Stop Running | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Lord, I'm Afraid

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come together and pray the people of god city man it's preaching time how many of you were blessed are you okay from our message last week uh entitled take off your shoes wave at me if you were okay thank you this is what you do everybody look at chevelle she has the shoes this is a sign of what the saints should be doing um i assume by your silence that nobody likes me after last week it's okay i've learned to love those that don't like me very well it's a skill at this point but we're in a really serious conversation with the spirit of god about the necessity of embracing your call and more than embracing it reconciling with it it is not just enough to know that there is a calling on your life it's not just enough to conceptualize it matter of fact it's not just enough to have heard it either prophetically or through other people that have suspicion about your call you've got to forgive it say yes you've got to forgive it what you think it cost you what you think it did to you how you think it situated you in your life and you got to reconcile with it what i mean by that is after you have forgiven what you know about your calling you don't just forgive it and leave it where it is there's a difference between forgiveness and reconciliation what i mean is if i forgive it i release the charge if i'm going to be reconciled with it i put it back where it needed to be and so god is talking to the nation of jesus christ about where they put what they know about their call what they did with it how they uh a placed it and positioned it in their world so this is why we have named this series stop running because a lot of what we do under the guise of life and under the guise of rhythm and tempo is actually running we're trying to avoid very necessary conversations with god and the truth is you're going no where the people of the lord said amen you you i'm going to say this in intro and then we're going to read the scriptures and i want you to hear me very clearly very bluntly you were created for your call your call was not created for you one of you is older than the other so therefore when you try to bend break flex your call to fit who you think you are you create places of frustration in your life and everybody that's trying to love you i'll break in here and i don't care what you think it's it's a struggle to try to comprehend who you don't comprehend and so friends and families and loved ones are going to feel that tension and that friction point of trying to love somebody you're still trying to like but your calling predates your existence and so god had plans before he formed you and made you a person say yeah and so we've got to take this thing really seriously i'm going to one of my favorite passages in the scriptures today and uh it's not real fanciful i don't think but we're going to talk today from first kings chapter 19 and i'm going to be reading from verses 1 through 8 in the english standard version first kings chapter 19 and i'm going to be reading verses one through eight in the english standard version go ahead and find your way there if you see as i often say judah revelation go in the opposite direction uh scroll in the opposite direction because you're not where i told you to go in first kings chapter 19 there's this huge huge principle it's really simple but i'm going to take the long route if that's okay even if you said it wasn't i wouldn't listen so i'm going to take the long route to get to a simple point this is what the scriptures read ahab told jezebel all that elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword and then jezebel sent a messenger to elijah saying so may the gods do to me and more also if i don't make your life as the life of one of them and the heifer had a nerve to put a time step on it by this time tomorrow then he was afraid and he arose and ran for his life and he came to beersheba which belongs to judah and left his servant there but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down under a broom tree and he asked that he might die saying it is enough now oh lord take away my life for i am no better than my father's and he lay down and slept under a broom tree and behold an angel touched him and said to him arise and eat and he looked and behold there was at his head a cake baked on hot stones in a jar of water and he ate and drank and laid down again and the angel of the lord came to him a second time and said arise and eat for the journey is too great for you and he arose and ate and drank here we go and he went in the strength of that food 40 days and 49 nights to horeb the mount of god father help me to preach this in jesus name amen our dominant thought is is coming from verse three of this text but it's going to take me a while to get to where i want to go let's look at that again just so that you know how to take notes hey quan then he was afraid and arose and ran for his life and came to beersheba which belongs to judah he even left his servant there the name of this is lord i'm afraid you sent me a catholic church today huh lord i'm afraid lord i'm afraid one of the most powerful things you can admit to god it's lord i'm afraid i'm going to make you uncomfortable until you get some breakthrough but i want you to admit this for yourself put your hand on your heart and say lord i'm just a little scared it is vitally important when trying to understand the biblical writ that you've got to consider the last chapter it's unfair for someone to arrive in your life at this phase and at this point and attempt to involve themselves in who you are and what you are without considering the last chapter very often in your own life in your own development you make priorities and decisions based upon this chapter and you don't resolve and reconcile what happened in the last chapter in order to move deeper into this and in order for you to partner with this journey theologically speaking you need to start thinking about what just happened to you what were the series of events the scenarios the addendums the details around what just happened to you because the real truth is this if you don't consider the last chapter you're going to disrespect this one and sometimes when the last chapter is brutal or harsh or unpredictable when you get to the next chapter you miss very critical information about what god is doing and or saying in your world say yes and i understand i actually overstand that ignoring the last chapter can meditate some things in you and it makes you think that if you ignore evade avoid the last chapter that you'll be able to better focus on this one but it's a deception in order to appreciate to understand to partner with but i want to use the word steward this chapter you got to revisit the last one and i know that feels weird because very often when the enemy wants to torment a life or a story he don't often use this chapter but what he does is he uses the last chapter and uh in this passage this is a powerful eight verses but what makes these eight verses powerful is not chapter 19. what makes these eight verses powerful is what happened in chapters 18 and then in chapter 17 so then therefore thereby whether unto if you don't look at the details and the storyline in the subsequent prior two chapters you miss exactly what would happen in this chapter is important now based upon what we know nakedly elijah the tishbite is arguably one of the most controversial figures in scripture i mean you almost have to ignore a major portion of the chronicle books and the regal books to see his absolute obliteration on the world and the poetic but also the prophetic sin when he arrives he shows up in this ministry style and in this ministry tone like none of his predecessors had done before elijah there was no such thing as fire falling from heaven they had to put it on the ground elijah was a reversal prophet he had the power to regulate things in worlds that other people did not so he was unusual and i want to say this to you before we go any further to bless you it is difficult to be different i know that we're in a generation that that seems to like it wink wink and we seem to embrace difference but it's difficult talk to me you know be honest when when you don't have anything that connects you to what is or uh makes you relate to what is it not only imposes upon us communication barriers because the way we've been groomed is in order for you to understand i have to search for sameness in you or similarity in you and then subconsciously take a deep breath we think that just because it's similar it's safe when some of your strongest bondage is going to come from stuff that understands you anyway and so it's difficult to be different it's hard to live in that and so elijah was in that situation all throughout these three chapters of his life now what he thinks is his greatest war is not i'm gonna show you the greatest war in the life of elijah but the most obvious war is not the greatest war the most obvious war is not the greatest war the most obvious war is not the greatest war if i can look at it look at you see the excitement and the explosive thing i need to be more concerned about what catalyzed that war and what's supposed to come after that war but if you think that the big thing is the main thing you miss everything so so we have this situation of assumption and assertion you understand how it was and now everybody loves to talk don't get uncomfortable about jazzy jezzy oh yeah i'm a well out everybody loves jazzy jessie you know she's red lipstick and and uh heels and she she about a size full that's what they say got a little implants a little donkdonk back there and uh she likes to wear uh fishnet stockings that's what y'all told us but uh uh jezebel is a little different first of all a lot of the people that we call jezebel's are not intelligent enough that's number