Unbothered | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The Ministry of Deliverance & Spiritual Warfare

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Sunday things got a little heated didn't it I mean if you have not reviewed if you have not watched if you have not seen the messages from Sunday you are missing out it is so important to your life that you go and re watch them the eight o'clock service I preached a message called how to heal a and it was a very important message for me the hand of God was on it it was a beautiful beautiful preach word and then in 10:30 I taught a message on the power of circumcision and it was a very very important message as well because we are in a season where the spirit of wisdom is looking for an inroad to the hearts a man I said the spirit of wisdom is looking for an inroad to the heart it's easy to not notice the immunity this culture has to wisdom and the rejection they have of wisdom often because of how it comes and sometimes because of who it's coming from but in order to go where you're going and God you must develop an appetite for wisdom the spirit of wisdom words of wisdom you need wisdom and the Bible says in the book of Proverbs it's by wisdom that a man wages his war you never want to go to war without wisdom and you don't want to go to war with the unwise say man you need wisdom and then at 1 o'clock I preached a message I was also good to me it's called I killed a gag it was a very important thing so please go back and watch that it is essential to this unbothered conversation alternates was Sunday night and we had a beautiful beautiful presentation semi prophetic instruction about God's instructions to us for the summer season and we brought in some Potter's who demonstrated God's relationship in dealings with us how many of you were blessed by that were you blessed by that I was blessed by one of the Potter's started getting breakthrough and start to shake and I just I'm like lady throw the clay down and get what you need okay appreciate your pottery but this is deliverance for you and she got some powerful breakthrough and it blessed me to see that I love being able to do unusual things at the place of grace and so we're still in a series callin bother but I'm gonna shift gears on you tonight so you're gonna have to pay attention because we did so much preaching and so much Proclamation on Sunday I'm going to really be didactic tonight so you're going to have to force your flesh to stay alive and this is what many of you need to fast in the summer sometime when you have heat issues and you're full of food or you have a non discipline diet it's difficult to pay attention especially if you've not been to school in years you end up getting distracted and Bible study and you you can't focus because of the heat but a part of your maturity is being able to pay attention every respective of the environment so I'm going to teach you tonight and I'm going to teach something to you that is a very important fundament to this entire unbothered concept the people of the Lord said a man now the the the misconception about this series has been that I'm teaching you not to care about what people think and that is not what I've been teaching you now it is important that you don't care what people think but it is also important that you care what some people think I'm not telling you to walk around I'm bothered because people correct you're just you or criticize you or tell you you could do something wrong I'm talking about being unbothered about where people have been and realizing that if something does not bother Jesus about a life it should not bother you about a life the church has been building for years placing or trying to penalty on people for where they've been and enforcing consequences on them that robs them of their right to be free so if it doesn't bother him it should not bother us and and I want that type of experience in this church and all of the campuses I want that type of feeling and the environment and the leadership but that paradigm must operate in everything we do that Jesus Christ is unmoved by the damage the dirt the hurt the woundedness the history of people and in acts 10:38 there is a powerful statement about the mission of Jesus Christ and it basically says that God Jesus Christ winning I went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil and the Scriptures also say for this cause appreciated Christmas was the son of man made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil so I'm gonna give you a little bit of my personal journey and story with this and then I'm going to teach you you're gonna have to read a lot of scriptures but you'll be fine one of the greatest grievances of the Holy Spirit concerning the church in this hour is the brutal I mean flagrant abandonment of the Ministry of deliverance it is something that is on the heart of God it is something that I think is offensive it is not integral to New Testament principle as a matter of fact it is impossible to say your christ-like and have a casual hatred towards Heil if you are under a leader that has a perfect hatred for Heil when I got saying I did not just receive a passion for God I received a hatred for the devil and I find that far too many Christians including 30% of you people don't have a matured hatred for Heil which is why you have so much of it in you you have to hate Heil and you have to understand why hating Heil is a part of holiness now in my journey when I got filled with the Holy Spirit in 97 and there were gifts that operated in my life regularly but after the baptism of the Holy Ghost came to me two gifts started operating very profoundly and the two gifts that started operating in my life profoundly or most boldly was the gift of the word of knowledge but also the gift of discerning of spirits I was introduced to the supernatural by being able to decipher what motivated in action and I had no language for it because anybody who has the gift of discerning of spirits but does not study their Bible is going to manifest that discernment in the flesh the Bible is the language for discernment so there's a lot of you in here that don't have discernment yet you have an inclination towards it but if you don't spend time in your Bible what you have is intuition and there is a different the spirit has no need to be intuitive because the Spirit of God knows the mind of God so if you're going to move in maturity discerning of spirits what gives you the language to justify what you sense or perceive behind an action of thought or conversation is the Word of God and you'll also notice that the deeper people go in the Bible the more accurate their discernment really is because this is good the word that the Bible talks about the spirit and the word during what agreeing so the measurement of all things spiritual is all things written it goes like this the logos puts parameters around the Rhema the logos puts parameters around the Rhema y'all looking bored already and so when I said yes to God I'm one bother though when I said yes to God and God feel what the Holy Ghost these gifts turned all very powerfully in my life I start I preached my first sermon in the fall of 99 and I began preaching the Word of God after about two years of preaching I was brutally tossed into the Ministry of deliverance I mean tossed I bet now that was something I didn't say yes to I said yes to the prophetic because I was dumb and I didn't know anything nobody around me prophesy so I didn't think any consequences were gonna come I just said you helped do that nice I tried to recant several times after the initial yes but in my ignorance I surrender but deliverance was not something that I got the opportunity to negotiate with about I literally found myself doing what I thought was praying or preaching and all of