Following the Habits of Jesus (May 17, 2020) – Jesse Duplantis

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god is so good how many people brought your Bibles or iPads or your telephones and all that kind of stuff turn with me to the book of Mark excuse me Book of Luke chapter four I want to read verse sixteen I want to talk today and I thought Lord what do you want me to say this is our first we're physical people and we could have you know fought the civil authorities we have the Constitution on our side might have to go to we might have to go to court well we can't go to court that's all right yeah you know we got a war chest don't misunderstand I mean that arrogantly a private you know but you know we like to honor the civil authority because the Bible said pray for your leaders that you live a peaceful gentle quiet life so we did that but I want to talk about following the habits of Jesus following the Esso title of this message following the habits or habit of Jesus before we read Luke chapter 4 verse 16 when you go to Luke chapter 3 Jesus did two things in his earthly life he took time for himself with the Heavenly Father he went into the desert he would go in solitary places some time he prayed a little bit some time we prayed all night long but he had his what I call personal devotions with God now this is God manifested in the flesh but then yet he also believed and going to church now you would think the person that wrote the Bible that created everything what good would it do he would lure himself to get around people like us who are learning yet his habit was to go to church and in Luke chapter 4 are you ready to read it verse 16 he came to nad the way he's brought up and as his custom was notice that and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read so he was a churchgoer he believed in that did he need to go he's God Almighty no he had just come back but forty days faster than praise go read all that stuff but yet he thought it very important that he would come and be in the church it was a custom of is no matter how many Bible studies he did how many personal devotions he did in other words he just did him observe the Sabbath he observed every day with his Heavenly Father but he thought that the Sabbath day is a holy day and he is the Sabbath because God rested on the Sabbath not because he was tired because he was finished are you hearing me my god I can't believe I'm looking at people up exactly this is the most up move in 9 weeks you have it's it may be there so when you understand those two habits of his is that you should spend time personally with the Lord the time factors up to you it can be a long time it can be a short time but it must be some time and then come in the church and being a part of that because you see it's very easy now you've got used to 9 weeks of being at the house and if you notice your children's sleep better on Sundays than they do on Saturdays because it's a day of rest so actually the reason why you come the church is to crucify your flesh you see if some of y'all didn't have risque pajamas you could come in your pajamas but some people have risque pajamas your homes I'm trying to say I've seen people walk down looking the mall in pajamas I've seen him in winn-dixie in pajamas with their hair rolled up more like a crazy stuff you know that's their bidden undermine but as his custom was as his custom was he went to cover the church on a Sunday he's still doing that he's still coming to church he even the fact he was the only person I could preach to not go with me to the book of Hebrews chapter 10 and then I want to get into this Hebrews chapter 10 I love the book of Hebrews is such a phenomenal book I personally the Apostle Paul wrote it some people disagree Hebrews chapter 10 verses let's go at verse 23 first he said let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised so in other words the promises of God of form more powerful than the sins of people what he promises far greater than the trial you going through whether it be spiritual physical or financial you may have lost your job some of you are all over the world they said with 30 million people out of work right now yeah but God's promise is still almost wrong and still inside of you let me read that verse again let us hold fast to the profession of our faith without wavering now people get mad at me and I don't mean this area I don't waver who do you think your what that says I'm holding fast to it I don't have time to turn loose of my profession with God to make you feel good better I don't mean that in a rude sense he said let us hold fast the profession of our faith notice that again without wavering for he is faithful that promised by verse 24 he said and yet us consider one another well you can't consider work to provoke until of use that's a strong word to provoke to provoke unto love to provoke under a strong word in other ways you gonna learn me whether you like it or not i'ma provoke you to love me watch this he's coming to a point let me read it again verse 24 let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works now verse 25 where will we get you not forsaking everybody not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is notices not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching forsaking not the assembling about so what was Jesus's habits he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up the read he refused to eat he do you think he believed in social destiny I guess you could you could say he didn't in one sense because some time he had his twelve disciples