one number two is um when we're dealing with jezebel we're dealing with a particular mentality and character type and motive and agenda that loves to attach itself listen to me to any available vessel it is not a female spirit it is not a female spirit it is not a female spirit y'all gonna stop messing with pretty girls because you got an insecurity i'm gonna preach today you're gonna stop calling people's hussies and floozies and because you hate your complexion and you don't like your hair tight and your man looking at her because you lost yourself a long time ago i want to know what jezebel really is and in order to understand this i'll take my time being no worries we got to look at what john the beloved says about this spirit in revelations chapter two first of all what we know about her historically was that she was a phoenician princess say yeah she inherited authority from her father and then married herself to a man named ahab who the bible said was the most wicked king that had ever existed but we don't see any spirituality in her life other than her covenant listen to me and her devotion to the deities of the land i'll get back there but when we get to the book of revelations apostle b the apostle john says something about this spirit say yeah and he says she calleth herself a prophetess and she loves to seduce god's people by teaching them strange things that's been dedicated to idols so then a part of what we know about the biblical agenda and propaganda and modus operandi of this spirit called jezebel and she likes to teach so you can't be a quiet one she likes to educate she wants to multiply she prefers to make you think she's prophetic so that you never disagree with her opinion and so what she likes to do is float around saying whatever she wants to say doing whatever she wants to do but here's the most powerful part dre are you ready for this she wants the future her objective is not who i love your word and what is today she's not worried about what you know today she's not trying to deal with what you know today what that wicked witchcraft spirit wants to do is assign itself in covenant so that she can cover what you see about the future she don't want you to have clear view your word is life she don't want you to have clarity she wants you to be confused discombobulated so that you don't think that there is a tomorrow jezebel has an appetite for the future whether it's in a man or a woman it has an appetite for the future and so we see that historically the way she shows up in this monarchical system is that she shows up in this land i'm going to take the long route and she starts to make oats god be praised and she starts to make covenants and agreements with the gods of the land now when you're dealing with bell and astra don't get bored this is theology school when you're dealing with belle and astrid you're dealing with gods that claim territory these were not the type of gods that light synagogues and tabernacles you would find balem and all of them erected in certain synagogues but they prefer to be out in the open because a part of what their agenda was jordan was if you worship us and you dedicate and devote yourself to us we will guarantee you listen harvest so what happened was the reason why ahab ended up in relationship with jezebel is because he was dealing with the dominantly agricultural society that means watch me my understanding of life a family of career and health is i can only go if i grow pay attention so everybody was a farmer everybody had farm investment everybody believed that if i worship astrath and baal and i make them offerings of myself then they're going to guarantee me an outcome you're the first generation that's worship outcomes israel has been trying to worship outcomes and deadlines and ideals for the last several centuries i'm scared of you and what they like to do is do and align themselves let me help you see how you do it it's called hustle it's called grind it's called networks it's called a base of my conviction and my vow and whoever i am as long as something's growing as long as i get a desired result and so jezebel was through and made these covenants with the land because she wanted to guarantee harvest now here's where things get problematic here go this old prophet of god shows up and god gives him a word i could go here but i'm not and the word that god gave him was go and show yourself to ahab i want you to go and i want you to admit who you are i want you to go and not be afraid to own the assignment that's on you because the announcement of who you are is key to opening up the reins i if you never announce who you are there are certain things you can't have access to so i don't want you going silently nor do i want you going boastfully or braggadociously or ostentatiously i want you to go watch me with a sober honest assessment of who and what you are ask me why because elijah didn't call himself elijah didn't clothe himself elijah didn't ordain himself he had nothing to say to involve himself with god's decision to make him what he was he goes shows himself to ahab and they're like oh crap here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go here we come holy crap elijah shows up and gives a warning he gives a word and now the battle ensues when he shows up he said maurice the worst thing he could say concerning both the civil and the sociological and the anthropological norms of that moment he said the worst thing he could say it would have been better if he would have showed up and said i am elijah the prophet of god the tishbite which means romer by the way and uh he but he shows up and he threatens their entire economy he if you want to see never mind how to hurt the people i'll go back there touch the money if you really want to see change ain't nobody studying the websites they studying that currency and so what happens is elijah stands up and he doesn't preach judgment and he doesn't preach death he says there is going to be a drought now that sounds simple to you but when you're dealing with an entire area that is held back or moved by and monetizes harvest and growth i mean their medicine was connected to it their travel was connected to it everything in their lives was connected to what growth and what elijah basically showed up and said ain't nothing growing again until i say good god from and he stands up in front of the king and here's how he positioned it before the lord god who i stand i love that because what he told abraham ahab is i'm physically in front of you but i'm not in front of you you see me right here but the reason i can say what god said is because i'm standing in front of you but i'm really standing in front of him and because i'm standing in front of him i don't care what you think or say about what i have to say i wonder how many people please us our people pleases because they're not standing in front of him they're busy trying to learn how to stand and look in front of them but they now learn how to stand in front of him and so elijah gets in front of him and says this stuff and so now listen to me jezebel's credibility is under fire her intelligence is under fire her business acumen is on the fire because you got this tishbite showing up and saying all of this is about to end i'm about to shut the whole thing down and uh it's going to make uh for some real complicated times for you that's the end of 17. let's go to chapter 18 say preach now we got a problem houston we got a problem mo larry curly shirley sue and barbara and betty we got a problem because now it's wartime all of a sudden elijah's life goes from preaching and espionage and introducing messages privately now god's about to do a public thing with them and in your purpose listen you got a private dynamic i'm working in here and you got a public dynamic it's easier for us to focus on the public dynamic because that's not always where the pain is even if you experience the pain on a public front you don't deal with the pain in public what you're going to do is return to a or resort to what makes you feel normal and what makes you feel comfortable and that's where pain gets real pain gets real when they're not looking and pain gets real when they're not watching and pain gets real when they're not sharing or streaming or observing or praising or rewarding and so here we have a change of events and this change of events is dramatic because now it's wartime it's public time on the mount of carmel and uh elijah is in this battle now with the regime in place say yeah with the regime in place and he says i tell you what let's end this whole thing let's go ahead and get the whole thing over with i'm about to end the whole thing and part of what i'm going to do is i tell you what let's let's bring the entire supernatural staff of this region i want you to get the 450 prophets of astra and you can get the 400 prophets of baal and i'm just going to bring me i i'm not going to bring none of the sons of the prophets i'm not going to bring nobody i'm pouring into it's just going to be me and god and and let's just settle the whole issue and so we get to the top of carmel and here we go they go into conference and they go into conference and the 450 prophets and the 400 prophets started doing what we do they started screaming and shouting and cutting themselves with which is always a sign of witchcraft wherever you see self-harm and self-infliction you know that something dark is always motivating it and you start to see them doing all of this stuff and crying and the bible said they did it for hours and hours and hours and hours and elijah was looking at his manicure i need to get some no chip next time maybe i should have him buff it i need to go back he was looking at his hand not paying attention they keep going and the bible says they did this all day and they did this all night and they just kept going and kept going and so elijah gets up and he says this elder can is high maybe you ain't loud enough