NEGLECTED 1964 Dodge Dart GT! Will It RUN AND DRIVE After Many Years? - Vice Grip Garage EP96

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Love this guy. His methods are questionable but I'll be dipped if he isn't entertaining.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/ImTheBanker 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hilarious dude, "where's my tonya harding?"

"i'm gonna do the right thing... and not fix that"

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/butermunch 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey welcome to vice grip garage a little while ago feller put up a video of a plymouth duster and you mopar guys kind of just came out of the woodworks there and i've had three possibly four requests when you're gonna do another mopar so i did the right thing and just went on the line and snipped me up this 1964 dodge dart and she's the gt flavor of course i know absolutely nothing about darts and she hasn't run in many many many years but i'm gonna try to fire it up and just scoot it home it's only about 120 miles you're welcome skeeters are already just [Music] thick [Applause] [Music] well this beauty here is technically a third generation those ran from 63 to 66 with some changes in 65. they had three kind of levels there on the square mopar is really good at just making up trim levels that don't mean anything there was a 170 and then the 270. sure then they just went right to the gt whatever that meant 64's they still had the 225 or the 170 slant 6 in them and had the torque flights we should walk around this thing i guess and see what we got going on i got sucked into the local watering hole so it's already one o'clock i just i don't have much time we're gonna have to be just caleb on the spot today i'll be completely honest with you i overpaid for this car and i even paid a little extra to have all four of these slots put on and that's really what kind of just drew me into the vehicle i can already see she's had the safety delete you don't need them bumpers it just weighs you down they got some air vents that's for drifting smoke just shoots out of here these tires they rub you know cleans up the side walls auto magically up front i think we've also got a safety delete yeah so we've got the ram air injection that's another fancy mopar option weirdest bumper brackets i've ever seen in my life that seems fine last time this was technically used was a billboard and i think they scooted it up at the softball championships and local businesses threw their name on it and kind of just sat out front but she hasn't run in a long time let's see what we got in here she's got a car alarm squeaky door hinge oh it's got a very welcoming scent it's kind of like neosporin and burnt toast might remind you of grandma's maybe right away i noticed this here's your park lever and then you got your select-o-matic transmission just don't confuse it for the radio and punch reverse at 90. don't ask me how i know seats are this is completely factory they wound them up on the sides a little bit more for california and arizona that way the sun doesn't get down on them is this an entire windshield my goodness gracious i'm gonna get sidetracked doing poppies all day we got cage that's good we'll get in the trunk here in a second that's the trim there's the grill oh we got headlights after all some custom paint what flavor is that butterscotch i'll use it brake parts that's good rear seats actually in pretty decent shape headliner looks just perfect no issues there got some visors floor just ignore this rust hole but other than that it's rust that's fine back here is semi decent dish it says it's got all 116 000 maybe 216. no i'm going to go with 116 000 hinges look pretty decent based on the pedals there too oh we got dual car alarm on this and oh we got rear lenses no hardware but that's what zip ties are for so our safety level just went up about three percent oh we got poverty caps three of them you don't need four got a headlight what's this here i don't know if that's the front or the rear bumper but there's a 50 chance i'll get it right mounting it up that's good how do you run this oh whoops spring see just wow sure that's plum empty nothing important dash pad is well that's bad but that's okay some crackage up there nothing awfully too bad this hills are decent this isn't all beat in i don't know that's glass i guess we'll get in the body carrier and see what we got back there gotta have 19 keys to run a mopar nope i knew that was gonna happen this one maybe there we go well i got used tires for sale is this one any good nope is this one any good nope does this one any good nope oh there's a shot might have a spare we got a starter oh be dipped there's another bumper we got bump ridge oh hey look we got another spare that's flat scotch locks that's how you know the electric is really good that bulb looks fine is this a relay in the trunk great more wiring over here got more bulbage these might even work we'll just have to wait and see what happens there i think the one in the trunk might be the back one time to see what's under the power barn here and if the paint's correct we've got a 426 hemi [Music] it is no no it's not a hemi not even close oh we got a block heater here's what we're working with today a couple things i immediately noticed is the reservoir bag and a block heater them are nice but like i was saying they came with