only with it but my point was he refused to forsake let me tell you something this is going to happen in the next three or four weeks when you go not we're getting back into the going to church and you're going to say well you know I can watch them online now you break in scripture because you can come nothing nothing upon nothing should be in the front of God's house and God for Jesus thought it's so important and he was God manifested in the flesh that I don't care had been praying for 40 days 40 nights when Sabbath came he was that the son of God I've had some preacher say my god I need a break I need a vacation okay but that doesn't mean you need it from God when I go on I think some people oversea call it holiday we call it vacation here in America I don't I don't put God out of my out of my vacation I find me a place to go you see what I'm saying why forsaking not their sibling I myself so I can provoke somebody to look I want you to think about that see what Satan missed I really think he fact I know he put this virus out to shut the church down but he shut the NFL down to that's a fool it he shut everything that he thought well we're gonna get rid what he did you're always saying if we would have known if we would have known Jesse would have never been able to touch five million four hundred two thousand four hundred and two 128 people if he did know think about that whoo so write this down the greatest calamity that can hurt a nation is the loss worshiping let me say it again the greatest calamity that can hurt a nation is the loss of worshiping God together the greatest calamity that can hurt a nation is the loss of worshipping God together right now you are pulling faith off of each other you are provoking each other to love and yet you use in social destiny you see the reason why they wanted us to not be around so we wouldn't infect someone I want to make this announcement you're being affected right now with the love of God with the grace of God with the faith of God from each other it's called corporate anointing are you hearing what I'm saying so Satan thought I'll shut it all down but she couldn't shut the church down without shutting his own business down that side of me is you see what I'm saying let me say again the greatest calamity that can hurt a nation is the loss of worshiping God together why well why would you say that next point the Christian congregation is the walls of salvation and the gates of praise see the Christian congregation is the walls of salva the walls of soundness and I love this the gates of praise you see that's the reason why we assemble together because you see we are walls of surety soundness and out of that shirt in soundness comes praise that's why the coming to church to me it's more important than sports and I like sports I do I have rushed home almost getting a ticket to watch a game hang on live in fact I got pulled over I'm doing 20 miles an hour over the speed limit and the speed limit said there a lot o 90 when you do it I said I'm trying to get to a game is about ready to start he said well hurry thank God he likes sports night was a safe road that's not the issue I don't know if 90 is to say but I just I like it but I will not put it ahead of God because you see there may be a wilderness experience about ready to show up and devil gonna try to hurt me and if you have provoked me to love and I have provoked you to love and I have given you my faith you have given me your faith then when that time comes I tell the devil you want to dance with me and I caught him the Word of God see the Christian congregation is the walls of salvation and the gates of praise write this down we are formed for fellowship and friendship we are formed for fellowship and friendship why because holy feelings pass from heart to heart until all hearts are aglow let me say it again we are formed for fellowship and friendship why because holy feelings pass from heart to heart until our hearts are aglow you come in here feeling depressed you walk out feeling feel great why because holy feelings were passing from heart to heart until all hearts become a they'll glow turn on your heart light remember ET you think the head of virus that's why they just did the finger we use a bump think about that for a minute let me say it again we are formed for fellowship and friendship because holy feelings pass from heart to heart until our hearts are glow that's why Jesus custom was to go to church and not forsake the assembly you know what he needed someone's heart to glow for him they needed his heart the globe that he'll see that's why God is God what does it need 12 disciples for in creating them but you see there's something about love that just and God is love if you wanted to find love is God oh that's something so when you see that that's why the greatest calamity that can hurt a nation is the loss of worshipping God together we missed you now some of you wrote in and come I said I'm God you preaching like there's thousands of people no billions see when I look at that camera look at me camera 2.9 billion I see you I'm like God I can see it you see so even though I laughed at myself when I'd be pretty I'd go over there ain't nobody here turn around looking around because in my mind as I was ministering you were here do you see that and you refreshed me now when you I saw you physically I almost did a run they see my point I like being called doc I've been missing that you understand what I'm saying hey come on yeah that's what I'm talking about right right this minute I'm so excited and dropping my glasses Lord