RTGame Archive: Cities: Skylines (08/08/2018)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody how's it going [Music] flex tape okay as soon I mean is approaching the city yes that's something I can get on more of it not just Phil Swift tsunami has struck the city a meteor will strike the city in two minutes a tsunami has stressed who now he has struck Oh how's it going oh Jesus essentials without auto host of 300 people how's it going anyone else hopping over tf2 stuff Jesus oh how is it going they'll folks Bob bombs double-o five thanks subscribe you guys hear me okay uh we go there ladies he have to apply - yup - and I want him on that I play tf2 for seven years non-stop you gotta cut me some slack that I could play at his stuff your banjee GF - yeah sorry I defined in the game consider and I just host that charity rent to raise $50,000 last week there's not associated with tf2 anymore you know despite raising 50 grand for kids true TF do come on fight cubby some slack [Music] Oh God that's why I don't get when people get like really upset about that but Ranger caught it like I'm still doing tf2 stuff you know it's just a bit different just did a major charity event Oh mega cornflakes thanks for subscribing behind it the in-game music I don't know what it is with City skylines is very inconsistent with them volume level he has these like really high moments and then the rest of the time it's just like you can barely hear it there's a gamer thanks I had your bits stream overwatch already I'm tempted to overwatch is actually a fantastic game I think people lose their minds they upload an overwrought video it's just what they're like oh god how's it going on folks can you guys see me okay sorry about the high moment with the city skylines audio no overwatch is an amazing game I don't know why people will be upset about that it's just tf2 community things actually though it's actually a good game I can't recommend enough one of the best shooters to come out in recent years has a much better matchmaking system - tf2 ever will because Blizzard actually cares oh gee that'll I have upset everyone that likes tf2 how's it going his already disaster hasn't even started oMG Stream fortnight that's what I ain't going you you want to see people lose their mind well so like fortnight is like probably the one game where like if we actually stream it people would like actually try to murder me there would be a mob outside my apartment with pitchforks like coming to actually murder me if I attempted to do that telefilm I never would Victoria out videos of a YouTube shell if I write guys dare monkeys switch thank you 200 bits Firebird as well thank you for subscribing oh yeah what a little pub gee I'm not really interested in bout around no oh hang on Denise get in line for that one sable thanks for subscribing as well Jesus Christ max Thomas as well thanks for two months he had two months he says thanks very much god I'm real talking about Oreos I'm not really a fan of him and I talked about this even in the one stream where I have tried fortnight I did it for one stream just to give it a go you know just because frickin entire worlds planet you know you gotta try at that kind of thing like a cultural phenomenon sort of thing I don't really like Battle Royale because I feel that it's like half an hour where you hide in a bush and in two minutes of action and that's just that's just not my stuff like I prefer games where like you're constantly engaged where this stuff always happening Battle Royale for me just kinda has a lot of downtime that's cool if it's your jam cuz like those high moments when they happen they're really good you know I understand why people like that my first game like I came like third because I just hidden a bush and like it was kind of funny at the end when I I just kind of came out and like oh hey there's only two other guys left they instantly killed me but like it was still kind of a cool aha moment I was like yeah okay it's those kind of entertained but same time it's like half an hour to get for that moment you know so not really my thing like for anyone who's scared about that cuz I know that is like the big thing on YouTube like hang on that's just let's just remind ourselves of how bad it is this is less like a pilgrimage we take no it's not it's not size correctly what monitor capture hang on a pilgrimage we take just to remind ourselves with tag how it's been yeah so you don't you don't ever need to worry about this kind of stuff on my channel it's pretty dire just say it at least what the what the what the you know don't worry that this this is this is the safe zone don't worry no more pleased oh gosh yeah so are you you never need to worry about that kinda stuff on my channel I have no interest and it's oversaturated I'll talk about the height of the music against these skyline things the way the thing is like I'm playing Minecraft again and like that used to be what fortnight is now minecraft used to be the thing that frickin everyone played and like you couldn't get away from but now that seems kind of settled and it's actually just a very chill game few people are still playing minecraft now it's just oh it's just the chill session and it's actually cool it's actually quite nice on carpets core is lovely just like I was you know who doesn't like like him a fortnight history on a par with a meteor [Music] gums okay alright let's get into city skylines anyway so we're not here just talking about battle royale minecraft all day okay so I want to see if I can find oh okay so this is perfect so I have now learned how to play city skylines and because I've learned how to play it I can now do much worse things than just meteors so for today we're gonna give it a go and this is this like this will be worse than a meteor strike in the city so hope you hope you guys are ready better play at the Grand River Mountain dugongs thanks for 100 bits petitioner named the city a meteor has struck the city a city name I actually actually do have one in mind and I I chose choosing this map in particular because this is going to be new Dublin the capital of Ireland we are going to recreate it in my new detail you know Joyce always said with Ulysses his novel that if the city of Dublin was destroyed you could rebuild it brick by brick from the passengers of his novel well with this city I think we're gonna arrival Joyce himself I think it's gonna be on par so let's go a Dublin has struck the meat here you're confused okay so this is a very very special map layout welcome to Dublin now this is going to be the River Liffey that is runs through the heart of the city I think I need to adjust the volume actually hang on I don't know what it is with the audio in city skylines where it's just all over the place yeah let me go in here and just adjust it but is he now it stops although now it stops all these volume things Effects chirper let's lower ambience and let's just turn music down a bit I hope that's better [Music] I don't know what it is with this game I like the audio is not well optimized is that okay that's not too loud is it I'm trying to adjust it that's the best I'm gonna be able to do never the most important thing the Guinness Storehouse Higa nice 100 bits how'd you sleep pretty well I had a good night's rest okay so this is the River Liffey there's heiress Anouk Chiron that's Michael D Higgins Shack I guess in this world President of Ireland he's just living on the outskirts I don't know why that's there we have north and the south side so how Dublin works is there's very much a big I kind of divide north and south on the north side the north side is kind of like no the north side is kind of like regular old Dublin it can be a bit rough on the north side probably the best way to put it couldn't just start off with a road here get them in on the south side though there's big thing that I know at the south side the south side is the posh side of this of Dublin where basically like this is where you have like your red brick houses all your bankers live here and I think this is kind of like a thing in Dublin and like a stigma that you can't say some of the real d4 it's slang for the Ragab site for come from this region so we're gonna hopefully be able to recreate the classified here in Dublin daddy that is the plan mostly banana thanks for subscribing so that is our plan we're going to create two halves to the city of north and south and we're gonna like pay them against each other so we're just gonna we're just gonna get them started and we're gonna keep these areas completely separate for the time being until will merge them together later on so let me just see I've actually worked out how to play this now too which helps a little goes a long way okay so we're gonna get our initial homes in for north and south we're gonna have two halves to this city so this is gonna be like one of like the weirdest builds I think we'll possibly do here there's most people when you're starting off a city in this game it's like you you just kind of start small you have one bit of the city you focus on we're doing two though simultaneously we're gonna have Norton Sam now because these sites are going to be completely cut off from each other we are going to need to make facilities on both sides of the river because they're not going to be able to reach each other just yet so we're gonna actually like shops on both sides industry on both sides because to cut off use them against each other you mean like a battery I'll know hired stuff oh is it me you know is this hello or hi o gozaimasu in Japan are you planning to go to comic market oh do you mean comic-con is that on soon I'm terribly sorry I need to brush up on my hair again katakana north-south yeah you hurt you know you guys heard me you heard me okay we're gonna need completely different facilities for both halves of the city the water goes this way so we're going to need so we need to set up two pumps then so we're gonna have on yeah we'll have one here and then we'll have one over here we need to now set up of course a side side we'll get there like pipe and first like even though there's only people living on the north side right now it's important in all parts of this play truth be true to Dublin and address the needs of the wealthy first you know I it's important I'm just being faithful for the same reason the south sides like kind of sewage pipe is just going to flow into the north side so that's gonna really reinforce the class divide we have going on here we're gonna need some more money it's linked up all that will it'll be a burger land I'm asking for a fresh then we plenty of burger lands on the north side don't worry plenty of burger lands potato aux thanks for subscribing Ritchie you can change what side of the road the driver the driver on the left currently which is which is fine ok so we can eat we now have we have that we're now going to need power so you know the north side their power is of course was going to be the coal plant and it's gonna tear down a little Timmy's house here we go get this all linked up so they're gonna have the coal plant and this outside meanwhile is going to have lovely clean renewable energy you know because because because the wealthy how this works now wait that Idol is right oh hang on no I got the cold flat on the south side oh no the game flipped around hang on no we need we used to reading to remove everything oh no I did the pipes wrong to the south sides now the slums now hang on we gotta we have to fix this [Music] hang on oh this is gonna cost money to move okay well move those around there hang on I need to fix this I did this is a disaster already wait now that won't weigh is the water going no if the water is still wrong I'm cuz that's the sewage pipe hang on okay this no this needs to go here and then this needs to go here okay let's pipe this up again [Music] okay there we go we need to label that's the north side well that that's the south side this is the north side we need to make this clear okay we've lost a lot of money and how are we loose okay hang on I I need ya we've almost failed okay get out North Side you're just gonna have to make do we just need things online Oh dad that the power isn't even reading okay there we go okay we have all that implemented we need to take out a bank loan I'll bolt just powers out a premium no that's spending more no cut it down cut it down and cut it down it's not rates see Matt we're spending okay we need some industry fast they're gonna leave unless we do something okay well just unsewn this set up the factories it's just the north side we don't care we don't care about City Planning for this half of the city no one's moved into the south side yet okay just just set up the factories we're starting to remake some money they have a sewage problem what do you mean they have a sewage problem why isn't the sewage pipe online it should be oh no it just took them home to kick in okay you can label your district soon when that happens do that yeah I'd really need to we'll get it soon and then we'll be able to keep track of noir consumption you know sad side is just appreciated in the land right now they don't know I don't care too much oh there's no water oh come on Northside do I have to do everything a Northside has more line and that's how we remember it no one is moving into the Southside at all okay well at least we have the in the industry addressed so that's just okay let's just make some shots they need them too this could cause some traffic problems later but - you know that's not our concern this is the north side you know greeted by the lovely the beautiful coal factory which I hear is a great sustainable resource you know my god people are investing in a totally oh you know it's good okay and we need to make sure that all a very important aspect is that all the street names are up to date so this will be Finnigan Street myself Finnegan hey we'll call this finis Jin Street Oh how do you spell Finnegan Mountain dugongs next 100 bits the lense to over these disgusting passes you live in the north is disappointed superior sediments rock man how's it going as all thanks to 100 bits that even subjugate that people correctly go back to village school huh Keegan thanks for 100 as well fennekin of people at fish again no guys okay Finnegan Finnegan Finnegan Street and then we'll make this one fin eg Street we must replicate the class divided in all aspects we have Finnigan Street and finis G perfect we we need them to come into the Southside for some reason they don't want to live here swatters why aren't they coming in Randall the fiber with it thanks to subscribing maybe if I give them some shops I need people to move in on the Southside Northside is just pulling all the work right now I'm a complaint at the Donald water but look I don't okay well it's not it's not like this outside need at this windmill anyway I'm not even gonna use it sell this off yeah it doesn't give me the money oh this is a disaster I can't even summon a meteor yeah there's not enough people there Pierce quite your scooper I have to say I kind of like earthquakes the last time I experienced one I got rid of my back pain and got ready churned butter hashtag my favorite disaster who thinks like this oh god damnit new Dublin's already ended now we're not making any money oh wait the Southside they're moving in ah thank god were saved the rich people have moved into our town we're not over yet we're getting them in they have no electricity no water you know the really I'm breathing treated as well as