The Purpose Place | Purpose Night | Dr. Matthew L. Stevenson, III

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is [Applause] i don't think we're finished [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] jesus you're the only one come on one more shot [Music] things are possible when we believe old chains are breakable when we receive [Music] we believe uh [Music] [Music] [Music] the way you keep your promises [Music] cuz yo praise the lord everybody [Music] don't worry about it guys we're about to check y'all in okay i don't know if y'all see us when we go live on facebook and youtube and zoom but if you know you know can y'all turn that up a little bit i need that bass to be down and they sold i need y'all to find out [Music] y'all we at church i was glad when they said unto me let's run up in this church [Music] listen if you are tuning in from facebook and youtube i need you guys to like comment share and subscribe and let us know where you're worshiping from okay turn you know the jeopardy music when they get the little countdown first thing turn your phones down turn your flash off there's gonna be plenty of lights you'll get a good picture okay we are being covered acknowledgeable okay so keep your mask on man if you need to take a breath go outside to the foyer go ahead and catch your breath i understand reapply your chapstick come on back in and join the saints okay i understand i do what else [Applause] that was turning up with me y'all get to answer the trivia questions and get some of the giveaways okay okay so what what you want to ask the people what they need to know so we have an exciting weekend and i need to know what is the name of our youth ministry purpose blaze good job you got it sis all by yourself all about yourself what you get you get some purpose merchants look like sure you got some purpose murders go ahead and bless somebody sharing is caring who can tell me our pastor pastor tasha just celebrated her birthday who could tell me what her birthday was [Music] say it again [Music] you got one of the tumblers they high quality two girls keep your coffee hot and your water cool yes so adrian um we do this like once a month we come in here on thursdays we gather this is kind of our bible study time so we do this once a month and then uh what we got on sundays usually we meet with the students but we have monday night moments [Music] so yeah so listen guys if you didn't know we pre-record our services right we come in on monday we get the holy ghost on monday and then we stream it to y'all on sunday but guess what we are officially opening up our services so y'all can come join us so if you are in the spartanburg area and you want to be part of our in-person services we over at the drayton 1800 drayton street come on to the back you'll see some of our greeters out there catch you a seat and do service with us okay listen speaking of that i need y'all to meet us there sunday for super c sunday it is happening in person this happening in person so just this sunday august 1st we are doing an in-person sunday morning service okay we have if you've been following us on our instagram youtube facebook y'all know we've been in the season of super seed so sunday is the culmination of all of the faith all of the seas that have been planted y'all might want to be there they might want to be especially if you are a faithful partner and you put some seed in the ground show up this sunday is for us it's for us we have put a demand on heaven and we are expecting god to do something different in our lives not just in the church in the church line but in our lives individually y'all see the testimonies y'all have seen them but all right we're about to get this thing started i'm adrian i'm jennifer and you have been checked in [Music] who do you say that i am when i think of myself i know exactly what you see every flaw every blemish the scars of my hurts i've done to myself the things said and done to me that's who i am you see a mother daughter a sister an aunt you see the scarce shadow of a woman's potential irreversibly wrapped in failure but then i hear it that still small voice who told you that who told you that you are defined by your mistakes who told you that you are ugly and broken who told you that you are only measured by what you give others who told you that brokenness and frailty are what you carry haven't you heard you are not what everyone says you are you are who god says you are and you are his he says you are fearfully and wonderfully made he says you are a perfect design made for a purpose made for a destiny and you are never alone he says he'll never leave you nor forsake you he goes before you he goes behind you he says you are bold he says you are brilliant he says you are brave he says greater is he that is in you you are a masterpiece hand painted by the master himself you are who god says you are god stand to your feet come on we have an identity in christ jesus and because of that we can go boldly before the throne of grace so we're gonna get ready to enter into a time of intercession hallelujah hallelujah so god we come before you and if you would just begin to pray for the person on your left and your right come on just begin to lift up uh just say something for them whatever god is giving you to pray for that person well we thank you for the person on our left in our right we thank you that they have the mind of christ we thank you god that you're filling their heart with your spirit god we thank you that you're driving out every demonic force god that's been speaking in their ear we thank you that tonight is the night of deliverance we thank you guys that tonight is the night of release god we thank you that tonight is a night that you will allow us to release a sound god that will move heaven and as heaven is moved you will move on our behalf so god we thank you for gathering us tonight we don't take it lightly that we made it here god we made it here in our cars god we had enough gas to get here god you are a provider god you have continued to show yourself over and over again god your mercy and your grace is what's covering us your mercy and your grace is what's keeping us and god we just acknowledge the fact god that you continue to extend it freely daily consistently god when we don't deserve it when we turn our backs on you it was your grace that woke us up it was your grace to say get up this morning when others did not make it god you came through for us and we don't take it lightly we just tell you thank you come on just lift up thanksgiving unto the lord come on come on let heaven hear you come on intercessory prayer it's something we do together come on lift up thanksgiving learning the spirit of thanksgiving in this room like never before lord out of my grateful heart we just tell you thank you thank you for the small things [Music] you don't need help to do what you do and so father we open up ourselves god to be to be used by you in our lives in the name of jesus lord we will praise you with everything on the inside of us oh god get the glory out of our lives [Music] but we give it back to you we honor you as king we honor you as lord we honor you as father we honor you as priests you rule god you rule tonight and we even speak to demonic strongholds we pull down strongholds by the blood of jesus and we apply a blood parameter around this building a block parameter around every mind of black covered and we peop coming by the love of the father we decree and declare that we are killed by his love it's your love that's brought us this far it's your love let's continue to keep us it's your love it's in your love father and we expect to move we expect to see you we have an honest expectation and we want to see you move in a mighty way moving a mighty way god we decree that we shall see miracles signs and wonders they shall find out because we believe that we're not chasing the miracle we're chasing up to you and then we'll that's when we will see the miracle so we come hungry we come desperate for the glory of god for the hand of god in the name of jesus we want your glory to rest on us we want your glory to abide in us we will show glory to change us from the inside out lord lift every orphan spirit off of us every spirit of rejection every mother wound us by the world lord heal it tonight god heal tonight god heal in our bodies heal from sickness and disease oh god we pray god that you will we will show judgment against every oppressor hallelujah the oppressor suicide the pressure of depression don't press our sickness the oppressor of suicide and depression in the name of jesus lord we pray that your judgment will be against every demonic and pressure tonight and that you will free your people from the hand of the oppressor and loose your justice on your people god of justice show your hand of justice the enemy has been holding many of us down but tonight is the night of freedom tonight is the night where cycles will be broken tonight is another breakthrough breakthrough we put it in the atmosphere breakthrough [Music] breakthrough breakthrough and if you believe that come on just lift up your voice come on what you release is how the lord's going to respond come on release your sound come and release a sound that will move heaven release a sound that shakes that say the kingdom of darkness release the sound that makes the devil run release a sound that calls for an angelic assistant release your sound release it right now come on come on don't you stop we're moving the temperature is changing the atmosphere is shifting and accepting as you release come on and release come on and release come on and release come on release yourself and god we expect for you to rest on us we expect for you to sit on us we expect it we want to see you move in a mighty way in a mighty way move like you never move before this a new one this is a new era of the wave of glory and the wave of glory it's another era it's another wave come on don't you stop release it release it release it release it release it the lord says as you release i'mma pour back release and he'll pour release and he'll pour release and he will pour release and he will burn [Applause] release releasing he shall work he'll put on your children he'll ruin your home on your job in your region god said i'm pouring out more than just for you but this is for your generation this is for generations to come hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah and we give your name praise glory and honor if you would just steal it with a big amen and put your hands together in jesus name we pray amen come on worshiper release your sound into the atmosphere come on worship and release your sound into the atmosphere [Music] [Music] unless you use your voice your neighbor can't do it your mama can't do it your spouse can't do it release your sound worshipers on life release your sound i introduce myself god told us that something special is happening tonight he's releasing his power he's releasing this spirit and a few weeks ago i had a revelation that we're at a jericho moment somebody say jericho moment see the israelites were traveling and traveling to a land that was promised to them they did everything right they did what they were supposed to do god god led them they followed his instructions and when they got to the promised land at jericho they found a wall and some of you have been doing all you can you've been pushing you've been praying the enemy's been attacking you've been god told me i'm in a room of resilient worshipers today that it doesn't matter what it looked like before it doesn't matter what the what the doctor's report says so we're at a spiritual jericho and before we enter into this moment everybody knows what the instructions were on jericho they were to release a shout to release a sound some of you are one shout one sound away from god's promised land is anybody feeling that in their spirit tonight anybody filling that in that spirit tonight so before we get started before we enter into this jericho moment i want some lions my purpose place partners no i need some lions in here to roar to release the sound up in the balcony release this sound come on release your sound come on release your sound release your sound for your breakthrough release your sound for your children release your sound for your family release your sound for your healing release your sound release your sound come on tonight is not a night for the silent tonight is not a night to be on mutants come on release yourself [Music] come on use your key use your key use your key [Music] come on purposefully come on worshiper come on praises [Music] [Applause] come on musicians worship raise your sound raise your sound [Music] listen you prayed about it you cried over it you stayed up all night and worried about it and i know i'm in a room full of people that can sense in the spirit that god is about to do just what he said he was going to do for us he said that the night would be a night of supernatural deliverance am i talking to anybody that's tired of being bound that's tired of being chained to some things some things have been holding you down some things that had your word tonight is the night of supernatural resilience tonight is a night of supernatural healing and so as we enter into this moment i want you to charge the atmosphere i want you i know i'm standing in a room full of people that say i'm not leaving until god until i get everything everything he promised on the night so i just wanted to make sure i was in the right room welcome to purpose night purpose plays purpose everywhere welcome tonight we have been anticipating this for a long time i am pastor kenny and this is my amazing wife pastor tasha [Applause] and listen we're so honored we're so honored and so grateful that you chose tonight to worship with us i believe that that is not by a coincidence that god intentionally gathered us here together as a group of believers so that we can lift his name so that he can prove himself strong somebody just give god a shout of praise for that [Applause] if you see any clergy in the building i just want you to throw your hands up we want to honor you honor you thank you so much for partnering with us tonight i'm ready to go in are y'all ready to go in dr apostle matthew stevenson is with us tonight i was talking to him earlier he said i'm feeling pretty wild tonight so i hope y'all are ready we got some people with some expected hearts on tonight so we're getting ready to enter into our time of giving our time of sowing our church is in the season right now where we're believing god for some things we have a super seed sunday coming up this sunday purpose place you all excited about super c we uh we started this church a year ago in a pandemic online my god so we didn't need a building but now god is god is leading us into a space that we can call purpose a space that we can begin to to to restore hope to the community that's our mission a place where we can show that purpose is possible god promised us a john 10 10 life somebody said john 10 10. what am i talking about worshipping this an abundant life a life where we're not not just surviving but striving a life where we're not breaking but we might have to bend sometimes but we won't break and i believe that's possible and so we're we're looking for a place now that we can call home that we can that we can restore hope to the community and so we're asking that you partner with us on that if you want to make a pledge that's easy to do if you'd like to sow a seed into that and even though tonight we're getting ready to get our seeds into the ground because i know god is about to do something crazy we give because we