39 Flights | 1 Month Flying with Captain Lisa

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[Music] so [Music] for the very first time since i started flying for envoy i was assigned my first choice of a line schedule for the month i'm flying a lot in and out of miami and i'm flying all five trips with my good friend lisa this is super unusual for pilots normally i fly with four or five different captains during a month so in this video i'll give you an overview of our schedule and how it worked out that we're flying together again for the entire month [Music] this month our line has six overnights in miami five overnights in greensboro and three overnights in cincinnati we're flying a total of 36 flights to greensboro cincinnati norfolk tallahassee moline louisville nassau and north aluthra island out of our hubs in either chicago or miami we're also dead heading on three mainline american airlines flights from chicago to miami for crew positioning with overnights in just three cities and about seven turns to the bahamas this is a pretty unusual schedule for me [Music] okay so you guys ask me all the time if it's too late to switch careers and become a pilot i've been so lucky to fly with lisa this month she's a great friend and an even better captain and i figured her story might help a few of you who are thinking about becoming a pilot and maybe even switching careers go forward yeah so i was a school teacher for four years um and then i wanted to do something different travel the world so i became a flight attendant for united airlines and it was awesome and we went all over the world and made a lot of great memories and then uh i decided i wanted a challenge after a few years stay in the industry but i wasn't quite sure what it was until uh two pilots that i worked with inspired me to uh become a pilot myself they thought that i could do it and i was never something that never that was like the spark tree right exactly it was never something that i had even thought i could do and then uh so i enrolled in flight school the following month and here we are seven years later it's never too late yeah i was 30 years old when i made that decision so all right not every overnight is this good but also we were just joking about this we actually both flew from mokulele airlines how weird is that small world right best [Music] okay i know that we've had all these miami overnights but like this is our actual reality being stuck out here in the snow it's horrible so it's not all good i promise as our miami base transitions to an all-embryo 175 fleet us 145 pilots from chicago are covering most of the flying while i usually bid my schedules based on things like late start times early finish times and weekends off this month i focused on getting as much miami and caribbean flying as i could there's some serious pros and cons on how this affected my schedule which i'll talk about a little later but trust me spending a month flying mostly out of miami during the winter has been a great deal [Music] so the reason lisa and i are flying the entire month together is because envoy has a system of line bidding for our pilots what that means is that envoy is assigned flying for the entire month right then they break down those flying schedules into pre-built lines for the entire month so for instance this month there were about 90 lines for both first officers and captains on the amber 145 out of chicago first officers and captains both bid within the same packet for a schedule of lines in seniority order so it's kind of random who you're going to end up flying with it's kind of unusual to fly with somebody for the entire month though because normally people are taking off trips for things like being sick or recurrent or line checks but in this case lisa and i were assigned the exact same line we both liked the schedule and we're good friends so we decided to keep our schedule not trade or swap anything and then we were able to fly the entire line together sometimes other airlines use a system called pbs which really mixes and matches the different sequences throughout the month so it's much more likely at those kinds of bidding systems at those airlines that you'll fly uh with different people throughout the month more so than working with one other person like i am this time [Music] when you're a pilot your life becomes a balance between quality of life quality of job and quality of pay when you pull on one the others usually shrink because i focused on the quality of my flying and overnights this month there were some noticeable downsides in my schedule like multiple midday breaks over four hours long or multiple 30 hour overnights with two nights in the same hotel and no flying in between my line also has 13 days off with two carryover days into the next month which is sort of like giving myself a schedule with only 11 days off when you combine all of that for only 50 hours of flight time that's not a great schedule at all but i'm getting the warm weather in miami overnights and the bahamas flying that i was really excited about so i don't regret the decision this time flying to the bahamas has been a much needed change of pace compared to winter flying in the snowy midwest [Music] more than anything this month has reminded me why working with awesome people and having good overnights can totally change your outlook on your job it's given me like new energy it because i was getting kind of in a rut being up in chicago doing the same routes over and over but i mean this was worth it [Music] even though i had no way of knowing that i would be scheduled to work with lisa this month i couldn't have been luckier to fly with a friend into some of the coolest airports at our airline we managed to escape most of the cold in chicago to enjoy the warm miami beaches and bahamas flying it doesn't always work out this well but i'll always remember that this month at work hardly felt like work at all [Music] you
Channel: Swayne Martin
Views: 483,274
Rating: 4.9372563 out of 5
Keywords: Swayne Martin, airline pilot, airline captain, envoy air, Captain Lisa, Captain Lisa Yun, Lisa Yun, ERJ, E145, Embraer, regional airline, regional jet, pilot life, pilot pay, pilot job, first officer, captain, flight deck, airlines, aviation, avgeek, jets, flight crew, American Airlines, Miami, Bahamas, regional pilot, become a pilot, learn to fly, Swayne pilot, 1 month, 1 month as a pilot, 1 day as a pilot, day in the life, month in the life of a pilot, youtube aviation, planes
Id: gSuhApM65YA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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