Here is WHY a Bush Pilot is the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD

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good morning everyone it is hey stellar day here in papua new guinea today we are going to be loading up our kodiak here with 970 kgs and heading out to marwaka today um to do some helicopter shuttles well at least one shuttle and um with a sling load and then probably i think we get in two loads altogether so anyways um we're gonna spend the next probably hour packing up the plane packing as much as we can of all those four or five carts over there and then take our half hour flight out to [Music] mirawaka [Music] we're just about loaded up now uh we're just waiting on the fog right now to clear out the helicopter has to leave first so anyways yeah it's about only probably 100 foot thick but probably in the next half hour by the time we get done tying everything down fueling everything up we'll be ready to go well you can see behind me there's a couple of blue holes i really don't want to jet out of here too early because the helicopter is going to be like a full hour because he has one more stop before he gets to mirawaka um so yeah i could get out of here just with our ifr departure even though it's foggy we've still got our minimums that we have to have to get out of here but anyways um so yeah i think probably in the next 10 minutes or so i think we'll jet out of here good morning november tango kilo request taxi marijuanka to pob thank you kilogram tower good morning ryan sexy runway one seven left and the back track lineup qnh one zero one eight and time check zero six morning raiden one zero one eight could backtrack like a point seven left november 10 kilo all right yeah so we are heading out tomorrow welcome today i've got stencil here with me he's going to be helping me with the helicopter shuttles got two of them one with the slang load and then one's just an internal load as well so 25-minute flight out to mirawaka looks like it's gonna be a really really nice day as and nope tango kill be ready to line up i'm gonna [Music] foreign ignition condition flaps 20 fuel and harnesses 20 degrees so 13 90 14 40. there you go [Music] your speed is alive got a hawk up there he's moving out of the way there's 15 continuing there's 63 and rotate we are heavy today we'll just pitch for 85 as we pop pop through this cloud layer it's probably about 100 maybe 200 feet thick probably i'm guessing over 85 will go 10 degrees just as we start crusting into the cloud well that is majestical pretty majestically i don't think that's a word guitar november tango kayla departed time 1-0 tracking and 146. nine hundred thousand estimating marijuana three six mating kilo copy and contact mosby one two zero decimal seven eight f six two two at one five miles watch user that's all seven or six six two two november well to have blue skies like this for as far as you can see today is actually quite the treat um it has been rainy and cloudy for like the past week so we had a system move through so it is on its way out now and it is absolutely beautiful so anyways about stencil here with me today he's one of our ground crew um he helps load the airplanes wash the airplanes unload the planes today just because i'll be doing helicopter shuttles out here um it's just nice to have someone else help prepare the loads and also just keep an eye on the cargo so it doesn't uh get feet and walk off november tango kilo transfer [Music] good morning november tango kilo one five miles to the southeast maintaining niner thousand at smitting marijuanka time three three and copy company traffic november take a hotel thanks all right so we just departed garoka here we're heading on down here to marijuana but we'll actually be tracking more kind of over this way because there's a mirawaka gap here and then we'll be kind of coming in to the marijuana area so it's a really really cool kind of tight approach there let me just bring up the strip chart real quick for you so elevation's 5750 and yes a lot of you guys have asked do you do calculations for density altitude that's what this little thing way down here in the corner is um they do all the density altitude corrections for takeoff and landing penalties and stuff but yeah you actually do feel density altitude on takeoff out of here it's super long i mean 920 meters long and it's a three percent slope um even for takeoff it's three percent slope going downhill but i mean that's the same as basically koroka so next to nothing very long usually kind of long wispy grass but i'll be getting coffee out of here hopefully that's the plan and we'll see if they have coffee uh like they said they did so we'll see [Music] [Music] we're just 11 minutes out i'm gonna go ahead and set up everything i need to so our pattern altitude is going to be um 6 700 feet but i want to be turning final at 6 100 feet so i'm going to set up my minimums down here that you'd set up for like a instrument approach you can also set up where you want to turn your vinyl and because it's kind of close terrain it's a tighter it's not going to look like it on the video but it's a little bit tighter of a valley it's kind of a go around is really far out basically right when i turn final as i have to decide if i want to go around or not i'm going to set this up at 6 100 feet and it'll say minimum is when i hit that that way i don't go too low before i turn final that low spot directly ahead of me is the mirror walking gap so i want to be around 8 600 feet i think or so right around 8 500 8 600 to get through that and then we'll just head on down to the left down into our pattern altitude of 6700. place that we're actually doing these helicopter shuttles are just on this side of the valley it's a helicopter location only they are building an airstrip there and potentially on the way back from leaving marijuana maybe i'll fly over it