Your Everything Is His Anything | Dr. Jesse Duplantis | LWCC UMFE 2019

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I want to preach on this theme a little piece of this book entitled your everything is this anything and if you got your Bibles I like all your iPads or you telephones or whatever you use go with me to the book of st. John chapter 14 and I want to start reading at verse 1 and you'll be blessed I like the old King James Version because it's so poetical have you noticed that when people quote scripture they always quote the old King James it's very hard to quote the amplified a lot of words in the amplified and I'm that it is but I mean I just like the old King James editor bless you now before I start reading what I would like to tell you about the Bible it's very orderly I mean God knows exactly what he's doing I want everyone to look at me this is God look at me when I say it this is God in written form when you touch your Bible you're touching God Almighty and you cannot separate him from his word him and his word or one see and and that's a fact ladies and gentlemen now I want to deal with this but I noticed something that Jesus is doing something totally different in this chapter and he's ever done he's jumping tracks normally when Jesus said something he would explain it he didn't explain it to your face or do it through a parable or whatever but you understood it but here he's doing something different so before I reach Saint John chapter 14 verse 1 I have to read Saint John chapter 13 verse 37 where Peters talking Thailand this message is your everything is his anything this is just a piece of the book here look what he says here Peter says this say John 13 verse 37 Peter said to them Lord why Cannot I follow thee now I will lay down my life for thy sake if you ever heard that before advance them I tell you I'm with you man I am with you I got your back and you ain't seen them since Oh your hand up but that's happened I mean I have to hold both hands up oh man I'm with you man I'll never leave you forsaken my god before you get to the parking lot you never see them again look what Jesus said to the man in verse 38 Jesus asked him said without you lay down your life for my sake very very I said to you the rooster shall not crow today has denied me thrice or three times now think Jesus would explain that I mean if Jesus said that to me I would say what do you mean wait a minute man I'm with you man he don't say nothing he jumps a track to st. John 14 verse 1 he says let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me oh now he doesn't made the church world mad as a hornet he equates himself to God Almighty he said let not your heart be troubled this is all read how many I believe the red parts how many of you believe the Word of God oh you had a let's find out let's see if we really do he says let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me not that made the Jewish world mad that would make the Christian world mad today my God makers you think he would explain that you know I mean you when you say a statement that big and that powerful you ought to explain that but he jumps a tract he said in my father's house are many mansions if it was not so I would have told you now wait a minute what did he do you two know what kind of house that God feels in heaven think about that I mean this he jumps the track from Peter he jumps the track on that don't let your heart be trouble you believe in God believe also in me then he jumps the track and he goes in my father's house are many mansions it was not so I would have told you then he jumps to track again I go to prepare a place for you what is Jesus doing here in the scripture now this is his words I am a textualist you know what that means I believe what he says I learned that word from chief justices of the Supreme Court Anthony Scalia I think his name was he passed away a few years ago they said why you such a conservative justice on the Constitution he said I'm a textualist I just do what the Constitution says and that's so true well when he said that I went off on me like a shotgun I do exactly what the Bible tells me to do nothing more nothing less I learned it from Jesus I only say what my father says I only do what my father says to do in the statement so watch it what did Jesus is doing is he's trying to get us the Saint John chapter 14 verse 12 and this is where we go or are we ready here we go Jesus says this didn't the Jesus said this Valley Valley I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also oh praise the Lord how many you've raised the dead I mean you've cast out Devils how many of you walked on the water how many you fed 5,000 people with a two-piece fish dinner wait a minute I thought you believed the Word of God don't look at me too weird I'm just reading what he said he said let me read it again maybe he didn't get it verily I say to you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and watch this and gret who works than these shall he do why because I go to my father so he's going somewhere so Jesus expects us if you have a Living Word to do greater works that he's doing I'll tell you one thing you've built a bigger building than Jesus ever built that's the greater work think about that for a minute in that amazing you've probably preached to more people in your church from the beginning of when they first started there now than Jesus did that's the greater work they come out there for a second now where Jesus is trying to get to us get us to is st. John chapter 14 verse 13 he says theirs and whatsoever you shall ask in my name now everybody look at me what does whatsoever mean to you whatsoever right he says whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do why that the father may be glorified in the son so when you ask God for something God gets glorified and Jesus gets magnified are you hearing