Focus | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Filled To Build

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we've been laboring inward and revelation around the subject of focus and we're going to continue the discussion this morning Exodus chapter 31 when you've reached his Sam there you've not reached to say wait on me X is 31 verse 1 in the New International Version then the Lord said to Moses see I've chosen basil a Oh son of your I the son of hur of the tribe of judah and i have filled him with the spirit of god with wisdom and understanding with knowledge and with all kinds of skills to make artistic designs for work in gold silver and bronze to cut and set stones to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of crafts moreover i have appointed olie app the son of s Malak of the tribe of Dan to help him also I have given ability to all the skilled workers to make everything I've commanded you the tent of meeting the Ark of the Covenant of the law with the atonement to cover on it and all the other furnishings of the tent the table and it's articles the pure gold lamp stand and all its accessories the altar of incense the altar of burnt offerings and all its utensils the basin with its tan and also the woven garments both the sacred garments for aaron the priests and the garments for his sons when they serve as priests and the anointing oil and fragrant incense for the holy place they are to make them just as I commanded you father help me to preach this in Jesus name a man I thought this morning is feel the to build field to build I am filled so that I can build let's start some work here one of the things that is grievously on the heart of God right now concerning the earth is the high level of deception we are not only living in days of syncretism which is basically the fusing and the joinings of more than one belief or God we are living in days where deception is more rampant than it's ever been and the reason it is that way is because it's coming to us from several avenues we are not just being deceived by our own hearts we are also being deceived by predatory marketing and not just from entities or companies but also from the forces of darkness if we are living in a day where evil looks good and good looks evil and hard looks evil and easy looks good we're living in a day of a blurred line where it's very very difficult for us to develop definitions of safety and people are pursuing things as it were as it pertains to their own individual ideas of a right and wrong more criminal than all of this we find that at the core of this deceptive issue or this deceptive ploy is a real attack on what righteousness is when something is under the power of deception it cannot rightly decipher what is right by anything you almost have to customise right by your personal allowances and so it's a very dangerous time to live when deception is in fact the order of the day we're watching it in more ways than one and it does not help that you can preach and teach and do all of that in ignorance you can actually push an agenda or propaganda blindly and here's the worst part you can actually get a man if I stand up today and I give you a lie as it were and throw a few Bible verses on it at least 20 of you would say you better preach notwithstanding that it could not even be in the scriptures we're in a real crisis and-and-and but the powerful thing about this is that the only thing that is more powerful and I want you to hear this the only thing that is more stringent that is more potent the only thing that carries the power to penetrate anybody deceived by anything is doctrine and not only is all nations but the church at large could use a huge dose of doctrine we we have come out of an era where we danced without doctrine and we've run without doctrine we paid it without doctrine we can even flow in the gifts without doctrine and the reason doctrine is being established by God or represented by God is because of this it is impossible for you to know in whom you believe if you still don't know what you believe and I believe God has been trying to present himself to a people that still confuse about who he is what he wants and what he knows to be is right by life we need some doctrine I'll get there tonight but one of the reasons behind our immaturity it's because we immediately being bring Christians or we immediately impose a change of life on Christians but we do not impose a change of beliefs on Christians what happens is when we preach Heaven inhale and we make that the basic entry point of our Christianity when God through his Spirit starts prompting it areas that need to change people don't have endurance to change because they don't have dr. now what makes any change long-lasting is a belief system now when the devil wants to ensnare you he ain't gonna do it in your body do you really think that with all of the evil intent of hell that he gets satisfaction off of giving you a headache I mean come on it might be witchcraft but it might just be a hot room okay all of these stuff the devil is not just getting off or getting excited by making you uh have a spinal problem or giving you a jealous coworker if I were the devil and I'm not if I wanted to ensnare you kill your kids take your money you know I'm gonna do my dance and you'll believes I'm a getting real belief system and I'm gonna start doing some double dutch to make you incomes to make you not integral and to shroud the truth because wherever there is deception there's going to be this seduction we need doctrine and what a doctrine is pay attention is the fundamental principle that opposed any way of a life it is an edict it is like the Constitution that upholds any change of life so there is a doctrine this is going to be your approach to truth and your approach to a belief system so then without doctrine what you do is you bill your walk with God through your experience and deception