So I Trapped 100 Kids, But Lava Rises Every 10 Seconds

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all right so in today's video that why you're kind of in my way in today's video we had lava rise from the void every 10 seconds until well people stack up and there is one when they're remaining pretty much that is it so subscribe right now with notifications and like the video otherwise you will look like this forever and you you don't want that so yeah let's just go alright bad are you ready to start this yes let's do it alright perfect so we have a hundred something kids above us and we're about to let them down so why don't you just cut the roof so they all fall right yeah remove the roof they all fall and then we'll start skipping yeah look up at them I'm looking they look like little ants and guess what they're about to be in lava oh not yet no not I mean not yet but at some point they will be yeah be will be ants in lava so they'll catch on fire oh that was clever I didn't see that one coming that was good thank you you want me to let him out yes please and then we have lava rising every 10 seconds so should we turn on PvP or now um you know what not at first should we turn on later yeah let's turn it on in a few minutes oh can I do the cutting can I let them out can item okay get ready everyone on your mark lava will rise every 10 seconds last one alive wins GV p equals off for now and yeah that's it good luck buddy ride yeah let's do it three two one and cut oh they all fell and we've begun do you know the wheat you put down uh-huh it's all gone alright so pretty much all the mobs are like on except for that sheep and cow all the wood has literally been joined and so Vava already started going up uh yeah every ten seconds dude actually I want to go take a look and see where the lava is so I'm gonna mine all the way down just so I can get an idea of yup the lavas coming dude just set that to stone so what's the stride here like how do you even win this I think you need to be super super careful well yeah that's a given but how do you win by being super super careful that doesn't alright getting blocked is definitely smart but getting iron is smarter right now oh you this everyone's just mining looking for iron struggling as the lava goes up this is gonna get really difficult dude it's gonna get really intense once the lava super high up and everyone's in their Towers yeah but there is a while limit and this is the jail where we have one diamond men in the jail there is two now someone's already towering up why so soon why happy sketchy alright a bad yeah PvP on in five minutes oh my goodness we're gonna do it in five minutes five minutes I feel like that's a good enough amount of time Oh Skippy good gm3 and TP to me this guy is white oh no it's gonna get him I guess oh oh it goes up every 10 seconds so yeah oh no he literally is toast dude why is he doing this be careful oh he has 20 seconds okay there he goes hey bad guess what why one block is equivalent to 10 seconds Oh get it yeah I get it wait so that's how many seconds turn two minutes turn to hours oh my god and salt my brain turn two years no that's not what that means we could mathematically calculate the amount of years it'll take for it what reach the point zero zero zero one years less than that point zero zero zero zero zero two years bro we could calculate it in centuries point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one something yeah maybe it'd be like zero zero zero zero Skippy it's important to recognize the time constraints of the perpendicular of the bisector photosynthesis by sec yes yes you fools are awesome alright so Skippy who do you think is gonna win what do you think the best strategy for winning is gonna be right now iron armor cuz we said we're turning on PvP so three minutes till PvP so iron armor definitely the best strat right now and then after that you get enough locks to go up yeah what I found they went up super fast you know what I'm gonna give him a melon what I'm giving them a melon well if you're gonna give them a melon I want to give them a melon no you can't give them a melon I already get ok if you're giving them one I'm giving them to know if you're giving a green no then I want to give them four then I'm giving them father Lou 10 I'm giving them I'm gonna give their whole tower full of melons okay all right fine let's just go yeah no more mouth no more melon good dad the towers are occurring yes this is the smart tactic tower up literally a size you can get have like maybe iron armor and just wait wait for the lava to destroy all your enemy and see someone fallen owes you two minutes till PP scabby look at the lava this guy doesn't even realize how close the lava is to you don't even think you'll be able to see oh because there's lava right next to him oh he's time just time time it's gonna get to him no that's at least like a minute and a half if anything this guy should be worrying Oh No Skippy he's gonna die no you'll be okay he's gonna trust me you