Lovers? Card Challenge #3 - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what is up people on youtube we're going to jump in and do another lovers card run challenge thing stuff remove the d6 the rule should still be in place tower question mark card run it just makes rocks doesn't sound that exciting pikachu's thunder thundersmash you think tim is based off that character [Music] vladimir and palador i was out for a couple years i couldn't watch your streams you're back now i do like this item you know what this item's not bad to have with uh almond milk treasure room and shop in shoal we'll see if we keep this anytime there it is in the time that was uh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen more i guess i was one off i'm trying to hit me and hit me good blurps good blurts good blurping fly right upgrade not getting hit in the first floor what's up with this this is weird or you have a pencil in your eye no i don't where prove it i spoke too soon my god it's not gonna hit the first fl uh floor treasure room contains deal with the devil [Music] i don't know if i can get rid of [Music] my help i just don't know about that uh does that take away my ability to get an angel room if i take a deal with the devil in the item room what's the rule exactly take damage use a reverse lovers card which means i lose one heart piece or two soul hearts i gain one broken heart and spawns one item from the room's current pool yes yep it counts as a deal let's see how well do the devils go forfeiting item rooms to do this to get an extra chance to deal with the devil that's basically what's happening [Music] use all question mark cards when you take damage ever heard of crown trick i have never never tried it never had the ability to too busy [Applause] round of applause for chat everybody [Music] oh this is my fault everything is chad's fault told you the trinket is good oh flippin boy you should take it to remove it from the pool [Music] if this was after birth plus i would consider taking it to remove it from the pool leave and drop the trinket you can't change it back it now right i think it's before you open it isn't it yeah it's very opening silly person you silly person you're silly [Music] you just snort a bunch of silly juice you just get bashed by a giant hammer on your head and suffered severe brain damage cup's gone thinking of brain damage kidding hey that's going didn't see there got the cross not not my number one you ass i say brain damage i meant brains happy when i see scone duh clearly what i said chat back me up here i'm an effing unicorn you boob is that what you identify on dating apps and i didn't really need to know that but trites are fair and balanced bastard box um [Music] once three soul hearts and two angel spawns two soul hearts and one angel if a devil deal has been taken previously well i'm kinda gonna need the uh soul hearts instead of charging the bastard box duh should bring back the bits cups is unfunny toaster oops i'm gonna press that button um didn't we have it like a cup here and whatever right there i feel like since i upgraded from swabs to obs i don't think the cup made that transfer that's what happens all right devil deal number two what do you got now that i've already lost health gotta love that gotta [ __ ] love that it's great just like the best someone getting the best the best the best the best of you i like my shadow just dodge the homing shot huts [Music] good items man good items so treat stream might be the only way to [Music] revive my mood oh my dip oh [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] oh my darlin oh my darlin clementine oh all right all right all right all right all right it might be a quick run this one watch me get twisted pair in the item room though and then spend all my health and be like i'm gonna live and i die immediately because uh two hearts for twisted pair plus one hit of damage equals death in this case health up hp up tears down here's your health but take away your tears but twisted pair bossy blood oh my darling clementine he was about to pinch me in there brown cap is not something that i will be taking with me thank you bye okay bye-bye hi hearts i am sad i don't have twitch prime anymore master ninja already here real folklore prime sub what's up yeesh since when was lusty blood in the devil pool this turtle picker uh there should not be anything available on my trade stream actually though tk orders five pizzas wonder what soy milk lead pencil does i don't think you have to wonder i think it does exactly what's on the box busty blood i got a damage up per room for everything that i kill inside the room resets after each room each new room resets i guess or old room once you leave you know what i mean god damn it what's up for rap um yeah we'll go eraser plus health yo my darling [Music] hey is the first letter of the alphabet during queen not my favorite nope well this has been fun narrowly dodges weird things happen when lead pencil explodes gosh this is just so fun not annoying at all erase the boss hey health up is nice free extra little health up there um did we do everything we needed to do on this floor i think we did [Music] get to the map so i don't even know