has the power to leap into your personal experience what that means is that just because you've experienced it does not make it truth it may make it your reality but it still has the power to deceive you if it is not from God's will so we need a good dose of doctrine watch me here and not only do we need a good dose of dr. our children need a good dose of doctor do you understand why lust is so strong doctrine do you understand why kids want to kill themselves and and don't have a value for life doctrine if we don't allow ourselves to take on a serious academic approach to in graining the next generation not with the church and not with the songs and not with the hymns and not with the robes and not with the ribbons and not with the certificates but with doctrine that they're gonna grow up with a choir robe on with a nurse hat on and all they need is one strong test away from deception and then they're gonna have to come back to the altar to relearn who we've been preaching cuz we didn't get them doctrine so we have different approaches to doctrine and the word for that is fee ology that is basically feel which is God and ology which is the study of it'll bless you in one second and so under these core and fundamental doctrine areas of the Christian faith I have several tiers that uphold every doctrine this is boring you so let me give an example number one you've got theology which is the study of God his existence his character and his rule throughout the 66 books of the Bible you're going to find one thing the personality of God you're going to find how he treats his word you're gonna find his pattern you're gonna find his mood and people because they don't have a right theology 'even they think that in the Old Testament God was in a bad mood and then in the New Testament he's in a good mood but my Bible told me in the book of Hebrews he is the same yesterday I feel mr. preached coming up my left leg he is the same yesterday today and forever and if you act like he changed his mind or was PMSing in the Old Testament or was so mad and so angry and all of a sudden his chemicals changing and what you are doing is buying into the ploy that he can be imperfect if God is a perfect part that he never has to improve on anything he does what happened was the Old Testament shrouded our idea of him because the strength of sin is the law of his existence and the pre-incarnate and what he did to show us the father a study of the crisis Christ ology who he was where his lineage was from how he was able to remain sinless and what God had to do through him in order to convince the human race that there is one mediator sorry between God and man and his name is Christ Jesus that's the reason why he'll nappyhead yourself can't fight that you're overs witnesses it's cuz you don't know Christ ology they're preaching to you about 144,000 going to heaven and yet they still try to recruit as if they maxed out yet I'm here to tell you if you're gonna be a Christian you better know the price there's a doctrine of Christ ology come on I'm feeling myself now the doctrine of Christ ology you've got to know who we were you got to know what he did and you got to know why Pontius Pilate didn't have the power to pressure him when he got before Pilate Pilate said are you the King of the Jews he says sure I can be whatever you want because what you think of me is not what I am in the beginning wants to work in the beginning was the word you can call me big mouse a Sesame Street whatever you want I am the word in flesh and I dwelt this way for your sake Christ ecology is the study of the defense of the Messiah that is a doctrine of the sovereignty of God it's the doctrine that teaches us throughout all 66 books you'll learn in a minute about how man cannot change the mind of God it's the doctrine about how the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and it's the doctrine that should uphold why even when you fall I'm trying to track this down you can not surprise anyone eternal and you can't surprise them because you can't let them down if you could let God down it would imply that you had the power to deceive him and that you were working on something that he did not see but we see divine providence in Psalm 139 when David said where can I go from your book if I go to the uttermost parts of the earth he were there if I make my bed in hell you were there if I check on the wings of the morning you're there and then he said even the darkest not God to you and the reason the dark is not dark to you because in Jeremiah you said I am God there is not another like me I created good and evil light and darkness divine providence the sovereignty of God the sovereignty of God sit down then you have the doctrine of ecclesiology I'm gonna get there that is a doctrine of the church universal it is a doctrine that shows us that we are not just saying to be Christians we are say to be living members of a body and you cannot be a Christian exclusive of the body we have put so much emphasis on people's personal relationships god that we've made an irresponsible generation thinking they can achieve holiness without being connected to the Saints so they in the basements and they they want a high brother no leaders no authority no doctor now we're just gonna come and share and we're gonna break communion but the Bible says it upon this rock I'll get there in a minute upon this rock I'm not gonna build my shelter and I'm not gonna build my Bible study I'm gonna build my grassroots movement I'm going to build my church and the reason you are not the church as an individual is because you only wanna rock until you come together you ain't the church Christians in a building of salvation this is how you actually get saved what happens when you get saved if you get saved are there parts of you that got to change for your confession yes the Bible says you will believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that