Polling of Rainbow #2 - Hutts Streams Enter the Gungeon

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so let's do this let's sign up for the rainbow run you guys are gonna pick in the chat with a number 1 through 8 starting at the top we'll be number one working our way clockwise around to number 8 all you guys got to do when I when I give you the signal is type the number of the item that you want got it let's do it and remind me remind me Chad to go fight the past if and when we get there there goes all right pole is created when we have gun Bo gun dramatis train which is like less enemy health robots lefthand possibly I think it's pretty good comp is pretty bad bees we have blank companionship ring the little blank dude that walks around and falls us and like does cool stuff the punching thing and then what does that ghost bullets there's this bouncy bullets then they might be bouncy bullets so gun ball being one bees being five gun dramatis train being two playing companionship being 6x fire plots I'm glad you're feeling better after sucking on Satan's toe yeah dude bro don't forget you guys we are raising money for children's cancer research it is May that means play live that means the entire month of May I'll be raising money for st. Jude if you guys want to donate click on the link below to donate to my st. Jude charity stream we've raised $400 already today due to amazing and generous people I appreciate all of you seriously number three is gonna take the the win here 33% want this the closest that is 22 percent for number two so let's do robots up and then it's pretty good it's like really good in fact so you know I can get down with that let me shut the pull off hum gun drama it's pretty nice though I hate this starter weapon disgraceful never gives me what I want get a chance to drop guns and passives what a wonderful world it would be didn't get the glove the box followed my latest planes and located I don't mind cheaper shop prices that's always a plus I think robots lefthand is definitely going to be our boss killer it's always nice to save ammo and funnier guns specifically using the boss fights we're talking torsion of guns French hits was gonna be real good or double vision it would just be Tekken powerful your badge on might as well right three low top but it's worth it to that clip size size game audio's louder than you I know just how to fix it is thats already better gonna need those health upgrades it's not better now I fixed him some stuff and honestly what happened was I turn the music volume and my voice down now it's fine so I think everything else just needs to be rebalanced back to what it was slobs I don't know if they like updated the thing or or what but at one point in time it was perfect and then all of a sudden it was like so not perfect everything was changed like all the default options may be changed or something like that just screwed me over but we're back to normal now what does it rainbow run sort of every floor I get one rainbow chest and that's all I get I get to pick one of the items from the rainbow chest everything else disappears it's even open look at his little dangly feet you douche could add guilt golden John whoops I mean robots left hand was what they'd be like a black bloc chest item it's not like I'm really missing out like humo 31 months in a row rainbow don't forget you guys donate to my st. Jude play a live campaign for every 50 bucks I roll the wheel of doom I've already taken a dab of Boomslang hot sauce because of it and I've done like what 40 push-ups now and 20 squats or something like that there's t-shirt giveaways on that on that wheel super rare though like I just got decimated by one of those dynamite bros nice [Music] left hand is b-tier really poor guy you're saying it's only what green chest then maybe even blue [Music] my xbox controller died two days ago and now I realize how much I suck at guns and without it get a cheap one on Amazon Amazon Prime they make their own xbox controller now and it's super cheap more spicy stuff man you crazy I do it for the kids though it's so worth it this is also so worth it I got three saved up so far as well it'll be the secret um hey I watch your video this is temple parkour Horton [Music] what character you think is easiest pass to win um that's a good question I don't fully remember all of them we just did a couple and they were one of them was kind of bad one of them's not so bad but then again we had some sort of glitch where I got to save all of my shields I don't know what that was about tell me about glitch prime don't forget you can use switch Prime subdue your favorite streamer for free by linking your Amazon Prime account there it is prime sub from Rick with Rick with the W I got it I figured it out I'll take credit for that sub yes give me more red health please more suck that's five in the bank pilots pretty easy a robot where's a good sug but poor that's why you steal your mom's Amazon Prime I mean you don't steal it she's probably not using twitch Brian or your uncle's or your teachers ask him hey hey use your twitch Brian going in any of this stuff extra blanks could be like super cool and stuff but I'm gonna use one right now to find the secret on that totally exists [Music] by the fullhart I should probably do that as well that's probably gonna yield me more money I'm at 193 I can't buy it yet until I do this 20 so that's gonna be 40 total and how much was this worth 26 yep blue big goober get it a sub - hunter look at that such love huemul bitty dollars right for footy now raised for st. Jude Children's Cancer Research that's a non talk in a boot let's spin the wheel you guys I'm so ready for this wheel spin ten squats let's go [Music] that's for your qumu it's also for the kids what if that's not what I meant to do what if we went on here and we increase the size of dabs of hot sauce and giveaways by two we double them save those changes that's what I'm talking about double giveaway chance Oh balls that hurts dude double giveaway double hot sauce challenges our chances every 50 bucks you guys we're at 450 now only had 500 will reroll the wheel read actually read health is good I don't know why I opened the first one because liked it better it off to go with the junk probably hurts deep inside 127 money's feeling good about that though we did open up the secret floor we do have two keys wonderful pampas panda prime sub what is up let's do this you guys you guys ready to vote go a big shooting gun this is the yellow chamber it's pretty good it's like a kind of on all stats up great kind of thing right this is the what's it called shocker gun this is the Kaos amyl it's this is something something something motion alleged skin this is sling this is a health upgrade is that Zillah shotgun could be stuff that I haven't seen in a while than I am I could definitely be wrong [Music] Zillah shotgun yeah that's still a shotgun a tear gun the fires a blast of bullets can be charged a fire the entire magazine at once which causes it to fire piercing bouncing bullets but the player also has yari launcher when either gun has held the player gains an orbiting demon head look up yellow chamber you yellow-bellied let's see here fire rate by 15% cursed by two to hard containers upon entering room there's a high chance an enemy will become charmed as yellow chamber I don't know what the bottom gun is about what the right but right gun is called I forgot [Music] shock rifle maybe no that's not that's the battery looking thing [Music] thunderclap a tear [Music] a circular field surrounds the player that damages nearby enemies when while reloading laser Lotus laser Lotus is a gun that fires piercing lasers the lace is electrified and water that the pass over it's a rank okay looks like number two is winning by two percent over six so you guys want this over this two more percent though could change it to take the lead whatever potion could be real good but the 50 percent increased fire rate from yellow chamber also really good am I caught in three two one yellow chamber it is fire rate extra fire rate on my left hand it's just delicious stop the poll I would like to do the rat fight if at all possible I was just thinking I could use some more ammo for that gun [Music] tiny sea slug two months in a row what's up also 11 months in a row 16 total for hamburger wait how did I get this far did I miss but baby kind of seems like you did 11 in a row you know as contact the mods though they'll hook you up they'll get you on the list I know some people thanks charm bro it's off the charm to enemies the last one to die the tentacles come up and suck it down get him help a little buddy how do you spell but which brawn you have to link your Amazon Prime to your Twitter account that'll activate your twitch Prime and there should be an option to sub using your foot's prime instead helped me out greatly guys gotta get that sub goal [Music] what does that little guy the enemy drops the guy who's doing stuff on our beds from pompous Panda appreciate it thanks friend the tentacles like I said the your your charm to enemy is the last one to die the tentacles will eat it go get him dude he's all over it the little guy the poops on thing drops that's the middle of the poop guy friends in a popcorn of you it's corn because it's a poopie lon right so it drops a little piece of corn that if you shoot it turns into popcorn get him bro he's all yours he's all yours finish him nice hydrate drink water I'll drink water if you donate the children's cancer research that pair yeesh I'm liking the charmed enemies way more than I thought I would wall corner try to stop me couldn't do it how does this gift something work don't give subs you guys donate to Children's Cancer