Focus | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Be Anxious For Nothing

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join me if you will and Philippians the fourth chapter and the fourth chapter of Philippians and I will be going into my version of the scriptures which is the KJV and I think I've been spoiling y'all a little bit but all this NLT and ESB and all that we're gonna go back to KJV praise a powerful name of Jesus and I want to be starting at verse 4 Philippians chapter 4 to my guest god bless you thank you for being here too and ye I love you so very much god bless all of you rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice that your moderation be known unto all men because the Lord is at hand be anxious for nothing but everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just whatsoever things are pure and whatsoever things are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the God of peace shall be with you verse 6 is what we're getting our thought be anxious for nothing but everything by prayer and supplication I want you to grab somebody's hand real quick and I want you to give them this admonition as we only have about 30 minutes to do it and I want you to tell them be anxious for nothing I want to preach this but before I do I'll let all nation Chicago know that one of my 2019 incentives under the leadership of the Lord is there is not going to be a time where this building is open and somebody's not praying I have made a decision to take the prayer life of this church to a brand new level we have a full-time destiny we have a full-time assignment we've got a full-time devil we can't have a part-time intercessor it's time to pray and we have seen a great evil in the earth with the merchandising of intercession and IB I feel like what God is doing is calling his church back to the place of consistent prayer a fervent prayer and so I want to really deal with this subject because God is anointing all nations of fresh in the area and in the realm of prayer let's do some work I love studying Jesus is teaching methods and models and a part of what I've observed in the life of Jesus is that everything he did taught something but there were certain things that he did and certain things that he exhibited that were not of interest to the 12y were following Jesus with the twelve I would want to know how to walk on water I would be like hey this is absolutely absurd I have never seen and/or heard a man do this call see in in call B et I want to be on Fox News because Elijah has not done this Isaiah has not done this none of the champions of old have achieved this I would also be intrigued or infatuated with his unusual authority over demons you see because every miracle in the Bible had been consistent from Genesis to Revelation except the casting out of Devils so if I were one of the students of Jesus one of the disciples of Jesus I would want to know show me the secret to casting out demons this is amazing perhaps if we had to learn how to do this in the Old Testament we would not be here so teach me how to cast demons out of people I would also want to know personally judge me if you will teach me that water wine thing okay because life is a little hard and every now and then I need to be able to turn the fountain on at the fountain praise the name of the Lord and I don't want to waste my money on the fruit of the vine if I could have it as a natural resource praise God and then we can stay away from it but I love the fact that when dealing with how does he structure the disciples you will only find in the Gospels that they asked him to teach them one thing they only asked him to teach them one thing every other time Jesus taught it was by virtue of his desire to do so that means that nothing perplexed come found it or interested the twelve more than the prayer life of Jesus Christ there was something that they observed about the way he prayed that so intrigued them that even though they saw demons come out and they saw him demonstrate the miraculous they did not think that those things were the most important thing to learn they wanted to know how to pray and what makes it revolutionary is prayer was not a new subject matter they they they were born and they were familiar with prayer pre Jesus but something about the way Jesus approached prayer intrigued the people that was closest to him on one particular occasion the Bible says that Jesus went apart to pray first of all in Bible record you do not ever see Jesus praying with his disciples pay attention and it does not mean that you can't pray with your disciples we have examples about the prayer of agreement and touching and agreeing but you never find jesus praying with the disciples you find him teaching them the pattern of prayer when you pray pray like this but he has never fine found praying with he is always alone and Jesus went to a mountain and Jesus when the far-off and he started to pray and I think the reason that's important it's before prayer got corporate it had to be personal now there's a lot of you that love corporate prayer because you get to hide and not say nothing but prayer in a corporate sense is only powerful because we brought the personal journeys of prayer into a corporate environment Jesus always went apart to pray on this one particular event the Bible said that when Jesus went off to a mount him that there was a man who brought his son who was grievously vexed with a devil and when they brought this boy to the twelve the Bible says that for hours they wrestle with this demon and you know how it is if you have ever been with