know what let's watch him die are you ready he's not gonna die have faith no he is going to die have a little bit of faith I have no faith right now scabby he going die it's three blocks below him wait only three oh he saw it he signed it okay here's smart guy yeah is there anyone else really close I think everybody else is really oh somebody fell someone fell in the lava no from a high place more people have died from falling in a high place then it's all free ooh ooh we got a guy it's getting close to him whoo that it's pretty close I want to see it roast him I just want to see one one person just get roasted it's so close to him look at this will he hear it and then like run oh do you see a dangerously close to him it's right there it's every 10 seconds what are you doing you don't have time go get out of here oh my gosh hurry up there he goes that the lava is so high up how does that even happen I literally don't know it's going so fast and literally - always this fast yeah it was 10 inspir but ten seconds isn't you know that much time well here let's go ahead and count it let's watch it go up anyway we know it's fine second one Mississippi no we know it's three you can count all you want if I'm gonna see the people in the towers can I know I know can I try on PvP yeah okay now I'm gonna turn on PvP good luck PvP oh wow it's on Oh Skippy look I found a bunch of afk people you did yeah are you ready to watch me do the lava so close right now really how close is that ah let's say seven blocks from them oh I can see it's three new light up areas yuck it's happening do you can see lava on the overworld now oh my gosh okay ye okay can't be watch this ready yep and a Boop what is this which one you think so you get them first the log from the lower this one no mine well mine mo oh my goodness that's super like I know come on come on hurry dude I don't know I don't know which one's gonna get them boom is gonna get ya it's gonna be yours I must take measures and stop it now don't scabby one yeah oh you were cheating by spawning it in I want the world to do enough oh no no no no please please I want the world yes OOP this is ridiculous I'm done I quit this is Reno it's going it's going it's going no to be fair the lava did get them like the lava rising got them though oh my gosh look how many towers we have oh my goodness that 2p to me defeated me right now where are you he beated me right now right now oh like they made a melon game we made it no way you do smell it and then they took over wait pvp's on right yeah PvP is literally on here how about this next person to get a kill gets a diamond one diamond one diamond fight each other for one night what's gonna want to kill here I saw it oh this is why you don't stand in big groups wait so who got the kill after I said that JX NT thank you I will oh I think they died what they have nothing in their inventory yeah they're gone but I gave them the diamond still give it to solids he killed the guys no I'm gonna give it to who got the kill uh oh scam he we might have a duel about to continue oh what's going on Oh iron armor huh Oh bad come here oh no I see I see his name is $1,000 offense natchez $100 event no I'm saying that's his name yeah hundred not a thousand I know but that's his name oh yeah I like this skin high just like him cuz he has your face no maybe it's literally why literally Skippy you're like oh a duck skin I like that one skin I like that I wouldn't have a duck skin oh I saw that I saw that literally oh they survived Jean oh wow ah bad I think I've had something funny going on here what I don't think this guy has enough blocks yeah this guy's toast why if you don't mind the blocks around him you know I'm gonna give him something give you one I want to give him one oh my goodness I'm giving him two I'll give you a so give them anymore he'll tower with melons yeah I saw that no you didn't you want what do we give him a sapling just a bone meal super you can't know that's influencing it it's gotta be a lot it is like oh yeah oh wow that's Cappy Cappy again oh I make it a little bit more breaking there okay there Oh what someone's on top oh my god oh oh no oh oh oh oh there's five of them look over here oh this guy fell and died next one to get a kill gets a diamond alright well I guess that guy gets a diamond but I don't think he tried to do that on purpose so there's a diamond hey are we gonna do a revival on this one we could let's do it let's pause the lava and do a revival alright pausing lava revival time what are you thinking what's the first thing that came to your mind right now go say the word um um uh uh waffle all right it's a food okay well I think I saw waffle let me check nope nobody said waffle yeah it's a breakfast food hey somebody's that at angel wolfy revive angel wolfy but what do we give them like what should we give them here I'll put them right here man keep eating me we'll put them here I know what - let's give them like I'll give them iron pants Flynn steel crafting table glass panes lily pads