Research use my donate button down below go to tilt if I give the Saint Jude see a place pool right 450 on one hit 5-under today that was the goal seeker on top such a bummer when you don't find the secret room top of the chest rooms I was tight tips to make it to my past get good help [Music] first Robin eight months one month ago welcome back friend goodbye these thank you for your patronage me unlock rainbow runs I find rainbow runs kind of difficult sometimes sometimes you don't get a very good selection on at the rainbow chest and then you know stuff happens but one good gun can probably see you through an entire run you know out a wheel that's [Music] you're still here the tentacles forgot to take you away that got ugly and before Casey happy about not having to do that room nobody's two months in a row what's up welcome back hell for damage I got two extra hearts in my yellow chamber so like why not right quano p do you end up seeing clone a lot to what's going on here with my aim being pulled off oh you know what I'm kicking my mouse cord and it's pulling my mouse like a big dum-dum kicking my mouse table you're the challenge no ammo drops - corded Mouse had too many problems with bluetooth mice [Applause] also I still use AOL Instant Messenger once it'll on make my mom's on the phone gotta wait for the dial-up ported phones are also fashionable [Applause] derpy whoo prime sub what is that welcome [Music] do-do-do-do-do-do Wow don't want ease up too much ammo here am genius smartest man alive predicted that mile away I could smell it mannequins other bits I switched over to wireless mice been using the Logitech G 6te for a while now and it's awesome I do need a new gaming mouse I really like the one that I had I don't know where it went it was a logitech something-something good story right did you like that story I think where'd he go got everything 603 not 60 e if you still use Windows XP now Windows NT here goes right ready to poll sling something-something amoled gilded hydra the bell punchy punch rat sack the Mouser grey Mouser our vorpal bullets starting at number one going clockwise two three four five six seven eight all the way for you guys decaying devil prime sub thank you for that also pompous pay into $20 for my st. you think red 470 you guys $30 away $30 away from our goal today let's go thank you for that [Music] sips tea that tea is good Bell recharges very quick with your left hand looks like most people are voting for vorpal bullets a chance to do massive room damage on a single bullet strike I don't know what the sack does it allows me so that when I roll through bullets I collect them into my sack and then I can use it as a charge and send out these explosive sacks and they all blow up and it's pretty powerful also the ability to hold multiple active items almost like up to five or something like that which is pretty good looks like it's worple's gonna win here by far corporal's at 54% so let's just do vorpal then you guys wanted it [Music] alright I need some ammo I wouldn't mind a different starting or a different active item I mean than the one that we started with the highest thing on my party list Wow Friendly Ghost that is good so nice to be on the other end of that [Music] so those are four purple bullets are the ones that explode they hit an adult pretty cool stuff where'd that guy go I need to find him you but this room damage right are gonna just do massive damage to a single target I've never really liked it up [Applause] [Music] wall corner almost got me there I was close it was close call single target let's actually look it up and see what the wiki says about it it's always nice to melt official stuff morale gun bullets under the player fires he gon occasionally fires a special high damage bullet similar to the critical shot fired by a vocal bullets oh I thought it was room damage okay so it is just critical damage on a single target then which is fine animal drops please sir and some vorpal bullets for the love of Henry gimme of or no ammo drop on that [Music] duck tape run for a video wouldn't mind doesn't work stop tape every gun videos ethanol on is called a challenge though I've got all the big guns and I don't thinking fine Junkin on rainbow mode Barbee not until he's like an actual drop from a chest which I'm not sure it's possible I've never seen him drop out of a rainbow chest yeah buddy we know where the press room is so why don't we use our map to like go right for it every chest equals Junkin did I not do something like that that's something a video I would have done already if I could do every item is a bill nub and Isaac I totally would [Music] dog skeleton gold junk off the bat so there's all gold Junkins oh another one of these things over here almost got me yeah almost done today two leg out they even worth it to fight the boss we could potentially get another heart piece we could potentially lose hello buddy came up here that was incredibly easy günther challenge anti challenge start with Gunther only using him every item you find as a passive upgrade you know if the synergy chest explode when he's on it well sayonara to that dream of getting health upgrades you use your blinks I'm busy pushing like 12 other buttons man that's how I feel about that I'm so mad that they even made damn Lokhande are you a friendly enemy of or not hurts his own friends and Wakonda should not be a thing it should be a floor for floor for rolled in that one we're talking floor for here Oh turns friendly fire on for me I feel like it's either like dodge roll or use a blank it's real hard to try to think about both of them shock a spot in this buck-buck-buck for one only for drive to this for sure this is why I trust no one this is why I know God doesn't exist let's go down to this floor and lose the rest of our health everybody well buddy's coming up to snuggle I'm gonna go ahead and kick this pole off what we got triple gun riddle of lead Zorgon spider boots uh-hum jolt er I think potion of gun friendship then there's the Ruby Dean and the health synthesizer not a pterodactyl 20 months what's up I feel like I already shaved I shared this but I guess twitch knows best right don't question twitch 470 total you guys on the st. Jude donations we are 30 dollars away from another wheel spin where the chances of winning a t-shirt and or dabbing hot sauce on my face is doubled [Music] you guys probably can't see you can't see the screen if I'm doing this Kenya what's more important the pole or Lenny's [Music] everybody Kimmie bud don't need to get milk on my way over I should be okay with this hot sauce it burns initially [Music] you know what I'll actually get the Trinidad scorpion one if if I get it again and then if we do it again and I get another hot sauce tab I will do the last dab dab which you might require some milk but that's probably not gonna happen today [Music] don't fight my nose you he bit me right in the soft spot he's such an man I'm like brushing him and loving on him and he's like oh your nose Lucas Yoshino cha get that ass up the Charlie cat now that's right you run you little dick not my microphones all full of juice I really dislike it when he bites me in the nose they're really hurts your lips are gonna fall off and I might happen become a snake person all right number two definitely is taking the lead here but what about the potion of gun friendship I even called it out in the beginning guys guys guys it's so good with the left hand I'm looking up rittle of light to see what it exactly does one heart container fully heals the player increases damage by 25% player speed by 10% dodge roll speed by 15% when at one heart or less adds a 50% chance of negate damage I'm not a normal girl I've got snake arms all right a little of what it is even Lenny look now this is a godless land I'm out I'll be back to bite your nose later I guess weirdo led helped me out with like my base weapon but we need to know the weapon two guys ooh what am i in a fight bill is the rat with with one gun I'll have to swap over to my starting weapon to finish off his mech form guys did we think about this we didn't plan ahead did we [Music] praise be to four get him bud is your nose covering lotion no he just knows it bothers me he like licks me toos like lick lick lick lick like chomp like so he says in his head I know I okay that's just you know who wants that Glasgow on stone and the first place overpowered as I hate that invisible crap the puns though dad I think you're gonna get along quite well with the mods friends and a tick three months friends and addicts probably shut it friends an attic probably probably a knock back on this gun is unbelievable [Music] [Music] you guys get pennies by just watching Stremme who is new that I'm going to ban because they are going to get along with us [Music] [Music] scope niddy booth stoked at Eagle Point whoa pity school food [Music] [Music] I knew it when I save my blanks for the actual fight though we start there I just don't want to blow this whole run you know maybe we'll get extra blanks and in the way [Music] [Music] more of these that I'll just go ahead and waste sweet you kiss me a charm the little demon you thing what are you supposed to do you know about a name tag do you know how many nameless henchmen I've killed in my day and even got a name tag you better spin that wheel I'm not even on the page I'm sorry ba ba ba ba ba ba ba pop money for st. you too hideous muffin absolutely hugs love it all so tiny seems like $5.00 I think Lenny dropped this [Music] yes tom I'm so pumped whenever I see a donation on that feels so good well this week I can't stop after this room I'm doing it doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo don't forget you guys st. Jude Children's