God has raised Jesus from the dead and what you thought was that was enough to get you into heaven no no that's enough to give you the right to go the rest of this is gonna be reliant on what you do it's your mind what you do it's your heart and what you do it so enemies you can steal go to hell Paul called it falling from grace because we don't have accurate soteriology we think that our salvation is in perpetuity the doctrine of salvation how do you know you're saved how are you aware that you have another god ruling you that's the doctrine of soteriology then you've got the doctrine of him more--it ology that's the study of sin that's the study of sin and its impact on the creature sin is not something that just impacts people see impacts everything under the earth and under the doctrine of sin you got iniquities you got trespassers you got transgressions up you got grievances all sin get you the same place but it has different consequence and different impact on the life I Mama's at my point then you got the doctrine of Missy ology this is God's plan be on your block visit the doctor where the Bible says that God has something he wants to do around the nations of the world you cannot fully grasp the Bible without understanding that there is something that God is trying to do around the globe and if more Christians knew that baby left selfish less self-centered less Jesus can work it out enough how you don't pay your rent in ER all your money spin dinner and a little bit to buy some shoes and living at your last time because you've been stuck in your life and you've not broke out of the back of daughters doing something bigger than here providing for you is bare minimum he's trying to show you something was recipient of the breath of God and God breathe NUMA into him so let me ask you a question a mouse function in the breathing system then we've got an accurate view of the work the nature the character the Holy Ghost and here's why because we don't have accurate doctrine we postpone our pneumatology to Acts chapter 2 we act like the Holy Ghost was an active until Pentecost we act like he was sitting up twiddling his thumbs up until there was a hundred and twenty in the upper room but if doctrine is right then the pneumatology and the pneumatics of heaven were in act of in Genesis and I can prove it before Pentecost the Spirit of God breathed on the water before Pentecost the Spirit of God was inhaled into Adam and then if you need a New Testament reference the Bible said that when Jesus looked for what came out of the wilderness he was filled you don't want to help me with the Holy Ghost and then the Bible said John the Baptist the prophetic word that Elizabeth got where's your son will be feel Oh y'all get mad with this no tarrying service no clapping and prophet he was gonna be filled from the womb Jesus what can I do in 12 minutes with this I can show you that traditionally the reason we don't have accurate pneumatics it's because we wait to the new testament to discover it and what I love about the text that I just read to you is we now find the first man that the Bible says was filled with the Holy Ghost did you hear what I said to you the first man that was filled with the Holy Ghost was a man named basil and he didn't have a fancy name he didn't have fancy apartments he didn't have a fancy bar mitzva he was of the tribe of Judah and the Bible says that when God told Moses he gave him a vision pay attention but there are those that can see it and can't build it imma get there in a minute everybody's not gifted to build what they see there are some of us who are visionaries and dreamers and imagine it but there's a whole bunch of people that can dream it and can't bring it to pass they can envision it but they don't have the might to construct it and I believe those the principality or the principle this was this dog knew that if I'm gonna do something in the earth that I never been done before and if I'm gonna construct something in the earth they never been constructed before I'm going to have to take this thing from a drawing to real life and the only thing that can make up the disparity between the visible and the invisible is the Holy Ghost come in Moses yes I've given you a pattern yes I've given you a blue but I need somebody to stand beside issues with the Holy Ghost [Music] what your call to do before men we've got a real bad idea of character our idea of character is we live anyway before God and put on manners before men but there is a species of people in this place let's go get right in the shadows of God and they're going to work on it there so that they can be called on when God has a special assignment God is not anointing fakes in this hour he ain't northern actors got some challenges in the shadows I'm so excited God told me you were filled with the Spirit of God he told me you were full of the Spirit I've been dreaming about the oil I want you to work on this chair I got another idea for this rug it's gonna go real I want you but anybody who is filled with the Spirit of God is going to have discernment about priorities that's why this is a focused message I tell you what I'll get to the house wisdom for you that holds it up in the house on the length of your about that brief up and the church got you working on tables foundation they put first things first so the second or third things can prosper oh yes oh yes we have raised a very decorated generation we raise a generation who knows who knows who knows how to but they know nothing about to work on the work on the house is not secure and I'm gonna tell you what this mess with me this mess with me because the Holy Ghost the Greeks call it the plural it means the overwhelming explosion of energy and remember the scripture but as I open this up the Holy Ghost let me take you to the first man because I wanna go grab somebody say you got to build it you got to build it open your