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all right so in today's video we got 200 kids put them in a box and told them pick a corner out of bad how many corners so we're about to start this event where yeah you just have to get lucky pick the right corner we're gonna have a process of elimination right here and if they're standing in that corner they are out and die the last year alive well in their corner wins $2,000 so before we get into this video smash flick smash subscribe otherwise you will be trapped in a corner forever and you will never ever have any food or water or anything for shelter why would you take the risk subscribe right now because only 100 percent of people are subscribed to get it because 100 corners except for you watching so well I mean maybe you're I don't know let's start this video bad you have anything else to say why do you threaten people do you have anything it's not Skippy shop comm K we are sponsored by the patreon link and the links in the description alright let's do this alright bad are you ready to begin the process of elimination of 100 corners I don't know if I am Skippy I don't know if I'm a 2 should we just log out and leave oh my goodness to just leave them we come back in like two days and whoever built this must be a really good builder yeah they probably are a good builder yeah good thing I built this alright let's write know I hope you all like the arena I built it earlier today built it alright let's do this good luck everyone dad will explain the rules ok I will fill them all in rules pick a corner whichever corner gets picked is we may pick sections or one of the four primary grips what does that mean that's big words let me explain how this works coming in this it's the four colors right click the ok see those so let's say we picked red you come over here and then we right click this right you see how there's a block in this and then we would right click the button oh my quarters okay alright we don't have to do just one corner at times we should have them all pick and then maybe we wipe out a friend okay I'm sorry oh we should start with that you think so yeah let's do it start off with a bang getting out 25% I say no you know what let's do that the second round the first round okay okay all right well you can let them out now I guess all right no cool okay fine I didn't build it but thank you going tell them who built it me all right so you can talk the stairs that you know I built and then you can go up here and then pick more corners you should tell me let them out nope not laying them out till you tell them who built it all right hold on let me just find out what block ID this fine good luck do where would you go you've won in a hundred chance of getting out well I can tell you where most people are gonna go I see you there's one corner that has note blocks right I think we're gonna get a lot of people in this one you never know well I don't know I guess we'll find out all right let's give them ten more seconds if you are not in a corner when we close the gates you are out that will incentivize them yes so we don't have to mess around finding people who are sneaking you know trying to knock it in yeah I see a few people trying to do that already Oh Skippy's did you move the spawn point into the jail I did not let me go ahead and do that dude I really like this a liability spawn and I think we're ready to pick the first corner all right and they're locked okay perfect all right we got to do a little fly around just to make sure we don't have anyone hiding in the glow look Skippy Oh first guy is now already and he didn't even pick a corner you know what Skippy I think we should make an example of him are you gonna do yes let's put him this is what happens when you don't choose a corner I hope everyone is watching pat yeah dying invincible signs camping fine I can do it in a more efficient way oh god that's not reason vincible even more efficient that's there was Wi-Fi my point was okay it didn't work at first but you get it all right pick the corner do you want to do the honors I would love to okay go ahead and push that button good luck everyone first corner out is to do your redstone so I go right we come over here give that by your head someone in red now what now push that one okay and now this one so it has to be someone in play now yes the one in place way and blue blue but I guess it's blue stained clay yeah I don't know what they were thinking with the clay it looks more like purple but yeah oh we got these two days it's funny you have this guy's purple oh that's why wait so Skippy are these people really lucky or really look how sad this is goodbye GG first two out and hopefully we can get some jerseys in the chat Oh this time we are picking a whole section that means 25% so pick wisely alright which one would you pick gold red green or blue gold this kind of shiny that one's probably gonna be safe I think blue will be out I think red will be out yes we'll see alright bad are you ready to hit the button let the fire would go up and see which color we get out I am let's do it perfect oh my god are you ready I feel so bad this is gonna breathe oh my gosh that's so sad