that remember the title your everything is this anything so what does whatsoever mean to you whatsoever right that could be spiritual that could be physical that could be financial I can be all three now he goes slap off the charts in the next verse he says if you shall ask anything now what does anything mean to you people here in Minnesota so whatsoever anything mean one of the same if you shall ask anything in my name I will do it the church don't preach that the church doesn't say that the church says that well I know he said that but if he'd be his will no he didn't say that he's getting radical Jesus is a revolutionary Jesus make everybody mad oh look who cuz he's mad people do things think about that for a minute he said if you shall ask anything in my name I will do why the name because you have to understand that when you got born again he gave you the power of attorney to use that name now what does that mean I've said that here before Mac if you give me power of attorney over your financial affairs I become Mac Haman I can sell his house and he's not even there doesn't make no difference because according to the government I am Mac ham on this particular transaction because it gave me power of attorney well do you know what happened when Dobbs saved you he put his name in you listen he put his name in you let me prove that to you Exodus you don't have to go to this Exodus chapter 23 verses 19 20 and 21 there was a they called him the Jehovah angel see the Jews couldn't understand that God could have a son you know why they don't believe that here o Israel the Lord thy God is one here o Israel the Lord our God this one said there's no way God can have a son because he's one where you want but you a spirit house and a soul and clothing about it you got God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost a1 yet they three now don't try to complicate that just believe it well this angel showed they didn't know what to say so he was the pillar of fire at night in the cloud by day they called him the Jehovah angel now God said this do not provoke that angel or you don't do that because he will not forgive your transgressions and then he said this because my name is in him oh Jesus that's the first glimpse of the Trinity that is Jesus Christ before he is Savior he's leading Israel now he's leading the church don't shout me down on a bridge again listen to me when you got saved God put his name in you Christ in you in you the hope of glory that's why he said use my name that's why you can boldly come to the throne of grace you can sit down in God's presence Gabriel cannot do that because God's name is on Gabriel God's name is on Michael but God when he made you he puts his name Jesus he put his name in you that's why you come voted to the throne agree you can sit in heavenly places with him because you family he made you an offer you couldn't refuse you heard me sit do you understand that his name Jesus listen to me his name is gas in you that's why I said ask anything whatsoever I don't care what it is so write this down if you take a news it takes great faith to even read crisis teachings to ask anything much less accept it and start believing it it takes just great faith to believe it you know much less 6 to read it much less act on it mark 11:23 and 24 Kenneth Hagin the one known for those two verses that's in red 2 he said if you say to that mountain be thou removed be thou cast in the sea shall not doubt in your heart believe those things but you say shall come to pass you shall have whatsoever you said whatsoever you said not God said whatever you said not God saith whatever you say this is Jesus talking how many Oh believe with Jesus said then he said he said what things Oh things were things that ever you desire not God desire what you desire not God desire you desire when you pray believe that you receive not when you get it not when you see it but when you pray believe that you receive see the evidence of things not seen has to take place before you can see now watch this he said if you would say to this mountain be thou removed why you have a hard time telling your mountain where to go you tell everybody else where to go you got no problem telling somebody where to go I've been on the streets of Minneapolis you make a wrong turn or Lulu in sign language comes out and then people can hear their death why are we struggling so much because the church has taught us to climb a mountain instead of the Saba Mountain God said state of the Mount he needs to climb the mountain you can I'm all your life a mountain you should have never climbed get almost to the top then you just slide down almost kill yourself God made this mountain dissolve us not mountain climbers oh we start to appreciate listen to me he see that's why I said ask me Jesse how many want a new home a new car Oh your hand up don't lock them up do you know when you say Lord I like to have a new house you know they just say father they glorifying you the church says that green God calls it glory whose report are you gonna believe he said whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do why that the father may be glorified in the son so the father is glorified in Jesus is magnified but the church rule makes it calls it greed now I ain't got anything do it green man I don't believe in that prosperity then you can't go to heaven you better not go to heaven cuz you won't get mad as a hornet you walk in there you walking on go streets people you got diamond Barrow Jasper onyx Ruby foundation you got pearly gates you gonna tell Jesus no Jesus this is not right he gonna say go to hell now clicker Mack the mat turn red right there ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba in Louisiana that ain't custom that's a location you won't be able to handle that well that's when we get to heaven oh really let's go to another red port