the Northside right now we know they do have water oh wait no they don't I don't have money to relocate that though okay let's try this again and not freaking screw up the plumbing because we lost so much money there uh okay so this is gonna be new Dublin - let's turn over cuz we made a right mess with those pipes okay so we have to remember this is the north side this is the south side I have to like not rotate my camera at all and like we need to mark these things like soon so we just bring in the road for a moment put that off there put that in there for the side side but in here we're gonna do the same bring out the road Connect that across bring it across this way for the north side okay let's start getting people in do them in equal measures we have people moving in hopefully on both halves of the city what we can do just to get us started is we can just use one pipe system of course that's industry so that glass to pop that on but you know we'll pop the pipe system on this side and then we'll pop the sewage pipe on the other side because that's how it would work and I can build true there animo thank you for subscribing yeah there we go oh we got water and we got sewage we'll put we'll start by making just a coal plant on the north side and this will fuel the city for a while because we need to at least get stuff started I think okay butch can cast oh that's such a nice hard to do it that way though can we just parity separately I'm gonna try power them separately there we go okay the North's gonna have a lot more power so probably gonna focus on building in the north for now people are moving in though seems like deja vu I'm just not feeling too I don't know one of this okay so hopefully they move in on the south side soon cuz we need some people there everything is now powered they have water we just need to extend the pipe a bit more there we go and we can starts again in the first bit of industry we just pop a road in here now we don't need good city planning on the north side because like you know who cares these people are poor so we're just gonna we're just gonna build willy-nilly I didn't have the expenses for the world's greatest architecture there he goes we'll just get a circle of industry in there we'll get some shops are that is a great country i all right side is pollution side well do you all we have to replicate the class device that's how it works you know we have the Docklands [Music] it's it Rishta live crystallized and [Music] dean oaks nice was thanks this is funny it's like Christmas thanks to the house sorry wrong [Music] why people say an F oh well I do [Music] the music is a bit spooky [Music] when you get districts bond smoking on the north side okay as people are just like freaked out about the music apparently okay [Music] well you people people are just spamming it now okay alright well let's get this let's get this side set up de-skilling they need some plumbing for now there we go get that all in will install the pipes kind of like laying out a red carpet the royalty of course is going to move in soon how we doing on the power front oh these freaking they could build some shops there they can transfer the electricity but they're being like frickin Muppets right now I got to make more pylons okay that's right that should hopefully transfer the electricity yeah okay they're powered now okay so we have all the industry set up we have to fast-forward a bit until we're in the green it does look like we're doing or not doing wealth well more people are moving in though gosh it's actually not terrible right now and what I can do here you can put in another bit of housing oh we have the economy panel unlock now as well cool we have budget fine make the nor drink only sewage with ideas the plan in the long run I won't like a full-scale class divide in these two halves like we're gonna fill this all with the industry and everything that's horrible and then we're just gonna have like a lovely fields and homes that side of the river and the nice thing is we can like grow this out to like for the side side we can buy blocks to left the north side we can plot buy a block to the right and so the river will constantly divide them it's a fancy side be a tourist attraction oh of course don't worry they're gonna Nick all the good buildings okay we have a little hamlet like like I I have to give these sides like this side some things right now but down the road what we're gonna do like these guys at the clinic South Side's gonna get the hospital like these guys aren't going to have fun that's how it's going to work we have to give them a clinic these guys are just gonna have to dump like just literally just wedged in between everything it's right next to clinic and schools next to go dump you know [Music] it's just like dumpling [Music] no one's moved in oh wait what is this oh I spoke too soon the first rich people have moved in the south side has been formed look at this okay we now need to get these guys power well I can just do oh we don't have money for that okay we'll just do that for now that's a bit of an eyesore we can click we can delete that lighter just sort of time beam to get them started it's kind of necessary it split in some more houses next to the dump to means like a good location for him I think it seems you get the districts you can taxes the rich side more but that's not how class division works I should tax the poor people more he's it dying you're just like very naive when it comes to this city planner I'll have you know we gotta give tax cuts to the side side that's how it works in the real world oh did Jesus okay we're in the green tired to make money a wordy village we now have districts oh boy let's get the large brush though is this half of the city that's the north side is half of the city the sad side od for Oh now I would just say we'll just call it this outside inside a d4 we'll go we'll go over call them it's outside all right side ok so policies they would be metered but that cost money right now they wouldn't have smoke alarms it will give this outside smoke alarms north side doesn't get topping 2k thanks to subscribe okay yeah it's impossible to set like different kinds of tax just yet or are we at that stage Oh your Taxation yeah it's coming up okay we'll be able to set taxes soon don't worry don't you worry I'll build up another pipe here cuz I'm probably gonna build a road here too like so you know the north side is gonna be hives except from overpopulation too so we got to get more houses here land is not a premium on the south side you know currently it's a hell of a commute if you want to get to work cuz you got to go all the way around but you know that's the choice these people make presumably they just leave in their private jets to get to work you know okay we're doing pretty good we we could use some more factories I'm gonna spot a couple of people have working lungs that's not good so let's just get some more in district I will make this as close to the homes as possible there we go satellites doing well they have a bit of a traffic problem oh they're just parked on the side of the road that's a bad place to park pro tip just for IRL folks don't parking like the entrance to the motorway it's a terrible idea Park on this street don't park on this one throw a meteor to fix traffic I don't think that's how you solve traffic I'm going to be honest ok so once again we're gonna we have all the small stations for the north side like we're gonna have a single police clinic or police station we're gonna have a single fire station but thanks to the fire for that we're gonna have a fire house with the fire stations gonna be on the side side it's basically how it works for everything here so Northside will get all the small little bits butts outsides gonna get the real fancy stuff how we're planning what I want to do when we get enough money to when we can start taking out a few loans oh wow - already okay I'm gonna get a roach that now connects to two so that we have like we can cross the bridge oh good so the pollutions already starting to kick in so that's good okay and the best way to sort of symbolize the transition I think you're going from north to south is you just drive past a water treatment plant and then like approach the sewage pipe I think that's the best way to market there we go and let's just Stokes are you kidding me ah here this is what happens when you got a like on a cater to this outside very possible to satisfy always unhappy you know there we go [Music] beautiful the bridge is made so now both sites can kind of transition across as needs be we have some new services I'm logical these people are complaining about a lack of water free capacitor II all right just install out there power is fine across the grid there okay and they need a little firehouse there too there we go let's get that in we do we have an elementary school I thought we both a school next to a dump oh no that's the medical clinic did we not build a school oh no that was that was the old one that we have to reset okay well give these guys a regular school then where can we put this we put this Bob we put this next to the clinic put this across the road from the clinic to the next to the dump of course there we go see they're all happiness [Music] so South Side's looking pretty good you know good clean air provided by the coal power fund okay we need more shops okay well we happen to have some space there you might as well use it again we don't really care much for City Planning in the north side it can be like all over the place like you know you'll get what you pay for it's your fault for being poor so we're just gonna toss it down tiny town cool you got some more money for that let me just put that out there that out there again we really don't care about these people so let's just pop out there pop that there there we go oh we can make parks are cool we'll start doing those for the Southside yes thank you for pointing that out the Southside is in desperate need what's the most expensive one here a Japanese garden [Music] thanks for pointing that out yeah you're right there was a woeful lack of parks about gee thanks for the hundred bits your poor live in the north just stop being poor exactly that someone gets it Olympics n and subscribe as well see I don't know what it is with the ingame volume it is all over the place I'm gonna lower it a bit more there we go [Music] and a beautiful day in North Dublin oh we can fan some more factories here - clumsy me missing the opportunity if we just tear down this built that road I was there we can actually squeeze in a couple of homes eat that housing - man you know I'd be a fisherman our space [Music] there we go some reason everyone's entering the city from the south circuit another entered from both sides right now Rockman thanks to no 200 time to introduce the North Shore newest policy cry that's a political decision let's introduce crime in the north that's how that works oh no I'm talking about Dublin by the way but not now that now talking about a norse insanity Ireland joking with the city of Dublin itself as an FYI I don't make that clear air quality lung cancer well you should have thought about that before deciding to become poor exactly sastra not that's how it is that's all God you've caught an illness from the smoke and died that's your fault for being poor it's how the world works [Music] okay we're doing good we have a lot of money that we could spend in the north so let's just go back to the south and let's see if we can get something to treat see that's good they don't even need the high school right now but we're gonna give them just the high school anyway cuz you know the south side let's just extend this along here luckiest duck thanks for subscribe how's it going okay we're gonna I'm fertile for this side we're gonna make a very neatly organized district a little neighborhood in here like a lovely little pocket you know cuz you want to avoid like kind of traffic on the main road you know you might want a bit of privacy so don't worry we're gonna make a lovely little estate here it's gonna have it's very own high school pop that in here and then you know we're gonna be very delicate we're gonna get the brush tool let's get some nice couple of nice houses here just to get them like close to school you know so you don't have to walk far and then we're gonna just kind of get some brush in there and then we're gonna make like a nice little corner shop here Oh silly me I accidentally brush over some of that let me just undo those yeah a nice little kind of shop on the corner so you don't have to go fire you know to get food a little bit more housing yeah you know we'll God I can make some choice for the shops like this is my good nice little corner shop again if the brush is so delicate there we go let's go back to the north side [Music] more factories [Music] there we go there we go City Planning at its finest Oh doing good Southside's looking beautiful so nice right now there's a lovely little hamlet we check the land value well that's a little too much blue here know what's going on we just need more parks I guess well that's cuz they have like the single fire station in that okay I thought well we'll get them yet officially those four hundred pits RT has the best life advice if you a depressed just stop if your leg is broke and walk it off if you're poor it's your own fault god bless Artie I'm just so smart I like to solve in the world's problems you know just a talented man as a knack for working out all the intricacies of life [Music] you're hungry and there's no food in the house go to McDonald's problem solved [Music] always make some lovely cheese as well this again like a lid you zone out like a natural edge to the land this will hopefully keep the barking pleasure it's just beautiful you know that like we can just like Iraq this before the south side just raise that land back so we have a bit more separation [Music] like out you bring the protesters from wikisource those children in Africa oh just go to McDonald's problem-solve yep you're absolutely right sastra no world hunger solved overnight his get a Big Mac get some chicken McNuggets problem solved no more issues [Music] should go on record saying that I have of course joking before I get into trouble now in dugongs is the north cone to pay for that lovely wall well we don't pay taxes on the south side so what do you think that'll gamer thanks for giving us up to the creep slime very kind you okay let's see if we can adjust it to do I want to work out streets no that's the main menu nope districts I want to wear I want to sort out uh different taxes how do I do that policy oh we're not quite there yeah we need a little more population I saw okay I guess we'll just set it's 13 every year for now we'll get the policy later and then we'll just lower taxes for this outside that's the plan astronaut thanks her get never gifted sub fates bird thank you very much I only wooden subscriber only mode - was there a lot of spam earlier the I somehow missed [Music] seems like it unfortunately yeah we already have a firehouse I don't know why it's telling me there's already a firehouse here isn't emergency services yeah there it is we know we have two police stations oh god we really don't trust the Northside if you think we need two police stations already okay well let's get them a fire station I might be handy yeah you can turn the child off of sub-only mode if the mrs. Fonzie stuff it was kind of dodgy before [Music] chatez emulate what is happening okay so you