Jesus I got so excited I broke my belt this marso people man probably write this down the assembling together is a everlasting necessity it's everlasting do you know we're going to church in heaven you're not gonna be said well imma watch the Lord online all of us are fit in this great place called the temple God is in the churches let me say it again the assembling together is a everlasting necessity why because it's a duty and a delight it's a duty and Kathy was up early couldn't wait to come to church to see y'all and we're only supposed to have had 25 percent do we have any visitors if your vision is stick your hand up what's that people from North Carolina y'all from North Carolina I like North Carolina has a beautiful way I like the beaches in northern Oh Lord are you only shot from Charlotte I love Charlotte pastors I see that's my point you see by you coming it's a duty and a delight why because the assembling together is everlasting necessity the Word of God don't change why because it's a duty into the light think about that so it's my duty and my god I've had some guys say Jesse you and the bomb that's going to church well that's the best bond there's ever been in in my life no I'm not in the bondage what compels me is the love of God it compels me was it last night or night for a Cathy she said let's watch a movie in the theater that's okay and also the Holy Ghost touched me so she came and I said Cathy go somewhere do something before I put the theater on it I got a pray remember I thought yeah I said well I wanted to see the movie I think it was my idea I think both our idea we liked it but oh stop she said well I'm gonna go do my nails something whatever you're gonna do either I said okay and I just sat right there almost to the interest of the by the Papa we have a popcorn stream that rich in Tammie gave us this gorgeous red look fire engine red it's nice smells good it's just like God just smells good China is this one and I just sat there and and prayed and let the Holy Ghost break I guess maybe 10 12 minutes maybe a little longer I don't know now it was so anointed you know so I got up and I walked over Cathy has a place where she does her hair and her nails and she has it with a call that place where you do your hair what you call that room a salon and people come to the house and cut her hair so you don't go ain't that nice in a free that's okay so she when I walked in the light were not also I saw this blue glow I thought my god he's here whole ago and it was Cathy's hands underneath this thing bacon her nails I thought it was God for a minute it was wonderful I don't even have that in my notes that just came out glory that God see the assembling together is everlasting necessity why because it's a duty and a delight I also found out since all is locked down most women do not wear their natural color of hair I have found that out they got roots this long I mean you know yeah I love it even those people on television you can see it they go I thought she was a blonde mmm it's amazing one lady says if I can't get my nails have not seen sunlight in ten years I need I need I got a companies I guess that's very important to some people write this down coming together in worship gives you pure and exalted ideas of God coming together in worship gives you pure and exalted ideas of God think about that you think better about God you get revelation more of God because you you have not forsaking the assembling of yourselves and you've produced an attitude and the atmosphere of worship which loving hearts are being a glowed and corporate anointing is flowing through each other you know and you begin to recognize you see often God will just touch you a certain way touch someone else because you get it you get an exalted view of God let me say it again coming together in worship gives you pure and exalted ideas of God they are the one of these Sundays where's Renee which way by Renee she had wrote a song and you sang your song am I correct was the last time that Sunday probably left I've done nine of them anyway and it gave me a different view of God a more of an exalted view of the Lord hmm mm-hmm you see now I was here because Cathy asking me baby she told me she said it's amazing when all this happened she looked at me said now you know you the leader of this ministry I say you trying to get out and working that's what you trying to this you the pastor that chair you are the leader that you utter fate I said all right yeah I guess I hear money you know but sometimes when I make us but I'm gonna make her remember it because sometime I'll say so you know the church ought to do that we're doing that Jesse I'm the pastor teacher I'll handle that wait wait yeah but it was last nine weeks Jack I bet I've been the leader yeah yeah oh yeah when you needed me it's hardly far think about there for a minute so I said I am any unit ladies and gentlemen you know what has happened to me and I am not political now I vote in every election local state and federal I believe in that because I'm an American and I don't care what country you are in if y'all have voting you should have them in all countries really I mean because that shows you your right of freedom you should vote well I want to go training I don't get wet but you should you should vote I believe in that what's the same way would God here say I believe in him to such a degree that i exalt his name anywhere everywhere anytime all time it makes no difference now I did persecuted quite a bit I have had and I'm not political mayor's call me should I shut my city down what are you