our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come Thy will be done where where where or let me get black with it where long as it is where why aren't you there you sure have given enough you sure have sold seed don't shout me down listen to me or even the balcony's quiet do you know in the balcony if the rapture comes you get there first I'm sorry for the rest of y'all down here see a Christ devoid of the supernatural is not the Christ of the Gospels a Christ devoid of the supernatural is not the Christ of the Gospels do you understand what I'm saying yet see we've taken the Gospels and divide the supernatural healings not for the day you hadn't got sick enough yet you hadn't had a doctor look at you say you got pancreatic cancer and you got two months to live all of a sudden somebody like me or Mac Hammond or Lynn Ham people died believe in healing we become very popular to you because you don't want to hear the word devoid of the supernatural you need help now people get so mad at me mad cuz I'm a blessed man ain't my fault it's not my fault ladies and gentlemen it's not my fault well how did you do that I remember the LORD thy God Deuteronomy 8:18 I remember the LORD thy God for it is he that given me power to get what I thought that was a sin now somebody lying and it's not the Lord Jesus Christ you see they were so worried that you'd love to get flipped you know God is not as hard on you as the church is I'm not anti church but the church always said well I know he said that but by god man thing you know you're crazy I mean I know no you don't know he said that see your mind is freaking out over what he said and all Jesus want you to do is just go do what he said so simple that you need a theologian to help you misunderstand it the teachings of Jesus a revolutionary why are they revolutionary because they're divine Jesus made everybody mad many mama mad made his brothers mad and made the church man one time he was preaching think about this he was doing a meeting like this and somebody said brother Jesus brother jeiza brother Jesus what what your mother's here now Mary that's a wonderful person buddy she put God in skin that's good God in skin at 15 years old tough as a nail cuz she knew if anybody found out she'd dig killer this girl is stuff who can handle anything Jesus your mother's here Jesus goes who my mother who's my brother that met my mama slapped your teeth out your mama you talk to Victor you don't think he made Mary mad you know I've said it before I guess it Mary lost God for three days if your kid was missing for five minutes would you know it many don't even have a clue Hail Mary the Lord is not with thee [Applause] look look at these Catholic oh wait don't get mad at me I am a Catholic I'm Christian and confirmed that they throw me out I'm the only man the only medecine the state of Louisiana the astronaut the Archdiocese of the Holy Roman Catholic Church the Holy See I can preach in the Catholic churches it's a blessing three days she finds him good he looks at her 12 you can see it she's imitated the Lord I love it when the Lord writes down when they miss it that helps me out he showed me Abraham's mistakes and Abraham's successes Isaac's mistakes and Isaac's successes Mary's and Joseph's mistakes and their successes he said woman I'm about my father's business he didn't say I'm about my father's ministry that's the problem with the church world we've got a lot of people know how to appreciate and gotta lick a sense when it comes to business God spoke that to me years ago if you don't operate your minister like a business you're waiting bankruptcy I don't care I'm known as you are you live in an economic world and if money is so bad I've come you won it every week send your kids college with it buy groceries food clothes whatever it ain't bad you don't fall in love with money I will never fall in love with money but I love what money does it got me here today I don't fall in love with it you can't heat it cuz if you start eating $20 bills you choke death but if you take that $20 bill go down that store and buy some food you to bring nutrition to your body you take that $20 bill go to a Kroger store buy some closer to bring warm for you about it's valueless until it becomes a seed you see the teachings of Jesus were revolutionary this is revolutionary now and just a minimal show you why people can't accept me say it how come we're not doing these things it's so simple yet it's deep right this done the Word of God is so powerful that it sometimes makes the brain want to tilt think about that what's whoever you feel ask in my name that what I do okay if you ask you anything in my name I will do it whoa see what starts kicking in is your intellectual activity your range in research your induction in reasoning see let me tell you what why are we not doing these things the word of listen to me now listen this get this bow can you get this the Word of God is not soulish the Word of God is not in mine it's not you know mine's you know will and emotion the Word of God is spirit and you worship God in what and in what see when you come to the Word of God in spirit you got no problem with whatsoever you got no problem with anything but if you come with mind will and emotion because that soul needs to be transformed it's been conformed to homiletic or hermeneutical philosophical theological thinking what happens in the experience I tried that opinions transitory forms of thought floating on the ocean of life they change with every way no no when you come to God and His Word you come in spirit that's why a few in the mall and you see a crippled person in the wheelchair your spirits are going to grab them check them out our neighbor Jesus your soul and your mindset control yourself food you don't lost your ever-lovin mind you love to get a lawsuit if it don't work I'm gonna answer that question in a minute this is just a little