SUN 'n FUN 2021 - Solo Flight from FD08 to KLAL - Part 1

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sun and fun 2021 bound in the rv family truckster so today we're going to sun and fun i'm so excited eric is there already i'm going to inspect the runway and we're scheduled to leave at 7 30. it's right now 705 and um just want to make sure that the runway is safe to fly i haven't flown yesterday so just want to make sure let's go check it out okay so i'm pretty happy everything is safe get ready foreign We've brought the NOTAMS and everything so we need to look at it again we'll have plenty of time the flight is about 50 minutes five zero minutes watching the fuel flow right here i went about four five sounded good left right he's the start this morning now we'll turn the fuel pump off noticing fuel flow pump off noticing fuel fill and we'll get this one slap shade out and i will put a flight plan in we have a few uh waypoint let me show you first of all welcome aboard i hope you're excited to go to sun and fun because i am so that's uh everybody so far coming in we're flying ifr which i always prefer even though it's an absolutely gorgeous day today and that's thunder and then we're gonna go to lebel lbv it's the same flight plan we've flown in december with stevo we're flying exactly the same flight plan so we're going to be maintaining 150 knots at seventeen hundred feet and um we'll listen to theaters which is one two eight point seven when we're about 20 miles out i saw something else when we were 30 miles out then monitor parker arrival so parker arrival is 124.5 i get everything there so after when we go southbound south we'll switch 2135.225 and we'll listen to uh atc instruction i'm going to make sure that i review that before we take off there right here left so we inspected the runway everything is good i will be taking off on time fuel pump on 1500 rpm rpm decrease tiny full increase pressure decrease no oil no smoke rpm decrease money fall increase pressure decrease no oil no smoke two thousand rpm back check left engine right leg two clicks one two drop back to those one back to both right engine really nice all right no more than 150 no more than 50 in between my uh back air all level level level all my lights good good good uh lights lights green green green we'll turn the fuel pump off and we'll turn it back on when we arrive to the end over there i'm gonna put one two five point two they might ask me to switch to one two eight point three i'm going to put that in com2 just in case all right you guys ready i know i am i'm really excited all right clear final i will stop making sure everything is clear antique has traffic baron back taxi nine are right south runway antiquers left downwind is clear antique traffic bearing back taxing nine of right antiquers all right so if there's anything abnormal i powered to idle and i brakes through the head if there's still remaining runway and i lift off i will power to idle i'll land and i'll break straight ahead anything above that no remaining runway blue line directional control mixture prop and throttle flaps up the gear will be up and the palms are well beyond and we'll identify we'll verify we go to boca ac off thank you next time we'll fly together and we'll rotate at 80 80 and we already rotate i think it's traffic fair and departure length nine are right hand tickers antiques traffic amphibious 860 sierra romeo back taxi for runway 9 and secret i think it's traffic at left crossway and nanowrimo tickers there right monkey traffic you have a white blue key on the upwind leg of runway niner headed east parting the area climbing to 2 3 500 antiques traffic uh baron left on one i know right in figures i will start our climb and we filed for six thousand and the reason i fought for six thousand of course so we're heading west but the winds at eight thousand were a lot stronger it was a headwind so antiques traffic there one thousand six 600 climbing heading west last goal and teachers palm beach approach baron 1879 and who else called palm palm beach uh baron 187 niner lima just departed antiquers at 2600 climbing would like to pick up our iphone clearance to lakeland lima of falima 128.3 28.3 and as you do that squawk triple one four one two eight point three and uh one one one four what is every night one thank you and we have traffic there and we'll 7-3 charlie pop rather maintain five put our strobes on and landing light on making sure we're visible preparing a seminar lima radar contacts about uh two miles north i'm sorry about uh 100 miles southwest of the lantana airport and you're cleared to the lakeland airport via present heading vectors labelle and then as files climb and maintain four thousand expect six sounds within 100 minutes marijuana eight seven nine is where to led to lakeland via present heading um vector label as foul and we'll climb to 4 000 and uh 6 000 100 minutes 1 8 7 9 months lima river gets corrected three zero zero two say the altitude three zero zero two and we're at uh four thousand one eight seven seven thank you very much brake lear one zero four romeo juliet turn right heading zero eight zero that's gonna maintain four thousand right zero a zero and four thousand for modulus [ __ ] six four when we power from its bridge all right we'll trim really good and we'll reduce our air speed uh fairway the right uh realty for the visual approach to be right six thousand one eight seven nine months number three five six to quebec how may i help you come back 170 to 10 miles to the northwest of palm beach international electric from the rna fund into lantana or 2016. good morning good morning hawker one room will probably maintain four thousand four thousand six four hundred pounds our climb usually is uh about a hundred thirty so right now with uh 135 and i'm flying a bit more right right 367 maintain 5 000. and um very right now even though we see the ground it's kind of hazy prices approaches approved no