just to show you guys what it looks like and where they're actually going but the helicopter shutter ride or the helicopter should be around 25 minutes there and back so yeah it's only probably like three or four miles but you have to climb from basically 5700 all the way up to 8 500 and then back to 6 000 and then right back around all stations of marijuana to the north left 900 000 on descent circuit time marijuana 33. autopilot off thing is slamming 0-3 so hit my obs turn to zero three zero wars b six six two two november tango kilo in the circuit marijuana cancel star correction report after landing the reason i was kind of considering of just not canceling as i got on the ground just because i wanted to check the winds and see what they were going to be like before i canceled in case for some reason i can't but i can always just reenact it and re-enact it no not reenacting 500 free re-enable it request it again i don't know what i'm looking for all right marowaka's kind of tucked away in this little tiny valley in here uh fly right over top of it and then we'll enter into a left downwind really really beautiful valley though i'm showing you guys a waterfall down here that will go by in a second it's pretty awesome and let's see if they've cut the grass looks like it's fairly muddy kind of at the top does that look like they cut the sides but it doesn't look like it's locked but 6 700 on downwind looking at the winds got five knots potentially a tailwind potentially let's see what i mean what a view one zero zero nine and just say it's cool time again operating at nine thousand head straight to those those forest trees are over there and then we'll make a turn shortly after that for our base 500 there's 20 degrees one turn final 6100 the wind dropped down to nothing that's good wow that is so awesome looking all right there's the waterfall off to the left that's really awesome too base uh 500. a bit of a headwind slow under 73. seven out crosswind and from this point on we are committed i've got a three knot tailwind five not tailwind so land downhill all right well all this soft stuff right here looks like i determine what we can get out of here for our coffee we'll see so anyways we're gonna shut down now get our loads ready for the helicopter and we'll pick up once we shut down [Music] well we're just unloading now um the helicopter probably get here in probably another 35 minutes or so so we're just gonna pile up 500 kgs for his first load and then we're gonna go ahead and get all the plywood out here put it in the net and get everything ready and we'll probably just set it out kind of in this area right here so really nice day i'm actually kind of glad that i have a five knot tailwind on landing just because takeoff will just be that much easier and hopefully it will remain the same [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we've got the load ready to go for the second one and we're just now gonna load up all the coffee right here so i've got my coffee book we're gonna write all the weights down stencil's putting in the barrier net getting the net ready so while we're waiting the helicopter to come back then we'll just go ahead and load up our coffee i think it's like 400 kgs or something like they said so we can just fit two bags in each one of our pods they can carry more than that weight wise but we just can't squeeze another one in there so basically we have about each bag's about 50 kgs or 110 pounds or something like that anyways um we'll carry two up there and then we'll put up all the rest up there as well as all of these empty um propane bottles [Music] well the helicopter should be back here any second now there's always like a million million kids around and this place is no [Music] different [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're just now loading up i think we came up with 626 kgs between 400 pounds or 400 kgs of coffee the empty drums fuel drums as well as the empty propane still have a nice headwind for takeoff which is great because like i said this airstrip kind of goes down a hill and then it kind of goes back up a hill so and we're almost at six thousand so density altitude actually does play even with the kodiak a little bit but it still looks like a beautiful day we'll jump over these mountains fly by where we're dropping all this stuff off and head back to garoka b all stations marijuana one two zero decimal seven november tango kilo will be departing marijuana for garoka via the marijuana gap we have climb one zero thousand or cassette we feel heavy here's airspeed alive there's 35 continuing put my torque a little bit there's 54 there's 60 bounce off sort of my speed up then we'll kind of climb on out right at 740 on the itt climb out of 85 got six knots ahead which is awesome because we're kind of heavy we'll just kind of slowly climb around this really cool valley and then head out towards the mirawaka cap just behind us at like 8 600 feet and this is absolutely one of my absolute favorite valleys it is awesome i think these mountains go up to um i think 13 000 maybe right there but maybe not quite that no it's not that high i think it's like 11 000. right now that we're out of the valley a little bit over 85 knots we'll go 10 degrees of flap if you guys have watched any of my other videos just for reference uh centennial's just right around the corner over here been there for a long almost a year now and then andy comey's around the next corner been down there a few times in the past few months we're gonna pop back to 2000 and hopefully yeah we can get through the gap right up there we'll just do a couple of orbits get through that and then we'll fly over actually where we were taking all this stuff just so you have an idea a picture of it in your head we'll go engineer the bypass into normal any light off ignitor is turned off all right so that's the gap right over there that