piece of this book you know everything is this anything ladies and gentlemen I've been preaching 43 years I've been a full time ministry 41 listen to me I don't mean this pridefully so don't take it like that I have never ever had a financial deficit now why why now you know I got the biggest preaches in the world not priests would have asked me but just I can't I said how do you do that and when I tell them Mack they don't believe it you know what I say it's so simple it goes beyond the head cuz they look they receive it in the soldiers from instead of the spirit read if it is I didn't believe for it what I didn't believe what what do you mean anyway I didn't believe for it you wanting something else you let me say something else I didn't believe what that's how easy that is you know how many people told me you better get ready boy and I smiled to them I said but I read that Bible he said he supply how many how many need he said if i delight myself therefore in him he would give me the what desires in my heart if I prayed like the psalmist David the law is my shepherd I shall not is that true seeing you waiting for something else when there's nothing else it's just litter that's I'm like a child like your kid at your house when they're hungry they go to refrigerator open it up and just don't eat they have no concept of how much it takes to keep that refrigerator full they invite their friends over to each and groceries why because there's your job to keep it full so they don't even question that oh where the God is not soulish same thing when people tell me about the Signet but I brother just I'll tell you one thing I am NOT gonna say I'm here when I am sick I'm not dealing with your am sick I'm dealing with you were healed if I can get you to look at your were healed like you're looking at your am sick I get rid of your am sick what you were healed well I know you said that but I'm not gonna say I'm healed if I am sick I'm not dealing with your am sick I'm dealing with your were healed if I get you to look at your were healed like you looking at your I am sick I get rid of you am sick but you were healed what I'm doing is is trying to get you to look as strong as your answer that you are at your problem problems are in the solar room answers are in the spirit room how many of you save oh you hand it prove it you can you don't have a contract signed by God then when you die you go to heaven but there nobody can t talk you out of it and sometime you do some stuff that ain't too saved don't look at me weird although is it done that how many of Custance you save look I'm gonna tell you my failures and i'ma tell you my mom would tell my successor oh yeah and their Lord said what did you why'd you say that I said it's the only way I could express what I was failing I don't know how to God he said what quit feeling so you can't prove it but nobody can talk you out of it you know why you went to it with spirit and not with soulish you don't have to transform your spirit now many big believers don't ask anything or what sort of out of a misplaced sense of protection they're trying to protect God's reputation just in case you don't do it cuz you know how God is sometimes it does and sometimes we don't that's another religious life but you see we went by what we saw we remember what we feel we're not doing this when the God gave me this he said I'm gonna blow your mind listen to me you everything is my anything he said my warehouses are full I can't come we can't how can we can't seem to get it because we expect the trouble and guess what we get the trouble you have to have trouble to learn something if it Mac told me and I listen you go back to your hotel there's a big old hole out there tell that driver don't drive on that road and we go running at home I call Mac and eat he would say well food didn't I tell you not to go down that road all I had to do was take a different route now I personally believe some people don't believe this I personally believe in the 36th in 104 o lo because this in red 104 nine hundred times hundred times is mathematics I know I mean I can add subtract multiply divide 104 and 1/4 2/4 3/4 look how much movie I to go 4 4 5 4 oh Jesus it's doubling every time Jesus by the time you get down here there's a figure this long and the only reason why you've ever had to wait on anything is because somebody didn't obey yet the Bible says this better to obey than the sacrifice or we could have sacrifices do we know how to suffer bait me Jesus just bait me no I don't wanna beat you Oh James have just beaten me Jason I I don't want to do that more often when he tells you to obey give $1,000 $1,000 Jesus that's all I got he's that's all I ask for that's how simple that is Oh y'all don't hear me over here let me go over here see yo everything is his anything do you understand what I'm saying it he said what's some weight whatsoever and then we're gonna give him glory well we're gonna wait another century we're gonna wait another millennium I get people so aggravated at me because I'm a blessed man they get so mad I take my own thing I said well no you're gonna tell me more than one thing I know it's coming I don't think you're I have the house I said no you love my house you don't like your house that's your problem if I gave you my house you'd shout I know I didn't build I think they impress anybody I just did what God told me to do he told me said build a house imma use it to provoke people I went whoa wait wait I see easy for you to say they can't see you they see me you know Jesus couldn't eat a sandwich my Mac they called him a glutton he the sandwich a glutton he drank some your wine-bibber did y'all hear two years ago it was a two years ago LSU just a new player number one store in the world got four Jets ladies and gentlemen if I got four Jets I gotta make a theft report could three of them were missing they lie beside