alright are we ready to do the lava lava yeah we got a lava them all I'll start on the top row you start on the ball I'll start by just slash killing them I think it gets the job done faster what yeah oh they're looking at what are you supposed to do I feel so bad Saurus Rex oh my gosh goodbye oh I don't want to oh my gosh okay goodbye they're trying to run Skippy you know bye I'm sorry for that oh I didn't see you goodbye alright there are officially out I think we got everyone that's probably 25% of the game out good luck let's see what color they choose now 5 4 3 2 1 alright bad how many people are we getting out at this time what are we choosing corner many corners many sections your way I think we should make this a little bit spicier why don't we pick a whole section again well no not like a big one a little one oh okay okay do we do one of these subsections got you good luck this round we are getting a whole block type out let's see we are going to get a green sticky piston that's the top so top oh they are very sad here I'll start from the left you start from the right they're trying to hide they're really trying to escape my love like you can't hide there's no escape there's my luck goodbye but do you feel bad I feel bad I feel a little bad I mean we are costing them a chance at $2,000 it should feel a teeny bit bad alright should we let them out yep let's go ahead and let him out this time we are picking five individual blocks whoo so we're gonna just do five random ones everyone has a 95% survival rate that's pretty high right wait that's pretty good that's pretty good like there's gonna be people who won't even get out cuz no one will be in their corner Skippy I got a great idea any corner that has nobody in it we block off okay that way we can spice things up further all right Skippy let's do some picking scream once a glass lash which gives us color pink pink no I am so sorry Gabi I feel so bad for them you get them out I'll get the next one no second pick is going to be green again and then play and then gray no one's in here all right third we have yellow yellow you know what Yellowstone illest Oh granny yellows people out right there oh my goodness all right bad you do the fourth one okay to it and its dream piston washes Rick Rick oh man oh alright last one for this round get me we have yellow yellow sandstone top red sandstone red Samson you seen one in it I think this Oh yup sorry I like his skin Oh eat that right don't we should do Skippy we should get rid of an entire section okay like whichever section gets picked we just get rid of that whole one I have an idea though let the players decide wait what do you mean the knaves this any section right now first one anyone says is what we will block off all right and they say to do three I've room one two three now all right walking green off do not pick dream all right bad what are we doing now okay do we have our area blocked off it is green is now on kickable they are not allowed to pick it and this is gonna make it much more interesting alright well now that they're all in their corners I think we are ready to go good luck everyone this time we are getting out an entire block type go so pretty much we push my these and we get rid of that section exactly so if it's wool all the wolf it's stone all the stone if it's last all the glass but we're doing it twice you get the point go what so red clay which is oh yeah alright so clay on red side oh no damn out get em out why I'm out yes you have to all right scabby let's me mum all right you do that I'll pick the second time okay second time good luck all we have read write again okay way again okay dad do you want to resume my round we'll move on did you pick red clay I did yes you know what let's just let him be lucky we can move on alright alright alright since we're moving on I think we should get rid of eight individual blocks this time we should we literally should all right letting these muffins out getting rid of eight individual blocks this time that's a lot of blogs like we are gonna muffin so many of them so my guess is that's about an 80% survival rate all right so we're getting rid of eight blocks yeah you can start you do the first floor I'll do the next four I got a better deal skipping what how about I pick them and you do the killing got you alright so first one is blue blue white blue purple wall and gray wall rip and only one is head I'm sorry dude I have no choice alright number two is red red white white red clay green clay no one got at that time all yellow so that was two yellow what yellow wall which is like oh dude this guy thought he was sneaky look at him look at this man get out of here little what leaves oh dude whoops rundown why big ribs today red redwood and it is a KO wood yes it can okay and then what if no one in there I don't know which one it is it's this one it's the one that looks like orange no one okay nobody in there alright so would we have one more to do more no more oh my goodness yellow what dan stone redstone block all there's three meemers in there alright last one last one yup here we go it is blue followed by three people oh my goodness what should we do for the next section I