call him harder he was basically telling the terrorist no comment and so they started doing it again and started doing it again and started doing it again and he said okay listen i'll give you a head start pear adventure he's going on a long journey maybe he's using the washroom he's on the phone somewhere give him a minute he'll come back around and they start calling and calling and crying and crying and weeping and welding and then when it was his turn he does something very unusual it'll make sense in a couple minutes the first thing he did the first thing he did the first thing he did was wait till they were done he waited till they were done and then he said bring me some water throw your hands up and scream yeah now the reason your yell was so weak is cause you've never wondered or asked where did the water come from we are in droughts how and where in the world did you have the judiciousness and the prudence to know to save something from the journey because before in this particular story god had a habit of sitting elijah by brooks and when one brook would dry up another one would open up and when one stream would dry up another one would open up and the hand of the lord would come upon him and would snatch him up but it was always by rivers i think the man was storing it i think he was saving it i think he had insight that at some point i'm going to need to pour in a way i haven't poured before i'm going to need to give in a way that's uncomfortable i'm going to need to give an offering to him that's going to make them mock me here's why if the families and the cities and the villagers and the rulers are hungry they are in drought there is no do or rain and you get up and you start wasting the very thing that we don't have it's gonna almost seem criminal and corrupt and opposite from the god you try to get us to believe i want to know what you gonna do when god calls you to do the opposite you will help me i want to know what you're going to do when god tells you to do the opposite of what you thought you were going to do i want to know where your water's going to come from because you're not going to always have immediate access but lift your hands and say i got a reservoir you won't help me i said i got a reservoir do you think you've been saved all these years praying all these years fasting all these years crying all these years so we could stay in drought no you're not who you're gonna be now you don't know what you're gonna know but maybe somewhere in there you've been carrying water from the journey you've been storing water from the testimony the way it seems is this you forgot that god saved you that's water you forgot that he killed you that's what you forgot that he is and answers prayer that's water you forgot that he brought you out of sin that's water you forgot that he paid your bills that's water you forgot that he healed your body that's water he even kept your mind that's water don't waste the water i believe that there is something coming where you're gonna need it for the sacrifice he comes up with some hidden water some questionable water uh uh some water that everybody else knew nothing about and he wastes it apparently [Music] makes me wonder if worshipers have to waste something they accused mary of the same thing wasting the pressures and in this exact same scenario the water is precious you know because it's what you're willing to lose that's going to always determine what god can trust you with your unwillingness to lose it whatever it is is going to obstruct come on and open up his ability to lead you god leads losers i'm going to say it because you ain't like it god leads losers and because you are so afraid of loss of relationships and status and image and view and friendship and money god can't lead the one that can't lose jesus your jesus said whoever wants to find his life don't you take a personality i'm working in here you can read your zodiac but at the end of the day i can't lead who won't lose and you got to be willing to lose your life for me now that doesn't mean to physically die it means to crucify your ideal your agenda what you prefer so we're at this place elijah this is all intro give me some more water imando give me some more water that ain't enough give me some more water give me some more water i'm prophesying even though you don't know you don't have ears to hear but i'm telling you there's going to come a time when you're going to have to give more than what you think you got give me some more water no i need some more i'm working in here give me some more give me some more and they're hungry kids and sick wives looking on the sideline like what is he doing giving up all of that but elijah had an understanding of the power of the offering and because we only think that the offering is the money and we only think that the offering is the cash app we don't realize it can't be no opening if there's not an offering and what made this important was he knew how to open stuff he knew how to get things open wide and he did it by the power of the offering but that's step one say step two open your mouth say step two step two was this before he went further in the signs of this offering he got down and did something that if you missed this you may as well walk out now go home don't ever come back he repaired the altar that was broke down whatever those false prophets did broke the altar down that means that wherever there is a false voice false deception or lies and uh misunderstandings wherever there is a broadcast a narrative or a sentiment that come from hell that don't come from god the altar is not in the same condition and where the altar has been broke down it means something false has been hanging around he got down and said i can't offer like this i can't offer like this i've got to go back and repair my altar let me tell you something the next step to you finding your call is you got to go back and repair the altar i appreciate you trying to discover that oh i feel a chill in here you don't start learning yourself with yourself what a foolish generation you got to go to the manufacturer and what that means is after this sermon series finishes wearing your hind part out you got to go and find out where the altar was broke down at what place did you leave it unmanned at what place did you allow the deceptive of the heart the deceptions of the mind the deceptions of the past your grand mama's deception your granddaddy's deceptions your church's deception at what point was the ultra compromise and repair it repair it put it back where it need oh put it back where it needs to be don't you just leave it that way you realize you're compromising not just your destiny but the destiny of this nation asked me why this next offering ain't for you to do a favor for one person this next offering is for the nation and the reason you got to make it is because if you don't people won't see god right he repaired the offering or the altar and he is this enough water okay the bullock is on there i love this yellow prophet and because they're quiet i'm gonna take a long time we're gonna be here tonight um i'm lying there was a such thing called a flesh hook and to make sure when they would crucify animals prophet reese so wonderful you know especially something the size of a bullock that's a big wildebeest that's a large piece of something a bullock i mean we ain't dealing my god with a lamb or a sheet or a goat we're dealing with a bullet and he got it on there and what happened was george when you kill a bullock the blood would leave out slowly and then what that meant was that the nervous system was still kind of active while it was bleeding out they don't like that i knew my bible in history and so what happens is you would have to secure it nest by call falbardo you would have to secure it because it would be considered dishonorable for you to make an offering that moved and so what they would do is find hooks they would attach the hooks to every limb on that bullet you need to stop lying talking about your living sacrifice because you don't want to be hooked down lord have mercy you don't want to have nothing in your space to make sure you don't move you want fluidity i know you don't like that you want flexibility you want alternates and options but god's looking for a people that's willing to be hooked good god what do you think jesus was on the cross a hooked offering and so you don't want to be hooked but you still want to be looking but i believe god is raising a people that's going to be hooked before they look clap your hands for the hook no do it again clap your hands for the hook do it again clap your hands for the holy hook you better not move off this altar you better not move off this place i set you here to be sacrificed and don't move until i'm done now you got this bullock i'm almost there this is 18. and and god prays father do this because you hear me you hear me you hear me um that's what separates and differentiates jordan my relationship for my deity with their relationship to theirs you hear me and i'm approaching you in this way so that you can respond now after pouring this on there the bible says that the fire of god fell from heaven an explosion came fire started moving down and the bird offering was consumed fire from heaven fire from heaven if you were at a concert today all nations is prone to it fyi if i could find a way to get fire to fall from the ceiling at a conference honey i'd do it in a heartbeat imagine the dramatics of it promoting preachers imagine the the impressiveness of it imagine being an onlooker like wow where'd it come from how'd that happen and while they're being enamored while they're being excited the tishbite goes and starts to slay the prophets the bible said he not let one of them live he couldn't afford for whatever god was going to do next to be compromised by an alternate voice say preach and so he killed all of the prophets there were around them and then that was