two flavors of the slant six the 170 and then the big leaning tower of power the 225 here and this thing barked out about 145 horsepower real horsepower looks pretty dang complete actually and she's been tinkered on i see some fairly new digitals back here actually at some point blue coil i mean the ignition's been messed with that's a motorcraft oil filter that doesn't really make sense but we'll roll with it it is complete though i mean got all the hoses belts are on it another security device you run the red ones to your ground see and your black ones to your positive that way if someone's going to steal your rig you just burn her down to the ground instead brake masters on it how do you run this now linkage isn't stuck we might be off to a pretty decent start here i mean overall she's got more graffiti than a box car a little rough missing a couple pieces but i think most of it's in the car so we might have a shot here i'm going to start by just doing some basics on the engine here let's see if it rolls over by hand and then we'll start checking some fluids and stuff and get right to it see if she spins over pretty confident these slanted sixes are really durable engines the semi-good news here is i'm a little familiar with the 225 i've had a handful of dusters with them in it the thing i've kind of noticed though is the timing chain just likes to delete on them so i'm going to grab the fan here which is a directo drive 3000 no clutch on it see if i could spin the engine over and i'm pretty sure it'll spin maybe most likely we'll see but what i'm really going to be listening for is just the timing chain and gears just to be snapping and doing kind of that thing in there here we go oh it spins very easy i hear some valve train which is normal but nothing's binding up i think we're i think we're in good shape what have we got in here what have we gotten here there's no juice in there all right well on we go well guys should probably check on the juices anyhow that's burnt smells like a grass fire that's fine we'll just pretend we didn't see that move over to the walls oil is fine i might not even change that well probably will if it runs i mean we got juices i think i'm just going to stick a battery in it and see if it spins over but first i'm going to disconnect the fuel pump or at least carb from it i have no idea what's in the tank and it'd be nice not to just suck a bunch of crud up in this thing i think a guy will just disconnect it right here before the old pump elator then i don't have to fart around with any of the rest of the stuff here wow how come i can't fit my arm in here can't see nothing wow what kind of a player do you need i just 17 minutes later got nothing done well a guy did run out of patience so i did the right thing and just persuaded it off it's going to be short now and near impossible to put back on but that's okay drop a battery in this thing and see if we can get her to spin battery is actually out of my 69 camaro and it was dead yesterday so i put it on boost overnight and she was just boiling this morning smelled like a chemical fire so i think it's rejuvenated there oh we got just enough reachage she's taunt that's right it'll act as a battery holder down here as well pretty nifty guy always wants to do what i call the fire test you buy a rig you know nothing about and drop a battery on her when you throw that positive in just you know start smelling for fire no sparkage now i'm just getting 30 weight and dead needles i think we're good similar to the ford motor company mopar also had the steel me junction right here on the firewall let's see if we get this thing to spin over spins fine fairly decent too god yeah we got stockage oh what was that we do got an alcatraz choke on here she's just locked up i think get some juice on the side and free that up and it just needs a little bit so guy did bring along some sparklators and lightning hoses and oil things like that but i ain't going to waste it on it if you don't fire off so i'm just trying to get right to her i got some gas i drained out of my snowblower from two seasons ago that should be fine that's way way too much perfect got my key here and i think we'll just tickle it and see if it barks we got negative barkage try here again wow i guess we'll move on to the old sparklator system she's just not getting lightning i bet there's about 27 different ways a guy can check for spark here i actually wrote a book about it in 2006 nope i didn't do that but anyway guy could start all the way at the plug you can pull the plug out ground her out get one of these tesla light 600's little bob goes boop boop you get spark you can pull the coil wire bring it right up to a plug you can pull the wire right off the coil hold the test light or screwdriver sparkle jump there if you're really desperate just pull the wire lay it on a valve cover and you'll get lots of lightning just make sure you don't got any spilled fire juice because she's gonna go right up so i got the light bulb in it over here just easier for you guys to see and uh we'll turn it over see what we get no spark oh guy just gotta work backwards we'll check for power at the coil for good there we can move on over to the cap points and what have you if that's no good then we get back to getting the digital meter out and testing on this coil and basically mopar made it really handy see how much room there is over here to work on the ignition