First To Mine 1,000 Blocks Wins $1,000

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yo how's it going guys all right so let me explain today's video idea now i'm sure you've already read the title but let me explain it a bit more in detail basically i'm about to have six different youtubers look how perfect that six is and i'm gonna pair them into three groups of two because two plus two plus two is six anyway out of each group of two will come out one winner youtuber who well wins the competition of what i'm about to do and then these three are gonna go head to head and compete to win the golden crown i don't really know what the golden crown is but now they win a golden crown aka a thousand dollars so i hope that made sense but it will in a second after i get them into a call and that's pretty much all you need to know also if you could quickly check if you are subscribed that red button right there click it hit it subscribe all right let's do this all right so this is the little arena thing that i'm thinking and what i'm gonna do is simply smooth this out place ten blocks down just like so and then repeat the process with other blocks too this is definitely gonna be an interesting video all right i'm thinking for this we can make it pretty self-explanatory just some walls a ceiling made out of that and for the inside we will simply go ahead and do diamond or because i like diamond or okay we copy that simply paste it right there there we go looks perfect and then simply add one obsidian one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight nine ten blocks away and the same thing right here just right there and they're going to have to mine everything from the diamond all the way here and once they finish they have to mine the obsidian and whoever mines the obsidian first wins welcome i have brought both of you here today because you guys are going against each other to see oh my god mega who the better player is that is not how you oh my god guys i'll learn him so here's what's gonna happen as you can see there are two guys stop okay mega you stay down there bad you stay up there there are two little block cube house type thingies and they're both the exact same uh so just pick a side bed all right oh oh my how many times have you died on this intro i'm sorry all right okay so each side from the cubing as you can see is a thousand blocks you guys are going against each other to see who can mine the thousand blocks first whoever wins goes to the next round against the next youtuber who did it first to get someone else and the winner of the entire video gets a thousand dollars wait what yeah so for your items you're going to get one diamond pickaxe one diamond shovel and one diamond axe so here you go take that take that so once you're done mining the thousand blocks you have to go to this obsidian which is ten blocks away and the first one to finish mining the obsidian twins got it yes all right um are you guys ready he's cheating no no you can't you can't start until i say go you can't start till i say go all right i'm going to put you guys on top of your cubes there you go and are you guys ready yeah on your mark get set go okay and now it is off we are going to see oh you both have gone for different strategies this is so interesting but yeah everything on that thousand block is when you go mind the obsidian and then you're done so how you guys's day so far um i'm doing good so far good mega what about you come on don't be shy tell us how your day is so far come on mega look behind you come on tell me oh he doesn't want to waste any time he wants to win the money that's cute no i'm going to win are you though he looks like he's doing a better job than you but really you're just going for different strategies yeah i think we're doing different strategies we'll see what happens um this is so interesting that's still in the top why did megan want to go down because at the beginning he said can we jump down does he have some sort of strat that you don't know about that i don't know i don't know what's in the box though that's the question oh the box i'll tell you it's only diamonds what there's only only diamonds yeah i really like diamonds oh my goodness kevin that is a lot of time i know isn't it great oh my goodness that's so many flaws i'm gonna go see how mega is doing oh interesting mega is going from the bottom still you know i think going from the top is a better strategy mega so if i were you i would figure something out quick i love how focused you both are no one wants to lose here well i want to win that thousand dollars so i'm gonna teach mega who is the best mining person and it is me hmm i honestly think you're gonna win bad i could be oh he's typing mega what are you doing don't waste your time that was a distraction don't get distracted i love it he can't trash talk me and you can just trash talk him as much as you want hey mega how does it feel to be over there you little muffin head i'm sorry no don't don't apologize why do i feel a little bad i was being mean it still looks like mega is doing better but i just don't know if that's true because it looks like he's mined way more than you but it's just in like different chunks you know what i mean yeah it's gonna be this is gonna be interesting skippy i'm actually nervous you should be oh my goodness i didn't anticipate how long this would take though i mean i guess we're five minutes in are we the first people to do this yeah you guys are the first so are you the winner of youtube is either gonna go against spinster or verb okay oh my goodness i'm nervous [Music] megan's using his axe mega hey mega look at all those muffins you're leaving over there oh oh mega