Cancer Research play alive goal of 5,000 over the month of May where five hundred and five dollars right now feels good spinning the wheel chance to win a t-shirt and a chance for me to suffer big chance for me to suffer ten squats okay what else should we add to the wheel what should we add to the wheel chance for tide pod lunges 10 hot sauce Pringle hold a hoop I just got here what's going on it's st. Jude play live first of all polling Gunjan rainbow also st. Jude play alive we do it every year all the donation links down below have been changed to tilt off' i for my campaign i don't recommend people donate to it every $50 you spin the wheel of doom we're at 505 so far feels super good I knew it let's do one what a waste betrayal it can't be true [Applause] we get that betrayers shield you guys know what to do forget him bud hold the door I mean planned after Gunjan yeah forager all the forager [Music] [Music] we're ready for pain worried for glory earlier tonight like an elder blank or some I just let that one hit me look at something else you that was just impossible to dodge sweet loved it ba-ba-ba-ba-ba know oh my goodness oh the red thing came out of nowhere I'm gonna unplug my goddamn mouse if it keeps doing that you knock it off dude health pack feels good okay now what we found the secret room there's another secret room health shield blanked I'm pretty okay about it no more health back to full good fit good good good good good good good good good good good we have the rat key what else we're sitting pretty good bit of a PC is forager for switch because that sounds just like a nice switch title doesn't it [Music] black hole gun won't you come to wash away my heart container because my gilded hydros got a ring of invisibility I think something like that Deckard shock rounds makeshift cannon and the pit Lord makeshift cannon a top tier choice for me black hole gun pretty fun gilded hydras okay but better with lower health I've never taken damage trigger ring not invisible oh you're right there's a little like thing in the middle of it I don't even know what that is is it a new thing trigger ring let's unless you're not right ring of ethereal form that's what I thought it was I was wrong ring of triggers ring of triggers while using an active item rapidly fires the currently held weapon in a counterclockwise rain this does not consume ammo nor does it require the held gun to have ammo remaining would be super sweet if we had something like this could you imagine if we had both of those like just pop this with the one ammo it's got right and then just use my active item in the room and have it just fire allergists like a ton of these makeshift ammos ooh gotta go good luck looks like people want me to take makeshift cannon which I'm like super cool with what I use it on the first phase of the second phase of the rat one I meant one sevens got 64% you guys it's pretty cut-and-dry pretty cut-and-dry pretty recognizable signature all right we have a boss killer then boss killer and boss finisher runaway killed my friend to get them around your friendly dudes have been actually quite nice to have payback for friendly fire first phase is the easiest I take a lot of damage in the first phase though we're gonna to hope and pray for some more ammo drops [Music] because we're at the recharge our makeshift cannon when it's done and our left hand spicy spicy guy [Music] the brown box does not reload my makes it can and I don't think that's got to be a green box [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] em oh great there should be something that happens when you get 10 junk for every junk that you get your chances of getting junk it should increase by 1 percent like not a big deal but could be a big deal you know what I mean please though it makes so much sense 1% is all ass I hate the bubbles so much what I'm talking bout there is that when you get 10 junk the next junk makes it 11 never try drink tea and then you get this string in your mouth yeah nice I don't know why am I good leaning over my microphone when I could just like have proper posture [Music] posture what's that you guys ever hear those products that like buzz when you're slouching it's called like a pneumo lift or some like that like if it senses you're slouching over cousin like reminds you to sit up straight proper postures for scrubs I've heard of a shot-caller now I'll that goodbye you all the weakest thing to buy on ice shop lady I loved it wonderful shut up taser every time you slouch it's just a buzz but still I got keys I ain't using plus I need one of those for a blank for the rat room slouch deez nutz I'm afraid to ask rat room corners not the corners my god they're here trap rubs can blow me this one's not bad though all right next person that donates to my st. Jude I'm doing an automatic wheel giving you a free one sui-chan free said well dangerous really wish I fought the rat now so that I could just leave the ammo drops that'd be so helpful it's animal for sale we should come back and buy that for the makeshift cannon that's what I'm feeling well we might not need to given the fact that on the rat floor there's free ammo cool apps nine months what is up but baby XB ultra also how did you get that beard i so it i fought somebody who had a better beard than me and my beard leveled up true story oh come on i'm like for any amount of money just donate a dollar and i'll spin the wheel and anonymous drops another $100 hey how it's thank you for making videos now i'm out of college and I can afford to donate please keep being awesome please yes anonymous hell yeah if you did not want to be anonymous feel free to announce it into the chat so I can thank you if you wanted to be anonymous do your thing you know I mean that's two rolls I got to do it I got to do it should buy that go on stone Kappa ten squats and what else ten push-ups push-ups and squats let's go [Music] for the kids [Music] [Music] [Music] my knees are already sore upward and onward Thank You 9ms amazing $605 race so far in the first day love it up up up up up then I say $500 was that goal for a double apple juice I think I did can I take it out to the guns and run right before forage or sweet good talk I don't want to crash until later all right you know a whole double apple juice that's like twice the apples oh yeah oh it's a map Allah free health history real estate do we find the secret room we did totally right there rat room let's go legit tired from that legitimately tired from that too but I feels really good though to get a workout where's the ten killing me to run ten kilometres miles is ten kilometres I think we're gonna be fine you guys without the ammo because the ammo drops on the the rat floor will use this gun up probably I didn't get halfway through it by the time they get there we'll have the fame they give it 50% ammo plus the green box which will fully reload my makeshift cannon do believe that'll work this is prerecorded right six six miles oh I thought it was gonna be oh yeah that doesn't seem so bad what we got going on here this and then this and then this there we go triple gun blank bullets crescents crossbow orbital bullets any bullets on a Miss will orbit me a shot bow shields thing yari launcher right is that not potion of lead blood skin let's look at I just make sure it looks the exact same that is a yari launcher that could be the easiest rad fight in the world blank bullets also pretty solid orbital it's also pretty solid triple gun not so bad not so good shields are always nice yo-yo launcher though the potion kind of nice where health is doing fine though everyone's voting for yari launcher yari and vorpal deadly the Top Gun number one yes and then it goes clockwise from there number two number three four five six seven eight nine not nine sorry back to one you can type nine but it's not gonna do sevens at 62% there's no way you're coming back from that yari there's no way you're coming back calling it it's gonna be a nice rat fight though makeshift and yari ooh-la-la oof captain reload faster one pound of ham 17 months tis I the man with the ham putted for our charity stream hunts lamb should not be added to the the thing everyone we mess up that order and we got booted from this whole place was a bad day I'm not gonna use half of my bullets huh he said famous last words hi how am i doing I am well I'm doing like super good knowing that we've already raised how much money now six hundred five dollars for st. Jude play live which is now now guys you've ever wanted to donate now is the perfect time we actually got to touch up on me there [Music] thanks for heads-up on that Hutt's let's do this let's do this hell yeah would gladly donate if I had any to donate will my kidney do kidneys perfect yaryi launcher for the first wave probably get it over with makeshift cannons got knocking through the whole second wave I don't think but okay you could just miss then yeah so that was a lie yari for always look at that I didn't get touched no touch can I donate my huge 4head 5head to join the 5 head club you meet every Thursdays that's not gonna be a good thing to waste this uh no touch rad fight why am I not blocking these it's because I try to do that haha now I'm getting all twitchy ah I did that one there we go I saw hungry bullets [Music] Narim nom noms cheese put cheese in it you dick stop it [Music] thought I nailed that perfectly made a captain made a club no way no way 24 hour stream confirms I get all this stuff so most weapons we've had dark games on prime sub what is up long C to run clone on the way it goes [Music] hey it's a me launcher [Music] we don't get anything from these chests either it's not even worth it to open them sin worth it I don't want to fight super dragon