that and then he tells a servant get thee down whole another lesson elder jason because i think we need men that's willing to go ahead of us to set it up okay uh so appreciate anyway so he sent his servant ahead of him to go ahead and make sure that the way was made for him to come and do what he wanted to do i believe that the real reason why am i here a possibility why am i talking about this i believe that one of the things that a servant should do is make sure their leader is as undistracted as possible so he went before him to clean it up and set it up and elijah said i believe that there is the sound of rain go and get thee down and tell them do it quickly move fast and so the servant goes and all of a sudden here we go to chapter 19. my text long way here what if listen to me what if what if the last war it's going to bring a new fear what happens when you go from fire to fear we seem to think and act like it's the reverse like fear keeps me from fire no the last war is going to inaugurate and wake up a new fear what we see now in verse 9 i mean chapter 19 as jezebel said something throw your hands up and say talk god say it i say talk god jezebel said one of the worst things you can say to a man that's mad at his call to a man that has not made peace with it what do you mean he hadn't made peace with it he did something it didn't mean he liked it most of us do stuff we don't necessarily care to do that's what an assignment is your calling is not a hobby it ain't a habit god's not asking you to like it he's asking you to do it and when an assignment comes on you it's not so you can be excited about it it's for you to obey it you don't like that but my plow is strong today and so jezebel sends word on facebook dms him on instagram text him he picks up his phone and somebody says hey here's what jezebel said listen to this jordan it'll change your life tell him if the gods don't do to him what he just did to my people he will be just like one of them by tomorrow listen here we go again with this principle about your problem with your calling you've got an imminent deadline that always brings anxiety i'm this by 25 that by 35 i want to have this by 40. so you got this deadline that's sitting here and the witch knew to put a deadline on it she puts a deadline on it but she says take a deep breath breath for the f take a deep breath deeper exhale what if you end up like them what if you end up like them you may not be like them and y'all may have different purposes and different callings but what if you end up like them certainly y'all serve two different gods and you grew up in two different areas now i know you don't want to own this but i hear your closet discussions i hear your midnight meditation i would do that i could do that but what if i end up like the people that tried it before me what if i end up exactly like them and jezebel use this thread you're gonna end up just like whose example are you running from whose example are you running from whose horror story is in the way of your dream whose death story is in the way of your life what false wisdom are you using to justify your undue caution and unnecessary pretentiousness against the thing that god set upon your life even from before the foundations of the world it's another form of idolatry to disobey god because of who you have prayed to be like or look like if they're like what am i or to sound likes or to be around what if you end up like them now now you can't relate because another person ain't saying that to you but it surely is jesus as lord i know you didn't said it to yourself and if you end up like them and it gives undue caution and undue precaution now here's what's crazy she threatens him in this way and the bible says he was afraid naturally psychologically if if matthew l stephenson iii edd etc walks outside and says fire and it happened i don't care who in the sam houston threatened me because i'm gonna start playing shooting by the hip fire on you fire on you fire on them buy you on your car i'm going to start playing games with my new foundability you didn't fool around and gave me a little too much bam there you go i ain't like your hair anyway i'm gonna start shooting fire everywhere that was what he did something about elijah's soul was afraid lord i'm afraid i'm afraid i'm afraid nobody told me it was okay to tell god that ain't nobody ever taught me that that could be a whole prayer nobody said that there could be a supplication when i have a fear and i have a real inward uh uh uh discomfort with whatever is saying next i'm supposed to keep it to myself but lord i'm afraid it's a prayer lord i'm afraid it's a place of intimacy open up in this church lord i'm afraid it's one of the most powerful things you could tell somebody because if you don't admit it then what you're implying is you can protect yourself and you can lead yourself you've got to tell them lift your hand say i'm afraid come on i know that these religious imbeciles got you thinking that faith is talking stuff you don't believe no i think you can tell god in faith i'm afraid i hurt you i believe it i receive it i kind of want it but i'm scared and you're scared to be scared because the reason you're scared to be scared is cause the people around you have tried to beat it out of you tried to make it feel like if this was your natural reaction i'm working in here or your natural emotional fear that you need to hurry up and mask over but i know people that think they dealt with fear and ain't i know people that renounce your healthy mouth and and here's why when the seasons change the fear wakes up again be very careful of thinking something is dead just because it's quiet i'm talking about fear i'm talking about fear i'm talking about fear i'm talking about fear the prophet of god is afraid the man of fire is afraid the one who raised his children from the dead is afraid he was afraid just free just afraid and what does everybody do i feel like preaching now dr trent well you can't tell me that fear and running ain't twins i don't know about that what do you think fear wants to do not just torment you that's easy work all you gotta do is give you a pain somewhere you'll be tormented what do you think the agenda of fear is you want to bring you down and bring your spirit man no you see because fear is a focus point i'm working here and and what fear wants to do is make you run scream at me how they didn't say it as loud as i wanted them to say it again because tory good to see you son they showed up on the planet the same day nobody had ever ran before before they said they were scared fear and running was in the garden you know how the bible say that when adam heard lord have mercy when adam heard when adam heard when adam heard god call him he said i was afraid lord jesus so i read they had the same birthday fear was not on the earth but it got there when god started calling me and when god started summoning people then fear said hello i'm here too i want to know if you've not reconciled that the reason you're running is because you still got fear i want to know if you've not resolved that what's behind your disobedience i'm gonna get here is your safety in your fears he was afraid and ran here is the crazy part he says that he was running for his life and then when he found somewhere to relax he wanted it to end what in the scriptural paradox is that do you want to live or die make up your mind you've not been driving this long so you leave a destination because you want to live and when you get there you want to die lift your hands you don't want what you think you want what you think is most important to you most significant to you when you get there you're still going to be empty still going to have the residue of warfare on you still going gonna have the same concerns the same paranoias because the issue is not where you at is where you're going lord i've had enough i've reached my limit i'm ready to die so he gets there he's running and he's ready to die i want to ask you this before i go into my next points does it make sense to live your life being friends with your fears i'll wait does it make sense with having a knowledge that you have a series of fears whether they are justifiable or understandable by anybody without realizing that there's no way you can fully show up in the world and in the generation you're supposed to serve if you've got an unchecked fear and unchecked fear is so dangerous listen to me it's going to mutate you change you deceive you it's going to break your children it's going to ruin your marriage it's going to keep you out of business opportunity i'm here to break the head off of fear it's going to limit your ability to commit to studying you ain't lazy you're fearful fear is one of those things that's very fashionable it loves clothes if it needs to show up as inconvenience and i don't have enough time in my day it will if it needs to show up and i don't trust people it will if it needs to show up and i'm suspicious and just really cautious sometimes it shows up and i'm just a quiet person no you're afraid that if you're really you're true you that people will reject you and so fear has given you a costume on how to be accepted from these people but can i preach somebody out of a false personality in the name of jesus everything you've become to make them accept you and to make them receive you let the costume die when fear goes your desire to pretend is going next when fear goes all the masquerading and the costumes and the facades goes right next we got an unchecked issue with fear ran for his life and here's why darrell if i use my fear as a mental personal justification to run after there was this massive explosion i'm afraid now because of what jezebel said here is my problem with that whole issue how in the world is fear going to protect me from what she said you see one of the things that fear does is like likes to make you think it can protect you as long as i keep this here