mouth tell them you got to build it I want to give each of you a personal prophetic words 20:19 you're going to have to build something God is not just trying to anoint you to look at you and he's not just trying to anoint you to wink at you there's something you're about to build but you got a marriage you can't just do it you got to build it when you gotta company you can't just dream it you got to build it up many have been declaring up what you too scared to build up look the Holy Ghost is not in you so you can just think about it he wants you to build what he showed you he wants you to build what he told you he wants to be 18 materials that's why you were discouraged because you were like ain't nothing coming together I see a bunch of bricks here but it's not coming together I see a bunch of cement bags but it ain't coming together when your life is a construction site he's gonna pull the pieces together he's about to pull the pieces together hallelujah I wish I had some builders in hat everybody wants to be a dreamer but I wanna be a builder everybody wants to be I wanna be that's how you build it with your degree and you try to build it with your black book and you try to build it with your good looks and you try to build it with your hips and you try to build it with your dips and you try to build it with your money you build it with your boss build it with your mother with your daddy that's a certification to build it but I believe God is saying I'm killing people so that they can build for me I know tongues are important but it's supposed to translate into some other powers that's gonna enable you to build something Everlast imagine the consequences if you don't build I know this is Steven but if basil ale we're never filled with the Holy Ghost he would have no arch the vision was Moses but the building was basil and he had to be filled with the Holy Ghost to believe took the Holy Ghost to be in a man had to partner for the construction of something that made no sense he could not just look at it naturally and decode the mystery and interpret the mystery he needed the Holy Ghost for powers that the Bible says was active in this man because he was filled to build and the number one is a very important topic for you it's wisdom it's wisdom God told Moses I filled them with my spirit and I've given him wisdom I know there's a lot of you to think that the extent of your relationship with the Holy Ghost is languages but according to the template in the Bible if you get filled with the Spirit of God and don't get hungry for wisdom you were not filled with God's Spirit and the way I know that that's true is because the Bible said that wisdom is the principal thing which means that don't nobody start nothing that's up god without wisdom the Bible says she's so important if you got to stand in the streets and call for her get wisdom he said don't you ever wage a war without wisdom a man wages their war your problem is not that you're not able and not that you're not ready you just lack wisdom the Holy Ghost comes in your life up to deepen your craving but the Spirit wisdom and wisdom does not just come through experience the Bible said it when it was sorceress time to lead Israel that God told Moses pull up in front of the people up and put your hands on Emma that's a whole nother doctor called the laying on of hands I know you don't appreciate that but here's why it's important when a man of God or a woman of God has history with God and they put their hands on your apple head all of their history comes into you and then you put your hands on somebody else's head and they get both of those histories and what it does is breaks your time in half it breaks your struggling hammer it breaks your journey in half scream wisdom interesting cuz they told me tongues that was it spoke in tongues before and didn't have wisdom ability to live in defense of the future the ability to distinguish and detect the difference so that you protect the future wisdom is not based upon the past is based upon what's not been you may have gotten some wisdom as a byproduct of what you've learned but the point of wisdom is future tense you are wise to defend the future therefore if you have no conviction about the future you don't really have wisdom next power the next realm that was unlocked in Basel era was the realm of knowledge the realm of knowledge maybe your problem is not that you're not able or capable it's that that you have poor attention you see the difference between wisdom and knowledge and we don't do far enough study and the difference between these two but there's zillions of scriptures about the relationship between wisdom and knowledge knowledge is the retention of information so that you can apply it to a current setting it is what you know that gives you the victory it's what you know that gets you beyond the struggle the problem is is you are ignorant in an area the defeat is going to be easy know something that's why when Paul was discouraged about how he was gonna approach his ministry what he told his peers I know and whom I believe that's fine Ephesians wanna what he was praying for the church at Ephesus he didn't pray for them to get married uh and he didn't pray for them to have houses he prayed that their eyes would be open huh in the knowledge of the son of God you need to know something don't spend twenty nineteen guessing you must know a finger and you got to know it by Discovery huh in the eighth chapter there was a man trying to read the Bible and just I mean you he had been in church all of his life and he had heard the Bible stories and heard the Disney stories up but he was locked out of the revelation out of the meaning here comes an evangelist I'm talking about a real one who walks up to me says do you know what you reading and the man said I'm gonna know it don't nobody teach me something which means that your relationship with a real evangelistic