love them we give because we love them i give to my wife because i love her and she looking amazing tonight baby thank you honey when she walk in the room shift that's my god well we're getting ready to give um and and there's several ways you can do that you can give your seed you can do it on giblify you can do it on tithely you can do it on church center just download the church center app if you haven't already put in put in the uh purpose place in spartanburg you can mail it in if you're not in the room and we'll give you an envelope if you are in this room and you can sow your seed tonight uh one of the things that we believe in here is sowing confessing over our seed so tonight we're going to sow in the direction of our need somebody say i'm sewing in the direction of my knees right if you if you wanna if you wanna get apples you plant apple seeds amen amen if you wanna get a new car plant you a car seat so we're getting ready to get our seed in the ground and we're getting ready to say our seed confession is real simple you just repeat after me are we ready raise your hand if you need an envelope i give online i'm a church center giver i got some expectant worshipers tonight [Music] i've been expecting this for a minute so if y'all see me take off and start running and falling out y'all excuse me all right we're saying our seed confession just repeat after me i choose to give choose to give because this is god's way to prosper me this is god's way to prosper me according to proverbs 3 and 9. according to proverbs 3 and 9 i will honor the lord with my wealth i will honor the lord with my wealth and with my first fruits and with my first proof so that my storehouses so that my storehouse is mini store houses will overflow overflow i believe i believe that the purpose place that the purpose place is fertile soil soil and when i saw and when i sow i shall reap a harvest shall we for harvest this seed this seed will leave my hand i'll leave my hand but it will not return to me void but it will not return to me boy these are my confessions of faith these are my confessions of faith and i claim them to be so i claim them to be so it's in jesus name we pray let's shout out almighty amen amen amen we're getting ready to give again that information is coming up on the screen so that we can give together are y'all ready to get into the presence of god and worship a little bit i'm looking for the radical praises though like where the we're the ones that's like i'm gonna worship with my hands my feet my hair no that ain't y'all cause y'all let me i'm looking for the crazy ones that's like i'm gonna pull on the prophetic from the man of god because i believe that god has released a word in this room for my life i'm looking for y'all throw your hands up we can't hear you so you got to use some other body parts yes if you got a mask on we can't hear you so you got to use your hands you got to use your arm so feel free to jump feel free to run feel free to leave feel free to speak in in your heavenly language whatever leads you to do this is your not to worship freely can we praise god for purpose worship as they bring us into the next place in the presence of god well praise the lord everybody come on you've got one big shot right here if you know that god is faithful open up your mouth and shout let's go right here come on everybody put your hands up like this [Music] come on put those hands on it [Music] i'll dance in the shadow come on my enemy because god is my champion and he fights for me come on you say it some perfect place this is why what you say say bigger than the battle come on [Music] let [Music] from the son of man come on come on raise up my hands say cause i know my god come on say i know my god and i know who i am i know you should have it by now let's go home say bigger [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Applause] there is no giant [Music] real simple raise it up church now everybody move right here commodities you get a little groove in your body come on cause what the spirit of the lord is that's freedom let me see your move tell your neighbor let me see move let me see you move let me see there you go there you go i see a couple crazy praises up here i got you this one i want you to say church i'm not afraid come on i'm not afraid tell every giant get out my way y'all gotta say say i'm not afraid come on tell every giant can't help my way y'all got it let me hear i'm not afraid i'm not afraid come on tell every giant get out my way come on speak to the mountain prophets out of your situation tell every giant get out my way let's go say bigger the battle [Music] there is no choice because now right there everybody make some noise two everybody leave right here let's go i'm looking for the leapers i'm looking for the praises come on come on what the spirit of the lord is there is liberty there is liberty come on everybody's here we cry out oh come on make it a warcraft come on come on raise it up church come on [Music] raise it up there's a real crazy praise at the back and i'm about to join everybody's head everybody's here everybody's here you are the lord god who is strong and mighty you are the lord god who is mighty in battle and we give you glory and we give you glory to begin the battle the greater my faith there one more time say bigger the battle [Music] come on one more time cause you're stronger than ten thousand armies oh last one right here you're stronger than ten thousand now if you know that we serve a strong god raise up your praise he is the lord god who is strong and mighty and the lord god mighty in paddle hold on i know we're moving snooze but let me tell you something this week i caught myself back in the corner and the only thing that i could say was bigger the battle [Music] my you cannot slay bigger the battle is greater my faith there is no giant that you cannot slay bigger than that i don't hear [Music] there is no giant you cannot slay cause you're stronger than ten thousand armies come on that means he's a real strong guy come on say it cuz you're stronger i don't know what you're going through but he's stronger than that stronger one last time worshipper saying that cause you're stronger than 10 000. that's a good place to praise him come on that's a good place to worship your god thank you jesus for being stronger thank you jesus for being greater thank you jesus for being more powerful than my issues yes you are yeshua we give you glory cause you're such a good good good good god you've been so good to me you've been so good to us and that's why you're the king of my heart yeah is he anybody's king of your heart tonight let the king of my heart be the mountain where i run the foul cannot drink from oh he is my son [Music] oh he is you are good you're good [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my god [Music] let me down come on [Music] you're never [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will never forsake me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are good and your mercy endureth forever you are good and your mercy endureth forever [Music] you are [Music] you you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] and [Music] [Music] [Music] let me tell you how i know let me tell you how i know thank you jesus has anybody ever been in a wreck has anybody ever been in a collision but you didn't even see it coming oh you didn't even see it happening happened so fast i was in a wrecking out me and my fiancee were traveling to serve this amazing ministry and the devil decided to attack us it really could have shaken our faith they could have been like oh we can't travel every week maybe once a month but his mercy endures forever so it happened and here we are at the side of the road just happy to have our lives to just walk out of the car no scratches the doctors and nurses are confused because they're looking at the picture and they're looking at us and one doctor he he knew the lord he said this is only god this is only god and i that's how i know that he is good and he's my keeper my god is good and he's my protector i should be dead but he's my cover i should be dead but my god covers me i should have lost my mind [Music] i should have lost my mind [Music] yeah i should have lost my [Music] come on if he's done it for you come on [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are good [Music] i should is [Applause] [Music] anybody got a testimony [Applause] [Music] [Applause] should have lost it now i need somebody to raise up your praise if you have a testimony in this room think back to when he saw you underneath the covers in a dark room when the enemy told you to take your life by the mercy of god and step right up in the room come on big bang bang bang bang bang somebody they think they think bigger when i think of the goodness of jesus [Music] christ [Applause] is foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh the enemy thought he had you because he took some things from you he had you because he took that job and he got laid off he took that house he went into foreclosure the enemy thought he had you because he took that car but one thing one up that we got on the enemy is that we have a revelation that we can renew our minds i admit it i'll admit i've been in a dark place i've allowed the enemy to play with my mind i've struggled with depression i'm warned with rejection of war with anxiety but one of the tools that god gave us is that i have the ability to renew my mind anybody you have the ability to renew your mind it was hard but i got a gift y'all i can renew my mind [Music] you are good [Music] yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] somebody raise [Music] [Music] about a month ago a little over a month ago we were here in this room for purpose night and the lord spoke to pastor kenny and told him that the purpose place was entering into a season of the supernatural and we rejoiced and we shouted we praised god we laid in the floor and we cried one of the things pastor kenny would tell you is just like the children of israel we were released into the promised land but we didn't know we were coming up some against some walls that's what he just said and so miracles started happening in the lives of our leaders and our partners so many of them have testimonies but along with that apostle came attacks attacks that we were like oh wow whoa that's what happens when you fast and pray huh so we were fasting and praying imani didn't tell the whole story what happened is they were headed back from worship back to atlanta her and her fiance they come every single week and they leave worship here at the purpose place they got into an accident with an 18-wheeler truck their car broke down on the interstate as they were preparing and trying to crank the car up to get it off of the road another car hit him in the back smushed their car they had not one scratch on their bodies they crawled out of the car across the interstate to safety we had another partner in this room another partner in this room she was healthy whole nothing wrong with her body a complete bill of health out of nowhere an attack on her body the doctor saw her had you had you waited another minute before you came to the doctor you would have died your blood would have been septic because there is so much infection in your blood however we can't find the source of it so we started hearing these things pastor kenny and i and because we instead of no devil we went into warfare with the purpose place because what you're not going to do is try to turn this supernatural season into a season of grief and mourning you will not touch not one of these bodies and so god began to raise them up he raised her body up the doctors can't tell you right now what was wrong with her but they can't tell you how he was deliberate i can because the blood of jesus it heals it sets free it delivers we have another partner in this room she's a business owner and she had she has a vision she has a vision apostle for a farm and so what is it fifteen thousand what is it fifteen acres the large couple i need you to get 15 acres for how many how long you been trying to get this land 20 years i'm telling y'all what y'all just stepped into this is y'all y'all then y'all y'all stepped into a supernatural 20 years she been waiting this monday she closes on 15 acres of land y'all playing with it say we can't hear yourself need to fix this microphone i said we can't hear you so i need to see you this is what you just walked up into can i can i tell y'all one more then i promise you i'ma bring i'm up i'm we already here y'all he's he told me he's ready to get wild can i tell one more baby all right so three years somebody's three years three for three years for three years me and my husband we've been married four and a half years for three years we've been trying to birth the promised child that god god promised us i mean all them years people coming out saying you know god said god said god said i believe what god said here's one thing about us humans we believe what god said but we want him to do it how he how we okay so god you said you're gonna do this i want you to do it like that so we went through ivf we went through all these treatments lost babies lost money lost a lot one day my husband was sitting there he said babe what about adoption i said let me tell you how god does this anybody adopt ever adopt a baby in this room okay it's we got to change that in the black community all right okay so we went through the process for six months normally after you complete your paperwork it takes maybe years before they even identify a child especially a newborn all right so we finished our paperwork and we went into prayer we walked into a supernatural season at the purpose place and we said god you you go you you gotta bless we don't want to miss this season so in in the midst of that we bought a house two years ago the house wasn't conducive enough for me to raise a little baby in it because i didn't want to be walking a lot so we sold our house believing god that he would give us another house in the middle of this supernatural season for a year we've been trying to find a house we closed on our house two months ago a month ago i don't know anyway because we're preparing for this baby that god promised us right finish the paperwork finish the paperwork our consultant called us she said okay y'all we have to apply to different agencies and i can't promise you how long this is going to take it could be it could be a day or it could be years so we cancelled out the years part i i'm 40. i don't have that long away so the next day y'all don't know a miracle the next day she called us she said this has never happened in all my all my days of doing this a mother walked into an agency in louisiana an agency we didn't apply to somehow they reached out to me i want to send them your profile i can't guarantee anything but i want to send them your profile because i believe this situation matches what you're looking for now we had a we had a faith believing agency this woman after she tell you something then she's prophesy to you and pray for you and she believed that it's done so she said it could take up for two weeks for us to know if you guys are chosen but let's do this so i said let's do this my husband said let's do this the next day [Music] so if you count it up right within a span of three days god gave us our promised child she said i don't know how this happened but the mother out of all the families that were presented to her she chose you because you you didn't just step into a theater you just stepped into a supernatural season and there are some things that you've been believing god for i need you to