Forager All Islands Glitchless Speedrun (1:47:25)

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we're doing another forager all islands speed run glitchless the last time I did this I improved my time by 20 minutes which is pretty good but it's only better than my one other time I completed it and it's from 2 hours and 20 minutes to about 2 hours so it's still not incredible but we'll see where we can get to my goal for this time is really just remember to do my splits every single time because last time I totally forgot even like the first one after I said I would do it so let's delete this one and then let's start and press the split right away alrighty there we go it's going I can see it so now start off the same way we always start off we just want to mine a bunch of stuff one thing I was thinking about was do I want to get the coin upgrade to get more land first or do I want to get the Fords for experience I guess what'll really subtle it is once at my first level I'll see how much stuff is left on the screen and my out of things to forage or do I have plenty I think also it makes me sad to say this what I'm going to do is gonna be a little more ruthless on the cows because I've been thinking about the experience you get per like x-wing and the cows are really good the chickens are probably good too but they give you those eggs and eggs are good for selling if I actually have the inventory and manage to pick them up remember to do them but the cows kind of just sit around being tempting sources of experience and also future sources of leg so I think I might give that a shot we have to eat some stuff soon last time somebody sold on my sand and it still didn't even really collect enough sand to get a lot of or to get the bottles to make that get the druid scrolls when I needed it yeah we got plenty of stuff let's get a building building XP probably do is make sure to mine enough stone during that initial thing to build through these furnaces we owe you this guy that's okay below get back my next books at corn edge going to definitely remember to do that well we're going to definitely try to remember to do that like to build two of these right away because it's really hard to have too many furnaces my time a notice if you made too many furnaces is later on when you're trying to get bricks cool make this and make anything else and I'm cool and yeah we do need those bricks later so don't want to overdo it but I mean you got to you got to get the furnaces if you're like sitting around waiting for your furnaces to finish almost certainly you should just build another furnace and load whatever you need into there so what won't really right but the last run was my skill choices I believe how much of this can I get or some of this yeah my skills I wanted to know about building or which ones are good to skip with ones I need food oh if I find a fish soon makes no storage that the time there where I'm just using my movements to pick up that stuff before they're all completed I wasn't a good use of my time I could have been whacking rocks or bushes which is arguably also not a good use of my time but as long as we're within the logic of this speedrun it is a good use of my time I'm two three four I make more coal you know it's gonna be hard up to much cold we need bricks and cotton for the bricks and cotton for the something-something station at which point we'll want flowers and gold bars why these things I'm talking through is just me remembering it it's um every time I play through it I get a better sense of what things I tend to forget but it's not like second nature yet by any means I have to like constantly like what um what's next what's next what's next now is coinage so let's remember to do the split and not the tiny land oh it's a good one nice but also went well last time was my setup of mining rods I didn't get any overlap I just put them all on good places because I didn't try to like achieve 100% coverage right away I just waited until I had good spots to use I think I heard something at the fish catch fish perfect fish farms we build a another fish trap yeah I have two fish traps last time I wouldn't be opposed to three let me get so now we have enough to build that need to flop down some bridges bridge bridge that's real this thing right there right there okay so we made that I don't know what we're gonna do with it gotta make gold coins I mean full of coins well we got to get coinage they also let me get that gold wall up of or the first of all before I start making a ton of coins but we're still gonna get enough to at least make another land which should be 50 so we need four coins once we get climbers oh my god this guy that sucks I love that yeah we don't want to take damage we're not gonna get any skills that let us get cooked food we don't get the one that makes fairy spawn until a lot later the lucky thing to do is to just buy the fairy island to heal up I mean I'm hoping this is better in the real version but dying in this game is so annoying cuz like don't just respawn but your respawn and a lot of your stuff that's just messed up in arbitrary ways like you things that were previously crafting and your furnaces are just gone or like any upgrades you got are now like they don't reset but you can fill them again which is like a bug that I don't want to exploit because I'm obviously doing a glitchless run yeah so now we can get coinage and we're going to hit the split a button J already so next we're just going to go up through markets I think yeah let's get crafting gold colones that's what we need gold beerus can't make a lot coal just make all this we need some brick for the cotton machine sewing one other thing i did well with my newest run through what's been happy excessive hoarding it's for not be excessive hoarding things that don't need