what's the challenge take damage use a reverse lovers card enable treats on treat stream you dork it was a joke and i don't want to i watching a hot stream on my tv and watching on my phone i'm void unfunny toyster toyster toister those guys are worth getting rid of i think well done but also i remember signing up for the sarcasm big giant plate of sarcasm i don't remember did you guys order this i don't think i did anyone order the sarcasm plate oyster [Music] your steam froze stream no it didn't i did deep fried cheesy sarcasm cloth fly is going to be great that was clutch thank you so low should there be tainted soul stones [Music] i prefer my sarcasm baked it's healthier i'm chatting i'm so funny all right i got a couple per throws here for this deal with the devil that's the probably the most positive thing i can think of here for sacrificing your item rooms for devil rooms they can't close you come back and reroll them damage every time i take damage i get damaged that sounds like a horrible thing to have on this this run let's maybe find our item room or our shop rather and then we can drop the yarra in there or drop the per throw come back and narrow all of them get two per throws had a bunch of free [ __ ] potentially put them in max thank you bot fly you saved me from that damage [Music] yeah okay we'll get some soul hearts here righteous righteous hurts is a tim more than tim all right pick up the era use the era um i think that broken modem might be worth having here i could see it being nice hematemesis that's fine it's all right broken boredom's been uh improved some bullets tears whatever whatchamacallits [Music] what does void do with uh eraser can void use eraser multiple times per floor [Music] yo it it's me [Music] what do you think should i do it or re-roll it [Music] yes but six room charge [Music] do it let's go [Music] interesting interesting he be dancing come back to that battery if i need it am i going to use it for uh voiding things or am i going to use it to erase things i probably i'm just going to strictly try to use it for voiding things we're sacrificing our item rooms and i need the stats gotcha dollar finally finished the mod and tweeted it at you it's ready for your next vr run thank you so much pie flavor oh uh broken modem sometimes doubles room rewards also freezes enemies occasionally and if it freezes enemies it will or freezes tears rather i was trying to say this before uh it removes them entirely whereas before it didn't do that and it was bad news bears satanic bible let's get a triple deal with the devil going [Music] still gonna probably suck it [Music] down do i want to per throw this or i should save the purse bro a little spice here eat the book eat the rich look that's not where i want it all stream is frozen my stream frozen for multiple people because it seems fine on my end fly you're great broken modem you're great seems fine chad has shitternet imma do an internet which is having fun today i can't like use that see i can't save that charge which is a shame afc wi-fi coming in clutch hey [ __ ] call kfc k [ __ ] and everyone will love it tears tears double tears up and a balls of steel that was glorious that was wonderful stream froze earlier for me and refresh [Music] i could erase these trites i should have erased the trites okay okay just use a bomb 67 chance to get a flipping flip flap probably should just take both of the health things i'll suck down the other health get a stat upgrade give me some damage got some damage got some speed got some luck what could have been worse or broken hearts i erased your mom last night you're good with that one um bills in there that wouldn't mind having health okay tears up okay there we are let me oh right right here then at that time a chap [Music] four four tears lucky number [Music] temperance machine i guess i could vomit temperance for one penny baby yeah oh yeah [Music] how to make custom challenges is it mod i'm using a mod right now it's a mod that's called thing stuff do do thing stuff i think what's it called again the rules i like to call it do things stuff is this challenge just tuned in every time i take damage i have to use a uh reverse lovers card oh yes they do things stuff mod tell me i'm wrong though tell me that's not a good alternate name my fire rate is a really good thing to buff here with the lead pencil blood pencil busty blood also coming in pretty clutch here maybe if 100 chance deal the devil so bombing it wouldn't be a good idea if it's a demon judgment obviously not braids i could use the judgment in um probably better to suck that down speed mood but luck is not the worst thing um pop the judgment in the item room have a chance to per throw two deal with the devils assuming that's how the item room works it looks like a deal with the devil i'm assuming that anything rerolled in there would be a deal with devil the rules is a fairly odd parent reference is it doug's demo rules thanks spotify you're a great friend to have these rooms should be pretty good with busty blood get our max damage upgrade and then we can just take out the lighter waves pretty quickly what's the current challenge i need to like have a button to press uh take damage use