Sun 'n Fun 2021: A LONG Non-Stop Cross Country

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[Music] aurora municipal airport chicago aurora illinois automated weather observation one one zero four zulu wind three four zero at zero six visibility one zero sky condition clear temperature zero one celsius dew point minus zero one celsius altimeter two niner niner niner remarks density altitude minus niner hundred howdy guys the early morning we're heading down to sunny pond we're gonna depart vfr pick our ifr up in the air cleared up here thought we were gonna have to climb through some clouds but we're running just a couple minutes behind schedule so we're gonna taxi out real quick do the run up take off it's an uncontrolled phil today at our tower at airport we're here before they open which is jamie's favorite thing aurora traffic to one cessna 771 bravo charlie's taking 2-7 for departure to the southeast roar all righty lined up on the runway throttle's coming up 1700 mixtures going rich [Music] fuel flows look good gauges are on the green air speed's alive 60 70 80 90 rotate that breaks you're coming up [Music] [Music] here [Music] bravo charlie twin chestnut seven seven one bravo charlie approach go ahead seven seven one bravo charlie's offer aurora south bound climbing out of three thousand uh vfr looking to pick up our ifr to lakeland normal one bravo challenge three one one three three one one three one bc twin sesame seven seven one bravo shelly i do have your clearance available advised uh ready to copy one bravo charlie's ready to copy we'll take direct available remember one bravo trolley is cleared to lima alpha lima via radar vectors direct slime and maintain six thousand when bravo jelly is clear to lakeland cleveland is 6 000. from one bravo shall we come at this time probably go directly thank you i am so cold i get my flying socks on i'll get the heat on it [Music] a thousand one bravo chili's clever nine thousand you want the heat yes please [Music] chicago accent whenever she says zero it sounds just like nicole to me oh that's funny one bravo charlie contact chicago center 123.75 23.75 by andrea one bravo challenge before you go all summoners three zero zero zero three triple zeros here chicago center twin cessna 771 bravo charlie's coming out of six thousand seven hundred for nine or thousand seven seven one bravo challenge chicago center good morning king key optimize three zero zero two three double o two one bc i've adopted a little bit of that accent but only in certain words it's not it's not my zeros yet this is like the soft day where it's like package track there you go baby feel the heat oh yeah you're gonna sweat me out of this thing that feels much much better i'm not shaking like a chihuahua anymore look at our ground speed babe 200 knots [Music] whoa flex at 382 chicago center good morning descend and maintain one six thousand you'll hear outside three zero zero zero they don't have cool air traffic voices think for yourself usher i don't have a cool air traffic voice american 1003 chicago center good morning with the cadence and all the stuff babe are you jazzed up for sun and fun [Music] pretty sure i'm gonna cry upon arrival but she still does not enjoy the big airshow arrivals fun and fun in oshkosh it's actually just it's actually got much much worse babe did you miss one bravo charlie when she was down for annual and we weren't find her yes i would have probably noticed more been like more anxious to get her back if we have been so freaking busy lately our lives have been completely taken over by a house selling buying remodeling our two oldest kids are leaving the nest they go we don't need our current house size and everything location so we took advantage although it's a double-edged sword we took advantage of the current housing market which is bonkers right now and we put our house for sale and it sold within about two weeks of listing it which is like a long time right now yeah now people are like it's been two days what's wrong yeah and they had us like sweating it out at two weeks and then we found a house that we like and it's just in a better location for us it's closer to work and right now we're in a town called wheat which is kind of really congested a closer end suburb of chicago and our house sits on 0.2 acres which is very common for wheat that's about the normal size unless you play for the cubs or something white socks then you can be on one of those one acre lots but it's pretty compressed and then we moved to a new town that it's kind of uh really quaint and it's um they kind of kept it old school so they're spread out yeah it's more spread out and we even you know septic well yeah the horses uh and so we have more lands uh so we can a little over four acres four and a half acres less house or more land yeah so now the two young boys can play out in the woods yeah you can get them a trampoline and build up a tree house bye felicia yeah be back by dark so [Music] we're just completely getting to get the entire kitchen kitchen laundry room it's really every inch of it there's a bathroom it's gotta go [Music] it it needed spark so we got it at a good price so that we could put some work into it it still has one of those uh like intercom systems yeah wood grain yeah like old fake wood grain big intercom systems they're that big throughout the house the kids walked up to it and they were like alexa alexa i mean it's not like is that you it's not that old of a house but i think it was an 88 uh and that was probably cutting edge technology for 1989 when they designed it number one bravo charlie contact holmen approach one two five point four five twenty five forty five one bravo charlie's here holmen approached twin sets of seven seven one bravo charlie the level at nine or a thousand seven seven one bravo trolley home approach number three zero zero zero three triple zero one pc and i gotta call my buddy that has the farm mat and he's gotta bring a loader out there i mean the woods need a lot of work there it's really nice hardwood forest trails back there and like some stuff there's just tons of trees this big around that are just falling from over the years and they need to be caught up moved and then i'll just stack them all there's a little cut out grass area in the woods i thought the kids would like as a campsite so i'll put a fire ring there and then i'll put a fire ring in the backyard i'll just stack all that wood just chop it up stack it all next to it we'll have fire for fire outdoor fire pits for years i'm right there bikes gotta get a four-wheeler our neighbors are gonna hit us we're gonna have problems the clamp that's moved into town yeah all right 27 copy that we have our sun and fun plan here so holding at lake parker atc will tell aircraft to turn left proceed southbound over the western shore and hold counterclockwise so