SPECIAL MESSAGE: Thou Shalt Remember The Lord Thy God

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hello ladies and gentlemen I'm jester the plants and this is my wife Kathy how are you doing today great hello everybody's so great to be with you again today it's such a blessing of the Lord we had at JDM international headquarters boardroom where all the decisions for just surprise benefit overseas as well as here are made in God is so good at your grace right here in Destrehan Louisiana which is a suburb of New Orleans I see a lot of people don't know really where we're located yeah it's a suburban do I fly so much I wanted to be close to the airport so I'm only about what six miles from the airport really good and it's it's really a blessing of the Lord I want to talk today about some things you know all the stuff that's been going on and you know I keep hearing I turned on FOX News at the business then I turned on all the others now I'll talk about people being out of work and things of this nature we don't know what's gonna do that's I heard one anchor person say that some people were having problems with putting food on the table and things of that nature and I understand all that here's the question I want to ask why why see nobody ever asked why and let me tell you something for centuries or actually millenniums the church has preached that poverty is a blessing well how's that working out for you how's that wearing light you got it you worry about it putting food on the table for your kids so evidently poverty must not be a nice thing because if it is then these people all lost their jobs will be saying my god we do it good no it's a curse now let me tell you something about something about money it's the love of money is the root of all evil not money we live in an economic society you understand it takes money to function and operate in this on this planet but then when you fall in love with it the reason why it becomes evil when you fall in a little bit you make it your source instead of God Almighty right now I want to show you something today now I'm gonna take you to a bunch of scriptures and I just felt led of the Lord to speak this to you you know we believe Cathy when we got saved we believed in the anointing of salvation that God will save us right saved by grace but by Jesus stripes you were healed so let me just say this if you're physically sick right now you know before you ever got that sickness you were healed so what you're feeling is a false positive test it's false positive because by stripes you were healed before you ever got sick see what I'm saying so you have to put that in your mind and understand that well you look at your healing and understand and seek that healer as I said the other day or if you want provision you seek that provider and God will greatly bless you and minister to you now I want to talk to you today but when will we as a people yield and I want to use the word yield strongly to that anointing of wealth we've always been told that wealth the bad thing and this and that specially the church and yet I've never been in a church that don't receive finance and there's nothing wrong with that because it takes money to operate church just like it takes money to operate Walmart or Target or whatever whatever and I hear all these people claiming bankruptcy that's another question why it's because people you know when people shut you down about money you can't pay your bills but y'all kinda understand something when we learn to live out of the overflow over and above that when everything goes wrong you're kind of like Joe's of all the Greiner is a fool you can feed the whole nation of Egypt right plus anybody that shows up but I want to read a scripture to you and it's a Deuteronomy 8:18 I can quote it to you it says thou should remember the LORD thy God verse Deuteronomy 8:18 now she remember the LORD thy God now watch this for it is he let that go to your Bible and get that Scott I want you to believe this because I'm saying it I want you to believe it because God said it going around me 818 now sure remember the LORD thy God for it is he that giveth the power power Cathy Anissa power to get what well they get wealth now wait a minute if wealth is bad why did he say that he said that to a whole nation the nation of Israel and we are the seed of Abraham so he's saying it to us why do you have an amplifier on that I do I want you to read Deuteronomy 8:18 in the amplified oh it's pretty close to the same you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which you swore to your father's even to this day it had a blessing of the Lord so it's he that giveth thee power yet if you really want to get criticized start getting blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed going in that's going out everyone is having financial problem you listen to me I'm gonna give you an answer today you see you need to learn the youth of this anointing so that when these things happen you it's brought on the duck's back now that's just one people say well I don't think you know that's when you get to heaven our Father prayer our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done where Cathy on earth right now or in earth as it is in heaven now you know there's no poverty in heaven there's no lockdowns in heaven ruler thank God they don't even have tests to see if you're sick enough because you will and always will be God said that we should be living today here like there now why hasn't that happened because Satan has introduced