why y'all quiet if i situate this here then i can have a that if things go wrong i was actually right i know you're uncomfortable because you negatively prophesy over yourself all the time you know you like to lie and say the words i speak are spirit and life but that doesn't just go for the words that are used in instrument by god satan knows the power and the brevity and the weight of what you say in reverse prophecy you know the devil likes to use gifts too anyway and so he he throws this out here and um he's running he's scared i want to ask you a couple of questions i got some points that's going to hopefully make you shout jordan i'll pay you 20 to praise the lord after this okay number one say number one it's fear driving your journey it's it's rhetorical it's fear driving your journey how in all of hades did fear convince him to make his next step you're inspired by fear he decided to leave where he was to go somewhere else out of fear is fear driving your journey number two is fear steering your decisions are you settling because of a fear not deciding because of a fear not obeying or moving because of fear if you ever put fear behind the steering wheel get ready to crash over and over you're not a test dummy you don't want to keep allowing fear to be in the driver's seat you understand what i'm talking about you show me one man or woman with an anger problem i'm gonna show you one of the most scary people in the world rage is the manifestation of fear it's not one before the other you are this angry and hostile and volatile because you're scared you just want us to think you're angry here's a tough one inhale exhale it's fear this is all in my text making you avoid a conversation with god do you go in prayer and in worship or before him and decide that he starts fluttering in your heart something he wants to say or something he wants to show and you deliberately go around the topic you know some of the slickest negroes in the world understand the art of deflection if i ask you a very direct question and you want to compliment my shoes we're not getting to the issue i didn't ask you how my shoes look i like them too that's why i bought them but i actually was to answer my question and many of us don't realize that just like we are like that in the natural we're like that devotionally we go before the lord hallelujah salvation and glory honor and power and god's like yes so about the last 72 hours of your evasion of this instruction i'm working in here about the last several months of your ignoring of this principle about uh the thing that i asked you to do 20 years ago when you had your youth and your vitality and your openness and now you want to go back and try to recalibrate to do now what i told you to do then and the season is totally different are you avoiding a conversation that's one of the things fear likes to do if you look at the example of adam what did fear do don't answer to god's call he's calling you but fear will make you not listen he's calling you and fear will make you not respond does this feel good to you now here's a real good one do you feel personally threatened by what could be next i wish i had a praying church do you feel under attack somehow threatened shaking by the possibility of what could be next did jezebel beat you up that bad that now you're like i feel threatened by what i ain't seen yet i'm afraid of what could be on the next side of this and so i'd rather just sit here and die because i'm afraid of what's next make a decree over yourself right now as loud as you can act like you're at a bulls game well maybe not let's do lakers throw your hands up and say i'm not afraid of what's next open your mouth say i'm not afraid of what's next say it like you mean it say i'm not afraid of what's next one more time say for your grandchildren i'm not afraid of what's next is that what fear is doing to you here's another uncomfortable one and then i'm going to exposulate this just for a little bit longer till i know it's landed are you afraid that your calling is going to make you lonely when you have to explain it when you have to justify it when it shows up in relationship choices or in timing choices or in career options or city options or industry options or when your family seems to not comprehend the very complex nature of who and how god formed you to be and they start to weaponize your uniqueness because they want to be able to quote unquote support you do you think your calling is going to make you lonely why do i think that duder because he confessed loneliness he's under this juniper tree he's like i alone and left you know what god said ask me what i know eulin god told him i got so many more that's committed to obeying me but only one of y'all's scared and it's the one that's supposed to be leading so here is where we go from those considerations i will give you a mystery in a minute and then it's going to bless you i submit to you that jezebel was never the big deal but here is our formula for recovery my prayer for you is that through this message you're going to learn and see in your life that a lot of your current fears is because of what you've not recovered from and there was a such thing as getting over it but it's not the same as recovering well and in every area in your life where you've not recovered well there is information under the absence of that recovery you see a scar is a message a scar conceals information so recovering and rehabbing something will end up making details more available to you scream yeah and opening up concepts to you that's going to help you for the future and so now we've got this whole issue where he's sitting under this tree and he's sitting in this sphere and he wants to die and he feels by himself and here we go with the girl wake up now you can say it for real say it again say it again the angel of god shows up to him now this could make me clean backflip but i'm not going to do it because i like my clothes what i love about god tori is that you ain't the only one on your assignment god be praising the sanctuary you feel alone because you don't realize this entire time the only reason you've not been devoured is because the very same day god fashioned you he created lift your hands of celestial staff don't be dumb you're not about to do what god calls you to do without angelic help but you know i'm mad at the church we preach about angels like they love fat cupids that shoot people in the butt on valentine's day but what we need to do is wherever there is a word is there is an angel wherever there is an assignment is there is an angel wherever the messenger of god is tired there is an angel you don't believe me when jesus came out of the wilderness the same place that elijah was the bible say after he was tested the angels came literally and ministered to him get ready to see the brigade get ready to see the army get ready to see the host get ready to see that you've got invisible help when the earthly help don't help you've got help lift your hand from the sanctuary angels angels everywhere and it's not a fairy tale tell hell it's not a fairy tale angels are real they announce they fight they war they move they push they pull they cry elijah thought he was a uh a sole proprietor part of why his fear was there because he didn't realize that god had staffed him now you know that this was a lesson because later on he teaches somebody else that i'll get there in a minute but the angels of the lord showed up to wake him up the hard hand the hard hand the hard hand and when the angel of the lord wakes him up he tells him to do something very unique and i preach this like i want to the angel said get up eat let's think logically through the scriptures if you are an angel and you carry supernatural power you're not limited by a body why won't you just touch me and make me ready because i don't give you responsibility for the instructions eat throw your hands up and say each he tells him what to do he does not do it for him get up and take responsibility for your exhaustion get up and take responsibility for what just happened to you and i want you to consume whatever you need to consume to make you ready for that and then when you're done eating make sure you drink you got to make sure that your hydration levels are where you're supposed to go and what the angel told him was i'm not trying to make you have a diet this ain't about you being hungry it's about the journey what am i trying to preach to you for what you eat now what you consume now what you take in yourself now is going to determine how far you can go next you want to see why men quit they don't eat well you want to see why people stop they don't eat well you want to see why they're always throwing in the towel walking away their only recourse or reaction is to run and pretend like it never happened it's because they stopped eating well and here's a problem when you was a newbie believer you ate well when you first got filled with the holy ghost you ate well when you first started inviting people to church and witnessing to them you ate well but something happened after caramel that made you content with your appetite something happened after the showdown that you lost the need and forgot to eat fear makes you forget to eat you lazy thing you you can't finish a book if it's about your calling you don't want to go and take a class that's about your assignment but then you want to google in youtube how to make homemade shampoo boy you got to eat for where you're going now i'm working in here stop making more covenants with your hobbies and you get ready to be devoted to your assignment it's worthy of it it's worthy of it you can't afford no red bottoms if you're still trying to fight your assignment you are walking in a seminar you should have went to and the only people impressed are the people that have the same lack of identity as you do i can tell you're not in your purpose because we see every dime you make you're not