locks behind my head right now that was a bit there they are there was a couple of them that's pretty weak there's a lot of those couple more I'm not feeling the power up you guys I'm not feeling there we get there they are awesome oh sorry clock love you out all the mods you're just like shaking my head yeah a body that's what we need it's working it's not really what I wanted but that's fine it's something I did all the huts luck good good unfortunate placement for that explosive barrel bud for you cheer 100 unfold er cheer 100 - 100 it's 200 total math nice do we have any custom bits that are luck based can someone just go through all of the custom bits that I have just to double-check please send them a send of all each one to me that he great woo I like goofy with my little ears tucked down cup overfloweth am NOT getting you marry me key drops maybe there wasn't enough hots luck spam [Music] but about pop-pop but about yeah we have huts locked but da we have custom cheer modes - there's a shamrock cheer mode but that's not my customs your mo we have a brain power one we've got a poop right what else is there wait I'm confused as anime mangas confused about what my custom emotes been oh my god I did not see you in the wall there sir is he actually sitting on one of those benches oh Jesus Christ give me Junkin maybe the lock will come through for Junkin pray for Junkin Molotov launcher black flame four months in her i'll welcome back my friends welcome black yeah kill the guys and stuff I thought he did something good me any bad huts stream just ends just cuts the right the middle you'd have to try to get me to click on a porn link that'd be the surefire way to get me banned sin it happened too many times all right no keys we got no keys if we don't get any keys I almost feel like a restart is in store King or if we get hit during the king fight your stupid little feetsies hanging off that chair Wow how do streamers click on [ __ ] random foreign links he did get me there restart I came and damaged him right now we'll see if we can make it through just to see if Junkin pops up if that's the only reason I wouldn't restart right now let's see that bullet where does that bullet that was coming out for me did you always even see it good close-up training it's all about timing that was not the timing gotta read his face Victor Victor no oh god the best gun ah [ __ ] no this has been a terrible first floor this has been awful this is been so bad thanks for the prime sup friend oh this has been awful C girl I thought this was supposed to bounce off the wall yeah why did it just end this is like the stupidest come to try to find secret rooms with by the way this is just garbage [ __ ] you hmm I hope Junkin doesn't show up cuz I'm just like I'm so done with this run hey it's a crossbow ho no no no no vote restart secret room secret room secret room secret room I hate this run with a passion this is going very poorly even worth looking for a secret room at this point I'm naive hype i Benjamin with another 1,000 bits heck yeah Benji feeling the love flexi thirteen months that's almost a year Kappa how are you I'm good I need more luck though help me send all luck my PA box he just busted my tables down a Morlock you guys resent then worked the first time maybe send something else maybe send huts poo their assault emotes and that one reverse psychology my humans is sergeant's Miffy we tried using those uh reCAPTCHA things thank you so much son yeah two thousand bits what's up with the [ __ ] ramping up another 1000 okay who cares about the luck in games [ __ ] bit luck oh you guys you guys spamming the [ __ ] out of the salt and the poo all the salted pool send it gonna send it bro oh my Thrones is Chino thank you guys Benji managing over the [ __ ] you guys are nuts you guys are nuts stop Benji knows his hot dog buns I say stop it I want you Benji and hot dog no three-way not gay if it's in a freeway serum with a freaky and mushy old back gee no no more useiess a sudden 1,500 whoo yeah how come no one's telling Sutton no son yes Stu John this is not a game you want to play young one who's his Benji man the amount of shade that was just thrown look away not for the faint of heart right one more key give me that key drop I'm on that key grinds no okay Gold chess go James said no polite polite fully politely decline polite fully rip brain I actually can't spend more money says hot dog finds how is hot dog buns gonna what is that probably spent at a table right it's probably garbage right [ __ ] boy damn thank you guys are the bits I don't even feel like it's about me anymore I'm gonna dip out until I'm pretending I'm not here you guys been Duke it out damn it these are my last bits until next month [Music] hot dog bun save some for more hot dog buns alright even folks on the game right now Oh Benji way way way I can't even read them good thing it's reading them for me I'll make it so I'm gonna blow the first boss cuz I'm reading Oh Benjy man hey Sutton thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you plague shotgun not the worst next badge though as Bullough attacked with the sword then reload turn