a sudden people would begin to do really weird things now for context I was a Baptist a real Baptist a dr. Watts ingen middle al Marcin how I got over Baptist I was a real a now was not a pretend Baptist there was a time where I didn't believe women could preach there was a time where I had the exact same convictions believe it or not in 2018 as a lot of people that are still stuck in that era when it comes to scripture and so I had no definition for my only logic for unusual activity was when people caught the Holy Ghost so it was normal for somebody say and while that probably someone that was pauly demonic I would because of my teaching I would attribute that to people's reaction to the Spirit of God or not knowing what else to do what he anointed come on you so you just have a plumb spear anybody ever had a relative that there's just had a you know the power of God come in the room they all know what to do you know so they don't heal they don't deliver they'll interpret so they just elbow claps stop and act like they have no control over that which is a whole different teaching that was my entire relationship to that but when the voice went from a high-pitched low pitch shut up I was okay what hold on hold up buddy all right be good Santa's this is a little bit different to me my pastor did not believe in demons and deliverance I had no teaching no experience on it my mother at the time was not a believer but she always had experiences with demonic spirits and that was how it worked with the prophetic what happened was I would start to sense and for nowhere the spirit of death accident was going to be so I wasn't introduced to the prophetic like a lot of you with stars singing to you and and and prophecies about mates I was shown the kingdom of Hell I had an encounter it during my high school year that changed my life and believe it or not became that the foundation of this ministry I was saying in my room and I had a dream where a hand took me up by my neck if you've ever had a kid I hate cats so I haven't had that they never had a cat who carries kittens and they bite it by the neck and take it somewhere I had an experience where a hand grabbed me by my neck and showed me what looked like a the best thing I could compare it to was Gotham City so like a dark city that looked like New York somewhere but my spirit I knew it was hell and the deeper of the hand went to show me it the more I tried to fight it because I didn't like the smell I felt like you're fine in the dream I felt like you're fine with sniff or inhale that my insides would turn into ash because it was it was like sulfur and flesh and wood and a bunch of stuff and what I saw was untold numbers of people crying for mercy and not finding anything some of them were asking for light some of them were asking for air it was the most horrifying experience of my life to be frank and what it did was it opened up a curiosity about things of the Spirit it's interesting that you could be in church and not know anything about the spirit it's it's funny that you could be in church all your life and know nothing the church is so unspiritual that it's a it's a shame before God their social their civil their cultural but so unsupervised even a chiral crime so this was the beginning of how I got introduced to this stuff went to high school started making my plans for life and we started these Bible studies on the premise of deliverance literally is what we did I mean it was it was so fascinating then I started to research it and get books and I understood oh my god there is more than one kingdom that is crazy because all my life I've been hearing about heaven and angels and and way over yonder and the 24 elders I knew nothing about spiritual wickedness in high places I knew absolutely nothing about the weapons of our warfare not being Conner I thought the fight was over when I joined the church and went down in Jesus name so why did I get saved to fight and it started a several year journey on the investigation behind the world and operated behind ours as literally how we started and it's literally why the first season of our church was so war heavies because it was all I was devouring was the Ministry of deliverance and the Ministry of spiritual warfare now in the fundamental issues of this this could take a year to really teach you but you've got several issues and the first of them is this everybody in here was born in the same Kingdom the Bible says you were translated from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of life now it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that Satan governs the kingdom of darkness but what happens is as Jesus said in the Gospels that you were born to your father the devil everybody in here has the DNA of their paternal father so it is interesting that Christians think that they can be born under the literal lineage of Satan and get saved and that totally eradicate his DNA you are literally born in sin and when you are born in sin you have the nature of the devil I see how this is going to go now before I teach you about deliverance which is the heart of the unbothered culture first thing you got to understand the sin sin the thing that separates us from God according to the Old Testament is sin but sin varies in strength they have the same consequences but they vary in strength for example you've got sin you've got iniquity most things that are unyielding in a life have gone beyond beyond being a trespass or a transgression a trespass is personal a transgression is personal but an iniquity is inherited in other words we are born in two years of unrepentant transgressions the unrepentant personal acts of those that are your spiritual guardians that's iniquity now one of the things you need to know about iniquities is that there's a such thing called iniquitous patterns and wherever you have iniquitous patterns the older or the more mature a person gets the right the fruit of sin gets in their life so when you are born 1 2 3 you have the seeds of a sin nature and a sin program in your life but when you develop older and you have the power to choose and you know the difference between God and evil and the wickedness and all of that then the fruit of sin develops in you say yes now here is the unbothered principle the unbar the principle is joel 232 and i want you to understand that this is the premise for this this is gonna fascinate you if you love Jesus matter fact put that up in the ink King Jimmy I want that up in the King Jimmy version Joel 232 now objective is to teach you to refocus this culture but to also I really want to contact the the anointings of those of you that need to lay your lives down to become a deliverance minister I am tired but when I first started learning this y'all I understood why the average mainstream Christian paid no attention to deliverance ministers because I found deliverance churches that had no knowledge of grace or mercy and then I found deliverance churches where all of them were under fifty people and then the stupidity of the mentality that that's the reason we're small is because we're deliverance Church I made the mistake of going to the Bible to find out that there was never a small crowd for the deliverance ministry of Jesus and where deliverance is done right it should always be a mega church so I don't leave that for y'all y'all keep on time either two or three gather in my name ever fine I'm not gonna argue that with you and you people today but what I will say is nobody's sick will reject a position glory to Jesus when deliverance is done right Church growth isn't automatic and I have scriptures for that Joel 232 I'm looking for people come on Joel 232 in the KJV I want you to understand why this is the premise of the unbothered culture the unbounded culture is not a hyper grace message it is not