release your faith because god is extraditing i said you're extradited somebody say expedited expedited i don't want regular shipping i wanted expedited see let's go let's go i need somebody to open your mouth and praise our god for the apostolic voice of our generation so matthew stevenson raise up your worship in this room raise up your expectation you are good come on tonight yes you are [Music] god you're so good you got one more time here yeah thank [Music] somebody you some noise in here for the good god it doesn't get no better than him does it who wouldn't serve a god like this come on let's lift up some worship in here father we bless you we honor you come and open up there's nobody like you nowhere who is like you and all the earth we say you yehovah you heal you say you lift you raise you bring up the downtrodden you're near to the broken heart and we love you tonight and give you the glory come on one last shot pull from your spleen and shout to the heavens that he is a good god come on from here come on you gotta love just just before you sit down the presence of the lord is in this place and there's much that the lord wants to accomplish i believe in the power of the decree in job chapter 4 verse 6 it says how forceful are right words so i never go into a place without setting the record straight there are things that operate over this region that think that they control what happens to the people that live here particularly those that belong to jesus and so when i go into places i like to just say to principalities powers rulers authorities emperors dominions and throngs but there is one god so we're going to say something to set this room up is it okay and and what i want you to do is repeat after me we're going to say it three times just because i want to teach you how to decree you're ready repeat after me with all your strength god is exalted the devil is defeated and we've got the victory come on god is exalted come on the devil defeated and we've got the victory now one last time that you got the holy ghost god is exalted i did hear you god is exalted let's go to church god is it something god is exhausted god isn't to open up god is exhausted hey let's go god is insulting god is exalted that means you lift his head god is exalted the devil defeated but i've got to victory a shout that injury for 10 seconds right there help me come on child i've got the victory i got the victory that's the status i've got to venture it that's the bottom line i've got to victory [Music] hey i said still got it wait a minute hold on i just felt i still got it pandemic and still counted come on shut down and steal god in america and still got it 2021 and still got it slap yourself as a steel goddess okay can we can we honor let's behave let's behave but we'll clown in a minute but let's honor let's honor the grace uh the anointing the suffering the endurance the perseverance as you're on your feet i want you to realize leadership is not what it used to be scream yes they just don't make them the way they used to right now we're living in a generation where there are vacancies uh anointings and mantles that need to be occupied but the problem is is we don't have enough shoulders for the type of weight god wants in the earth but yet we found a couple god and i sense some of this in the spirit but god calls families if the anointing is on the woman it is also going to impact the man and if the call is on the man it will inevitably impact the woman so when the assignment of god comes on a house a family a unit god starts to write a story he told abraham through you all the families of the earth will be blessed can we celebrate the bravery the courage the audacity that is of an apostolic nature of this beautiful family oh no come on no no no no no let's celebrate this i could shout right there i said come on we talk about provision and you shout over houses and cars and legs and pass honey you got a pastor the bible says i'll give you pastors after my heart shall believe yes i love you i honor you you can be seated all over the world um hello we've got a lot to do tonight and i don't uh want to belabor it but we're going to do some stuff and bishop i'm going to try to not holler and spit everywhere i wa i want to teach you into faith scream yes and then when the teaching has fermented i'm going to prophesy and so that's why we're here tonight the lord spoke something to me concerning the purpose place i'm going to teach to you and you may be wondering where my notes are they're in my heart you'll know if a man or a woman loves what they are teaching if they can do it without the note what i'm about to teach you is in me it's it's not something i studied i'm about to give you dna that that's that's not a that's not something that you can get on pen and paper jesus gave the 12 dna it wasn't just documents so you're about to get something's going to happen to you molecularly it's going to change you for what's happening next and what the lord told me to do i've never said this i've never even been in this city for this type of assignment but the lord told me as long as this place is here i will avail myself once a year to come and deliver the word of the lord i will i will empty i will tithe a day two days for the rest of my life as long as you will have to prophesy concerning this place and what god is going to do this is not a drill god is serious about what he's doing in this house lift your hands up and say i receive all right so we're going to go into some stuff i'm going to teach we're going to flow in some things and i'm going to need your support with that okay i am very much a noise preach teacher this is going to be a weird service if it were sunday i'd be a bit more diplomatic but it's not so we've got work to do i was hoping uh uh the woman of god would shut up i didn't want to keep talking about a testimony because i intend to give all of them a word and so i don't want to know very much um if you come on man big bold brave i know my hand and it's my hand that i lay hands with okay uh scream the word prophesy no scream the word prophesy all right keep me on my time we're going to do this and we're going to do this quickly something happened in 1906 that would forever change the course of american history you don't really hear a lot about in many of the universities you barely hear a lot about in a lot of the seminaries but something was born in america through the loins of a man named william j seymour and and and what happened through this blind man who also struggled in his literacy and who had a peg led god be praise his circumstance was such that he was a handicapped man and yet being the most unlikely candidate to be the instrument for the most significant outpouring in the history of america he did what he did you may know it as the azusa street revival scream yes the reason this is so important is because if you remember if you recollect what was going on culturally and from a societal standpoint in 1906 we hadn't even got to the crux of what we know to be the civil rights or anything about women's rights or anything like that it was very much a society in in formation in genesis so to have a man a black man be able to partner with heaven in such a way that forever you will never be able to undo what happened then in america through a barn barns god uses borrowed tombs theater right here is a borrowed tomb and what happened i'm sorry and what happens in borrowed tombs the holy ghost resurrects they won't help i said the holy ghost resurrects you serving jesus that hid himself in a borrowed to clap those hands because the rent is about to change i said the holy ghost is going to roll away the stone [Applause] anyway so there's this barn help me calm down there's this barn and and they go to this barn and all of a sudden the sudden there's this phenomena scream teach and the only thing we have that's similar to this phenomenon is found in the book of acts chapter 2 and then also in joel chapter 2. but the prophet says in the last days saith god i'll pour out of my spirit we say that we're church people but but when god says i will pour let's stop there god has never been stingy scream at me yes and what i love about him is he's not an indian giver so much so that the scriptures say the gifts and the callings of god are without repentance he gave you gifts before you chose him you came to the planet perfectly stocked with everything you need to be who you are all you need is impartation scream yes activation scream yes and education because knowing that it's in you is not knowing how to use it there's a lot of gifted people who are ignorant and they don't understand that just because they do it naturally that they don't do it excellently it's like being a somebody who innately knows how to cook and then decides to go to chef school or somebody who's born with an inclination towards music and decides to learn classical music just because you can do it don't mean you can do it well we know you do it well when you can do it in every season for every reason in any environment for any occasion lift your hands and say it's in me and so we got this barn situation which is weird just like god who shows up to the planet and and one of the first thing he does is goes to a a empty i mean a crowded hotel he goes to motel 8 to try to be born and there like ain't no room here the lord has been looking for somewhere to rest for centuries a place where they would receive him i mean they had goats and animals and donkeys and no room for him then at the end of his life pastor kenny he says these foxes have holes birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head down i want to know is there anybody in here that'll let him rest a little bit so 1906 the pattern of god comes in the earth again as was promised i will pour generously i will not withhold i will not uh be stingy with i'm going to pour it if you want it it's yours i love your word if your children want it then i like to read the apostle peter says that this promise is for you but it's not just for you because they know ain't no such thing as a personal promise if god makes you a promise it belongs to your children you won't shout with me if god makes you a promise it belongs to your marriage if god makes you a promise it also belongs to your body because if he calls you to it he's got to help you do it clap those hands for the promise the promise the he sends the promise i'm not he sends a promise william seymour gets up and and he starts preaching what men call the apostolic faith i'm just giving you some history so he starts talking about the power of been baptized in the name of jesus and men receiving the baptism of the holy ghost i want to start here one of the things that i believe is on the heart of god is how men casually mistreat the baptism of the holy ghost hear what i'm saying by the spirit of god being able to pull out a tongue here or there is the easiest part of being filled with the spirit lift your hands and scream i'm full of it when the holy ghost comes in you he don't leave himself out there's no fraction of him that ain't in you and what i love about this is there is no junior holy spirit scream at me so so the same thing that flows in me can flow through the children and can flow through different language barriers i love the power of tongues i'm getting there because what it shows is the power of apostolic experience the reason why tongues was the initial sign of the infilling of the holy ghost was because time was of the essence and so god needed to wait in a matter of moments to break the language barrier hmm didn't that happen in babel every time the power of god moved on earth one of the first things to respond was language lift your hands you getting ready to talk in tongues but it's gonna be a different one i'm talking about the tongues of medicine the tongues of government the tongues of entertainment the tongues of politics the tongues are healing the tongues of the world shouty ass yeah i do talk in tongues sit down he pours his spirit out and men in 1906 in los angeles california on azusa street bonnie bray boulevard they begin to speak with tongues a woman stands up and begins to speak with tongues but something happened then here we go that stopped happening today the gift the ability listen the privilege of hearing from god satan geniusly disjointed one phenomena for the other he said okay hell said y'all go ahead talk to harbor shop to do that i want you to talk in this language and not hear god in yours i want you to say alhamdulillah i want you to do all of that but don't have dreams don't have visions have no discernment no ability to distinguish or differentiate right from wrong safe from dangerous timing so so so something should have come with the baptism of the holy ghost that exceeds tongues and yet here we are in 20 and 21 the year of our lord and there was still a heavy uh emphasis on talking in tongues but don't nobody prophesy i know and i have a problem with it because if god's intent for me was just tongues is that enough to lead me to the future the prophetic anointing is the abandoned stepchild of the pentecostal movement we will tarry with you to get tongues in you but we don't want to teach you how to hear god for yourself so then you got to call your pastor and kill him i'm working in here to decide if it's time for a car if it's time for a house should you date bobby should you marry regina but if you got the holy ghost he's the one that leads you he's the one that guides you he's the one that shows you what's suppose [Applause] i'm getting all worked up fundamentally what i'm proving is if you have the holy ghost and i'm a little old school i just look ratchet so so mama whenever we do talk about being filled with the holy ghost i do mama pain i will clean this whole row out because i'm not like a lot of y'all who think you deserved it went to the altar to try to convince him that i was worth being filled i know i want nothing i know i want nothing come on let's go to church my daddy was nothing granddaddy wasn't nothing and i was up against a generation of demonic stalkers that laid claim to my life but god filled me with the precious gift of the holy ghost literally and changed the family tree [Applause] oh yes he did he took my likelihood and baptized it in fire took my appetite and baptized it and is there anybody in here that's grateful for the gift of the holy ghost [Applause] we need more teaching on the holy ghost y'all please we need more understanding on what he does can i take this a little deeper keep me on my time son the gift of god the gift of god is the son the gift of the son is the spirit the gift of the spirit is a language the way it works is god in heaven says what's the best thing i can do to prove to mankind that they are still in my image what can i give the earth what can i gift to the planet he takes a deep breath from the throne of god he he moves the cherubim i love your word he commands the beast to shut up for a minute he tells the forum the 20 give me a moment of silence i'm going to i love you i pull something out of myself hold on i will incarnate myself in the bodily form of a man and i will call him adam but but i'm not talking about the precursor the first adam y'all like living like him i'm talking about the second atom who will be called the son of god and and so the way the story goes lucifer because the re watch me please pay attention the reason why the devil attacks gifted men is because he was a gift lucifer was a gift so he understands listen to me what to do when men don't know how to handle their gift this place will manage thousands of gifts men and women who know what to do with them and don't and they will coach