you can't make me I'm not skipping floors either banca span 100 bits one pound of ham got to help the kids $100 oh my god right $705 you guys this is going way better than I thought it was going to I was like ah shoot st. Jude play Lobby I didn't hype it up and like ah Sh I don't know if it's gonna even happen and here we are sitting at seven hundred five dollars on the first freaking day wheel me now I'm doubling the chance well that's that's 150 percent chance hot sauce huh because I'm getting too hungry for the pain because I haven't even put it on the screen yet hang on a second all right you guys vote I'll I'll be rolling shovel health synthesizer the gungeon Casey number five will put that as courage medal of valor courage thing 6 will be the Amal that's 7 the punch out and eight will be the admit one pigeon ticket oh my god did I say the changes on that squats dude my knees are hurting and one more knot squats place oh that's so close to the giveaway 10 push-ups and squats I can do it [Music] [Music] just making me have to pee shovel is winning right now let's see here the the ticket is a close second at 34% and 27% petition to change to have a hot sauce to dab on the hot sauce I'm gonna call it you guys and three oh my god the tickets actually it's tied it's tied up 32 32 [Music] oh the tickets losing the shovel is as good I like the shovel but vote one or all band uses clock Oh the tick you just pulled it a little bit all right I'm closing my eyes counting it between 1 & 8 & 5 4 3 2 1 go number ones at 30% number eights at 38% you guys want the pigeon ticket sorry clock better get ready to ban [Music] for weapons we can use our membrane maybe early would not have minded though using the shovel shovel is pretty solid Mersey excuse me dude oh I don't even see those dudes I don't even see those little too bad it was a joke don't forget you guys you can donate to my tilta fie for st. jude buttons down below make sure it says tilt to five if you want to give to the kids and the cancer research so we can kick cancer in the dick at 705 raised total today every $50 I spin the wheel of doula you can't figure out how to do that tilt if I thing just ask some odds that will give you a link in the chat do friendly spider nice unless these fires at me no we're good he missed all those shots how is a wall there bro oh my god that's the smartest blob of ever seen genius blob look at him he's he's positioned himself perfectly there we go [Music] what needs a reload yari noise what is clone do says Cara curry when I die I redo the entire game also I don't know if I said officially one pound of ham thank you so much for the $100 is amazing Bozz man three months Hut's you've helped me through a lot so I'd like to say thanks in any way I can keep being awesome dad thanks boss man appreciate the support we could probably give some guns to this Molotov and potentially the membrane but I kinda you know the membranes doing it right now for me so I yellow it she was go for it I'd love a 25-hour stream dude 24-hour seems i struggling take up another $100 oh yes to st. jude $100 jacob thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you wheel of doom let's do the next I'll do the next however many roles we get by that point in time when we're pulling the same time Yolo it of course let's do it sorry melt off rude it's the Scrambler got it love eggs water thyself deal deal got yourself a deal thank you so much Jacob that was awesome and I'm pumped man I'm Jax so parking jacks I wish I gave something else though for the ultimate gift instead of another gaming chair if we could do like I don't know what else what else costs a chair get them little chickadees hugs thirst for blood two smaller chairs half a table houses charity work guys and I get some info before I go to bed it's for children's cancer research st. Jude check them out they're super legit and depending on the amount raised there's like incentives for the streamer I'm actually sitting on the chair I got for doing it last year thanks to you amazing people it's like the comfiest chair ever it is so comfy it's not form-fitted to my tuchus but we'll get there best thing about the scrambler I don't have to aim playing at the Umbra 25% of a PC hey GTX 1080 or some right send me one of those get one of those every year and then SLI it [Music] could do a giveaway for the new chair I know a lot of people personally that would kill for a chair we'll see what happens like it wouldn't Oh wouldn't be wasted I'm not gonna be wasted I would fill for a chair what would you do for a Klondike bar what would you do for a Klondike chair oh sorry bud you got frozen oh wait you were doing such a good job I don't want to take it away from you makes me happy that they can't kill him too I have killed for a chair shoot a gun game the guy isn't even here mom hello why don't I do that moves too fast oh here he is I don't get to keep it though after the gun game so this will just be for fun I [Music] haven't done this one yet I didn't even know he was in the middle [Music] that little like last-minute hesitation right when you pull the trigger like I just like aim it this is where like keyboard mouse would actually come in real handy don't change a weapon on me wait what you gave me two shots that's it's why keyboard a mouse definitely superior for that game I wanted have fun playing the game and then you ruined it for me I've never seen him only do two games are two shots rip is right $10 from NJ Oregon thank you so much great cause never been happier to be supporting a streamer thanks to the cause and the amazing cause cause cause cause cause cause NJ Oregon thank you for the $10 we're up to 815 you guys I can't believe we're at 815 right now that's so much so far can much men nacho might as well fight the boss Maui coal pigeon now's the time now's the time pigeon oh yeah put wrecking me at this card game um yeah I like another rainbow chess place we'll do the secret floor I'm in gonna need some ammo though please 841 look at that shenanigans $25 I think we can crush this goal pretty quick let's go to 10k goals 5k we'll see what happens 10k is lofty and gas bar DD $1 can donate much but had to give something thanks for supporting a great cause also gonna flex a bit just got the Platinum for a gungeon on ps4 well done thank you so much everything counts exploding boo two months in a row welcome back back 841 841 are you guys gonna like really let it rest though at 41 that's such an like a nice even number I mean I'm just saying you crushed it last year I got a hash out all the milestones kind of caught me off guard today forgot about it until like an hour before stream so I like quickly rushed and I signed up everything squared away for the links eyebrow game on fleek pigeon seems like pretty powerful though I'm assuming I can't get hit by pigeons bullets but maybe that's just assuming too much what happens if you have makeshift cannon and orbital bullets they probably orbit you from experience I know you can't was the last say dude stream already a year ago yeah it was [Music] we found the secret Eknath that's the last room let's go to the secret floor [Music] eight $59 hideous muffin we can't leave it at 8:41 now can we thank you so much muffin hell yeah we still have clone to go [Music] let's do this we have two rolls no bread 850 that's a third roll oh great let's go if I'm not mistaken that's three while I'm doing that I'm gonna let you guys vote for your favorite item out of this looks like it is this little red dot I don't know what that is let's just do it in the order that I'm gonna list off right now okay red dot for number one number two Bell number three health upgrade number four morning star number five that thing number six the soul gun seven is the napalm strike I think maybe possibly an eight will be the potion of lead skin go clone is gone what right there brah let's do these three roles that's hot sauce isn't it tell me that's a dab of hot sauce what if we get two dabs of hot sauce t-shirt giveaway hell yeah brah let's go almost a second t-shirt giveaway push-ups all right hot sauce push-ups t-shirt giveaway let's do it I said I was gonna go get the spicier hot sauce let me do it be right back guys [Music] forget about [Music] forget about the past mistakes because all you ever did was change [Music] [Music] you guys are voting for number one the little Fleck thing what is it I can smell this already it hurts Sparkle bomb 48 what's up 48 let's go mannequins I mean I'm just saying you crushed it last year I read that one ready you guys were raising money for children's cancer research let's go let's do this don't forget to donate that is uh that is quite the dab let's go it's also quite the amount of cat hair hanging off of it YUM [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I had like I couldn't swallow doing push-ups so I just sat in my mouth oh I'm taking tums now ah Hertz what's going on you okay $850 raised today you guys are children's cancer research is definitely worth it you guys want the flag sunlight javelin what is it let's use it sub Dark Souls check that out pound a ham you dog that's ten sub gifts to Ralph a man roppa men y el y little gang Iligan maybe 60 hours in a day Chester Eiffel Stein Arland hexagonal King mushroom the prism and McLane boy thank you so much pound of ham I appreciate that so much look at that guns cool yeah that's pretty nice I like it storms a-brewin and nyan cat prime sub welcome thank you thank you thank you thank you why are they glowing what is the glowing mean we read the wiki on this thing 850 men Sonlight javelin shoots fiery javelins if a javelin hits an enemy they will receive a yellow glowing effect and will take damage over time for a short period of time