separators have been provided verify your assessment 172. and uh direct no tube we are assessing 172 and 132.45 32 45 enjoy sun and fun take care 32 45 187.99 thank you sam so much we'll do i see you miami center baron 187.99 6000 4187900 all right perfect all right we'll do a little cruise off checklist now we'll close our cap flaps the flaps are closed r72 whiskey delta mining a good speed three that was really nice miami center thank you roger uh were you left on uh on a heading uh we're turning uh direct thunder at the moment five nine or eight sub two thunder that's what we have but we switch to direct lakeland so we're gonna lean the right engine i'm not going to touch the map here because that's our that's our go-to when we're gonna be near lakeland and that's gonna give us a good idea how far we are from lakeland i would say around 40 nautical miles if it's nice and clear i will uh cancel our ifr eight four four juliet sierra contact market one two five one zero seven and um continue vfr i will descend okay cruise checklist is complete so we'll continue we'll put some music on and we'll talk to you in a little bit 14 for 16 minutes roger if i maintain one seven thousand orlando altimeters for two nine november niner tango sierra contact support merger first one our landing light point eight millimeter seven eight nine we're here let's start putting more mixture in the seven three charlie pops gonna cancel ifr unless otherwise directed watch uh three thousand three hundred and a minute taken yeah two one zero four seven is with you at uh three thousand three hundred number two one zero four seven miami center roger the snap outsiders 299 or eight excessive three thirteen contact miami center one two six point five twenty six fifty two exit to three thirteen thanks center parent one eight seven nine will cancel 3.5 miles north of the lakeland airport immediately after passing the golf course turn left and fly southbound directly to the lakeland airport tower keep the ball-shaped water tower to your right and the wedding cake tower to your left monitor lakeland tower on frequency 135.225 from air traffic controllers and enter a close right downwind for runway 27 right use caution do not encroach on the parallel final due to landing aircraft runway 27 right is 75 feet wide make your approach to the green or orange dots as assigned by aircraft controllers and roll to the end after landing remain on the hard surface unless otherwise directed watch controllers wearing orange shirts for instructions lakeland sun and front arrival information alpha make your approach to the airport from lake parker which is seven miles northeast of the lakeland linder airport monitor lake parker approach on frequency 124.5 remain well clear of the class delta airspace and route to lake parker all aircrafts approach lake parker from a 0.1 mile due east of the north shore power plant with the white strobes gps coordinate victor papa kilo echo romeo as you approach the stack look for other aircraft in the vicinity to follow do not fly side by side turn your landing lights on lower your landing gear and squawk 1200 maintain 100 knots at 1200 feet if enable maintain 150 knots at 1700 feet depart the power plant on a westbound heading until reaching i-4 turn the southwest bound and follow i-4 for approximately three miles look for the golf course on your left and you'll be 3.5 miles north of the lakeland airport immediately after passing the golf course turn left and fly southbound directly to the lakeland airport tower keep the ball shaped water tower to your right let's start descending a little left bit more passing the golf course up your left with the water tower on your right okay and we'll maintain 3 000 for now below 170. you're down so that's going to help us slow down a little bit more and we'll maintain 150 knots i will descend at 1 700. i will keep descending and then we'll put our aircraft and found the lake would like parker layer there approaching the power plant we got to inside the altimeter okay we'll stay above the layers i'll put my fuel pump on just in case coming up on the uh all right we're going to maintain 1700 but these little layers should should be okay low wing approaching the uh power plant from the uh rocker week good rock thank you surprise westbound and uh there's two diners knight or eight all right lowing approaching the power plant from the south about to start your left turn uh begin your left turn westbound and uh right power plant that's the power plant right there all right i'm gonna disconnect the auto pallet so i can be quicker if something happens buy plate approaching the power plant uh from the in the rocker wings for the pipeline by playing thank you very much and continue westbound by plane uh welcome to the sun fund and continue westbound via this procedure altimeter 298 tower frequency one three five point two two five i will continue by playing thank you altimeter two diner niner eight nine eight wow i don't know if i'm gonna be able to go traffic nine o'clock one mile 500 feet below i don't know what i'm gonna alternate expect runway seven wow that's terrible okay wow it right 187. thank you oh this is so cool wow it's so well organized great job son and fawn great job really nice wow good job this is so cool all right so so good good job like that's just epic wow i still can't believe i flew here by myself that's pretty cool oh uh well it's a wrap hope you all enjoy and let's go have some fun so we're here baron is uh getting tucked in and we're gonna start enjoying the activities hi i know you how are you well hello thanks for the ride come on in thank you
Channel: Skyline Baron Pilot
Views: 91,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron pilot, skyline baron pilot, sun and fun, sun n fun, Steveo, captain Valerie, Beechcraft, baron, solo flight
Id: pU6Azz1Vv-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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