Skeppy vs BadBoyHalo MOST Secure House Battle! - Minecraft

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oh you playing minecraft i like it kajii huh there's there's a bad boy halo right there but a wild steppy appears channel switched bad boy halo yeah i challenge you to the world's most secure house battle in minecraft ah okay except the loser has to go bald oh wait hey i'm already bald oh right never mind not that wait so if you lose you have to go bald uh no let's come up with something else no i like this join the server i sent you and download that mod okay give me a minute all right 12 hours later it's gappy you have made it on okay don't look at any of this but why you are going to build your house and i am going to build my house most secure house wins okay all right help me build a wall wait what do you mean help me build a wall so that you can't cheat and copy my house i can't do anything ugh fine i'll up you you're gonna have to do this in survival oh how big about that wall do you want well at what why level do you think you would stop cheating at i was you asked me how big so i'm just asking that i built a really really really good defensive houses i live in your basement remember i can not live in my face yes i do i'm trapped down here someone sent help i would know you were here if you were here so what help oh my can you hear me from like upstairs okay you're not actually here okay okay better not be done with the wall so we're gonna begin shortly are you ready for this let's come up with a steak before we finish this wall a steak how about we can't do go bald but we can't okay literally stop okay okay what were you gonna say oh my goodness oh hey mr bald man no you want to go ball and is that what i'm gonna have to deal with for the next one what were you gonna say i was gonna say how about loser has to shave their eyebrows what are you kidding me well think about it i shaved my head e60 shaved his beard you get to shave your eyebrows i'm not gonna shave my eyebrows come on please um how about thinking about how great you'd look without eyebrows yeah you actually did look pretty good without hair i thought it would look a lot funnier due to the photoshop but you pulled it off pretty good i did didn't i thank you i was just saying that but if you're saying it now no you were oh my god i thought all right all right let's start this tell you what you're a lazy cheater am i a lazy cheater these are i get this side okay all right the loser has to tweet something whatever the winner wants at the end of this video all right yes wait how will we judge who has the most secure house well what i'm thinking is we have some items at the end of it where if i can break into your house like if i can get inside that count okay so if i can get inside your house that counts exactly and then we'll go again and again until someone doesn't get in with weaker items okay all right bad do me a favor leave the call start recording and we have 20 minutes to build this house you want me to start recording leave all right bye start recording wait what's in these mods why do they need all right bye okay i'm gonna move you out now so just do everything i told you the time starts in two minutes user was moved out of your sure he'll have enough time and i'm sure he'll figure out the mod all right let me go see what he's doing let me see if he's already started what the heck how do you clear up this area so fast hi are you ready to lose and tweet what i want no what nothing let's just start what tools will you get to break in we will figure this out at the end okay bye are you ready any other rules uh no peeking at other persons build and that's it what the fudge is what is this explosives laser block oh my gosh three two can i use the mod stuff bad that's the whole point of the mod it's a secure house building oh my god just try to figure it out okay please i know it's tough minecraft is a hard game i get it okay he's already starting wait three two one begin all right let's do this i am ready to build this secure house obviously we're gonna have to start off with lava i bet you i could do fake lava and he wouldn't even know but i'm gonna use normal lava just because i probably should because i'm not trying to tweet whatever he wants all right so let's do lava just like that obviously we're gonna use quartz we're gonna go for a really really modern style here we do quartz all the way along wait a minute wait a minute i was supposed to put lava on the outside you know what it'll work i have a plan i know what i'm doing i'm very smart all right let's get those lasers we're gonna need them i'm thinking it goes like this all the way and why are these lasers not connecting with each other what the heck oh my gosh i think you have to go a certain amount of blocks away this is ruining my time this is gonna take up too much time i really hope i can build a decent house here i want to make it really secure but really modern and nice all right perfect so far so good i have the base down i'm honestly not sure about this part i don't know what i did here so a house house house house what's the strategy for a house well you need a floor and then i i think that should be good reinforced obsidian i think is like something that is a thing right it looks like obsidian is apparently reinforced so maybe it's even stronger than obsidian you know what i know what to do my house is gonna be like the ultimate box that has just like a tunnel you have to get through we'll see if he can even figure it out like he's not even gonna be able to get like into my house it's gonna be beautiful you know what i'm feeling it i think i can do this okay i wonder if he's gonna be like oh bad you can't use bedrock oh bedrock's cheating well too bad skeppy i don't even care i guess in order to qualify for a house you kind of have to be able to get in and out of it though so i can't have the whole thing be bedrock i have to put a door somewhere i'm just gonna see what he's doing all right i'm scared i'm scared what if he has something really good oh my god obsidian what a loser i can do so much better i'm not even scared anymore all right we outlined this entire thing uh oh my god bye poetry this is wasting me so much time you