around really fast and your sword hits everything in the room what as a glitch [Music] anybody know what the portable table device does if I we just spits on a table right let's look it up let's look it up portable table device is an active item that can be used three times in succession after the third use the active item can be charged as if it were a normal active spawns a small table which can be flipped to provide cover awesome this item can make ammo kondeh stuck huh that'd be awesome I'll buy this though well is there anything worth buying here health upgrade for a curse stuff star stuff star sponsored get after new huts what's up darkstar get this sunlight are you coming from stupid Sun stuff that star stuff stars good it is really good but I have to save up money for the next floor we have to junk both the other chests I'm not sure we'll be able to get enough money I could probably afford the key what do you think you think I can't afford the key the tables are literally a quarter the size of normal tables sets garbage Gino that spa Seto do it YUM I don't think Sookie by its I don't think you'll get enough key me up dad I might not get enough you guys Thank You Chino for that 1500 seriously man ace of gaming hey it's me again my screen name should be it's simply a SIF not its bugged or something just wondering if you got the new twitch overlay that 20% of people received switch overlay what is that what does it do how do I use it I'm gonna be used for power we all respond the Seagram on accident no Junkin Junkins been hard to come by alright let's try this reload thing does anyone want a friend that's buzz see tell $1 I'm drunk by the way you know it's not working it's not working 1,000 from the boss no you cannot absolutely why not hey sudden 500 bits appreciate that as bull attacked with the sword then reload and turn around really fast and your sword hits everything in the room I'm not I didn't see that though doesn't seem like it's working another one from Chino mamasay mamasa mamakusa mama see mama saw mama coos aww from a Michael Jackson song but the bot ran it too slow on the same I'm some Augusto fat dubba dubba dubba dubba the boob that one I don't think the reload thing works maybe I'm doing it wrong maybe I suck at this 50% of viewer Hut's viewers are drunk every time they're on stream is that true they already patched the sword glitch chats line again thus why you disable updates did you can cheat more it's your floaty shits out of here never you I'll tell you how many times I've jumped straight off that rum and died diagonal jumps on a joystick or not that not that easy today is the day you wrecked the rats 22 months catalyzed Chino four hundred bits yup that is in fact the one bro thanks for all the bits to sing and then explain it to me I almost got tagged right there in this now turn the music a little bit [Music] [Music] chill boy it's working key drops [Music] let's poo salt me that's assault brother [Music] [Music] [Music] a lot of splode ease [Music] don't fall in that hole in the middle [Music] [Music] more Souls pour it on it's like Def Leppard's pour some sugar but it's solved [Music] [Music] hit that shop up breath you need a low sodium shat 500 bits of Ark love your YouTube videos never seen you stream before hopefully I can beat I can finally beat Gunjan ooh table tech site not that bad bad it's actually really okay but I need the money whoa do the salt is working well [ __ ] now I feel like I gotta open that oh good free stuff locked Crestron though at least they gave me free [ __ ] for the judge [Music] [Music] you guys are dumb you're a big stupid dumb retreat who's doing stuff hey Sutton good lord near badge hype also hi helps stop Sutton hey sudden how's it going thank you so much for that crazy awesome donation of yours that he just gave me all leave poops [Music] I'm going right to blue I'm going right to blue right now we're overdue for the blue you took my only win well played Sutton well played plans assassination that means assassination and cool kid talk awesome awesome awesome dude that's sweet thank you for that that was a tricky room mouse Tom don't forget though you guys you can also use if you add a huts before the cheer you get to use my custom emotes or cheer moats that I've commissioned so if you guys could donate everything again with those please start from the top there's actually a like a little brainpower guy for the 10k I think and it's like woo anime aequo is twenty six months in Tyrell welcome back friend oh why don't I use this right over the boss cuz I'm foolish which I'm a fool I got another key though guys yeah that's the invincible when I'm reloading if we can just hit the cigarettes now again again huts no you don't don't actually have to do that [Music] just just for the future heads up 700 alexia just some height before I need to go to work enjoy your night and I hope you have a good weekend thank you for the 300 bits Alexia I hope you have a good weekend as well blob master oh my goodness sucks chair there it is where is it there it is is in the chat I can see it look at him dance sitting Lane to the cup thank you so much