all the subs live on the south side and everyone else on the north side oh no no that's not good why are they moving in here also no we need some more housing [Music] the war between north and south and my twitch chat right now trying to lay down in bed my pet the dogs need the entire bed and push you to have the litter on the very edge but that's what dogs are you know they gotta sleep in the bed it's important it's an under bed to the deer it hope you doing [Music] there we go we're doing really well can I spawn natural disasters - ah her fish oh we still have like the intensity 25 mod as well so we got to be careful okay let's just destroy some precious land here and just have like a lovely sinkhole [Music] just get the line and quality up a spinel thanks for the gift of soap - Ryan that's very kind [Music] get that going there you know it's all in the little details very important I'll pay back our loan to get that out of the way we now make more per per tick pretty good [Music] we have it all we have some new people moving into the lovely little hamlet we made over here so nice they have the high school everything they could want education I'm all throughout the hospital here soon to you know look lovely makes it like the Japanese garden geologists predict that it has the North to traffic starting to get kind of bashers a sinkhole has occurred somewhere in the city stay out of harm's way and contacts parties with any information oh no we hit a pipe oh god damn it I didn't mean for that to happen all the road for the police station just let's just move the police station destroy these homes keep the police station work I'll do everything around it let's repair those roads we we need to do something about the traffic problem that's currently unfolding how about that [Music] maybe that'll help relieve the Edit [Music] you're in a Cornell how's it going yes I'm surprised you still up hope you Street my end too well last night if we have the pothole in the north oh now they have no power in the side now hang on then this is important hang on no okay boomtown yep pause the game the Southside is struggling with some power well do you know I've been looking in the budget and I think we can erect like at the new fancy renewable energy system so let's pop that in there that should hopefully leave any problems I apologize for the inconvenience on the south side you know I have the responsibility as mayor to ensure only the best for my citizens again I humbly apologize how will you guys stop whining about the same quality bill Wallace likes to subscribe and real sastra those larger bits I look away for a better idea this happens I was so disappointed [Music] it's fine you know we're gonna we're gonna do this make this like a feature in the town let's spill at the road around the sinkhole hair down that man's home yeah so now you can live okay it's kind of like having like a playground you know just live next to the sink oh yeah like your kids complete kids can I have so much fun just playing in there build some house they're loud yeah sorry the ingame volume for this is poorly optimized the music has these moments where it just gets really really loud and like the rest of time is fine like now it's okay you know I turn it down any lower like you you can't even hear it it just has these like random high notes where it's really freaking loud okay now just in case something happens you know Safety's of our utmost concern we're gonna build an emergency disaster shelter for for this outside here let's just pop that in so don't worry in case something bad ever happens there's safe zone I put it on this side streets so it's easy to access so that's fine we don't need one over in Cole gang fight [Music] fill in hole of water is quite expensive yeah it is you know so we're just gonna leave it open you know Legos of this guy he lucked out look at the size of his back garden you know do you play like a like effectuate you will catch with your kids I just run back and forth look at all the space we've given them no it's absolutely wonderful [Music] I have to just turn anything in volume or because it's getting too loud too frequently if the devs ever see these streams you need to do something about the sidetrack it has too many high notes it just gets like obnoxiously loud at times just a little heads up now the side side needs a new dump they're struggling with the rubbish problem but we can just put this in here go in the Nano dump now we seem to be struggling with this bridge right now hang on okay I think I think we need to upgrade the roads yeah we need to do something about this okay well let okay let me pause the game for a moment I'm gonna take out this loan we're gonna build I'm gonna build some bigger roads here we don't actually destroy it we could just make like a new way what do we need six lane roads six lane roads could be really good yeah we'll pop that there it's the new that's the new bridge hopefully alleviate some traffic and then we're gonna now the cars will be fine don't don't worry too much here I'm gonna catch them with the new road there we go we're a bit short on money so I can't save them all but that's ok see they'll find their way back you know a guy I have full confidence in them to just make their way back look at the hotdog van right here you knows where he's going like so doing fine Carly and yo Yi thank you for subscribing hope you enjoying the stream and we have this lovely new road hopefully alleviate some of the traffic concerns though happiness your citizens are unhappy oh oh no they don't have electricity we need another coal plant are you kidding me wait well ok get rid of laughs dump for now we can't really afford it did I have water over here yet I have water I'm just complaining about the power can't afford another coal plant what am I supposed to do okay well what we can do we can no that's our own power we can't funnel that okay well we can just do is we can just destroy all the winters hair that in their homes and we'll just make that line free so that counteracts the power problem Rob soft he's the guys think of everything here okay now that's used the real money that we had to extend out the bridge further okay so we're almost there with this I think freshwater is basic stuff what do you mean me all these guys I don't really have much in the budget I'll get water for summer yeah I hope the rest you understand you know I gave you a big hole it's just that just two houses on the edge [Music] [Music] hey God I'm solving so many problems today [Music] let it rain the whole fill up with water exactly right that's why I don't understand why the complain now let's see if I can get some reduced taxes for the rich [Music] well what does that do hang on how do I policies how population's 7,500 okay can't do it yet we're getting there what a sewage dumpster in the sinkhole we'll fill up with sewage that's a great idea okay I'll do that want to have some more money I was gonna build a new school but you know if we can have the ship hit you know you gotta prioritize it's important yeah we're just waiting to get another bridge the bridge is having a lot of trouble like connecting I don't know why it's lowers there for some reason hang on okay we get we got to fix this not by a natural disaster landscaping keys get rid of that there we go that should hopefully solve all traffic problems like we've had a nice little blip in the road in case of floods a we now tack up build a population always handy [Music] [Applause] nagura cryo they Gore a saira baby thank you for the thousand bits hope you enjoying the stream thank you very much they don't have power why are they all complaining about power they have a coal power plant we're gonna need a second coal power plant soon can't believe this I want to drive over that yeah it's fun for all the family and you know a slightly tilt to the left so that you kind of dip that way okay this may be a problem I think we still need to solve the traffic thing going on here because yeah that this we need to like extend this road all the way out okay well let's solve it for temporarily at least by just cutting off this road so that way the rich don't have to worry about traffic they'll all flow in from the north side entrance now let's just pop a bandaid on it there before we can afford the highway now why they all dying okay well let's get a graveyard I guess I was there there you go whitey always having problems in the north side I just don't know what's wrong with them destroy their homes need fund more in your power yeah I guess I'm gonna have to oh no it seems okay now ah because those people died her fish problem solved now we don't even spend morning i Tito died because they're poor this should be obvious no the probably just complained that the bins aren't coming off and enough I don't see what the real problem is you know classified doesn't exist despite the evidence you see here and it shows the cost of I clearly exist it's just a fabricated mission you know you just hear people complain about a point someone asked a bad guy it's not real inequality isn't real it doesn't exist in the real world come on guys but a love of God don't take any of these quotes out of context as a writer across the old Pacific any better it's a bit better today because it's a freaking typhoon hit most I feel a bit cooler I've overall pretty bad in general okay III gotta give these bunch of cowboys we have to give them some of our power they won't stop complaining I'll cut that off later for the time being let's just extend out the road and you know what we can do is we actually have a chance to reevaluate some of our previous decisions so before the met the high street was kind of noisy it was kinda like towards the houses so what I can now do is I can just move it further away like look at this like we can just pop it over here now instead like now you now you don't have to worry about it we need to get rid of that for a moment - there we go so now the really wealthy don't have to worry about that on this street at all then out there's no like a different way or focus to go we do still need a way for them to come in though so what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up a lovely little side street coming off the road here four ways you know just so we don't have any traffic problems now that'll help out I'll just destroy this piling temporarily and we can just rebuild it gotta give these guys our fricken power soon we can cut ourselves off not be good can't wait for that day once the engines the other has an exit yep no don't worry I'm fully aware we are solving that problem you know don't worry I will not disappoint as mayor and we can connect this up here and now we can just make some like little side streets so they can get in easier there we go are they all complaining about the bins still oh they need a cemetery here of course we must honor the dead let's just pop this help this here [Music] [Music] it's why the rich having so many problems now what's happening in our power oh this is cuz we gave some power to the Norse I knew I knew this was a mistake there are now having trouble because these freaking guys up here are safe I knew it was such a mistake [Music] they'll just have to sort out their own problems you know tough it out I can't be the one to do everything hey man you ever play D&D oh thanks before the tree creepy Phil shark yeah I have epi one of our mods here hosted D&D campaign for us D&D is really cool they need a dump I was hoping that I could just like kind of wait until we get the incineration plant but okay we're gonna make this as a temporary thing and then what we can do later is we can just get rid of this because I I don't want this on this side I'll pop it there there we go that that should hopefully solve most of the rubbish problems I need a golden bin does that solve it if I fast forward yeah that's cash in it now okay there's demand for more industry now these guys are complaining about power again now what am I supposed to do if I can make these then we'd all have power for the south side I'd you know that's the real issue rock my own things we're hundred bits early as well you ignored the save time for a new Lord in my hair Phoenix wolf thanks for 100 bits well I what heart-rending thing you're doing today we're just creating class division you know nothing new oh look at these lovely homes that have settled in here next to the factories it looks so nice yeah everything's going well over there only sell it alone of power okay well at least we're putting in the factories you know because that's where the power needs to go I mean build this kind of close to this road here do I need to pop that down a peg there there we go we need some more industry get that in now we'll need some pipes with that you know they're all gonna be mad at me otherwise yeah we go and now with the money we have left ah the slopes too steep guys well you could just put this pipe like anywhere always the school hey guys they have a school over here yeah where do we put the school Gracie I can't find it I can't find the school at the school that's the prospector Isis I want to put there there's the school [Music] hey where is the guy yeah it's a little job [Music] bass is already occupied all week I'm struggling together then [Music] sherline recommended they say just connect that up oh yeah well we okay we know we need to fix that now we can't keep that we can't we can't keep this we just flip the entire north side oh oh faster doc thanks for the 1200 bits everywhere Artie destroys entire city registry I was flying the log cough it was freakin 1,200 bits after all things like that's really kind talk about those four five hundred bits as well he says with my hash tags difficult age I can't believe it let you do that like that is so so stupid hey no we have to move we have to move that back okay someone's already built in on the side of this who in the right mind well you know the land was just ten meters deep and but the light the property value was pretty low well that's why I'm gonna move in my family here of all places who is this one guy the Emerson residence they moved in immediately and they're unhappy here no kiddin you're unhappy I don't blame you okay let's just let's just zone them all back in safe now guys okay I'll tear down that house is teeny I build a big boy home oh my god that's just too funny well I wasn't the school that was the medical clinic where is this school then oh there's the school uh you know is the right place for the sewage pipe the clinic's right there they're gonna be fine yeah I have to just do I have to just do this again because like otherwise we're just gonna have unhappiness problems and like what will stagnate and go into decline or something it does me I need to build like an another generator for these guys because now they're gonna be unhappy citizens are sick oh I'm gonna build a hospital I just need more money oh they're still freaking complaining that they're all underwater like come on guys it's just 10 meters of shake you know that bad they'll clean it up in due time meanwhile the SATs eyes doing very well right now this thing's are quite sick crime rate is high in the Southside what is going on what was crime rate it's supposed to be high in the north side not the Southside okay well let's just relocate a police station for now we have to keep them happy [Music] a raw sewage student having us hit the city okay sound sides not looking too good right now either so we need to kind of give them some more stuff oh my god and