right away like I can sell my early jellies and I can sell my early flowers folk using those two later well no oh you know what what do we need plenty pickaxe that's between you and bars really bad Oh seven perfect well very close and I'm sure we'll find someone meantime it's also something I did well is remembering to get that pickaxe early time before that I played I spent like far too long without that pickaxe you can build that up great real early let's get some of these gold bars going I just need one more gold bar let me stairs I'd like to learn how to make actually happy sounding music I can make like sad music or like really just like depressing sounding dubstep but like music that someone might actually want to listen to eludes me okay make one more of these coins save those gold bars for something I don't know what it's gonna be a tan to left I guarantee it dispensed ibly random but it's not clearly not perfectly random because more than half the time you think for tiny there it is done the tiny island there's a little ghost over the bar that says Google Chrome on my screen I really hope this not showing up on the thing I mean it's not really part of this game window so ostensibly it shouldn't okay we didn't get any more iron in the meantime which really sucks we want bricks for a market I think we have any spare thread yeah let's get this bridge going laughter even though this town sucks well brick bridge there oh ho there we go something I discovered that came to us on the by Island screen where you zoom out you can let go around and pick up stuff on the screen and like scope to see if you have the resources you need elsewhere it's really helped especially because it reaches a certain point in the game where using automation rods and they tend to pick up everything but some reason I don't totally understand they don't pick up oh my god I'm out of wood now they don't pick up the gems so you got a lot of gems lying around when you need them so if you zoom out to scout you can get those gems instead of having them sit around ready see look there we go it already has proven itself look at that market it's gonna need a lot of bricks and blood she means we're gonna need a lot of what in general dollars cold ones law support needed I am lucky band oh yeah I also found out was late game you ran out of iron a little bit stone and mining scrolls really help with that especially if you get a bill to scroll to and you have an area where you have mining rods on either side of the things so you've got to really fast mining routes getting you a ton of iron brick eight sounds about right coal make a bit we're gonna need more wood cotton that's good I will need those gold bars for the wallet yeah so make some gold fires next here gold mini that'll be - that'll be enough so pick this up get some thread going on okay can get a lot of wood here and I'll have the brick so that'll be good I see that sneaky jelly ring already so thread make more thread so I'm gonna mark it right up there build America we need a lot of break I'm 88 I'm not sure if I made a tomato made seven have enough gold bearers yet some of them I said look to see how much what the market actually requires that it is seen like I don't know it's all good that's no I don't want that so bricks are finishing up boy work I need to make one more I don't think it's a bit right eleven twelve no we gotta get a thread rolling your skills next we go over this way going for automation Reds next split let's try remember that something's gotta get steel rolling gotta get rich over here just enough so this is enough for the wallet I believe I'm gonna get a lot of stealing bricks going I need a lot of coal in a lot of metal we want to see if the markets selling anything I really want to get um but take this take these cookies take these cookies probably I want to sell all my food sorry man I mean we could have a no kill the animals category but it's not what we're doing so there's a lot of metal a lot of trees look at us I just sold a lot of food really good should have made more berries there it's stupid to open that screen and not get up to full energy is that's good if we need stone what do we got for stone let's find out 19 yeah we're gonna need more than 19 brick ideally what so much not very much wood let's make this all under coal good I got that I was able to do things while that was going on do do hoping that menu up you're very interesting to try and incorporate doing that right I'm not gonna build a bridge to cut this island all this walk around the top okay already back first don't hit me up I see you you cook so I can make more thread thread makes me gold ingots so we need some join me to steal for the first automation with any brick but it might even be time for more furnaces it's nice what this market is I can sell this random nice I really wanted to memorize now I make sure to get these things so I can sell them my inventories full she got a song sell this all this this this this nice we couldn't buy a new land easily now let's do it Thailand 60 that's a reasonably good land aunty use one blood to get across one bridge they attack this guy don't want me to get killed their rallying cry of most things alright so next upgrades just royal steel which does nothing right now but those remind us all right weren't we gonna be making steel and bricks so let's try and actually do that steal make one we need more iron and gets burning it's just just make the one to make the steel afterwards but yeah we need more coal might actually be time for that other furnace move a oh sorry try not to swear a lot but sometimes I'm not very good at it furnace okay so make all the coal become well it's tremendously small not a coal make this make it be got no coal I'll get some Oh dad come on I think I'm trying to do here there we go I need