Coop Lovers? Card Challenge - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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what is up you guys i'm here with invicta for thus miss and we are running a dual reverse lovers card challenge where every single time one of us takes damage and now it's been fixed it's only enemy damage we will automatically be using a lover's card which gives us one broken heart and one item from the current rome's item pool you ready for this i am ready for it and uh again shout out to jsg for uh for updating continually updating the rules mod it's been the uh really neat one for me one for you okay here we go you don't want to use this one no yeah you don't want that one no i don't want that no all right we don't so i'm maggie sin is isaac uh last time the the thing wasn't uh updated so that any damage counted towards the reverse levers card and that was just messy all right music shot is great you could use it because you're gonna need the dps upgrade why me because you're maggie i'll take it no problems there um were we able to solve it so that we got two items per item room i think we did that last time didn't we i i think that we we had anytime we entered into an item room a new item i don't even know i don't even know who was hit there uh both of us [Music] mucor isn't bad i think uptake me or my so meiosis you can see if we can get a battery but chad whoa it's probably top secret too i can feel it i can smell it yeah um i don't know i think a little chad might be helpful i feel like um the whole i'm down to three hearts by the way and you're down to two um the whole like competition plus two item item rooms was a it was a good idea i kind of like we can do that on the next run if you want i think i honestly think a little chad might be uh might be a bro here well the problem here is that every time you get hit you lose a heart piece right so eventually later on you have a really hard time holding on to red health you should get that for your your piercing shots you want that uh not particularly but should we folk there before picking up these soul hearts or just go uh i mean we haven't found the regular seat room but i don't think that there's i don't think there's much to be gained here rotate that's done if you don't want it i mean yeah you can see if you get movement speed plus damage plus fire rate minus the moon speed though i think my my dps will make up for it okay i think you're a little lower than i am yeah i'll take it i'll take it thank you for the five gifted subs i'm happy to see that it's working um as planned so far anyway i'm happy that i can use this machine wait your young heart healed me did it that's interesting so oh i should use that in the future then oh nice you you've got to take that i got so much red health yeah i mean that is maggie for you huh i'm wrong but yeah i've been i've been really really impressed with how uh responsive and how great jsg has been with updating the rules mod i know that he's been tuning into my stream's been watching it uh obviously been watching dustmiss and huts and uh you know it's it's really cool to see a mod a mod creator be that proactive in uh in adding things and kind of getting the features that uh we weren't necessarily like pining for but we would just mention like hey this would be nice to have or that would be nice to have it then them actually happening i wish like game developers like work that fast it's always really really cool so definitely big big ups to jsg yeah i think that the rules mod is uh it's one of the most exciting mods you can have for isaac i was just singing the the modding community in general's praise i feel like every time that i work with a mod creator on whatever it may be it's it's always gone well socks prevents damage from the creep and floor spikes speed up soul arts i mean you're still a little you're still hurting for speed so yeah i mean we can get a speed upgrade later that doesn't come with a bunch of other stuff though i feel like you're you're just behind on items you need a little boost well it's not a competition so i'm gonna okay so we're working together what what face is that well that's supposed to be carbon i i don't know here's some you know you should take that with piercing shots absolutely ac rainbow vv chaos stripe thank you for the resub and ashley marie thank you for extending the sub through january good lord yeah i think depending on how well this run goes we should run this again as like the competition the whole like you know whatever rules we had last time okay super secret we don't mom i'm pointing at the rock right here you see it you forget about it it's right here how come you have blown up you had hearts isaac and people love seeing tim for some reason they know him they love him they love to hate him i hate to love him boom baby uh deals with the devil how do we feel about that so i'm i'm ahead of you in the fire rate departments to go forward i feel like angel deals with the d6 are definitely the way to go especially we're gonna be losing hp if we're gonna be getting hit i'm down i'm down but the thing is what if we got so powerful