people into how to live in the consequence of their gift your gift does stuff to you your gift attracts people to you your gift also determines what you can do with your time your gifted time is when you rise rising your father the problem is we don't guard the gift pastor tasha part of god and the gift is the right covering i'll get there have a seat anyway so this phenomena hits the world scream prophesied and and there's this movement today respectfully what we call revival you're so beautiful what we call revival that's a rock baby what we call revival the bible calls christianity did you hear what i told you it was not abnormal to be randomly walking up the street in a devil cry out it was not bizarre for us to walk past a school and ministered to a paraplegic we've made revival an event something that can be planned budgeted for in those days revival was life when you were full of jesus it just happened to happen that way and so something happened in america now you've got these moves of god being born problem is we started to kidnap listen to me verses of scripture we abducted them bishop we pulled them out of their context we ran away with them you sit over here i will build a church on you a movement on you listen to me i will condemn people on you i will use you as the the basis of my judgment toward you i will condemn you if you don't do it this way but the problem is that chapter is asking for a scripture back abducted scriptures outside of the context of what it means so then we go into these huge discussions about yo are you saved if you don't talk in tongues then we went into these other discussions about whether or not talking in tongues was the devil i made the mistake as a missionary baptist man in 1997 of getting filled with the holy ghost why i do that because then they told me tongue shall cease okay fine now the ironic thing is they don't want me talking in tongues but they want to cuss i'll digress um so uh anyway um this thing happens and now we've got this plethora of supernatural activities scream yes the reason i'm laying this foundation is i think we're in the same kind of time something is trying to be born in america but is struggling to get out the womb of bad doctrine bad doctrine is the prison it incarcerates the intention of god when you're taught wrong you believe wrong so we are under take a deep breath with me this is class exhale you're going through a doctrinal detox we need scriptural keto we we need to go back to the bible and say did you say this or did i read it did you say this or do i have more confidence in who taught it to me rather than reinvestigate it for myself what does this thing say my bible tells me that he would pour out of his spirit glory to god upon all flesh he said your sons and your daughters so how we still arguing over women preachers is beyond me he told us then i poured out on the suns come on let's go i'm gonna pour it out on the daughters i'm gonna pour it out on the black i'm gonna pour it out on the white the democrats can get this work republicans can get this word i will pour my spirit up scream all flesh i didn't hear you scream all flesh then historically whenever god moves listen to me son and man can't control it we make monuments of the last thing he did we've been we've been fighting since adam to control where the man is going and so we said okay i'll tell you what you want to put your spirit on all flesh let's make some rules let's make some regulations let's kill now this is going to be controversial fix it once i'm gone let's kill apostles and prophets let's replace them with bishops and administrators okay let's go watch me let's gouge out the eyes of the church make sure she's worshiping and can't see make sure she's praising and can't see make sure she dances over stuff that she don't want to make decisions about because we killed the prophets i think there's some prophets being born in the carolinas and i got a suspicion it's coming to the purpose place the reason we're in the mess we're in today is because we've got the launch ladies doing the job of the car mechanics so so then we go through these movements the voice of healing revival then we go through mega church movements amy mcpherson maria woodworth etter smith wigglesworth you know what's interesting to me you got an iphone we got apps internet wi-fi we've not been able to achieve what they did in the early 1900s with no internet can i make him mad we think the power of god is people falling down a minor shift in gravity can make you fall out laying hands are you falling don't prove power what proves power is god does something to you that's irreversible god does something to you that science can't control god does something to you that you ain't got ever again apologize to your mama about when god does it it will not be reversed so then we're dealing with this concept of pentecostalism it broadens up to charismatic ministry and the difference was one had an emphasis on the baptism of the holy ghost justification by faith and was speaking with tongues then when the charismatic movement was born it turned more into demonstrative ministry so in those days folks would call you out and and even in bible colleges they would lay hands on you and prophesy for your graduation imagine that you would walk across the stage and get your diploma and the faculty god be praised will lay hands on you and give you the word of the lord for your life these days when we ordain you we give you a certificate and say good luck there are no statements about who you are why you are there's no apostolic or prophetic affirmations about the gifts that are on the inside of you so we've really been at a deficit because we are not as prophetic as we should be now here's the controversial thing you can decide to be prophetic i know i just messed with you because you're like ah because i i know what religion y'all say you don't come on me often honey but when they do [Applause] pastor tasha just said come on lift your language i watched nobody in the room struggled to believe they could do it if i say let's begin to prophesy everybody gonna get scared because we think that it's a different spirit it's the same faith i'm working in here that you used to talk in tongues that you should use to hear from god paul said we prophesy according to our faith [Applause] now i know you feel uncomfortable because mother betty ann wilson told you you prophesied by your feelings you got to feel something it's got to happen to you i prophesied by faith i'm about to run in a minute and not only do i prophesy by faith kenny i love by faith i forgive by faith i hope by faith i preach by faith i get up in the morning by faith the bible say whatever is not of faith you won't help me is sin the just don't live by how they feel and the just don't live by what they see that just lives by their faith if prophecy is a part of christian life it is directly connected to faith scream yes so i wonder if you realize how much god does by his word sit down y'all y'all rally me oh repeat after me god does everything by his word sin again god does everything by his word one more time god does everything by his word we see this pattern in genesis and god said and god said hey and god said and god said and then he kept on saying and god said let there be and it was and then when he went on to affirm himself he didn't need no confirmation he told abraham because there's no god higher than me i swear by my own name i said god said and when god said he said again that's what y'all call confirmation what he said this is what it is and i know it's good because i said it [Music] so the chair you're sitting in scream teach the chair you're sitting in was prophecy the hat you have on was prophecy the dress you wore before it became tangible it existed elsewhere somebody's mind eyes heart intelligence had to reach into the incorporeal that's just a fancy word for invisible and they had to declare that this thing should be this and then it manifested from another place earth is not intelligent enough to create on its own everything that you see physically existed invisibly first the problem is is there are things that exist now invisibly that won't come because we won't prophesy it there are things that are trying to get into the earth realm i love your word that can't move because folk too scared to prophesy now here's the problem with us when you start dealing with the gifts of the spirit you do get crazy people respectfully you know i was laughing the other day somebody said oh you showed and activated a lot of people i said you know respectfully i'd like to deactivate most of them is there an off button to this because a part of what we need to realize is a gift is only as powerful as the authority it's under this generation builds brands on gifts ministries on gifts we even sell them i'm your personal success prayer coach if you pay me a yearly subscription of 199 a year i will pray for you for 20 minutes a day it's the weirdest thing there ain't no intercessor anyway um so you know when you deal with the gifts of the spirit we don't have this understanding this is important for you to realize just because the gifts of the spirit are free for all does not make it a free-for-all there's a word that we're scared of it's called authority there's a word that we're afraid of it's called protocol there's a word that we're afraid of but the muslims love it it's called submission your gift is only as effective as your submission there's a lot of gifted people that don't understand the beauty and the value of submission and submission is not about somebody telling you what to do it's about you knowing what to do with your strength it's strength stewardship if you feel like you have a budget for your money but you're not submitted you still don't understand stewardship it's the same thing and so when you get this it does get weird but when you got the baptism of the holy ghost the way it works is this he came in you with several abilities i could give you the greek and hebrew but i'll explain it this way disabilities there are things that you do naturally that you think other people can do as well just because you do it well for example people with powerful gifts of discerning of spirits pastor tasha has an incredible gifting in the realm of discerning of spirits but sometimes those people watch me well they're not delivered from fear i will say that they become paranoid so they develop extreme trust issues they don't know how to be intimate and open up because they spend their lives being the devil's detectives not realizing that the purpose of discerning of spirits is to make you grow in love and recognize the difference between that's what wisdom is the ability to recognize the difference between you know the devil wants you to marry a crook the devil wants you to make a bad business deal the devil wants you to choose to live in the wrong city the devil does not want you to know that your friend really ain't your friend and that she's always been jealous of you the devil don't want you to know this up so when you develop a gifting and discerning of spirits which is heightened by your knowledge of the scriptures when you develop that ability what happens is you make prudent steps say yes and then you embrace caution for what you're going to do next can i give you a little coaching moment you have one life you need to stop dating it and stop flirting around with your decisions every decision you make is serious from where you're going to go and where you invest your money down to the land down to whoever you're about to hire for the land you got to make serious decisions because your family is about to come out the woodwork to try to use you again like they did two years ago when you had the lowest place in your life and didn't know whether you want to stay here or move now they come them cousins and that aren't they're coming back out the woodwork to try to use you but god's teaching you boundaries and distinctions and the power of a no you ain't seen nothing yet baby this land is part one there's a grocery store coming next come on cap those i didn't mean to do all that hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey i'll get back there [Applause] so i'm gonna give you a brief little workshop but we're gonna move in this wave at me if you've experienced the baptism of the holy ghost whether you tear it forward or guide it by faith or use at a conference just okay that means you've probably got what corinthians says is several gifts there in you the devil don't want you to know they're there he hates if you learn how to use him effectively but you got gifts i wish i was preaching just say i got it i got it just open your mouth say i got it i got it shut up devil i do have a gift come on say i got it i got it i got it now i'm gonna break this down in three categories i will give an example of each of them is this okay the gifts of the spirit attach to your experience the baptism of the holy ghost is the doorway to all revelation listen to what i'm about to tell you it's pointless to approach the scriptures without the spirit a person filled with the holy ghost will never get from the scriptures what somebody who's not fear will get they'll see two different things because one is talking to the author [Applause] [Music] the holy spirit of god authored the bible so to be filled with the spirit gives me different insight into the scriptures so if you got the holy ghost congratulations that's half the battle the problem is you probably don't have the faith to flow you need faith to flow not a microphone but faith to flow i prophesy in restaurants and they used to bully me bro with the little parking lot prophet thing but jesus was a parking lot prophet i know you don't like that he went to a water fountain one day and saw a young lady there and he didn't say i wonder if i should release this word he looked at her dead in the eye and said where's your husband that wasn't at no church service it was at a water fountain and i don't trust nobody that can only prophesy in church if you can't prophesy in the water fountain you shouldn't be prophesying at all i'm walking in here [Applause] so the gifts of the spirit the easiest way to break this down is in three categories okay so let's consider the number nine there are more it's listed in the book of ephesians the first corinthians chapters 12 13 and 14 but also in the book of romans there are the vocal gifts say vocal gifts among the vocal gifts you have tongues now that's not your prayer language that's the ability to supernaturally tongues plus interpretation of tongues equates prophecy in the old days it would work like this specifically in the word of faith somebody would receive utterance if we were in praise and and somebody would just lift their voice and a tongue and it would be coming from a random place and then somebody would stand up and say yeah yeah i say unto my people in my opinion it was always about the rapture it was already the lord is soon to come they're sending the camp okay we heard it all right i know so the vocal gets our prophecy uh the next vocal gift is the interpretation of tongues scream preach i show you a mystery could it be that the gift of interpretation of tongues is also the supernatural science that men use to interpret dreams when you hear interpretation of tongues you only think tongues but dreams is a language there is dream encryption the gifts that i'm talking to you about can show up in your dream life here's what the lord told me on the plane he told me he wanted me to deal with nightmares it's the weirdest thing in the world but the lord told me to address nightmares because here here thank you lord here your your