Exploring The Skull Dungeon In Forager!

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oh that is your friendly neighborhood skater here hanging out today back again do with stuff and things and forge your ladies and gentlemen I think we got our peppers that we needed thanks so much for coming to hang out me thank you so much for supporting these videos I have been having a fun time playing this game and I'm glad that you guys are having a fun time watching that make sure if you like this one the button whatever it is go if you're new subscribe for more stuff and things and swipe right all right so what do we got going over here now we got this guy unlocked in the last episode we got some more seven things going on over here let me just let out a little squeaky fart and we unlocked this bad hombre now I'm not really ready to go in there yet I feel like we're not necessarily ready but over here we are ready for something and that is dude pepper seeds how many seeds do we get I'm very interested to see how this works I have no idea how the farming works in this game we haven't done any farm again so we're gonna take a look here and see we're gonna grab that guy this and this dude it just farted out a bunch of seeds so how much stuff did it how much stuff did it take to make those pepper seeds we needed three peppers okay and then we ended up getting four seeds okay because sucks Rock a lot it's kind of a kind of a crap return there uh let's make a little farm deal can we just go like this and then can we go like this my hair jeez look enjoy your fish joint do if I find a way to water crops they will grow much faster okay what if I just do this does it take then we get the jar back we get the jar back oh that's it they're all watered oh and it looks like the water in the jar actually goes down slowly am i seeing that correctly it's ready to rock already no they're not ready to rock already they are growing pretty fast though I feel like that's a really good option for us go out and grab our coal cuz we're gonna need peppers remember we're on the hunt for eight hot peppers and some glass and such 12 steel over here coal how much could we craft six dude I'm doing a terrible job at coal 24:19 we'll get all those guys going dude this it's time one pepper that is a crappy return oh my god so we got wait let's try this again that precedes all right we have two peppers we're gonna make pepper seeds I want to see how this all works out it's making them this is us making pepper seeds people this is out this is what life looks like on the pepper farm back on the old pepper farm a little poop over there for pepper seeds is all we get and then we can go ahead and get some more water and make sure their waters properly Oh weird last time it kind of stopped accepting the water Oh their shows and it did all for farming is tricky you know I'm saying all right well peppers are coming sorry pardon me nomads shovel requires bottled beetles of which we have two so we're getting there on that let's go ahead and pop over there real quick and check it out and see if we got any more guys I only have one deal oh you think you got what it takes more beetles dude there's no more beetle night drink this grab that guy we can always grab more beetles in the future all right all the things are mine oh we got an emerald for that also I think I've discovered a little thing I'm not sure about exactly but I'm pretty sure when you use a vault the things that you collect don't go into your inventory and then need to be transferred to the vault I think they automatically go into the vault that means that bolts are where it's at yo I'm talking about putting in some stuff in things then it's worth those guys in how about all of them let's talk about what other things we just gather up and not really ever use these yeah there let's clears not a huge amount of interest but clears out for inventory spaces such a great investment for inventory spaces you have to do this forever so pepper seeds Kraft dude this is really really gonna take a long time in order to make a lot of peppers I'm gonna let those guys do their thing and I want to check this out with you I feel like it's time we going on a little bit of an adventure here okay something farted okay so these are just trees what are these Oh Oh bones give me your bones oh do they not always Faunus Kelly are you oh he just said he just key ID can you believe that okay so this is like my favorite island now dude unlimited bone stuff of things tell me of your secrets bones these guys are so easy to kill - it's amazing get rekt bones for days oh is that a special thing up there what is this nightshade all right we found nightshade most likely a component in potions I'm guessing dude all the bones I don't even know we need the bones for but we just haven't been able to get any bones for so long I just feel like it's an amazing adventure that we're going on with bones right now all right let's quit dress to more foods one more Skelly what are you about homie Oh dungeon we can't dig by God dude we're in a dungeon oh we've lit a breezier we've discovered the secrets of that brazier we've lit this one and that brazier as well as been lit dude I feel like I'm an expert at this already oh okay hiding hiding oh now I see where the bow and arrow comes in oh oh dude it's not easy Oh like a blow-up deal or something that the braise yeah I think this brings us back to the start it does alright let's head over the left here and see where there's another way over here no that was the dead end alright we're gonna go up and left they got for me over here secrets of the universe down oh I see you over there skellies tikka don't okay this is getting a little tricky