more breath this will set us up to build at least one mining rod I'm not gonna need another mining rod Antilles Island to the right of for the left of what we got down there and there's a good candidate for its what are these costs tui oh my god those are supremely expensive bring out to buy that top line first might not put a mining right on it that's a little Oh we can put them up in anticipation of buying the next land no this harvest half the spring which isn't bad the tile god don't want those berries I like being this close to death just organizing things I'd hate being close to death so we can make more coal let's just mine the coal that really only get knocked down one tree I really thought I was focusing on getting treats effectively clearly I wasn't God why are all these bulls here with jerks do you charge an effectively thanks okay so nobody needs coal and iron to any extent I should pick those up [Music] [Music] more steel in summer break I'll be stuck to make two mining roads working with automation last time I played I was set to get zero and then after that like unless we find a time road we're gonna get leather so we can start doing the level to upgrade for at least the backpack just reach a point where you need a freaking bag back up yeah we can buy that top line nice that's another reasonable place I could go up and down what's this stuff I don't think I want to online basically because I haven't thought about enough to know whether or not it spreads I'm just going to go by default but I'm pretty certain is definitely viable which is to use my mining rods horizontally between tiles so let's try and clear this guy oh my god let's see where we are sorry about that I just don't like that okay your ear I don't know what's going on but I'm gonna keep trucking keep trucking so I like to be makes red iron ingots I'm gonna need coal that's why we're cutting big enough so just collect a bunch of wood you can have that top just level up lay down an automation rod try and make a bunch of coal we're gonna need to I don't want all this what I collect goes to I like collect a bunch of water and I go to make you know some coal and I can make too cold already there's kind of a split in coming we're and do it BAM Wow good stuff make me a bunch of coal now let's see about putting down a mine yard nice okay so we're gonna need more brick but for now we're good and let that thing take care of what its gonna take care of leave it'll hit that iron so now with all this coal we should be able to make some more steel any more cold and goods and then we'll also need brick I put another one down probably one side of the strattice hang on let's find out where it's cheaper okay not a danger of being killed immediately yeah what do I want after this Oh another gem your name topaz it's that good we buy land this is 280 so to the right of the raddest Islands we're gonna build a mining road right there we're gonna need coal and them bricks so we got a bunch of coal free steel just five bricks and that's what we made so for that a second that's good yes this backpack just requires the leather that's probably worth of house below the more inventory is good for selling time effectively just hiding like a jerk coal for bricks so we F for breath let's go down first year when the bombs there we go they're so nice I got a lot of work we can set two things I don't think jelly anytime soon keep signing this belly I'll poop obviously saw this saw this Erica nice leather soon that's not Solis that's why they're drawing last time that's something other self only get better and better at is not selling them for stuff I need you to sign the stuff I don't need let's get this right now so I need for leather plus some thread so Wow not see that coming for the maid that's right in advance make a bigger backpack will be useful steal gold ingots and steel yeah we got one steel one-sixty you need like 260 or something yeah so I need to find out the best way to do this how do chicken another chicken how do you like transition the endgame to you know the point where I'm actually like getting shrines getting the Box selling all my stuff and buying the land no Feria subscription table of culture all right mommy can make leather I need a lot more scrub let's get some cotton I'll take care of it I'm dealing maybe a bunch of gold ingots make a bunch of Steel yeah you know I think it druid scrolls right away if I get some song once maybe I should build one more fishing trip cow sorry buddy Oh genuine Sarah for the chicken now gets perfunctory sorry buddy I completely intended to do that we've got a little more fishing trap for the green backpack ready new jelly jelly supremely good job a few things from I sell it anymore not like I know now we're doing Kelly shows up a lot I got a lot of it dangerous to go back there monster Oh a purple one mmm letting us get something oh yeah do I need this we need all this stuff anymore and I actually do need jelly and I don't have it this person will oblige that's truly a person that's somewhat horrific oh darn it you know I was going to use those to make a fishing trap I just freed it up flustered in the moment I don't want to spend a lot of time thinking about your decisions you just want to make your decisions very quickly they also want to make the correct decisions so not really inscription tables anytime soon they really need to leather for the inscription tables my name is respect not quite there here we can still go to make various to make that Fisher trap not off of these but look it there 283 okay I'm gonna make some steel okay probably it's time for another firm so probably want to mining right on just the other side of this Redis Englund that's that upper square isn't that great ugly up top there we'll see which one [Music] [Music] now we get areas suppose I just