there's still complaining about the frickin sewage guys it was a pretty entertaining joke like just liven up have you no sense of humor well the cars are able to push through it fine a guy in his bike just rides through it no right to complain Oh God let's just get some more factories before they find something to complain about honest to god put them in there too you know just squeeze them in whenever we can demand is quite high right now this is just no pleasing some people doing my very best 9 a functioning City now let's just make the traffic problem worse Here I am hopping in a few more homes [Music] there we go [Music] - which fit these RT is a great idea after that uh I think we're gonna have to hold off a bit I will try soon but the damages are too high that's wait till we make some more money we need to get people moved in a crime scene crackdown we saw off the graveyard here I guess because well I mean they're getting sick on that side of the city and no one seems to be complaining over here so you know I'm just gonna relocate the clinic for now [Music] so I care about the well-being of my citizens there we go once we get the hospital I'll put that over there we can move the clinic back give them the hand-me-down you know oh if I'm smart about this hang out hang out oh look at that efficient piping save some money we need Smith Street we can make we'll make the bridge Smith Street both of them there we go you have the Smits treats hey things are starting to really look up now there's still some slight traffic problems oh there turn turning in here just to get out of the city too so I need to get rid of that [Music] this is they're just turning in there and I don't want them turning in there that's supposed to be like the high road for the rich guys No and what we can just do is if we have a plan that's just destroyed well just remodeling those guys weren't really rich [Music] get rid of that yeah we need to put that in there for now okay there we go yep so they have it they have a sooner a better opening now and we can do that but now they're not like flooding in here no I want to keep the traffic away flappy boy thanks guys they're complaining about power problems now okay oh wait we have oh my god oh thank god we can just build another coal power plant in here well we moved the clinic so we might as well pop it here [Music] our problems solved what's the name of the subscriber son Blackpool from the Harry Hill it's a classic local government doing anything to stop the fires you're talking about there's no fires though land value that's supposed to read the point guys it what's the cheap I'll give them a bouncy castle everyone gets off my case what a bouncy castle look it's right next to the sinkhole - hopefully that keeps people content got they're gonna need more bouncy castles okay let's just get some bouncy castles I guess destroy that man's home cuz you all want a bouncy castle there we go bouncy castles for everyone why is he using the European built-in models there's European built models is that an option is actually a thing you can do I temperatures Celsius I'm actually really curious now yeah is the European building Matos where do I access those it's a maps name when you select my oh okay I had no idea yeah we can't change it now of course if I start it now that's really cool though [Music] I'm using them already huh oh yeah I kind of that's more American yet the panel houses aren't really European some of them are though like that's European that that's more American like and that's American to [Music] European will be more like bricks Borden and still a couple of them that seem to be slipping on true it's kind of there he's one seem to be very much European you see that how she's littered about the place well the air is heavily polluted it and we're covered in sewage for at least we have bouncy exactly I know I'm so much happier now we're making so much more money that was a good call if you ask me we have the power problem sort it I think it's time to move in some more rich people it's rich people are the best kind of people love that that row just nourishes violently probably don't need there's a massive highway anymore for them but you know just in case it never hurts you go pop that in there that in there [Music] loaf of squeeze for two months I promise you if 32 isn't a number okay I hope that promise thank you very much for two months the Southside is doing really good only a couple of houses that have to be torn down two in the north side but finally starting to like Notre place which is great these guys are still complaining about there being no water I don't want I'm not building a pipe just you two guys get the bulldozer it's not moving in here it's not worth it you know I like leeches yeah you give them one thing you give them a working toilet in one room they just ask for a working toilet in the matoran impossible to please yeah let's just make some side streets here a lot of people can access more industry Marty doesn't read your message about Harry Hill's version of taking on me and you want to message again but you don't want to get in trouble for spam oh no I already know about that one I don't worry if I miss something genuinely and you want to get my attention like you can repeat it a few times just sometimes like the chat moves so quickly as it's just actually impossible to catch a message it's just one of the new things we've had to adjust err because I like the size of the streams now like even at a glance like let's see like there's 1,300 people here you know like that's insane literally a month ago it would have been like a thousand less just ask Ally I just want those things that happens you know I still do my best all right though Liz Oni how's it going here's 200 bits keep being entertaining thank you very much good to see you again I want to get the waterfront here I set up some lovely factories over looking at how's outside doing oh no water I humbly apologize you know let me just efficient piping for all of my citizens there we go I should satisfied our needs whichever you sims 3 create a world to make a town we could download um I don't know what that is create a role - can you share save games in Tim stream [Music] it's not afford the hospital emergency shelter you don't really need that one though Oh tank reservoir we could get that for some excess water we probably want some extra power more than anything right now with some clean renewable energy well this outside probably be able to cut off to provide again soon to the mother you change your current map steamed up it's called environment changer fishing you can use mod called build themes green cities okay I'll have to look those up and I'm very unfamiliar with the mounts for this the only one I've been able to find is disaster mulch that was important you know I'm I'm jus gone six 400 pits your child goes to a terrible school dying from pollution gets mud and the house burn Sam that's okay just send it to the bouncy castle park exactly it's no reason to be sad venom cause thanks wonder bits as well it'd be a real shame if something disasters happened in the Northside wouldn't it I have yeah we have a disaster in a while I I really like how the sinkhole turned out with all these homes I've like built up let's get another one seems like the nicest parsh um let's see so it's kind of like the middle radius that sinks that's what strategically we can place one over here and then we can maybe build around it no I don't like that one little sinkhole ah perfect if we place it here an important there is a I was just some some nerds house [Music] it's popped out there I really liked the sinkhole I think it really brings out the land [Music] next time named a city for destroyers oh no that's fast forward a bit so we're in we're very much in the green now actually I know that's not fast for anymore I need to just make more houses I think I just meet the housing demand as we go we haven't had more people moving into the slums in a while so we're gonna get on that little that the road here get them their water pipe because they'll complain at our lies there we go [Music] this is a sick Oh God we're gonna need to clinics okay fine wait no they have a minute oh yeah how they sick we already have two medical clinics they've yeah I'll know they're just complained hey I don't need it you fine [Music] the bridge between your bridges [Music] geologists yeah this thing's like a good use the taxpayer money [Music] that's the best but bridge we can build will that work there we go let's just make this stuff more efficient a sinkhole has occurred somewhere in the city stay out of harm's way and contact authorities with any information doesn't occur just yeah no no need to get ahead of yourself anyways a sinkhole it didn't even occur I here why is my I was robbed I wanted my land feature come on game if it's trying to stop me from doing it or something up with that let's just build some more houses here I guess if it's not happening being safe effective sinkhole yeah I really like this new road network unlooked it's like a single guy using it was worth the 20,000 dollars the cost is this guy not have water you kidding me this guy's complaining because like a toilet at the back of his house doesn't work you know we do for the winters Hiroto [Music] per single got expanded for some reason oh yeah it's just deeper net we just made it a bigger sinkhole I think it may have taken one or two homes with it I don't I think there were some houses there but I mean it's only like it was only like tree houses you know that's not too many people dead that's not really evil if you think about it he ends justify the means you know yeah we can buy some new line but this plate that this place isn't populated enough yet so we're gonna make it more crowded at first and what I need to do here is like actually resolve the traffic issue we have because this is getting messy too so we need to do this similar to like the side side we do actually need to address this I'm gonna cut those off cut that off there we go I need to rewrite this so that the traffic flows smoother we're just trying to get out of the city here more than anything it seems so what I can do is if I extend this out yeah I need to move the coal plant that's okay you know we can just move it like closer to the family so they get power faster there we go solves another issue there we go so this will just transport them out now that's pretty good now what we can do is probably still make a side route here actually I think about it cuz we want to access the industry there that's fine this gives just a fast lane again now I still need to make a better way into the city [Music] ship it ship that ship that ship that shipment Oh No Oh guys we're not doing it yet we need to make more money if you guys can ease up on the spam have your on your best behavior okay you're on your best behavior from this point on I will do it at the end I will do it later in the string but you gotta behave no spam okay no spam okay dad okay how do I raise the land so what I'm gonna try do here is I'm gonna make like a bridge or something I want to make it sort of like the the road goes up and then we just loop it back in that way people can still get in [Music] Paige up thank you ah perfect okay though I need to do there a way to do it like while I'm dragging a dress [Music] okay this this is gonna look messy just bear with me for a moment as we set this up okay this is going to work it's just gonna oh we don't enough money let's take out a loan the freaking bouncy castle park is currently stopping the construction well you get yeah now we have to choose between destroying like precious industry or just poor people homes so I mean it's not his choice yep there we go so one factory or a house you know which one we choose so now we just need to lower the bridge again I can lower it the here this is going to work okay you just gotta bear with me oh Jesus I are k6e thankful - five quid you shall make the ship hit now hashtag you gotta behave yeah it's important real sastra thanks for 500 bits as well make sure they hit the south side with a meteor how dare they have more money than other people also stop spending money on roads you don't need well if this is an important purchase to alleviate traffic problems okay we need this road right this is a very important project just lower that [Music] okay and let's just unleash hell on earth upon this one neighborhood by connecting it there there we go we solve the traffic problem cardinal for the wind thanks to subscribing how's it going I forgot about the park no I destroyed the park that was the fun oh I need to reconnect the wahoo we're gonna have a problem with sewage here otherwise there we go get that back on the grid know what yeah stop compliant nope it's coming back online guys it's coming back online no need to worry they're all freaking out it's just cuz the sewage blocked for like a day perfectly fine there we go as Valles - thanks - subscribe hope you enjoyed the stream yet fine Road anarchy lets you build like a tu 90 degree roads I'll get that for the next time what I'll do for the next time we do a city I'll get a bunch of mods installed that sounds like it could be really fun let's try that one Shack bro that house this guy's complaining cuz he has no water yeah everything's good everything is doing well if you're out if you don't behave about the ship it I'm not gonna do it ease up on the spot there's still some of you're doing it I'll turn the car right around I'll cover up the pit I will remove the pit I'm warning a young man gotta behave got to be on your best behavior you got to get A's in school if you feel mad I swear to god we're not going to the ship it okay we need some more shops interestingly I haven't really had to mind for them and come up in a while I'll start on fire there but it's being sorted okay well let's make like a lovely well not lovely I guess it is the north side let's just make some shops you know give him a Tesco or something isn't it our population is in decline other than the Cline oh they want more houses okay well we can build more houses too what we can do we now have this stretch of land well that's the wrong one there we go them live under the underpass [Music] and you do a co livestream the killin experience I've never I've yet to actually watch killing experiences videos I don't really know who he is heard good things though as far as code streams are concerned the next well I'm kind of okay with just doing my own thing there's like there's a couple of friends and like kind of mates that like I'd rather stream at first I think rather than just you know someone I don't really know like I still want to do like a Mario Kart stream will and sleeve it I think that would be great fun stuff like that garbage is piling up okay well I guess you know we can squeeze a dump in the new shopping district outside needs shops and in general more attention thus outside is doing fine they have the corner shops they're doing great here I'm gonna build a like a lovely shopping district but I'm waiting until we can get like high density stuff mercial zone ah it's gonna be a while though okay may all right the next shopping center the next shopping district I'm gonna go over here we're just gonna extend the road out a little bit and you know we're gonna be very careful with the lines like it not nothing and too extravagant here measure this out you know and what we can do is if we cross this over here how we have a lovely little zone for shops [Music] there we go [Music] all in the details and we'll get a little shopping district set up for this outside strains been gone for two hours at disasters you miss the sinkholes man I don't know what to tell you these guys want a pipe there we go shopping district over here we'll also need some pipes there we go there we just need to get more people in and then we're doing well satellites looking good North side's looking a lot like the north side let's speed up a bit [Music] and we need to get some more facilities oh I forgot to mention as well because we haven't had a stream since well like since this is out it at the blender remote is now alive Chloe finished it last night I live on the channel so we have our tea game blender for those who weren't aware [Music] pressing my luck Masada so I could do it some more parks ah no yeah you're right that hasn't been extravagant enough lately [Music] let's just get like a meteorite park or [Music] Punk out right there no lovely that is the lazarette Plaza just let's just make like everything like just really nice for these guys walk fat there that need a statue needs water how does that work okay we'll give a water I'm as confused as everyone else why does that need water it's just tree some bins and pinches oh wow demand for houses just shot through the roof okay all right well let's do some urban planning on both sides of the city then we can squeeze in some more houses here on the north side and we can finish off this little corner let's just extend this road out there we go yeah that should be a lovely new district [Music] okay hopefully that means the demand [Music] I'll start putting in pipes will just be a bit loose with this yeah I should do [Music] okay hopefully that means the hi I was in demand from them Northside is looking pretty packed I do say so I'm still complaining about being sick but like the haunted clinic there's no right to I guess if they're so sick we might as well just pop in a second graveyard there we go that is no excuse if you can't get rid of the dead okay Southside looking good lovely as always busy town city planning policies oh we can make roads with trees oh my god the hospital we can finally open it - oh we just unlocked so much stuff we should probably pack our loans I Who am I kidding let's live a little you know enough of the hospital oh we don't not for anything [Music] okay well we can't afford any of that but I can make a lovely Pavillion I'll die in there all the little details like tennis courts you make some new parks we can make a tropical garden oh we got a half the tropical garden get that in there they are really not happy about that for some reason well I love a tropical garden mighty to say have to work in the Newark Carolee no the site don't work you're confused how the class divide works we need to really up the land value here on the side I don't think it's high enough and I just like pump this true I can make it like two green okay let's just raise this like astronomically with like expensive facilities what is the best way to do this like statue of Wells that's a that's a good start yep get the statue of Welton you need us to get even more though to make a pyramid of safety the oppression office yeah we need that in so Tax Office well I mean these guys do regulate all the taxes but saying I don't know if I want to hear all of moderation friendly neighborhood park they need to be closer to the red houses dump try I'm trying to up it like it's hard to actually find the space to get it in here without destroying some homes the line value is high at least though it's it's in the middle I need to up it more though what's like the fastest way to just make this like true the roof when I have money again of course it's fast forward a bit and get some more money [Music] please change the radio station by clicking the little city skyline thing in the upper right corner [Music] oh you have Radio options please note some of the radio try of a license music it cannot be used while streaming okay don't use cold FM if classics let's do some classical well sighs are they giving me a heads up about the freakin license music oh why is there a power problem there we go let there be no more power problems I need to race by value for the rich just lower the land value of the poor I'd like your thinking the best way to level up is increased the park budget [Music] yep that's up that but to do pet ban we want no animals here no pets at a signing like the well Z yeah like an army of cats you gotta have money to be able to feed them helicopter priority heavy traffic ban that may cause problems if I take it up officially those are the hundred bits this is my jam I guess I just go into like the general budget bump it up [Music] see if that else [Music] we're spending a lot more on parks and suddenly the sewage problems we need removal of traffic lights I got on I don't know what I was to do that I'm to see if money really put his happiness things Letcher pits rock but it's still not raising the land value [Music] I need I need something really expensive noise pollution because the current level of parks just isn't cutting it gotta have a dog park destroy that man's home it's still open the land value no like they're very happy [Music] why do we need to stop traffic lights as well the traffic lights are doing fine back again with another email that asks what did society looked like outside of the concert halls of all do I don't I don't see how to do it still I'm right-clicking the road old European society with famous music composers quite a gap of European society was roughly 20 with actual just talk go back to official Mars the age-old Italian tradition of burning beans and drinking the bitter bean juice there we go they're all just talking [Music] it increases land value so that's upgrade all the roads then [Music] this should help I need to make these people like richer than they already are problem in our society right now up that land I okay it is that that doesn't affect that I believe yeah that's the same size I do a six line with decorative trees does that make the road bigger I know there we go Oh Dublin for there we go we got trees [Music] as the line value it's still not these people want a lot of money get rid of the traffic lights oh I missed it data box hundred bit says restart thanks potato box and value will go up slowly yeah I guess just gonna take a while place the corner shop is looking really good at a large complex [Music] close the road building they click on a road named than junctions click on a road name [Music] I think this is what people were telling me to do but like a just road toggle traffic lights it's like that's still not letting me do anything the traffic lights on or off click the traffic like icon in the center of the intersection organization does not have traffic lights it can ivy old roots III don't understand what any of this is and why he will keep telling me to do the traffic lights I don't I I don't know what this effects [Music] okay we won't we don't need traffic lights though there we go I don't know what that does [Music] they're off [Music] make the noise more north I guess well we got to make this out Morse out cuz line values still having trouble oh this bits starting to go true yeah it's like a small pocket here where like it said even deeper blue if I put like a park-like right here [Music] let me just slow that down can i push this over the edge hacks off his own do it none of these will do it biotin of life and debt no I don't think I'll do up [Music] build a mini-mall they wouldn't want a mini-mall here [Music] I asked them what picnic tables let's just put a tennis court in here right okay so land value [Music] trying to put this somewhere doesn't destroy so many homes [Music] it's already occupied I think no matter where I put this it's going to like knock out a bunch of stuff we'll pop some there maybe that'll help [Music] increase land value there you need city services and parks and other decorations that's thing I'm doing that I was starting to go up a bit into a lighter blue I want it green I want it like unbelievably high like sickened like I want these guys just be so freakin rich like it's sickening [Music] absolutely stinking rich here we go getting bluer [Music] tennis courts seem to really be doing it from yeah we need we need to make some more houses on the south side now they are reader we up doing their homes it seems I have no more accustomed to their and you found well that's good I think it's starting to work we just need to keep pushing it yeah well I'll do next then cap a little make think of the road keep this [Music] okay [Music] there we go [Music] expand this inside a duro just for decoration and parks and such we have no space to add into like just a road for decoration I'd say at this point but it is getting there look at this oh my god I know ask us I'm on the zone oh I was very excited for a moment there it is actually starting to increase we just need to up it even more [Music] the road in the side wouldn't with no trees where oh this one okay well that's up that crystal honeybee thanks for the hundred bits I went outside to turn off some car alarms cosway's thunder and this lightning strike in a nearby tree might be killed by the gods tonight they seem mad what will stay safe it's the same do good [Music] hey I public transportation police stations in healthcare okay yeah I'm gonna try to like we ought we already have that in here we need to police headquarters oh I'll build a hospital here for the next maybe that'll help [Music] I need to build working water there we go [Music] now I can try building a hospital for them yeah we'll get some extra things in there I was the Northside doing as well oh they haven't had water for Ohio I don't have water actually they do plenty [Music] it should be fine okay well let's just make another water pumping station I guess we can pop it on this side now [Music] even more water into those homes [Music] we delete people's accounts what's going on with the chat why are so many of you will be in time down I don't I don't understand what's happening [Music] all right now we're being funny with fake deleted messages okay I'll hop onto the Internet mulch after stream we can talk about some of those things boot canals in the rich area they make the line value skyrocket Oh canals are a great idea [Music] mega deep canal medium oh god this looks confusing where do I even put the canal like [Music] love of god fix the water issues in the south side what's wrong with the water in the south side they should be fine why is this so and I guess the pipes like have reached maximum capacity ism [Music] okay well we'll just pump it back into that pipe [Music] okay well I guess we're never getting the Pitt because people can't behave and chat you know I'm not gonna do it apparently if people are just acted up we're just spamming that oh well sure look [Music] there's so many people having issues with the pipes what oh we need to notice sewage outflow pipe this could this could have gone in the pit we need another pipe this could have gone there yeah I put it there now sad day [Music] oh well you know maybe next time we need another pipe maybe maybe people are on the best behavior and pop it in the pit [Music] oh wow i shagged later than the first no no [Music] okay we were instead gonna get some more factories [Music] we can do is if we pop this I don't even put the new road for the factories out of interest out of interest and let's make a new highway like right across here city planning 101 big all around okay pop that in there more industry [Music] not a beautiful section to the narshe it's looking pretty good so far [Music] you've nortis out of a set of my size get the hashtags go and are you are you on the north are you with the south which side do you stand on the division it's like freakin Twilight our own I get everyone I don't even know what that the teams were but I've ever seen the hashtag and ever watch Twilight I just heard really bad things couldn't bring myself to do it [Music] let's just add some more shops there's a slight demand for them squeeze them in there I mean pipes again constant piping there we go it's already occupied okay well there we go like that kind of works you need a little bit of power cuz it's kind of wired up weirdly there we go yeah build another pointless Road Artie that sounds like a good call I was just waiting for someone to suggest more pointless roads don't worry we have 50 grand in the bank oh I think it's time we build the big boy on the north side of course [Music] how do we even pop this down okay we can put it here but like it doesn't really do anything here why would we want this the blender roads we can put a road here but like yeah well we got it [Music] [Music] how many lanes of this is tree ways and we connect it sure I don't know how that's supposed to work but we won't question it and we just need to connect this there we go tires are already taking that route you know you have land available to buy right I'll I'm fully aware but I want to sell I get the our money's worth from the space now I want to say like pack in the north side as much as possible before we buy another square [Music] and then we'll expand and into like a new areas go away are they even trying to take [Music] they're all set they're all taking the new road oh my god okay apparently this is really important for the city they love it put that there in case they need to turn around for now not like that roads going anywhere why are they all immediately using this where are they trying to get to Hopi they're just trying to a desperately avoid traffic in the blender Bo just give you an idea for a stream ever heard of the software blender it's a treaty modeling software kinda like using clay well I don't know about that I could go wrong watch a ton of it of odds Ferb it's my phone the journey to you that's very kind thanks potato you don't have to do that like it so it's okay appreciate I appreciate the sentiment but you know like don't go through like pages of ads just for me you know and what time is it currently half 11 okay should we try open up the chat again and see if things are controlled I'm gonna give you a one last shot for the Pitt no spamming it no screaming this is your final chance you gotta be on your best behavior that'll be on your very best behavior and if it gets bad we're gonna seal up the pit thus true and one of two ways we have to seal the pit or we fill it the power is yours to decide in your hands [Music] yeah just close it now [Music] it's gonna be one or the other it's either gonna be sealed or filled seal wins now we need we need more stuff here on this outside there's more demand for more houses let's just build out and that are nice good district we go we'll give this one a bit of her like an interesting design do it like that right out you know something you I know it's not much I just want to say I'd love what you're doing and want to remind you take care of yourself in the weather all thanks firstly beryllium but Barry Barry ilium battery instead of beryllium let's learn under bits I don't even careful it's thankfully a lot cooler today grind that's because of the typhoon let's hit near that's not so bad I just have a day away from the because Jesus Christ it was intense yeah we need to reach high-density residential as soon as possible [Music] [Music] it is kind of funny how we're having a war between the subs and the non subs as we have the norson so class 3 [Music] of just one size fab and