something in a religious way which sounds humble and wonderful that poverty is a blessing so he could control your money so he can control your destiny and if you can throw your money in your destiny then he can control your destination you see what I'm saying I don't let the devil control my money or my destiny all my destination you see what I'm saying God's Word is true now when he said this people said we do you have another scripture yeah go with me to Cleese yes this guy Kathy Psalms proverbs Ecclesiastes chapter 5 I want you to see this in I want to read two verses to you and then we will talk a little bit about Ecclesiastes chapter 5 and I love this here look what it says in Ecclesiastes chapter 5 I believe it's verse well I'm gonna read verse 18 it says behold that which I have seen it is good and commonly for one to eat and to drink and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh Under the Sun all the days of his life woe which God giveth him for it is his portion now watch verse 19 every man also to whom God had given riches and wealth and have given him power to eat thereof and to take his portion and to rejoice in his labour this is the gift of God it's a gift of God to be blessed in the city less than the feel blessed going in blessed going out but yet the Bible said if you believe it 104 with persecution why cause people who believe in religious things instead of believing God thinks y'all write that down here see people believe in religious stuff religious things that have God things see what did God say that liquid he says in proverbs chapter 10 I love verse 22 the blessing of the Lord is maketh rich Oh Lord look at that gather rich a four-letter word for another one the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he added no sorrow with it now that's the most important part of that verse he added no sorrow with it I know some very wealthy people they're not born again a miserable and terrible I mean they just have a terrible life I know some that have committed suicide what and it will rich so money don't make you happy right because if it did nobody would be you know committing suicide but the Bible said the blessing of the law the ability you see the blessing of all it maketh rich now that can't happen until you you listen to me listen I don't care what you're doing stop what you're doing this one I'm trying to pretty help you hear the blessing of all and make it risk God's wants to help you but you can't get any of this unless you use it that anointing of what God said that I give you the ability and the power to receive wealth in this life as well as in the eternal life to come and when you think about that look what it says in proverbs chapter 10 Kathy first I preached a little bit then we're talking about proper chapter 10 verse 15 the rich man's wealth is his strong City the destruction of the poor Oh God is their poverty when are you theologians are gonna believe and read the Bible I don't need your homiletic or harmony look a philosophical theological opinion I know I sound arrogant cocky I'm not saying I'm just saying it there's a lot of people hurting a lot of people are dying and all kinds of things are happening because you won't read what this book says let me read it to you proverbs 10 verse 15 the rich man's wealth is a strong City right okay the destruction of the poor is there poverty poverty kills more people in thing else in the world you know my children are starving to death poverty poverty ladies and gentlemen but yet if I say the word prosperity boy I have I have been wrongly persecuted over prosperity all I'm doing Kathy is believe it me both of us are we just believe what Jesus said he here as it isn't it yeah well God wants us to live on earth as we are in him he wants us to have days like heaven on earth right today today in fact when he led the people out of Egypt he let them know that he was bringing them to a land of milk and honey oh that's good milk was like I say I probably need some honey hi Jody brought you some uh some honey in a hundred cool she actually gave me a large one and it's a little messy sometimes so she gave me these little individual packets for Mother's Day yummy so I think God wanted them to have the good stuff the good stuff so watch this the destruction of the pours the poverty what listen to me I'm not lying to you I'm trying to help I'm not trying to get something from you yeah the key Jessie they remember they just remember that it all comes from God and we seek you seek not the provision yes can I go back to Deuteronomy chapter 8 yeah there you saw some other part in it that was so powerful it's in chapter 8 and it begins in verse 7 says and I was reading the amplified it says before the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land a land of Brooks of water of fountains and springs flowing forth in valleys and hills a land of wheat and barley and fines and fig trees and pomegranates sounds physical friendship physical and he was preparing for them he's letting them know about the good life that he was bringing them towards so this was when they came out of Egypt where that was the land of not enough right and they were gonna go on into the Promised Land and it verse 9 goes on to say a land in which you shall eat food without shortage like nothing in it a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig dig copper verse 10 says and when you have eaten and are full then you shall bless the Lord your God for all the good land which he has given you a nice when he starts talking