whoa your sleep is holy now i'm not talking about bums and lazy people but your sleep is the only place that you get the rest the recovery the restoration but what we didn't i know it's also revelation it's the one time of the day god ain't got to argue with your opinion [Applause] let your hand say leave my sleep alone i didn't hear you say leave my sleep at all when you go to bed job 33 says this when a man lays down the lord opens scream the word open open your mouth say open god opens a man's ears this is job chapter 33 so if we're deducing this accurately if when i'm asleep you have to open my ear could it be that while i'm woke they might be closed just because i'm hearing don't mean i'm listening so then the dream realm talking about the interpretation of tongues is this dreams come in symbols types shadows something that means something to you in a dream may not mean something to me in a dream and something that means some of you may mean something different so to not know which like for example i know where we got that when folks dream about fishes it means somebody was pregnant you know black people are so superstitious with that witchcraft that got us scratching our hand until my money is on the way but dreams are our language now here's what the word nightmare means take a deep breath because i sense a lot of you are dealing with this if you have fears say teach if you have worries stressors concerns if you have things job said the thing i feared the most came upon me i bet you he had nightmares first i bet you he did because what happens is the enemy will reach in your soul watch me because it's disconnected from the part of you that is spirit he will reach for what belongs to him in you which is fear he will pull it up in your thoughts through the dream and then when you wake up the goal now is for you to live in anxiety i dreamed that i would die i dreamed that my cousin would have a car accident and while you may think god's trying to warn you it could be the enemy's way of puppeting your emotions making you abandon your authority because he brought a nightmare up on you now the word mayor scream teach means a screeching owl night screech when you say i had a nightmare it's like your soul's way of saying something was hollering at me throughout the night owls are nocturnal so i mean that these are creatures and beings that wait for you to try to rest hallelujah and catch you at the second level of sleep so that you never reach the deepest place and start to try to coach you in your fears why the more fear you have the less faith you do so a nightmare is not something you should ever ignore the way i used to teach my baby is because you're going to have a lot of prophetic children in this church the way i used to teach my baby is this she would wake up and i knew what the devil was doing i know him you know i know boy he used to come in my baby's room and act like he was the boogie man under beds so my daughter would be like daddy i can't sleep someone's talking about the bedroom well one day i just got ticked off so i got up you know pajamas and all and i said hey let's go so i got my daughter up i said one day you're gonna have to learn how to do this without daddy i'll be preaching or teaching or traveling or working or you're going to get older i want to train you in this now show me where it is and she she lifted up the cover and said normally i'd be scared to look down there i said okay fear is a person deal with it tell it to get the insert here out your room get out of my room this belongs to me i asked my daughter who pays these bills whose house is this name in the devil has no authority here you will talk to fear on your own where do we get off where our kids can talk to puppets and toys and and dogs but we scared when we it's time to cast the devil out we want to kick the kids out the room oh no baby i'm not gonna let you watch mortal kombat and let you watch the power rangers and then hide warfare from you come on let's bust the devil open to the white meat with buckets and buckets of the blood and i'm gonna show you [Applause] the reason that is important is because fear is cute when it's five years old when it turns 30 it looks different a lot of you in the room are struggling with fears that introduce himself to you as kids so that's interpretation okay that's the vocal gift so it's prophecy interpretation and tongues the ability to speak in languages to convey messages then you've got the revelatory gifts they preach the revelatory gifts are the gifts of the word of knowledge right the gift of the word of knowledge let me give an example give me a minute ooh just the father holy ghost in here stand up you okay all right something happened to you around the uh your college age when you were trying to make the decision of what you were going to do with your life that discouraged you so greatly because they have been cursing you since you were 12 years old the words kept coming kept coming kept coming it started with a teacher in elementary school that made you think you would never be intelligent as you needed to be to read and or write so you always have doubted your own intelligence and then what happened was two years ago right before pandemic you were in a service and there was a spirit that came on you and tightened your chest and it was a heavy depression that didn't leave off of you until january of this year you were you you wouldn't get out the bed you wouldn't return phone calls you started alienating yourself from family members and then something happened when you were almost homeless you ran out of a lot of money and it was impossible for you to know what you were supposed to do then there was an abuse of a mentally abusive thing uh you know of what i speak that tried to reduce you and make you feel like you were not worth it and that if you were not controlled by it you'd never be happy it was a warlock by the way and what happened was you ended up coming in contact with an anointing i believe it was pastor tasha and what happened is she broke something off of your life through a song and you've never been the same since please be seated the example i want somebody listen that's not normal you just gonna sit there and act like somebody that's getting get their time back what would you do if god gave you a refund on time i will restore but yes lord have mercy [Applause] you know one of the things the enemy loves to do to people is make them feel like they can get their time back it's a lie hey hey i said it's a lie you can get your time back i prophesy at least 20 years back everything that happened to you when you were immature and when you were dumb god's going to give you a refund on time i wish you believed [Applause] [Music] so what the word of knowledge does what the word of knowledge does is a supernaturally revealed fact it's the word of knowledge it's not knowledge so it's not about what you know the way the word of knowledge acts the root word is no so what will happen is god will give you knowings mama that you don't know how to know that you got it something will happen a word of knowledge works like this if i didn't know him i'd say your name is kenny there's no way to either you're right or wrong right that's the word of knowledge but the word of wisdom is more predictive any time you hear wisdom wisdom is about future defense the book of proverbs is not like fortune cookies you one of my students high sugar um she got on one of my shirts anyway i didn't know what a prophecy by the way but the word of wisdom is future defense so when you read the book of proverbs for example that's why it has so much do don't don't go in the way of this house don't be seduced don't do that because it's trying to protect your future your problem is the people that tried to invest in your future didn't have the right motive i know so the way it works is when you when you do the issue with the wisdom thing wisdom is not about the past wisdom is always about the future you see what i'm saying so somebody can have gray hair and all say teach and give you good advice and all say teach and it not be wisdom the book of james says the wisdom that is above is first pure which means if your wisdom is fear-based your horror story is not good wisdom for me marriage not working does not mean that you get to coach me and how to make mine works we're going to make different mistakes y'all quiet today so wisdom is a spirit the bible said moses laid hands on joshua and something came on them for it it was a spirit can you be an old dummy let me help you if you're 60 or 70 and the doctor says take medicine and you say no you are an old so we should not use age and wisdom synonymously [Music] wisdom is a spirit every day of my life it's a part of my prayer when i see the sun and i wake up before i go in my you know my my heart and it's okay baby it's you know what happens is women are intimidated by you you know you carry yourself meekly and mildly and you don't understand why you continue in this rat race of friends and sisters but but god's going to stabilize that once you make a decision there is an immediate decision you need to make and he told you to do it in february but you're waiting on the permission of people that's going to never agree will you move if they don't understand [Music] wisdom is future based so that's a revelatory gift now here's what's unique both the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom can manifest in a dream god gives me words of knowledge about stuff i don't know and about and my wife is not i mean she's prophetic because she teaches but the way the lord uses her with the word of knowledge is by dreams so she'll dream and know exactly what happened exactly where somebody was my stuff is more symbolic like i'll see a red cat attacking somebody i got to get up and study and google her stuff as a matter of fact sean was at the dope house yesterday smoking crack i wake up like hey sean you snorting bro like what's happening and more than likely it will be so so they manifest in different ways the way it's going to function in pastor kenny is this through a tremendous miracle anointing a phenomenal gift of healing it the enemy attacks him physically because he's afraid of that thing the purpose place will become a place where men and women will physically be healed it will it's going to be it's going to be like a fresh release of living water it won't be that people are coming here just to get excited and jump now i'm talking about limbs and groves and tumors and caskets i'm talking about people that why do i hear this people that fall out from asthma attacks and the saints gather around them and they are raised up scream the word power [Applause] so pastor kenny has a tremendous gift of healing so normally when you move in a gift of healing i'ma tell you the way it manifests scream teach um the gift of healing can operate in a lot of different ways so if i say have a gift of healing um a lot of people think fingers nose and toes comedic comedy people kevin hart they move in healing the bible say laughter do with good likes if you've ever been sad and you get around somebody who got jokes it's a manifestation of the healing anointing sometimes when you're depressed you just need to be around somebody funny if you have a petty friend when you're down call the petty is this bad you know start looking at some side by sides or some crazy stuff like girl look at her foot oh my god you know whatever it will lift you up it's a manifestation of healing anyway counselors therapists they move in a realm of healing one of the fastest way to get healing in your life is to being asked the right questions statistically molestation victims deal with depression because nobody asks them if i ask you the right question i can engage the heart and make you feel safe enough to let the truth out your problem may be that nobody loved you enough to ask you what is discipleship if i don't ask you questions what is pastoral ministry if i don't ask you questions what we're living in is a strange bizarre perverse way of discipleship where we're discipling men in braille questions who do men say that i am questions peter do you love me questions the question is how you mentor people you don't mentor them an assumption why am i saying this you mentor them by asking questions even even god who knows everything adam where are you [Applause] that was a very first question in the bible do you think it's because god didn't know or did adam need to know god knew does this make sense to you okay so then you've got the word of wisdom but here is one i am in my opinion i'm gonna do with the power gifts and we're done in my opinion the gift that's claimed the most and used the least is the gift of discerning of spirits primarily because we start calling it discernment number one which is not in the bible discernment is a cultivated skill that anybody can develop lawyers have them the the cold nature of doctors and nurses they cultivate discernment when you study a craft you develop certain intuition that teaches you to do it well you will not repeat those mistakes you will not you will not and you are not what you did and you are not what happened to you and just because it looks like what all the men used to do in your family does not mean it's coming nigh you you're extracted sir you've been pulled out like a fire breath i cancel the spirit of condemnation on you the devil's got to stop bullying you immediately oh and there goes that phone call for their job put those hands together they why won't y'all shout with me lord today it's discerning of spirits here's the problem can i take this where i want it to be if you don't cast out devils you probably don't have discerning of spirits what i mean by that is the casting out of devils is discerning of spirit school at my church please take this at my church you don't need nothing if you don't want to work altars you ain't going to greet you're not going to say hi bye cat rat dog you won't touch a sound machine you will not be elder this or elder that if you don't work the altar why when men and women stop working altars they decrease in compassion come get my shoes son what happens is this once people get their title i am elder this i am prophetess i am archbishop deluxe that and and they start delegating all to work they lose the pulse on the pain of the people in my house you're not going to preach to people whose pain you don't understand [Applause] do you understand what i'm saying to preach to you effectively i need to be empathetic so what what and when i'm training people in the gifts of the spirit i make them work alters because what happens when you're praying for people you probably don't know this you are moving in the gifts of the spirit so for example if i start to pray for you and i know nothing about your circumstance nothing about your situation i'm probably going to pray myself into revelation what that looks like is i'll start to pray about things i don't know why i'm praying for it scriptures will come up from the heart that's what moved mama that's why the bible says thy word have i hid in my heart you got to hide it so when you pray you can use it when you need it your boy is okay your son is okay the devil's only playing with his mind because of what's just before him he will not lose his mind he will not lose his resource he's just dealing with some grief that he don't know how to explain but i prophesy by this time next year the preaching of the gospel lord have will y'all help me they missed that q come on shout right there did you hear what i said benny the seat of the righteous shout hallelujah i want to hear your praises real quick [Applause] okay when i'm working alters i don't