sweep excellent this is an emos in chat well it's a friendly it's a friendly fridge get a fridge get him fridge oh yeah that was nice nice change of pace there cringe nothing I'm gonna add mine Braille this is cool I missed dropped in the start of my sell the streak sadly I've got to get out of here with the jaw surgery good luck with that thanks for stopping by boom I always feel fine and then I go on streaming I'm like guns got a lot of ammo charmed enemies need a raise that guy just tanked a vorpal shot no friggin way that's not cool if you miss oh my goodness it scared me where you're shooting mate there we go 870 20 from lost Legion roses are red violets are blue take my money from me to you thank you so much the 20 extra gloss legion thank you thank you thank you thank you hell yes donation Train baby I'm loving it so much look at some apple juice after this run got some apple juice after the run palm to 8bit jams let's go we never reloaded a makeshift cannon son of a dick pigeons your time [Music] [Music] stop bowing let me turn it up the vote off [Music] where's my chest no we're just here okay cool photographer was he nerfed what does it make shift cannon do destroys lives it's really good [Music] it goes mash shotgun orange goo on stone strafe gun baby good mimic which will do nothing Zillah shotgun again the thing that makes it so my followers I don't have our more powerful glacier gun and blood bridge [Music] see what is the blood bridge do [Music] increases cursed by one heals the player for half a heart for every 1200 damage they deal not the most exciting thing I've ever seen but [Music] my mouth still burns and then hot sauce you guys mom's clock do you have a ability to set up a giveaway right now for the t-shirt are your mouth still burns I can one second sweet who wants to win a t-shirt still gotta do that Jacob says no I love these square-cut chips though and he's cool so much easier to dip [Music] baby good manga is still very good [Music] you guys want number three scrape gun [Music] the bowls though these are better the bowls can sometimes jab you right in your mouth you guys are going to happy first rape gun select Kirkland brands mission yeah their mission all right straight gun it is bleeding edge gameplay [Music] [Music] [Music] scrambler javelin these are all good guns to use Oh almost got me there this one looks the coolest high-damage sniping is my kind of style you know like revolvers sniper rifles like Borland's one being the was his name Mordecai even though being the big tank guy was like basically the most powerful thing ever and you leveled up fast than anybody else what a snipe [Music] [Music] I missed I don't miss it it [Music] they took my javelin run room and there's the pickles from last time and there's my car keys final questions dad keyword keyword will be for the kids no spaces [Music] teacher giveaway page under chat if you want to win keyword is for the kids type it in the chat you'll automatically be entered to win a free HUD scamming t-shirt [Music] thank you so much to those who donated and made this possible appreciate you [Music] currently still sitting at 870 you guys we want to bump that up to 900 so close [Music] Murphy ammo [Music] just make sure you spam it clock when the winner wins I'd like to announce it as well [Music] Zeus danced 871 yeah the internet police hey man I'm on TV are you proud that I'm helping to stop cancer anyway anyhow hutch what is the best game you've ever played you don't need to answer just wondering the best game I've ever played and I'd be lame and say rebirth you might not think I don't in I don't enjoy it anymore but it's a reason I put that many hours into it [Music] [Applause] other than that heavily influenced by nostalgia probably ocarina of time but this of that game so many times through then anybody win I don't see it yet that means it's too quiet no it's lame to ordered animal know what the kids baby if we can get 10 separate accounts 10 different people in a row to each give $1 uninterrupted by any other amounts I will take another dab of hot sauce 10 separate people we have one already we need nine more just a dollar that'll take specifically a dollar not a dollar in one not 169 I want a dollar donation' train for their dab a hot sauce we need anything here on yari yeah for sure all four totes [Music] what about 420 lost legion dollar number two hope I don't hit it on iPhone click the link $1 for Matthew thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you that's number three we're doing it we're doing it [Music] that thank you appreciate it to chew hideous muffin with a dollar I said if I erase if ten people in a row different accounts gave one dollar each with no other amounts in between I'll take another dab of hot sauce no it's fine I got Tom's crush it up and just snort it I can put it on my sub it's already I can handle it Todd life thank you so much to the dollar and lovely appreciate you guys and Don's and Ferno a dollar that's one two three four five six seven all the dollars Jeb asaurus rex that's number eight we're doing it i tried saving uses makarov worthless shop [Music] that's eight two three four five six seven eight I should totally ruin this this game slab for customs that's nine ten right there sup let's drink that hot sauce and Cortney Gilmore zombie and Courtney Love II Hut's thank you so much and a 11th from Eiffel Stein thank you so much and Joe's a buddy for the kids and love you Hut's kids getting my donate Jannetty hell yes twelve dollars in a row let's do this I'm gonna put it on my sup dab it but they add a lot sauce I better not have to dab lie down thank you guys so much I appreciate all of you all right this is like a juicy my sub let's find my mom pop right put it on top of that bread then I can open this with one in hmm this is like just juicy as if you give me a plate let me get this all over myself that is a DAB and a half you guys that is roughly one hundred and twenty percent of a DAB let's do it what about my son Mel top male top 29 into the tier 3 tough for the gosh-darn children thank you so much avatar Korra avatar Korra figure it out crime stuff what's up thank you so much my friend [Music] it's really good [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] that's hot as balls though sub already has hot peppers when does it get boy ending huts anytime we can it make it end right now now's a good time oh that's hot I think I'm gonna try to finish this sub you guys maybe like get to the clone and I'll just start I don't know take a large bite oh my god my lips Kirby BOTS you win the t-shirt congratulations my friends hell yes my lips hurt a lot at the door oh yeah awesome thank you Congrats Kirby bots type in the chat to claim it though Firehouse Subs is better it's just a cup Jan agrees this is almost pigeon worthy this room here psych I got this under control dude this gun is so good he got it I'm salty 30 second thoughts Kerby BOTS yeah I get this shirt just uh I say we unless you already sent them to the Thames clock is that how you gonna do it send them to the whatever thing I'm really descriptive today the spreadsheet thing cuz we can handle it differently - you get a whole finger clock no possibly makeshift cannon ammo I got it all loaded up ready and Yaris I think almost full at least well we're doing the pass you guys but maybe let's do that on the next clone run clone first right kill past I hear voices who dad because we can go down to hell kill ourselves come back do the whole thing over again I mean what like literally in the game clone first I think that'd be the way to handle it now hit this now though just in case something happens phone first please why do I call why don't the clone first I'm gonna eat dinner he gave away the pressure died right now why do I have to die right now guys can I go to hell get another chest and then respawn your potato gods demand it hell then clone Lowell there's no like rules on this right what hell then hot sauce why do I have the hot sauce in between because people like it when I do it there's no need to clone you're not wrong you guys just want me to get to the the forager faster huh clear the first room of hell and then clone hot sauce so now you got them all jacked up yeah we're eighteen dollars away from the next tier you guys sitting behind me if I spent $80 and they subs that count I like how that pigeon is just taking shots right now helpful pigeon is helpful better be apple juice [Music] this clone is fun I'm not gonna not do it Tugg the hot sauce or no balls if someone drops well first of all $50 from Grimm love for the kids no I'm not chugging the damn hot sauce lost Legion with $18 as well one $18 look at that we just got up to 950 to $2 from Courtney get to the next tier 952 I'm pretty sure that's that's two rolls of the of the doom wheel so chance for more hot sauce chance more t-shirt giveaways the toe nail Mart oh I'm not doing it there's not enough milk in the world question Hut's legend tells you have a snapchat where can I find it how do people find my snapchat what's my username hot something does it just Hut's I feel like there's no way I got that all right guys we got a vote John Hut's jo n a Tootie ta a Tootie ta if I did not even say three T's you're drunk all right you guys to roles what does that that looks like squats [Applause] and ten push-ups - for the longest run ever no not the hot watch place your gun super hot watch Zilla shotgun hip holster dragon fire weird egg freeze ray and I would definitely go for an elder blank Lord Comcast 19 months bazinga welcome back I totally missed the Grim donate $50 in the stream watching the stream and virtual window while VR in VR while playing h3 VR what's h3 future is now thank you so much the $50 my friend hell yeah an angel shade says legend hat okay it's snapchat alright doubt one already some Jersey Mike's I spy so good thank you guys alright [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep your hands together as you do push-ups I mean I've eaten too all right what am i doing number eight big-time let's go baby now be cloned also 25 from hot dog buns for the damn kids Thank You hot dog buns but don't Dan the kids they don't deserve it mm-hmm cable cat 22 months in a row what's up nearly two whole years of our awesomeness of your awesomeness keep up the great work dad thank you okay hey catch my breath you know it might be from hot sauce and working out I'm not sure possible want a little sandwich with that Glock all right guys it's a shame to give up this much health but I gotta do what I gotta do whenever the teacher give away somebody one t-shirt two years later sassy chat sassy today hotdogs horseshoes and hand-grenades is that the one like you do all the guns and stuff another reloading and like a shooting range yes it is that missed master round though what do I do now did I not grab it then I walk past it on the dragon oh well what happens I'm too busy doing push-ups and and not breathing you walked right past it let's redo the pole smashing crab vertebrae k47 blank rounds glacier gun the banner RC rockets are two g2 frost giants and a health upgrade or is that red goo one stone something like that both gonna be both what are we up to now 977 you guys - is a synergy with the elder blank blank bullets ooh spicy synergies are always good I'm gonna have more tums I think I think I forgot to switch to the last dab - you guys the next hot sauce will be last dab 23 from hideous muffin last one before I go to bed see a chat thank you so much hideous muffin to get us to a thousand and then twenty three extra from eiffel stein for the kids at the same time you guys oh man that's one thousand twenty three dollars raised bed as a woman what ten thousand oh if you guys that's so much more than I thought we would raise today but thank you guys so much reppin the huts the huts abide ten push-ups let's do it [Music] boo what you guys want number two blank bullets let's do it what is the synergy by the way I'm gonna look it up blank bullets the other blank bullets to the player I saw his elder blank blank fact the blank effect reflects all projectiles instead of deleting them that sounds like super sweet awesome man like all you guys tried like really really hard to get to the like it's like an even number and here we are at 1023 even more blanks especially if the blanks are powerful nor piece that's awesome I like it chaos animal it wouldn't be bad at this point in time dare I say their intervention pickles pride 300 thanks pickles hi Mikado I think I broke my water by the way yeah I don't see any water shouted me if you see a different water barrel we should save it shoot how many curses you have ah that's a good question blank bullets is definitely cursed as is yellow chamber I don't know from there Tommy gave my wife and avocado did she say the line or Gino 32 months in a row 36 total 3 freakin years bro just let that sink in and that crazy dreams Parkin years I can't believe I'm doing this as a job still it doesn't even seem real thank you so much Gino I appreciate all your help nope she was mad spelled all wise words right over what mr. Weaver clods I did say the line on he recorded the whole thing don't throw away do something I keep her hello Hudson Francis up garbage so we just like smash and grab the boss like what else are we waiting for what are we living for right now nothing huh they're living for forager but everyone's demanding dungeon too though we can get more shields we get a reload on the shop that'd be nice let's go for that she was still mad though [Music] I know it's precious will you ever play multiplayer VR games probably not on stream because I wouldn't know how to set it up to read the chats unless you could enlighten me how do I not throw this right now there we go [Music] 600 monies what [Music] got him work like a charm let's speed run this [Music] I'm ready to the pole let's go baby punchy and drawing up Crescent uh crossbow eyepatch big iron r2g to the charge shot and the cop [Music] [Music] call the guys there's some solid choices in there I like gun dromeda I like cop I like the eyepatch Courtney Theatre bits will try and tweet that avocado video to you if we can find it awesome I'd love to see it I like to show Andromeda [Music] what an old shopping spree didn't you more I'll sauce you guys I'm doing this just for they putting nothing for your entertainment let's go I'm already in it right looks like gun dramatis train is in lead here these hot sauces are delicious but they burn what's r2d2 r2d2 he he follows you around and uh shoots at people well unless those the shooting but that burns let's see here what am i doing number two is in the lead here by far let's just take it continued on our speed run speed haha I have some ideas but wouldn't want to promise anything wall corner jumps in front of them ooh a charms dynamite stick rip cop but ups you could have had the big iron it's a good gun but I've got lots of stuff better good and even here you rip the second floor impossible right to rot possum rainbow chests you're right just want to get the forager as fast as possible do we still wanna do rocky though [Music] something to rushing there goes the whole speedrun idea there goes my dreams I saw somebody posted on reddit today that they had 10 rad keys and he was like oh my god let's do that right now pretty secret room by the way what the hell was that noise was that Apparel what did that say oh I don't even eat that rat key what's Radke $25 patron pledge hell yeah fantastic that's it that should show up on my thing that I can like read off but holy didn't good story right that's really easy to stream and like think about what I'm saying when I have somebody sitting behind me laughing and everything I'm saying like I'm gonna idiot good did you guys even see Lenny back there let me play him [Music] what a goo that he's jacked he hasn't had been played with in like two months when two months yeah CGI Lenny green screen haters will say it's CGI he just wants to do push-ups really he's on that push-up bars [Music] laney loves artists [Music] it has spelled Lenny or Leonard both [Music] he prefers the term though over anything else [Music] he told me himself loading cat and I kind of brag or anything but [Music] how you do it [Music] [Music] all right rat tubs unstable unicorn shirt you see the shirt whole time what we got grenade-launcher owl glacier gun duct tape I forgot the name of it already also forgot the name of this thing AWP in rocket power bullets [Music] public [Music] him to go seven but four is too good [Music] under bits create the video Thank You Courtney appreciate it also bits don't forget you guys we're raising money for children's cancer research we hit one thousand twenty three dollars today every fifty dollars I roll the wheel of doom we're talking hot sauce we're talking t-shirt giveaways we're talking push-ups and squats inter super exciting for everybody else not makeshift the javelin javelin would be a solid choice I think [Music] I've had dress [Music] all right you guys want number four big time let's duck say what do we feel in here duct tape makeshift cannon - what something else that charges like the javelin would make a lot of sense to me or we could duct tape it to the robots left hand something with a lot of ammo we could duct tape it's a scrambler just for fun we can duct tape it to yari but I feel like yari should maybe be like a secondary weapon that we could use to kill the boss if the first ones out of ammo bonus 50 I think we get the most bang for our buck of the out of the javelin cuz we're gonna use up the ammo in the left hand so quickly or even the strafe gun whereas the javelin every single time we throw it we're gonna get another it's gonna be a one-for-one mix here of bullets whereas the robots left hands seeming like a 50 to one mix now I mean charity flouse fit 500 bits bonus pity thank you so much my friend I appreciate it also hey whoa whoa whoa whoa Courtney $10 appreciate the donation to st. Jude Children's Hospital little oh my brain is like quitting on me 77 from zombie grim alright from grim Jesus Christ zombie donated at the time I was reading it 77 from gram for the kids and OC DS I appreciate you but now we're back off track is zombie donated 22 anything on a3 is awful now we're on a 7 because miss Nesbit donate a 5 thank you guys 1 3 1 1 3 7 is what we're at 1 1 3 7 today that is um that's gotta be two more rolls mm-hmm $200 that's what I thought we were gonna get today odd numbers only please that is a dab of hot sauce we're getting the last day about that was almost another dab of hot sauce all right [Music] all right guys I'll be right back I'm gonna get the hot sauce all right you guys last ad time this thing is chunky show up to us chair stream hell yeah [Music] who's that the background my girlfriend Jam jeah what's your name again my brain is like half speed today everything I say I'm like stuttering on I wonder why it sounds like I have a live audience trying to watch and cook you should add hot ones last down to yours - not me I'm reading chat hundred bits have a dollar to thank you found him hey what is up with this it's gonna explode if this goes into my eye we have to go to the hospital I'm you think I'm kidding you're laughing back there this is life or death situation right now yeah what's up with the quotes grilfriend I tried George Foreman he just wasn't kind of for me dude this stuff is just I I don't even want to like overdo it