anointing it should be deep knowledge the mistake we make is that they are synonymous but if you understand but you can know something you don't I wish I had to help so it shows that there were four compartments in the soul of this man that the Holy Ghost was establishing one was his capacity for wisdom the next was his desire for knowledge and the third one was his understanding and all by getting and all thy gift and all thy getting get an understanding but understanding your waste of money you get without understanding you'll lose the real mate if it ends bad it might not be that they were the wrong one it might mean that you didn't dwell with them according to knowledge many divorces are an understanding issue and the reason that is so is because understanding is the fellowship between the mind and the heart in your mind to control your understanding of understanding is a major psychological I pray in tongues because tongues don't get you rich tongues don't help you change the world tongues don't make you change your family but unto God in the spirit he speaks mysteries you praying in tongues is for you what's gonna pack them is your skills i'ma tell you what's wrong with your city i'ma tell you what's wrong with your job there's a lot of talking incompetent people I know you offended but there's a person right around your cubicle that don't he by shot coming aboard don't do none of that and they get more money than you they're more effective than you they're more efficient from you coming here and a baa-baa over the struggle and they make one call and solve the solutions of city you're missing it because the point was not your tongue huh it was so them tongues but give you some more skills what then is a skill skill is the fruit knowledge understanding it becomes a skill Pastor Mike when wisdom knowledge and understanding are expressed through the hands it's a matter of how this is why I'm always be crazy I'm gonna put on my suit imma fasten my time imma give me some Gucci shoes on and I'm gonna say hi I'm dr. Stevenson how can I make your world better your problem is you don't know how to allow what happened to you on Sunday that's you on Monday if you gonna be a boss do it at your job who'll just do it in here let's see you got the Holy Ghost [Music] [Music] look at some I said what's wrong with you you shouldn't have the Holy Ghost and have no vision for what you're gonna be doing in the next phase of your life why does the government get to control your retirement let's use them tongues now why you ain't finished that degree why you got a 2.0 what about your Holy Ghost as a learning disability I believe you got to pull on the power the holy god Jenny they taught us that the only thing he wanted to do was convicted of sin that's not what Jesus said appreciate your missionary but that ain't what he's saying preciate your bishop but he did not say that y'all said that well what did he say he said after I'm gone I'm gonna leave you a help loss i'ma leave you you don't need another lamb I'm back I'm gonna send you a help y'all help you live right now he gonna do much more than that you don't help me change the world he gonna help me get my college kids fun he gonna help me bring wealth and prosperity victory and deliverance a combat and conquest he gonna help me with this credit he gonna help me with this real estate he's gonna help me sew these clothes up he gonna help me with these graphics which was the feast of 50 weeks what are you suggesting here's the good news understand the reason God was able to gather 120 men is because people have been already been filled you need a personal infinite I'm not trying to say you didn't get it for real but if you like me I'm so in love with the Holy Ghost if I could get it every day I'm like come on in here come on I need you now how part of the problem was we teach and preach him like he's a disease and we teach him preach him like he's an itch how would you feel if I called you it if I walked up on yourself what's up it how you feeling today how was your day it what's your emotions it and then we went in church and we went to Terry service we was already sleeping it was 1:00 o'clock at night and then we set up with the ushers and the missionaries and then I got it I got a we're said he's like I'm not coming as long as you call me Richie I am NOT a I am gone I am NOT a I am a person I have feelings you can fix me you can breathe me and I can't leave you I am NOT in it [Music] if he's a person you can coach you you can train a good father a good pastor good whatever you are you have to be filled to build so the challenges is if you are before anything that needs to be built before you start planning you got to be filled you have to be but you must be filled with the Spirit of God and Paul didn't I say get filled with the Holy Ghost one should get saved in there he said be filled with the spirit and don't be drunk with wine now here's what that means that means when you realize that you are empty and you have something you need to do and want to do and can't do it the discouragement from your inability is going to turn into an addiction you will find something to fill you because you've been created to be filled now maybe your thing a Hennessy but there's a lot of people being filled with lust being filled with witchcraft being filled with gossip the problem is the devil is taking advantage of your capacity to receive so that is your homework be filled and if you get filled start to build I no longer respect people who only use the Holy Ghost for tongues the world is doing that with rosetta stone you don't get feel to learn a new language look at how we doing hey we got one oh yeah they got it nobody's following up about their grades nobody's following up about their chemical and emotional issues nobody's following up about where they are financially and where their victories are nobody cares they think that the Holy Ghost