white tulips red carpet slightly damaged in bills slime blocks loopner beds cracked stone monster egg brick iron bars yellow banners farmer stands Laur head mines mine carts and gold key oh wait I don't know if I should have done that one okay um daylight sensor golden helmet okay guys we should stop we should probably stop we gave them more than enough oh no oh my god after all of that no protect them skipping I think people saw the stuff we gave her I'm gonna put him somewhere else all right good idea top her away no oh my god oh my god I don't think that works you took too long you took too long I took too long you're giving them you were the one giving you a big disconnected they logged out so bad I have a question yes so theoretically right huh let's say that somehow some way the law was still rising and everyone's just on their towers right uh-huh who wins what happens it's the last person to get roasty-toasty so just by chat I mean baby I don't know hey guys I'm not a magician Skippy okay I didn't save much okay I don't know why I'm just trying to figure out who would win okay how many meemers do we have left I don't know 40 maybe let's just do it where we'll stop it again right before it gets the top layer and have them PvP and then we'll tell them in five minutes we're gonna raise it up Oh within the chance alright Skippy this is that they keep placing water whatever the lavas gonna keep rising it doesn't matter Kaffee I just realized something the melons that we put in this tower are above the height limit oh yeah we should totally remove it above the height limit and you know what I'll give them some melons at the high limit to make them feel better Wow you just literally are copying everything I know I just wanted to put my own lemons why are you building melons through this guys there melons oh not lemons dude the lava is so close wait I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea well I'm gonna get a command block right and giving everyone one T&T there y'all ready hey Skippy if you do that I didn't have any people left I did it Debbie you can't you I didn't I give them all one all right let's puzzle over here lava has been paused alright here's how this is gonna go the final lava rays will be in exactly five minutes if we don't have a winner by then we will go by chat who dies last good luck go scary this go again spike we told them how it's gonna go look they're pouring water on the lava they wanna City again they aren't budging they don't want to kill each other they want to kill each other yeah oh I thought T and T go up there oh oh you see in this we've got two people with four yeah I think we have a battle here guess what bad I'm throwing in $100 Oh whoever wins $100 for funds yay yippee oh my goodness look that muffin oh don't fall in love uh kill each other come on yup that guy's gone these guys have their own little group of meemers I like the people who are making obsidian paths that is smart it is pretty smart let's say three minutes thirty seconds watch once we get to one minute there's gonna be a lot of PvP look under the ground teepee to me Skippy and look around oh my god yeah what in his world you can see through all the lava when you're inside of oh you hear that yeah I did what was that some TT going off oh they're fighting up here let's say two minutes 30 seconds new because I gave them tt remember how much t one each one each would you give more chanting three more T&T per person ready give at AT&T three ooh two minutes come on do something with the TT tell each other only that some damage could you imagine almost dying because I would suck okay what's like that I'm gonna give everyone 20g into you yeah oh the battle the battles are going Skippy all right I'm coming 21 person 40 seconds Oh 20 seconds bad 20 seconds 15 seconds do they just give up 5 4 beds the lavas gonna go up yeah riperoni oh oh my god here we go that's it we'll save them so how did they save themselves a put water at just the right spot no way did that actually work how many people are still alive skipping there's one more here there's one more here ok so after doing that we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 is that right yeah right pretty Malala is raised again alright raise it one more time wait if we raise it one more what will even happen like how will they do this five four I have no idea what's gonna happen but I want to find out and good luck oh is that it oh is that it I don't know is that it that is it is that it and that is it bad $100 - the way yeah it was awesome I had a lot of fun I hope you guys enjoyed like comment sub sub too bad thank you neon think you gave it and yeah do you have anything else to say I know that was great they all pretty much okay bye you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 4,268,238
Rating: 4.9009237 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, so i trapped, 100 kids
Id: lICIfpoD-jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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