about beware and verse 11 that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping his command he says when you eaten in the force alone ain't too much on diets things that nature I'm we're making this funny a little bit but it's serious because poverty is a curse now III and I appreciate you reading that I want to go back to something proverbs is so full of these and look what proverbs 10 verse 4 says he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent maketh rich so God believes in work you know every time I've ever been and I'm a blessed man no mister but you know how God's always bless he's blessed us with work you know it gives extra work do whatever we need to do he said but the Bible said that uh that's a proverbs 10 verse 4 he become a poor that deliver the slack hand but the hand of the diligent maketh rich sea to touch the world it takes Pokal just beyond it takes millions of dollars to operate this man myth not million I wish it was minted millions in it because it costs a lot of money on television and all the different things and staff and everything you can think of and that's okay I don't have a problem of that not that does it but I'm not I'm not laying at my house saying oh Jesus would you help me Lord help me Jesus no no what I'm doing is I put my hand to work you know I had a head of breaking since this lockdown I mean I hadn't been able to travel but I've been working well I can't wait that let's start travel so I can have a break we saw on the plane or something like that see so that means that you you have to believe in going to work now let me help you here look man if your job is opened up your job is open looking I know you got unemployment coming and some of you got the stimulus package and that's good that me some thank God we got a nation that does that but get up and go to work you know when you walk in I went the other day we finally had a restaurant that opened up what we can you know it's only 25 percent full and the Lord said the Lord said bless that lady that lady was a good you don't tell me that lady are our goals it's a restaurant here in in the New Orleans they're actually Metairie suburb of New Orleans also and the Lord said bless her I mean I paid for the me and I just blessed it you don't know I'm gonna just say it I'm gonna get criticized it I gave a 131 dollar tip she liked me she said oh you made my day oh you may buy day you know I'm so glad about it she had come back to work I didn't make her day she thought I did I didn't do that God did that but he did it by blessing me you see now if I was so much in love with money like we'll say I am then why did I get that lady that man I don't know that lady right why did I do that because i heard the voice a little the blessing of the Lord had make it rich he added no sovereign so it was a blessing of the Lord are you hearing what I'm saying now I want to read another scripture proverbs I believe it's uh though let's see what I'm gonna proverbs 8 look what it says in verse 18 proverbs 8 verse 18 riches and honor are with me yay durable riches and righteousness do you see how much God is talking about prosperity here but none of us will get it until we use that the anointing of what you to what thou shalt remember the LORD thy God for it is he that giveth the power to get wealth when you understand that oh it's just such a blessing of the Lord to see this see wealth riches in and the states are not matters of chance no no the hand of properties is President is present john d rockefeller senior way back when was the richest man in the world who Lord that boy had some money in fact he didn't know how virtuous he said if you knew how much money he had you wouldn't rich he would say that let me just give you an idea what he had now you got to put it in today's dollars I mean he had stand at all which was over a trillion who wait way more than a trillion bigger than Apple bigger than a Amazon oh and turn my today's man and his personal wealth was two hundred and twenty billion and he said no man can accumulate this look have this without God's favor yeah I believe he was at either and he was at either yes sir yes ma'am he was a he was a giver he would come in he would build a fact or he built a whole town but he first thought he would build a church built a town around it and then build an industry on it this is not amazing now this is what I'm talking about he yielded to that now nobody's perfect I mean everybody make mistakes no misunderstand but when were you you if you you today you start getting blessed in the city in the field going in and gonna I get ready people will get mad at you oh they're gonna have a fit they say boy that's just their plan you know they have no idea what I've done for people doing this doing this this lockdown they have no idea you know and you know what why don't you say something about it well the Bible says don't let your left hand know what your right hand you see I'm just a biblical person I'm just believing this you see now what I love to do more than anything now when I say this people know right but I loved the gift oh won't you help me I'd help you all day long but the minute you make me your source you tie my hands how many times we've had people they call it holy suggestions I'm believing God for a watch just like you like you have that's a they're trying to get you to give them the watch you see what I'm saying nothing wrong with giving a watch that's not the issue the issues is how you go about doing those things so me and Catholic decided that we