investing in anything else you're not going and growing let me tell you something if the world's richest man calls me tomorrow and says dr stevenson i'm giving you 20 minutes of my time i'm going to get 60 to 70 percent of what i got saved and i'm gonna get it out you know why it's worth it that's not a seed to him that's an investment to me one conversation can change your life one confrontation can adjust your pace and because you don't think it's worth it and you want it on your clothes and you want it in your house and you want it in your car you're missing out on the stuff that makes greatness cause you're cheap disinterested in yourself put your hand on your chest and say i'm getting ready to eat i'm getting ready to eat i'm getting ready to eat i'm jesus said it like this my meat is not of this world but my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work i'm going to eat until i'm gone men that are starving never start you must be willing to devour consume learn the world that you're called to do the angel tells them get up and eat and drink and here's why he tells them this really importantly and i'm gonna shift gears on you hey the journey is too great for you he just dealt with his loneliness it's it's too big for just you lift your hands you see the reason why you may be afraid to delve deeper into your callings because you're not resolved that god's not going to let you do it alone your fear of loneliness may be in the way of the thing god wants you to do next but you're not going it's too great for you you'll never achieve it or see it by yourself and the bible says he got up accepted it drank and he went in the strength of that meat for 40 days you want to know my sermon what if he would have died there what if the angel showed up to him he said no i'm not hungry my appetite the because it's not what it used to be i'm not as starving as i am i'm good right here under this juniper tree what if he disobeyed he would have had the quote unquote let's make some air quotes one two three the quote-unquote victory over jezebel but jezebel was an easy feat you know what the real war was do you know what the real war was elisha what was the next journey first of all you need to consider this why why why did he end up at the same mountain that moses did the mount of god hmm sinai and horror god it'll get deep in a minute moses went there horrible was the place of the calling scream yeah sinai was the place of instruction say yeah which means that god's not going to continue the conversation until you say yes to the call many of you want the details before you say yes to the assignment you go to up my answer is yeah ma my answer is yes mandere my answer is yes my answer is yes my answer is yes and god says okay now that i got your answer i can continue the conversation maybe the silence of god is because you you're stuck in between the mountains horror feels better than sinai tell you that much anyway elisha ends up at the same place and you know what's crazy the next place we see him is walking past elisha maybe the real truth about his destiny was i'm calling you to make a way for who's next you wasn't fighting for israel i've been fighting for israel since abram you were fighting for elisha could it be that your disobedience to your destiny has incarcerated whoever's behind you it's easy for your kids to say yes when you do it's easier for those that need you to follow an example and an example or if you do so what it shows is our destiny our calling our ministry our purpose it's not singular it's it's the continuum of god it's a chain reaction my yes hits somebody else's the real word is catalyzes and so if you gotta know whatever whoever that's behind you imagine apostle b i feel the spirit of god if israel never saw the double portion take elisha out of the bible and picture what those chapters would look like death disease ahab probably still in power but there was something that had to happen now can i get real mystical a bit you know there was this lesson i got a big neck yellow okay there you go there was this big lesson where the servant of god gets in front of the prophet of god and they teach them about angels again so this is a continual lesson there was an intimidation remember at syria and the bible says he told them hey open your eyes god prayed open eyes and you're going to see that there's more for you there out there and the lord open the eyes of the serpent this continued conversation about the angel i got to give you a prophetic word before i go to my mystery there's going to be several moments in your life when you need to be reminded of your angels reminded that you're not just there alone that many of you have angelic ministers and aid and support that don't even live where you do if you don't believe that an attack is random why do you think a miracle is miracles are divinely scheduled and orchestrated what it means is that the angel of the lord are in places that you're not there yet to set up stuff for when you're ready to arrive that's important for you to comprehend so that you can keep going in the detail of god say preach now here is my message lift your hand say lord i'm afraid there was another group if my regulation reigns true that said lord i'm afraid jesus told the twelve i'm getting ready to leave you it's getting a little misty in here now i'm going to go it is to your benefit what do you mean yeah if i don't go things are not going to be wealthy i have to disappear i'm going to leave you but jesus you know we got abandonment issues we walked away for everything we know i appreciate you and james because you all got each other but we left our jobs i have to go and they said lord we're afraid the way they said is don't let it happen like this jesus says i want to do a couple of things to make sure that your fears don't impede you scream preach now say i want the mystery mouses and elijah went to the same mountain in two different generations but they would meet up again oh i'm working in here they would meet up again but this time when moses and elijah would meet up they wouldn't be by themselves jesus took the 12 around the mount called transfiguration it was still a mountain just with a different assignment and so when he got to the top of the mountain here we go there was moses and there was elijah and they was talking about how to say yes to god they was talking about how not to die under your assignment he was talking about how not to run from a hard place and a hard call and jesus became translucent because the 12 needed to see what happens when you go to the mountain when you live upon sinai why did jesus choose moses and elijah they were the only two that we know of that had them experiences through horubin sinai so jesus is like let me go through my text messages and i'ma do something in front of the 12 to make you trust my next move i'm going to call them from the great cloud of witnesses because you'll trust them you believe them your forefathers taught you moses your forefathers told you about elijah and i'm going to show you that i am their god and they will be seen again on a mountain so that you can obey me therefore and thereby a man is only transformed when he's not running from his car nothing about who you really are will change while you still have a platonic relationship with what you're supposed to do transfiguration was not for jesus it was for those looking why would jesus change his metabolic state his uh his his physical state his anatomic state he wasn't trying to prove anything he wanted them to see this is what happens when you say yes to a hard thing see through me and ask these guys too naturally because they were still immature they responded in religion it is good for us to be here but then they use old testament language to capture a moment let's build a temple and jesus like that's not the point i'm not trying to build no more temples i'm trying to build a people i don't want you to try to hold this moment i want you to see what i'm doing in the earth i don't think you realize how important it is that you be completely completely delivered from fears i'm gonna let that sink in because we say that over and over again i don't think we've logically considered what that means to literally not have a fear now some of us have more than others some of us have quote unquote premature fears which means that we don't have actual reasons to be afraid we just are living in suspicion of something but i sought the lord and and he heard me and he delivered me from most of them no he wants all of it gone lynn i don't know a person that's conceptualized the life with absolutely nothing to fear and the ones you're most comfortable talking about are the weakest ones it's your silent fears that's stopping you it's the one that you never develop to bravery to actually own and admit that's there maybe it's fear of death or i know the most common one is fear of failure i've also met people rob that's scared of prosperity what is the name of it poverty fear is something that god has never wanted his people in because it's always been linked to disobedience if i am afraid and god understands it then when he calls me like he did adam or calls me like he did jesus he'll understand why i'm not answering but here's what messes me up tim there are not many anecdotes to fear there's one the bible does not give us multiple prescriptions for fear just one but perfect love it casted out all fear and where there is fear there will always be torment maybe that's where your sleep went maybe that's where your focus went maybe that's why you're not inspired to get up and seek him early and maybe fear has put you in a slumber a comatose state imagine prophetically what your life would really look like if you weren't scared of nothing i know that seems big but so is your call and your calling is a big deal to god when he looks at you he's not looking at your height or your size or your ethnicity your gender your weight he's