you say a lot of Christian people believed it until they need a plane then they call me but Jessie my baby died of cancer I gotta get him to AH I could say well well fly Delta didn't do that but they they don't report that you see what I'm saying here many believers don't asking anything out of a misplaced sense of protection see fear and faith cannot cohabitate in your mind write that down fear and faith cannot cohabitate in your mind one must rule if you want to obey God I remember Jodie Jodie is gonna be 48 years old she come up to me there that she said dad see October the 25th she'll be 48 she said dad I'm gonna be 48 I said I know I was there when you was born I was there I had to pay for you I was there she said dad you don't want to know how you are I know my granddaughter came to my house that day she said grandfather what is this thing I says that's my safe deposit box where your inheritance is she's 11 years old going on 40 you know how that stuff is when you understand understand by the spirit and I noticed that a lot of people put pressure on preachers kids when they shouldn't because 14 is 14 whether you save they're not saved you're just 14 and don't forget that if you're Christian so I know the Jody was under pressure I said so when I came in as a Jody daddy won't talk you said that she said what I said Jody I just want you to be you Jody you cannot ruin my reputation you cannot the only one that can ruin my reputation is me I just want you to be you I said Jody you can't do something bad enough to stop me from being your dad if you rob the store I'd probably drive the getaway car but I would be chewing you but I do stupid thing what are you robbing a store for I said you got to understand something girl I'll never leave you I've never forsake you I'm with you you understand that's what God is saying to you you can't ruin my reputation come on more I'm with you I'll never leave you I'll never lose my peace I leave you I in it I'll give you rest - come on I give you grace I'll forgive you I'll help you all I like for you to do is just accept what I want to do for you and that's all whatsoever and not say anything see you never water down crisis teachings to ask anything in his name so we're gonna give him glory she asked God for a new house he go get glory said in a church said that's greed no that's girls here's another question what am I gonna give him pleasure pleasure oh that's a word Pentecostal don't like pleasure that's a sin or if you got play sin sin I'll never forget the first time I went to a Pentecostal church you know I'd raised Catholic I'm gonna seem that like that that the ugliest people ever saw in my life I walked in there and there no women Danny hit the hole Jesus they had no hair they had hair on their legs they had no makeup on I told my friend ain't no lust in here buddy it ain't happening here buddy not it well I went by what I saw and I never went back can you put some scripture on one of these things Psalms 35 verse 27 if you don't mind in the old King James Version you put it on there look how white my hair I still got it don't know I did okay put it up there yes I'm certain where we going man put the whole verse Psalms 35 verse 27 that's not the verse no not some but I'm sorry uh yeah Psalms 35 verse 27 that's it let them shout for joy now that's the fruit of the Spirit watch this and be glad now that's emotional feeling so let's to work together well fruit of the Spirit an emotion feel that favor my righteous co you but what favor so don't get mad at me if I got fav it's a righteous thing look at look at the first don't look at me yeah you let them say how long how long how long let them say contender watch this let the Lord be what who hath what who has worked pleasure in the world stop I thought that was a sin I thought that prosperity message the sin somebody lying God get pleasure in the prosperity of his one but if he did it in the Old Testament the servant how much more would he get it as a son and a daughter of the Lord Jesus Christ only you ought to be rich if my daughter gets rich I get excited with my granddaughter my daughter is blessed I go I get pleasure but see the church was pre pleasures or soon I honestly bleed she all shocked you'll beat when I say that I honestly be the reason why I named old Pentecost to people they preach that premarital sex was a sin cuz they just knew it would lead to dancing cuz my God if you start dancing you'd ever from hell I'm looking at you lady yo yo y'all couldn't be here they tow you out they throw a leak this whole front room out the door you got slacks on Oh makeup all your hair's cut oh Jesus Ellis no silliness is stupidity wonderful people they love God but they don't know where whatsoever is or anything and Satan says we could spend their money we can run them through all kinds of trouble and make them think God's doing it that's the truth ladies and gentlemen we were gonna give him glory when we're gonna give him pleasure here's another one well I'm gonna give you honor they'll say then I'm leaving a book of Samuel first time I think you said if you honor me I want of you so I had a man the other day say that he says uh why'd you buy why'd you build that house brother Jesse Norlin I said to honor God that's the liquid allotted that he goes I said what have you built our armored car you see I don't believe in finance let me close with this this is just a little pieces of this I don't believe in finance in poverty neither does Jesus neither as the father needs of the Holy Ghost he said.he eradicate it my brother Jesse jesus said I know what Jesus said Paul you have which always why do you say that some people enjoy it's called socialism never allow you to be blessed Bible said a good man leaving inheritance for his children's children he's just trying to get by on young life must let you kids kids or there's no way that can be everybody's