a New Testament idea because we want everybody in here just because this was God's intent from the Old Testament Joel to 32 and it let's do this the old-school way let's read this together one two three and it shall come to pass stop let's start that over like you're saying it tired the cream and when you get to that word who so ever screaming as loud as you can that is the essence of the unbothered culture let's start over one two three and it shall come to pass that shall call on the name of the Lord shall be now there is not a black person a white person a Jewish person a Gentile person a democratic person a Republican person a Buddhist person a Muslim person a straight person a gay person a bisexual trisexual a wise sexual there is not a rich person there is not a broad person that does not qualify for deliverance the problem with you people in the church is that you think you got trademark copy written rights to determine who can be delivered but Joel 232 says who so ever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be if you can call on him you can be set free open your mouth I said if you can call on him so the real question of deliverance is who needs deliverance and the answer is what everybody so who should be welcome to the house of God everybody if you need deliverance I've got a sheet for you the problem with how we read the Bible as undelivered people have interpreted it so it's given us a slavish context on reading the scriptures you got to be free to understand this Bible okay miss opulent I'm sorry so who shall ever call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered now let's break this down this is what all nation is about if you need deliverance from anything we got you okay what you look like okay what you've been through I don't care what you face and I love God and one of the things I love God about is that he wants to deliver everybody he wants you to deliver everybody he want in people's choices he has a vision for the deliverance in persons appetites he has a vision for the deliverance however they are he has a vision for their deliverance the problem is the charge don't here are the core fundament I'm gonna walk you through this so you won't you with me okay you got the issue of sin but with sin you repent of you repent of sin that means to change how you behave and live this with your direction then you got the issue of flesh with flesh you don't repent up with flesh you crucified you crucified the flesh but you repent of sin sometimes what happens when people just say they repent but nobody teaches them how to crucify the flesh y'all are trying to make it as easy as possible for people to get in the kingdom so you like me fasting you lighten prayer you talk about you ain't got to do all that it's all by faith here but you need to do some crucifixion by faith kill yourself that's what happens is you can feel the Holy Ghost but you still live your life after the flesh so you crucified the flesh then you got the mind the mind you renew even after you have taken on the journey of crucifying the flesh you have now got to teach yourself how not to think bound how not to think as a slave a captive a prisoner that stuff impacts your psychological self average Church in America don't even got counselors not trained ones so we're failing at helping people learn how to renew their mind next you got demons demons demons work together with the flesh and unrenewed mind and the issue of seeing but Beeman's you cast out you can't renew a mind over devil you can't crucify the flesh over devil you must cast them out now here's what you need to know look at me we're gonna go for it when you're dealing with demonic spirits what fulfills a demonic spirit is to mimic the Ministry of the Holy Spirit so everything the Holy Spirit does a demonic spirit does as well for example you know that in your life the Holy Spirit wants to lead you that's the same thing a devil wants to do you know the Holy Spirit was to guide you it's the same thing the devil wants to do but look at this the Holy Spirit also wants to show you what must come to pass the ultimate objective of any demon is to make you fulfill your demonic destiny because you thought God was the only one who had a call on your life you thought God was the only one who had a plan for your marriage you thought God was the only one they got an idea about what life should look like no when you say yes to God there is a summons of the demons most fitted for your life your blood your personality and teamwork make the dream work thank you together and they have a huddle and they decide which ones are going at which age in the issue of spiritual warfare you also have a curse now some of you don't believe in that I get it yes right right but here's the power the Bible says that the power the power of life and death the power of life and death is in the pub do you know their spiritual consequences for using your tongue the wrong way a profane spirit of cursing spirit witchcraft has always moved through the mouths of people so you grow up in called diet lesbian Bulldog or Punk worse the B word and you're like oh that's just how they are know what that is is whatever your these people host is prophesying y'all gonna have to help me today they're prophesying to a nature in you in the hopes that after ten years of being called that then I will decree a thing and see it establish this is why they're people who think about doing drugs or think about doing liquor liquor until the tongues of evil men and women around them star wagon and then at about till you're like wait a minute am i gay wait a minute am I drunk wait a minute do I want to do this why the devil uses the power of the tongues of guardians and gatekeepers and support systems to impart into you a demonic destiny to distract you from your purpose so it does matter what you call people I've been breaking curses off of people all my ministry because they'll strive and strive and nobody ever reversed if the father has a right to blessed and he also has the power to curse so these are the fundaments when you're dealing with spiritual warfare I don't even got to the prayer versions of this but when you're dealing with a person a life everybody that walked in here you had what sin most of you still got it and then you got what flesh and then you got what am i then you got what some Devils being you got what some curses but the Bible says whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered now you're dealing with a leader that's been to almost 19 countries and some of them have sweltering heat so I'm used to this heat when I tell you I'm bothered right now you got to get this word you and I'm gonna tell you getting every angle of it Whedon had all to call ya'll fell out and shook it had visitations appreciate all of that you about to sit under this word cuz you don't grow by excitement you grow by education and understanding I want to know what you understand so the next time you have a victory that you really got the victory mark one remark one and we're going to look at this verses 21 through 28 and then 32 to 39 this is Jesus got ready Marquand all right good they went to Capernaum and when the came Jesus went into the the streets the mission fields the alley Inglewood he went over to witness to uh he was in church did you see that in your Bible for those of you struggling with how a Christian could have a devil this was not an evangelistic outreach he was at church preaching to people just like you and what happened when Jesus went in the synagogue and what huh huh which means that that's one of the reasons why we don't see deliverance is because we don't have real teaching the spirit of ignorance and most black churches is exactly why delivers don't happen when you don't have teaching there is nothing for evil to react to you