son you're crazy crazy awesome appreciate that's so much dude I was very generous dancing did he's still doing it though I could watch that guy dance all day watch that beautiful little brain dance all day we should either upgrade the hat or do something you're making us all look bad chill Sutton four dollars an annus games hey hots all of your videos they help me sleep oftentimes thank you for the under [ __ ] friend down wants for being a fan to chaff grenade I'm gonna pass on that I'm okay without it it's a shame I wish booty got something good but um what if we this is charged up just like old times you guys just like the emote check it out check it out guys heck yeah hegemony credits we don't need them did we get any more keys for that no should we go crests don't suppose so I don't think this secret room could ever be in a locked room but you never know TF main makes to the prom sub welcome any other requests tuts more bacon off the die to the third floor boss and best gunga never run I've ever had good luck you guys could donate and bacon where would you be secret room folk dude a smooth mcgroove hots crossover when when smooth I'm available next Wednesday Buttercup pop up all butter pop above all brought up up up up all brought up up up up he turn up the music [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba up up up up got dick pinched in the mine player mine flair is not even fair all right across from this room let's check that spot right here where else would you think maybe like in this area here did we check off this room on the bottom check here we did I think we did check this room actually it's not there that was a good seeker and I liked it okay sweet now we leave and cry a little bit got pressed [Music] you look up Hutt's stream music you'll find it on YouTube but don't do the knockoff one let me meet a knockoff one it's just called stream music by Hutt's there's another playlist that's in the knockoff that says Hutt's stream music not that one [Music] enjoy while I'm gone dad says the boss thanks for support mate [Music] nope how to get crests this is lovey on the secret floor off the first floor it's there somewhere you set the believe it's there I don't want to fight a mini-boss though no bullets do nothing because I'm already dead inside huh [Music] dodge rolling over a table does not give you invincibility like did even try to go over the table dodge roll games fix your [ __ ] you can't tell me that dodge rolling over a table does not give me AI frames somebody clip that and send that to them [ __ ] dude bull [ __ ] [ __ ] that is horse [ __ ] in tiny mouth I'm pissed [Music] dodge rolling over a table doesn't give you eye prints why would it though snowed it's a dodge roll not like you pressed the dodge roll button you won't get better awards for perfecting mini BOTS anyways yeah but JP my crests I wanted to go to the other floor the second secret floor to get more items better chances for happiness and greatness [ __ ] took my eye I use the key to get that press I ripped a key for that come over here you dig that's all happy and proud I had that it's like yeah it's probably worth it we won't lose it this game [ __ ] me over so many times in these little tiny technicalities I'm sick of it man I like the ballot though faster recharge time on our stuff star any active item increase our coolness I like I like my sword just randomly says reload sometimes was that noise is that in the game but this smooth mcgroove one after another right now what's going on ki bro hell yeah the room is good to do this dad infinite keys baby man I'm so glad we have that Cresta to go into this room hawk toasty bond 16 months what's up welcome back [Music] stuff star is good though that's ours totally good but Daruma with the ballot that might be like a blank every second if you think about it blanks they get rid of whole phases on the rats one of my questions are going to huts hey BOTS just bought gunjan and have been trying to get good any advice it's just all about like remembering attack patterns that's the biggest thing knowing when and how to dodge if you know if you're not using the bullet then you're gonna be dodged rolling a lot lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of lawful acts a novel model the bullet though does it negates any need to dodge roll ever so don't don't use my bullet runs as an example of how to get good trust me I wanted a synergy though I don't want this garbage I wanted a synergy what's up little man my calpers knuckles [Music] but abide by little bud [Music] he's like dad one of these stupid glasses we're wearing these stupid glasses you idiot you can tell he's pissed off he's trying to take my hat off you see this he never smelled with my eyeballs unless I've got glasses on man that's nice yeah go ahead just take it off then yeah just take my hat off dad stop wearing your stupid hat dad Yuval lemme see you Lenny every time you show up people throw money at me dad stupid hat take off now son folder for five hundred bits steal anything so I get to snuggle more everyone throws money at you [Music] so we get a quick brush let's give you a quick