have to know your testimony okay i can start to pray for you in certain impressions thoughts burdens will come on you i don't know a real intercessor i have my thoughts that does not flow in discerning of spirits it's a cultivated thing you know like coriander i have a book that i want to write called the noise in the other room a part of my testimonies i was raised by my grandmother and she was an aggravating annoying intercessor i ain't talking about the new kind but you know that you know by faith we decree and declare it and it does not help that i'm third generation military mom and dad so just grandmama soldier my grandma to the day she died walk like this because she was still doing push-ups 4 30 in the morning something about rising early it's i don't think it's not just about the schedule it's about arranging that day i tell my days what to do and i'm not going to let the sun s you in decide what i'm going to have in my day shut up devil this day is mine so a part of what waking up early does is it opens up the realm of your decision-making okay so she would wake up at 4 30 she worked for the post office so she had the biggest belt i've ever seen in my life and you would hear like you know when she wake up and it would be like this now you're talking about six or seven years old eight nine years old nobody wants to wake up at 4 30 in the morning to this but there's something about the noise in the other room i'm sorry that noise saved my life you almost lost your teacher that noise kept me alive that noise knocked some bullets out the way that was scheduled for my forehead that noise paid the bill harness the noise in the other room for me whoa so they didn't have i'm sorry they did have [Music] the books they didn't have the language she didn't speak greek or hebrew i'm trying to watch my mouth she never took a seminary class but she understood that when the helper is on the inside of you he's going to intercede lit your hands and say through me you want to know how with cronix i said groanings i'm at the cronings i want to know what happened to the groan we've raised a lot of people that are cute but they cannot groan we want women to be wise but they cannot groan if there is a groan in the earth god comes down let your hands say restore the crown i can hear you science here is for the ground the reason i'm trying not to get excited the the reason that excites me is because the groan is not limited to my gpa glory to the son of god the glory is not limited by my vocabulary the grown ain't got nothing to do with my degrees it is a language of the spirit of a pain that does not need english to express itself it's intercessory anguish prayerful pain it's the pain in the belly that comes out when you exchange your will for his his word for yours and you grow so intercessors they developed this sermon by prayer so my granny would groan and then about minute 30 because i know we you know jesus has been trying to get us to pray for one hour since he died and the average praise team rehearsal in america is more populated than the prayer meetings and then when you get to the prayer meeting the pastor is sipping tea watching golf and cnn meanwhile letting the mothers of the church wrestle the bull word for prayer while they enjoy themselves baby i'm the prayer leader here i will get out there and pray with you y'all didn't like that did you i will get out there and pray and i won't preach for you until i prayed for you i won't teach you until i prayed for you prayer is the planning meeting so she would go from save my daughter she would say stuff like that save my daughter save my daughter now she had no natural knowledge ever of anything going on that wasn't woman's intuition that's intercession and the the level of insight through discerning of spirits that come by prayer so prayer is always school when you go to prayer you're not just talking you're also learning the character and the nature of god is revealed to pray the disciples never said lord teach us to cast out devils teach us to heal the sick they did it they had to learn to pray why if you don't teach me prayer i assume it i do it in my way but there is a way to pray if you ask anything in my name it will be done the name of jesus and so she would pray her way into discernment so here's how it works if you want to grow in the gift of discerning of spirits you have to number one adjust your prayer life you have to pragmatically start to pray and lift your decisions before the lord as you do that he'll talk to you now one of the ways this works sometimes you will get a word or sometime you will get a dream other times you just lack peace one of the common ways the lord talks to me about disturbing my pillow restlessness have you ever been wrestling with a decision and it was hard to sleep scream follow peace what that means is if you don't have a peace about it that's one of the ways the lord talks to you he don't have to say no you have no peace that is a function of discerning of spirits i don't have peace about it can i mentor you for a moment let peace determine the pace i could know we're supposed to be friends but i'm in a real heavy yellow light with you been hurt a little bit and you're a good person so far but let me slow my way into this and i will not respond to you manipulating me to your pace even if we're going to get close i need the time to decide that that's what i want and i all watch me i also need the time to decide if i'm befriending you or your representative i don't think anybody should marry anybody if you ain't seen them upset yet if you've never seen them handle loss get fired from a job a hard time you've not met the real person you've met the representative there's a lot of people that are so salty right now because who they met at the altar never went home a b in american church culture we don't couples normally only come one time to the altar say the devil's a lie if they don't pray they can't stay [Applause] [Music] i wish i had somebody to shout right here honey intercession is the new sexy clap your hands can you pray for me [Applause] i want a man that bows a woman that worships [Applause] [Music] can i say something rude can i be rude don't go to churches that you never see the pastor lift their hands can i stay in my office why would you want a man touching you that don't know how to touch god i want to know as my leader worshiper they quieted him i want to know if he'll break before god mess that suit up and show me he can be trusted [Applause] you ain't got to be perfect but you got to worship [Applause] you ain't got to be excellent but you got to cry every now and then and so that's that's how discernment works when i need to discern something that's that god and god will also speak through circumstances now that gets tricky because when god starts talking through life it can seem like what we call backlash some sometimes your atmosphere is prophesied ask me how the enemy only attacks the thing he's afraid of most look at your life look at what's under consistent attack somewhere behind that is purpose pain reveals purpose if it hurts something is behind that that's supposed to happen that makes sense to you the most hellish child is normally the most anointed it's true all right we're wrapping up it's nine o'clock now we got the power gifts one of the power gifts is the gift of faith faith moves in levels so you've got the gift of faith the spirit of faith jesus said oh ye of little faith that means faith has increments and sometimes after storms faith increases that's the objective but sometimes in storms it's hard to hold your faith and so faith is a power gift what a lot of people call healing and miracles actually a demonstration of the gift of faith there are people who just supernaturally believe god and you know what if i'm honest i don't like those people i think he's like my wife and i think i'm you i don't trust folk i'm pessimistic i'm kind generous the deepest lover but i got a little bit of that if you cross me it's the july in us um but those faith people always they just so darn optimistic i'd be like man life is going wrong i'm real elijah like i don't like nobody these people are stupid the church is crazy i'm a muslim now i mean whole assalamu alaikum and my wife would be like oh just believe god i'm like just that simple honestly but they have a resilience in them that i don't understand when you have a big call a part of what you need around you is people with the gift of faith i grieve for visionaries who have faithless people around them this is why jesus always checked his crowd for their faith if you are called to anything huge get the fear from around you what some of them are calling support is haterism you need people that's going to believe god when you don't it's gonna believe god when you don't feel like it the faith around you [Applause] then you've got the gift of the working of miracles working of miracles that's the ability to supernaturally defy scientific odds and normalities the gift of the working of miracles in conclude the most complex one for me is the gift of healing because of the nine gifts ma this is the only gift that is plural gifts of healing everything else is singular that means that get me and you could both have a gift of healing but it may function differently for example and i don't know why this works this way um there are people around us who have tremendous gifts of healings for certain things so i know women who can pray for cancers or and god moves or pray for physical healings or skin mutations and they move sometimes i'm like yo i don't know i've flown a little bit of it but if you sick around me you just got to ask god to give me a word i could prophesy to it but i don't know about that other i don't know if i've flown that and if you are healed through my ministry it's probably going to come by virtue of a prophetic word my wife i will just walk up to you and benny in your life and just receive you know but that's the gift of healing or the gifts of healing but encouragement is another form of a gift of healing stand up you don't they do that to all the prophets now it doesn't help because i only see well in the spirit i don't i'll be calling out wrong colors unfold like you the purple they blonde then i get mad cause i can't see lift your hands baby the the your exhaustion is not natural it's emotional and the reason it's emotions because you spent the last four years of your life encouraging and overextending and overstaying when you are an encourager it's easy to get depleted nothing's wrong with your body you just need to take that vacation have a seat i i grieve we're going to move in this now i grieve for encouragers i grieve because who encourages the encourager and then sometimes it's hard to know when an encourager needs encouragement that business did not die stand up that idea is not dead it was the right thing wrong season the reset button was pressed in your life on april the 7th of this year and a part of what the spirit of grace is going to do is allow you to do it right this time what you thought was a sabotage attempt was the lord delivering you from the power of the leech what the bible says is there's a couple of things that never get full the grave is one but the leech is another and sometimes the lord will let us lose people before he lifts us up see if god would have blessed you the way he's going to people would have taken the credit for it because they were there for you in the worst time of your life but now it's a new season and it is a new day and the contracts are coming yes the contacts are coming and they're coming from the west coast specifically okay receive the season is now come and put those hands together for the lord will you is it all you god [Applause] thank you lord all right let's do this this way give me some music don't make it scary or sleepy because it's hot and so you know just kind of i'll let you know when i'm there just you know all right if you are a leader of the purpose place can you guys get this if you are on the leadership team just stand up i want to share some things that i saw if you if you're a leader here come on hurry up chop chop this is that a blue shirt what color is that is it light blue okay y'all all members here okay this is the most weird thing that the lord showed me about this church i'm going to bullet point what i saw prophetically first of all the building is done it's done i said it's done right now we're just in process that thing is done though it's done okay that's number one but here here is the weird thing pastor tasha the lord kept showing me barbers and beauticians it's the most bizarre thing he showed me that one of the things that's getting ready to be born through here is a conglomerate of beauty experts that there would be a discipleship route of barbers and it would be one of the ways that you disciple young men is through the craft of having a barber shop say let it be so say let it be so the other thing that i saw was elementary school i don't know what's happening [Music] i don't know what's going on in south carolina i literally know nothing when i come into assignments like this i try not to talk too much but i saw clearas day in elementary school but it was weird the emphasis was leadership in business leadership in business for children leadership in business a child so lead them was the thing i saw that happen ironically i also saw athletics god's going to start to move on basketball courts it will be that the power of god breaks out in locker rooms and that men will bring their torments nakedly through the church different kinds of rooms say so be it there is a powerful anointing on this house for the family [Music] it's unlike anything i've seen because it's not just be a good husband and be a good wife it's build and prosper it's it's it's it's about setting up life the best way to describe what i saw was like marriage school in order to marry you have to go through this amount of this or we will not officiate your wedding you you have to go through wife school you have to go through husband school and there will be people who don't like it it will become a source of disgruntlement because dysfunction is comfortable but this cannot be the purpose place if we don't deal with dysfunction we've got to pull you from generations of abnormal behavior and reintroduce you i was hoping you wouldn't go further into the adoption story because i saw something if i'd be god's man it will happen this is not just a story for you and it makes sense that the way it happened happened that way because you and kenny will have your own adoption agency [Music] [Applause] y'all shout cause they won't the bizarre nature of the story is deliberate because there's something coming upon you to lead this charge for widows and orphans it's going to be the reintroduction of it and not just in america the lord told me i don't know what this means to you he told me to tell you get ready to go back to the nations the season of that is coming back on you but it's because of what's hit the world during the pandemic god is pulling emergency ministries out of their season of rest and he's repositioning them where men drop mantles you will see things in africa flow through you that you ain't seen in a while [Music] it's going whoa a part of what people don't realize about pastor natasha is she's way more prophetic than what she gives off oh your mother flows when she wants to but uh it's going to come heavy because god is doing something there will be and the lord says you've been burdened about legacy you've been trying to establish stuff about and around your name that's that's legacy it's not just gigs and and program you're thinking legacy so get