because it's the spiciest thing on the planet could you please like help me out here brah I'm so nervous that this is gonna just go like like Heinz ketchup come on man you're killing me I'm gonna put it on the plate I'm putting it on the plate and then we're dipping I'm actually pretty nervous about this guy's there it is pour it on your I will definitely come out then don't be scared to Splore it like a little bit splashed on the sandwich too and that's gonna like really hurt me later first of all the Lenny hair get out of there [Music] [Music] so you throw up it's all over the floor I thought it was Lenny throwing up turns out it was Jan just eat it you big baby you don't even know the pain though I'm not sure [Music] are your eyes watering from the sniff I'm putting this in my body you just sniffed it heat level 1002 10 it's just like creeping up on me ah DL it's nice knowing you this is from that the YouTube channel hot ones I'm fine I know in the grammar I'm okay it's also up my nose oh man what else did I did the squats already I think thank you guys so much for donating I really appreciate it this is so worth it it is actually though okay makeshift cannon to the javelin it's the most sensible thing to do that means I won't be able to use it on the intermediate rooms I mean I totally could but drink some broccoli and get out of here I probably should have some brawn : honestly oh my goodness that's just sitting in the back of my throat Oh tonight's gonna be fun good thing there's more than one toilet in the house huh laughs and then says gross gotta reload this sucker huh hell yeah oh that's saucy the blank it's gone now what blank but it's our blank on the ground oh the other blank now I can go back and get it I killed a rat goodness gracious I was like wondering what that wasn't the floor I was like did we not say something yeah seriously I'm not gonna be a butt hot anymore it's gonna be a button crater and the Browns but destroying my chickadees [Music] all right my mouth hurts you guys right now this is gonna help the whole thing like I can't speak it's just gonna get worse I'm okay guys have a few mouth ulcers it's fine scramble my favorite it is really good though isn't it you think bran colon is gonna help my choking right now couldn't hurt what if it does hurt though oh my stomach remind me to take more tums in a little bit better Thomas oh man oh my mouth and stomach I'm body mind and soul my spirit keep a lookout for the rat rum you guys might as well try it bring a little any back in here I always do something with apple juice or hot sauce that just makes me want to end a stream some that I'm getting old that I can't handle ridiculously hot hot sauce little look like M&Ms turns out these are just like hot sauce capsules my stomach's didn't explode from all of it freaking that I'm putting in right now oh and acid that's gonna be what burns a hole in my stomach lining I'm alright milk I use it off on the devils toe your almond Cramer under on the cracker hey huts on a high note the hot sauce you've got waiting for you is only twice as hot as the last tab is it actually how do you spell her name J a and [Music] there's a question Maya's only six million Scoville what is this can you still care for you and for after this I'll uh I'll introduce you guys that Jam I'll bring her on when I take the shot that sound fair I mean the apple juice is nothing but apple juice what's gonna be after this run which hopefully should be shortly we have a pass to kill and an alt gun skin will unlock 30 reality sooner bits slow the stream and YouTube content listening to your stream as I finish up finals thank you 30 realities appreciate it don't forget you guys we're raising money as well for st. Jude play live for the chillings Cancer Research super importance throughout the month of May we're already at 1137 dollars because people are crazy generous I'm gonna use the O P gun right now it's moving glorious might happen look at that you guys duct tape is glorious glorious oh my stomach [Music] these are cannon I just did I guess I got plenty of bullets I could spare some extras not for you sorry not sorry rat room as well where it at I can't express how much my stomach is on fire and how much apple juice is not going to help me big noise from upstairs when no one's upstairs like huge noise maybe a water bottle dropping off you're right what Oh fall off the table or something yeah it was like Lenny's here you're here we're dead I mean I totally can it it was nice that you did thank you for checking that well that sounds like well maybe I should go but it didn't sound like there was somebody walking around or something so front door locked now that we mention it yeah Jen didn't make it can I pick a guest that hurts coming out dude [Music] that was me breaking in this clock band the tums like three I think I'm well within the recommended amount in the back of the bottle yeah all right tell us cool what's up with the apple juice let me start forager I might be a quick forager streaming we'll see three to the pole this dessert thank you I've even finished my sandwich I should finish my sandwich what do we got our mini guns super good run I think she's gone banner demon head knife shield the railgun and unity unity is the more guns I have the more damage I do type the number starting with one going clockwise around [Music] get you some apple cider vinegar tastes like foot but helps immensely with heartburn what does the apple cider vinegar not do good for your skin it's good for your hair it's good for burning your on your mouth house is good for it's good for your sex life it's good for birds it's got to be good for your eyesight it's good if you like want to get deer out of your face you sprained their eyeballs yeah when your pepper spray is done you just fill it with apple cider vinegar it almost burns more right but like apple cider with pepper spray but like it's like not only are you squirting the bad guy in the face right so like he's not gonna attack you anymore when he goes to jail he's gonna have great hair you know and he's gonna feel really nice about it it does work I swear I'm not doubting you I'm like legitimately saying there's like all these things that it's good for [Music] what are you saying about pepper spray apple cider vinegar bro you guys want unity really there's a railgun and sprung yeah we'll take the ring please it looks like a turtle all right 31% you want this like I need more damage right now so much damage though [Music] when Rome the phone [Music] look at that like every one of them is like a blank well that was unfortunate I never had too much damage sup frags in who did it there's frags in prime sub thank you so much my friend appreciate it welcome Zander ask a question hi hats I hope you're doing okay I haven't been able to keep up with your streams due to school projects and so I hope it's okay for me to ask you have you been how you been doing generally hopefully most of it has been great I salute you and I wish you the best I'm assuming what was what you said but it cuts you off coz you'd only have so much have so many characters in the question thank you Xander I'm doing well I'm doing really well elder blank is my passive as well as the the pigeon fella pigeon look at that look at that madness what if he wish you the worst I'll still take it it hold his hand all the time that was incredibly easy second rat fight what if I did what I miss my chance in that I'm having one of those like I can't focus moments there we go get all the free better hurry this up that's the light gun I saw that one [Music] yaks goose I'll read that in just a second here but nice at the borer thing hunter bed some ask you is hey let's just wash your drama life video and I've gained so much respect for you in that video keep up the great work thank you excuse appreciate your support you know you have any here onto something there psynergy oiled cylinder reload faster another synergy with what I got a yari slot sure thing I'm definitely fuzzy-headed for sure hail to the king if they have oiled cylinder yari launcher magazine size is increased by 50% it's damage is increased by 20% Wow you're gonna like this item here ready iron coin Valar morghulis gun get it done and to the gungeon because I got better who needs ammo probably this if anything where's the coin do it kills all the enemies in a random room I think the man who said that's the hegemony rifle maybe Bell Gunther Pamela to the pit Lord punchy thing other things mega hands platinum bullets platinum bullets solid choice here Gunther solid choice but I've got so many good guns maybe the passives will be better [Music] punchy has been here since the beginning on her brother super at crimes up 13 months in a row welcome back super wrap you guys are real heavy on the on the Gunther I'm partial to flat bullets honestly the Gunther ammo and the insult to you and you when you finish the room I'm gonna tell you to use him enough and he gets better and better and then he starts pumping I know but he doesn't have like any ulterior motives Platts gonna win here by 2% if you guys want to change that 35% for number 3 37% for number 8 it's close deep boating it's neck-and-neck [Music] Platinum you get more damage or the every enemy you kill I think all right eights taking the lead big time here's a vegan peanut butter cup who knew they existed [Music] I'm just put in my mouth it's pretty good good dark chocolate it's like really good [Music] noted all right 40% for a flat let's do it we have too much power though was it dairy-free what is there dairy and the normal peanut butter one racist was dairy in their peanut butter or maybe it's the milk chocolate mm-hmm racist puts milk in their peanut butter confirms