brush buddy I know you love this I know he loves the brush he's like Bobby yeah brush [Music] look at him Oh brush my butt dad brush my but that's his pleased face all right enough brushing my butt now brush my neck there's a weirdo dude alright buddy we call it a day [Music] he's like no I'm content I'm content being here for the rest of my life all right here we go you open up all the chests did we find a secret room yet no we didn't did we find a cigarette no buddy where'd you see what we did get the key though reload you won't even reloading Wei Lian don't you do this move while two poisons here oh it's getting tight Oh baby so much cat hair in my beard you guys it gets embedded gets stuck in there like woven in the mandolin gun Zhang Ameen gah what master round synergizes with what oh that's right yeah the Master Chief yeah this thing's super good super good I'm down I am DTF on that alright we need one key for the next floor and we're gonna need two blanks is it worth looking for the secret anything my Venus you're gonna see you guys if you're an HD camera right now specifically on me and see all this hair that I'm pulling out [Music] Seagram there see you're up there could be out the shop no sugu rooms are always worth I mean like a lot of times they are sometimes it's like one red heart and you're like oh like that but just try to find obvious spot so they might be generally speaking it's on the left right or bottom wall it's rarely on the top wall but here a check these may be worth checking again I've had it off this room before but if there's a lantern there if there's a light there I don't think it can be there so you gotta read the signs if there's nothing there and there's a chance like that's not gonna be behind this but this a barrel I don't think that's not how they roll check the gaps star wants love now she heard me call another cat cute me me no mom [Music] those bullet holes for me already checking that area probably it's usually off the item rooms and if not there then shop if not there then one of these rooms but we already checked this wall and I want to freaking buy the Daruma goddammit [Music] that it now it's just the bullet holes in the wall showing up I got God [Music] I meant to mention I follow you on twitter and now realizing how much that sounds stalkerish totally harmless I promise JP run I got nothing you guys I just literally feel like there's no this body could be huh Madame stomachs already check this room I think I'm starving by the way to appreciate the whole see guys oh I'm hungry it's not gonna make me feel better but I'm eating candy goddamn it I'm breaking mmm Karen do you see chrome couldn't be anywhere else there's nowhere else it would be no none of all my comments that's the one that you read really you're welcome Oh peace candy love he's eating pizza now clocks eatin pizza you guys suck I did check the shop yeah so I get the point of this room like you're supposed to jump onto the carts but starting from this location game you can go [ __ ] yourself if you put a cart at every opening they'll be fine [Music] come here sniper what was your plan snipers why approach me [ __ ] shoes that no bubbles I'll reload a that guy never gives me anything that I actually need like keys or keys all right even like keys he's never even getting the keys that's pretty much the whole list of everything that needs these keys more keys and keys now sometimes like any keys too though but mainly just the other things table tech rage with the key I like that I like that a lot thank you what to reload [Music] 102 bits from surah kita thank you sir kita hmm guys he's horrible jeweler those are good thank you very good I wish they just stuck with the key the key Ken guy he's my favorite not the mystery box dude unfold her to you what's up what's up on folder after all the bits finally got that solvent thank you danger key [Music] [Music] rat rum [Music] rat room [Music] machine pistol um we could probably look up machine pistol just to see if does anything that it synergizes with right now does a machine pistol synergy is really good probably worth it I've had some really good ones that turn that gun from my least-favorite to my most favorite gun [Music] schürrle is German for pacifier make sense to me but it looks like speaking of baby candy you guys ever get the what's that thing called but the little nipple that you like dip into the powder nipple baby pop baby bottle pop baby bottle pop [ __ ] was delicious but then I got it like it got like really weird though I hate this bullet Isla can suck my nuts you can lick shake and dunk it baby bottle pop directed fun dip yeah I used to get fun dip all the time people used to say that they hated the taste of the stick I would just beat the stick I don't know I like this much like to eat the Stig huh I really don't need any more ammo I love this dick the fun dipstick tastes like nothing false mega super ultra bubble [ __ ] I hate the pink bubbler [Applause] [Music] come right into my trap [Music] now give me something good please not your garbage now the best part about this gun is having to reload all the time then we go invincible