so early that we didn't take damage you know but but we have the d6 how do you feel about marbles i don't feel like it's very strong a because anything that's like you take damage to activate we just can't take that much damage uh but we could we could farm it though with like blood donation machines and iv bags for free without having the punishment uh so that could be good and then b um if we take if we take enough damage though those trinkets are gone with stars card or lovers card i mean can it take trinkets yes the lovers card doesn't take away items though that's the stars card oh wait i'm thinking i keep dude i keep getting getting a view yeah it's just the health punishment and then you get one free item um it could be okay because we don't have trinkets and and we could get some spicy trinkets so i'm either way on this one i i don't i don't care i think i think hp would be more helpful to be honest but it's up to you that that that's your item so i took i took toothpicks so any desire to go into the curse room get something in there yeah again still here are you blind did you forget your bomb thank you all for having me for gifting another tier one sub uh i'll go i've got i've got more half and half little half and half action i don't want to blow the angel chance but yeah right nice of course yep sweet what else was that definitely totally worth it um you can play the skull monty for uh you know consumables so we can just give away all of our money and not win anything sure i was going to laugh when i got keys in the first play i mean i set it up perfectly for you so yeah all right good that would have been so perfect oh god i would say comfortably down to 30. okay sandwich limit thanks for the six months oh no no no i hope you got a bomb oh it's i heard you got a bomb hey you haven't used it yet today i requested tim to say to actually say huts when i walk in all right give me a key here 36 cents for the shop he actually plays it that way then he actually like says it like yeah that'd be possible he says that's on me when you walk in hots hey or if it's the if it's the if it's a double tenant rocky tempted rock he should be like what you forgot something all right do you want to reroll it magic scab sweet magic scam crystal flow thanks for the 36 months three years drop that bomb on tim's face he wants it yeah so we are doing the lovers card uh challenge right now where uh every time hutz or myself take damage we basically gain an empty heart and also gain an item uh we're not doing a a pvp mode yet or competition mode against each other we might say that for the next run we'll see we could do it if we are competing that either when you get hit you get your own item or if you get hit the other person gets your item as more of like a few but i think that i think that the other person should get the item if you take damage yeah so it's like insult to injury right so on top of on top of gaining an empty heart you also uh behind an item yeah you also lose an additional you don't lose an item but you know what i mean like they gain one up on you and we could have it to where every time we go into um a new floor there is a confessional booth so if that person who has the has a bunch of empty hearts chooses two they can gamble their hp he's frozen i thought he was dead no well there's a health upgrade for you yeah sure is your speed is pretty good you can probably handle it yep flamboyant protector what does that even mean he's on fire and he's pink so he's flamboyant see the donut unicorn thanks to the nine months but baby fleshy blossom 12. oh yeah oh scifly enjoy the good times before the patch ever happens eventually one day i would say for you since you don't have piercing because you don't have any yeah oh yeah it's even purple to show it yep i'd say it's a little bit more bluish than purple as well it's just kind of like off purple off blue is it blue is it flamboyant i don't know it's almost it's almost like it's almost like super gray in a way it's almost flamboyant color this is a spicy run i do like it imagine if uh it was just one of us can we add all the items yeah golden bomb let me do with that thank you very much for the 1000 bits need the next level i train we got the level one thank you everyone thank you secret right here mostly alpha haven what's up i saw what i saw yeah it's too busy like counting all my millions of twitch dollars i've got so i can use to promote my stream i am uh 14 subs you guys away from 2k right now hey i really like the the member card it's brad again that's 100 brad did confirm that by the way the last time we saw that uh keeper it's pronounced bread devil deals cost coins well if you were going for that that would be delicious okay uh range upgrade i don't i can re-roll the range upgrade i think my range is yeah my range is pretty good um mine's unlimited so i say maybe save it for the ange room first oh look at my socks i never even realized that have you ever looked at the side of isaac's feet when he has socks look yup you got socks on i didn't notice that he's got really small feet did you know that your character wears the items that you get