would yield way back when we got born again not only to the anointing of wealth but this whole scripture here Locke's talking about in fact you read the Bible before I did I mean you will go you would like this no like white on rice right yeah I believe it's it's so important to just believe what God is and one way that you yield to the anointing of wealth is trusting God and believing that he will give you ideas insights he says he will give us witty inventions oh no Jesse at harvest time is the busiest times I've been talking to friends who's just started back work and they're working like 12-hour days long I think someone's here in the room their wife's a hairdresser and I think she's got packed maybe 10 hour days I don't know she's no but she's happy to be back at work well it would be dope if I didn't have that spray in there and I played a women a hurting bad there's some dead nails or hurt the nails done but why don't you let you like mine I don't dye my feet well I think you know she was yeah that's okay that's fine I want your blessed hey hey you found what you want if I had white roots like you know I'm dark well you got her nails done yesterday Lord you know I know it's in focus you told me let me know why I wanted to make yeah I'm so glad you hear about it I wanted to go because of the girl that's been doing my channels for years did you bless she's back at work oh I doubled up on her come on doubled up on I didn't just give her a tip I gave her which I would have paid her had she done my nails but I do it like every six every four weeks or three weeks yeah I did it like a zoo I would have still been going so praise the Lord she even did her toes okay well she did my toe and my head the tool isn't anything mani-pedi yeah but I wanted to bless her you know of course you go to the restrictions have to sign in a to take my temperature I had to wear my Mac wear a mask right because no one I was glad to see see that she was healthy I was able to check on her family man they were fine and you know I wanted I'm glad they're ready to get back to work and see that's what I'm talking about first I made my appointment for the next time on that means I got to give us a moment here every day with no I see she got to make some money God is so good in grace you see because she yielded to it now you know how many times God has told you to give something you didn't yield to it what you know you know what you just missed some 30 some 60 in some 104 why he don't need it has nothing to do with need has no I'm gonna tell you something God is my way the Lord told me right now there by that guy named Bezos I think he owns Amazon he's the wealthiest men to go bomb a car I don't care how much money you got or he could by General Motors he could buy for that has nothing to do what would God told me his call is better to obey then the second I'm gonna go buy my car just that some I'm not forget you me many many years ago I had a great friend he's now in heaven and he was such a blessed and a cafe I used to hunt way way back then I don't do that anymore and not but I'm against that just didn't Cathy bought me probably the prettiest rifle ever had in my life it was a 270 whether they whether be laser mark 5 they cut the stock with that blazer this thing was gorgeous almost for being on the side of the house didn't want to fire it because it was so buddy didn't want to look at it well I got invited to her that was at a time when you were going hunting and yeah every year up in Colorado my board of director that used that was in this room and at one boy he wasn't in this yes no he passed away but Jerry was such a wonderful he went home be at the Lord well he had a thing called Colorado Colorado high services up on a business up there so we went up there the Grand Junction area and and honey I brought that rock everybody we said oh god let me touch this and they did I learned I was so proud of it cuz ok Kathy had given it to him and it was pretty expensive rifle and everything and uh anyway so I used it and had a wonderful time well I met a bunch of friends of they're made for instant came back to Louisiana and the wealthiest man that came up there live no more than about maybe my don't know eight miles from my house he was a great friend of mine and anyway so to make a long story short we had got back and I don't know maybe not know two months that was in November a nine-day so we December January I saw took my rifle out and I'm just I'm doing this and everything look at this people with it and the Lord said give it to your friend I wanted to say know Jesus and I want here is the good of care cuz Cathy gave it to me no but I heard the voice of the law see if God told me to give something that Kathy gave she understand that because she's a godly woman she's gonna snap so I thought Oh Lord Jesus well actually I wanted it more I use my I said well I can go buy him something else I want go buy him one that expensive what law said you give him that so I'm remember told Cathy said Cathy I said and the Lord told me to give that rifle to our friend and you know starts getting mad say well I gave it up she said fine so we went over to his house and I brought it and I did it like it I said my man I need you to help me clean my rifle but he was very good at that he said okay Jeff morning he said desert this is that beautiful rival I said you really like it he said oh god I said I've seen that so pretty much I said it's yours stone cold silence how could I do that I had used the through the anointing of wealth mm-hmm