deliverance if you know especially if you are sure we deliver the personal loose here let you loose your whole come out come on out come on out don't terror don't rip them come on I see a BAM hit you with the Bible BAM squirts you with the water come out oil on your fire blood smoke tear gas carbon monoxide come out devil I Drive you out I pull you out I ain't you out I flush you out I vacuum you out I push I plunge you out come on out devil I slam the door hey I open the door I command the Angels I come in the water I command a fire Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder come on be like that Devil ice-water the spirit right through your head you know how it is with deliverance and the Bible say Lachelle them deliverance workers were working hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and the devil didn't go anywhere and so what happened was when Jesus came out to see what all that noise was the Bible said that the father of the child went to Jesus and said I brought my boy to your disciples and they could not cast it out now this was after Jesus had already told him that he had given them power over unclean spirits but there was something about this particular devil that out rate what the disciples was doing Jesus said bring the boy to me they brought the boy to Jesus in point two seconds he said come out devil left and then Jesus said this to his disciples how long do I have to tarry with you what was the literal meaning of the statement how long will you be with me and not observe my approach to this he said that coming out of play he was teaching him that if I'm going to be with you you have to observe my approach to wrestling with darkness and I don't deal with darkness until I pray I got to give you all of this so you can understand my text I see the beginning of the whole prayer issue in the Garden of Eden there is a phrase that I wish had never been said this is gonna get good and these two words justify and and basically summarize the whole philosophy of our need to pray and those two words are let them let them if God had never said pay attention let them we would not have to pray one of the common misconceptions or mysteries of prayer is that if God is sovereign I'm sorry why do we need to pray if God has already determined the end from the beginning why do we need to pray if God does not make a mistake and if everything that happens only happens because it is his will then why pray I'll answer it with one philosophy when when God said let them have dominion over the earth and over every creeping thing it is a biblical philosophy called houmous it is not hummus it's you must pay attention and the word houmous means made from the dirt that's where you get the word human being you are literally a dirt man and so because God listen to me there's not and Indian giver he has given us the most powerful resource to have any affair on the earth intervene with let me prove it my real sermon is gonna be two seconds long you are a Chumash man a dirt man made from dirt from dirt we jump and from dust we're going to return and here in lies a problem if it were possible for God to have a limitation and he does it if it were possible for God to have a prison and he does it if it were possible for God to have a boundary and he does it the only thing capable of putting a restriction around God is his word the Bible says this is all intro I put my word above my name part of what that means is that God is so much a man of his word sorry he is so committed to his word that even he will not make exemption from a thing that he has said he is his committed forever is your word settled in heaven before heaven and earth passes away not one word of mine will be removed so what is upholding the whole of our experience together are the things that God has said and herein lies a problem if he tells us I'm going to let him have dominion that he is saying if I have influence it will be through their Dominion I am NOT going to intervene except I have a body pay attention now when Lucifer got evicted out of heaven this is all intro and he ended up studying the relationship between Adam before he was human he was Adam which means man in spirit Adam was spirit god is spirit their relationship was spiritual it didn't go off until Adam had a body he had no flesh signals to corrupt what he heard from God Adam and God was fine as long as they kept at him and the Bible said that God instructed out and without about it he's formed Adam without a body and then he gave him a body after Adam had instructions you read the Bible so fast that you didn't even realize that the Sun and the moon were not created into about the fifth or the sixth day when in the very beginning he said let there be light the Sun and the moon was lesser light the light that lit the world was literally the Son of God the other two orbits were there to uphold and present the personality he is literally the light of the world getting juicy in here so now Lucifer gets sentenced to earth and when he comes into the garden because he is an angel he has to look for a body we're dealing with the laws of Earth which means that I only am as influential as my body I gotta get there I am only as powerful as my body I am only as mobile as my body and so Lucifer knows this he goes and he finds a muscular being the Bible calls it a serpent and y'all have been calling it a snake pay attention but the Bible says it was a serpent more accurately historically it was probably a lizard because the byproduct of the curse was that he would crawl on his belly which meant that before he crawled he had to walk and so