gotta be poor really go with me to Deuteronomy chapter 15 let me read you something here Deuteronomy is the last book Moses is about ready to enter into heaven and he speaks and Deuteronomy comes out of his mouth chapter 15 he's about ready to turn everything over to Joshua look what God said through Moses in Deuteronomy 15 verse 4 save when there shall be no poor among you this is Old Testament for the Lord shall greatly bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for it inheritance to possess it now brother Jesse that was the nation of Israel is Israel the seed of Abraham is it are you the seed of Abraham how come we got poor people what did Jesus say in the first message he ever preached Luke for spirit Lord God's upon me for he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to get rich the gospel is good news with me ain't gonna be pulled on mo get don't finance it eradicate it can you take Deuteronomy 15 verse 4 and put it in the amplified can you do that if you don't mind I don't know if you can't do y'all have that at that let's do that I want to read it in the amplified if I can all right what is it but there would be no poor among you for the Lord will surely bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you to an ad for an inheritance to possess not to confess I love confession but I want to possess what I confess I'm just being biblical I'm not poor I'm sorry well you ought to help the boy I have to pull more new one man tell me but they blended it while telling well you could have used that money to feed the poor I said really I said you know when I bought that plane I fed the people that made the engines I fed the people that made the seats I fed the people have made the aluminum I fed the people to put the electrical wires in that fuselage I fed the people that did the avionics I've said the people that put the tires on that plane so they could have a job who have you fed sir plus I fed the poor I told my daughter and I told my granddaughter there will not be poverty in this family Jesus tarried none of you will be poor let me tell you why me because God I believe God that I can be in a land where there's no poverty here not when I get to heaven I mean what would you do if you went to him and saw Gold Street would you tell Jesus kind of used that money to feed the power you know what he'd say then nope oh that's so much here now I'll just say this never define whatsoever there's only one thing or a one area of your life whatsoever and anything is all every bit of it lock stock and barrel I'm telling you one thing God but he said Jesse my warehouses are so full he says I want my people in comfort not just me see not only as the holy ghost of comforter but he's a corrector so if you mess up sometimes you pray a prayer you didn't get exactly where you thought we reason what could Jesus had the Holy Ghost had to fix the prayer but he's just trying to bless you just try just trust the god that trusts you but I don't want to be greedy even I'll be greedy you're a good person trust the god that trusts you how many times I had to tell Jody finally she's getting in it 48 let me bless you I am El Shaddai I serve El Shaddai you my only daughter let me bless you well dad you don't have I know I don't have to or do I according to God I have a responsibility to leave that inheritance so he said that do you see what I'm saying so I'm gonna say this real quick what do you want any hurry real quick what what do you want lady kind of hard in it come I ain't leavin till you tell me something what do you want a convertible Wow that's not what so ever so she showed him is God now what do you want sir your daughter's college Peter what do you want new house you know I'm not asking you what you need you never need to ask that quit that that's a waste of spiritual energy the Bible said he supplier how many need what you want ma'am what you want sir what you want Luke oh macha need nobody said anything that God wouldn't do what you want ma'am new house you in the balcony what y'all want Hey yeah Mac what you want a new hologram I don't even know what is it a holy grandma hologram hologram I have no idea what they did do it Jesus that's good what do you want sir yeah what you want sir yeah what you want sir you want to be loved you already love brother you all you gotta do is accept it now you go now you made the right sign it's cool you already don't go by feeling there's people hate me they don't know they hate me so much they love me they hate me but they follow me you don't follow people you don't love what you want sir oh wow a river cruise I thought you said a woman I fell oh no no no I lied no he got born a son over there a river cruise what you want sir 50 acres what you want sir what you want ma'am I know how nobody said anything that God wouldn't do what she wants to live lady har didn't it it's hard to think when you see good nobody say that because the church is for 2,000 years said well you know he'll get you you need but don't get too crazy with the need why are you thinking about it what you want do you know yet what you want yeah what a blessing that's my point every time I take Meredith my granddaughter shop and I never say what do you need how's it Mary what you want every time I take Jodi shopping or junior they would go somewhere if it's a shopping thing I say uh Jodi what you want or if it's Christmas time what you want I never say what you need don't you never tell you hasn't what you need for Christmas you're gonna get a vacuum cleaner what you want Barry I didn't know him barrier for many years a lot of people thought I was buried they would hand me Kenneth Copeland ministry bills to me because they thought I was better what do you want healing healing for your body is that wonderful that's a great thing Barry you got it withholding healing or withholding it it's just morning so we can be