I don't own anything right what do mean you know and God may require that me and he may not it's just whatever he wants done mm-hmm he started crying I mean I mean crying I never seen that man cry he had never been given a thing yeah I think he said he's no one's ever given him a gift like that I guess maybe other than he was I see he would have been 20 years old that yes he was 20 years older than me and no one had ever given him a gift this man could have bought whether he could have bought the country could have bought the company I had nothing to do with what I'm supposed to do mm-hmm I gave him his first gift why I yielded to the anointing of what see when you totally understand what finance is it doesn't control you you know it onew right you own it right I'll never forget that's probably one of the finest getting not to rifle the person to whom I gave it to I see Oh somebody must have given you fresh he said what my wife did he said but no one outside my wife ever gave him again and he was a very wealthy man and one blessed him to know that the Lord told you yes that was really he said who told you I said the Lord he said you think the Lord you think he'd think about me I said I know he does so I that opened up another avenue for me to witness the word of the Lord Jesus Christ now this was a working man I believe in working I got to read another scripture to you and that's proverbs 13 verse 11 what's this wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished there are a lot of billion as the cocky and arrogant they're gonna lose it give me time they'll lose it well forgotten by vanity shall be diminished but he that gathereth by labour shall increase Wow so the Lord believes in work we all work a lot around here just in the planets ministries I hope you enjoying this today because I don't care if you got money you're gonna get more I don't care if you don't have money you're gonna get something why if you'll believe what I preach and tell you if you understand what I'm saying here when you understand that this word of God is so true and so powerful all you got to do is receive it now there's Kathy there's a vast difference between receivers and takers right you know like that the holy suggested said it's time to take something from you when you receive something you receive it as that you good soil and because of your good saw that produces that a person that gave to you the 30 60 100 for if you believe it and if you don't believe it it won't happen I know a lot of people love the Lord I mean but they don't believe in the 30 60 100 for a lot of people in my own camp what I call my camp you know I'm saying the people that I projector or sale we just can't believe that because it's too big for they can't figure out what it's in red but it's in red they can't figure out wow you know how much money God would have to give you yeah so he's trying to get us to that in believing the impossible level yeah believe the unbelievable receive the impossible simply because it's doable now I'm seeing this in this boardroom these are where the major decisions of our ministry are made here where we have our Board of Directors here behind me there's pictures on the wall things that nature when you understand what we're saying here when partners send in finances many of you have parties watching me now when you send 100 percent of what you sin goes in the world events of coz we totally debt-free right if you've ever come to any of my my meetings that I put on we don't charge you to get in the building I'm not being critical in nobody pleased I mean that's their business do you want to charge a registration fee fine but cafe has a wonderful woman's comical glorious and you don't charge registration fees that's right we have our never have never never will and watch this and and we have our wonderful the Visionnaire conference people just love it logic no charge why well because years ago we yielded to the anointing of a yeah but it would help you pay expenses that just blows me away when people say expenses the reason why I don't charge you might it costs me expensive but that's my seed into their life you see what I'm saying they may not realize that and God just blessed and he says that he would supply all my need so God tells me to do something cuz it doesn't mean you to do something we're not going broke to do it because he's like I said the other day he's the author and finisher of my faith and he's not on any responsibility to finish something he had an author and everything you see here it just have been measured God is authored 100% so that people ask me all the time well when you think you're gonna retire never I don't think I'm not believing I mean I guess I could cook me you could retire a long long time thank you told me something right before we came to do that I need a day off I need a day off we work like dogs man when we go home we work with we it's it's on your mind 24/7 why because I honor you what do you mean your honor me meaning you give them my ministry many you bless our ministry I honor you I'm not gonna just take that for granted go we have blessed God okay let's go take this money and Deuce no we honor you we honor you by taking that finance that you so wonderfully give to this ministry and bless people that bless and get people saved and healed and touched in every area of our lives that's what I'm talking about see to us money without a mission is nothing it has to have a mission in it see what is your mission people say oh I just wish I could get rich you don't