calling me for I've never held any political office in my life and never will I don't think so senators governors all types of Ministers I said Lord what is it because my hair is white is it because I'm getting older that my voice is being heard I have never sought that position I wrote a letter to the President of the United States I've never done that in my life but I heard the voice of God and did and I mean waiting for an answer wait what the governor's and the Senators in them and I'm telling you it I had one car and he must have been a hundred pastors on the line you know but they call these conference calls and stuff like that I thought hung up I call the bed that put it all together the next day he said Jesse he said we couldn't Holly get off the line you had them so up they were shouting screaming and praising God the Lord said you did your job you followed my habit to bring encouragement where there was none you see what I'm saying I was shocked I'm still shocked about that you see which brings me to my next point our finest feelings and thoughts need the stimulus of society our finest feelings and thoughts need the stimulus of society to have the best life we must join with other lives let me say it again our finest feelings and thoughts need the stimulus I like that word stimulus some of y'all getting stimulus checks stimulus of society let me say it again our finest feelings and thoughts need the stimulus of society so why would I fight those people I'm talking about my civil authority to have the best life we must join with other lives now if the government said you will no longer preach Christianity oh now you got a problem we will put you in the jail well I'll have a jail ministry but I'm gonna preach the gospel do you understand what I'm saying see we need a stimulus this if this happens for you in a week when you come to church it's a stimulus like you're getting they put money in your account whatever I make too much money I never seen any of that in fact some of you might have heard me say that a few weeks but I paid my taxes on time on April to 15 because I figured that let me take some but all this this is all imaginary money but this is a night we don't have that there's no money in the bank they just print it which means your children your grandchildren your great-grandchildren pay this thing off unless we charge a country for starting this but it has to be a world effort I don't know I'll leave that in the capable hands of our government I don't know I ain't mention who what wait I don't know you know you're here kind of real not I don't want nobody hurt you see what I'm saying but I do I do know this this society needs to be stimulated let me say it again how finest feelings and thoughts need the stimulus of society to have the best life who must join with other lives you know when me and Kathy got married we joined together and produced a better life than me and her and that was Jody that's a legacy Jody got married and and and went further than she did inform the better life call Meredith think about if you got children grant you you understand where I'm coming you see we joined live so we could have better lives how many you enjoy your grandchildren I want they fun aren't they just great we had a wonderful complement the other day from our granddaughter she was telling her mother that in Georgia she said you know when I go to Mimi's and grandfather's house I can say anything I want I can say what I feel you know you're a tween which is not quite a team you know but you're growing it and you look older than the tween you look like a team and the hormones are kicking in and you know how what you don't know oh Jesus when these hormones kick in you just never know what a woman going now boys stupid enough to just tell you but not a woman a woman gonna show you see and you know and they have their own thoughts they want their hair certain wait a boy could care less until he starts noticing girls you can shave his head he there he used the bathroom in the front yard he don't care because that's what he mama took go in the yard boy how many of your mama tell you going to yard men Oh your hand don't lie stand up people think I'm lying if your mama told you to go to the bathroom in the yard as a kid stand up I'm standing up look at this get a shot of this would you now you maybe see they never told their daughter to do that am i right Glenn have you ever told Linda to go in the yard no y'all starting to remember that you probably saw your brother that's rough where do I get this stuff come out my head I don't know Lord Kevin have you ever wonder y'all I say you get rid of termites sending boys in from I say we get out of here yeah you see what I'm saying it's the craziest thing you ever heard of what didn't Merida say Meredith said if my dumb wife said Maddie said I can go to Mimi and grandfather's house and I can say anything I want I'm totally free to express my feeling I took that like it was such an honor and I want you know that's the same thing with my feeling toward my heavenly father I can say anything I want and express my feeling because he loves me and this may be me tell me to go in the yard no no I don't think so second it it's so wonderful to be expressive see Kathy she's trying to get me off of that but I ain't getting off of it I ain't getting off until I'm finished that's what I'm saying these people came from Charlotte North Carolina you're getting a whole ball of wax see so when you see that it takes me to this next point worse you bring together will idolize our work worshiping together will idolize