you're a muffin head yeah mega you're a muffin head yeah mega geez yeah stupid muffin head he can't even tell us otherwise because he knows it's true oh i thought we were like doing no no no no we're not gonna oh should we wait are you helping me skeppy i'm not helping anyone i'm just going out going with the flow roast mega with me come on you want me to put him on fire that would be cheating no no don't light him on fire you know what i mean dude i don't know who's gonna win this is i'm gonna win so weirdly even no i'm gonna win i know the secret to winning this what how is there a secret there is skippy you may not realize it but there is a secret i know we've hosted events like this before but like there's a secret to this well there's pretty much one technique you have to do interesting mega i hope you have a technique he has technique what do you have i'm gonna win mega mega just completely owns you wait i have a question yeah can i run over there and like attack him no i can't do that no you you cannot do that is that against the rules that is against the rules okay how much trouble will i get in if i do that i mean it just wouldn't work bvp is off oh okay remember as soon as you're done go break that obby got it oh my goodness this is this this is a lot of mining yeah it's kevin there's a lot of this little no i mean you guys are both getting close this is for a thousand dollars so i'm gonna make you put in some work you didn't even give me like an efficiency pick right good you don't deserve it no i do on the final round we'll do efficiency if you make it that is all right okay i like that that's a good idea oh my goodness come on mega just mind and mind and mind they're just random holes and yours is so like organized yeah because i'm doing the organizational strategy oh i see what mega is doing i think he's gonna go for the top next and then just go down interesting that you've got a lot left i mean you both do so if he wins i will be very surprised me too me too how many rows do i have roughly uh i'll let you figure that one out what you're not even gonna tell me press f5 you'll figure it out okay i see oh i don't know if i had more than him hmm it's weird cause like he has less than you but at the same time he has more because of the unstructured unorganized i don't know he's just a mute let him do its thing [Music] you guys getting tired of mining yet yeah this is like i'm nervous don't you like diamonds i do like diamonds but it feels like a marathon well i mean if you lose you're out of the video you're eliminated so don't get eliminated yeah i don't want to be out then make it to the next round bad i'm trying skippy i'm trying come on oh my goodness come on you got this i'm cheering for you actually am i really i don't know wait what do you mean am i well i prefer to give the money to you than mega because you just spend it on like anime body pillows so he will i think he likes spending stuff on anime body plus i think so dude i don't know no hey i just i would prefer like you know you'd spend on like muffins or something valuable like that right yeah exactly dude this looks so weird and yours is so like what the heck is going on mega what what is your strat bro dude don't like make it so you can't go back up because you have to go back up you just like you can't reach the block that's why i started from the top because i was like hmm and be able to get it all without having to go back for anything oh no i messed up a teeny bit did you yeah just the team bit man i hope shifting doesn't make you mine slower because it does then would be a sad potato i mean it makes it more accurate to be fair mecca what are you doing oh no did he muffin what what what he just muffined himself how he made it so that he bad you won congrats did i actually yeah you won yeah i'm not gonna stop just in case what how did he muffin himself he can't reach the top box anymore i mean maybe he can no figure out away what i mean to be fair he can place blocks and go up that'll work but like it's just a waste of time to place more vlogs than mine them back later you know what i mean that'll learn your mega i i kept saying it too and he just didn't listen interesting maybe he has a strat maybe i'm completely wrong and he knows what he's doing maybe this is mega we're talking that is true but sometimes he does cool stuff sometimes he comes back and no one expects it so i guess we'll have to see if you know oh i want to see how close this will be this is really close but i i think it's not close enough oh my gosh i'm so nervous skippy i see how much how many rows i have left hopefully he's got more i wouldn't be worried if i were you come on i need a mine faster the thing is you both started mining at the same exact time and mathematically you should have mined the same amount of blocks but i guess technically no strategy really plays a big part into this yeah i think it does i just hope mine ends up working boy i have 35 levels that's a lot of levels hmm i'd say you both still have the same number of blocks left you think by a little bit probably not but who has more do you think hard to say but i'd say mega oh my goodness one come on technique work i can do it oh it's snowing can't be oh man he placed blocks to get up bad oh mega don't waste time bro ah gabby turn off this i did i did i did i did thank you oh my goodness come on come on wait do i have to break the dirt too no you just have to break up toward the oh yeah that dirt yeah you have to break that yeah okay oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness come on come on i don't think he's gonna get his thousand dollars unless i'm wrong but i can do it at this stage in the game i think