realize you're already rich you just don't know how to receive what you already have I say this all the time quit trying to become what you already are I mean if you have a testimony of someone about yeah I would you find it yeah and I just love everything you've been saying okay so much interrupt me now if you can okay humble you interrupt me all the time proverbs you just been getting so many nuggets out of there but proper which was written by Solomon Solomon who when he became king he saw God and he talked to God and a human and God he asked God for wisdom because he had the responsibility to lead these people and God gave him wisdom but he also gave him wealth and the Bible tells us that he was the richest man that ever was well I think it says or ever will be that's right so I mean he had well can I say one more thing that what you read that getting money when you receive money you understand what I'm talking about even to the anointing of well that's a sacred act that's not just so you can go play nothing wrong with play it I have no probably Cathy needs a day off I'm just going to fast doing too much I need a rest which means a picture I left the garage door open for you so you wouldn't hit it how can you hit the garage when the garage door but that's another that's another message okay well you know sometimes you just need a rest yeah and it's just as important it's a sacred when you understand that listen to this one it's from someone named Lacey Gracie it says god bless you both I just hope someday you can visit and preach here in the Philippines or I like the Filipino people been watching from all over the world I know there's things here from so many nations that have come in it's testimonies come in all the time it says I'm really inspired and bless you with your pre blessed by your preaching and I pray that you can impart your gifts to us that's what I'm doing that way to the Philippines in part I gotta go but we are ministries they're through the broadcast right for things and it says I'm praying to God that I will experience his audible voice and be debt-free what you say I pray and believe so people want to be dead let me repeat lacy I'm dead free why can't you be different I've heard the audible voice of God many times why can't do God don't love me Cathy anymore they love blazing right in any way shape or form I don't I don't have I'm up on you well a lot of people for the first time I realizing that they actually can be dead free they can bring them increase to their life so that they could provide for their families you know we're getting testimonies here from Hong Kong and from India this one from India says praise the Lord body man woman of God watching from India I don't know where you're watching from this one's watching from South Africa and these would just print it out for some recent poets I love the wind South Africa I loved it I like their uh their with the accent they don't say pastors you see pause yeah yeah and I love South as a beautiful nation I went there and preached in Cape Town I've been in Johannesburg preaching all over but I've never been to the Philippines and I've been invited to the Philippines like ladies and gentlemen I don't know how much more I can do I mean I'm running not into nothing but I can't people get mad at me because I got a plane let me tell you something you know who got mad at me worse than anybody Delta Airlines because when I bought my first plane Lord Jesus and and and just and I mean I just through the through the wheels of it they were making so much money on me I don't know how many millions and millions of like on a frequent flyer miles and those days you could take your fruit farm I'll give him the people and there was no restrictions on him I don't know how many people that sent to Hawaii I don't know because when I started I didn't have time they lost all kind of money because they could not could not fly my schedule people say he just got there because he won't know I don't even know how to fly the thing that ain't got anything to do with it you said what I'm saying what it has to do is is simple to just that simple and before you criticize me you don't know how many cancer patients that I flew mmm and if I wouldn't flown that it died to get him some medical attention so before you jump all over me and say this and that you don't realize what I've done but now and I can't believe I've told him that because I don't normally tell people anything I don't say those kind of things I just do what I do and I protect the dignity of people see God's Word is so true but that doesn't mean I'm not a blessed man and I do you if you know something about me I make no excuses for the blessing of God in my life oh I refuse to do it why glai see all these other people I don't care that you gotta leave me look at this you got a whole list of all these wonderful I call them glorious moments I like this from a girl named Sandra love listening to positive and encouraging people Thank You Sandra my god cuz I ain't heard too much positive and encouragement from the church world and I'm not anti Church I believe in church here's another one Anna thank you for being real people like me can relate relate you to thank you for being you can relate to you so thank you I like this Kathy please continue to livestream your church service there are such a blessing inga I love you both you're such a great couple and I love how you real I love how real you both are I also love how you break open God's words so that I understand it better god