fill the pit at the other side spotted seal the pitch [Music] ah yeah let's ease up on the spam that's up make it show guys it's the traffic or high-density the traffic is fine it doesn't seem to be too much of a problem anymore this bits ok this bits causing some issues I know what's going on here maybe we try remove the traffic lights again [Music] maybe that'll help these cars just seemed stuck right now [Music] this help it [Music] okay the the starting to get back into flow it's good it's only gay why you have to be bad legs officially oh I expect this kind of spam if you streaming minecraft or overwatch or a game that's really popular like that but this game it's good don't get me wrong but still yeah this kind of chill so I'm surprised I like it's so spamming today [Music] just just take a chill pill we're filling in the city just remove the stop is there a stop oh there's a stop sign still there okay hang on [Music] no there's no stop sign why are they stopping it [Music] remove all traffic lights there there's actually no stop sign so I don't know why they're all taking their time they should just flow our real peace in life thanks 100 bits I think night Baca yeah for the link Oh God the discord attachment of some kind I can't actually open it because the chance on my laptop I can have a look at that later and I bought the not like that link the divide of the participate is going to civil or possibly sealing the pit would be for the best oh we have a fire station hang on let's up the land value it a friendly fire station put it down put it down here oh look at that oh they're so happy about that we did kind of mess up with the waterfront here that's just there we go that fixed calico night games this was subscribing [Music] we finally have the fire station now what a bit of luck we can get the outer one soon could you take a loan probably shouldn't I'm gonna pay back all my loans so that we're loan free and then we can just build them all up at the increased money snappy seven nine seven nine seven nice to subscribe I say seal the pit across the whole disaster in our time Oh God the Northside does not look too flattering that lovely brown glow an F thanks for 14 months what is this 14 thank you very much man we need to get the hospital we've got a helicopter Depot but I'd seem skipping like a step I want to get the hospital next and we'll get it here and hopefully it pushes the land value over starting to become green look at this okay so hopefully this is what we need it gonna put it here oh wow look at that yep was starting to go into the green Lots this is looking good the hospital that currently does not have any water quickly fix that that's kind of bad super Ranger thank you for subscribing Joff having so such a sexy voice I'm sorry I can't help it if I still fight of hilarious it so funny to this day people really like my voice you know shout out to the days I got bullied in school for it how was the thing wasn't a fan my how the tables have turned [Music] I'm out of beer now I am sad I was very upset I am sorry for your loss make your voice deeper deeper what you mean like really deep forces the voice is almost as good as Internet historians don't make it safer don't do it on her [Music] nope nope nope what's wrong guys are you saying you don't like when I get real close to the mic I'm just you know just right inside your ear saying a gentle hey your first tip is a big goof please knows fine priority someone set up a Twitter account pls no spam for RT game thanks for the hunt ripest yeah we need to build some more homes what I can do is like I can just like build out here we can make like a lovely little area here there we go oh oh just look at that I messed this up slightly I think that's okay it's not too bad and you know you just have this go off here come okay thanks for the thousand bits every stream should be a a severe but also please fix that one-way Road oh no where's the one-way road hang on hey wait whoa I made a one-way road where is that we do actually need to fix that that's bad [Music] thank you for the thousand bits I'm sorry I messed up somewhere tonight thanks for the gift itself as well seven I even given a lot lately [Music] where's the one-way road got this on it's by the blender we all have a blender in this city [Music] the blender wrote well like this one this one's fine [Music] how much does a thousand bids intent in dollars instead it's ten quid it's very kind officially that's 100 bits well excuse me well I'll have to go have a cold shower [Music] the care everyone no you guys that's fine that road is perfectly the plan are you guys saying I like that road isn't perfect now let me improve the road [Music] we can just go freeform [Music] this road is perfect the way it is you know you guys are just jealous there we go I made it better I don't even know if it's possible to drive down now you come in here you have to go out there you can't go in that way you can't even go down that way and this way he just lifts your back house set up some houses here [Music] I'm getting flashbacks ago more destructive time with that aarhus ex rock about for 200 please don't spam as well that's 100 bits here we go with the big whoops again yikes that road is real interesting why sigh so what people ask for they said the road wasn't perfect but don't worry it's an artistic inspiration I made it better speaking of making it better we need more power let's meet the housing demand over here [Music] there's like a toilet that won't work in that one house that's built higher but that's fine a lot how it's burned down oh we had a fire station this side don't think we do yeah let's see the land value I'm pretty good you balanced I probably delete the link so just p.m. you were something but there's a great mom for this game but lets you make better control of traffic on your roads cool yeah it's ended on to be in discord it's probably a better place for it [Music] there we go I think the city's doing great Oh oh my god people actually moved in here these people were just desperate for housing they don't even have electricity Hey yeah we got to cover that on the grid I guess it's absolutely desperate like please we must live somewhere we have to hook him up to the grid now I don't really want to hook him up to the grid though I'll give I'm gonna give these guys a special treatment I'm just gonna pop down a windmill here and hopefully that doesn't what is the discord there's a big button below to streaming click particular i T can I even access those houses well that's what I thought apparently they can Oh God facility full there's no more room in the dump but on you dump air down some homes over here I'd you know just as a precaution we'll build a second up next to that dump there we go empty facility there we go that wind turbines to upmarket for the Norse yeah it's probably a mistake honestly let's just see how long they survive there happy oh hey why did that make them happy that was their only source of power I'm happy I destroyed the clean renewable energy of what is going on fire truck he's just pulling away they just don't want to deal with it they're just leaving [Music] he just did a lap you gotta put a loud man Iron Man just having a bad time can't find the disco please help uh nearly below the stream there's a bunch of buttons there's one that says discord s talkin war destruct destruction thanks crapper bro for the 124 bits I think the city is finally doing good though I'm still upset that the land is more valuable here like these homes could be fancier what is this a carwash a burger joint should be like a five-star restaurant or something yeah unacceptable made all these villas why they just keep talking on the radio to there we go yeah we got all our dumps how we doing on time [Music] it's time for public transport get this set up so create a new line where is that going what I'm just trying to send it that way Isis I have the loop okay well the bus starts over here I guess although this is gonna be on [Music] the more bus stops we make the happier there we're just gonna make them real happy everyone gets a bus stop no more we put in the happier they become finally worked out how to make my citizens happy about time okay and then we just complete the line [Music] there we go now let's make a second bus stop for the south side so we we only need to hit up now of course we'll start at the hospital good I was trying to make a joke where I would actually make like the bus line perfect for this side I don't think I can it's going all over the place up on here yes the key stops you know and it was just did you turn out stop off there it goes the school oh yeah two bus lines over in the entire city the kids in a gamer think about the gifted serviceable executioner freedom bird and coast oi thank you very much that's very kind it's a lot of gifted SEPs on the sub count front we are currently on twelve hundred and ninety four hundred and six to go if we want them at our boat so it's still gonna be a while but we are getting there thank you very much okay bus stops created doing pretty well we got a lot of money in the green I take a big loan here I can make a new facility make a second hospital we already have fire station make a police headquarters [Music] hopefully that ups the land value mark oh yeah they're getting like well into the green now this is good reach a big town oh okay this is what I've been waiting for this entire time so we have so much stuff that just opened up [Music] okay it's time to go big so first things first we're going to expand the north side it's finally time you guys been wondering when it's gonna happen here we go we're gonna need six lanes oh that's straight [Music] build that do that that's slightly off that's slightly off too hard to get the space and right on this one because you build it there then like it's cut having a huge bunch of overlap okay there we go yeah we're spending a fair bit of money on the north side today hope you guys are ready this is the moment I've personally been waiting for quite some time it's not lined up for some reason that's okay [Music] there we go art sides getting a big expansion really difficult to place bum gettin there [Music] we need to join up all these six lane roads again [Music] we still have more money okay we're going real big with this guy's Jay Ryan thank you for the tier 2 sub thank you very much man hope you're enjoying the stream hope you're here and looking forward to witness the rise of the new district [Music] need to make this absolutely massive I want to be a big thing okay and here we go we need we're gonna need pipes for this entire area up one down there got big plans [Music] yo yo there we go actually work that the way I want it oh my god real sastra now thank you for the tier tree sub as well like Jesus thank you very much oh that's incredibly kind like no one ever has to do that it only gets you like a different version now Harry thank you very much it gets incredibly kind [Music] I really appreciate it barri hundred bits the suicide RT expand the pit destroy them horse no we're doing something different for the north welcome to the high density district [Music] we're filling all this space with people [Music] it's finally time for the north to shine I density all of it [Music] probably wait we're creating a new distress [Music] and oh yeah and we're not done there no we're not done there no like hang on like you think like Jesus tiny this isn't gonna work there's other kinds of demands we need in the city that's where you're wrong cuz we're just gonna keep that's where you're wrong cuz we're just gonna keep built like but RT these people need shops welcome to the new shopping center [Music] I density commercial all gonna be in one place start cramming it in but Artie you rightly say all these people are gonna need jobs well don't worry it's just really screw over this train line more we're gonna get them jobs we're going all in Boise [Music] but you know although we have the office space is still going industry how to keep you know it's important I'll keep this as is [Music] I can put this here put that there [Music] okay welcome to the new half of the city that music though amazing is very nice all of a sudden like is it perfectly match oh not enough money that's okay we're just gonna take out a small loan I got a fast forward till I make more money as I'm building this [Music] can't stop hi district top that over there they're powered but we the biggest quarter of the entire city once it's finished mass population project we're moving in literally everyone you just made the twitch logo what did I I don't see it at the industry to the highway oh yeah you're right okay now we wait let's watch the people come and droves identity we can fit ten people of her house now population is increasing dramatically we're losing money for some reason but we'll make it back the north shall rise again heading up a good night lads all all the best cams thank you again for all the bits thank you for subscribing to have a good night yourself [Music] just so it's efficient [Music] the new quarter is rising look at this we're gonna meet every demand before the demand is even there finally we don't have a police people hey you have a police headquarters already that means we probably don't need like this one here I'll get I'll put a park up another Japanese garden there you go that's what you really wanted why does so many people whoa why is there so many destroyed homes on the south side no worse it's fine expand the district oh yeah you're right okay so this is all the Northside even the bit that's kind of signed of becoming more so the east and west side but that's okay [Music] there you go either I don't know how there's so many fires just destroying stuff people are having trouble with the rubbish again let's start making incinerators then yeah we have the solutions yeah so keep empty in this facility it's 50% full now empty this one too yeah Ryan next 100 bits expand on the stream before I'm gonna go a little bit longer I mentioned it at the start of the stream I probably mentioned again I'm not gonna be streaming on Saturday so we actually don't have to worry about data limits or anything today I can just stream as long as I want I'll probably do a short little stream tomorrow too because I can Saturday night though I'm gonna be I would have a fireworks festival so it's gonna be like one less eat stream for the EU crowd because then I'll still be here on Sunday but there will not be a Saturday stream though cuz I'm gonna be out for the night [Music] raise the taxes I don't know if we can raise it any higher we're at them all we can i hi hi oh good god wait now that just put us deep in the red whoa whoa hang on I just raised taxes why did I put us so far on the red what just happened here why did all of our industry just get deleted [Music] Oliver if they all left [Music] we just lost all of our factories because I raise taxes by two percent for a day all of our industries come [Music] I I did it for a moment wait the rebuild wait ham the rebuild but we may not be down yet why do they all leave all the industry is just starting to rebuild all of a sudden we're making so much less money based Isis in the sessions the nerdist poor that can't pay taxes but no we got to lower taxes in the sense that's how it works that's what class divide is the industry is all upgrading all of a sudden well you know so many garbage trucks hang on why are the this many garbage trucks all the complaint about tax is now okay I guess I can't keep