got this rigged in here so you guys can see go test on this lead down here we got juice 12 1 12 2 which is about 0.1 0.2 less than straight off the battery and i would call that she's on the line of spec if the guy's got i don't know let's say 0.372 repeating or up more at the battery than the coil what that means is your bond to ground is weaker at the coil so you got to clean up your grounds basically and you want to get that as close to the battery as you can obviously you can see the ground cables and positive cables are in really good shape in this rig so we're going to leave them so i've got power to the coil so now i'll pop the lightning whirler off down here and see what we got going on what can this just move over here do we need 19 feet of hose there that's a little bit better pop that off like i was saying 14 minutes ago and uh see what we got down here oh that's all new too that's making me worrisome most likely means someone's already been doing what i'm doing troubleshooting and they just didn't get it figured out great since the guy's got to check the coil out anyway i figured we'd talk a little bit more about it i don't think i've ever dwelved down into her before probably not anyway this is a new one so we'll use this to test up here on the bench and there's really two primary parts of a coil here you have the primary winding which goes on the outside of the unit that's the first to receive battery voltage then you got the secondary winding and that's up in the center a little bit smaller specs are different depending on your vehicle so you got to dig into that but primaries are typically 0.2 to 4 ohms and then you're going to be at 6 to 15 000 on the primary and also keep in mind some require external resistors as well all you're going to need to test it is just a digital meter like this it just has to have the ohms feature which i think every single one does i don't know this digital meter's got a few different settings for the ohms i'm going to start at 200 when we do the primary here and just take your common lead to the negative side your red over here and you can see we got 3.7 so that's fine then i got to turn this one to 20k so our reading shows up right here and then just take your common stick it right down the center touch it over here you can see 8.7 call it 8.8 so this coil is definitely good and that one does not need an external resistor i got updates been dinking around here a little bit tested the ballast resistor and basically if you got 12 in you need 12 out you can also run resistance on that guy and again it varies on vehicles so just look that up i got her bypassed right now just to check the rest of the wiring and you can also bypass it if you're on a different coil this is a 1.5 so you need the balance resistor but there's some upgrades out there where you don't so primaries 1.5 secondary was 10 so i think this coil is just fine so i tore the points out of it and they're fairly dirty and i did bring another set with me so i'm going to drop them in quick and see if i can get some lightning out of that again and then we'll put the ballast back in at that point okay new points are in got those adjusted with the old business card carry a couple of them in the pocket got the battery hooked up i'm going to keep that bypass because i'm just running off of this coil for now but we should see or hear spark down here so we should be good to go now i'll just uh put the ballast back in line get the old coil hooked up do one more test on it and then we're back to where we started 74 months ago dump some fire maker down here and see if it barks at us ballast resistors back in the original coil i got great spark so i think what i'm going to do is i got a new lightning roller cap and lightning hoses i just miles will put them in now because there's no sense in doing something twice and if she don't run well that increases the value by at least six bucks well i'm really sorry but i lied right to you i don't got wires in the service truck guy thought he did i guess i just got in a hurry i do got a capital letter and a whirly bob stick them in anyway these the same close enough oh we got fire down here still better get that disconnected okay how does this go on um yep [Music] well is there a certain index i thought so down like that no yeah this has got to be well what's all this clicking what's that mean okay so this has got to go clearly on this side of the rig down here well for pete's sake i just ruined that wire what is going on around here great now we gotta cobble that together i just i can't have nothing nice can i put plugs in this let's just run them first is this one stuck too well how come all these are stuck in here i can't be breaking all these wires off they can't welcome the non-fictional story time with derek hi i'm derek your host i really don't like making spark plug wires is this gonna work probably not all right everything everything's back to factory one five three six two four i think she spins clockwise anyway that's what i got her dialed to i'm gonna clean up a few things here and then i get some more gasoline throw it down to fuel make it happener and hopefully she pops off this time we got cage i don't know i think that's on see if i get a dash laid out of it yeah i got light edge all right give her just enough gas to start a fire here we go she's a runner sounded pretty good all right uh let me see if i can bottle feed it