ready for the orphanages and and the clinics and and and something something about water and whales fresh water it's going to be beautiful the way the lord uses you philanthropically but i have an unusual thing that the lord showed me then i'll do this in the audience the next realm of your assignment apostolically speaking because that's what she is i said that's what she is the next several years of your life will be spent in film as clear as day i saw you brought into some room with some high powered filmmakers some from netflix some from some other companies that i see that will ask you things and you will grow in favor they will love you like mordecai loved esther but they will be haters of god and yet they will see the gospel in you it will be that like the plays you used to be in as a girl and the things you used to do as a child god's about to make his own rumors [Music] oh yeah so so we will see the day well we will walk in movie theaters and say she did good with that part if i be god's man there is an acting coach once you meet this person again they will tell you they know you're supposed to be in this it will be that because you finally see everything you are without apology you're going to do it and make it possible for others scream let it be so all right [Music] there's going to be something that happens with juvenile detention centers after the the adoption story it will be that their bible studies are something in juvenile detention centers and it will be that the mayor of this very city will sentence youth to this church it will be that as a as a as a mode of restorative challenges that they will say unless you go there for three or four months you will remain here this this will become a place of redemption a place where god undoes the curse a place where the lord destroys the yoke if you believe that the word of the lord is sure scream from your spleen so be it [Music] uh this guy here with the i mean right with the hat that's a listen where's my water now all biblical prophets were dramatic some of them just outright crazy sometimes when i'm prophesying i do do dramatic stuff stop the music real quick lift your hands listen you hear that what do you hear nothing the lord says to tell you you have the sin of silence play there are things that you should be saying and you don't there are places you should be serving and you won't there are college campuses that are bleeding now because the occult has claimed them and yet you're holding yourself back watch me take a deep breath because you think god's mad at you for something he don't even remember i even i for my own sake will remember your sins no more you have the green light of god the goal of god is before you move there's a season of impartation just before you but yet there's a paul looking for his timothy and you are not there have a seat [Music] sir what's your name you deequan come here come here pastor kenny stand in front of him okay take a deep breath this is gonna be intense somebody give me another microphone [Music] is it on okay are you from here okay look at pastor kenny close your eyes repeat after me say i repent i repent come on say i repent i repent for not opening up for not opening up so i repent i repent for charging you for charging you silently silently for what they did for what they did i repent i repent for not admitting for not admitting that i want to be just like you that i want to be just like you sit in that sit in that yeah right there this man is not here to break you [Music] there you go let it happen come on let it happen come on i'ma put my hand on your stomach and when i do i'ma pull the six-year-old you from under that closet there you go you don't have to be that boy under their bed no more you don't have to do [Music] that white shirt yeah you just touch your head stand up sir i saw the hand of the lord smack the hand of the devil off your house literally i saw the hand of the lord pop the devil's hand from your kitchen your home will no longer be the place where conflict goes longer than it should where disagreement goes longer than what it should but yet transition is before you and you are in the middle of a critical and a crucial decision but there is a tormenting spirit telling you to disappear just run off start over the lord wants you to know his hand is on you and you're going to succeed this is a rough season and the enemies attempt to mess with your mind is because he's afraid of the father story that god is growing in you you're not a failure i'm gonna ask you to do something uncomfortable are you willing hug yourself tighter tighter is his wife stand up behind him behind him hug yourself this look self-bullying spirit that you're dealing with that's got you feeling like if you don't perform people's not proud of you the lord says to tell you this is my son and i'm well pleased there you go worship him right there hit me with that will you come out [Applause] [Music] okay um all right i'm going to pray for you and then we'll probably do something else whoever the johnson family is the spirit of god is doing something very powerful by that family reunion this this this year it's going to start to move very strongly in that way and i also see god doing weird stuff where early releases from prisons generally when i come into places one of the things the lord does is he gives me an early release it's weird it just judges change their hearts about certain things scoot over pumpkin you got a procrastination spirit and a part of what that means is there are things that you desire to do that you keep putting off particularly school your entire career is about to be baptized in fire and the thing that you think is a glass ceiling is actually not you're not in the right environment for the development of your gifts hurry up and finish don't worry about the money supernatural things are going to happen to help you have the resources that you need i uh i would never say what i see publicly but this is going to mean something to you i'm looking at your credit score your credit report and there are things that you did to aid and assist the holy ghost is going to cause some computer errors [Applause] if i were you i say click the track i'm about to run around here how many you know the lord can cause technology to mess up [Music] all right [Applause] oh you will be i'm going in and out of this so just bear with me you will be blessed and i don't know if it's going to be given to you for free or if this is going to be reduced but there is a retreat center somewhere that's supposed to be strictly dedicated to musicians and singers to help them to recover from burnout okay this is not a conference or an event this is a space it's i don't know what i'm just saying what i see um but it will be that people can come musicians will come and receive ministry for days at a time when their marriages are breaking down when they're dealing with a drug addiction and second sex addiction when they're mad at the church some will come when they need to make decisions about what pastors to work for it will be a place of refuge where they can think about their life and what they're doing and you will reach into the hearts of men that play the minstrels the musicians and you will disciple them through the power of the question and to the power of the book look for it because god's going to use you to do a whole bunch of stuff and things will be born there some will even go to write music they will say i need to get away to clear my head it will be that god uses you apostolically to break writer's block that there are singers and there are musicians around the world whose pen is stuck and god will use you to break the captivity of the pen and use them to flow and to write the lyrics from the future hymns from the future [Music] melodies and unwritten songs that exist right now and that place will become as it were a place for you uh uh is one of your kids about to go to college okay so uh there's some things happen with some favor with this thing okay and it's going to get more and more and more it's going to happen fast if she does not she needs a passport immediately she's getting ready to go and see some things from an academic perspective and it's going to be the will of the lord to expose her to that because she belongs in the executive office okay she's a ceo and and whatever is happening with her in school right now fresh grace tell her i said don't stop no breaks no pauses fresh grace comes upon him come on put those hands together for the lord will you [Music] [Applause] i want to pray for you but can i just do something real quick and be petty for a minute closely down give me some water please now when i say this as they react uh uh play some real church and make them shout out ain't that a mess now if i say this and this is applicable to you you will understand why i'm doing this in a minute if i say this and this is applicable to you i give you full permission just today i go home tomorrow so if this is wrong pastor kenny and pastor tasha will stop you how many of you have ever went through a bad breakup hands down sometimes one of the greatest things that can happen to you as a man or a woman is that you get left at the altar even though it hurts your greatest breakthroughs will always come after a bad breakup i'ma want to see if you're going to be honest how many are grateful watch me that you did now if this is you jump up and act crazy okay how many are grateful that you didn't marry who you thought you wanted to go i just want to know they're not shouting with me there you go sudden that's what makes i'm about to that praise him right no this is serious how many it hurt but it was the best thing that ever happened to me i'm glad i found out what was out there [Music] hey spend some time right there thank you thank you come on oh baby thank you oh baby thank you thank you where would you be if you married the wolf where would you be if you married the gold digger what would you be doing if you had a crook in your kitchen shop i bless your name [Music] you ever you ever been in a mall and walked past a x and you'd be like my god [Applause] [Music] it was not that they changed you were just too in love to see what they really looked like and then when you got your mind back together the lord pulled the veil off your eyes and you saw little red riding hood for what she really was i tell you to reach into your belly and thank god for deliverance from the soul time delivered from the fantasy deliverance from the lie deliveries from the opportunity i bring this up i bring this up because soul ties are very dangerous [Applause] you can have a soul tied to a people a person a place a church you can also have a soul tied to an idea some of you have soul ties with calendars [Music] you're married to a deadline many of you that are unmarried really are married you've established somebody in your head and so now when you meet a real person they're in competition with your mental mate and then you try to make a real person who you already in love with in your head problem is you need to get divorced up here but you start dating out there let your hands say so be it everybody that's believing god for a good spouse go crazy right now hey will you shout for me cause they looking at me crazy come on praise him there you go god's gonna do it i said god's calling i praise him for your future spouse joe tell come on you will not marry the wrong one hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i said you how about the street you will not marry the wrong one you will not marry the wrong one john trump it will be the will of god glory glory glory i prophesy a season of marriage is in the purpose place i prophesy back-to-back engagements i prophesy families being born in this [Music] hey hey hey hey some of you like what's the big deal honey let me tell you something who you marry will make a break you ought to shout in faith right now i see that lord should be a money-making woman a man that knows how to work and eat praying praise victory laps and then houses and lands [Music] i don't care they are divorced god gives second chances shut up kevin i believe god's gonna send some divorce people back to their spouses it's gonna be restoration restoration say yes [Music] i wanna i wanna take an offering i'm going to live to see i'm going to lift this c bishop a couple years ago the lord gave me a word out of proverbs 31 and i know that's like the all my single ladies you know thing but the lord gave me a revelation that the words of king lemuel and that story in proverbs 31 was really about the church her husband being known in the gates and her selling things that's about the industrious nature of the church that means this is what i'm decreeing over this seed say charity and enterprise see everything is not supposed to be free you need charity and enterprise charity is about legacy i'm doing this because i want i'm doing this because it need be done enterprise is about that bad you know i was just telling them about talking in tongues and stuff you know what i do i look at business deals mandala couriers what are you saying concerning this i don't do that tongue stuff for church people i want to know where to put my money i got four kids to raise and the holy ghost knows what i don't so i invite him in my business meetings uh whether they welcome him or not he's in me so so i invite him on my business deals if they say this property is 200 000 i say i know you lying they call it negotiation on me it's the code of many colors i will pay what i want and you will not tell me what i'm going to pay and if this is mine nobody will have it until it's in my hands oh y'all don't believe listen i'm old school with that stuff if this building is destined for me let nothing else happen in it if it's mine it's mine i wish i had somebody throw your hands up say if it's mine is mine open your mouth say if it's mine it's mine i want you to get a huge seed in your hand for charity and enterprise charity and enterprise and i'm believing god that instead of just using the prophetic uh to you know encourage people that it becomes a part of your business dealings that it becomes a part of your negotiations and your partnerships and what you should be doing prophetically we're coming out of that season you need to hear this we're coming out of that season where entrepreneurialism is one company you are a serial entrepreneur a part of what that means and i'm gonna tell you why wave your hand if you remember here okay pastor tasha is a serial entrepreneur can i teach you before i get up part of what that means is there are different life spans on certain businesses part of what that means is certain things and projects five six seven years some of them two years all businesses don't have to last forever i can study the trend study the need and create it and stop it and create another one let your hand say another one say another one say another i declare over you another one is about to come hey hey multiple verse [Music] serial entrepreneurialism now i'm trying i'm trying i'm to everybody with me get a seat too i am trying to teach you into this so you get the faith to show what you need charity and enterprise so the way it works is you say i want this program that's charity i want to create this for girls that's charity i want to give computers away that's charity right now hear me as a prophet of god especially you pastors or ministers in the room do not assume that when whatever normal comes back to whatever it is that the world is going to trust us [Music] a part of what the enemy did in 2020 was create a breach of trust from the church to the world how do we regain that trust not through church services