now dude there's so many right there I've lit the breeze yeah alright we're good to go right there we know we got to come back down there and get that room it looks like it has a treasure chest in it too Oh bring it on homey bring it on yeah a little dead-end deal okay I already got that guy dude some of those are not easy man okay we've already been here I do believe this is a dead end this is tricky I'm normally pretty good at mazes - oh dude I'm not gonna be good at this one Oh No if you go in with a full inventory we can't bring the stuff in things out goodbye goodbye eggs goodbye five fish goodbye five iron or the nightshade will keep 31 wood eight gold or three peppers - wait what topaz oh my god we can't sell that sand well we won't sell anything else until we need space oh oh he doesn't even barely hit I was so afraid that the instant they touched you they would annihilate you they barely do anything light that brazier Oh baby Jude this dungeon I mean the amount of cash you're gonna be able to make obscene I just can't imagine being able to find all of the things all right all those guys of geez like it is extremely hard to navigate it's a good thing it's back to the beginning yeah back to the beginning okay so over here I think and then up I think down all these hallway way big circle gotcha I see the waves of your circle whatever that means the mad Jukes oh there's a ferry there dude how and the how we gonna get out was that a boss yes dude boss fight me please this game does not disappoint was the over here do you think this is a big level man for your first level it's boss oh my god is huge fungus oh yes dude what did we just get those purple great skull amazing oh crap retro some stuff things away inventory is full we gained two heart back though sand cactus flower eat it till the rest so this is close I think no that's not the beginning I was gonna say I think it's close to the beginning there's the bad guy dude I'm so psyched to kill the boss I was amazing all right also it says we're getting XP but there's no XP bar here I know if you noticed fool dude this is a freaking massive first level necro rod use it to summon skeletons whoa where is it even I don't see in the inventory oh there it is but it's not showing off my hotbar maybe I can't use it in here dude all the gems there's some XP sores [Music] upraised your action at this point I'm not even trying to remember like where I am this place is so huge Oh God Oh God - nailed it you know what I could be doing - didn't even think about it dodge baby super dodge couldn't use that you can actually move faster with that I think oh yeah it definitely moves you faster does the rolling help oh that's where we want to be right there gaps across request reference check all right down here finder yeah skull seal awarded only to those who beat the skull maze spirit org use it to increase your stats yes like permanently please oh you guys oh it's this checkmark will allow us to go in again we go out again I'm wondering because the reset everything hmm I'm not ready to go in again that was unbelievable and amazing let's go ahead and take a look inside of our inventory now we got three great skulls but under our gear is that in here now Oh what oh you're kidding me man is he bad yeah yes so he's not a buddy he's not a little buddy but he is a source of unlimited bones that's pretty unbelievable spirit orb Oh permanent increase permanent energy increase permanent damage increase instant level up I wish I'd have known that beforehand oh wait choose a boon whoa oh you guys what do we want do you think I've yet to die I mean instant level up is dumb permanent damage increase that seems like it would be the most powerful thing right cuz we don't really we can always fill up on our energy it's not like we're ever running out and I've yet to die I'm taking the damage increase baby I think that's the way to go so I was wrong about the inventory thing I could've swore was the thing I don't know thing cuz I don't have any maybe the stuff that I gained when I was in the crypt doesn't go into default automatically because I've gathered up like beats what let's just test it right now no beats in the inventory 79 beats 80 beats alright so we are it was correct the stuff that we gathered while we're inside of the maze does not go in but after we have to come back through and then go ahead and drop it so like so in like so 1.1 K where's the next land we can buy that's 908 10 also I'm pretty sure the damage increase also affected the harvest rate maybe a little bit I can't tell but I think it was a good choice all right can't see anything lady Oh can't get that guy bopping over here let's go check out our new island oh it's another obelisk feel interesting so now we can only have one of these active at a time oh oh I can't get can't harvest it weird that looks like edge of the map territory okay it's becoming dark do I have to go over to the other one and shut it off forging obelisk alright we've activated that guy let me pop back over here just take a look at all those works get their pepper yeah I cannot eat this and it looks like it's the same thing right it looks like another Ovilus well one thing we do need is more sand gathered up a little bit there uh we're gonna need some oh wait what else did I get to get pepper seeds dude so much stuff is happening right now we have so much stuff going on oh my gosh man all right so there's four of those guys to pepper seeds like so oh I grabbed these guys from over here that we had made before we meant went into the maze all right those guys are please make any bottles we don't have any glass take a look see here inside what kind of glass actually can get for the reason