can preach if people still be blind teaching provokes evil reactions just like some of you haven't right now he began to teach the people were amazed at his teaching because he taught them as one who had what Authority and not as the teachers of the law just then a man that was on outside asking for money won the bucket boys won you nephews who was hot not found a man in the synagogue who was possessed by an ax in clean spirit cried out now look at what the demon said what do you want with me him which means that not only are demons working against you several of them Joker's are working together in you this justifies that deliverance can happen in layers and levels the demon said out of a person what do you want with us pay attention at all these folks speaking in third person around you even jokingly some of y'all talent they created people calling yourself by your name got it I pay attention all that stuff oh no she's not going to the store what do you want with us Jesus of Nazareth have you come to destroy us I know who you are the Holy One of God look at me let's look at the adverse of this that means when you live your life submitted to God and enter into your ministry the devil takes registration each of you that have said yes to your purpose are known in hell he had recognition of Jesus and that's profound cos cheese's didn't say his name that's why you get resistance and backlash when you start making forward movement towards your purpose you have filled out another official set of documents and you are on the watch list of Hell now Jesus didn't want everybody to know who he was yet he wanted to announce himself didn't he didn't he look at verse 25 what'd he tell the devil be quiet he didn't want to keep talking cuz he even want him to be the one to spread the rumor don't let the devil tell who you call to be you do it be quiet jesus said sternly and do what be quiet be quiet and be quiet be quiet and come out of him the impre spirit shook the man finally and came out of him with a shriek the people were also amazed and they asked each other what what is this now were these unbelievers scientists agnostics atheists these were people who were the righteous consider that they were under the law of Moses the Jews what's this I mean you can be living your life allegedly in the light and have no knowledge of what's happening in darkness what is this a new teacher back then they were saying it's a new teaching that focus still said is new today he even gives order to the impure spirits and they do what now look at verse 28 now news about him did what spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee most of you owe a seat to Mark Zuckerberg because without him you have no future there are preachers and pastors and ministry gifts around this nation the whole of your career and hope is on Facebook if they ever go down and oh my go ever know who you is the way you got famous in the Bible y'all don't want to have Church the weight of Famer who you were in the Bible spread I said that was that you had power you cast out devils and the folk that were free spread the message about you and one of them the punk status is it wasn't him little wussy comments and hater posts no it was power power pushes your name power put when you start casting Devils out of Pope you ain't got a family in France day every Sunday is family and pres day when you cast the devil out of people go to verse 32 you're sitting under this word today verse 32 that evening now this is the same season the same situation that evening after the sunset the people brought to Jesus they will church grow all the sick say whosoever and the demon-possessed say whosoever the whole now do you think they was accusing jesus was still the name members too Oh wake up let's study the whole thought was she's a seducing him did y'all think Jesus didn't have muscles he carried it 300 pound cross up a hill was it Jesus's graphics the whole gathered we're so he had a line too he started all tonight not me take it over Jesus I do it is them idea I'm just following us in this Bible the whole child gathered at the door thankfully and jesus healed many who had various diseases and he also drove out many demons but he wouldn't let the demon speak because they knew who he was you cannot be insecure and foe in deliverance mercy very early in the morning this is verse 35 while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed that's another issue there's a lot of deliverance ministries that have no prayer power you cannot push deliverance and not heighten the level of prayer in a place prayer is what handles the level of response that you see after a church or people starts forcefully engaging the powers of darkness he prayed and when they found him they exclaim what oh come on y'all know seated come on come on if you were saying I might think you a spot do y'all see this everybody's looking for who for you and Jesus reply let us go somewhere else and here's why you ain't gonna never run out of people to cast out Devils out of you ain't got to hold for no crowd during that's a laughing oh cloud doing at the bash nobody else for a cloud when you throwing a party you know everybody will always have a devil I come in Starbucks I can be a subway I come in Utah I'm going to Ethiopia I go to Wyoming I go to Elvis Presley's grave and I can find a way to make what's on me worse look at what Jesus said he was coming to do Jesus reply let's go somewhere else to the nearby villages so I can preach there too that is why come why so he traveled throughout Galilee preaching in their synagogues and what and doing who driving out demons no way to have a christ-like ministry and not cast out Devils that's not the ministry God gave you you don't have a ministry Matthew 4 24 Matthew 4 24 we're gonna track with this this is the unbothered culture I want to accept everybody cuz everybody need to be set free I don't like to hear myself preach I'm not doing this for my self-esteem I know I can talk I'm doing this because people around the world need to be set free and I'm doing this cuz there's too many people doing it the opposite way trying to encourage and give you hope and all that and nobody's talking about Hill everybody wants to be positive and who vibes and snap their fingers and hoping that the universe is gonna bring them something who is the universe and why you trusted some moon to determine the outcome of your life i'ma tell you problem which crap astrology that's the problem vehicle that's the problem devil got you smoking weed and got inoculants to give you an out-of-body experience so you can turn into the other world without Jesus that's why you get creative when you're high devil wants you to think that that's the source of your destiny that you're only smarting at your best when you are sold out to a chemical it oh lord have mercy lord have mercy have mercy have mercy have mercy Matthew for 24 news about him again Jesus had no publicist news about him spread all over Syria hold another part of the town and people brought to him no publicist he even had a life savers fam all who were ill with what various diseases those suffering severe pain and the demon-possessed those having seizures and those paralyzed and what did he do he prayed for him he told me to praise God he told to believe God he told me to wait until conference time came No He healed them you're gonna notice that many deliverances are instances but other deliverances are processes and I'm gonna justify that for those of you that are in the deliverance season and other judgmental Christians are judging you for how many time you go come to the altar this is fair my bondage is not your bondage if I got to come to the altar every Sunday for a year so I don't be as hellish and judgmental and as religious and it's stuck as you that I'm coming out