reverse lovers card if you don't know what a reverse lovers card does ask jack oh i didn't go fast enough but wasn't even looking man i'm gonna suck that down probably yeah fire rate good all right five broken hearts this room is [ __ ] by the way but more and more and more and more repentance rooms and even after birth plus it's it's just like uh hey how well can you multitask challenge and you watch 17 things at once you can't well [ __ ] yourself room like the turrets that that turn the turnips oh my god that guy was like a rainbow champion balls of steel bye bye health that was expensive [Music] don't be a demon judgment you piece of wonderful awesomeness judgment we're gonna test to see if this rerolls into a deal of the devil i could suck it down but this is probably a good spot for my purse bro i went the wrong way i got lost soul of job adds one broken heart and removes a random item from your inventory spawns three random items from the current rooms pool you son of a [ __ ] i want it only two of the items can be taken god dang it is it gonna take two soul hearts from me or is it just gonna give me the broken heart just gave me the broken her buttfly got to do it i can only take one of the other ones unless i reroll it and it like gets confused it's possible but we should expect only taking one double bot fly sounds great six broken heart though [Music] tom if you're seeing this thanks for the gifted subs this fun bite let's see if these wait a second it's supposed to be from the current room's item pool so already so per throwing them is not going to make a deal with the devil psych it totally did curse of saturn can be used as long as you have more than zero charge prevents contact damage from enemies spawned by other enemies touching these enemies will deal flat 15 damage to them and charge the item shots fired on death will not deal damage on use you will fire a cluster of tears and bones depending on this just i don't even what [Music] huh chapter one prologue about the author it's like oh my god if you're gonna make a novel i'm not even interested in learning what it does that's even worse than squats little like you know on a tuesday only after you've eaten the hoagie sub with relish on it breed me this is too much that's too much to try to figure out i'm going to suck it down for nothing hey great thanks for the nothing goodness gracious it's an active oh that's right it wasn't active something about using it and touching enemies spawned by other enemies but only contact damage so if they shot tears out or exploded in tears like those guys would have i would take damage it's just like this is i'm not even gonna no dr 150 does it feel like the game is more of a dick with rooms filled with enemies and rocks obstacles more so than an afterbirth plus yeah definitely doctor with another hundred bits hot has a five percent chance of spawning delirium hush dogma the beast when taking damage in boss rooms how about maybe 100 bits from find play place finlay plays uh finley don't catch the stream much but just wanted to appreciate the content you provide us keep being you thank you for that appreciate it uh i might go with the red candle here here's my question if i use an uno card if i pick up the candle and then i use an uno card is that gonna use the previous active that i was holding or is it just use my current active it uses the last thing that you used so i could potentially void the void [Music] lollygamer 33 months welcome back yes yep i mean it doesn't make sense right unless it somehow tricks the game into thinking that my candle is now a void right i mean who's to say that that's not like some sort of bug it would work but essentially would just remove the pedestal i think [Music] you know there's only one way to find bugs so let's hear if i don't use my candle then and i just roll with this card it'll be a void until i use my candle but we get one last void in us potentially i really want to use my candle too much thinking hurt brain kurai cage nine months look at me huts it's been nine months hot welcome back congrats [Music] baby bender could be cool but i don't know i don't have anything currently that works but we are going for deals of the devil so getting a little brim is odds are not zero homing bot flies dr 350 is the uno card a modded item also huts is a but i don't believe it is a modded item i believe that is repentance too close [Music] my range is fine let's suck that down for a range and luck though white states is 28 months so what's the challenge just joined [Music] people on youtube [Music] [Music] well we did find a bug [Music] technically all right [ __ ] awesome dude love that people on youtube how tired are you if you uh of me explaining this challenge opportunity to install the mod it's too late top comment user is going to be what's the challenge i'd love to redo that floor [Music] wouldn't we all um so we get to redo the entire thing with the stuff and things are we gonna redo it exactly how we did it before we want [ __ ] of babylon and the scythe tears maybe then double bot fly i think that was a pretty good setup i think we were doing pretty well didn't we get hurt here and then we sucked that down for fire rate maybe i