guess we're double for get rid of a whole floor wait rid of a whole whole floor your idea was pretty good oh my goodness let's tell them then right we are now getting rid of one floor and then should we do the revival after that uh yeah it really depends on just what block is picked ah yes pretty much if your block is picked that whole row is pretty much means that's a lot of death potential here good luck sixty-six percent survival rate literally we only need to push this and then this oh dude we have so many on each floor you ready yeah I mean I guess I am this is gonna get our third of them out skipping all right good luck all I'm pushing it we have the color blue your turn oh my goodness what it is blue diamond witches man oh my god middle the entire middle section entire metal is out oh my goodness you know what only lava everywhere right oh look Skippy Pig ten bells no not big ten thousand sorry Pig ten thousand goodbye they literally cannot ha there's no where they can go once we fill it oh my goodness I literally feel like a terminator right now I just go to the next section and go like that and I'm sorry for doing that to you and I must move on and go like that goodbye wait so are we leaving the entire middle section now yeah okay nobody gets middle anymore Ripa yes oh my god there's so much lava everywhere just go up and spin around I'm tripping out dude oh my goodness the entire middle row he's done let them out let them out let them out all right everyone go bought a middle let's see how many people are left okay bad so we have about this about 50 people skipping literally like 50 quarters maybe yes like one in 50 people Skippy that means these people all have a 1 in 50 chance to win to picking an entire block section to be out good luck go oh wait we said we'd do a revival a little time all right bad can I pick the number today yes you can pick the number I have a stack of 64 in my inventory so let's do 64 seriously that's it that's it I mean I guess it's as good as anybody got it we're not counting if someone types like a hundred number no no no three two one and Sherlock a c64 unless anyone says before any gamer - that's our Mimar welcome back in the game look how happy is my guy oh I hope he doesn't get a she gets out first round okay block it off let's do this okay five four three two one zero ready color blue blue blue whoa whoa section in blue all rips big rips oh sorry dude I always feel terrible just killing that yeah sometimes it do be like that goodbye my friends good they're all getting meme Skippy no no Skippy I just had an idea what are you thinking we're giving away two thousand could we do to revivals that is up to you I just said he wants another revival let's do it let's do many more all right good luck all what number bad let's do let's do it okay literally the vortex all right we are getting out five individual blocks all right let's do it skipping all right I will do the picking you will do the roasting this time I reckon all right here we wanted my colors to be out permanently oh yeah sure again all right starting off with blue and then after that we got some purple wool and it looks like wolves already out all right second color we got red wood and to do oak wood is it now they're right here no one nobody's here blocking it off next yellow wool and light blue oh sorry guys next we have yellow again and sandstone danced mm-hmm oh my goodness okay I'm pretty sure we have last one we got yellow again wool and then hey no one all right bad what are we doing for this round this round we need to get rid of one hobros campaign what like an entire floor yeah one row top or bottom this is really just a 50/50 here let's say top row will be a red firework bottom row will be a blue one so whichever firework shoots off is the one that gets memes okay all right we're all set up all right bad shall I hit it yes three two one zero [Music] look at how sad they are let's block off the entire bottom section okay no more bottom allowed all right I'm sorry skip daddy why I'm first in second row is out only top row is in alright get rid of the glass pick along the top row eliminating entire block category all right bad it looks nice we now have luke yellow and red let's do it good and give him the countdown 5 4 3 2 1 0 alright you want to hit it yes let's do it so one of these three colors is gonna get out red yellow blue I think it's right oh nevermind that is not good I'm sorry blue oh why this guy 2-way yellow and red block it off 5 4 3 2 1 ok I'll see you this and the color is yellow No [Music] wait a revival is out he's out no there goes his chance all right Skippy these are our meemers all right now pick a section in red oh my goodness Skippy like Oh Epis he's won before he won the other corners event okay the fact that he has made it this far no way lucky that's actually a little bit I don't even know dude deep lucky Skippy I think they've all made up their mind literally what if this guy wins I'd be so surprised okay close it off I'm closing it off I literally if that guy wins I will be no I'll be in shock dude I just be in shock okay go for it that would be absolutely insane okay so we have literally 