it's got to be charity charity is the extension of the hand and what it does is it allows you the room and the right to have the conversation but then when you got enterprise and some of you're not going to like this get the right amount on your phone or whatever you're doing when you're in enterprise a part of what enterprise means you have to always stay in school some type of learning you can't just say i want to be a real estate investor you may have to go and study some stuff you can't just say i want to be a public speaker or or we put coach on everything right now you know they'd be like oh i do locks i'm a lock coach okay i over i over stand you know um but but but a part of being a serial entrepreneur means you can't get tired of school in whatever form it looks like if you want to do multiple businesses you will always have the opportunity to sit at the feet of somebody who has what you want the wrong response is jealousy the right response is a notebook if you got what i want i'm going to study you and i'm going to make sure or i will sow into it so that it comes upon my life say charity say enterprise i prophesy to you 2022 for you will be the year of charity and enterprise and don't let church people make you feel like charity is only christian enterprise is just as christian okay now money don't have a soul so you can't look at your dollar and be like have you received since you believe it's a resource well what are you saying don't allow religion to keep you out of rooms that appear to be governed by darkness you be goofy all you want to the bible said the wealth of the oh lord i said the wealth of the is laid up for the if you're not around the wicked you'll never have the wealth if you want the wealth find the wicked lift your hands and say yes now church people i'm trying to give you time to write out your check or whatever church people want everything free or discounted can you order my scout fifty dollars what about nineteen grand got no this is a paid service repeat after me this is a paid service do it for free when you want to not because they force you but i am in the ministry of business because a part of what i believe is that the way you make ministry work is you have to also have business understand that the day of living off the tithe and offering is done we've got to have money making entities to earn us the freedom to minister how we want i said charity and injury how old are you 22. the phd the phd the phd you will be doctor whatever you are and it needs to be so for the black men in america you are on an assignment to break academic in ignorance and fear don't let the devil bully you this is the greatest season of your life throw your mind into those books lift your hands you know him who is he to you just a friend you know him no you saved move sit next to him real quick put your hand on his heart like a brother in the name of jesus oh i command your sleep to return to you this tormenting spirit that meets you at 2 a.m in the morning it's never ever coming back everybody's screaming jesus snay charity charity and enterprise what about the uk have you considered the uk have you considered being great enough to be seen in other nations often regularly routinely in big halls and in small ones big rooms and in small ones there's a deal that's going to come to you out of london an opportunity is going to come to you take it because god's about to show you different kinds of money you see americans think that they own money but there are things that are bigger than the dollar the lord told me son because of your obedience i will break the idolatry of the dollar because i said the silver was mine the gold was mine and i will shake this house and fill it with glory part of what that means is that the streams of income are going to be bizarre it will be bigger than money did you hear what he just said scream i receive it let it be so hey here's how prophecy works if you shout for him it happens for you go ahead now [Music] hey money everywhere glory money everywhere money everywhere money everywhere money money money money everywhere i scared to be rich i'm not scared of money somebody's about glory i hope will never be broke another day in my life money coming to me for the sake of the gospel checks in the mail gifts and good surprises lost money bound bills decrease and paid off blessings and increase incomes dividends rebates returns is all coming to me now devil you should have killed me when you had the chance because i'm about to get this money and make hell real mad say yes [Music] oh yeah i'm gonna make you real mad now i'm gonna make you real mad now watch how many people i sent to school i'mma make you real mad now watch how many families i buy a house for i'm gonna make you real bad now you wanna mess with me try to drive me crazy i'm about to wait the weapon of wealth [Music] [Applause] it will be so it will be so it will be so it will be so generals of generosity those that do warfare with wealth generals of sowing and reaping the anointing for it wealth the anointing for it is it oil on my life you gonna be so wealthy you're not gonna know how to explain it charity and enterprise [Music] go ahead take 20 seconds real quick and dance because you got more than a dollar there you go come on [Music] if you think being broke is holy about to do it by yourself my father is rich hey he owes it all rick in the earth fullness of before this era fullness hey fullness no more emptiness your empty days [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a joke of touch a daniel church there you go honey charity enterprise come on give me a minute come on here keep going y'all understand your intercessory prayer but do you understand intercessory praise this is intercessory praise i'm dancing for who i'm supposed to bless i'm shouting for who i've been called to help i praise it because i'll never be broken gloria give me a minute [Music] this is my housewarming [Music] [Applause] there you go honey keep going you're gonna be like everybody on your church praise him and lord school is coming to you judge judge judge judge judge talk open your mouth and shout yesterday open your mouth and say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you about to get some sibling revivals god's gonna save your sisters and your brother's son [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey i wealthy for no reason i gotta put some wheels on this gospel [Music] got to move out a little bit excuse me i pinch i'm about to stretch out i'm a little claustrophobic let me out of here [Music] let's sew [Applause] so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh every generational curse after every generation occurs the book stops with me [Music] [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] listen keep it right there this is my testimony i ain't told nobody this yet tasha the lord spoke to me glory i'm trying not to run around here myself i was in church service two weeks ago like this bishop the holy ghost said sow fifteen thousand dollars to this man i don't know if that's you satan i bind you so you you you have to dance also when god tells you to show don't just dance when you get the answer you got to dance at the instruction todd i gave this man 15 000. i got to go home deal with my wife he said give me a week i was in church two days ago my baby mama my wife texted me she said congratulations baby now she got fixed i was hoping she went down my no baby i'm like hold on she said you now own your own insurance company [Applause] and right next to it you also own a finance company so you will finance people in their cars and all of that stuff through a bench my wife brought me a page she a baddie whatever the lord is telling you to do right now dance at the instruction whatever he's about to do you don't have to see it yet go ahead right now if he told you to do something dance on what he told you to do one two three i'm dancing cause he told me what to do come on charity enterprise companies organizations political office books boardrooms tables i want all of it all the hell you went through get ready for heaven it's coming in your life now you will do too much to be regular the tide is turning yes it is i want [Music] put the put the giving information up i want people to see how to give [Music] your text keep it there your text any amount eight four three two one text it do it now and when your spirit speaks to me with my whole heart now and my answer will be yes lord oh i'm sorry i'm joking [Applause] and my answer will be come on when you're ready to show put that phone in the air we'll be here [Music] when your spirit speaks to me [Music] lift those offerings to the lord will ya father hey hey hey hey i'm trying to let the law [Music] i declare these seeds are on assignment wherever they need to go in the direction of my future i believe i receive come on charity and enterprise i expecting you for divine conversations meetings and moments with people that will become the benefactors to the dream of god in me it will be so and not otherwise if you believe it give god some praise right there come on and when you're [Applause] [Music] i said so i said so go ahead and sew i said so you got to sow hey go ahead so zion soap you're going to reap it one minute you got to sew [Music] halloween yes yes yes say yes yes lord yes yes lord yes yes lord yes yes so say [Music] yes yes lord yes yes lord yes yes lord one two everybody jump now come i on lee come just shop for a minute come on [Music] yes we're gonna take about 20 more seconds as i was standing over there god is telling me that there's a yes praise that's stuck right in here right now come on as you sow that seed you're saying yes to everything that god has promised you every healing every breakthrough every deliverance every business everything that god has ever spoken to you so let's just take 20 seconds and when you're your spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on put your hands together let's give god when your spirit speaks to me speaks to me come on with my whole heart i'll agree and my answer somebody give god a yes praise come on somebody give god a yes praise my god let's honor god for the apostolic voice of our nation a business leader a prayer warrior amazing pastor and a brother thank you thank you we love you and we absolutely take you up we will see you again next year you just called me welcome we'll make it happen listen we're getting ready to go you can rest on your feet you're standing in a yes [Music] yes when i was scared i'm comfortable back there i can but he gave me another another directive and you're standing in a yes and it's my prayer the guy uses this yes to fulfill your yes it's always my prayer that god is using the purpose place to do what he called a purpose place to do so we're getting ready to go and we've all given out yes and we prayed i want to take this moment real quick if somebody feels a pull on their heart and god is saying to you i want this relationship with you i want your yes i got things stored up for you i got stuff you can't imagine stored up for your life described in john 10 10 is an abundant life a life above and not beneath that's you and you want to give your life to christ all you got to do is say this prayer say the simple prayer lord jesus jesus i repent i believe that you died and you rose that i might live come into my heart wash me clean i make you my lord and savior and if that's you we want to celebrate you purpose place purpose everywhere purpose partners we celebrate this decision that you've made we welcome you into our kingdom family there's some information that's coming up on the screen god did his part he moved on your heart you did your part you responded we're gonna do our part all you will have to do is text us at 484 848 and just text tpp saved and we're going to get back with you we're going to connect with you we're going to walk you through the next steps purpose place let's celebrate the enemy lost again maybe you're looking for a church home purpose place we're here in spartanburg god has us on assignment and we would love for you to connect with us and for you to allow us to help you find purpose in your life do the same thing just text us i guess that's our spiritual phone numbers 484848 and text purpose just text purpose and we'll do the same thing we're going to connect with you and we're so excited purpose please let's celebrate our new family members is spiritual family say everybody just scream welcome home we're getting ready to go home listen we're so honored you came and you decided to worship with us tonight did you get what you needed tonight come on somebody thank god for sending what we needed so listen this is purpose weekend it's about to go crazy starting tomorrow night um our purpose blaze our youth ministry that they're going to be doing some incredible things they got roadblocks a virtual meeting going on tomorrow night if you don't know what roblox is actually kids you can register at our instagram and our socials you can go to our link tree and register for that saturday we having a field day it's gonna be a dunking booth if your kids want to come and run you want to let them blow off some energy and come out but listen sunday morning somebody scream sunday morning august 1st is our very first super seed sunday it's our first fruit this is the purpose place first fruit it's our very first supersede sunday and i believe that god is about to do something incredible go register if y'all want to come hang out with us this sunday morning we're going to be at drayton mills in person live this one ain't pre-recorded this one is happening live it's hot off the press look at your neighbor and just say live all right amazing amazing amazing you got anything babe no praise the lord y'all ready go home let's go home somebody gonna sleep good tonight no more nightmares listen i'm on a restless nights listen listen i want you to make this declaration as we leave just go into the chat look at your neighbor and say the lord is taking me higher come on declare it like you mean it you will have whatever you say come on somebody say the lord is taking me higher i believe that some people came in a certain way and they're leaving now completely changed somebody say i'm leaving now to completely change amen amen i'm so excited listen we're getting ready to go home but before we go i want to just encourage you a little bit come on purpose worship everybody say it come on that's it that's all it is let me hear you singing sayo [Music] come on let's declare that chorus one time let me hear you say the lord [Music] come on put your hands on it all right listen we get ready to go home i love y'all thank you so much for being with us we're gonna see you this sunday i'm gonna prophesy i wanna see you sunday and i'm gonna love on you we're gonna have an amazing time let me pronounce a blessing on you may the lord bless you and keep you may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you may the lord turn his face towards you and most of all god would you grant us peace it's in jesus name that we pray everybody shout amen put amen in the chat purpose worship is taking us home and we're gonna meet y'all my life is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] all it takes is [Music] forever [Music] you
Channel: The Purpose Place
Views: 18,800
Rating: 4.9126983 out of 5
Keywords: Kenneth Leonard, TASHA COBBS, TASHA COBBS leonard, James wilson, purpose, worship, praise, church, word, matthew stevenson
Id: -kHNedM76W0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 1sec (12001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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