looking at his purpose and and and the reason maurice he did this in a garden opened your heart up it was good he looks at you and doesn't say that fool that idiot that heathen that pervert he don't do that he looks at you through his blood and says it's good because he sees his plan he's proud of himself for what he put in you say prove it here's what he told abraham because there is no other name hired to swear by i swear by my own self what he's saying is that he looks at you and says i did a good job it doesn't matter who tried to convince you out of it you are a masterpiece the very craftsmanship of god he measured everything about you and how dare you hate what he created and you understand this from you to others but reconciling this from you to you is a journey and you can't get through it without devotion this is why the psalmist would say i wait patiently upon thee because from before the mountains were brought forth you were god you breathe and things change and so because i am a reflection of the most beautiful thing i've ever seen i obey you because of you not because of me he's beautiful but his beauty is in you we won't see it because you're robbing us you're stealing you're being a thief because this is not the type of life that's easy to explain this is not the type of assignment you're proud of it's not palatable for everybody but make peace with this what i love about journeying out of fear is that once you conquer it you develop authority over it god will never deliver you from something he's not assigned you to if it comes out of you if he breaks it off of you if he delivers you from it it's because you're supposed to rule in it whatever god took you out of whatever he's delivering you from whatever the background and backstory is is a key and a clue to your assignment don't ignore it it's negligent it's irreverent it's disrespectful it's dishonorable elijah say huh what are you doing here that was the conversation of god what are you doing here go up and stand before me and i'll cause my presence to pass by you who else did god tell it to moses same formula come in my presence and i'll let you see my goodness and i'll give you what you need for the journey apostle i don't have it right now so what i can't see it right now that's not the question i don't know enough i don't study enough i don't have enough money i i fear my god persecution i i am concerned about if the audience of my assignment will receive it well jordan nobody likes to talk about this but there is a big one in the room i smell it right now i'm afraid to let god down and i'm okay with saying i belong to him i just don't want to embarrass him do you really think that whatever you are but however you are and whatever is in you and whatever the details about your life and your decisions do you really think he looks at you and hides his face no he stretches out his hand come come that's the call come and in my presence i'll show you i'll reveal to you i'll make known to you what i've got for you to do watch me and then as we whoa whoa whoa as we grow old because that's really why i'm preaching this to you i want you to grow old in god and i want you to grow old in god in your purpose which means that in every season of your life he'll give you a set of instructions and in that season that is your assignment in the next season of your life the mandate will change the joy compass will change in the next season of your life and so life moves in seasons don't just stay here because you want to know what the next season is devote yourself to what you know to do now and unlock everybody behind you because you did it your obedience gives people the permission to become the pleasure of god for him to be pleased he's been drawing you a long time i prophesied we're going to pray [Music] divine no they like to always say divine reversal i'm tired of stuff turning around all the time [Music] i prophesy divine rehearsal the lord is getting ready to take you through a series of drills practice tests opportunities to see how far you willing to go what was the walking on the water a drill what was the opportunity to deny jesus a drill a drill now if you were peter and you've been after you denied jesus you think you failed the test my testimony is every test i thought i failed i actually passed here's why it taught me how much i needed him and that was the answer to the whole quiz no fear i will live a life of no fear i will passionately aggressively confront fear when i hear it when i see it i will confront it and even when my heart is overwhelmed i'll try to go to the rock that is higher but i won't live my life afraid i won't fear death i won't fear disease i won't fear loss i want fear betrayal help me jesus i i won't fear not having my assignment made clear i'm not going to fear any of that what i'm going to do is follow you and so i'm going to do everything i know to do and it will be counted unto me as worship at the latter part of the book of hebrews the 11th chapter robby it says something very strong the writer of hebrews starts naming all these great men and women of faith and talks about how what they did even down to rahab the stripper she had a only fan and and and the writer starts listing all these great men and women of faith but then there's a verse at the latter part that says they were beaten they roamed because the world was not worthy of them they were very unique people because they didn't live under and around and for the pressures of the world they were in what they had was otherworldly and they lived in that god's trying to deliver you from fear because if you live with it for so long there's only one other place to go and it's addiction to something what addictions do is medicate fear it helps you to not feel whatever it is and so god wants to deliver you from anything that leads you more than him whatever it is internal external whatever that thing is but today there is a ultimatum in the spirit now here's the good news we serve a patient god did you hear what i said zion he's a patient god he does not have an alarm clock by your life saying hurry up hurry up no he's patient timeless he would much rather you become it than try to do it first and many of you are trying to do what you refuse to become and it's because you're afraid lift your hands in the name of god's christ the sovereign the lamb of god in the name of jesus of nazareth i pray right now for everybody under the sound of my voice in this room and watching abroad lord send an anointing out from this place that will help men route the powers of fear in them and even as the hands of your people are lifted in here i'm asking spirit of god that you would send something to the root of every fear that we know every fear that we don't know every fear that we've cultivated and incubated within us every fear that's been silent and latin and every fear that we've made excuse for and reason for every fear that we've tried to garrison with and every excuse my god that covers that fear we're exposing it right now in and before your presence knowing that if we give our fears to you the only thing that could happen is you can feel us and make us what we need to be unto the glory of god we're praying right now for every fear that was imparted to us every fear that we received as a traumatic result of somebody else's experience every fear that we started to cultivate and nurture because of what we've seen in other people's lives and stories and narratives fear because of what's going on in the culture fear because of what's going on in the world fear because when we tried it last time we didn't get to out to the intended results fear because of how we're doing physically or financially or emotionally in the name of jesus we re divorce fear in every area of our lives we do it today by decree but we do it tomorrow by decision and we do it tomorrow by decision in the atmosphere of devotion we do it today by decree we do it tomorrow by decision and we do it in decision because of the power of devotion now spirit of the living god i'm asking for a fresh revival in the hearts of these that are here do something in their hearts and do something in their quiet time that revolutionizes their ear to hear their heart to obey their eyes to see in the name of the lord jesus christ and right now i make intercessory warfare on the behalf of everyone watching me under the sound of my voice i make passionate supplication for those that are in the throngs of death those that are standing before roaring lions and beasts roaring bears that want to smite them either through the bloodline or either through iniquity or either through confusion and right now i'm asking that you will reveal yourself as the fourth man in the fire in the name of jesus those that are walking around fearing that the death order of the king that wants to kill them and devour them has left them without support and left them without a help left them without an aide and an advocate but only made them be posted up against adversaries and opponents jesus you've always been the fourth man in the fire jesus you've always showed up in dangerous zones jesus it is too safe there is no need for you you are the god of the dangerous place you are the god that shows up in deserts you show up in floods you show up in flames you show up in mountains you show up in desert you show up in valleys you show up in droughts you show up in water you show up in plenty you show up for the window you show up for the orphan you show up for the broken heart and you show up for those that were abandoned and those that were destitute those that are alone you even put them in families you show up in high places you show up in the little place you saw it in the highest of heavens and if and when we make our bed in hell you show up there too god i thank you for your omniscience your omnipotence your omnipresence thank you that you see all and you know all but we're most thankful that you are all and when we