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 places for them to stand in should we just keep picking until there's one left all right so that's the top row right here fun don't forget giving it a push first is yeah yeah till got it let's let him out right hey same thing they're following Skippy's cuz they know he's won before wait but that means if it lands on his they're all going alright close it up in three two why we got Bruce anyone we have nobody no one all right go for it wait we're just gonna push again okay and it's oh oh Reus laws with this one yes dude if that kid wins okay goodbye I don't know how to feel about this all right let them out dude it's all up to the wood no one's boom no one is moved five four three two one zero lock it off walking it off do you know how much money's on the line two dozen okay come on mm come on these two keep on this guy come on I'm hitting it we a Kaos okay uh so nothing no one nobody's in it so again it is is that chunk that is jungle like wait wait get up it might be it is jungle anyone he was so close litter there's two left bag no there's three look there's one over here who's you're right okay okay hey let them out let the memory blocks left good lottery types left pick okay how does he know I don't know like behind this IRL and he knows what we're gonna pick would it well I don't even know we're gonna make so because there's no way someone would get this for on this yeah I don't even okay okay block it off this time I feel like he's gonna get out me to feel in it open up the thing yeah it's just double check so we have spruce left IKEA is al oak wood and birch though those are the three all right so we can see we have all of them equal amounts ready yes give it a pie three two one I don't know how they know can you guys predict the future or something I don't understand okay no there's five people left no and two area I know are you ready I'm gonna hit it again I don't know if I am let me take the birch out okay we're ready three two one oak wait are you out of your mind they came so far okay there's there's just no way there's no way there's no way I can't i'm inseong I can't believe this littering so these two Debbie's how do you know where we are going I don't get it this guy can predict the future I'm convinced I want him to pick my lottery numbers cuz this guy's okay where do we even go now I mean literally I think we should take him down and we just do a final match okay between the three of them okay buy fireworks right yeah okay I'll let them out go bottom all the way I'm going nuts Kippy this is driving me just don't get it bananas it's just like I'm trying to figure it out everyone stand inside a color oh they can't follow step is beside the job okay I'm gonna fill the screen with lava fat if Stephie's wins I'm just gonna I can't okay just to double verify check this hey open it and just you do see I'm fine I'm putting the button on neither of us have opened it so you go ahead and give it a push all right here yo three two one yellow there's no way there's no way there's no way but I don't know way there's no way that if I win if this kid wait I know okay I'm taking out yellow yellow is out should we give them a chance to switch if they want okay you guys have to be on your own colors but you can switch right now if you wanna oh my goodness think I said no they're saying no we literally gave them a chance $2,000 right here right now Skippy you realize no I I can't no I can't I'm hitting it I'm hitting it I don't know what I want I don't know what I just well I don't look at it I did three two one [Applause] there's no world we probably already have is discord tell me tell me how do you know I need to know too early how do you know tell us know you pick em you can see into the future okay you realize you won the 50 quarter event which is very what was it 15 and now you won the 100 corner I'm how do you know this is too good are you like watching us in real life like like we watch you we watch you for like most of the things we watched you move around and you avoided it every single time I'm done I'm literally done I can't words right now you know what the price is right yeah mm I'm just realizing all right dude well I'll get that set over to you anything else you have to say all right dude peace out man Congrats again Wow dude I'm more shocked than you are yeah I am stunned if we ever do another corner of it and you win I'm gonna be done because that is literally you are the luckiest person in the world okay just keep that in mind five dude thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed please like and subscribe I I just I don't I don't get it because like literally well I want to hit it again just to see what would have I can never hit him I don't get it I know it's early blue come on that's he done goodbye good night that's not good bye good bye good bye
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,627,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, extreme corners, minecraft challenge, extreme corners skeppy, extreme 50 corners, extreme 4 corners
Id: UdNkHS4UuHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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