First To Finish Mining Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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Sounds like a final fantasy battle song

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jefftronzero 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

Beat I can do is a playlist Just go on YouTube and like skeptics music and you’ll get a playlist of songs he uses couldn’t find this one tho Maybe you’ll find it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LGYT_the_5th 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right so in today's video we got 150 kids put them on a map and split them into two teams they will have to mine each side and whoever can mine it first that team wins and bad what happens to the other side they get Li out of the event and dawn we keep doing this over and over and over until there is one winner who walks away with a thousand dollars sad is there anything else I missed out other than subscribe with notifications and if you don't that boy halo will eat you yeah I miss anything other than that no bad boy halo will eat you if you not subscribing like right now with notification so I suggest you do it oh my goodness alright subscribe yeah let's go alright bad we have a hundred fifty kids right here how are we dividing them up okay we need to have some of them go to the other side and that's premature so 75 75 yes 75 so we need 75 volunteers roughly to go to the other side 75 people go to the other side wait you're telling them to go manually yeah they're not gonna listen I don't know maybe they will okay so we got about 60 ish people over here and we got about more than 60 over here all right I need about let's just say 15 more go to other side alright so according to bad we now have 75 players here and 75 over there is that correct - yes literally we've got 150 ish people give or take when someone's oh they're back okay let's start this all right so Skippy do you know how this works yeah okay I will tell them okay you muffins for your first time you must destroy an entire giant dirt block the last team to completely mine away their block will be a bass hole what do they do at the time what if they break the last block at the same time well there are a ton of strategies that can be implemented and this is basically a team effort at this point we're gonna make extra effort mm-hmm know how we're gonna make it even extra muffiny is we're going to give them wooden shovels are you serious go ahead and give them but I'm gonna tell them by the way there is one more thing wait what's the last thing if you leave any blocks left finish doesn't count as removing it completely Oh so blocks place is gonna be off right yes you will not be able to place any when trolling and did I forget to mention Skippy there is another skillful element from this what could possibly be added it's literally breaking blocks oh yeah if you die how do you die how can you die there's no way anyone would take fall damage oh really if they're up here and then they fall boom how would they get up there though that's the thing they have to get those blocks right so if they die they're out of the event what if they make it to the next round then what too late they're out oh wow alright yeah so there is a ton of skill in this one if they die there means if they don't break all the blocks there means so they have to be SuperDuper careful oh we gotta move the spawn into the jail you want to play that like right here it has been done then we get me again Skippy are you ready I'm ready you want them out let them out do you all understand the rules let's underneath the shadow yes and someone's a chipmunk jelly do countdown bad yes all right do a countdown from ten and down to five four three two one go let them out oh there's some a haze on that side though every but they went they better start breaking it's almost too big fist even the advantage right now right mm-hmm if they don't get every single block including the top locks then they're pretty much maybe - hurry up dude yeah they have to get their way figure out how to get to the top and mine my mind oh my god winces screw the whole team over right cuz technically if they don't get to the top and there's no way of getting there they're done for right exactly that's why there's a bunch of skill anis they literally have to get up to the top oh this team's got it which one which one the one on the Left we'll just call them this team we'll call them the command block team yes they're there blue team this is blue this is the command block team oh this is blue this one's the iron team that's stupid and orange goodbye blue and orange I like that Oh orange made it up to the top - oh my goodness look at the bottom this is actually not very smart these people have a bottom they should be helping people on the top and you have nothing to help with as soon as that's done literally the best strategy here to the top everyone goes to the top oh I heard shovels breaking yeah people are in trouble look how many people are on the bottom here oh my goodness this is gonna be hello it's oh this one's done this is nearly done they're like 80% on great this seems pretty close - I don't know who's gonna make it I think orange team has got it I don't know though it's so good they do Carlos look up okay it seems all of yep oranges one or it's just one yeah turn it off turn it off turn it off get ready turn it off GG oh one block left yeah I think I didn't manage to turn it off big enough but literally these guys were way ahead yeah that was it very close yeah this team won Congrats we'll just calm lefty yeah left side one okay I didn't color mark the different sides so how do we eliminate this side ah well I mean we pretty much they're already out so I guess we can just kill them oh my gosh are you seriously gonna kill them one you said kill everyone bye guys what you wanted they're already Biola's away your I have a quicker way of doing this wah bah boom boom boom