well this guy though this guy I don't need like yeah what if I did the mimic tooth necklace with the ring achat chest friendship doesn't matter it doesn't matter but damn holy combo of hell hectic prime sub what's up hectic how's it going you would need another key well there's a shop but I was by the baby good mimic or by the the ring and the baby good mimic right cuz I don't need any other keys if I got the a key there's baby mimic good he'll uh duplicate another follower if I get one although I see like shoots enemies and stuff how the lines you shoot enemies well I need both my blanks so let's just see what happens in the boss fight oh my [ __ ] dude he [ __ ] me in the face super mega ultra bullet goddamn I do not expect that be that fast [Music] dude that hurt I love tear problems thanks to the prime cell friends I like tier 2 baby good mimic what the hell did you even do did you even help me were you even there Frank is the GU on [ __ ] Frank well buy this maybe Mick was being cute I got my shield back I guess how much is this pistol let's check for synergies first machine pistol Gunjan oh wait there we go pistol machine at the player has fortunes favored laser sight nanomachines bionic leg shock rounds or +1 bullets or mac-10 so I don't have any of those nevermind [Music] nevermind buy another armored maybe [Music] sounds smart we're like really really really really really really low though on health and we really don't have anything good to kill him fast with this is gonna be a really really really really really really tough fight I don't know I'm not sure we're gonna win this one hunter bit some hectic thank you my friend crimes up in other bits what if they change the location of that randomly gun Zhang maybe on the second phase papi asked the question have you ever put earbuds in your nose and then open your mouth and become a human speaker I can't say that I've ever done that no can't say I've ever done that Charlie B prime sub thanks friend l appreciate that they don't appreciate the Lenny here in my mouth not so much [ __ ] that did that was like perfectly perfectly timed the last little bullet - totally fair super ferreted super fair brah [Music] [ __ ] you is what the hell you try and give me to rage quit because I'm thinking about it we're [ __ ] we're just like unbelievably [ __ ] for this whole fight we got nothing man oh there's nothing I even want to go in there and fight them with there's nothing I want to go in there and fight them with this this blows this is not a good fight I'm not sure this is even winnable trial is supposed to do that better right if I just sing like million knowingly it'll work out now [Music] ah [ __ ] you with like pushing me to the wall and then just hitting me with that thing that comes in from the wall it's [ __ ] you know it it's a bunch of donkey dick totally fair nice dude every [ __ ] time he does it Thank You hectic appreciate that finally did quit trying to be a hero I [Music] try to get the SPECIAL on him but I couldn't he wouldn't let me she just let him go every time I fall for that [Music] apparently my special just doesn't do anything to that sure did hey I can't block that either ha - I [ __ ] block dad's [Music] oh my [ __ ] god are you [ __ ] kidding me what do I do to block that this is like boom and it still took my health you duck [ __ ] [ __ ] dude I hate this game quit what you got a lot of upgrades there got the sting master flex sticky crossbow is pretty good calls [ __ ] I just I honestly I don't know how to dodge that one and he kept doing it again and again and again and yeah thanks for that hair in there Lenny really added to the flavor of the candy let's read what we got grants no we already knew ghosts bullets this one makes bullets large and more effective fat bullets alright alright bro [Music] I wanted to get him with the special but that first wave he just wouldn't do the thing this is like maybe it's just better to kill him which one chap which 100 bits from that no norm guy check for a mimic ah [ __ ] a dude can you even see how much fat hair is on this candy pant you can't even see it's too blurry as pounds of cat hair on this [ __ ] candy where where did it come from how did it get on my candy can anyone answer this is there a scientists in the chat that can explain to me why cats are literally the devil 500 bits from urk man top left let's check for a minute first don't cheese boots hovercraft what does it do prime subbu RTX saris thanks to prime sub breath grants temporary and vulnerability in flight whenever we're walks over a pit in vulnerability when I walk over a pit temporary flight is it temporary flight and temporary invulnerability or temporary and vulnerability and also flight come on with your descriptions you're killing me I'm gonna walk over and their flights gonna go away and I'd be like what the [ __ ] happened and they're gonna say well let's set it in the description and I'm gonna say what the [ __ ] they got [ __ ] over again Dodger all games a few and then people can like well it's your fault [Music] just look it up Lowell I'm gonna say the same thing on the website will set the try it out