that we can't make more glasses because they don't have sand oh my gosh double things are happening it kind of looks like the deal tre finger their basic gloves the tack speed increased by 20% does that mean forging as well why did I do this eons ago oh why don't you tell me team dude metal gloves next order of business nightshade one of 20 be fully found one dude hold on can we find some more can we plant it can we make nightshade seeds is written that here I see you back there oh dude I need to build a bridge even to get to it dude I need 18 more of you guys like right now anybody seen a nightshade around here we're gonna need we need so many we need the metal gloves right away so I think the big thing we gotta really gotta focus on right now is skill to be honest with you um no Matt shovel requires steel fire any pickaxe requires steel and glass and then these guys over here steel steel this backpack requires royal clothing dude we can make one let's make the bigger backpack dude let's do that right now all right Cole can we make a bunch 20 I'm keeping some of my wood see your iron no iron or gold to steel to - we can get anything here to help us out with steel optics no combat so far don't need it alchemy no one cares potions my great expert Scrolls uh 20% more energy when eating yeah cook pots no no that stuff man rocks have a 10% more chance to drop jams that would be good increasing the chance of finding rare items when digging by 30% beause I still don't think we need a neither discuss 20% less stone steel homie versus work 25% faster Gorgias work 25% faster that's faster unlock mining rods crafted items collect themselves dude mining rods and we got machinery unlocks flour press all structures have a 20% chance to craft double items hmm factories dude where is this mining rod deal let's talk about that that's not here build dust real mining rod do we do it it's gonna cost to steal what does it even do OH what happens when it gets done oh this is the best thing that's ever happened it's really dumb that it does like one thing at a time it just oh it goes into my inventory no matter where I am yes royal gathered royal seal we're holding reward dude we got another reward deal oh my god you guys so we have the Royal Steel now we can go ahead and order or clothing pardon me crap this bad hombre scrap the new backpack let's go take a look at our hats here - so much stuff just happened Terraria slime lunatic cultist plant area Pothier basic brown bunny ears gamer kid well this is my head dude we could change the head Oh Hulu chimney hat now the top hat actually has an effect though right does it show us anywhere or did we just always have all of the effects oh shovelknight basic fish I like to shovel knight' backpack medium fancy non basic small medium fancy doesn't matter and then fairy wings bone wings dude that looks so much more so cool now and that didn't have any effects on our backpack let's go and grab this guy oh wait so make it it dude you take it forever homie uh I don't wanna waste my call on that - I got a mining rod now uh let's go ahead and set another one these guys down somewhere dude like right here I'm you know you can't be sorry I'm very excited very very excited right now oh the mining rods are real rip the chicken you got look how fast we're harvesting now we got a new backpack deal for extra inventory slots this is friggin amazing I was gonna feel like a little bit boring I was like man I don't know about the game right now like it seems like this nothing but suddenly everything got freaking great and it's so friggin good to hear it take some of this number one of these you just want some of that and then you become my fairy there it is more XP sores so good Oh does it not work if I'm not there it does work it's just working a bunch of them really slowly I think I wonder if it will harvest the slimes party chickens I'm just so excited to harvest things at the speed of fast like I can't even believe there's something right now and our guy looks so great Oh feels good team oh these guys one hit down well ate too much now we're fat dude I'm just harvesting and I'm thinking I can help this guy along but why would you why wouldn't you take your time to harvest something else I'm gonna let him do this thing over here man it's gonna let him harvest this guy right here is a great area for this - it's gonna help to keep all this stuff clear we have eight more seeds right there grab some of these guys how about one of these one of those some like this I'm gonna leave them unwatered I want to see what happened I don't want to water them and the next order of business obviously this guy right here so glass and steel but because we have these mining deals now dude I really need to but we need all the steel man all of this feel just eight more of those guys six more of those guys make all the coal we can make more stuff and things in the next episode look at this guy man so friggin good thanks so much for coming to hang out with me make sure if you had fun today don't forget sure your support smash the thumbs up button if you're new don't forget to subscribe as well there's no wood dude I'm so excited to just stand here come check us out we're probably streaming for sure at some point guys on Twitter on TV slash locator will see you there peace thank you so much for your support and how's it go may the stuffin thing be with you [Music] you
Channel: Sl1pg8r - Daily Stuff and Things!
Views: 19,700
Rating: 4.9665504 out of 5
Keywords: sl1pg8r, forager, forager game, forager gameplay, 2d games, is forager good, should i buy forager
Id: sm1lmUG4y9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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