just a hair i don't know what juice this is but [Music] [Applause] so that's great hey i don't hear any bad valve train noise there's no knocking i don't know if it's got oil pressure but you think she'd be just wrapping away in there if she didn't definitely heard some exhaust out the back i forgot to even check if the muffler was restricted so i think it's time we maybe go ahead and change on the oil then before we run her too much more could this really have just been parked because the points are bad it's just mind bottling what was i doing oil gutter up on stands and the sub connecto not a frame kind of a frame holds the motor in on the wheels looks solid no rot really we got a locked up wheel on this side what do we got over here clearly a hot rod drum this one's oh oh that's right he told me this was missing logs and their left hand thread i don't have any of those let's check the brakes oh yeah that seems fine zero pedal clocked wheel one kind of turns don't know what the rears are doing i'm assuming he drug it out here from the garage so it's got a kind of rolish anyway i'm digressing what was i doing again oil let's do that nice guy here let me just go into town rug i think i can reach it through the fender well here and these slant sixes they take the adjustable socket wrench this is about the one time having nine foot long arms is helpful sure makes it hard to get country in western shirts though hey looks like this front brake line might have been replaced she's got a nice swoop on it and it definitely don't look factory body parts check i think i'm good you know it really is important to use the proper oil in your engine some of them can be really finicky so i did the right thing and just grabbed this because it was on sale it also says 50 percent better no idea than what but it won something but in all reality she's diesel oil and any diesel oil is good in my book she's got extra vitamins and stuff in it and you need these dinosaurs on the flat tap it cams dang it easy easy i think i got it i like to run these here wix filters and it really did have a motorcraft oil filter on there from 1982. huh oh well if you don't believe me just give me a second and i'll show you oh no just put 17 gallons right down on the coil break clean i'll take that right off there you go and you know what i think this is actually a legitimate thing same oil filter housing or something some of them hang off the front i don't know if you know what's going on here just bleep blooper down there in the comments and straighten us all out here you want to throw some fresh gas in these units so i drained this out of my 65 c10 that's been set in a year and a half that'll work got this pump ready so i'm just going to snip on a hose snag it into the tank down here and then i'll swap this filter out quick because i don't know what's in that yet and then basically we're just going to look for leaks i'll try to fill the bowl up see if the needle's stuck and what we're after here and see if we can get this thing just idling get her up to operating temp look for any leaks let the head gasket soak in we know we got some juice in the transmission on these mopars you want to fire them up in the new trellis gear this one says she's the push button flavor that's right where you start off this is actually the last year of the old push-o-matic 65 they went to the column or had the floor shift but it's better on the transmissions when they've been sitting for a while firing them up in neutral like that i'll get some hose and a filter here and get this going how many feet we need 17 something like i don't know how does this look hey how does this look yeah well just that's gonna be that's what we're gonna go with sure wish folks would write dates on these fill filters but maybe that makes too much sense i don't know this one does look like it's older than me so she's got to go well why is this jammed up oh pittsburgh i suppose i could just use a real plier but some reason i don't have one in my tool kit but i do have 17 place grips i don't know car quest let's go on a quest that's wrong didn't have a catchy tune to it though oh this hose is just a rotten well you're in here this just you better do it now or you're gonna have fire and well i got so much sweat coming down into my eyeballs i just can't see nothing i don't know if this is making a difference how come i can't see my clamps now well the nhra fuel system is plugged in we got safety everywhere i think we're ready i'm gonna try to fill the bowl up on the carburetor here and then squirt some go juice down her light it off and then it should start pulling fuel to fuel pump works i guess three to five seconds and then we'll see if she idles all right here we go no fuel yet should be here by now well i wasn't really feeling like drinking gas today but that's what i'm gonna have to do sometimes you gotta prime on that lion there's just too much air in the diaphragm and that pump is just bone drop get out of here oh we got a nest right there guys been wondering why these have been on my face all day but i guess i found the answer gonna have to perform a wasp a delete thank a god i just zip tied this on here i hate to waste it but what's the guy gonna do there it is it's definitely old gas okay got that plugged in need another zip tie well let's try her again see if she'll pull fuel here we go still no fuel [Music] wow guys shot down to the hardware store