care what the altar call is call away to let people judge you I want to postpone this I'm going to give altar calls you'll ow some stuff is a decision yeah but what you don't know is certain demons controlled decision-making the most proud people in this church don't like working altars I can't stand leaders who don't like working altars it vexes the heart of God to have people who want of poverty to decide where to sit and who the boss around but have no compassion to labor in the winner in the summer outside downstairs I forced my people to cast out Devils you don't work this altar because if you don't you're gonna get pompous you're gonna get self-centered you're gonna get egotistic and you're gonna lose touch with pain you're gonna do better relationship with your gift and you're gonna lose touch with people and I don't want people around me that don't touch me pop I almost said get the hades out of here buy more behave today glory to God Matthew 8:16 Matthew 8:16 when evening came many who were demon-possessed were brought to him who how many so we have yet to see what this is like a look book love there's a bunch of people who needed deliverance many who were demon-possessed were brought to him and he drove out the spirits with a with a word and He healed all the six now this is a very important one go to verse 23 please this is a very important one a very important one Matthew 823 then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake so that the waves swept over the boat listen to me please but Jesus was sleeping the disciples went and woke him saying lord save us we are going to drown pay attention pay attention because the water don't have a mind of its own for those of you that say Katrina was the judgment of God water don't just make up a decision one day I think we're gonna destroy thousands of people's lives and blame it on a merciful God cuz we in New Orleans and we got way more witchcraft than Chicago that was the judgment of God we didn't do for what Freemasonry the occult the ties to the Mafia and your government you mean to tell me they might demonizing us the folks don't like me don't read a Bible why are you so afraid panties I'm about to teach you something you don't know then he got up and did what what what did he do what he rebuilt it which means there was something demonic operating in the water now I know you don't believe it cuz y'all just get thinking that up maybe people can't have demons but there are regions that can have demons operated I know this sounds spooky to you but you just practice tongues the rest of us that know we have a destiny I want to know us operating over Chicago cuz if I try to change it too much that thing is gonna try to come out to me that demon in the ocean was trying to kill the Apostle it was the spirit of death in the waters what did the disciples say we about to drown so what do you think was the spirit operating in that ocean death now look twenty-seven the men were amazing acts what kind of man is this even the winds and waves done that sound familiar didn't they just say something else obeyed him wouldn't demonic spirits after Jesus gave authority to the twelve didn't they come back about the devils that did what now if Authority means demons obey you what do you think demons want out of you obedience I named uh over 28 when he arrived on the other side in the huh region which means that there are certain demons assigned to you and there are certain demons aside to regions this is right after he comes to the boat in this region whatever was operating in that water was operating when they got to the other side of the region two demon-possessed miss have no we read this like this before came from the tombs who in the tombs so what do you think was the governing spirit over that region death two men came from the tombs and met him they were so violent mister mrs. Bishop you don't take all of that that no one could pass that way what do you want again with us some of God they shouted have you come to torture us before I time some distance from them a large herd of pigs were feeding but demons begged Jesus if you drive us out send us into the herd of pigs why because demons are powerless without physical cooperation they have to have a body they need a body even demons that operate in airwaves and stuff what are they looking for collaboration and corroboration from a human being somewhere so it being an operating on the airway the internet the radio TV its objective is to get in your mind so that's the open door so you can act out the agenda of what's operating in the air it does matter what you watch it does matter what you listen to it does matter what you may you are being discipled by bigger campaign and you don't know it that stuff gets in here and manifests in the realm of desire and manifests in the realm of a seek that's why you can't pray something else controls your desire those pigs ran off went into the town and reported all of this those tending the pigs ran off went into town and report all of this including what had happened to the demon-possessed man then the whole town again again again he didn't preach for Bishop Jake's he wasn't ordained by John that cart he wasn't smooshing of boozing the whole time went and told him this dude is putting demons out of people and these are people we've grown up with we know he demon-possessed be eaten himself and rolling around all this he ain't the same you see a change in life a change life is his own broadcast media you are not ever try to get people to believe you annoying it before you can point you some change lives you got to point to some people who used to be something that they ain't no more and say this is the proof that I am not who I used to be and I've been shipped by heaven because I got change around me now look look at verse 34 the whole child went out to meet Jesus and when they saw him they pleaded with him to leave the region please get out you are giving us a lot of problems because if you study this revealed in the book of Acts you find that some demons are in charge of the economy of wicked men you think strippers and escorts don't have demons you just miss got it got it Matthew nine 32 to 34 you ready while they were going out a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus and when the demon was driven out the man had been mute spoke the crowd was amazed and said what now you know it's crazy they've been saying this for all these chapters what is this nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel but the Pharisees say oh that's demonic over there all their cast down a demon you said that it they over there casting out do you have to be careful I said coat you name me one coat that cast out Devils I said you name you tell your mama tell your granddaddy tell Allah you name me one coat that casts out Devils none of them the devil ain't over here changing lives that's not what he's interested in doing and your Bible says a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand if some place is a pope they will not be engaging demons and people because they need them to exist I'm a kingdom man I'm a kingdom woman I got a kingdom business what did Jesus say appreciate your favorite authors but what did Jesus say about the kingdom but if by the Spirit of God which means that one of the things the Holy Ghost want you to do is cast out there don't help me that means that when you get the Holy Ghost you want to also receive an impartation for the casting out of devil if the only thing you walked away with with tongues our question well Holy Ghost you got one of the reasons you need tongues and so you can bind the devil and cast him jesus said if I by the Spirit of God cast out Devils then the kingdom of God come upon you which means that you can't have nothing Kingdom if ain't no cash thing out of