he probably looked like a lizard and you sitting here lying because of what a lizard said you depressed because it was coming out of a lizard you are under strained because of Geico but I thank God that he has given us dominion over every creeping I'm filled my help now so so so he gets into a lizard and he starts to find the man he starts to look at an appeal to the man and demands knowledge and subsequent in so this frame God is spirit god is spirit God is spirit you know how the story progresses he ends up disobeying God and God puts the plan in full effect he looks at the lizard and say I got you I got you I got you I got something for you I'm gonna tear their tail up I got something for you I'm gonna make I'm gonna make the woman your worst nightmare you're gonna wish you had never talked to that woman again I'm gonna make the woman your worst nightmare I've got a plan in place to put a being on the earth whose whole destiny its manifestation wherever I've got a woman there will always be something that can be wherever there is a sister there will always be the capacity to bring okay and to bring forth come on ladies y'all have been given hail hail since the beginning and that's because you got the ability to bring it we fast forward and Merry Christmas and Annie and he says hello Mary let me borrow your body pay attention I told you you are too much a dirt man I need to borrow your body he comes up to Mary and Bethlehem is just blessed are you among women and Mary was like how he says I need to be able to borrow your woman here's why every spirit that operates on the earth without a body is illegal and Jesus could not come here as a falling out he told Mary let me borrow your body because I want to be legal there are some things I've got to do on the other that I cannot do in the spirit I got to do it in the natural and I selected your womb to be the process of my legality to be a naturalized citizen on the earth I've got to have a flesh you can be a girl he becomes illegal he was born Jesus but he was revealed as the Christ Jesus died the Christ if enough Jesus died the Christ if that Jesus was the son of Mary the Christ was the Messiah that's why he's called Jesus the Christ Pittenger that reveals that the sovereignty of God the power of God the Word of God the will of God only works when it comes through a body that's why God wants to heal you I'm almost at my pets he wants to heal you for his sake when you come to God and want healing for your sakes it is very likely that you will remain unhealed salvation is not selfish it is personal but the Lord heals men because he wants your body he needs to be able to express himself in physical form because the earth is the Lord's interfere intercept involve himself in anything on the earth is by cooperation with a man and it is that way because he said I'm giving them Dominion which is the seat of real over anything that transpires I may want it one way I may have designed it one way I may have wanted to have the outcome be a little different but until I have a man that cries out thy kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven I will not intervene so now you see how absolutely it is for you to have a personal prayer life and the reason why I have to give it to you this way is because you cannot focus beyond your level of prayer I appreciate your note-taking and appreciate your weight loss goals and appreciate your marital goals and appreciate you filling your degree finishing your degree and appreciate you trying to stop smoking and appreciate you trying to stop drinking but all of that stuff is destined to become your repetitive reality if you don't learn how to pray and the reason that is so it's because all of that stuff you want to stop you the same you that started it watch me and if you started it up chances are you came stop it it is not until you give God the right to intervene why can I have help it's not until a human being says I can't do this in my strength it was my stuff that got me here I need a power that is not powder and we must try to get that what happens when people don't pray Ricky I've devoted the rest of my life to learning the mind of God and the mind of God is more important than the hand of God this generation and the subsequent ones were like Israel they knew God's hand his axe but there are few people who know his hand know his ways and when you know the mind of God you know the ways of God when you know the hand of God you know the acts of God and there's a lot of people who are only around God because of what he does and not how he thinks apparently God thinks prayer is important because he didn't even let Jesus escape the responsibility of Prayer Jesus was the perfect man son of God without seeing us he was born with spotless blood the placenta of Mary protected him from the infection of iniquity and the human race he was preserved in the belly so that he would not inherit if he had he inherited iniquity he couldn't have taken a hard on the cross that's what makes Calvary so important is because he didn't need to die he decided to die and he decided to die so you didn't have to and even he had to pray now we see why the culture of player in the New Testament church is something you got to close your eyes to miss you can't avoid it you can't get around the fact that there was passionate prayer all the time and in Paul's a letter right here to the church at Philippi he gave he gives him a series of instructions but my meat is coming from this one time because applause at Lord Gigi's Apostle John I guess that is so because apparently something has reared its