it was the minor things that like he had to waste time stacking up you know yeah like for me i tried to do my mining in a pattern where i'm literally like always looking at the next the next block makes sense that way i get 100 mining ability in it's still very close though don't get me wrong but don't say that i'm so nervous come on oh my goodness fine come on we're reaching the final stretch oh my goodness i see how many blocks he has left holy muffin how are you feeling bad how are you feeling i mean you can't really tell us but i need to win oh yeah he typed that'll learn you mega i'll teach you to tight or rag a muffin come on come on i can die ah i'm cheering on mega come on no don't cheer on mega i am now no he can't say anything he doesn't appreciate your cheers maybe we'll finally get him to talk we'll say so much that i was just like that's it i'm done i have to speak up oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness come on come on come on come on come on [Music] oh scary look hey oh poor mega hey mega guess what for mega ah all right mega stop stop stop oh that's it he did he broke it he finished like mega i got my obsidian yeah he finished yeah he finished just now you have obsidian two mega it's right here both of you had obsidian how does it feel mega senor what was your plan yeah what was your plan were you gonna box in the obsidian oh when i tried to come and mine it [Laughter] poor mega mega how does it feel here have some more blocks just for you you can have nothing oh my gosh she was so far behind my guy i expected better he was probably about 30 or 40 seconds behind hey how did he kill me anyway you know what based on how i did i think i have a good shot at winning against whoever you put me up against boom bring it bin what are you doing crush all right everybody we're ready for round two in the block breaking one thousand dollar mining championships skippy's having me do the intro for some reason uh we have fencer on one side and just verb on the other and whichever whichever of these two uh wins will face off against me and i'm gonna i'm gonna win anyway so it's not gonna matter i hope you guys are ready so uh finn and verb each of you is going to be given a set of shiny diamond tools and steak and you're going to have to battle it out mining on this side you can see this is your stuff finn and on this side you can see this is jimmy yours verb so what you have to do he's already on the ground no you don't start mining yet all right so each of you come and stand on your side keep your fin i made the drink do you have your tools finn no you've not given me here he is he's already mining you can't do that yeah he was lying okay here's what you have to do you notice fan you have obsidian down here do you see it verb view of yours here's how it works once you've mined all one thousand of the blocks once you mine all 1000 of the blocks you must then mine the obsidian and it's the first person to completely mine all 1000 and then mine the obsidian wins you're not allowed to pvp that's pretty much it though are you ready the winner will face bad boy halo and challenge them for a thousand dollars okay there's money on the table yes sir so here we go i'm going to say two three two one go get ready you know no no no no no no three two verb that that's you're not allowed to no no you can't you can't i'm not finding the block yes you are you're texting me you're just not breaking it stop stop stop three go all right and they are starting baby bad what's your prediction um if i had to make a prediction i'm gonna guess probably finn me too i think finn's gonna win what verb is a professional miner yeah look how good he is nobody isn't you know how many years i've spent mining these blocks too many i don't know if you've ever seen my videos before but i might not stop self-promoting i don't care you go to youtube i mind a 20 by 20 chunk radius my guy that is like 4.5 million blocks so what you're saying is if you lose that's really embarrassing ah yeah we're gonna have to cut that right out you know what skippy after watching both of them i don't know who's gonna win i literally don't know i'm leaning towards finn but they both made tactical errors so far oh tactical heirs that just knows all the secrets hey you saw how much farther yeah to be fair guys bad one against mega and bad just a smooshy um technique it's just that first layer of wood sucks i don't know what the hell is hmm do you have any sort of strategy do you know what you're doing or you just realize how is there a strategy there is strategy to this huh okay there's always strategy indeed even when there's no strategy there's a strategy i at least have the strategy that i always constantly need to be facing a block just so i can never miss a click you know oh yeah just give your opponent all the free tips why don't you i already knew that yeah yeah finally a worthy competitor how is this this can be really fun to edit man oh yeah we're gonna like 20 minutes of silence but um didn't tell me a song uh benny hill we're gonna put benny hill over this right here [Music] they're still pretty even they are really even yeah um it's too close to call this one's gonna be a lot closer than mine and mega's was is there any gold in here no i don't like gold so much because he's a gold digger gold gold pickaxe mine's faster than them pickaxe oh interesting idea yeah i know my strategies but you do not allow them so you can make an enchantment exactly done and that's like the first thing i thought i was like oh we're gonna have to like take our pick and mine no no you can't do you can't do that yeah that's what i'm going to do no yep because you'd have to put bookshelves in