bless you both hello hello from Spain from Daniel Linda says blessings from Ireland these are from all over and this one says oh this one's on you Samson Samson that is watching you from Zambia Africa and it's my first time praise the Lord I like this girl from the Bora or Deborah love you guys you have been alight to me since the 80s here's one from Wilma love you and Cathy together Jesse you're the comedian of heaven that's good well I like being a compliment either because you see I tried to say it I didn't like it I tried sick and that hurt I tried broke that's stupid that's done I'm just gonna believe God so now these are just some of the scriptures in fact I had a point that I wanted and I wrote it down there on this paper that I want to reach it and you'll love it when you become a giving addict God will support you have it I've said that many many times and preachers have stolen all over the place that came from Jesse Duplantis I thought I'd tell you that but that's wrong I didn't get addicted to giving in fact there's a verse of scripture wasn't an axe that there was a man named in us his household with its deep stephanas he was addicted he was addicted to giving to give I love this point youth into the anointing of wealth confirms your faith in God then it increases your knowledge of yourself and strengthens your confidence in him think about that for I don't forget I was raised very poor so were you well I think we were raised poorer than you were your head of much nicer house than what we had and all that kind of stuff and but but Kathy's mother work hard man I mean yeah I mean she didn't she was she was very smart you know back then she's 88 years old saying that my mom and dad my mother had to quit school in the fourth grade now that's most oh it's so unimaginable to me so she could help at the house my father went to the fourth or fifth grade to most people that you had to go to work to help the family do whatever just the way it was but that doesn't mean they were ignorant exactly by no means you see what I'm saying because they made a good living worked hard did those things it and God bless you not believe that God is gonna give people creative ideas new businesses are gonna rise up and you'll be able to do things and we're still declaring that great expectation gets great results that is our theme vision that's our theme and we're and what people are grabbing hold of it in there it's bringing them hope in their heart and you have hope you can change your situation instead of just laying down that some people are just laying down and given up you know the ones that are gonna rise up and believe what God said they're gonna be the ones that God's gonna be able to bring the increase to to use them to get the wealth to all the nations I feel love the Lord to say there's some of you but I had to close my business I'll never open it up again I can't you open it up once you can open it up give up don't give up yeah you you know you know why because you're a business owner inside in fact there's a restaurant within efficient you're a business owner inside not outside the business is not outside that business is inside of you if you did you could do it again that's what I like I heard president Trump say that and I like that statement he said if I built this economy once I'll build it again it's right now you know I'm not trying to be political here but whatever you see what I'm saying it can be done one thing about Americans and I can I can i brag about my own nation I'm we the greatest givers in the world the Americans there's people all over the world my look we send aid all over the way ice we perfect none of us are but I'll tell you one thing we have a heart forgiven if an earthquake happens real bad somewhere who's the first people to show up us you see what I'm trying to say so that's God's Word God built this nation cafe but he built it on salvation and giving that's why I want you to yield to the anointing of wealth so that we know people don't get mad at you that's all right you're working on something here so you can be the blessing you want to be you know you preach the message once I said it's okay to brag on God yeah remember that yeah it's okay to brag I do it all the time yeah and then the Lord gave me what can i brag on you yeah you know he bragged he bragged on Mary Mary he bragged a woman who was sitting by the temple who gave her mites or too much said she gave more than anybody I'm telling you because it was from her heart it's so it's not the amount it's the obedience is what you talked about in the because I could I could spend thirty five hours here we're running through this Bible talking to you about well Abraham you to see their head Ram if you're born again obviously God made it very rich in cattle silver and go ever bet you see but now you cannot let that money or wealth consume you you must consume it what I mean by that is that you own it instead of it owning you yeah you see what I'm saying can I say this about the church I know a lot of people give the colleges and I believe in education huh I believe in that I believe in you know I don't mind him having endowments I let someone told me the other day that Harvard has 40 billion dollar endowment I have no problem of that how come the churches don't have that let me take some what the churches is doing and I'd like to speak to all you blue bloods Yale Harvard Duke Columbia Princeton come on listen to me smart people if the churches would be blessed and I'm not just talking about certain church