him Northside [Music] now let's turn them off they were making money again [Music] no now we're losing money again no I got to keep the taxes on it will low density residential we'll turn it off from the low-density commercial is also complain and turn it off for them hopefully that makes it okay looks like we lost of what you asked to China please load your bids rock band pls no spam thanks to 100 bits as well I love that the North has all the pollution and they're all getting sick because of it the hospitals in the center you know they just gotta get money and they can fix themselves faster not thanks for 500 bits the longer I watch your stream to more money i trouble you oh well good thing I can afford it I'll see you a fundamental misunderstanding on how class divide works what I'll have you know I went to a very prestigious college the study English is nothing to do with my knowledge of taxes but I just want to mention it gay Ryan thanks forgive to serve as well this ball goes cash [Music] okay I want to move to Japan any hints you can get a working holiday visa quite readily in most countries if you're in a smaller country it helps I can own Harland is not much to mine from honestly just go for it if you're interested in I gonna teach them a lot of programs that you can just sign up for if you want to be have some work you just want a holiday like just go for it you know there's not much I can really tell you have the time of your life I'm sure you do it all not every day you get to go to side of the world okay see how we doing here the hi resident the density place is still building we're starting to make money again I'm making money from all just gonna yeah we're just gonna lower axis side shouldn't have to worry we'll just vote for people in the north so it's okay hopefully this epsilon value [Music] we're gonna head off the tanks astray with good luck with your devil - all the best Percy don't care he speak Irish yes I don't really like speaking Irish I were just felt very badly in our country and it kind of puts a lot of people off at the language this is shame kind of kill a lot of my interest in it I can't delete it well we can stop it spreading at least just to leave that at our house [Music] he gets figured [Music] I really want to see what's going on people on the south side we want the south side seem to be fine there's a bit of crime but they have a police station [Music] no I think they're doing okay how was the land value looking pretty good pretty good [Music] services we have city planning policies that's from tallest buildings to install lightning rods oh yeah we should probably do that consider that it's like thunder and lightning right now put on the hospital or something horses in the loss but the city recovers faster Oh God a VIP area yes okay [Music] let's put that on and free public transport if you live in the same on the North how we doing the slums I started to look pretty good he's casually building them on up doing good I mean that house in demand commercial district it's doing well too small city you know bill trains put a hydropower plant two cargo trains to train station high-tech housing big business manufacturing high density commercial buildings double their sales oh let's turn that on further north you know because if there's one thing we care about in the north it's the shops the other ones bringing us money [Music] oh look at that our income just shotta [Music] hey turns homes into much cooler smart homes to raise the land value around them oh yes please turn that on oh we get it we got a new building we can build didn't build a university it's a more education here let's replace roadside it's having a bit of trouble pop that in there look at that beside deserves an upgrade of that new high-tech stuff yeah that's why we that's how I popped it on high tack in the side side look how much more money we're making now everything is doing so much better [Music] they apparently need some more stuff here oh okay I'll pop and but we already have so many dumps they just delete this dump oh I can't delete it [Music] okay put another dump there hopefully that helps [Music] busier than much I know if you have the chapters have to go to work that's okay if you have to head off smoothly I'm probably gonna go I'll probably finish up sometime in this next hour I do want to go a little bit longer to this is something else I actually want to do - there's gonna be like a different game thing just before we end I might be of interest to some folks I don't know if anyone plays hearthstone but they had a new expansion released today and I saw it it's just a little bit to end off the stream I actually have like the 50 packs because I always get like I treat myself to the packs whenever there's an expansion was I really like playing the game it's the only time I spend money on it I was thinking of just like doing like a little opening just to wrap up with wrap with history [Music] I thought some folks might like that anyone who plays hearthstone I heard Howard Stern I'm thank you yeah I was just that probably do a little pack opening to wrap up the stream because I do have the packs on me and I was gonna be playing hearthstone like for a bit after this anyway oh I might just like unbox them unpack them and then just like kind of end then see what we get [Music] and because people have been on very good behavior it's time to make the poop oh no so god ha how do we lock this on [Music] okay we need to we need to like get rid of the bouncy castle get over it you're getting a poop hole [Music] okay that seems like it's in position [Music] here we go [Music] I take a moment to kick him look at that we finally have the proof bolt this is filling up very quickly [Music] guys I this is this is filling up fast I thought this could hold much more how much poop is going in [Music] I on I got savegame this this is an important time to say here we go voice [Music] but can I just turn it off now on off we just keep saying fine that complaint in the flooding don't even come out of the hole yet okay we got a poop lake [Music] [Music] leaking of their up did you know this guy thought he was being clever of buying a pool he didn't realize that I had a plan all along that's his own fault there we go he got poo flake these are fabulous oh praise the poop off the road Ribbit's lemon lemon thank you for a hundred bits as well it also tells us a giant swimming pool it's true Rockman hundred as well this is everything I ever hunted pleased I was fat let's get rid of the fancy castle for a hole full of sewage it's what everyone wanted thank you all for a hundred bits okay save game again [Music] let's go [Music] here we go the city provides hashtag smoke detectors that's good to know I'm glad city has so many services for its citizens I like how these houses are like unaffected currently - it's only spilling out this side and it's just oh god it's flooding the city how long can we survive like this is the real question like how much poop will it take for them to like evacuate it's currently like they're not to fuss like people are still using their cars these guys are still just driving completely unfazed the police car at the front is struggling the imagine waking up one day you have such as full of poo this guy he's gonna be pissed when he goes back out to a swimming pool [Music] the music is just perfect for this as well [Music] can I add more [Music] what happens if I just start popping these on [Music] [Music] I don't do I just make everything like it's just one of these [Music] earn these ones off [Music] add more I wanted I want to see where this takes us important [Music] we're making more money than ever like financially this was a great decision check the line for now still surprisingly good [Music] like who needs meteors win like you've just got a city drown a fish [Music] and for good measure as well [Music] let's just get a poop tsunami [Music] I don't know how long that's gonna take but we live in hope a magnificent tribute to a capitalist girl yeah we just pump her poop people urges abandon in their homes whether it's outside Sam sighs doing fine or well that dumps looking a bit dicey though I don't empty that dump we need to get real I don't like that I had to pop that down earlier too they catch the rubbish why are so many eat was sick you have a hospital right here you know safety is of the utmost importance and like the health well-being of our citizens let's just build a second hospital [Music] there we go oh and now they're having power problems I mean we didn't build a hospital [Music] how we looking pipes are cutting in work [Music] the water looks like hasn't looked better doing well build a dam on the river can I do that geologists predicted that a sinkhole could strike at any minute Cinco where's the sinkhole I didn't even trigger that occurred somewhere in the city stay out of harm's way and contact authorities with any information where's the sinkhole we can't see his there's so much poop I didn't even trigger a lot one apparently there's a sinkhole somewhere though maybe it's in the other sinkhole my cat was just saved by a smoke detector Thank You fire department the tsunami doesn't seem to have worked here we go the end of days only the North Side wasn't so poor they just could have prevented this you know it's all their own fault if you ask me for not having money they should have tried done more to try and prevent this avoid the impact site and head to shelter if any is available okay now we get the sewage pipes and we fill the next sink it's all a metaphor guys how long is this going to take well good know we're gonna need more pipes oh we're losing a lot of money after the mission yeah we'll get what now we're gonna need another alone okay hi god all right let's reposition every pipe the Coast Guard is warning of a tsunami approaching the area the tsunamis still hidden oh no where's the tsunami oh no oh my god no the south side oh oh it's not gone well oh yeah oh you're kidding me I can't believe it struck the wrong side of the city we're not we haven't even filled up poop lake okay quickly quickly we need to all know it broke all the pipes there's no houses anymore we can't even fill it what's wrong with our garbage collection service trash is pile up and it's swarming with flies no yes that's clearly the main concern bankruptcy alert you must cut services by shutting them down or raise taxes to gain more income you can also take out a loan if any are available if the above measures are not enough you can take a bailout just save your city we don't need a bailout anything this is Greece new Dublin we'll try again we will rebuild with a 240 people left in this at 230 people left 220 people left in the city I can't believe it destroyed this outside at least the hospital was okay [Music] only there's many patients to treat evacuate citizens but oh no so how this works you're supposed to click evacuate before the disaster happens oh that makes a lot more sense well you know we all make mistakes [Laughter] [Music] yeah I think the bill oh well the disaster if only we could have prevented this is there any survivors there's a few here hopefully they'll be able to rebuild even the little districts here got taken out one guy left in this house your humerus is cause you're down four huh people are still moving in which is the amazing thing about all these people here find a new way in the world that's cute a meteor strike has occurred avoid the impact site and head to shelter let's just finish off the surface it's still alerting us about the tsunami the help ID is a tsunami hasn't even cleared up what is it with the waterworks hashtag showering with bottled water is getting a bit expensive I think showering is the least of your concerns [Music] well and that was our most successful City today 27 people moving we're all losing like with a hundred grand in the hole Aparri cat savvy and saved by smoke detectors dated by day the same height smoke detectors for its residents free of charge hashtag I love this city mash tank Fire Department rocks a city rocks holy hell I was gone 20 minutes laughing oh hey ARCA duck right head as well thank you for subscribing did I miss a few before got a head to bed but at least puplic it's a great note to end on all the best gay Ryan thanks 100 bits again officially thank 400 well dramatically sad music is dramatically sad thank you very much I apologize I think I missed a few up to date now yeah we did it and you all gave out to me about the road I'll have you know the road is like the most the most impressive thing standing right next to our power source you know we've so much energy we're generating right now as it's just kind of way to live [Music] let me out no I can't build roads I'm losing too much money I was gonna see if I could Joe can we build a role in the poo crater I can't [Music] Kaley thank you for subscribing how's it going [Music] yeah you join us just at the end of our beautiful city what do you think you would like what I did with the flowers took a lot of time thank you for saying my name right it's beautiful I'm glad you agree I feel so much better about how I said look I suck at this game without your bids Haruka dark how much is rent can I move in well if you're okay with paying thirteen thousand dollars every five minutes we'd appreciate that because we're losing a lot of money I think it's because of all the wind turbines we went all in with the power you want people to have as much electricity as possible and we also have hospitals to treat the 44 people that live here we have two hospitals because Health Care's are almost concerned deal that's chump change [Music] yeah I think on that note I think on that note we're gonna have to leave the stream there we're gonna wrap up with City skylines I'm gonna do well City skylines I'm going to do the hearthstone pack an opening that I mentioned but we aren't we are gonna win that with the streaming I think that's it for today with cities so let me just open up hearthstone then and we can like nn-no save the game you know cuz you might want to play this later I'm gonna upload this file to the Steam Workshop you want to continue playing by all means work away where are the houses are still standing that's industry over there we're actually are the people that are still alive somehow oh my god is this one quarter this one quarter that we just joked about and like didn't like freaking care for at all is all that's left what are the chances of that [Music] under points to rubble that's industry [Music] please continue from your backup next time I only have even know if it's possible like we can't build anything like everything is destroyed no happiness the scissors aren't happy don't worry I have a workaround it's just carry it is a there's still some alive do I have to launch a meteor on each hospital that is just looks bad no but the things I have to do I just like I just want our blank canvas is that too much to ask for [Music] now we're going all in all right here we go but destroy the rubble make sure there's not even a chance of survivors [Music] I'll be ready for a freaking asteroid belt to hit this planet yeah we got some survivors there we got him with the first meteor all of this is a mess they're already dead and one of people saying on Twitter I thought it would be a bit smaller and less threatening time to run for your lives hashtag meteor strike hashtag run from that was the last thing Britney did before she died run run run [Music] oh yeah okay yeah we're gonna gear up my heart so and then