i can do what i need oh my gosh well if you don't tell us that anyway ben go i there's i am mining as fast as is humanly possible i don't think that's true oh my goodness deppy count up the blocks on each side is it even oh my gosh oh they are so close wait no verbs are ahead of me by a bit verb oh my god dude i'm switching sides i'm going with verb i will not mess up he's a dog and they are better at digging that is true exactly that's an unfair advantage bin just made a tactical error scout oh no no no no i've actually got a strap i'm switching up my strats oh okay oh nice strategy yeah look that was a bad move there's your strategy called tactical error no it's a political advantage you'll see you'll also i'm getting to the finals come on you're trying to make up for it with confidence but you're not gonna win i'm not sweat then i hope this doesn't affect our relationship it will mining away i don't know what to do today okay verbs one i think verb wins this hands down really just gave it all away he had one chance and he blew it i don't know how you could have a strategy with this it's all the same blocks there is a strategy that's what i said against mega one bad one against megan he just destroyed him boom i'm not going to tell you what the strategy is because i want to crush you if you're in the vinyls hey can i think by the footage of you zach 10 bucks for the footage of mega bus is bad no pay for the tactical advantage verb exactly i see what you're getting at actually i'll just ask mega he'll tell me does he know the tactic now i didn't say the tactic interesting all right bad place your bets last chance i'm you know what i'm going with herb but i think it's so close campy faith is misplaced i don't know i'm okay well then bet on finn then no i bet on verb yeah it's not closed you can actually see i'm putting you what i'm willing to bet 50 cupcakes on verb yeah that's what i've been insane i bet on verb no i am betting on you literally switched you switched sides you switched i switched sides a while ago yeah i switched sides before you switch that is not true yes it is who switch sides first you yeah that's right he's talking about me yeah exactly you betray you switch sides yeah i switch sides to join verb what is confusing yeah exactly i did a strategical side switch i don't like my i don't like my stride anymore i thought it was smart now it's not no i thought it was smart no it's not burb's gonna win this skippy he's gonna be like probably like 10 blocks ahead yeah if finna just stayed on top it would have been close close yeah he shouldn't have got on the on the bottom that was a mistake huh no you just want to break the obsidian don't be cheating you have to wait remember it's the first person to mine the obsidian wait no no no you have to break everything else first yeah it's not that's not it you hit that not a trick you can't just this isn't a puzzle map guys this is a mining everything's supposed to i'm not i feel like i feel like i could just go mind the obsidian right now technically you could you'd lose and yeah you'd still have to finish mining the rest but what if bad strat was just the mind the obsidian that wasn't a strat verb or was it ben go mind the obsidians see what happens it's worth the risk no way did he do it i will say this is going to be interesting this is actually really close i'm going to be going away i could still get pretty close though i reckon like cool i have i don't want to turn around like a verb though it's just waste of time come on do it look at your opponent you won't you won't no no i don't want to i can't also i was really curious to see if there's anything interesting down here and that wasn't first one it's like one in chat gets ten dollars on the ten dollars oh it's not worth it no one wants it huh i raised twenty dollars do that you didn't say i couldn't i want twenty dollars skippy i'll give you twenty dollars in pickle chips when i meet up with you yay okay gold chips what a pickle chips it's like his favorite food how do you i wanna hit him so much with the show bad self-control all right good oh my gosh bad this is so close wait it's still cool it's really close i mean it really isn't verb still couldn't win yeah that's true sorry finn you're getting muffins there's no way tell me how many blocks we both have do it please you have let's do the math four times one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you have four times ten forty yeah he has he has 40 blocks left oh wait no four times 10 times four so whatever that is that would be one verb has ten times ten plus ten keep in mind some of his blocks take longer to break than yours though so like these diamond blocks oh yeah that's true that's true finn i'll finish all of his diamond block oh shoot oh look at that there's like five diamond blocks though i don't know you caught up with a few blocks there yeah no but verbs won i have a really bad feeling i somehow scoffed the ending oh that would be really funny because the leaves take a second right they will take a little bit more than the diamonds no faster but you still have to break them oh my god why is it so close you were 50 blocks apart how is that close i i don't know it looks really close from the looks of it dude it feels like this goes on forever i'm so close to the end of it though it's just like a never-ending you can do it you're just like adding blocks to it you know those like pranks are the guys in the shower and then keeping the shampoo i love it yes verb you're actually really close okay it was really close but now it's not oh it might still be no cobblestone is really easy to break no it was close it was close all right finn verve has made his way to