have you you are our exceeding great reward and we don't need nothing else all we need is your power your glory your strength your voice your heart i said your heart oh yeah your heart come on there your heart your heart your heart right there your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart your heart the heart of god the heart of god the heart of god that wax is strong your heart that carries the nation your heart that carries i want you to lift your hands and cry out for that for a minute come on do what i said do it come on make yourself uncomfortable make yourself uncomfortable [Music] oh come on make it be it come on a new understanding of the heart of god a new revelation of the heart of god come on cry out cry out oh no you're not there yet you too comfortable this is one of those moments where god wants your discomfort this is one of those moments where he wants you to come out of yourself he wants you to know understand comprehend his heart it's about his heart it's not just a cast it's his heart it's not just a goal it's his heart it's not just an objective it's his heart it's his heart [Music] it's his heart come on terry there cherry there [Music] cherry there [Music] hey come on you don't run for your life get up elijah there's no such thing as running for your life you only run for your publish you only rock for your assignment cannot come here [Music] your heart your heart [Music] i won't rest till i found it won't quit until i found it i won't go without seeing it i'll never stop until i've got the kind of heart you've got oh god oh god [Music] your heart to america reveal your heart to america reveal your heart to america reveal your heart reveal your heart oh come on [Music] [Music] so come on some of you have been wanting the mind of god but you're going to get that as cyanide forever is where you find his heart hi porefess where you find his heart cyanide is what you get his mind you can't handle his mind if you can't handle his heart i want your heart come on lift your hands if you don't have his heart you won't have the power to trust what he says thy word thy way thy word thy word the instructions on cyanide oh god how precious is your law how precious are your statutes how present are your judgments i'm going to hide them i'm going to hide work i'm going to hide them in my heart so that i not sit against him in the heart the heart the heart [Music] [Music] foreign it's out of the abundance of the heart you don't just talk to us from your head you don't just talk to us but words say you [Music] deliverance is happening in this room [Music] deliverance open up and yield to it don't try to control what he wants to do next come on open your heart come on he's moving in you [Music] we are not distracted [Music] by what you need to be done for us because we're committed to what you're doing in us [Music] oh yeah come on a little while longer y'all it's weighty in here it's weighty it's weighty it's waiting [Music] yeah come on let it happen come on the heart of god oh yeah come on let's do some dangerous work y'all father we pray that you would give all nations worship a sibling a brand new heart check out the heart of flesh take out the obedient heart i take the broken heart take the bitter heart take the wounded heart break it give us a new heart give us a new heart you're not done with our nations you didn't quit on israel you're not going to quit on us open up this people and give us a brand new heart good and when you've given us that heart write your law upon them write your law a partner write your law upon them for every pastor upon every pastor upon every elder upon every prophet right there right there oh right then last time you wrote them on tablets and we took good notes but we didn't change this time put it in our hearts [Music] come on keep going i ain't done yet created us creating us creating us creating us create in us creating us creating us created us created us it's not there we ain't never seen it before we don't know where to go to find it but created in us create within us a clean home and we knew what might spirit within us [Music] hide me not hide me not hide me not away from thy presence hide me not away from my presence and whatever you do [Music] whatever you do take not shake not thy spirit take not thy spirit take not thy spirit i don't want to live without it i can't imagine life without your spirit i can do none of this put on the power of the holy ghost lead us guide you thou great jehovah pilgrim through this buried land i am weak but thou art fighting call me with that powerful hand uphold me uphold me uphold me uphold me while i'm trying to follow you uphold me when i'm trying to trust you uphold me when i'm seeking your will uphold me don't let me fall uphold uphold me as i obey as i follow as i surrender as i confess as i saw as i sow as i sow as i saw as i saw as i show as i suffer as i submit as i submit as i submit uphold me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on y'all get it in the room so we can send it over the airwaves i know you're watching me at your computer in your bedroom in your office receive the power of god upon your heart the lord god upholds you the lord god uphold you the lord god uphold your [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] please you [Music] [Applause] oh don't leave me [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Applause] give me foreign that will follow you forever [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] set my heart on fire again set my ass on fire again set my yes on fire again [Music] give him that yes again give him that yes again as he upholds you with his body hand he's giving you strength for the years he's giving you strength for the yes [Music] oh [Music] come on shout come on shout hey find your microphone in your own heart come on [Music] hallelujah hallelujah come on hallelujah come on act like god just descended in front of your next decision and he covered it with you saying i will uphold you i said act like agonies adolescent cover your face and said let's make a deal let's make a deal let's make an agreement i will uphold you is standing right in your face say if you go with me i can do runs if you go with me i will uphold you i will uphold you ten thousand may paul at your side one thousand by your other son but i will uphold you they will help me i will not hold you i will uphold you therefore no danger shall be told me because i will uphold you i will uphold you i will uphold you [Music] hey hey hey hey hey hey something's turning in my belly he said tell my people i will uphold them i said i will uphold them what about colby i will uphold it what about the bankruptcy i will uphold it you ain't shouting yeah i will uphold him [Music] i will uphold it i will uphold it i'll go by myself i will uphold it some to the pipe something through the blood sucked through great sorrow but everybody threw the plant i wheeled upon it i will raise my standard i'll lift my banner and i will uphold him [Music] i will uphold it hey come on praise him lose it for a minute yeah yeah hey let's go to church praise him right we know miss tyra we know miss rafa but today he's sick to do i am your parent and i'm upholding my people i'm upholding my people [Music] hey hey [Music] i feel arrested i'm trying to let this thing go well i'm trying to let it go lift your hands and tell your fears he will uphold me let your hand say he will uphold me tell your body he will uphold me talk to your bank account and say he will uphold me talk to your nightmares and say he will at home talk to your torment and say he will come on help me [Music] [Applause] [Music] he will uphold me oh yes he will i say he will uphold me he will uphold him he will uphold it he will uphold it he will uphold it he will uphold it he will uphold me he will uphold me from seeking said he will uphold me from the myriad he will uphold me out of the lion's king he will uphold me from the grave he will uphold me hey hey he didn't bring me out to leave me here he didn't save me to leave me this way he didn't seem to find me to let me stay like this he will [Music] to give you one more point and if this don't make you shout something wrong with you the hebrew word for fear the hebrew picture word for fear you know what it means the hand you see the most it means that if you are afraid of it it's cause that's the only hand you see i did somebody shout cause his hand is still on you right there come on right there his hand is open [Music] i i just won't help me dawn darling i said his hand is on me who has who has i said who has who has the final sex jehovah i said you hold up i said who has the final set i hear you jj who has the final saint jehovah has what'd i tell y'all come on he's got the he's got the final say i have no reason to pee because god's getting ready to uphold his hey i just somebody at home watching me i know you ain't done it in a while get your tail up in front of that computer and dance because he gave you another chance damn because it's not over hey i said it's not over until god set this over [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] [Music] say [Music] let's see [Music] [Music] good yeah he [Music] [Music] yes yeah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] i would have told you that's your insurance policy that's your guarantee [Music] now unto him that is able [Music] he is able to keep you from falling and to present your faultness before his presence with exceeding greater to him beyond blessings honor dominion power both now and forever let everybody see so it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] because [Music] is [Music]
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 54,384
Rating: 4.9202361 out of 5
Id: 2OdujcA2xkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 30sec (6930 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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