next gap that you see next gap here look at my sword laser that's high that is hot I like that a lot [Music] I feel like these aberration dudes need to be nerves a little bit it's a little ridiculous unfinished piece of [ __ ] so that is we can't even take on the super mega ultra dragon today can't even do that anymore sold it for all of us the unfold er does mimic tooth necklace effect the rad chest I think we had it last time and I don't think not last time but possibly the first time and it didn't I'm not sure though you get to fact-check that oh my god I dodged the bullet it didn't hit the wall it went through the [ __ ] door frame with me it struck me right in the penis dude this game right now what do you want from me that's pretty good now give me a scattershot hungry for more they bounce off enemies and try to hit another enemy comes to the doorway with me dude [Music] not sure what's up with the oh my god the bullet upgrade luck frickin bullet upgrade lock along with the chest drop lock what is going on game feels bad and then this and then this that looks sweet though with the helix gun whoa whoa I'm not even sure that shows secret rooms if I use that Netflix bullets [Music] the hell would Netflix bullets do are you still firing this weapon shuts it off [Music] Blanc where there it is Netflix and chill effects such a flash [Music] [Music] slide on a a bunch of coffins that is load that is a load dodge roll hey kids you're gonna have fun on covens more ammo SiC bra sad oiled cylinder reload faster dude we're getting so many good things right now all the passive upgrades damn it's too bad we're not fighting the ultra mega dragon [Music] anime/manga swauk over a gap - I felt like those boots were a reference to Zelda and they are loll yeah for sure the hover boots I forgot what was third oh I remember found a rainbow chest and got Junkin in the same run kappa get out of here get out of here do i fall that yeah just like in Zelda alright I got it I figured it out ok so he did nice love it what's going on with all these bullets maybe mimics having a heyday over here [Music] hello silencer what am i shooting out by the way razor blades what are those supposed to be well now I just want to go for it just for the lulz of having every single bullet upgrade that's ever known to man their zippers twenty-two months for Como like the stream hype hi hot states for all the awesome months of entertainment thank you for all the awesome months of support friend the vulture asks tots do you think thee which one do you think it's harder and to the gungeon or binding of issac enter the gungeon hands down you got guns Eng do it no synergies come on there's gotta be a synergy in there somewhere for me I'm just in shock that there's no synergies look at the bees fatty bees big boy beads I [ __ ] got hit the and there I tried so hard I tried so hard not to get hit at the end right when he dies like the huts luck is run out dude it does not exist for this frickin game soul eater Joe seven months in a row welcome back coin crown play well get money now give me that the give me gilded bullets on top of that we should not have should not have lost that sorry bud the bees are still like what the [ __ ] I'm gonna do is so many of our dead brethren do we move on we forget that this happens to give up I wanted to save at least one blank for the secret room but why is the unfinished gun even if Fame and how the hell do we finish it what if I check every single room though we won't be able to miss the secret room Dodger all didn't see it coming always all of my ammo to check every single room the helix gun with helix bullets double double helix I've got the ring of mimic friendship and I have your son you're really gonna fight me on that bro I'm not blind I just had the [ __ ] ring I think I still alive he's still taking my [ __ ] I kick your ass old man that's now that the ring does the ring of mimic friendship doesn't make mimics friendly ring of chest friendship Hutt's increases the chance of finding chests I hate everything the whole world can burn please giant asteroid I'm ready Gunjan helix all right let's see here double double helix Tara if the player also has he'll explode in a gun shoots four bullets and he looks fatter instead of two well duh does it look like for that doesn't allow for that's still two am I missing something am I missing something am I missing something am I missing something choose four bullets site no doesn't I love that room my favorite room the hammer followed me over there stacked on top of each other must be surprised it doesn't say something like you fire faster or like are stronger in some way it's just like yeah it does exactly what you think it would do sorry sorry not sorry [ __ ] you [ __ ] you take my ultra B's douche what item do I have that allows you to run over gaps cheese boots cheese boots metronome with what gun zing this shredder dude with my remote bullets this is stop I don't know what shredder does let's look it up guns sang if the player also has metronome spread is doubled doubled decreasing accuracy but I've got remote bullets or did not buy it did I buy remote bullets