all of them what are we preaching do you know if people would do with the ministries and ministers tell them to do and we got some wrong we got some nasty dirty preachers you know that some nasty dirty priests you know that you know all professions have the bad ones but you know you don't judge it all no percent that's a smartness if we would do that if everybody listen to this listen that it wouldn't be no crime people get born again wouldn't be stealing there wouldn't be no matter who in media that's being preached from the pulpits whether you're Catholic Protestant Jewish if you'll just believe what God says think about you policeman man I mean you guys have a job son I mean that's not an easy thing to walk up to a car and some idiot pulls a gun on just shoot you and then we're breaking the law and all you were trying to slow them down so they don't kill somebody else so I pray for policemen and firemen and all these people that on the front lines use medical technology people the people in the hospitals and things that I did but think of watch this oh man we we need health care no you don't know you don't see that's all false positive stuff by Jesus strives you were here see we just believe there's word of God people don't get sick see this divine healing that's divine health and that's divine life let's go over to this theory to get radical and I don't forget some what about death well what about it what it cancer I have the power kill you yet it's killed a bunch of people because the Bible said death and life sin the power of the tongue ah do you see that's why Satan don't want anybody going to church if with the people that are preaching it and the people that are here getting receive it all these problems go away that's the power of faith that's the power of living by faith the Korean by faith in the carrying of our faith yeah well that's in the church well well Wall Street I don't know what's going right now Wall Street operates on two words faith and fear the God is buying a stock believes it's going going up the guy that's selling it believes it's going down if you want to see panic let somebody with high power like the Fed the Fed or the president say something and it can be shooting if you do a nosedive in a second all of what somebody said well I know somebody that said something who can't lie I know somebody who said something that my god I do and will never ever go back on his word Psalms 89 34 my covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that goes out of my lips that's why we serve the Lord I hope you enjoyed it today are you going to yield Kathir I want to pray for him and then if you have something to say you can't let's just pray give them heavy hand father I ask you today to bless people but they say this in America and all over the world Lord I love Italy Lord you got a bless Italy you got a bless Frank got a bless the whole world out there people need some help and you know you call the Holy Spirit the helper the comforter I pray for them Lord that they won't have financial trouble if they listen to what we say but you'll give them the ability to get work find work or create work father I decree and declare thirty sixteen hundred fold to everyone watching today I call it down in Jesus's name especially my partners Lord thank you who help me support that support this ministry by a skew to bless them beyond their wildest dreams Lord they send more we do more it's just that simple we are about the father's been and I will say this in prayer you will not find Kathleen Jessa's hands slack we will do what we say because we only say what you say in Jesus name we pray amen well you know I have a verse of scripture don't want to close with because if it's ok it's also in Proverbs because it's a verse of scripture actually have a needle point in my house with this because it just blesses me so much what's the needle point well it's a pillow it has in thread okay anyway in verse inch and proverbs 24 in verse three enforces through skillful and godly wisdom is a house a life a home of family built and by understanding it is established on a sound and good foundation and by knowledge shall its chambers of every area be filled with all precious and pleasant riches you know I used this verse to stand on for a couple of a how a house that we were building years ago yes and this worked for me because this is how God helps us to build our lives so you know our businesses our homes to capture and use that to buy furniture yes thank that's all well to get anything that we need from God's Word of God has formulas it has promises and when we believe it it transforms us it does he gives us the power to make what to have wealth and he gives us the word to stand on so that we could see it come to mass what a blessing of the Lord I hope you enjoyed it today make a decision to you through the anointing of wealth and watch God do the most impossible unbelievable yet doable thing God's plan to bless you it's God Almighty and not only financially I bought some of you the physics ink you feeling better right every way some of you been wanting to laugh go ahead and laugh ain't nobody watching you quit laugh you can be the joy Lord you'll be blessed this is Jesse and Kathy the planet safe until next time may the lord bless you we'll see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 18,055
Rating: 4.93361 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: AiUoyQeeD6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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