head in the earth I have never in my life talked to more people who are perfectly healthy perfectly okay talk about panic attacks and talk about being anxious over stuff if you have not noticed that their eggs anxiety ruling of the earth right now pay attention to what people are doing in schools pay attention to what people are reporting on the news a lot of us are trying to bind perversion and we're not dealing with anxiety and here's why if you have anxiety in your life there are three things that are going to happen number one you're going to be prone to addiction when somebody has an anxious habit it means there is a disturbance in their nervous system and if their nerves are disturbed they want to look for something to bring them some peace and if I can't find peace and God's Word and if I can't find peace and worship I'll find it insects come on through here I'll find it in alcohol I'll find it in drugs I find it important but I've got to find something to rip me some peace I've got to find something to least be some peace number two if you are full of anxiety you are also going to laugh awareness it's amazing that the devil wants to cause people to be filled with anxiety so as to distract them of what God has done is doing when you are anxious the only thing you're nervous about is when it happened yet or what could happen yet when you're anxious you can't be thankful because when you're full of anxiety you're not looking around your life saying thank you for salvation well thank you for deliverance and thank you for healing thank you for roof and thank you for clothes thank you for thank you for thank you for thank you for the Holy Ghost what you're doing is you're saying I'm not grateful for another Bishop because I'm distracted by what I don't have if you realize how anxiety works it is a preoccupation and a part of what that means is you are busy doing something so much so that God is trying to bring through your life in your life because your nerves are disturbed until you absolutely will not say and the Bible says be anxious for nothing now they don't mean nothing to you but that thing excites me Paul said don't be anxious over nothing and you know what i wit profanity and I defined the word nothing and you know what it means nothing I don't care what's going on around here I'm trying to preach you out of a slumber don't be anxious over school and don't be anxious over your status and don't be anxious over that decree over here don't be anxious over prophecy huh don't be anxious over ministry don't be anxious over money huh don't be anxious over tumba don't be anxious over in a huh don't be anxious over bankruptcy yeah don't be anxious over dad don't be anxious over your single life huh don't be anxious over your marital life huh don't be anxious over tomorrow don't be anxious over yesterday don't be anxious over today don't be anxious about the earth huh don't be anxious about us under the earth huh don't be anxious about curses huh don't be anxious about blessings huh don't be anxious about a car don't be anxious about a house don't be anxious about friends don't be anxious about time don't be anxious about seasons huh don't be anxious about conversations don't be anxious about mentors huh don't be anxious about degrees don't be anxious about a career huh don't be anxious huh don't be anxious the Bible said be anxious for nothing and where would you be if you didn't have anxiety over nothing what could you achieve if you didn't even know what anxiety felt like how would you produce if your nights were not spent in anxiety the devil knows that if a life is in panic then it cannot have peace now we see a formula doctor also which is why the Apostle said be anxious for nothing but pray about everything what I just showed you is the only thing that has power over your anxiety and the only thing that can tell the devil shut the hell up and the only thing that can silence the jaws of the wicked ah it's the power prayer your condemnation will talk to you until you pray your disqualification will bully you until you pray the shadows will call you back until you pray huh Joe weakness will mentor you until you pray you will stay in confusion huh until you pray be anxious for nothing but pray about everything snap do people say pray about it pray about it come on play about it come on tell them play about [Music] you can be honest for nothing don't ever surrender again you control your hair without prayer if you notice that there is a disturbance in your life you've got to pray and if you don't feel better about it then you've got to pray with somebody else you've got to learn the laws of interception you got to learn how to use your body as an instrument of intercession until the will of God comes in your situation I don't know who I'm talking to but there's somebody in here that's been knocking at a door I've seen that it won't open huh you've been trying to be the door to hell huh and it seem like you won't open up I tell you to pray you can pray doors down you can play doors open you can play things watch you got a prize the next verse the peace of God the peace of God it is not fake peace you don't get this piece from Buddha you don't get this piece from yoga marijuana can't give you this piece my law can't give you this piece and orgasm can't give you this piece some of you are losing your piece because it is not real a piece that comes from your life is not a piece at all you can relax in the sauna and not have it you can sit in the jacuzzi and not have it you can burn some incense and not have it up you can talk to dead relatives or not you