feels bad to get the fairies but it's like got a cut to inscription table somehow okay he's like a taken care of okay this inventories better keep out building that last fish trapped for me some coal okay so now we might actually oh and you let's never got a mullet I'm rolling hot pepper I might um we got that mining rod just go dang it if I go back before I got the backpack it's not give me a screwy strapped down we didn't really as much it's obviously better not to dive if it's not like I was anything in a second get the stuff on the other side sounds like my fishing traps are up on each side for bottle of Sam's fish one two or three I'm gonna build another one of these a force and the eights and total my subscription tables are coming up soon let's save that gets gold and go break what's Brooke like break well I mean we got more mining rods and we can really shake a stick at we just need to land you know wow did I ever just touch that thing completely makes my thread harvest xmax yes I think don't really need many more mining rods right now what we really need are gold coins and just start saving up for bombs stop selling the slides that I got let's start making articles are coal and iron Wow I can't hit this guy from next song yeah so it's gonna start picking up metal and make Nicole metal does they ever need to buy those just like the lands that our things are currently overlapping tells us this now we need to make some leather actually well I could can we sold those Heights they get more hey speaking of which fight me yeah I should make sure there's not a little spare getting around midnight coins oh yeah but we'll do that by going to pile and just wiggling around great okay it wasn't quite what we wanted so there's a lot of stuff up north the Train go there I'm on full control full they call again to 80 should be our next land many we need flowers for the cauldron you might think still snap sellers I'm building another fish trip maybe I'd be really good to get through it Scrolls I see once we need nightshade and lilac cutter require having automation rods in those areas but I mean it's also good for this getting a lot of wood struggling down hmm let's see if we can build another fishing trapping fishing trip okay just content ourselves with that from wrong so these gotta make the weather there goes gold ingots [Music] [Music] very very close probably sell some nonsense we'll get up there don't that's not nonsense this is nonsense oh well the next point Island by this land it's reasonable Oh fairy I don't know where you came out right I got the skill okay market respond good to check for market respond big backpack Blackie's and I'm old so some of the dumb stuff you can make man so this need the Saudis are these my stuff makes marks around gold ingots mark gold ingots I'm gonna take my iron and get coal make our coal mines you want three of those to make gold coins out of them oh right sound of this Furioso you need like two or four leather for one of the book upgrades so smart to get that in advance so got to be right at the book upgrade so you mean go pick a fight with some bulls so I think there is no ascription table inscription table so I mean ideally would have had enough leather once we got the table but second ideally if we have almost enough father oh I don't understand any bricks next you want to buy the one to the left or that other automation rod is me Rick I need a dark land at some point we're gonna need to go north at some point I'm not sure either those points now grab my thread we have a hard time getting up father for that book I'll see them that's just gonna break stuff speaking of non emeralds topaz I can sell one of those topaz as I think this given we got so many I think I start talking lower as this goes on I'll try and not talk lower that's like this is actually really wearying to just keep doing this try and be playing the game as optimally as I understand this over and over this red big backpack already meant to buy this land 350 now we don't want that be there very soon I need to find the ferry almost does all right I'm going off this Oh eat it eat the ferry it's Michael so the PI felt a lot of bricks I remember why I wanted that but I didn't want a subscription table build an inscription table paper [Music] [Music] all righty on my new roads will be effectively collecting things so nice you probably want to phone land things fun tiles have a better-than-average chance of giving us skull or gem chests and they have bones and nightshade which are all good idiot guess the fish caught something Oh little ebook we need thread for this thing we don't have any we have enough thread we're gonna need a weather for the next one she won't have to use all the bridge [Music] [Music] I might just pick them up randomly let's see oh wait but I kind of made thread craft it oh I might not make the wallet I'm probably gonna might go for the amulet getting extra resources really essential gotta sell some dumb stuff myself I saw this I saw this on the other hand I could just make this medium wallet get in there on the bottles okay I mean getting that nice up great as an essential so let's just be glad we can get a threat and we can get [Music] okay thank you got a bunch of Billa picking me that does require leather right and paper leather fractionally one leather shorts aren't too hard up for cotton I prefer to have it 3:20 okay I haven't missed a split yet national shrines the America just updated so I gotta check it out if I can get a - rod or a - scroll for instance from America that's good its density I should try and build multiple markets so I can buy minor Scrolls today [Music] I think that's part of the reason to not build multiple markets just at the chance of getting anything good it's not stupendously high maybe later down the line I really want to