picked up this primer bulb that wet the old back neck anyway yeah with this i was able to tell my zip tie just wasn't cutting it had a leak down here but i should be able to pump some fuel maybe there we go feel it now now we got fuel up in the filter and because i can't squeeze this i know that the float needle is working properly allegedly so we'll try to fire her off again and maybe should start sucking some fuel into the fuel make it happener yeah we can get this thing idling i'm running out of daylight pretty quick so this stuff just i got it this needs to start hurrying up here we got juice in this i think i already checked that i don't we'll worry about that later well let's just see what it's going to say now by the way the gas in that jug apparently is not good it's basically orange i'm not sure what color fuel is supposed to be but i don't think that's right here we go too much throttle cuddle is stuck wide open that'll get you ready you know my wasp friends are back hey burn your house down sorry man okay didn't even have to fight it sitting here idling kinda fish i don't think this has a oil pressure gauge that's what i'm mostly concerned about it's got the dummy light it says it's charging and almost all ready to operate account hopefully that thermostat opens sounds pretty good got about two gallons in there a ton of blow by very little actually some old stuff burning off over here thermostat's not open yet should be soon according to that anyway probably don't have an accelerator pump i got to see if i could find another spring i got juice and all this stuff but it's going to take a little bit to get work done but sitting here idling for quite a while thermostat's not open yet should open any minute all these are firing this is still sticking i did add a spring but it's still just not enough to bring her down it's probably the carb side that's sticky actually as soon as i get the thermostat open then i'll sit there and rock on it engine mounts are a little soggy and i got a power steering belt that's about ready just to delete itself [Applause] but it sounds pretty good oh yeah power steering works fine horn works i mean it's a go on the town rig i'm not gonna lie let's see if it'll restart oh she's ready to go well here's the reality of it this is probably the best running car that i own great time to check the old push-o-matic torqueflite 9000 but we got an issue back here with the rear tires mainly that they're just jammed into the corner panels and won't spin without destroying themselves so i'm going to crawl under there and we might just take them off i got 72 spares in the trunk i don't know we just we got to figure something out a big part of me wants me to just let these eat and self-clearance but i mean it's they're on it right now and a couple spins these may pops they'll pop and they're already probably from the 70s judging by the weather cracking and whatnot so we got to figure out what's going on here we need two by four spacers or oh well there's our answer right there we just gotta air these puppies up and we're back in shape are they still in oh they're still in there those look like the monroe's 1991 edition could be wrong i'll get the air compressor out and see what happens is anything happening chunk well we'll try the pneumaticals out i'm just lazy and didn't want to plug everything in here we go nothing here we go again still nothing i'm just i'm not getting i'm not getting the reaction i wanted how about this one 17 valves on this there we go it's going up really slow why is that so slow i think my compressor must be on bicycle tire mode let's turn that up to blow up the world mode here we go boy she's just not going up like i thought she would this is always the case with these air chocolators we got leakage right there oh yeah just a violent one well it's close enough to the shorts of my jigger i wonder if i could stipulate that re-stuffalize it and put a cuff link into the wing and jigger i'm sure we could snip that down and all this would be you know it'll be fine well there's about a 13 chance i patched that right so let's see what she says now i just i ain't getting much flavor out of it how about now no is she maxed out can't be well you stubborn little devil come on now there we go i don't know how much pressure these take so i'm just going to go with all of it oh we got a lot in there does it say do not exceed 200. that can't be right does this even go to two oh it does let's see what it says 120 goodness gracious oh i got her maxed out between all the compressors we got here i got a little bit of room in there just just enough this side i had to get out the quarter panel stretcher and i got the lip roller as well and we just professionally eased this out a little bit and it's not going to work but that's fine i'm going to get the jack from up front scooch up the back and the reason i'm not putting her on jack stands is if we're going to drive it we gotta make sure this works anyway so i'm gonna lift it up on the suspension and see if we can get her to roll oh hello again it's so hot oh gotta love them rocks right in the kneecap just bring it down let's go down now yep yep the 64 gts when they had the slant six and the odds of magic they had 293 rears so this thing's gonna have some long legs on her he's just gonna want to go down the interstate well let's fire this thing up see if we got any gears easy i ain't got much room