which is not vegan Jan has a dairy allergy so a slice all about Plus about being vegan but more so about if it is vegan then it's guaranteed okay yeah she still eats bacon there's like a super hypocrite you know hunter bits did you just swear before swearing peanut butter cup square before saying peanut butter cup did I I remember what if I swear it on a peanut butter cup I'm gonna give her a mic I think he said the b-word oh the swear word I got it I know like the respect for you it's like and then I'm like she still eats bacon I'm sure it was like she didn't choose this her favorite thing is hamburgers she can't even put cheese on them Oh far without falling out you guys she said she really wants me to pity her that's pretty close so I just said she doesn't want you to be angry I say lay it on thick what is f she says well what if II just like jumped into like a musical yeah exactly like a South Park style after musical capital F now it's basically the same thing as pouring one out for one tell me pretty much we're really gonna dive into it we're really gonna dissect this do you know what what are you laughing about over there [Music] somebody likes your comment you know I don't know if you can hear her laughing in the background zombie five months do that I missed a sub and ruin my streak rip boss time to check the tilt if I think we're still at 1,000 $137 still I'm insulted so much with a speedrun you guys can we hurry this out thanks the by the way we should really be donating to Jan so she can afford her expensive ass vegan that she doesn't even want in the first place yay someone appreciates me don't worry I'll convince her I'll tell it oh you really are later Jan it's my mom gross how sick and twisted of a mother you have to be to be named Jan and maybe your son John what kind of cruelty is that otherworldly hiss rainbow our Super Bowl right Jan John but I don't like our mixed names of Joni was salmon and Josh's Sam and it was jammed if they're jammed and we're Joan I know it is an old lady named what a minute like an old lady it is an old lady I'm pretty sure the same one that's all to fly now who's that Joan Joan Rivers this remix is not hype a janeth on Jan and thong what aggressive fancy wearin [Music] his name is get right what's a jamming a thong jam damn jammed where some sort of advanced thunk technique I'm not aware of Joan's sounds like a military officer's name you keep quiet chat that wasn't even close to anything anybody said smelly situation I'm repeating your joke Jen said at 8:49 p.m. CET smells that sounds like a smelly situation Jenkins some write this down this is important so what you're saying is that you're stealing your jokes now if you're laughing about that's what I say that pink thing ooh lychee thing Bell unicorn horn COBOL Hammer Golden Gun that the store enemy bullets thing potion of let's--can I want the Lich heart though lit ORN lit ORN sale its horn let's heart you're messing with my brain messing with my brain [Music] number two votes or two litsa corn heart everyone's voting number two anyways look it's at 88% sorry Jan Jan is right says Jose nothing beats the Lich heart lazy is our on 21 months welcome back also one one four zero eiffel Stein thank you for evening out that number glorious ten more dollars and I'm spinning the wheel alright I got to do it guys this gives me every synergy for every gun for every God look at my demon head alright umm what should we use scrambler let me show ya this guy is it Japanese damn [Music] look at the scrambling at the size of those baby chickens look at all those chickens poisonous chickens they're like babies they're chicks you're right I mean our chicks chickens though the chicken is a general term swimmers square is a rectangle kind of thing going on here wow it's like our slash roast me right now let's going on here my stomach is just ready to go to the bathroom I'm gonna rush off any minute now the scrambler can't be beat right now but we should probably try to use all of our weapons just to see what's up oh god that's good that's spicy what and imposter is this the triple Raiden beam just shoots bullets on the side right let's say something cool cucumbers hmm I thought the reference to you I think oh yeah when I land a hit I have a chance for the Nintendo light ray dog guy to come out and give uppercuts also the Ducks shoot out little baby chicks too this is super good this is hella good they don't just shoot our chicks they shoot out multiple oh my god multiple scramblers that's insane brah let's use that on the boss best gun what the that's ope especially in large rooms are the bird can fly around for a while and have a blast and shoot out some babies I mean I'm still gonna kill the boss in one hit though I mean like gonna really turn that down that's European green sit in my face meanwhile in a parallel universe where folks are farts or insults say that to my face light up light they off light gun for sure TomSka [Music] let's do it bunchy ghost bullets or something I don't know from like ray thing helix bullets cold 45 spice stardew valley gun armour synthesizer references coming the cold 45 sounds like a colt 45 and it's cold you're drunk looks like helix Bullards is gonna take the take the cake here cycling mage two months in a row welcome back double but bond surprise they heard you it's between four and six you guys speiser helix which one it's at 29% for each one 29% to 29% keep it going looks like six look like spices pulling the lead here a little bit it's not really gonna be a spice run though right unless it can replace my junk - bet it on this shovel right o'clock spice with the shovel I'm won that game is like disconnect I can maybe try to turn this one on I mean I like Hannity I think I can treat at right next to the clock hunter bits he who controls the spice controls the universe and whether chili comes out good or bland I mean 34 percent for number six you guys got to do it no you put you the wrong thing there we go use this space I love the dog that just comes out of nowhere starts punching people looks like he's like held up by some sort of like I don't even know marioneta wires or some just like slouchy this is a little dog that comes out and punches them okay yeah is that weird that weird-looking remembered I hear those little baby Alice's that was like exact exact match to with the perfect whiteness talking about it ah oh you got me good there bud nice Brynner Brynner's good I'm serious I having like stomach twitches right 11:40 still you guys in that same shoe don't forget raising money for children's cancer research if you've ever donated now is a good time that's a good time for donate Jenna teased such a great cause we're shooting for 5,000 raised over the month of May and we're already at 1140 you guys are nuts telling you man that 10k it's not out of the question hop-hop after this game nope gonna take some apple juice and just play forager [Music] no 39 o'clock but Jan brought me dinner so I'm rear and ready go good night lo me good morning more like probably what like three four in the morning for you I get Spice here that's not Spice [Music] probably can't get spice had to try though [Music] exstrophy that no one cares about help is almost all yea true that all right standard protocol let's go we already had the bullet right you can get spice after clearing a room I see the bullet that kills the past I see it kidding okay it's not like flashing lights but yeah oh I've got to reload the little the little Amendola an accurate pass [Music] let's do this you guys I hope that it glitches out and allows me to keep my shields again first try brah I was a close call [Music] pulling of gunjan Oh first of all 2005 down with cancer 30 realities appreciate that thank you so much for giving a cancer research for chillings that's a 1170 in five cents I'm not sure what the five cents is all about or Armour staying is not a glitch huts are you sure that's almost all of its 'i just grab what's left and that's lucky hold your space horses you can't rush something like this besides h Mons don't have eyes everywhere there's no way we're running to anybody out here just gotta get the clamp lined up unregistered craft sword this is hm absolution your craft has been scanned and is known to be carrying property of the Imperial hegemony of man you will be towed by standard tractor power off all systems but life support and the acts of aggression will be met with supreme prejudice comply within 20 seconds you gotta make the jump get out of here there's no time for me to dock I want to do what it what what are they doing together you don't have a jump drive just go I can't go divert all power to forward weapons HMF solution bringing our baby walk dude got them perfect check that out okay if you do that where'd you learn those moves from your mom heck yes Carver 2095 can finally share the love been a long time YouTube watcher for three years here's to you and the kiddos you helped 2020 95 thank you so much Carver in 30 realities 495 that was supposed to be 25 whoops anyway down with cancer appreciate that so much and Chino five dollars on a more serious note I've been going through hardships my whole deal is that it's been worse despite that I know others have it even worse than that let the kids have a chance which I could do more really do I wish the best for you Chino thank you so much the $5 now we're up to 1295 look at that you guys gloriousness
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 74,700
Rating: 4.8152423 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: 4TF2q-L_kZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 48sec (11448 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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