know what maybe bad boy halo was smart maybe i should have just built a stupid bedrock house and just called it a safe house because that's what he did with obsidian wait why wouldn't he just use bedrock because then clearly i'd never get him you know what i'm not gonna question it i'm just gonna keep going all right now we dump lava across the house definitely super protective in my books i mean what type of lunatic would want to break into a house that has just lava everywhere oh i know bad boy halo oh sorry chicken all right now that i finally have the base done because i feel like the base is gonna be really important to a good looking secure house oh yep this is definitely high quality there we go no flaws okay maybe that's a flaw why is this horse in my house i'm gonna name him eduardo eduardo why are you in my house do you really want a spot in the secure house how did you even get in here wait if eduardo can get in here doesn't that mean bad boy halo could get in here like 10 times easier what is this intelligent munitions system what does a mine do it doesn't do anything let's see what happens if a cow walks on the mine holy oh my gosh i didn't think you would do that oh my goodness okay okay so it didn't trigger and i was in uh creative all right so um oh this is gonna be hilarious oh scavie's gonna be mad so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put a mine right here right and then i'm gonna put a pressure plate right here this is gonna be the path but when he steps on the pressure plate the redstone activates boom so he walks out so it goes oh no i need to like push him ah no come up here that work oh no he gets pushed onto a mine i think that'll work boom i'll lay that perfect oh look at that look at that look at that boom boom boom steps on that boom gets knocked in he's gonna think oh this is so easy then boom oh my gosh eduardo fine i guess you can live in the house don't look at me like that pay your rent bro what you can't just do that eduardo you're ruining the point of my secure house i just finished the floor all right it's official we're making the interior out of bedrock i'm sorry he thought of obsidian all right he should have thought a bedrock you know i probably shouldn't have peaked but i'm feeling pretty good about myself move out of the way i should just push you in right now shouldn't i shouldn't i you know what no i'm not going to i am a good person all right on to the good stuff let's see what we have here what in the world is a protector okay this is worthless oh wait what what the oh my gosh this is so dangerous what is a bouncing betty does this bounce i really should have done this somewhere else let me put this in let's see what happens okay that works perfect what the heck was that what was that that was loud oh my god he's doing it again nothing what the heck bad all right let's get some cage traps shall we so i'm thinking we're going to need an upstairs so you can go up just like this on the top floor there's gonna be a little bathroom right here just picture yourself in the bath look at the views of the beautiful lasers and lava and scary stuff how lovely all right fine they can have privacy alright so bathroom has been completed the upstairs is gonna have an actual homey feel to it it's gonna be a little bit cozy there might be some leds oh yeah i forgot we even started this very very secure hmm i'm thinking what would be a good last touch right here and honestly i know i said it was dumb earlier but we're gonna have to do a city in here we're gonna have a cool little hot tub right here it's gonna look just like that oh i think that gives it a really nice touch and then fake lava right here oh this looks so good we'll have a tv right here can i put it against the wall oh i can channel one uh rick and morty did it work is anything oh all right then we'll just keep it off for now for the couch we'll use how about just like that wait oh my goodness okay so i broke something here uh oh uh what did i break okay that should work what why did he kick me what oh my gosh my internet just went out oh my god bad boy halo left the game what did he already quit oh my god there's a remote on the table the bedroom can actually be right here and there's the bathroom door that boy halo just messaged me my internet went out oh my god i have a fan oh my god i have a fan does it work dude it actually spins what all right i think i'm done with the first floor now i'm just gonna move on to the second floor and i think we should be done also i feel oh he's back i was gonna say i feel kind of bad because his internet went out what happened are you okay but we'll go about this high let's say 10 min more time set day uh you forgot that oh my gosh that looks cool oh my gosh i can place mines around my house you are definitely not coming near my house now what was that that little muffin head is doing something oh my god are you kidding me right now i am about to quit are you kidding me i can set it off in creative mode bro my house what the heck you know how long this took me i am so frustrated right now you don't get it i'm legit so mad i accidentally blew up my house might need a little more time he accidentally blew his house victory will be mine i didn't know mines could do that in creative mode i even have to retexture the grass why do i have to do this all right there oh my gosh and i'm still not done okay for mines we're only gonna place one every two blocks please do not explode my house again that was such a waste of time oh i can add these to target players this is going to be interesting add those around the house and it should be good eduardo you're still here what do you do with your time my guy all right we're going to need security cameras obviously so i can now click on my monitor and click on any of these and see what's going on pretty cool you can come up to the third floor just like that if you choose oh look there's a cave here okay what is scubby doing oh my god did he just what the heck what the heck bad what the heck what did you do on my side was that you no was it i don't think it was me bro what okay not sure what happened there something just exploded electrified iron fence what is this furniture orange couch magenta lamp bird