oh my god goodbye that I kind of made a mess I'm sorry oh no don't apologize you made such a mess well I did my job right I'm pretty sure I got them all out so they're all gone so they all got memed now we need to divide them up so did you did you drain the muffiny side I did but now I have a question yes we have 75 people left correct yes what's 75 divided by 2 it's 70 on the 5/2 38.5 something yes thats gonna say so we do the half person we can randomly pick somebody to sit out mean it's just one person alright revival time we do a revival to make it even okay what number do you want let's do what number we trying to get to right only 76 people what 76 divided by two 38 38 so let's do 38 let's to make that our number okay bad first of all we're stupid cuz it was 37 point 5 second of all so the numbers the for this one yes okay good luck all and ooh people said 75 and 76 Oh so with the 38 all right all right that you want to divide them up yeah just to open up the blue key half of you go this side that's like three of them when more you idiots okay bad what's in store for the next challenge we have 38 people there 38 people there the rest in the jail poor guys to do now what are we giving them so I originally built this stone thing but should we make it spicier you think wait what no don't put on cities white I just want it to copy one inside one of the top on each side please please it's literally gonna take hey we do one at the top but if we're gonna do that we got to change it just the teeny bit so what do you think you know I'm a big fan of what pyramids of course you are it's looks so cool stone pyramid with a surprise be careful not to miss breaking a block give them your white Skippy it could be really hard for them to break that Obsidian block with anything outside of a know how long does it take to break obsidian with a diamond pigskin ribbon are fine funny all right bad are you ready 10 9 8 7 6 are you ready yes 3 two one go okay all right they are building we'll get all the people running for the Obsidian yeah so many people went straight there's like five that is not a good use of resources yeah you've got to be super duper careful here oh look this Eva's one-person mining and this person has two people trying to mine the obsidian if this guy Jess controls the scene is done for Oh Mike and Ian yeah I don't know what is smarter what this guy is doing or what the other people are doing I don't know look up the blue team is actually doing better than the orange team that's true they are are about to break their obsidian hi Bo how close are they oh this he's already done with their big on it Bo's got it it's now just a race for stone this all comes down to how fast you are at mining and they have to be very very very efficient and my knee as well yeah all my goodness it's gonna be close gonna win actually I think it's gonna be orange place your press right now right now but um I think Lu no Blues got it no orange you can do it no dude it's orange look they're done no come on bill turn up filthy think they got it it's done is that it that's it yes yes we do well I'll be the we don't have to you have whatever and while you're doing that I'm gonna read close the gate roasty-toasty that's a shame no you were so what's the heck there's key key for the next one oh yeah look this one I thought would be funny right it looks like it's just Sam right normal people but I didn't miss a couple do you miss Reed you missed three people I thought you were killing this side no you're killing them I don't want to have any blood on my hand I I guess okay I can do it alright Pat we've 38 people nineteen of you other side right now go we have an actual people doing this time go over go over that should be good okay bad we have 20 people on this side and another 20 on this side cuz we did a revival and now we have a total of 40 people to see who can break what is this like a teamspeak and I'm so confused look it's sand with TNT in the middle so they'll just break the TV by going like all right sorry good back back yes and that's pretty much what they're going to do all right well I'm ready when you are so wait a minute do you think TNT is too easy to break what is it all TT I mean it's all pretty much team no I think it'll be fun let's try it out you think it will be kind of fun all right tell them to get ready we got about 20 people on each team okay bad should I count down yes all right here we go 5 4 3 2 1 go and they're out this is gonna be interesting Wow it is all going so fast like turn it off this is gonna end so quick oh this is there's gonna be wait a minute they need to get to the top oh yeah no team went to the top already oh my goodness keep an eye on it oh dude they screw themselves over dun dun dun GJ no there's so much strategy to this alright so we have 10 people on this side 10 people on that side rules finish the parkour get into the wool break all the wool last team to finish is gone you don't have to break obsidian all right bad buddy yes I think we are 15 5 4 3 2 1 go they are off okay so if they can't complete the parkour they're not very useful their team and they have shears so literally you just want to go in and start breaking away to everyone this edge of the park or to 100 everyone message at the park for two nice boys team is going to take the win if I am correct I could be wrong I could be wrong you know ya know I think they've got it bad I can't tell who's gonna win oh my goodness this is gonna be close Oh ooo orange is so got this right yeah or just gonna wait and turn it off when we win oh it was so close did orange get it they did literally by a hair's breadth - that was close they're gone they're all gone down to the top ten Hey so Skippy while they're picking their teams hello should we adjust this we really want to have them break a jungle tree it would get it would I liked what we did with the parkour last time right but what if they had to break a parkour while completing would break the parkour