on that fender lip oh killed it well these mopar starters are just they're damaging to the soul come on now i might call you dolphin you sound like a dolphin there you are okay park is off so we're in neutralis reverse reverse drive drive again drive we got drivage speedometer even works go back in the neutralis i don't got any brakes this might take a while well what are you still turning for easy reverse we got a transmission so i think what i'm gonna do is kick her back in the drive again and i'm just gonna let it sit here and eat for a little bit and i'm gonna put some juice on that door [Music] how is it getting worse there we go that's been 10 15 minutes probably thought i'd better do something so i popped the reservoir cap that could be a part of the reason why there's just zero breaks so i'm gonna top that off and see if i can pump laid some juice in here guys just been doing a simmon workout on the brake pedal in there for a good ten minutes but i'm getting something hook your peepers right onto that rear tire back there watch this i mean it's not it's not great but that's enough to slow me down to take a corner and that's all the guy needs i haven't checked for leaks or anything yet i probably just pretend that i did and call it good enough i'm sure it's bad and that'll make me not want to drive it so i think it's time we just drop it down and ease it through town sure i think you guys got everything buttoned down got the air cleaner on it got all my stuff put away these are loose water pumps squeaking bad didn't do anything with the power steering belt put this dangerously close to that belt this is barely held on uh use that to work goats but it also holds jugs on so this is fine i think we'll just kind of bring this down gently you don't want to pinch off the fuel but you got to get one click out of it and then in the cabin here i installed my easer down 300 right here that's hooked on to the gas pedal so when she sticks wide open i can whoa whoa got my shades gotta clear out i think we're ready to rock let's just go jam this thing around a little bit okay get this ready so i asked this feller how long this has been sitting that was a long pause followed by many many many many years but we use it as a billboard but many years so first drive in many many years park off i better pump the brakes ahead of time drive oh i forgot about that front tire i think it's rotating it's angry it's really angry pulling to the right it'll slow us down though we might need that oh that sounds bad when you hit the brakes let's go this way we're just gonna ease through town john anderson likes to be just swang and i like to just ease yeah there's not much breaks there's a little bit we got a really bad wobble i think that has to do with having nine total lug nuts on the entire car though let's give her some onion that's second gear now i gotta try to shut her down oh kind of tricky to run you gotta bring the throttle back and work on the brakes at the same time should we see what she does in the mud oh no come back i think we might have spun a tire i think we might have i'm not gonna check let's just say we did oh that bumper is gonna knock that window out oh come here fella this windshield is slightly inconvenient oh yeah i'm a redneck what are you gonna do i think this is my turn i just there's stuff rolling everywhere she's pretty rough she is pretty rough oh whoa oh i got the windshield jammed on the accelerator hey when that happens that's some sort of outhouse over here maybe that's a bird blind i don't know oops blinkers on rivers come on going into the blind come on let's go go again oh i got about two millimeters from hey there's my gas nozzle neck this thing is rough the motor mounts don't exist okay but does your dome light work all be dipped yeah yeah yeah yeah well i hate to but i think a guy is going to disappoint some of you fellers because i'm not driving that thing home it's just it's a little too gone i think right now we can make it better but tires are too dry rotted to even hit 40. i'm missing logs i got a hanging wheel something's shaking bad in the front i got no tail lights the bumpers are gone well i can zip tie them up i guess but the paint job just screams what are you doing guy pull me over maybe i could just spray paint it no no i gotta i'm gonna be i'm gonna be responsible and just say i'm going to come back tomorrow with the trailer and pick it up but there's a lot we can do with this car it's actually really solid maybe even solid enough just to do a scuff and shoot you know a 49 foot paint job i don't know if you've got ideas put them down there in the comment box i do read them you'd be interested to do something with it i'm glad we saved it seems fairly complete i mean some assembly required but anyway thank you guys for watching appreciate you all very much i need a cold snack right now where did the screw part of this go though dang it now i gotta buy another one [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 361,245
Rating: 4.9670315 out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, dart, duster, cuda, challenger, charger, plymouth, mopar, chrysler, hemi, GT, six pack, neglected, forgotten, abandoned, will, it, start, run, barn, farm, will it run after many, cold start, 225, 170, slant six, slant 6, just a six
Id: ej4yLavH6bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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