Devils it could be entrepreneurial it can be innovative but it's not the kingdom if it's not affecting the kingdom of darkness see some of you don't realize what's fighting your career if in your career there is a deliverance clause if you are being promoted in an area that's been claimed by devil your whole job is a warfare this is why the devil wants you to be controlled by Jezebel and attacked and molested by your bosses you are an agent of light and got the nerve to be being promoted to a seat of influence in a kingdom the devil exclaimed as it's all but religious charge people first thing they do is want you to abandon any influence sign your life away to fast and pray and not get a degree that have a career not retired let's just make love to the bridegroom and be dumb and not know how to pass tests and have no 401k plan the devil is a liar it's one of the greatest deceptions and I said that of this last generation y'all around here laughs and it counts feathers and and get the holy laughter and the devil is in the White House changing laws we are soaking in the spirits and fasting and doing harp and ball ain't nobody running for nothing ain't nobody got no mommy we are all hoping implant y'all soakin got us what we got right now how about you ring out how about you come from the soul and chip upon your nation and chip upon your generation you are the soul of the earth come out of the shaker hallelujah [Applause] you will not come out of politics you will not come out of moviemaking in media you let them religious people sit there and bind you and be broke but you got to go in like an agent an ambassador I move a ruler a seka say yes there's no such thing when you a Christian everything you do is full-time ministry you bums don't want to get a job and start a church so we can pay for your manhood and you don't want to engage the kingdoms of the world all of us a full-time ministry Tasha Cobbs it's my sweetheart I love her she's probably watching me right now she did that collaboration with Nick and you know who got mad folks they don't cast out there though so I can assure you I will go back I will person to me you don't cast out Devils you don't cast out Devils you don't get your famous for plays breaks you don't marry you cast out Devils what happens when people get nervous that the kingdom is moving advancing outside of the church outside of convocation they don't know what to do then oh my god what is this everything you do is warfare I got to look at Matthew 1714 to abandon your career to preach to people every day abandon your professional status to sing see your assignment as a manifestation of a war if you abandon these areas who you think they'll occupy to see they're not gonna stay empty there's a power from hell somewhere ruling in an area you refuse to influence put that tambourine down and go take the bar hello like this and you know when you don't like it I get stirred up put that washboard down and go get you a type 75 be a principal somewhere appreciate your free potatoes and your chips we need some policy make us we need some profits doing more than prayer breakfast we need some profits on Capitol Hill the average profit in this nation don't even know the capital of a city verse 14 of Matthew 17 when they came to the crowd a man approached Jesus and knelt before him he at least had Armour Lord let me tell you this the deliverance ministry is the most persecuted ministry since Jesus it's them if you don't like persecution don't you ever start messing with the devil leave him out of your mouth be like with the red start talking about hope stay there ain't no attack against that talk about peace and encouragement you start talking out the devil spear supplied oppression witchcraft religion tradition perversion that stuff come after you it's a persecuted Minister lord have mercy on my son he has seizures and this suffering greatly look at this this is the spirit this is a powerful prophetic word to the church whoever has ears to hear that I'm here I have never seen so much self-mutilation it's like a sudden revival of like when I was in elementary school people weren't cutting themselves we were still writing do you like me a circle yes or no in this generation what eight-year-old knows how to how do you even have the mental power to know that you can hang yourself from a belt is that something that just comes up from you like where does that come from or how do you get a child who is so fed up with life before they've seen it that wants to jump out of a window this stuff is not normal the level of demons demonization in America has increased profusely and you can tell by the nakedness cuz a biblical sign of demonization is to try to be naked all of these Devils what's the first thing they did take their clothes off I know you want me to turn my plow he he falls into the fire or onto the water think about that in your mind this is a suicidal spirit he threw himself into water sometime and into fire some time I brought number this is the rebuke to the church I brought him to your disciples and they could not heal him now look at Jesus nothing I mean look at Jesus you unbelieving and perverse generation how long will I stay with you how long will I put up with you bring the boy to me let's do some hermeneutics here do you think Jesus was calling perverse and wicked was it the boy rat the devil or was it the disciples who couldn't cure him if you're reading the Bible accurately he was not talking about folks that wasn't listening to him he was talking to those that he showed how to cast out Devils for being perverse and wicked he said how long when I put up with you he was on his team bring the boy to me Jesus rebuked the demon it came out of the boy and he was healed at that moment look the disciples came to Jesus in private because you know this is a sidebar they're not got to be like it was probably doing like this while Jesus cast out the devil do it right now in the name of Jesus in the money name Munchie right now go had to hand stretch down all right they Sidebottom why now if only every preacher in America if only every church in America would approach Jesus and this humility and say why can't we figure out what's wrong with Chicago why can we figure out how we got here in DC since you Millett E is the open door for revelation why couldn't we cast it out and Jesus reply is I know he was talking to his people because you have so little faith which shows that deliverance is a faith issue when the devil knows that you about to go into a new level of deliverance he attacks your faith because you need faith for your deliverance it's not just me lad and so you said come on you need the faith that that actually worked there is no such thing as deliverance without faith this is why Jesus preached and taught it before he did it because the teaching increased the faith you teach deliverance you preach deliverance people have faith for delivers my final verse this is gonna bless you this is the unbothered culture this mob won't air about it I want everybody we have to retire that oh I take a special person to come to all nation is radical know what you call radical is Christianity what you call revival is Christianity when the Apostles are walking up with cheese they wouldn't say only me and gotta my god it's a revival no it's called being a Christian we need a revelation of normal Christianity what we become is so abnormal that we think that what we're doing is supernatural now this is basic Bible Christianity we have just deviated so far then when we see anything supernatural we've got to build a tower let us build a tabernacle here let me there be a divine revolution of your vision for Christianity we need demonstrative Christianity I put up or shut up Christianity a blood-bought Holy Ghost filled demon hatin cause breakin sickness moving