and then wouldn't it be done if they break it no one else can go well no that's exactly it you have to be strategic Skippy what did we did it sighing like this this is our base and then we make another base right here and we just make a little parkour that they have to like get us not anything too complicated so they have to beat it if they want to break it you feel me I don't work okay bad now that we have our two teams I believe red team come with me all right they're coming all five of them okay but I am going to give everyone a stone axe where they are yeah we have our two teams orange and blue yeah yeah all right here we go five four three two one go enough your yo predictions right now blue or orange you know what I'm gonna put my money on probably blue going tax hog yeah whoo this guy's building a staircase wait bet he's very smart wait let's see this guy oh that is very smart because you might need oh this guy in this life doing it too but he messed up a little bit see if you mess up you could ruin it yeah yeah oh you gotta be super careful oh these guys are being smart they've got their little staircase going that might actually be it for them they might actually be able to win it but these guys over here are just breaking every little word there's staircases to opie maybe because they have a lot of people at the top but then again I don't know oh my goodness look at blue oh no blue could be the winner right now no blue could be known I think blues done for skipping four yeah blue is done for they left some leaves look they're thrown on the bottom they can't do anything oh my goodness that's it yeah orange completed and it looks like orange wins all right Pat so what's going on is we have five people who just got out but we need one to move on so we gave them all wooden pickaxes with a golden apple and the first one to hold the red stone block wins is that it yeah literally the first person to make it to the redstone block mine it and hold it in their hand will win all right and PvP is on yep you be on first to get and fold the redstone block will survive there we go five four three two one don't and they're off oh my gosh I don't think literally this is so I think the best strategy down Oh No get it you're gonna get it close okay we have six people remaining three over there three over there they're on the same team one item for all of you and yet again and they all get one Golden Apple one for you one for you one for you okay bad they all have their items now okay just to clarify the specific person on the team who holds the red stone block that our whole team goes through right correct all right that will be the team that moves on good luck everyone here we go five four three two one Dolf are they gonna use their axe to PvP are they getting use the pickaxe to mine it oh oh oh oh they got it oh yeah amazing got it hey red team Wow they killed people like they kill all the blue like right away that's a lot faster than I thought it was gonna be yeah blue team got totally means alright so we have our final two muffins one of them had to leave we have verses amazing and what we have is a death-defying obsidian parkour and what you guys have to do is you have to break all of the obsidian bow locks you have to break all of them and then every single one of these blocks is broken you must get back to the bedrock so the winner will be whoever minds every Obsidian block and then gets back to the bedrock whoever is the first person back to their bedrock will be the winner understand yeah all right there we go that's pretty much it oh yeah and I will cut the diamonds whenever you're ready all right ready and 5 4 3 2 1 go all right they're off which one are they gonna mine first this is very interesting whoo they went for different strategies they went for different batteries yeah literally these are two different strategies that we're seeing oh dude I don't know this is way too low they're like only same awful right now oh my Guinness kepi are you seeing what I'm saying I am and I don't know what to think of it Oh Mike it's too close bad it's too close yeah this could get really spicy here Skippy it already is it already is oh I don't know there are some very risky strategies being played later oh I don't even know how to commentate over this yeah literally oh my goodness who's gonna win that what yeah I know my gosh oh my goodness this guy's got 5 this guy is Oh Oh nope nevermind oh wait yeah oh wait this gets it it's almost / Oh daddy's a big brain strategy right there Skippy yeah remember they have to go back to the bedrock yes it's the first person to drink all the Howie's is so close oh man this is so close oh my god you see one of those closers but oh my god literally I'm watching I feel bad for amazing he was so close amazing do you know where I think you went wrong doing the parkour I think exactly this guy he literally started right on the first block and then he went and bounced this way and he only went like three or four blocks in and he mined everything and then he finished it very good strategy always shows that the end Yola so - I know I was so worried because he had broken the two blocks so if he had fallen off of the block he was standing on he would have been gone one of them was mining right here it was absolutely a couple Congrats you won $1,000 how do you feel I feel pretty nervous Hey use your brain and it paid off good job and you're amazing you also use your brain you did good good job both of you thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed subscribe right now subscribe to the bad-boy halo like the video and yes that is all bad you have anything else to say no that's premature that was awesome GG spy
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 2,596,983
Rating: 4.926785 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, minecraft mining, minecraft mine, mining challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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