i want to get through looks like there's uh some clouds just on the other side of it um i've got to get up to 8 600 so i'm just kind of s turn until i can just know for sure that i can pass over top and then we'll just take a look to see if there's enough if there's too many clouds to do a flyby for where we want to go i think it should be open though i'm going to come at this gap at a basically a 45 degree angle i want to make sure that i'm at an altitude that i for sure can we've got a tail behind us so probably have some updrafts right as we get a little bit closer but we're 8 400 all right i'll for sure across it now because i think my lowest is 8 400 i get through it so it looks like it's nice on the other side the clouds start right around 9000 and go up from there so we'll just fly down the valley the bypass back on just because we're at the level of all the birds let's start bringing our torque back because we're just going to drop right back down to 6000 feet right now leave our lights on just so they can i'll put my landing light back on just so they can see us a little bit easier i don't think the helicopter's still there but he might actually be staying there and just hang out with him for a little bit straight ahead of me is where the helicopter looks like it's still even sitting on the ground with it 12 o'clock low one mile there you go he's still sitting on the ground just fly off to the side i don't think he's taken off yet at all but he's not taking off 500 this airstrip that they're working on that looks like an awesome air strip too really awesome i'm looking forward to the day they get that going all right now we're going back on up to 10 000 if we want to and heading out back to garoka [Music] if you guys are interested i've got my sunglasses back in stock had so many people um ask me about them when i'm getting them back in stock it took way way longer i apologize for that i had to go through a couple suppliers to find one that i could work with so anyways yeah they're on my site now as well as a bunch of other cool stuff so go check that stuff out if you're interested if you guys like the on the ground content like today i've got a lot more of that on my patreon page a lot of like little like three to five minute videos of all the places i go to so if you like this kind of stuff a little bit different than my normal format um check that out and uh yeah i've got tons and tons of videos on there [Music] i figured i had to just fly over also where stencil lives as well on our way down into garoka stroke tower november tango kilo so and we'll be flying overhead over top of lapiloria one way three five left collection three five right wing lightning variable a q h one zero one six a track and report finals four zero one six track record finals 35 right november tango yes i said finals don't ask me why that's what they say here even though it's only one final i hope okay where are we oh i'm way higher than i thought i was i was looking at the wrong area actually i should have gone over a tiny bit more because i think his house is right behind me yep right there hello kilo five miles 500 35 right just pop it back up to basically 500 feet just so i can get back up because we're actually where he lives is actually lower than garoka so you climb back up another six seven hundred feet to get back onto the glass sierra alpha because this is a three percent glide slope and the runway is smaller than the big one it kind of throws all of your sight pictures all off you typically come in super low here in garoka every pilot does you have your worst landings in garoka out of any place in png at least on the small runway the big runway is fine but the small runway all right we're continuing thanks back here to grocer that was a fun let me tell you it's so nice to be able to do something different than what you do every single day so that was a real treat even for me just to be able to go out be a different part be a part of a different aspect of our aviation here and able to be a part of the slang loads and stuff well i'm going to end the vlog here but i do want to leave you guys with a note of encouragement for you pilots that are aspiring pilots or in training or haven't even started yet and you feel like it's taking absolutely forever believe me i know the feeling it took me like 14 years to get to the point where i got here so i know about how long it takes but anyways i want to leave you with this just to keep pressing forward honestly never give up if this is what you want to do you want to be a pilot you want to be a missionary pilot you want to just fly airlines whatever it is you're probably like me you wanted to be a pilot since a kid i really do encourage you never give up because i'm so um i feel so blessed to be able to do what i do i really really do enjoy my job and i know there's so many of you probably even watching that don't enjoy your job and i feel for you because i really i love my job and i love coming to work it's not really work so and to be able to go do something like today that was different um different than my norm so i only had one flight today but you know that's all right so anyways thanks so much for watching and see you guys next time
Channel: Missionary Bush Pilot
Views: 203,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight vlog, pilot vlog, bush pilot, quest kodiak, flying vlog, flight vlog pilot, cockpit view landing, aviation, missionary bush pilot, flying video, most dangerous airports, pilot vlog youtube, becoming a pilot, bush pilots papua, bush flying, landing, backcountry flying, flight training, runway, plane landing, takeoff, fly with me, flight instruction, learn to fly, papua new guinea, cockpit landing, airplane landing, airplane, flight, airplane emergency, pilot, flying, plane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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