glorified I'll say one more thing I ran out of time real quickly listen to me Easter Sunday your grandparent in the mall what they call that place Mall of America is that right now all right you see this beautiful dress for your granddaughter she's three years old I said I gotta buy that thing you buy that thing and you put it on and come East to Sunday you come to living word boy and here she is a beautiful little girl she got this beautiful dress off people go oh look how beautiful this child such a beautiful dress are you the grandpa yes I bought that I bought that dress at the Mall of America and I thought she would look so good well she does she is so beautiful you know what the grandparent does this why you just got glorified so everything you've asked angels are saying they're gonna glorify your father cuz there's a whatsoever and they say anything in my last statement and the reason why he'll do it man cuz he put his name in you that's why I just don't get depressed now I can get aggravated sometime I'm believing got me and Mac I believe in guffaws and things right now they got easier take me because you know what it is my faith is right my faith is strong is some idiot not obeying I paid off a person's house the other day the Lord told me to do it was on Easter Sunday I mean they a worship leader was singing an old song called the alabaster box was a wonderful song and no not go sit down but Mac I stayed at the poopin is just watching our works every day she sang it so beautifully and Kathy kept said you know but I didn't I don't know why I didn't I just you know leaned up against the Pope and just listened and when she finished singing a song the Lord said open your alabaster box oh okay so I didn't know what I was gonna do I started doing this and I saw a couple Bobby and Gina Rodriguez I said Bobby Gina come up here I had no idea what I'm gonna say about maybe a word of knowledge from the Lord I had no idea and when she's him and her stood in front of me I heard myself saying how much you owe on your house oh by chance we've been believing God putting money against the principle of the house for years I said how much money own house she said we owe $70,000 I said not no more as a Cathy cut him a check and pay the house off now the place went crazy okay no and I thought why I just obeyed see your mind was on the 70,000 oh your mind should have been on Roby this Barry I went to my house and I was walking toward my study and the Lord spoke to me he said Jesse you're the 20th person I told the beta house off but you're the first one that obeyed that's what a plane right here I'm Jesse Duplantis and I approve this message huh i'ma give an altar call in a minute but I have the honor first to receive the offering for living word now let me tell you none of this happens without a seed my daddy told me that one times son without me you didn't ever got here I said you did that to my mama he said yes I did so the other day Jody was come walking down the hall and we have all the executives in the executive office and I say everybody listen everybody look up don't call me boss I see you see my daughter did not do good I did this don't do it what are you doing that I said look how good I am look at this child see she's gonna be 48 but she's still my child we're not God's adults but God's children young men old are you son I used to be seventeen it don't last long so this is gonna happen - it's time to receive the tithes and offerings and Omashu cantata hey thank you and over and above giving the anointing of increases on me ladies and gentlemen it is on me it's on me it's on you don't get mad at me it's on me I'm gonna say something sounds so arrogant and so prideful but it's not just cuz I came here you're gonna get blessed I believe in leaving puddles of increase everywhere go you know and I don't I told the Lord one time I said lord if you let me I'll never receive an offering again as long as I live you just put the right people in my loving heart and I thought he'd be so happy and he said oh you want me to cut out giving I said we could cut out healing to salvation what else you want to cut Jessie I said Lord forgive me I said the wrong thing he said you did yeah and long as the earth remains seedtime and harvest time tsommo ask you to give graciously I've been at either eye I never knew nothing about tithing I was Catholic anybody ever been Catholic raised Catholic does your church have them baskets with the big pole one I could do this whole church just slide it down in my in my television remember those thing it was something more Protestants take need a lot more people there's Tim Kabat but if you're in the back they take it looked like a pole vault they could mean but that basket it was great I thought it was a good idea I didn't know nothing my tithing I never read the Bible till we got saved Cathy never read the bud said she could say and when I got saved I went to a church called Terrebonne Full Gospel you know tempo Terrebonne means good Earth in French and the pastor said it's time they received the morning table and often I thought he said tires because I'd seen a bus out there Mac nothing would the church need sometimes but her book and Kathy said no she said that you give ten percent of you giving I went that in the bar so she turned over to Malachi not to me it was mala Chi I was raised on the streets of New Orleans I'm not an Italian but I was raised but Italian people you do what you're gonna do I understand I mean I mean I was raised with the life and the first thing I she showed it to me but my eyes hit this verse eight verse a what a man Rob God not a mulatto you better not remember I said tell you somebody gonna get hurt here you do not run but you understand that's how I was raised you messed with somebody where's Fred that's what the Mississippi rivers for now you laugh but that was the true that's how I was