bath i need something to like blast him okay that's loud hey bad hi how's your house coming along uh it's coming along good good are you ready almost well i think the timer is getting oh wait wait wait just give me a teeny bit more all right do you think i'm going to be able to get into your house no no i just i just need to decorate it you want me to decorate my house decorate your house i've been making the security oh my gosh you said lame you said we're making a really oh we really we are that is what we're doing okay well i am setting it up right now okay i'm almost done give me two more minutes all right all right you can have two more minutes two more mean notes oh yeah you're not kidding in this what do you mean how would i not get in you're just not going to why tell me why uh you didn't specify any particular rules right are you spamming like mines or something do we have to be able to get into our house uh wait no wait what what how is it a house if we don't have to get into it skeppy well creative mode or something like that then the other person would just go and create and vote and bring all the blocks no no no no no when i go into your house it's my mission to get into your house that's the goal with creative motor without without what without creative mode do you think i'm dumb i wouldn't make my own way into my very own house come on don't ask me i know how to get into my house okay well i'm almost done i just need to finish decorating i'm almost done all right gibby there's so much stuff there's like tables and everything i'm so overwhelmed by all the items i like it me too i mean oh my goodness there's chairs skeppy they're all you can sit in them oh my goodness wait there's a television uh yeah what is this oh my i'm done i am so done you get what this is so cool i know i love it yeah i want to like design it to look like my house now oh my goodness i love this so much all right i'm almost done okay just hold on hold on i'm trying to decorate my house a teeny bit more it better look nice well i spent all my time on the security i get that i get that but you also have to go for the look of the house well you didn't say that well it's up to you on how you want to design your house pad okay um you know what i think this is gonna look good but i'm not sure you know what oh i know what it needs it just needs some light are there any scary yeah it's pretty dark and scary i need like a light light light blue lamp skippy they have lamps and ceiling lights oh my goodness all right well let me make one more final adjustment just in case you pull anything off that i wouldn't want you are gonna hate me what are you doing i have been warned who do you have no one oh good luck skippy what are you talking about you are gonna die so just for the record i want you to be mad at me when you die over and over and over again how long do you have to get into my house to attempt uh i don't know we never really set a timer okay i can't wait to hear your anger are you angry you're gonna be angry you're like why not how am i gonna get in oh i'm gonna be angry all right you ready to switch sides back uh yeah all right i was just messing with the taser three two one switch oh my god your house i wanna watch you not good what do you mean come look at my house what how do you do what i thought you were good at building yeah but i was i was focused on oh my god on fire no not don't look at that oh my gosh what the muffin something just launched itself at me skeppy what oh my god oh my god my house is on fire my house is on fire oh my god oh my god it's on fire did you use world that it oh my god no i didn't we there's no world at it roast details oh my god oh my god don't look at this don't look at this don't look at this oh my god what was that bad what are you doing what i'm over here can i come in yet no okay if you're adjusting your house no no i was just taking off the fire i said you have to fire all right let's start come here okay i'm ready all right so you're gonna try and break into my house first bad what do you do nothing bad you just exploded half my house i did not unless that was a cow that was probably a count what what do you mean why is a cow explode half your house oh my god what is going on oh i understand now what happened what do i do can i go yet stop you can't go near come here go on survival okay one two three four five take these all right take it okay go wait this is it i gotta get in yes uh okay um nah oh how is he gonna get into my house can't be i'm just not gonna step on that oh you should step on it right how do i oh how many hearts did that do one oh that's lame how do i is this real lava i don't know it's real it is real for that moment you know my house is doing its job it may have lost the quartz around but my house is really doing its job get this wave no no i don't want to die oh you are not going to be able to get into my house oh there's got to be a way in you said there was a way there is a okay i'm gonna go around it it's probably on the other side you put me on that side for a reason i bet i don't know where i put you yeah yeah okay i'm gonna go in from this side oh bad idea these literally aren't even doing yeah what the heck i thought they do stuff okay so wait you can get through can i use these blocks i picked up uh yeah i'll be kind yeah we'll say yeah look at that oh it's just not that does nothing yeah okay it just looks cool leave me alone yeah it's worthless oh look at your fancy lasers oh you got a camera oh i'm gonna well wait wait what was that no no no no don't worry about it i just started saying explode there's sheep in here how do i get in i don't know gibby i can't even get in all right i'll give you a hint there's a secret entrance somewhere how is there a secret entrance all right i'll give you a hint it's somewhere over here over where here where i'm standing are you serious ah somewhere over here where i'm standing do i have to dig into the ground i don't know you just have to find it it's seriously scary this is it what that isn't the entrance bad why'd you put it down here that's literally not it get out and then what am i in i don't know a hole what it's over here oh my gosh gabby all right go down that way okay it's this way you