can even talk to the moon and not kidding huh but there is a peace that passes I said there is a peace that passes there is a peace that passes there is a peace that passes what you understand what the Bible is trying to say is God's peace is so powerful that you won't understand it up do you hear what I just said to hear you Charlie rancher head may grow huh there is a peace of God that makes no sense and gods get ready to give you that kind of peace you about to have peace that makes no sense you about to have peace that's confusing and when the devil sees that all hell is going around kids are born funny money is after funnier changes acting strange but I got the peace of God I got the peace of God I got the peace of God it is a weapon it is a weapon it is a weapon it is a surprise they said a peace of God that passes your understanding I love the use of this term whoo the way it reads in Greek is keep but the way it translates to Hebrew is God I said God I said God many of you have never known the privilege of a bodyguard many of you have never known the life where you were followed by a staff of people in other words when you have the peace of God you have a bodyguard huh that buffers what's going on around you the God does not want you to be directly impacted by everything that happens around you yes you are [Music] don't even bring it up anymore somebody in here just got a brand-new I'm done talking about it in a spirit I felt it wouldn't just hit the room I'm done talking about it I'm done dealing with you I'm about to pray and the Bible said that if I pray in faith believe we receive it up it will be gone up I've got this sky this season I got one minute left if you want to use the energy the right way you got to discern what kind and what type it is this is not the same battle it doesn't have the same strength it's not hitting the same areas and there are certain kinds of things that only respond to prayer the next verse in my text says the God of peace or the peace of God where will will guard your heart and your mind by Christ Jesus and then it says this royal so then whatsoever things are honest and whatsoever things are pure and whatsoever things are of good report if there is any virtue that means power think about that why don't I just teach you the reason why you can't regulate your mind because you don't pray like you should you see one of the things that we walk away from prayer with is a decided mind your meditations are not just a matter of your study it's a matter of your prayer life it is how you give the principle of God authority over what you're thinking and how you're thinking I can always discern when somebody ain't praying because they're negative they only see their light pessimistically they don't see any hope in their circumstance which means the absence of prayer thank you for two of you that's praying you look at what's going on in America you don't measure a church by its size of its Sundays you measure a church by the power of its prayer meetings it is unfortunate that we have churches with thousands of people and would be lucky to get a hundred people to pray and then when you do get the people that come to prayer they're probably senior citizens and this is what they have left to do with their lives so they commit to it we don't disciple people in prayer we don't show people how to pray and then in Chicago and in this nation prayer has now taken on a vanity where we want you to see us under our shawls and and we want to use all the prayer languages and the prayer and all of that there is a merchandising evil and it's interesting that when Jesus confronted this in the temple he rebuked him about merchandising and then challenged him about not being the house of prayer if you don't pray stop selling them books if you don't pray shut them stupid shirts down if you don't pray I don't want a bumper sticker why are you opening up a store and you don't know what to do in the sanctuary you got your priorities twisted up if you are not a house of prayer you don't have the ability to produce from the right place men are choosing spouses without a prayer large women are choosing careers without a prayer life the devil knows the power of a midlife crisis there are very many of you that reach turning points in life and what you invited in your life is anxiety I'm 21 I'm 25 I'm 30 I'm 35 I'm 40 I'm 45 I'm 50 and immediately following those reminders it's a bullet pointed less of what's wrong but you didn't see what you were robbed of what wasn't afforded you what you haven't experienced where your life is headed where you thought you would be who's with you who left you what's next where's my money coming from what am I supposed to do now I'm not fulfilled and all of those conversations it's developing a character in you that is ungodly it's developing a spirit of selfishness of self-centeredness and idolatry of life the Bible call it the pride of life it is it is when people who are filled with the spirit worry about the wrong stuff the vanity of wanting to keep up with your social and cultural margins the vanity of warning the reward of telling people that I'm saying that my life is good the vanity of being able to say I've got a good husband a fine wife three kids who serve God my fault one cake is where I want it I'm living my dream living my best life but the real truth is if you lift up the veneer of all of those projections you still got an inner man that's one storm away from deception you still got an inner man that's one decision away from falling into reprobate status you still got an inner mana that has every goal possible