only wants to be in your mouth I've made up my mind in every area of ignorance in my life every area that I don't know what to do when I'm supposed to do I'm called to do a lot of stuff I don't know how to do but I've got the pneumatics operating the breath of God the wind of God the spirit of God and he is in me to make me what I am not not just as it pertains to heaven and air but life and godliness be a better mother be feel better friend be filled it's okay to have some unsaved contacts Bible said the children of darkness are more wise and the children of light keep you a couple of heathens around you but don't you go into covenant with a criminal you can have a contact that you're not in covenant with you don't partner and covenant with people who serve a covenant breaking God they worship a truce breaker you set yourself up by dating and befriending people that don't have the capacity to keep child men there's only one God one God no see God is not your to accept you do not go to him and pretend like you know how to do this you have to go back and to hear my lord you said in your word present your body get out of my face because what it screams is self-righteousness what it screams is I don't need you know you gotta tell them I don't know how to zip my zipper every Saturday night I won't let it out I want to get it all this I know with your honest like that like okay I've got space to work in now don't pump to me with tribe Donna tres come to me with your brokenness and I will feel you you knew how to come out of sin you would have done it by now I know you don't know cuz you have the altar every week he knows I have an urn doctor but I didn't make the stars I got degrees education but I didn't make the mood so when I go before him I abase myself because if I get low he will left me any man it's gonna do anything in the world not the church you keep on looking for church accolades you going down here the Bible says of Jesus that there were some of the leaders of the Jews that actually believed in him but wouldn't admit it because of the Jews and the next verse says because they desired more glory from men than they did God warning if you being a church celebrity is like being rich with monopoly money I'm glad you're excited about your stupid book and your dumb low retreats you just keep using your resources to the same people all the Wow the world is out there dying and you selling deliverance and selling discipleship you don't have the Holy Ghost no deliverance special Friday get free from rejection for $4.99 it is witchcraft it is up the devil and it's what the flesh does when they can't figure the future out they try to put a price on what Jesus died to give people for free but if you would stir up the gift of God I said if you would stir up the gift of God you won't have to merchandise your ministry look at somebody say stop to give he'll give you a real career and I'm here to tell you you won't even have to sell yourself I've been in Starbucks and focus like a you got to look if that's what works I'm here to tell you you won't even have to have a good resume when I feel with the Spirit of God people will come finding you come on me watch me I'm allowing myself to say yes ma'am and no sir the favor of God has come out of me through manners you ain't gotta whoop all that all you gotta do is be polite and it takes the Holy Ghost [Applause] he's more than tongues he is a divine intelligence of the universe which means that he's looking for people to express himself through and the church won't let him and I stay here we just need you to froth with us a little bit just get whiplash couple that's all we want you for don't don't do nothing with my a CT scores don't speak to me about my GED I'm just gonna name it by faith I don't want to do no work I want to go to heaven I'm gonna change the world with my prayer life my career is already gone you tell that to a God who came to Abraham at 90 which means when you have the Holy Ghost it's never too late Oh y'all okay I'll give it to I said well you got the Holy Ghost I don't care if you 50 or 60 God can do more with a short career that you can do with a long career all you got to do is he yield to him [Music] fashion concepts medicines because we taught you to abandon your career come out from among don't be successful in the world that God were about that you go see mahalia and die in the Upper Room in seeing no your robe don't fit you well because you tried it on it two gates a ham and all that stuff that makes you not useful on the planet and makes you suck up the oxygen while the rest of us struggle in the battle between darkness and light and here I don't want to get into the prophetic we're here most cities around the world are about to lose public education because you want to use tongues and not use that same Holy Ghost to give you an idea for a world-changing groundbreaking school a solution to your city you would rather be a minister in training than an alderman you would rather be a junior missionary and a part of the cabinet of your mayor you'd rather go to your annual convention then go to City Hall or the state's capital the Holy Ghost wants that for a lot of you I don't watch movies don't you tell me about numbered box devildis is sneaking somebody who's filled with the spirit want to write movies y'all judge them ask are know you you are full of cheeseburgers McDonald's is that carnal does that not appeal to the flesh your kids know your order by heart my point is and I'll show you how to get that at 10:30 we need so much more we need so much more throw away your dreams of church celebrity God uses you to help the church great a man I really do believe he's rewriting church history but he wants to do so much more with you and the more that he wants to do with you is to situate you so that you can be a blessing if you don't take advantage of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit you'll