can get in i win you lost you lost you have to get i wins now i win you have to get into mine okay fine but let me just show you tp bad boy halo step how many hearts were you on like two that was your own fault you have to go this way over this way and then once oh yeah you've gotten past that what do you mean those claymores or whatever those were uh by not dying with the golden apples and you go up here move wow oh yeah oh look at that all right come up really my house may have got blown up don't look down here bad don't look in there you know don't know you that it's just bad house building all right no one needs to know and then you have made yourself yes but this is cool thank you this is another secret entrance that you couldn't find seriously but you have a bathtub yeah i have a bathtub i take showers do you want you have you have a sink you've enjoyed oh bad not in front of me what the heck oh my god oh my god did you hear that that oh my god get off bad get out bad get out bad stop scabby do not fart in front of me how do you do it this is so dumb let's go all right so guess what guess what go to the other side it's fake lava it's fake lava oh my god yay i'm on fire over here is my hot tub that's more fake lava oh my gosh oh look a remote ooh let's see what's on tv no don't check the tv let's go to your house you remotely work all right i am going game mode survival and i got this good luck thank you oh my god oh my god oh my god what was that oh wow wow are my sentries okay that doesn't count what do you mean that doesn't count what okay can i try one more time yes oh poisonous water yes that's a thing you're dying what the water hurts you oh i'll give you one more try okay all right bad i'm going in again i don't want to go that way oh my gosh let me look okay you must have put a weight down this way right now okay this is the only way in is the front door can i go in oh oh look at this i've made it to the roof i've made it to the roof oh good luck getting in all right let me get in you can't break that skeppy even if you could there's a layer of bedrock under it okay so i clearly can't go oh i see two doors oh oh i'm gonna make a run for it oh no oh no is this the only way in yes what's that that is a light it does nothing oh it's just a light so i can watch myself get beaten up yes fire centuries fire uh what do you guys what you could build so that wait a means i have to do no be more cautious with blocks ooh no wait i just need to make it to the other no wow here you get one more shot you know what i'll even do you a favor i'll get rid of both of my sentries there my centuries will no longer attack you you even turned off your sentries mm-hmm i'm like i'll even let you just go across good luck why hmm because guess what skeppy i have a door with a coat oh my god oh my god one two three four yeah oh my god i made it i did it i won no you have to get into my house oh my you're not in my house wait i'm not not the main part ow uh that's the decoy part of the house kevin are you kidding me you set up a decoy part of the house yes are you actually kidding oh my god no i'm going again i'm going again i'm going again i'm going again yay okay you have to go back out one two three four i'm gonna change the code oh my god let me out all right that's fine you know the code so just continue from there is this the only way in though maybe am i supposed to be in here yeah no you're in the right spot this is how you get to my house if you can't find my house do i automatically win if i can't find my way in yeah um yeah i think i should automatically win actually no because you couldn't get in my house be scabby there's a secret to this room that you don't know about you didn't investigate my house properly i've been making puzzles recently i know so i designed it tricky oh you were supposed to get pushed into that mine by the way that's my alarm it goes whoa no it's not that way do you want a hint no i don't need hints okay i can do this by myself come in the house and then face id maybe wait no there's no face id that's not a thing i think hey why are you breaking my torches just cause too much light all right fine give me a hint all right i'll tell you a hint something may not be as it appears there i i closed off the rockets where is kevin the heck okay just show me this way no way yeah no wait i was looking at that and i just thought it was a weird shadow glitch [Music] it's a projector i can't oh my god oh my god oh my god yeah i hate you i thought that one would be real i literally thought that one you walked right into it yes yes oh victory do i win i feel like my house is cooler than yours but your house is safer it is safer it's beautiful wait this is it this is this is the house yeah this is it oh your house sucks oh my god i thought there was like gonna be some super sick house there this is a nice house oh my god i win i'd say nine out of 10 design for skeppy and then three out of ten oh my god three out of ten security skeppy and for you would be like a two out of 10 security okay okay no an 8 out of 10 security and uh 2 out of 10 design oh what if you add it up 12 is higher than 10. hey no i think you're getting a two out of ten for security all right all right all right 9.5 for design what indeed yours was like 9 out of 10 security all right we'll give you a fair points there 3 out of 10 design mine was four out of 10 security because you died you died right so it worked yeah and then you're mine in nine out of ten for design all right let's add up the point 12 is more than 13. no you said security fine you win i win fine well you want me to tweet yes scooby you have to tweet out thinking of going bald again i loved being bald with a picture of you no i'm not i'm not doing the picture i'll do the tweet oh okay okay okay do it do it i don't wanna do it i'm not gonna do it bye i'm leaving i'm not bi it's connected you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 5,596,896
Rating: 4.9222617 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, secure house, secure house battle
Id: wyyxEJkkzz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 45sec (1725 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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