thanks for joining me for City skylines everyone I hope everyone like enjoyed that that was so much fun to play we'll probably do City skylines again cuz III it's genuinely entertaining to see like the things you can do with the city maybe next time we can do something with like what we have like a bigger crater we get accreditors start wit and then we fill it and kind of build a town around now that could be cool for the time being though we're just gonna do a cheeky spot of hearthstone pack opening it was a new expansion released for the game I have 50 packs I'm just gonna kind of unbox Monster Ball unpack them on stream it'll be all my thing I was my like that I think it's kind of nice to unpack those things so why not we're gonna do that so just cheeky spot of hearthstone but thank you if you just if you're hanging around with City skylines though likes like thanks for joining me is it this very much it is just I've roamed off the stream kind of thing we're gonna wrap up in a few but let's do 50 packs first I got the pre-order how often you play hearthstone um quite often at demote it's kind of like my go-to casual game whenever I'm like waiting for videos to render or just kind of like upload like I tend to just pop it on and just chill a while it's nice because like it doesn't take long to hop into a game okay let me just pop up the brake card for a moment as well I have to resize this because I think I got it wrong on the windows welcome to the end snap ammo trip so the got that note that the son of snap about is going to be the next one we get Ivan talk to a narrative about Commission in that when we get enough subs for the next demo it is the final snap the arty game God we have the blender still which kind of works for lush because the blender you know like we say it's watermelon juice in there but it ain't watermelon juice orchid or thanks 400 bits I cinema interesting to see how you can destroy the city a murder everyone why do you agree hark a dork thanks very much thanks for another hundred bits as well sorry I miss hot points to rubble that's industry well you know that's why we gotta get rid of it no survivors allowed you know we gotta be thorough don't want to miss with the meteor why we launched 20 of them okay at this window tool not a mom okay let me just see if I can add this again that that's just not sized correctly thanks for subscribing as well I was going Game Capture after specific window there's just a no BS thing or is like am I missing something why it's not not sized yeah I just want to get this right it's such a little thing terribly music - maybe I put on fullscreen the hell oh yeah now it's fine okay windowed mode hearthstone is just acting up I guess okay booms a project as matcha is now available it's booms day let the experiments begin oh snap that's a really good free legendary as well I actually wanted out oh that's we're already off to a good start we got an electro sir storm surge and we got kangaroos that's the other one I wanted oh I love playing control paladin that's that's the one that I got for pre-ordering it that's so good I'm so happy with that I really want to try out this card that's two really good ones okay let me just adjust the ingame volume for hearthstone there we go okay so we have 53 packs we'll end the stream with this what is this game it's hearthstone it's a trading card game good start already I think it's slightly loud so let me just pop it down a notch okay see what we can we're keeping an eye out for Legendary's we keep an eye out for epics a couple of things I'm specifically looking for just get going we've so many packs there I'm gonna just fly true oh my god well we got the meme card of the set wow I'm gonna have to try build a deck around that but this is such a stupid carrot cuz it's so unbelievably difficult to actually play you have no cards of your deck Hannah battlefield destroy the enemy I'm gonna have to build a meme hearthstone deck then okay I'm gonna do it on my own time but if I can make that work I will stream that can't believe I actually have that that's not a card I like I don't like anyone the right mind with crafts so you know I'm glad we the other of cart best card in the set oh my god that is legit one of the best cards in the entire set oh my god were on a roll I've gotten like tree legend areas are awfully wanna and the one mean legendary of the entire set let's keep going let's see what else we get about two legendaries already from the unpacking let's just keep going and see what else we can get Christy ology it's a good carillon getting a lot of regulars now I mean you have to balance out the luck someone you know it can't just be constant legendaries it'll be too much gobbling bomb topsy turvy that's a really cool car don't worry too much of y'all understand hearthstone this the thing we're looking for here is like the orange and the purple cards because those are like really rare ones everything else like we're probably gonna get all the other car it's like over time if you get like 250 just from opening the packs green pedal florists it's welcome to drove Drude stone glad we have that oh you can use space prize with the packet level oh cool that might speed it up a bit that's when I want it to I'm a big hunter player I play a lot of hunter pilant and priests in this game I have to still flick him but I can just use spacebar to pop it in cool so I'll start doing that I'm good writers got a player arena for this now oh yeah Rena will be really fun with all the new met cards actually I might try around a bit later too epic weaponize pinata out of random legendary it's really weird okay I'll take it Hunter yeah yeah I was a hunter main in Warcraft so I liked him a lot lose specimen it's 400 us you know not a great card but I can dis about that and disenchant those without we'd only need extra Golden's you know pretty good I'm already very happy like I've got pretty much every legendary I wanta and I can play around now with the freaking meme that is makin soon but even if I don't get anything else like I'm happy there's already so much here I can play with the Paladin spells when I really want it and like the shaman minion is just great and then of course dr. broom a genius never going to warrior probably the best guy in this entire set is that one so pretty good it's on fire in true wrong shot you saw nothing hold up I press spacebar no ethically a lot of glutes fryers we honestly may have used up all of our luck with those like initial Legendary's Megamind that's kind of cool but I'm task ionizer cool I gotta want to get all the net carts it's definitely gonna make a warrior back now warrior Mecca soon deck let's go what's that card back it's just a default one currently you want whiz by the plane if I got whiz-bang he seems like a fun card to just throw in I more interests to see what happens have used whiz-bang like tavern brawls and stuff like that okay Mahler keep on go how much this game the game is free to play but you have to like unlock cards and get packs so you know feel like free to start basically and you are unfortunately either like a beep disadvantage if you don't have cards with other people just have access to them which means I think I just have stronger things neither this is a shame because it's such a good card game I wish it was like a better like kind of money model for ecto mines see that's yeah that's kind of lame RT do your Lobo haste again oh we got to double in hims nice of fun is it would you recommend someone who is not using these games yeah I'd say it's like you're pretty accessible as far as card games go it's not very difficult to work out I like the game does a great job explaining what everyone knows they only need to know it learns just a couple of key words Oh snaps Eric that's what I was interested in I play a lot of priests so yeah I can try that one oh that's a really cool one I I saw like disguised toast made a video with this guy and like freaking test subjects it isn't it our own show doing well that's my free legendary nice pretty good one the gun I'm interested to try though I got the lady in white with the which would preset an oil module that's play matches the Catherine's automatic at all no I don't heart stones just the only one to play I used to play you here back in the day I like this one in particular just to the face on Warcraft yeah I have a soft spot for oh I want this one crystallize the deal 5 damage a hero gain 5 armor actually a really handy one for a lot of decks you can basically just get more health giggle inventor Omega assembly that's gonna be actually pretty handy I'm gonna need those two my frickin warrior mexic I'm gonna make now topsy-turvy how you call it on coastal women star video yeah I feel Trump is a bit hard on a lot of the cadre currency does he writes everything one star ever doesn't fit into the current manner basically I know he says he doesn't mean to do that but you know you don't know how the meta develops I think it needs to write carries like more individual power level but anything that's just my opinion oh well that's 100 dust that one's not too good ok my work in MechWarrior we have dr. boom so we gotta try it out okay last pack we got a test subject just at the very end I'll take it that was honestly great like I got but I got some of the things that like I really want it like just in that set there bunch of additional does so let's just searching you yeah so we got almost all the Drude ones if I search Oh God sooner than that the Drude tab is now disappeared that's a weird glitch okay we don't get to see druid I guess here all the - I'll do boom stay and then we pop on Crafton there we go but why is it doing this oh it's cause it's trying to search for a new address search booms day there we go there we go okay so now we can get a good look at what we've got yes we got a fair few the Drude ones we didn't get the psych Mellon which is probably enough loop and loops glorious gloop I'm really strong druid carrots they add it get too many hunter ones I was right beating it like even a copy a secret plan pretty common I didn't really want any of those ones anyways that's fine a good few major ones not Stargate is Illumina she's a pretty good one extra mine sir I'm okay without I can't live paladin these are ones I really want it we didn't get crystal snitch I did actually want him because I have a lifesteal paladin we got the globe Tron's we got Christy ology mean a second an oil module prismatic lens is a really interesting character on an experiment we got a kangaroo chime so happy with I'm really really pleased now I'm gonna add in another McCann or a drug right now I want a second one of those [Music] test subject we got wow we got almost all the priests ones didn't get experimenters which probably the only one that's kind of sucks there Erik's cloning gallery is kind of a bit dodge wanted that one because that one combos with this guy got almost all the priests care so that's pretty good I can craft those got a lot of rogue is enough you got wow we got almost all of shaman we're just missing like the big legendary and Thunder head that's really good this cart is so powerful as well like just play this with like a volcano or someone that's like deals 30 damage 8 mana that's so good we've got some warlock ones got a bunch for warrior I think we got everything for warrior that I want it i we didn't get the boom ship we got this guide oh I'm so happy with that actually like one of the best cards in the entire set and like it's that's like a new archetype need this to go with him but I maybe I can save up fill out and we search here we just got a whole whole bunch of them that card is trashed so we didn't want that one didn't get whiz-bang kind of unfortunate it's this character st. great pop that one away and we got freakin mecha soon hell we got the meme card that's what's pretty good all in all I hear you know I have a little more dust go free let's go let's go a few more have some gold four more packs can you show us your card box sure I can have a look at them in a moment let's get a few more we got a secret plan we got a mulch muncher pretty good prismatic lens that's nice we got a second test subject to last pact okay and just some extra currents at the end yeah I think from all that I'm probably gonna be playing a lot of priests and pals in them I've got some really good carrots for both of them and I almost have enough dust across in there a legendary to like I just need to I even just search like golden cards I don't really care for golden ones like I need the gold more at you know maybe I can just pick that up I'm the Neue module I only have one of those I have two of these already and I keep counting course I think I already have some more topsy turvy so I can check later Yurika probably don't need that one yeah then we're good so yeah I have enough dust to craft another legendary I'll give that some salt I'm just gonna see what kind of deck I want to make first it was like click buy what gold to type in a number by the way oh I didn't actually know that I'll bet I mind for future thanks what is this geez eggs eggs is eggs is the egg deck you play with a devil sore egg and the entire deck is based around hatching Devils Oryx and it just kind of gets out of hand it's kind of like a different take on recruit hunter it's like a combination of like what like I try to like look at a lot of people are used and then I just make a few tweaks I'm just kind of adjust appropriately probably the most original deck I have that's also not too great but I have fun playing with it is my missing lanessa one it's called that because this deck he didn't have lanessa in it for a long time and she's a really important she was a really important care for the deck basically just value paladin and like he just bought everything up it's like I've loads of stuff just repelling like I you sure teram Vanessa tyrion class night Azolla it's trucked in here too but I'm really happy with having like the endless army I can't wait to play with this card you better slow there's even my boy Archie well that's okay hard Stone's not for everyone it is a bit more neat I'm gonna be wrapping up the stream in a moment anyway so you know it's okay the stream ended when we wrapped up with city skylines this is just like an extra bit yeah thanks for coming though folks hope you enjoyed the stream I'm gonna go play the new expansion of all I'm also gonna work on editing together Sims for tonight I want to get that up soon so I'll talk to you all later is anyone I know streaming yeah Jimmy is streaming ok I'm gonna just leave you in Jimmy's Karen stuff thanks again for coming folks hope you enjoy city skylines I'll see you all tomorrow for something too because schedule is a bit different this week I'm not gonna be here on Saturday so I can stream a little bit for tomorrow it'll be a short string but we'll do something thanks again for coming folks take care guys thank you later [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 114,022
Rating: 4.2794118 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-303174865, rtgamecrowd, Recreating Dublin in minute detail, if Dublin had been ravaged by warheads, Cities: Skylines, Twitch, Gaming, Recreating, Dublin, in, minute, detail, if, had, been, ravaged, by, warheads, Hearthstone, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream
Id: J5YV9PMtK9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 56sec (14396 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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