joshua brooke thanks to the five gifted subs an obersnipple i guess technically i have a syringe perfect pricing by the way i was just going i was just doing that just to response to tim it worked out i mean i got you all into something that wasn't useful i got some speed as well perfect yep and you're one away from spun your face i love what you've done with yourself like my chin yeah i got some plastic surgery done i've got some work done can you tell thankfur thanks to prime sub you guys tail end of september talking to myself my community and sins community and the mosh pit uh 20 off new subs if you haven't said before and 20 off of gifted subs so now is the time get subs to huts to get them over 2k we still well you're almost at 3k right i've regressed a bit i we're at 26 right now it's almost there almost there yeah subs have been relapsing since the uh beginning if you can get send to 3k subs i'll take three shots back to back in celebration nope i don't i don't do not approve of this get up to 2k and send it shots i probably should reroll it and then done that oh well um let's just save it let's go right to the boss right now and and get that angel room yep yep yep yep one day i kind of screwed myself out of the extra yeah oh well you don't like dry baby i like dry baby i'll take the crap out of dry baby i really like dry baby crow crow a nation 87 thank you very much for that month and the gifted sub well done well done yeah make sure you take your sub gifters and rip out your favorite emotes from huts or from the mosh pit that's all i'm gonna turn down all right i'm next on tears eps yep although it's gonna get melted it's uh not a good fight for hollow i'm sorry to say buddy i am so sorry uh also you good one for you okay and also you okay all right well what do you got out of there sack lunch it never ever pays out uh re-roll dry baby or are you gonna take him um i think i would like to take him to be honest okay you're sitting here on a double charged d though yep i like him i got your double charge d right here you see that they changed it now so that drive baby uh gets moved to your first or uh follower yes it's like so good oh we got a golden bomb that's top secret and magic mush you know like in a way like i feel like that's also like kind of bad because there's sometimes where dry baby like it's like oh i'm not even trying to use dry baby at this point and then he gets hit because he's like trailing behind you know yeah that's true um i usually think it's a bad thing overall though it's i think it's better than better than bad like i would say that it pretty much makes uh mega satan like a must-win fight minus the dudes that he spawns right like mom's heart like it makes it like it's like a direct counter yeah yeah and mom's heart it lives fight it's like yep you can't lose thank you dry baby second item that's that's true it's a xl floor yep oh yeah yeah i forgot his next one before we we destroyed the boss so quickly okay you know you can't say i'm not trying i like cursed rooms that's that should be that should be the thesma's motto you can't say they're not trying you know but god bless them they're horrible but they're trying they're horrible streamers but you know what you can't say they're not at least giving it their all not gonna be good for me anything that's when you take damage this might happen it's just not gonna be no top item for this challenge you could reroll it now if you wanted to yeah let's go let's go real cause i'm gonna have another re-roll for sure right lined up and you need to get yourself a tears up all right good i like holy water i'm gonna i'm gonna admit i would take the crap out of that well if you like it so much why'd you take it then you did it it's so good it's so good now he done did it that asked me what my favorite change was and i mentioned holy water people were they were asking me what my least favorite nerf was in the game or what was the worst the quote i can't believe that hit me that were the worst nerf and i couldn't think of one i was like it's got to be maul the void right in terms of items 2020 mod the void what else got nerfed my hair changes glass cannons this pie flavor and you were yelling at me last time i think i think glass cannon's not bad i mean i think it's so bad but it's better than it was oh thank you but like to to to say what what the worst item nerf was in repentance it's hard to do because there's so many bad ones iframes that's not really connected to an item but you're right specifically items i mean the brimstone serpent's kiss virus no longer generating black cards yeah but i mean that the thing is about why i said i've committed to maw the void because oh let's go let's go back get butt bombs um i committed them all the voyages because like that's that item got completely gutted like it doesn't give you damage up anymore it doesn't give you the black heart upon kill anymore it's just a tear effect at this point that that's that didn't get its its cost changed you know what i mean i feel i feel that ma the void was my number one worst item nerf out of all the bad item nerfs and uh repentance [Music] so i don't think