it's just left turns around the lake we're familiar with that for twins we do 2200 regardless of speed but we'll shoot for 150 knots and we got to maintain 1700 there'll be people beneath us at 1200 and then we come over the power plant we go straight west and we pick up i-4 and we follow i-4 down to the cake tower we turned south we have to remember though as soon as we get on i-4 that we need to switch to lakeland tower hiking procedure in columbus now roger jordan so i got the 8this is 28 575. and then blake parker arrived rivals 24 5. yeah it says when lakeland ceilings and visibility are at or above 3 000. they're five miles but if not then we'll um i know i'm gonna lose you you'll be taking a nap soon yeah so i think they prefer a nine operation there so here's the approach plate for nine we would just from our direction we just come into gunner air show flying on in for an lpv approach and then if two seven is it then say we'll just come to the north tee condi hit clyde decayed and on in that gets you down to 200 three quarters of a mile and at three quarters of a mile you need to call the ball how silly is that let's just useless data it's just sitting in my brain that i can't get rid of i could i need a day to dump it to make room for for new information yeah every six thousand thirty-five it really improved the gauges quite a bit i don't know if you've noticed it says that we've earned 18 gallons and we started with 50 so 50 minus 18 is 32 and look how close to 32 those are and it's way better than we've ever remember this one used to be over here banging around and this was all over the place yeah and then the ox tanks have 36 gallons and i mean it's pretty spectacular how much well better those are i'm leaving oh where you going you want to talk about this not really where are you going to put all the stuff i don't know i'll figure it out i feel like one of these events are oh oh it's closed oh it's this one love you of you don't pop my camera hope you have a sweet dreams going to sun and fun i'm so excited excited to have the airplane back decided to go to sun and pond it's you know everything's been canceled because of cove but it's a step into reality again i don't know i mean covet became our new reality there for a while but it's getting back to some sort of normalcy so here's the view in south central kentucky [Music] crossing into tennessee just up past that river if you can see where those low clouds are right there that's the fog lifting off the river one bravo charlie shining oh here we are just cruising along burning about 12 gallons per side doing 195 knot ground speed i think it was about 177 true airspeed got some weather up ahead right along the path that we will have to skirt to get down to lakeland hopefully atlanta lets us go through their bravo she is out in the back so back to what i was saying reference the atlanta thing if they won't let us through the bravo i'm going to ask nicely and hope that i catch them in a lull and they let us through but then i reckon i'll take a left deviation around just because we're going to have to go left around that weather anyway potentially no point no point turning towards the weather or around atlanta and then going halfway to savannah to get around six miles southbound atlanta center twin cessna 771 bravo charlie 900 000. bravo charlotte rogers 994 uh 29941 bravo charlie and when you have time i have a quick question wait i was wondering if you could have rack i don't know if you talked to aad um but i was wondering if we could get direct at nine if they're not too busy right through the bravo but understand if we have to be routed around yeah they're not gonna let me do that they only want me i can take your 15 if you want to go over top of them uh that's okay if we got to go around i guess we'll go the east way around i didn't know if we could uh sweet talk him one time we're just running late down to the sun and fun one bravo charlie they laughed me off the phone they're telling me to roush around the east side okay um well it was worth the shot thank you much anyway you did say gainesville golf victor lima is that correct sir gainesville georgia twin cessna 771 bravo charlie's with you nine thousand seven seven one bravo charlie atlanta center roger be advised i'm gonna have to alter your route a little bit here in a little bit okay what's that gonna look like it's a little further to the east would there be any chance of just suspending the ifr and staying via far outside the bravo until i get southeast of atlanta and then resuming the ifr i mean i'm sure that's something i can try and work out uh if you want to go vfr and you know your remaining class clear the class probably you should be good they just don't like overflights thank you 244 mike alpha atlanta center roger [Music] thanks for uh making the turn now number 717 bravo charlie contact atlanta approach one three two point four seven we'll see ya thirty two four seven thanks for the help on broadcasting atlanta approach twin cessna seven seven one bravo charlie 900 000. [Music] she's back [Music] [Music] about an hour and 35 minutes away that's what just happened should cancel i would have but do you see what's coming up here yeah i do i thought i looked and i saw what they were doing and i thought they were like it was for like weather avoidance i'm like we're gonna be out the atlantic if we're gonna try like play this game i was about to say 27 57 one brother with charlie thanks and go dawgs there you go jacksonville center twin session 771 bravo charlie niner thousand now that was it number seven one brother charlie you said holding yeah they're holding for lakeland barcelona and winterhaven at the moment oh no we don't have a ton of gas for that um okay just turn it down one turn to base low wing coming up on the number keep fighting pass the green wing over the numbers all the way down all the way down to the green down by very nice very nice job high speed all the way to the end keep turning around right now hello dave what what the what just happened i don't know got the right prick i think the tower just went nordo test one two hey buddy what [Music] you
Channel: 310 Pilot
Views: 333,171
Rating: 4.9423614 out of 5
Keywords: Sun 'n Fun, airshow, flight, aviation, airplane, plane, pilot, co-pilot, beautiful, sexy, pretty, funny, fun, woman, lady, wife, girl, takeoff, ATC, air traffic control, Chicago, Lakeland, Florida, Atlanta, deviation, weather, holding, instrument, aircraft, 310 Pilot, Cessna 310, EAA, AOPA, steveo1kinevo, Class B, re-route, crazy, exciting, gorgeous, Jaime, Avidyne, Lightspeed, Garmin, twin, mulit, massage, sleep, house, remodeling, purchase, new, Captain Joe, FAA, autopilot, STEC, rain, clouds, Blue Angles, aerobatic, perfect, COVID, nice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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