Christian you don't want to do that call yourself something else March 16 and 9 is about final verse not this fascination study study how in every chapter in the book of Acts there was a confrontation of something evil I laugh well most people say the Apostles you know what they mean they're vets because they have no apostolic fruit you mean to tell me you're an apostle you never confront witchcraft what they mean is that I'm a senior I'm a vet they think they're veteran pastors but if some people were better and passionately got an apostolic bone and a body just because you can oversee don't mean you can engage the first thing Jesus gave the twelve was not a ring I don't yeah now the network now it's the first thing he gave there was a polity against on the please spirits you mean to tell me you an apostle and you came to the first thing wherever an apostle is demons ought to be coming out of oh my god today be he offended then I'm saying this this is a New Testament church we don't get people feel with the Holy Ghost we don't lay hands and see demon people rise from the dead we're gonna see cancer disarmed that's what's wrong with cancer will have enough Christians it ain't that it's aggressive we need people who have the Holy Ghost you need an appetite for this final burst mark 16:9 one minute and 52 seconds now here's a problem mark 16:2 now says when Jesus rose listen this is this is so important for you individually when Jesus rose early on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary cuz it was his girlfriend cuz he liked her cuz she was cute I'm gonna tell you why she saw him first very few people live out there deliverance most people stop all the time out of boredom and a discouragement most of y'all stop for social reasons you are unwilling to let go of the prisoners around you even if just for a moment to be free so because you are unwilling to let them go you put on the altar your own deliverance because in order for y'all to healthily relate y'all both gotta be bound you have to create a dynamic where chief cannot work he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast up seven demons which means that there are people who will never see him until they've had the devil cast out it's not just evangelism it's not just a track it's not just a testimony some people have spirits that block their view of the resurrected one but if they could get delivered enough they can see them clearly one of the reasons why you can't see them the way you need to see them is there is a demon operating in your optics that's trying to stop you from see the man raised deliberate people see him better one of the things that demons want to do is affect how you see Jesus do you think he's cruel harsh unloving that he mad at you you got a chip on his shoulder that your mom was sick demoniac cuz you ain't do what she said do and you start running from him do you think that's the Spirit of God is that demon that demons operate at this part or you took a whole year I could give you a certificate in this stuff why don't you gonna have to get off the iPad come i'ma start confiscating these phones in his church it's ridiculous y'all are addicts some of that stuff is demonic - text - wait they ain't that important soon as I'll be like hoping you're Bobby black is short-circuiting I'm the plan with y'all this summer is short circuiting your emotions is giving you a lot of content to compare yourself and it's filling you with the desire to prove yourself and it's keeping you in idolatry I hear the Holy Ghost say for some of you stop scrolling for the next 30 days just stop get your face out of Facebook and pick up the old New Testament throw the Genesis go their cities go to Leviticus you a zombie okay love well because of it people get well because of it you got your heart filled with all kind of stuff from somebody else's make-believe life you know they story line in a timeline and don't know the life line of Jesus Christ these scriptures are foreign to you but you know every new update Twitter got trying to preach the Word of God on Sunday y'all go vanity lush and for most of you align spirit because social network makes your master liars you gotta keep up you are right in your car and it's not yours and it's not paid off why are you putting it out there like you proud to be the skin or the slave of a banks I'm working in here I'm working in here God is calling you to deliverance and maybe I appreciate as hard as I sure know they've got comfortable in some bondage but in the name of Jesus the chains be burned by fire the door be burned may the spirit of deliverance burning the bridges out of this that's how you ended up in porn to begin with an unmonitored relationship with the internet negligent parents made you do your homework on your own and you google the word sex y'all don't want to go here and then you heard the song I kissed a girl and I liked it when the root of it is rejection cuz somebody should have been helping you with your homework and somebody should have been with you while you did it now the Internet is coax you into a lifestyle of sexual exploration and now you've Claudian can't get out the Internet is behind a lot of your old fences how you gonna take her out and I mean maybe you don't need to look at the picture see the internet is not a safe place for the heart you need no more help feeling like you not where you need to be you already got condemnation and shame and regret why do you want to feel your mind and your heart with other people's data to measure yourself whole generation zombies spend hours on the you go to your desk at work you got your work screen up and a cab say Facebook people from Africa Ethiopia in boxing you all day you need to leave the Hawks hindering our ability to connect we can't even have long-standing conversations it's crazy our endurance for the computer is increasing and our intolerance for people is decreasing you got so much stuff you don't want to tolerate in there but you're looking at all this stuff of people you don't know all day [Music] middle of the night both of us active right now whose pictures are you liking that too why do you need to s the story of you staring at the water you lonely you need some real friends some people to share your experiences with so you ain't got a snap sided to prove it to us demonized demonize if the devil wants to push any real agenda all you gotta do is put it in the only internet it's the fastest way the worst demon out there but my wife and I truth to the glory of God we have seen drug addicts deliver I have provable people men and women that have been set free in their sexuality some are still struggling I don't care long as they fighting hallelujah Holly I've seen folk quit cigarettes I've seen foot walk away from cigarillos I've seen folk pay put dildos on the altar I have seen it all I have passed out spirits of the Antichrist lunatic spirits you know the one devil that I never seen really really really want to come out religion you'll get a sex addict freer than a religious person a lunatic mo can get free easier than a religious person cuz many of those demons don't have arguments you forgot that the Bible warned about doctrines of demons which means some demons are well studied religious Devils every major war in America was started by a religious spirit radical Muslim terrorists they didn't come over here in and do 9/11 because they wanted money when Satan took one-third of the angels and put them on earth the Bible said what was judged was the type of demons that were having sex with humans he said that the sons of God went down into the daughters of men and produced Nephilim or Giants so after that period you know what the devil said to those that fail when y'all get there start your own religions that's the quickest way to ensnare the human race