it's a good item right but we're talking if we're if we're engaging the magnitude of the of the nerf against one another i think that maul the void got it worse out of any other item um somebody mentioned a godhead how did that get nerfed godhead got it didn't get nerfed hey the copper one for the 74 month reset sailor ginseng for 16. fanta man for four and nikita teddy for eight keep up the fun streams and say hi to sin for me hello [Music] god zora only does a fixed amount now yeah but that's not that doesn't break the item though like the way that ma of the boy got broken artist the 2020 nerf was was also really bad so what was the godhead nerf apparently the godhead aura only does a fixed amount of damage now instead of the scale instead of scaling oh um we should save this for a charge i think the crm is going to be right here well when you use your d6 there's three full charges in there yeah yeah i got you i got you good to get it back then wait till the full charge was like we've got a full charge you know save it for it to what the i sir sorry you okay are you okay you need help it's like the uh hydraulic press challenge gone wrong right after the right after the extra the play-doh one at the end timmy's fell down a well what help oh they tinted well they had attempted well what there was a tinted rock at the bottom he had to go get it i'm just trying to help you guys it's down oh you dog you could've touched it for a book oh yeah we could have uh decap is also um it's breakable but it's left what do you think about that i do like me some left hand can we roll with it for a little bit also it hasn't dawned upon us that like we still have not gotten a deal in this run yet at all uh no i don't i don't like it chance angel well yeah because we're on four freaking five let's open this chest now do this for charge no okay nice awesome wait i got left hand oh yeah wait left hand why wasn't that red so you can't change it after it's already spawned now i don't know dude defense doesn't make any sense what if left hand only affected gray chests would that be a positive or negative that would be made make it really bad really i think that like i still like i like golden chests though you know and then it doesn't affect you when you go to the chest i do too but i don't like i mean the whole reason you get the left hand is so you have the red chest here yeah if you're on keys yeah and you can still get keys from red chest so i have socks so i can walk over the spikes nice awesome speed up hey double i'm excited we both these at the same time no no we're talkies i said we're going okay um i like what i've got going i can't roll tech if you look at my items list it's pretty poppin it's pretty popping you've got one away from spun so right i i don't think there's anything in there that i don't like you gonna get the tarot card no it was a pool i mean i i can grab it it's better than i'm excited secondhand longer status effects do you have any status effects i have the slight poison from it anyways from murico or whatever but new car lucor new core crandor you do play-doh cookie oh that's right that's right that's right that's right i'm back dog did you forget that you had socks i want to say save for the angel but oh yeah oh i didn't we're not gonna get one anyway [Music] dude these predictive spike blocks piss me off try doing on a freaking controller so you're doing just fine see a bunch of letters thanks to six months oh too bad it's already depth one but we can still get some benefit out of it and there's a full charge for i wish circle protection ladies so you want to get those options yeah yeah yeah is that a partial pog champ face on the keeper i don't know what that is it's weird see isaac with a nose everything about that uh yeah there was a mod that i covered i think it was during my worst mod series isaac with the nose it was horrible yeah that sounds absolutely horrible nobody liked it thank god for holy uh water though you know what would we do with that yeah yeah it's a really really good item good shot hanukkah welcome back to the mocha thank you for the seven months yo what uh okay well let's go to the angel room first i say or you want to take the key piece yeah at this point i re-roll it yep that hurt does that hurt you're walking into the fire dum-dum num nuts all right gotta wrap all right one nana two winner nice awesome contrition uh tears that's me augutory that one doesn't matter who takes it i don't think unless it only allows you to proc it is it 25 percent chance might be purgatory has been climbing the ranks man i'm telling you it's such a good item isn't blue fire down to like 10 chance to pay out did they nerf that sure i'm sure they did cue a meat i already have something that blocked so maybe you want to take that uh was there another soul was there another full charge in the shop like on the secret shop i have no idea i'd be willing to reroll all these but consolation prizes might give you a damage upgrade probably would give you range you should i think you should take consolation prize i think that would give you movement speed right i i don't know i'll take i'll take