I did buy it the [ __ ] that makes no sense alright [Music] sure well I'm actually tempted yeah well should we give it something like really good to see if it's gives me something really really good back what if I gave it the ak-47 what if I give it the Stinger sticky crossbow it's pretty good plunger gun monster should be completely random I'm pretty sure it says in the wiki that it will take something in between the two guns that you give it and I'm sticking with that they can't even grab them can't get my bullets in there though these bullets like don't fit it'll fit Keter up dddd dddd oh good gravy boozy enchantress there is epilepsy warning yeah reloads baby doubles the spread here ridiculous turn up the beats [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I joked it hit it too hard guns and you're nuts I can't switch I can't switch weapons I gotta just open it I can't take this though and I can't touch back otherwise I'll lose my metronome what's up you're using it dude science with the hoop a phat science with helix bullets looks amazing I want it ooh no we did not take the Epistle machine pistols all this energy is dead [Music] have you ever seeing such glory [Music] Johnny cat prompts up Thank You Jake it [Music] science [ __ ] the meme big boy thank you so much lunatic wanna beat appreciate the subs you guys it's up bill [Music] now I say seven for soul eater Jill if I miss that I'm sorry [Music] a water a one phaser that was awesome take the other finished gun to the lady I don't think she does anything with it [Music] Pasi she's already working on one finish it lady dududududududududu won't take this instead [Music] [Applause] [Music] what song is so much of the epics I like it even worth it to try to find a secret rum first try baby never seen this channel before but it seems nice is Blake stuff like very mighty fine time now we lost to the rats punch-out but morale is pretty high right now okay could you hit them though how many bullets have to miss there we go let's hope that increased chest drops comes through for me where is he I don't even see them that whole time honey one lakh Boyd how um how do you unlock bullet out I forgot been such a long time defeating one pass maybe forget to defeat the past of all the originals something a lot but that could be it well ma'am II did a whole loop-d-loop [Music] I'm invincible two gaps losers gaps I need some ammo real quick here [Applause] [Music] whoa Wow okay that was amazingly untouchable don't tell me to reload if it's empty let's just mean what should we use then this with this the helix guns [ __ ] he grabbed him from me that's gonna be like pretty spicy never mind never mind got the guns thing back [Music] so freakin powerful [Applause] [Music] we're looping again son of a loop picked all the wrong places to go [Music] if there was ever a time though to pick all the wrong places now is the time now every last wrong direction still curious as to why the remote boils aren't working because the helix may be it seems like this is glitching out because of helix I actually felt then I didn't hit the the middle ground apparently sweet did the helix kind of makes it hard to shoot down corridors [Music] while look this thing's died chest drop nice to meet you underwhelming on the switch [Music] [Music] mr. Seeger know much please sing around last room I'll check heads up we went the wrong direction anyways see it from here run before this up one good catch oh oh that's right um yeah gotta lose our metronome for this but that's fine we can might you know might just end up setting it up for the next run and that's that's cool too putz is not cool I'm gonna get rid of my ak-47 I don't even need it I don't even need it right the rest of them though I am actually using still so we'll call it a day there so apparently it it carries over from run to run [Music] which is a nice touch so ideally on the next run we'll just give it one gun and we'll pay out [Music] they got me pinched me there you know the older boy according to use it shut up out of ammo get pinched on dude [Applause] [Applause] ah what double jokin at the very end why would you why would you hurt me like this why would you hurt me like this [Music] wild I own the edge of full clear hell to find him fall clear even the secret room goddamnit oh good shot bud [Applause] sir Junkin meet sir Junkin run run for it this is awesome sis resourceful rodent 100 bits he's only gonna get good enough he doesn't have a sword he's gonna headbutt them poor guy he's so not hooked up it's hailing funny [Music] [Music] but planet my lab if you all for you ended up getting junk in late game with the nimac connect necklace it's like I want full-grown junket and it's like getting bumbo and not getting into level 3 it's just a sad story mega ultra super sonic helix bees you're done son
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 24,594
Rating: 4.8746738 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: sOHTx7ZVlUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 23sec (6443 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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