could be fine without that better to have the health maybe wild card for double soul of job doctor 200 bits remember when you said the game can't handle what you do to it sexually did mcmillan finally huts proof it it just crashed howard i didn't get hunt approved nuke daddy's 49 months what is up welcome back white stasis 28 months what's the challenge just joined uh the challenge is that every time i take damage i use a reverse harvest card do it exactly like you did it before for science yeah i like the uh i like the soul of job uno reverso idea could you come over here sir did you stop floating over a gap that's what's the challenge i just joined that's him bold of you to assume chat would read the title i prefer the soul of employment sarcastically laughed huts that's touch is good [Music] gonna be some doctor hey that's what's the challenge just join kidding also here's the last time i did let's see here where did we get that soul of joke here it was here i'm gonna finally catch another stream all right get the uno card piercing's so good [Music] give me you okay it's the soul of job wild card for another soul of job then take perthro back grab the double bot fly you're basically cheating is it cheating at the game crash well the same number of broken hearts maybe save before trying this shouldn't break the game why would you put that there just like why would you do such a thing you ginormous piece of [ __ ] at least it's good game cheated first ice baby could be totally fine but wait a minute yeah my buttfly just died where did my buttfly go i picked it up right it was there before last time i got double bot fly soul of job removes a passive item oh what else are we losing oh [ __ ] i forgot about that jesus juice and butterfly oh i didn't know that uh let's pray throne here see what else we get we knew about spirit no we didn't i'm gonna say a [ __ ] of babylon but that didn't uh it didn't come back spirit of the night sounds good to me and then damocles ah why not [Music] so let the void now we're gonna take the candle and we're gonna go on a killing spree thank you we can get double payouts from damage if this is true then this is good this is good this is good minus the fact that damage and damocles is not a good combination [Music] 58 months welcome back damage please overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed one of you should be dead at this point in time thanks and boy all could be good for speed running the ball is a steal i need the hell might be better to go faster hmm wow i was in here again scorched earth holy [ __ ] rocks now have a 7.5 chance of turning into a fire of any type destroying a fire will grant the player a wisp corresponding to the fire's color or i could get rid of my my buttfly heartbreak alright three broken hearts gives damage up for every broken heart every fatal hit will add two more broken hearts that sounds really good don't you thank you guys just just having nothing but uh so that that's two more hits than i would no one hit and i would die that sounds yeah that sounds like a good plan doesn't it doesn't seem like a really good one for 0.25 damage per broken heart yeah you think that's like a good plan yeah even that's uh yeah you want to just give up the game for 0.75 damage it's three quality little mao god damn it spoon bender baby spoons just take these could have gone back and try to charge my void but whatever i guess it would have been uh 0.25 times 9. not .75 damage all right i can go into the curse room and just teleport with emperor let's just leave secret room in the bottom with the trinket vomit and didn't we find top secret are you cheating then you're just a big cheater just a big cheaty pants [Music] benjamin tajlick benjamin stiglick two months thank you for that welcome back [Music] nice job not crashing the game and making it to the next floor yeah it was because i used the the void which gave me uh an eraser that i didn't actually have crash the game trying to remember all that stuff thank you piercing wasn't cursed of saturn that broke the game i could have been i don't know i know it was actually it was when i threw the uh oh nice look at that it's when i threw the thing when i threw the eraser that i didn't have is when it crashed not when i when i had the eraser so i would say it was the eraser upon throwage play the machine better trinket better pizza papa john's maybe later we could definitely dump our trinket off after this floor there's no more item rooms check out the shop first maybe though i got tight remember when we uh instantly murdered my botfly probably worth it undevils your items our succubus not tier four saki base doesn't really get overpowered until you're already overpowered is the thing world question mark teleports me to my ultra secret room correct so it spawns a trapdoor to a crawl space wow coupon potentially a free deal with the devil candles good but i don't know if candle's really going to carry me that much with my already piercing eye damage stuff potentially three deals though we can go for we can give it a shot see if we can get a better trinket here sacred assistance is an all stats up uh loses its effectiveness when we take damage a double hangman card double