that hey there's your tears now and that guy um doesn't matter no all right we're even on items now thank you it wasn't moving speed yeah it was moving speed we ready to go our health is not looking that good no good not uh i was kind of kind of hoping that there would be some hp jam legends brimstone did get a little nerve didn't it brimstone good it did get nerfed you'd almost have a shorter list of items that didn't get nerfed rather than try to list the ones that did you know what i mean yeah see if you can activate purgatory oh yeah sorry we'll do it in this room just standing right next to it hey i figured that both of us could i wouldn't be surprised though if it didn't work it's ballsy you want to do it so i can heal you with my yum heart [Music] i'm excited i'm excited we could probably get 15 cents i think money with the secret shop is gonna be probably worth having but oh definitely i thought you were checking out the um diablo 2 remake yeah how's that going uh it's been fun to record it has performance issues badly really but uh yeah if you have a if you i could i cannot move oh look at that though [Music] are we really gonna want to sacrifice our one remaining boss room for a deal with the devil maybe [Music] we do have options so doing it well it shouldn't affect is it this floor but no steps too anyway so yeah i mean i could have used the hp more but i don't know it was my my item that dropped but you know did you want it you were gonna trade your d for it i just i guess i assumed you wouldn't nope uh this guy just could use a little little hp is all that should not affect you but it will be good for me right um i mean i can uh you can drop it next time i have a chance no no no it's all right this is where champions are made it's where the big time players make big time plays nice oh this is real spicy i think we bomb that for angel chance this guy's a nickel face there's a whole bunch of uh full charges there oh the um soul of job first of all guppy piece but soul of job gives us what does it do it gives you a broken heart and spawns three items of of two of which you can take from the current pool that would go really well with the d6 [Music] i think let's read it as one broken heart removes a random item oh it does remove an item from me spawns three random items in the current pool only two of them can be taken you only have one item only two will spawn okay i think we can make that work to our advantage i'm gonna blow this guy up [Music] i'm gonna blow this guy up huh it's you remember some victors by community right lots did you forget if i would have taken damage then you can yell at me [Music] yeah we have a blood donation machine we should use all this red health up and and rip it oh yeah well look at that right there there it is i for one wish i had a bunch of red hearts we should uh work on that [Music] darth salad bar thanks for the 13 months appreciate you guys we are six subs away from 2k six subs there's a lot of red hearts here six sub warning thank you siemens for the 100 sparkles excited i'm excited yeah that's just wait wait wait yeah it's from the holy poop it's not to it didn't take your health the last two times yeah it's from holy poop the chance to negate damage yeah it's always done that oh didn't know that is that lasers or are you just happy to see me or what what else would it be huts nothing it's coming out of my eyes [Music] mm-hmm else would it be sure look it's clearly coming from my left eye why would i be happy to see you with a white liquid why would i ever be happy to see you why would i never be happy to see you you drag me here every week literally i hate you force me to play on a controller and then i get chastised for doing bad right is there a heart piece in there yep yup yup hey ratio for the 100 bits as well we could maybe buy the uh guppy of guppy could be nice we could yeah what is the difference between a sock and a camera one is for five toes the other one is for photos all right oh they're dancing thanks for watching everyone dude the holy poop is uh doing wonders [Music] oh you want me to use it okay [Music] we got another one double the chance to negate damage ooh what if it's just a hundred percent negation that would actually be broken [Music] i never played any of the persona games i've got great soundtracks what was the guy here they're kind of like pokemon aren't they like turn-based i don't know i've never played it final fantasy i don't know i've never played him we can get multiple full charges out of the uh out of the shop as well if we don't want to buy it we can afford guppy's eye right now i couldn't remember what it was i thought it was started 36 it was 29 i thought yeah the 15 cents for what three batteries yep yeah stand in the venn diagram there you go this is great oh even spicier [Music] like i like the golden penny like you usually get a ton of money out of it i'd also be fine if it just didn't exist i didn't have to do the work yeah i would also just rather have it's just a dime instead of picking one up after another how many times though because of the uh the implications of like counterfeit penny burnt penny flat