our work nourish our spirit and vitalize the power of our conduct let me say it again worshiping together will idolize our work nourish our spirit and vitalize the power of our conduct think about that Richard P Sean's a good friend of mine eminent Tammy and we love getting together we really have great eyes but he had been fighting a battle like I ain't I've heard the termites but I ain't you never seen termites like yet it's just a tease whole front garage off ate the walls off of his informant done by the time he finds out about it you know now I had to go over he said you got to come see this and so I drove over there now watches I didn't know his his neighbors across the street would be there I was very aware of your neighbors the Lord said let your light shine don't act like a preacher hello you want to kiss you want to kiss the holy relic see how some preachers are they crazy she'd be me yeah just think they gotta have it I don't know you and I thought man and I could tell rich it was set up mad as a hornet at least and these little bitty they the most destructive insects in the world as termites they say and he's got a beautiful why says he got a beautiful as landscaping but now you found out that what's the name of encounter trees crape myrtle him I guessed him a term I let him create any close to the house good they pretty you know what you know man he gonna have to wipe all that out see not thought he was aggravated I I would be too did he have a termite contract you gotta tell my country but now you know you're gonna have to fight the inner you go ahead you know how it is about insurance hey mate but when you got a claim was it the wind did this termite have more bigger teeth in there you know stupid stuff yes but rich and Tammy just because you came today it's no vitalize you because you're gonna pull from each other he knows that he's a contracting fix-it that's not digit but why would you want to you know you don't want to pay for the same real estate twice you follow what I'm trying to say that's my point here worshipping together will idolize our work nourish our spirit because you get nurse from every people and vitalize the power of out conduct yeah so he called me though they say hey I got some good news any son has been accepted into Loyola Law School I think it is one is a blessing I thought man that's good but you see but you see that don't last too long because there's another termites in where we didn't know we had you see what I'm saying but what happens is and I'm using as an example it vitalizes your conduct it does it helps you see that's why you should follow the habits of Jesus listen to this point coming together look at each other right now coming together strengthens us against the strain and trials of life coming together strengthens us against the strain and trials of life sometimes just talking to somebody helps you I mean I got woke up at about 1:30 and I thought nor was coming down Armand Boulevard I say start raining you know what I thought of May 8th 1995 remember the may start at 18 and a half inches of rain but it you know we got the Forrest Gump marine fat rain skinny rain stinging rain we get sideways rain we get some rain buddy but some people said we had an inch my god we get that two minutes on a thunderstorm with us and I thought oh I've never had my pool overflow she was overflowing a year ago I didn't pump didn't have time easier I thought if this thing don't stop somebody can get flooded and I knew exactly where most people would get flooded especially on my Boulevard because it happens every time and every parish person I know seems to know about that we gonna fix that we'll win how do something see what I'm saying because nobody wants to see that kind of stuff now they can handle it I mean if people dare Taylor all I can get it redone and all that guys that's not the issue but nobody wants to do that you see what I'm understanding so when I heard that I was I said I watch it by two o'clock I said ma'am I got most of rebuke in this man I start praying me and Kathy we grab hand we can't was it two o'clock 132 but we start rebuking this thing and all of a sudden I was able to pump my pool down but I knew the ditch was full so I have underground plumbing or everything you you don't see any water cut it's all done rich and then put them pipes I'm not a big deal I mean if you dig in my yard you're gonna hit some pipe somewhere I mean you could it goes out see and anyway to make a long story short but I realize how powerful that pump is such an it's a little pump about this big when I turn it whoo it pushed that water even though that the thing was full see what I'm saying in x-ray made it actually go further up on by the levee kind of situation we did which didn't hurt nobody what I'm saying and I thought this little thing you'd be surprised the power of little things you don't think it's my just miss Church it's just a little thing no it's not that's great power so you shouldn't miss because you may need it one day you see what I'm saying so worshiping together we'll idolize our work nourish our spirit and vitalize the power of our conduct I said that then I said coming together strengthens us against the strain and trials of life yeah you know life to me is a baseball game it's not a football game it's a baseball game you may get a fastball you may get a curve you may get a slider you may get a no I mean I mean and if you got a pitcher that can throw some heavy said you don't know what's coming your way I mean I mean manga sometimes has so much spinner that the only way it's gonna go