always need a blessing you won't be in a position to be a blessing I was facetiming my brother my oldest brother we have a tradition where we talk once a week and he was he was showing me all my nephews and I was talking smack to him I said God if you do something with me to send all my nephews to school I'll do it I don't know how but if you make me a bank if you let it flow through me I promise I'm not gonna hold it I'm not supposed to be Hugh Hefner I'm supposed to be Abraham and through you and prove you all the families of the earth will be blessed stir up the gift of God the most powerful songs they ain't even been written yet stir up the gift of God you've not seen cellular technology like you're about to see it stir up the gift of God there every crisis in the world is about to work to the advantage of the Saints God says got to get you to get the guts to be in position to administrate this moment the right way father I can't speak for nobody else in Chicago or America but I can speak on the behalf of this people and I'm asking you right now for a fresh baptism a fresh and filling of the Holy Ghost do something with us mentally do something with us psychologically we give you room to be our therapist do something in us emotionally lord we don't know how to deal with trauma and all of that stuff when we make lists it gets so overwhelming but you know how to handle our mother issues our father issues our sibling issues you know how to do it we don't know how to handle this stuff you are mindful of us and your word declares take your yoke upon you and learn of you so we take your yoke it's easy today and we're asking for fresh and filling Lord begin to shake the powers of the coming age deep within us so that we can tap into what you plan for the future what you dreamed about the future and we said I kingdom come Thy will be done on earth on earth let your supreme ruler your supreme dominion your majesty through all the earth your word declares in eyes at you that the mountain of the Lord's house will be established on the top of all the mountains do it by the Spirit of God do it by the breath the breath of your mouth do it exhale on this movement exhale on this movement blow again Spirit of God up Reba can exhale on us and begin to stir the gift [Music] whoa just take you about eight seconds and worship them real quick will you I can hear you come on take about 80 seconds and worship yeah come on worship them come on turn the volume up in your spirit yeah he knows what you don't know how to do he knows what you don't know how to do he sees what you don't see there is no such thing as a formula to him no problem to him there's nothing that he can't solve come on oh oh these are the days of my downloads said the Lord these are the days of my upgrader I'm enhancing here I'm a crazy killer I'm beginning to change and rearrange you yes I'm doing something up in the realm of wisdom in the realm of knowledge in the realm of understanding get ready for your hearing to change you're seeing to change even bravery a spirit of bravery a spirit of bravery a spirit of boldness no more double thinking no more hesitating up no more holding yourself back [Music] but be filled with the spirit but be filled with the spirit come on if you go feel you got to be filled [Applause] come on lift it up we want more Lord Jesus we want more [Music] Lord we cannot go into 2019 with the never we've had break on experiences break on contentment break our complacency and pour out of your spirit pour out of your spirit open our minds open understanding of open our comprehension yes look a word in our hearts up the line in our mouths of Gaza yes [Music] well coming up through the glory wave after wave wave after wind afterwards [Music] [Music] oh come on our nation's I see a coat of many colors I see the coat of many colors something precious polling of his church and it's like a coat of many colors is a coat of many colors yes is a coat of many colors it's coming upon you in power it's coming upon you stroke coming upon you with dynamic power with whoa-ho what Bo power is coming upon athletes is coming upon riders it's coming apart CEOs revival in the c-suite revival into c-suites revival in the c-suite in the boardroom revival revival [Music] more more oh come on be encouraged man oh god it's not over for you come on woman of God you ain't seen the best yet there is more there is more I don't how late you got started long awaited there is more for you that is all for you [Music] [Music] Oh trouble we gotta move on but I hear this in my spirit eyes have not seen ears have not heard has it entered into the heart of myth but things have bought hat crepe but those that love him but God had revealed it by his Spirit by his Spirit bias [Applause] is more so much more much more [Music] father thank you for this season thank you that is a byproduct of the precious gift of the Holy Ghost [Music] the precious gift of the Holy Ghost the precious gift of the Holy Ghost thank you that you make us able to make us brave and right now in the hands of your people are lifted I loose and i unlock the realms of wisdom the realms of knowledge the realm of understanding and the realm of skill and I prophesied that you're going to the next level of wisdom the next level of knowledge the next level of understanding and the next level of skill in 2019 if you believe it give the Lord a compass saw the victory come on come on praise up cuz there's more so tired so tired okay shout tired there's so much more for you [Music] she's not all that is come on lift up one more time let it wind out of this book let alone in this building you are about to see more that I believe it I believe it [Music] you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 45,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uyOh3XrnTXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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