start a religion so you go to the Old Testament you find bail you find Astrid you find Diana you find Bagon those are not just statues those are the icons of fallen angels that needed an outfit to keep y'all bound every religion that don't have the Lord Jesus at the head who was founded by one of those same ambitious angels that knew the way to keep the human race in a stupor was to make them worship them which is why I don't believe in no extra medical gospel I'm not going to judge for worship or you all we can do good for the city do good for the nation but my Bible tells me there is but one God and one mediator between God and man and that's the man Christ Jesus and he not sharing with Buddha he ain't sharing with Allah he is the king of kings I don't like when you talk like that that's what get you in jail so the method to our madness were being unbothered is that Jesus Christ wants people delivered willing that none should perish but that all would come to repentance my greatest fear in closing there's a caveat to this the longer you spend not pursuing your deliverance aggressively focused concentrated the harder it becomes to get delivered there is a place called reprobate and the only people that y'all like to put there is homosexuals but I believe that religious people who can't change their mind about nothing some of your favorite preachers are reprobate reprobate people and send up deaf and dumb some of them are very intelligent they just refuse to change and to be reprobate basically means you've gotten to deploy where your mind has turned obstinate against the Lord and redder than continue trying to give you a freedom you don't want he pulls his hands off and when the Bible says this give you over to what you want he's God he promised he would give you the desire of your heart so if you had promised and if you were proven this I don't really have faith for this I don't think this is really worth it I don't have the energy after so many years you're gonna look up and find a contentment in your bondage and not even realise you tormented no more we are on the verge of a reprobate generation and partially because people don't cast out Devils people don't love enough to cast out Devils and when they do what they do it for performance and show and to show off and be all whatever if you don't love me keep your stinking paws off me gonna fake Lee press-ons are in my eyes if you don't like me if you're not gonna cry over what I'm crying about if what I'm in don't break your heart keep your hot breath off of me keep your green peas off of me keep your fuzzy chin off of me ma'am I only want people wrestling with me who are gonna help you walk this out you can rebuke me all day long I know you love me I know you're with me if I know you now don't judge me I'll give you all my dirt if I know if I don't drop me if you see what I've been through that's the unbothered culture okay what you dealing with Jesus wants you free too or give us [Music] father give us a hatred for Heil help us to hate him show us that a large part of loving you is abandoning your enemy the widget one is roaming through our cities across America schools in America help us not to abandon the Ministry of deliverance give us a hunger to sing until men I delivered preach until men I deliver counsel until men I didn't ever prophesy until men are delivered pray until men I didn't ever give us a passion give us steel give us sensitivity break our hearts my god with what breaks your heart about the earth help us never to become hypocrites and what I'm praying that you would give us a strong desire and a strong resilience against the powers of religion the powers of tradition the powers that want to muzzle real Authority and real spiritual comeback and real spiritual engagement in the name of Jesus Christ pour out upon this city of the Bible of deliverance begin to catalyze and begin to grip a new season of deliverance ministers you did it for Derrick Krantz you did it for all Robertson you did it for Jack Cola raise up deliverance man Choza you get it for Lester Sumrall and the mantles did not go to the grave put an anointing up even as it were upon this church up to break the powers of devil on every level in every city everywhere we go register is we are trademarks let it be our insignia enemy our pleasure let it be what people notice [Music] I'm gonna dismiss if you want to come to the altar just to renew your commitment to this you can't but I'm gonna dismiss I'm not doing that - I just want you to come Father in Jesus name for all of those that are going home I bless them i prostrate them i loose your favor your prosperity upon them they'll let them have a victorious week and let them see you differently this week in Jesus name in there god bless you you can be dismissed this isn't it this is a dismissal god bless you Father put the anointing for deliverance back in this church but the ignoring to cry for people's deliverance ISM and cry and war for people's deliverances Lord give us the Ministry of mercy give us the Ministry of compassion give us the Ministry of grace raise the counselors Pauline raise up those that pray Watchmen psalmist's Levites teachers that move in this evangelists that move in this put it upon our pastors and anointed party deliverance is the name of Jesus with the sound of deliverance of being a musica that the sound of deliverance we're not preaching a give us relationships that provoke our deliverance give us mentors that demand our deliverance give us and instructors that demand not deliver answer in the name of Jesus with there be deliverance from addictions deliverance from emotional issues deliverance from psychological issues of deliverance up from trauma from trauma from phobia from paranoia deliverance from the foul deliverance from the cherub ah ha ha ha from the air about Nyjah deliverance during the day of deliverance at Nyjah deliveries in the body deliveries in the try deliverance in the appetite of deliverance deliver answer let it be so the remover and strong spiritual warfare and strong spiritual attainments take off the mantle of Jesus take off the Ministry of Jesus [Music] let our ministries be March let us be marked by the casting out of Devils even for those at this altar I release right now a new realm of discerning of spirits begin to open their eyes but give a gift of spiritual wits prowess sensitivity Delta to decipher love them to distinguish them to see the difference hear the difference identify the difference I release that's that measure that flows in my life on to these I release that measure that burns in my heart look to these that deliverance flow that discernment flow that the power to see the power to know the power to detect come upon them [Applause] [Music] this is normally I would lead you through this but this is your ministry I'm not contending for your assignment I'm doing it tonight I got to fight for my own and I've been called to a level of wickedness and you can't even imagine I dare you to take the next several minutes and consecrate yourself against your own calling consecrate yourself unto your own assignment come on we cannot allow the Lord for you I know many witches do they get famous they get successful and they walk away from power it won't be me outflow abyss forever I'll demonstrate this forever for the rest of my life miracles father your bar strategy your methods [Applause] you need to have a moment with God about what God calls you to do you need to have an arrest from the Spirit of Christ about the assignment that's upon your life
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 88,336
Rating: 4.8733945 out of 5
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Length: 82min 47sec (4967 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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