penny etcetera that's true but when you don't have any of those it's kind of like this is a chore just make a dime have a chance to give up to 10 rewards you know yeah you're gonna you're gonna do the uh are you gonna do the thing you're gonna nope i'm excited okay good i put it on the poop too yep oop didn't see it coming 63 cents pretty comfortable yeah forget steps two we're averaging like two cents per 10 minutes right now everybody just buy all this stuff good i think it's worth taking this or re-rolling it we have two items in here to potentially re-roll through well three items yeah it's three items um and you can use the soul of job which takes i mean the secret the membership shop takes from all items item pools so you know you could could be really spicy [Music] we would have six item pedestals instead of just three in the uh angel deal if it gets rid of my shop uh member card though that's when we're gonna be in trouble correct should i do it i say it's worth it chad tell me which one it gets removed all right everyone mosh pit and bud hut which item does huts lose i am calling dry baby i'm gonna probably say play-doh cookie i call i say draw dry baby which which out of the items on the right side which one will hurts lose using the soul of job you have three holy waters on my end a little chad blood clotted holy water tech zero member card dry baby meat more options purgatory sci-fly it's gonna be kind of hard for huts to lose purgatory and sci-fly considering that i have purgatory and sci-fly but if that's your option sakura would it what if it did take your item that'd be hilarious i'd be very mad you're sci-fi main head sword thank you very much for the 11 month resub the cooler thanks to the five gifted subs that puts us over 2k no wait we just lost nine in talking here nine subscribers have left hutz will lose his chill okay bam which one was it meat wait no i have meat which one did you lose i don't know it was below the cookie i think i did lose the membership card i lost my favorite card wait wait somebody said it stays open somebody said the membership stays open like it can't close on us use use the the uh the glowing hourglass wait what would happen everything would just be reset right yeah you get everything back i i think this will stay open do you you really want to put that much faith in repentance [Music] we can at the very least we can test to see if it's seated right by using it again right and now that we know i can also preemptively get the full charge now right uh yeah i guess does that automatically charge yeah fully charges your active item yeah but we don't have to buy though because there's still one more room that we can clear yeah how would we include the room go into there right you re-roll first right no you use the book of job first and then i reroll and then if it doesn't the that sucks then we'll just use the going hourglass did you expect enemies in here too bad ha ha how happy birthday well there could be a charge in the curse room yeah i think it's worth it oh let's go boop speed up that's for you speed up another i'm excited i'm excited [Music] see a thieves action too new season oh yeah it's true i did one of their little deep dive things hey you told me with your girlfriend your quote girlfriend do you want to buy the battery pack or no no there's no reason to right now we're gonna get more guppy pieces and i'm gonna be sad about not having guppy's eye oh you want me to rip my soul yeah rip the soul and and yeah so it is seated so now you can take the take the glowing hourglass i can re-roll my health generation well no no no we if we don't like what we see we can just undo it um i mean card reading is pretty good how is it pretty good he has to go straight to the boss you get to skip the entire level with us with us being almost on the debt on uh the womb there's no reason to clear that true picamide though it's kind of one of my favorites uh so we redo this then well it's gonna give us the same thing the the rolls are seated right so we back out i take up his eye and we call it a day right right and we keep the soul job for the angel deal 16 erasers ain't like that bad though i mean like two keys seven cents you son of a [ __ ] there you buy mod buddy rip well i mean there's still the iv bag dang it there you go spider-man i'm going to take a pit stop over here going yeah with sacrifice comes prosperity let's go i mean it doesn't matter because we're not gonna get the injured you anyway so see deal with the devil interesting we could solo job and take two free deal we're gonna do a one two three on this uh sure one three two one go that that looked pretty even uh what did i just pick up if you picked up a health upgrade oh bursts of saturnus yeah we can take we can take these w items without being locked in as well so my dry baby um hey i called dry baby we could take two of these uh i'm thinking that uh maybe i take a pentagram and you take the uh ceremonial ropes or we could re-roll them all we could and and wish for something really really really good but these ones are pretty okay use the soul of job in the secret room dummy once you watch your