refine my time that's a shine High Roller market but now we get the more fun way you're playing with this actually just try and play optimally on average oh yeah so you can get that amulet and then ideally the second amulet I think just requires the other gems basic amulet [Music] catch catch catch catch you catch catch oh that's enough glass cake for boss okay sometimes we'll be growing there at some point next little college town okay I'm not seeing any develops cotton closes soon and that'll just pick up on its own I should see about building the next one which I believe I'll be able to do it right away there's my throne maybe stun us a vercelli you just say flowers for a tiny bit harm I seen it cleared up a lot of space by using a lot of gems I think there's some leather is needed once more today [Music] I don't really need I mean I'm sorry but it's like I'm not gonna stop so not really a real sorry so we built that there four big backpack is going to come around for some gems and still want that much I was just left thread okay make a pot a lot of it let me see things are done and possibly I want a second Forge oh my plop one of these right in the middle we got that bottle we gotta catch a ferry okay good stuff man can we get the salt rinse or what in the saying that there should be a split in between automation and shrines to automation really [Music] unless we really wanted to get artistry before we sell a lot of bones or shrines when you're trans first going in with her stealing bone more steel and my cold mix my cold we needed the same glass another bottle once tonight will transfer to the porch bug we can also start doing some upgrades based on having royal stuff oh look this craft the chronic town I need the poem so spare me bones right now really get rid of something for this night shame you didn't make the steel so this here we gotta make the college one build magical cauldron the bricks we're making breakfast names moving towards full doesn't sound like anything to me you know we got this deal every didn't get the steal and I can definitely build your own not quite there anything with this checkup in mind they're out of free zone of it on up out of the search box over here don't make any noise bomb Kelly's first place [Music] get this jerk now we can definitely build up on him let's get that going man let's see about the big wallet this needs leather first we need thread can make a lot of thread fortunately some point I'll be able to start selling off my hide we're making that down now we're building the cauldron probably not I think Lea's daughter Steele no didn't need to you okie-dokie that's good to have so we could find more land let's go talk to the caricature it's cruel yeah skip skip skip skip you very well buddy so some nightshade they can get nightshade by throwing down one of these here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is my sort of I need those flowers or something makes my first money up enough bricks and crystals that we can at least to make around and see where we go all righty so now I'm at really a pretty big inflection point if I can pull this off right my question [Music] trying to charge faster right away see whether we got order showers any swirls perfect please - one two three - scroll and builder scroll I got one - well but it's really not so I'm just going to do minor scroll here followed by builder scroll Santa so these bones buy some land I think it doesn't matter it'll spawn crystals anywhere this place actually [Music] things so firm or our necks right there but pretty good I stayed away for all these friends to return I should be able to make even more Thompson flowers three flowers oh wait oh my god the birds a little stupid I supposed to be a Chester turn that guy I'm trying do it the laneway on a bridge why do I hope I didn't lose all that yeah very close we get more gems inside of these towers all right if you want to figure out what's good to do now this is hard I'm gonna have the mining then just stupidly make an idiot give it over here just on the edge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] colonization we might wave over we didn't need all this money I think Jay it's just stupid split because Oh already that's down 13 minutes for my time last time I don't think there was a lot of points I feel like I'm flailing around I feel like I at least did it pretty good oh there are some on the chat a real kind I mean let me see who you actually are hi a real cyborg if you're still there I didn't know I have a chat Title II set up in the corner but I'm not very good at looking at yes so it actually I did all my splits I got a faster time I had enough steel for automation rods when I got to it mm I was able to get a lot of shrines I got all the skills I'm on I was able to get a lot of scrolls and use those well I think all in all it was a good run I got colonization like right before well I bought a bunch without colonization or discount I think it could done better there was a point where I realized I could go around and get a bunch of gems from different areas and it was just too overwhelming to try and coordinate that with everything else I was doing if I could have done that better that might have been good but I didn't so you know these are all the good skills mostly I'd really want to skip out on him I mean you really need the big backpack with leather leather does a lot of stuff actually I can't skip loving that was pretty good thanks anyone who watched thanks me for doing such a good job see ya
Channel: Pond2D
Views: 79,720
Rating: 4.4011974 out of 5
Keywords: Forager, Beta 6.2, Speedrun, speed, run, islands
Id: lrhGJVAT_uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 48sec (6648 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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