straight up it's gonna pop up I mean some of these guys can flat throw for over 100 miles an hour geez I mean I know the bottles coming at you and you train to stay in that batter's box cause he's gonna throw an inch shoot which means you're gonna come close to but you still hit it but sometime but you know those guys then they realize they but really get hit and they do get hit but they it's hard for them to come out that that batter's box why because they looking for where that strike zone he they know if he hit that ball right just just a volume that is coming at if they just stuck that they could almost bun it to centerfield he said I mean the power that goes with that if you got a good bat is what I'm saying so lifelike that trials and tribulations you know I'm amazed I had people criticizing me over over the coronavirus I just don't tell you I don't come up there and say you know hey yeah would you like to help me there's nothing wrong with that but market is that was somebody you know you know the church over on the other side they gave away food what they didn't tell you I put money in that church and built that that building that's in the back their whole building program shut down that's the Methodist Church okay I can prove show you the cancer check and and I took I think I told it was he Christine I told you I was out jogging I said Christine go give the people five thousand dollars what they say but we're Methodists so what so the Methodist pastor called me that pastors no longer there now he said you know we're Methodists I said we'll do Methodist believe in Jesus well yes well I'm a Methodist what do you want me to be he couldn't get away and I think we did it again and he said the neck it stimulated the their building program and they built a partner back they don't know they were writing junk you might have seen Tammy they don't know that Kathy been down in st. Charles fires and get you have a check for the food people generally I won't tell much enough it doesn't make any difference blow it I've been out of high school so long I'm you mean you're gonna you're gonna hit me with this one nah but how many times I remember I had the Destrehan choir appeal and Christmas they don't know the money that's I gave them to go do their things but somebody mad about something I don't get mad about it I should I come from Louisiana a mafia state we do what you got to do man we can bury you and never find you alligator get eat but we don't but you see this out was somebody popping off about something which brings me to my other point we are urged to do beautiful things we're urging to this see when you come to church you don't forsake the same user that's a beautiful thing we're urged to do beautiful things the equilibrium of worship is delicate and it is easily damaged it's gotta be careful because we're urged to do beautiful things word of God's coming forth all that the worship is good also somebody does something dumb and crazy they damage that that equilibrium of worship so you got to be careful that's why God puts leaders in the church while we have elders and things there's some people who had that sit down I think they meant bad but they were damaging the worship don't shout me down when I'm preaching good we don't like that kind of stuff but you know what this is God's house and you do everything in decency in order let me say it again we are urged to do beautiful things the equilibrium of worship is delicate and you can easily offend the holy ghost you watch yourself and it is easily damaged so I don't want that to happen see so that's why I'm never changed I had a lady come out she said I've been following you for 44 years you have never changed my looks have my hair is white I'm chunkier and all that kind of stuff I love watching him old videos of mine that was old brown hair good I said look at me bad Jesus but she said you don't I said change to what I'd have to change the Word of God I can't do that so if Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever so it's Jessie so I asked the Lord I said what do you want me to preach on this first opening he said tell him never forsake my assembling he said I'm God and I went to church I've had preacher sit but just don't you get tired of prayer no oh and things happen to me and I don't tell people about it my brother went home to be with the Lord last week Monday Monday last week I had to do a live chat you know what live chat is you know on all these a live chat on all these social media things people asking me questions and you know Kathy Kathy looked at me man there all everybody was very nice my and my staff never shut down my staff worked through all this thing because we were essentially cut people crying and Oh God many losses they don't know what to do so we needed to help them we even heard Governor Cuomo's if you're psychiatrists or psychologists or therapists would you please call us and donate your time man people are hurting here see so that you see the churches should have never been closed no and I'm not mad at them they trying to do the best they can don't misunderstand but I'm telling so my brother went home to be with the Lord and Cathy looked at me she and I'm a kind of man I'm very uh comes the emotion I don't show much I'm getting better at it you know Kathy's helped me Leroy Thompson my good friend he's really helped me I mean yeah I mean and a Kathy says we you want to cancel the live chat no yeah but Jesse Wayne just passed away well not always that scene that sounds hard didn't it no you know what my last words to my brother was hey Wayne tell