damn mouth boy that one yeah i would say definitely at least that one i'd be fine with maybe rerolling these curse of saturnus i mean like look at how much you have to read it's just not even worth it it's like you need to simplify that item every roll little tone let me get down should have taken the damage upgrade yeah you can take the theme the athame like brother bobby might be better um i like imagining but remember we're not locked in a double d right now so we don't have to take it yep like the chance of getting an angel after this is pretty slim but yeah it'd go up to it'd be like sixty percent because we didn't take the uh we didn't take the pentagram sixty percent sixteen percent not sixty percent what did you get sixty percent from i was just i thought that's what you said so i was gonna question that number sixteen percent i think we got a shot at winning this yeah i i mean our builds are kind of kind of okay together we have enough power we do have spidermod now my hero there goes my hero crawling on the ground i hate these stupid flying noses yeah i never i've never been a huge foo fighters fan but i've always liked a lot of their songs yep got a couple bangers oh laggy okay all right hey how you doing though hello is super laggy at my end still uh now it's cleared up um i did have a little bit of a dip on my bitrate hello fit the squid oh okay right behind you that's cool newton's shot though very interesting that might have been better on mine considering the piercing lasers that would have connected yeah but i'm mad that he spawned right next to me so yeah classic what's the name of those guys like i should know their name digletts oh my goodness sci-fi saved us both right there a hero of the people nice shot speed it's actually really good for uh tech zero oh nope not worth it can't you just do a handstand into the curse room and and block it with your socks nope that guy wasn't supposed to die he sure did though euthanasia thank you you can use your satanic entertaining bible or no oh those are kids hectic man this dude is in pain right now look at him you know what you can just stay there i'm gonna let you just suffer eternally because i don't like your death rattle i don't even know where i was there strange attractor want it no players want it there's not too bad it's that's gonna help though it's true because there goes my hero there's health yeah grab that you make me grab it well it's out for you i'm full and i'm stuffed golden keys nice uh we don't have a re-roll but i don't think we're gonna get one what if we do though i don't think we're gonna get one all right we can try but i'm losing i'm slowly losing faith in my ability to stop taking damage it didn't matter anyway um would i give up health generation for flight eh are we not uh find a battery and come back there's a challenge room that's three right there there's two other rooms that could get you a reroll to deal with the devil yeah if i live that long i have faith i do not get that euthanasia when it explodes with the tech yeah it's really really good it's like a it's like when you use isaac's tears and you have piercing shots and uh tech zero okay all right well that's a heart and a coin but and we took the golden key so he's up at the golden ticket what an absolute [ __ ] shot from chad diglett over here i've got the gold enabled oh my god and we still didn't get enough nope i took two damage for abel sure did how's it feel really good can i always kill in the curse room if we think there's gonna be another one in there let's do it i was i was joking nope i'm going okay love it this game just seeks to punish me evil is so good he's good now you're so funny you're the funniest person i know he's been buffed hot uh yeah hey hey look at least you have a hp generator right so when i inevitably die you will take the reigns in my place so you bet you don't drop all your items i guess we got nothing else to spend our money on huh where you want to bomb them for angel and devil chance i actually think hp is gonna be more important at this point if he didn't pay out then i'm gonna bomb him ooh nice hp you could definitely reroll it we'll get it back how many fly items do you have can you get flight i have one pretty uh pretty bad it's gonna be real mad if you drop the steam sale in here i could have rerolled that instead that's uh certificate yep i mean i wouldn't like who would do that not me only someone that would be like psychotic pretty much yeah some [ __ ] that did not care about life or happiness there's a lot of people who laughed at that i'll have you know including myself and if i can't make myself laugh then what am i even doing this for childish would have been nice for my my dude yeah my dude guy yeah see people were saying i love that place see um you want to re-roll or save i say it at this point in time save it i'm feeling the boss is gonna be right over here that got a feeling yep right over here it's right around the corner yonder all about there's a nope okay and fluffy car thanks for the 13. you guys are at 19.95 windows 1995. who's gonna drop the five gifted sub bombs for huts during september 20 off