but becoming like the son of God and the reason why your goals are perverse and the reason why your deadlines are perverse and the reason why there is no rhythm and your achievements because you doing it without even down to your provision if you wrestle with unforgiveness it does not break without prayer you're not going to break the yoke of bitterness by convincing yourself that you're over it you can look in a mirror for years and say I'm saying I'm saying I'm saying that but the authority the Bible calls it a root of bitterness and the reason it takes root is because it wants to produce fruit and your personality and you've got to deal with unforgiveness by the power of prayer you will always have secret hatred towards people that hurt you until you go from a victim to an intercessor and there is a great evil in the earth there are people that are naming the name Jesus and testifying about being filled with the Holy Ghost and they're acting like victims they're thinking like victims they've not taken on the posture of intercession pray for them that despitefully become your enemies intercessor you've missed the mark you've not become an advocate for people who do things to harm you you've missed the mark your prayer life is still at the oldies level eggs and butter and milk and all of that you've not reached the depth and prayer that it's going to take for your destiny God is asking for a fresh commitment to prayer and if it's hard no condemnation when I was in high school learning the rules of prayer I started praying with people I would get on the phone the flip phone the next Hill and we would start to pray until I could find my way on my own you're not gonna start motivated and inspired you're gonna start having to align your flesh to want to do it but you need to do it until you want to do it and then that's gonna come a place where you're not going to be able to survive without it it's gonna become your era it's gonna happen in the car it's gonna happen at Starbucks it'll even happen on your lunch break that permit should always prayer should always pray God's indictment against the church she's doing everything but pray I remember and this is old school we got squads best friend's sister girls and you've gotten so arrogant but you're sitting there living a life that does not have prayer in it you won't humble yourself and say yo I've got an issue and I've got an issue before me that I can't be objective about join me in prayer I'm struggling with my children I need some help in prayer see the reason God makes you pray with people is that it keeps you humble you'll never be able to be transparent about stuff that you can invite people with you to pray on there is a level of prayer that you need to come into if you're gonna deal with this anxiety lift your hands I'm done I believe the Spirit of God is asking for a fresh commitment to prayer Jesus spent four hours with God the Bible said before the rise of day and when he spent them for hours with God he only had to spend 30 seconds with the devil we do it the reverse we like to spend 30 seconds with God and then we have to spend four hours with hell casting out a demon was not a problem for a man who is full of prayer and you oughta warrant your children to know you're a woman of Prayer you ought to want your students to know you are a person of Prayer you ought to want your children to grow up with memories of you crying out to God in a private place you ought to want that you ought to walk them hearing you groan from the basement you ought to want that you ought to want a husband that is attracted to your prayer life you want to want a wife that you can go to God with and prayer your trifling self on a date and too scared to tell God thank you for a stake and wonder why lust is ruin your life if you can't even pray over food at a date why do you want that mate that person says oh this is a bit much you are so earthly minded that you ain't no heavenly good there is no such a thing you have to live a life of breath every success that you get that does not come from prayer should never be trusted I don't care how it impacts your tax bracket I don't care how many applause you get from it and I hear God's saying that many of you in the room years ago made your life down to the coal of Prayer and then there was a lie that came from Hell that made men and women from all over faking intercession because they were taught that intercession was a life of backlash you were taught that if you were going to pray that admit that hell had the right to beat up on you so you stopped praying and self-preservation [Music] [Music] right now but I feel in the spirit there is a yoke being destroyed off of your prayer life don't let the devil beat you up about how long it's been don't let Satan lie to you about your schedule and don't sit there and get cut damn I want you to see the privilege of Prayer it's not supposed to be toilsome it's not supposed to be laborious when you start looking at prayer through the lens of redemption then you can go boldly before the throne of grace and instead of saying oh I got to pray you go to sleep saying I can't wait to talk to my beloved I want to know his forest I want to know his mind I got to know his real trouble and child of God you are living beneath your privilege you don't deserve confusion you don't deserve stress you don't deserve Kanaka you don't deserve them migraines a thought is giving you an inroad to peace and it's called the secret place he's giving you an inroad to peace and it's called power he's given you an inroad to clarity and is called intercession come