hanged man wonderful great treasure room with the coupon if only i had gone and come back very nice [Applause] i think i'm ready oh we didn't take our card with a star teleport card that'd be nice next floor [Music] this one [Music] this trinket does nothing i guess my trinket the one that gave me an all-stats upgrade i'll taste go pay attention to mom pay attention to me that's an interesting one um yeah yeah okay definitely gonna go with this one i don't even need that [Music] exactly 10 years ago today the body of isaac was released i already sing it happy birthday today remember we have scorched earth so that's why we have these little flame wisps rocks are sometimes um swapped ice cube is pretty good ice cuber just an all stats upgrade thank you firm we did sing rocks are sometimes switched with fires and when i shoot a fire i get a wisp grumpy lump seven total hello sir how are you doing today i'm feeling pretty good right now mrt i do cube stats stats stats cube stats ice cube is like really delicious though chance to petrify an enemy when entering the room killing the petrified enemy freezes at him then it explodes that's his stats here's the thing though if i end up taking damage a will die and b [Music] um my the trinket would be less effective didn't i say i was gonna emperor card yeah i did yes i did nice spot to freeze sir um uh sir that ain't how that works thank god i've got this coupon though huh damn just in time [Music] grandpa yosh prime sub what's up this is grandpa josh just ahead nothing else definitely not how that works all right i think we gotta run you guys okay bye that's not what i meant i got my spider web on my face gonna be the worst part of having a girlfriend long hairs everywhere like do i have a girlfriend here on my face or did i walk into a spider web let's just re-roll everything huh gotta run does one room we have a girlfriend here in my face huts you know i did say that far from the weirdest thing i've ever said the weirdest thing you guys is when you get a girlfriend hair stuck in your crotch you're like how how did this happen it's even like tied in a knot you're like what the butt crack yes crack hair man telling you it's a real thing it affects us bad things happen to good people it finds its way i don't know how also happens to girls i mean i bet you're the source i mean guys can have long hair too but i don't have long hair these wisps are great [Music] no more deal with the devil that's whatever and one room only five dollars a month you can help prevent this from happening unfortunate people like hot subscribe today i'm a dude with long hair and i can confirm we shed more than animals look at that look at all the wispy wisps yay [Music] in the arms of an angel hi i'm sarah mclachlan crotch hairs affect people everywhere dropping that [Music] class cannon literally best item in the game forgot to add the uh that's tim wtf take the cannon i want to take the cannon how does it work again explain it to me thing firearms one large piercing spectacle when you take damage all stats all damage to you deals two full two hearts [Music] so holding it all damage to me deals two full hearts so i would lose two soul hearts via lovers card and i would take two soul hearts of damage every time i got hit there's a high damage tear we take damage it breaks while broken we take more damage i think i'm doing okay to not take that it's so good you thank you scorched earth for turning me into bethany wow [Music] golden bomb might as well look for the top secret room mom's pearl great [Music] so the the blue wisps are shooting fires that's really good that's really good that is really really good mom's pearl is so good since potato pie [Music] [Music] does it do anything special with the rocket [Music] imagine rocket pack [Music] if a kick [Music] the pocket [Music] nope i hope so but i don't know oh boy all right we're going to take this [Music] i'll take this take this [Music] and i don't think anything else really i mean the chance is getting a per throw is pretty slim so i'll take that but everything else [Music] epic that glass cannon is the funniest [ __ ] ever it'd be funny right up to the moment that you died how dare you choose winning over a cheap short lap for me watches me get squashed last for half second turns off twitch watch is a different streamer if a cac plus the sides are is it's bad it's bad news would not recommend giant scythe though oh [Music] what do you got for me me making [ __ ] bad and bad bad and super bad [Music] made of the boss already [Music] balls of steel [Music] just imagine had we taken the other thing we could have maybe won that two in a row my goodness my goodness he's the best [Music] worst epic synergy sprinkler and tractor beam that makes ipak shoot shots appear in midair and then move in the direction you're facing gg everybody awesome stuff thanks for watching on youtube i will see you in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 14,880
Rating: 4.9448819 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: o4K8IvWqBR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 37sec (3877 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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