of gifted subs get huts back to 2k and make cuts great again and then we do 3k for soon nope only 400 away nope a measly 400 nope give those subs to utts what hit me he shot you i didn't see it it's right before he died i'm going to take this [Music] i actually think that rotten tomatoes good better oh if i get the subs and rickro also five gifted subs thank you so much to both of you generous 2k baby feels good thank you now it feels nice man feels nice man sometimes like i get confused and i think i'm you even though we look nothing alike i get confused just because i'm not used to seeing a second person on the screen it was a race it says let's go purgatory purgatory they can cancel the shots hunts okay mm-hmm eat skirt skirt thinking damage in here could be like a calculated disgusting i'm going to say why not why don't well we both have a lot of broken hearts yeah we do i don't think we can handle anymore yeah i'll take this since you have scifly okay and none of these fires are producing that so true we'd be able to see it with my guppy's eye one more room and uh oh wait no that's me that needs one more room to recharge there's a small battery here you get the main charge there there you go just use it or do you want it for your d no you take the hp it's a top secret room too that we know where it is yes huts i did see us get the mind you know hey did you know you can see the super secret room with a mind huh hearts hearts leave squad stream are you there oh hot unsubs from synvetta i know you can hear me you can't ignore me forever hats thoughts i just imagine tim's voice just keeps getting higher and higher pitched as he's getting more despondent that you won't answer him oh it's nice that's pretty good stuff you're gonna you're gonna eat that oh man i love spike rocks they're so good victor did you know so good did you walk into spike just super stupor look at that boy singed but in keeper form i'm going to bomb these heads up [Music] magic monsters [Music] we can skip straight to the chest is is that going to work shot speed [Music] tears down great i'm excited nice perks all right time to go [Music] see look at that look at that then you have to fight isaac beautiful akita aki fukami with 100 bits as well thank you thank you thank you watch your mouth zoom tight um who needs a damage you do i would take it yes hypercoagulation they dropped the health and you hit a no re-roll these yep oh for sure although ironically that would have been my beelzebub big fan if i had taken the lost fly hey look at that oh there's the elves above them if you want it [Music] i don't think flying is really going to matter at this point you have socks so you're already immune to creeping spikes did you say about me said you're a creep and a spike wow i mean i run into spikes is it worth it nope okay i need it secret i'm for sure right we have no bombs oh cuts this kind of goes bombs look at that thanks dad you know you need bombs to get inside a secret room shots yeah that's the this is the the face that reddit makes when they're yelling at us that's the face of reddit in general whenever you're trying to post something that's what the mods look like [Music] i'm forcing out the half end of this painful [ __ ] where are you where are you going i don't know glitter bitter mendez sauce hot did you know how's tim i animated uh a hut's tim emote a slide-in that could be good for you uh yeah is that your second bucket of lard [Music] no you already had one of those no he really rolled it thunder thighs dropped but i didn't take it that's really risky when you get down to nothing but soul hearts because it takes two soul arts or two black cards from you yep well there's your uh and we'll take it out hell yeah what trash all right we're gonna beat this we're gonna win the defense text me well it's tim when we ignore him we got the uh we have the dps and the beets we got the meat swing on the beach barbies we got the meats oh one more we get another re-roll oh no one last one oh yeah top secret room i'm in i've seen victor i'm really funny let's speed up lockdown that worked out for me perks is good i want to take one surely this one would be good classic hey look at that wait wait let me get some health on the way back i'm so victor and i use the same joke twice in a row why you want to get held on the way back we're coming back here just let me grab the damn hill i'm hots and i make no sense i like doing everything the long way [Music] there's you can join you might as well take it no it's not oh yeah boyle baby doesn't do that no it ain't bad [Music] that was really nice we should sell that on itunes yeah should be in a band didn't sell that on uh what was the uh what was the super old one [Music] yeah all right thank you guys on youtube for watching lemonary thoughts and uh see you in the next one see ya
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 14,142
Rating: 4.9494739 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: wjdhPMOmaHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 12sec (3912 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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