the obsidian all right oh my god oh my god that's so funny and photo finish oh oh my god watch verb mess up he did it been almost made that win that was great orphan no i got you i i can't hit you hair i'll help you all right finn you you solve the job you solve a job tp to me all right verb and bad stay there and you guys talk about ducks or something finn okay right we have to build hey go away oh wait i'm sorry didn't keep you to me i think we're good yes you and me build the arena for them so let's just add whatever stupid blocks we want to make it horrible and then we'll copy paste it talking about verb can you stop you're so weird [Laughter] wait one of those one of those centers beautiful because i don't know anyone can add something like that whatever you want then oh my gosh i'm so happy about this stop adding there are perks to losing how many blocks does it need to be uh i don't know almost ten times ten times tens or a thousand oh yeah we'll we'll do like it doesn't matter because we're just gonna copy paste it so just do as much as we want yeah i'm gonna put a couple of them there like that okay good idea i'm gonna make it look really weird yeah yes i like it i like it oh this is so upset okay at least it was for for me and you it was like very uh it was very cubicle and now yes my pinky really hot it is gonna be a cube right uh yeah here let me do an outline oh wait i've kind of got an idea oh oh okay cool that'll work you don't have to fill in every block by the way okay i have an idea but it's what is your idea hold on let's do it okay here's what i'm gonna do right bam all right look at take a look at what i made take a look at what i made putting that yeah right yeah right there i like it i really like that that's great but make it cover it up make it cover yeah oh yeah no that's like right in the middle and then once like i mean this is gonna be interesting i'm gonna go with a different approach what's my pinky which are you thinking well my pinky is hurting really bad and i think i might have broken it by shifting too hard what's down here you guys hear about the hey why did he say did you guys hear about that and then we're verb go you guys hear about it herb you never better not be cheating this is a very long cheating box i think this is good like i think this is enough just add like a three more touches yeah what is that i've heard what's what the thing about us i don't know wait what if they use this that would be so smart if they use this they could as well oh dude are you guys just making a puzzle then in that case in that case let's just do that yeah if the smart how many others we'll do that much yeah yeah okay okay let's copy paste this all right there we go okay boys we're ready are you guys ready yes yes cool here we go don't move tp just steppy look around inside the cage is everything you'll need to mine do not go inside yet okay just doesn't listen so what are what are our rules the rules are you have to break everything inside this glass layer and that does not what's the final dirt there is no final block this time you guys understand can you can you add one piece of obsidian uh there already is one are we gonna get this as starting equipment yes you're going to get the same things as last time um could i have one addition what the heck i made a cool arena oh my god hey guppy take this yes so since i'm color blind can i have an extra tool uh yes you're not color blind yes i am i am i am like you are all right for your actual tool you will get plenty still please please plain and still clinton is still uh yeah take your stuff him away from me in the right way go inside everyone go inside your holes or you're disqualified all right tell me when we can go all right all right verb do you understand the rules yes bad do you understand the rules i know do you guys know what you're competing for the rule is just break every block that's in here that you yeah that's correct okay what about the snow in here do we have no you do not all right on your mark get set go oh finn who do you think's going to get no money on i'm going to say bad i'll just put just for you why is verb not moving i don't know oh he was crafting oh oh my god oh my no way no way oh my god no man never mind i changed my vets on uh the most come on bad come on do we have to break the snowfall no you know what yes yes you don't yes you do you do yeah okay the rules have changed a little bit late to the punch but he got there wait this is more even now wait wait no wait that's almost doing better bad's doing better you know why because you know what oh he placed the tnt in a different area wait probably not this is my win this is my win is that what happened i don't know [Laughter] i know [Laughter] okay all right bad blood oh i'm laughing so hard okay bad wins verbs no he doesn't no we don't want anyone we need to tell you something rick both of you what you know how there was a chest on both of your islands uh-huh inside there was an efficiency five pickaxe and verb blew up his place and the item dropped and he picked up and his inventory and it's there right now [Laughter] no verb it's okay i was so convinced verb was going to win that place a crafting table to make a redstone torch bed oh good point yeah i was wondering that too that's a good point yeah i mean why did you get exactly out of crafting tables huh why is that i don't know i just like the block yeah you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,956,528
Rating: 4.9339881 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, justvurb, badboyhalo, f1nn5ter
Id: cCBkSossC_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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