on church you are a holy nation you are a royal priesthood that you should show forth the praise of him that called you out of darkness let your voice and ask him to take you to a new place in prayer all over this building lip service and ask him to take you into new places in prayer little voice come on Zion come on shayana why do you need to wait for 21 days why do you need to wait for the top of the year there is a brand new crier there is a brand new desire come on this altar is open up I believe God is asking for a brand new commitment to pray you will not focus without it you will not focus without enter you will not focus without enter there is no focus without it there is no focus without it there is no focus without it up as you come to this hotel I see the bands falling over God's people I see the bondages of anxiety falling over God's people you don't have to be insecure about your deliverance you don't have to be nervous about your freedom up you don't have to be stressed about your provision up you don't have to go huh roaming in the dark there is a way there is a path there is a plan huh for you to tap the mind of God it's called prayer there is a way how to find the strength to forgive huh it's called prayer there is a way to take his yoke upon you and learn of him huh because his yoke is easy easy okay it is easy huh is he okay she's hush this burden is Eliza it's called pray it's called prayer it's called prayer trouble mister voice and crime [Music] [Applause] I'm only two boys and cry trouble ninja boy said cry [Applause] [Music] [Music] we'll come a bit teller if you don't pray huh the assaults of hell the forces of darkness I will destroy you must pray you must pray oh come on I believe this ultras Florida with brand-new innocence up this altar in Florida where the brand-new commitment David Santa when I wake in the morning I will cry out and pull to my god before I go to bed I will pull out up to the name of the Lord when I in the middle of the day huh yes we don't have to bow to anxiety huh Moses got anxious and he missed the promise those his guide says mister promise Elijah got anxious to see a man to have the father dead because he was full of anxiety but there was a tackle there was - yes he is walking into fire to kill him to destroy the guard opened up the door the line up at the door the cave and he died but Daniel ah but can you worship the middle because he [Music] [Music] the Turks are returns on turtles I returned to the mountain to the hill of the Lord we talk to the suction return to the altar return to the inside you have inherited touch if you have a reward it where you got something to do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you wanna settle the way [Music] haha about destiny about the future about the past Rikka minutes Tom it's broken the devotion to her it's further the devotional it's more than a text message it's more than call up very sly [Music] I feel the fire I feel the fire [Music] sheep my face my heart says they pay someone when I see it's a pleasure to see cure it's an analyst teacher and house CTO at allot Tyler I'll see to her as a young man [Music] [Music] my boys prior to me [Music] [Music] [Music] - 9 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] an apartment it's coming on it's coming on here it's going in your mouth it's going you're busier it's going in your ears the speed of Prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll always be my god wrapping itself around your prayer life wrapping itself around your energy every spirit of divination every spirit of seduction every spirit of god on every person the sound of my voice [Music] Oh ha ha ha [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boy they're gonna try to navigate us out of this moment but I feel like like we need to do one more thing I want you to let both your hands and I want you to I will give you 10 seconds to surrender every anxiety you I'm believing the Spirit of God that's going to heal many of you from anxiety I'm gonna have the minstrels scored I said to this place but I want you to literally make a decision right now to release to God [Music] the source [Music] what two three [Music] watch it the dictum come on he wants come on he's asking for it lift it to him right now right now right now come on come on auditions every anxiety you have lift it to him lift it to him come on lift it lift it lift it lift it lift those anxieties to him lift those patterns to him be anxious for nothing be anxious for nothing but uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want you to lift a shout of praise for him because he takes away joy silent come on who takes away but I'll fill this room with gratitude robell Thanksgiving go fill this room because your thesis topic does he take so I saw oh I hear you all nations come on forgive the poll of who come on hallelujah [Music] ha you are your eyes [Music] my trusty Sheila you are so the joy of our we will lose you are you are so you are a reason you uphold us eukaryotes old you take you tell my you take away all Oh yo are they filming [Music] almost [Music] you're always [Music] you are Paul you are home Oh yes you're tears apart here - dodging a party huh because he cares for you it will hug somebody real quick put somebody to arms it tell him cast your care on him tell them come on come on hug your brother put the arms and cast your chair [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 148,286
Rating: 4.8913927 out of 5
Id: LwcKKD27zwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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