raised oh just the wait what she said no it's not malate it's Malachi and she said there that I bring all the time I said oh she said I said they will do that for the rest of our lives and we have you know what Kenneth Copeland's mother and father did they put tithing in their marriage vows when they got married brother aw in Vanetta copeland brother Kenneth told me that what a blessing huh and Kenneth told me that his father never went 24 hours in the depression without a job that people there's too much proof that it works so I'm gonna ask you to give you tithe and offering over and above what have you gotten I mean yeah and I don't go I give my time than on then I then I give Luke 6:38 and I give third John - I just keep giving Lord Jesus God bless the other day Lord Jesus you know that seventy thousand dollars that I get somebody bless me with four hundred and thirty thousand dollars I said no no one I'm gonna do it all this so I just gave it away I got too much seed in the ground Legion I'm believing gone with some big things back and the only way I know how to get that is it safe let him sick continually let the Lord be magnified which have pleasure in the prosperity of his servant if you need an offer an envelope it's on the back of the Pew is that how it works get your offer and ready we're gonna receive it then I'm gonna pray for you in just a minute is everybody ready to give up in a balcony everybody ready to give I want you to do your best oh Jesus think of a hundredfold on a thousand dollars not a hundred times that's $100,000 today $100,000 go that fall man you can you wouldn't get one quarter through the mall I'm all over America with $100,000 if you bought everything yourself and my telling the truth it's true oh I see you think that's greed no that's why you think God had the mall built because you might want something now you see if you go out there say preacher say neither just greed no that's all whatsoever that's anything all you people that said what you won't get ready you're gonna receive it because your faith is stronger than it's ever been right now you just heard the Word of God you know being on a board of director of this church felt little the Lord this thing needs to be paid off let me tell what I'm believing for Living Word all right I'm a board of directors Mac and Linux so kind will emanate and when a they do board business they tell you everything I'm also a board of director of Kenneth Copeland ministry and these these two ministries I can put them side-by-side they people people of great integrity they show you everything what I'm believing God for is for living word to be paid for completely and the amount of money that it costs to pay this place off have that in liquid finance somewhere in a bank somewhere and you - I would like this church should be the first one in America that not only is the place bill paid off but everyone that comes is debt-free wait wait wait wait wait wait don't shout yet well you're gonna shop just me and not only be debt-free but the amount of money you were in debt have that in liquid financing where now you can shop how hard is it to give away a 100,000 my Jessen just as easy it is to give $1 no you got to be kidding them it's called obedience it's not the money see I I don't want to well i'ma tell you I'm coming up with a book for Christmas that can blow your socks off on the Christmas story on the different characters that God used Jesus to get Jesus on the ground Caesar Augustus you know what he did the unconscious obedience of the unbeliever Jesus wouldn't have been born in Bethlehem she's nine months pregnant you gonna put a woman on I don't can go on hundreds of miles she Jesus gonna be born in a dress unless Caesar Augustus telling you to unconscious obedience of the unbelievable this new books coming I mean I've had people say I ain't never heard that like I'm a Christmas tour like it the different characters God use I want you bless I mean you can believe for your harvest by Monday it's a whatsoever don't limit God alright uh get ready holy offering up to the law you're making not you that y'all know how to do that here I guess they put it on a back there whatever y'all do to receive it has some pretty nice buckets I used to preacher RW schambach he used garbage can man garbage can and he filled them up and nobody was mad father I'll thank you for this offering today Lord let there whatsoever in there anything come to pass because they're planting a seed Jesus that they do an honor to living word your house meet in your house but because they putting meat in your house you put meat in their house that all deficits disappear all of it in the in this house and in their house let miracles take place let there be from now to two New Year's Eve every every Sunday service somebody has a testimony of the most amazing thing that happened I ask you to do this Lord in Jesus's name you've done it for me I've been dead free since 1982 god I have no concept of death I thank you for that Lord and I thank you for doing for these wonderful people that came tonight in Jesus name Amen and amen
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 65,067
Rating: 4.8024693 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jesse Duplantis, LWCC, jesse duplantis ministries 2020, jesse duplantis youtube 2020, jesse duplantis youtube channel, jesse duplantis, jesse duplantis ministries, jesse duplantis heaven, Dr. Jesse Duplantis LWCC, jesse duplantis 2021, dr. jesse duplantis lwcc, jesse duplantis books, umfe 2019, umfe 2018, jesse duplantis umfe, jesse duplatis 2019 umfe, dr jesse duplantis umfe, your everything is his anything jesse duplantis, your everything is his anything, lwcc umfe 2019
Id: f9-sOn0-iJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 25sec (3385 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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