everybody I said hi he said I will see he wanted to go it was his choice I can I'm gonna break his will even though I didn't want him to go he's in exam I said well I'm all set myself an agreement with you thanks a lot you've been a real brother to me thank you yeah and he didn't have a family he don't wanna know if you he's I hate feelings hey hey them so he ain't got one he says soon as I got leave this place take me to the funeral I wish you could take me just to the grave but you can't you know law requires that and he wanted to be cremated he had a daughter that passed away she was killed in a pickup truck accident when she was 14 her name was a Michelle Michelle and Jody Michelle was six months older than Jody he said open up her tomb and put my remains in her in there I said okay no funeral no nothing you know I said that stuff is I said okay wait anything else no thank you you were there for me I said well you were there for me now that's not easy that ain't easy but that did stop this today the work last week did God quit being God when Jesus was in the grave so you want to call me hard he's sitting on saying no you still have to do what you have to do life goes on now I'm gonna tell you something that blue you don't have to believe this number put it in here this sermon so I looked at my brother I said okay I said last words I said was well tell everybody I said hi he said I will I said okay that was Monday he passed that's when they call on Monday at 1:26 in Kathy's office me and Cathy and Wendy my niece who is our financial director I felt led of the Lord to pray what happened was my brother only had 10% of his heart working he always had terrible heart trouble in for last 20-something years he's had 25% working he dropped down to ten well fluid so building up his legs and stuff like that so they told him they said Wayne we can only keep you alive they'd have to use some of the hardest medicines for her he's a nice read for me to go he said don't read resuscitate me nah he had a defibrillators that was called inside his chest and I what I call him things you know he said on and they don't hook tall that he said I'll just be out of here now they thought he'd died at night he left the hospital earth are nice but we couldn't see him because of a virus they would even let his wife go I've never been told I couldn't go to hospital because I'm a minister to the gospel that's how much fear grabs feet make a long story short he lived the whole week they couldn't get over it he's at 10% his heart was very strong so at 126 I said I feel of the Lord the prayer grabbed Kathy's hand I grabbed a Wendy's hand we I said Lord my brother wants to go and I don't want him gasping it you know because it's call congestive heart failure you know your body feels it with lung fills your lungs up and you know have oxygen the only good part about both bottom my legs are very skinny in his and his what kind of chunk he said look at his legs don't look good that's a yeah but it was so much that he was splitting his skin but he wasn't in no pain so at 1:26 I said lord I don't want my brother to fall asleep and just wake up in your arms I heard the Lord go okay just like it okay that's 126 128 two minutes later his wife Billie that's a call a bill he just passed I got up out of Kathy's office I walked into my office that's Kathy trying to hook my cell alright guys fine we should be by myself here for a minute I don't mean that a bad way because you know yeah and I got I got in my office and I closed the door and the little Holy Ghost spoke to me said I answered your prayer I said thank you he said remember what you said that last words you said to him hey tell everybody I said hi I said okay I go home the next day I'm an avid exerciser I'm on them on that treadmill constantly I mean I did all my exercise I hear a bunch of laughter a bunch of shouting and laughter and I'm thinking with the landscape people here supposed to come till Friday or Thursday I took thee I took the the Machine off thee I got off the machine maybe where do you believe this or not and I walked through the windows I'm thinking having a party outside him around a tree or something you can't remedy I'm Anakin here and I heard this hey Jesse said to tell everybody it was cold I heard my brother tell our family that's there Jesse said to say hi that's true tell everybody I said huh-uh hurt and it was his boys and and it faded out now whether you believe that or not it didn't make any difference see but I really believe some time God pulls back the curtain so great a cloud of witnesses that brought what's the word I want to say comfort I said I bet that I said our family that loudest people up there you ever seen in your life no I having a great time I appreciate the Lord doing that for me so how'd the solid the Fowler his habits now how many you can follow his habits to never forsake the assembling of yourself Oh your hand up that's an oath he just took as his custom was he went to the synagogue on the seventh day he stood up to read I'm Jesse Duplantis and I approve this message give Jesus a hang clap for that [Applause]
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 69,080
Rating: 4.8565655 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, god, jesus, jesus christ, faith, word of faith, bible, scripture, church, habits, christ, christian, cathy duplantis, duplantis, preaching, pastor, teacher
Id: 6o7y6F5QtBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 6sec (2946 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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