Skeppy vs BadBoyHalo UNDERWATER House Battle! - Minecraft

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what is up guys today i challenged batboy halo to a 1v1 underwater building competition we've done this many times in the past and i've always won of course okay maybe not anyways this was a lot of fun so before we get into this if you wouldn't mind just quickly checking if you are subscribed it would help out a ton according to youtube analytics it says right here you should subscribe let's shoot for a hundred thousand likes and we'll do another building video since it has been a very long time all right i hope you guys enjoy bad boy halo what i challenge you to an underwater house building competition do i have to you have to you literally have fun okay don't you miss these videos i do miss these videos then let's go win all of them uh yeah all right let's let's see how this one goes what was that what it was just i don't know all the other times that we've done this like i won like the mansion one uh-huh that was me like the secret house battle this is mine i don't think you won any it's cappy what i think i'm a better builder than you you are not a better builder than me no i am i think i am we've done this like three times and i've won every single time no you okay forget it whoever wins this one is the best builder ever for all the muffins for all the muffins okay let's do this okay which is gonna be me unless you cheat you can't cheat there's world at it in we have the furniture mod in today meaning you can get really cool stuff and yeah i will now ask you kindly to leave my call wait what dad you know how the drill goes well what are the rules get out of my call and build you have 30 minutes okay i'm allowed to do whatever i want you can do whatever you want just build a house underwater okay this is gonna be fun yes it will and get out of my call this is my call my call this is literally my call leave get out of my car oh fine i'll go channel switched oh miss him already all right starting the timer 31 minutes on the timer go go i put that extra 60 seconds so that i can find a place to build because i don't know where i want to do it oh that looks kind of cool he gave himself night vision give that to me too now ooh this location looks kind of nice you know okay i need to be quick because the timer's going down but i have a general idea of what i think i'm gonna do i just need space oh perfect this is so good okay boom boom boom boom boom or actually no no no no no no i'm trusting out the time is running out he's probably built something i'm just gonna do it right here so i'm thinking something like this where the house actually goes outside of the water a little bit totally didn't look up images on google for inspiration step one is i need to set my foundation so we'll do that boom gravel should i go a little bit higher oh nope we got a little uh spot here oh my gosh these stinking ravines you want whatever that's fine okay i hear him all the way over there doing something didn't matter okay can i make a hollow sphere let's find out uh what blocks do we have uh we're the new ones what where the fans okay here they are furniture so that's all we have is furniture that's not fancy at all that's like terribly unfancy like yeah i get it cool furniture you know whatever this is our underwater thing now the question is what should we do to make it not look so bad okay i think i'm doing all right so far for how much time i have oh my god i should totally use these work planks for the bottom i think that would look sick please tell me i'm right i'm so right get out get out oh my god oh my god what did i just do okay we're definitely gonna need glass so let's pick out a pretty glass i think that one is nice because you know blue is my favorite color set stained blue glass why is it so long i don't know what it's called i'm stressing out okay got it okay after i fix the edges here i think that i can actually breathe in the house and it will be filled with water all right well i was wrong uh can we like drain ten oh ooh that's kind of sick dude why did world that it do me like that world that it did me so dirty it like oh my god what is this why okay okay no we can fix this we can fix it we literally just have to go like this and it's really annoying especially with the water but it's fine it's fine where is the water coming from i don't understand i'm getting mad oh my god oh oh oh no what have i done no it's fine it's fine we can fix this we can fix this i just don't understand why this water won't go away go away go away water dude please there there it's gone it's gone we finally finished one side oh this is so bad please bro please just finish nice okay we got our platform made let's mark our center just so we know what to do now here's a question can i do like a hollow sphere hey there we go all right so that's roughly the halfway point but i need to cut all of this out everything from this level to this level okay it's very simple actually i just go from here to here expand 10 and then 10 down 10 down there we go boom oh and i missed a bit there we go all right that's perfect we got our memes set up now we need to go this way all right one side oh right over here come on come on come on hurry and there we go all right we got our sphere selected come down here now there's a trick where you can paste something without any air and the trick is you stand where you want to paste and you do slash paste minus a and paste it without air now the question is actually what should we do what if i did something similar to like an underwater tree house kind of thing all right boom expand for set air there we go oh no i missed some of the edge okay that's fine i can fix this there we go good as now all right now we gotta go up around because obviously we can't just have our house like that it obviously has to have like some support and like some structure perfect all right now the question is what do we do going forward um are you saying like that should we go over um yeah let's do that oh you know what i just got a great idea replace near 50 glass honestly that looks kind of cool for the underwater but i need a shovel there we go light blue that's what i wanted okay so light blue brush sphere 95 3 3 mask 95 15. oh oh no uh oh i oh no i messed up i messed up i may have crashed the server may have may have not what can i even blame this on um um oops let's take care of this house that's kind of weird oh okay i know how to deal with this channel dad what the heck dude what you obviously broke the circle why did you do a mass world at it and crash the server come on i tried to record one video with you wait a minute the fact that you're saying that means you did it what no no no no i'm just really smart and i assume that you did it oh really what world that it did you do um dreams what i i didn't see you did not no it was a mistake it was an honest mistake i didn't mean to do that much you didn't mean to do drain i do need i mean 2 000 years later okay the timer resumed okay bye channel switched no what happened are you you know what i don't care i don't care anymore we're trying to do that okay okay i try and be fancy one time in my life whatever okay we're gonna do normal glass for that that doesn't even look bad boom this is actually coming along kind of good not gonna lie all right let's get that furniture out let's see what do we got oh kitchen yo this is gonna look so good oh my god the modernist to this is just so good what's wrong with this block what do you thank you this goes so hard yo and the table can be like right here and we can have some chairs right yes i think we'll do something like that there we go oh that's cool oh my god i love this so much i love this how are we gonna go from floor to floor though i think what we'll do is obviously we're gonna need ladders and we could totally do it like right here i think that's perfect oh yes boom boom boom this can go all the way upstairs okay the upstairs kind of scuffed but we're gonna fix that let's do that oh i like that this is so wholesome done time to break out the big beams i need a shovel and then we'll do this slash sill you know what let's just do it right here here we go yeah that's what i needed and let's grab slab so we need some of these quartz slabs go around like that get a nice trim going why are there bats down here hello okay whatever bats didn't matter all right sapling get an oak sapling now i'm going to teach you guys a trick okay if you need an oak sapling or i should say a tree to be above a certain height limit you build something like this you get bone meal and then you just spam it until it grows there you go and now i got my giant tree let's go we need foundation so let's assume that they go up this way which would be like oh yeah yeah yeah like that like that stairs we need a quartz stair and let's go up one more thirteen twelve eleven hold in filled in you know we don't even need to worry about this a little bit cause we can come back but you won't forget it i'm just gonna do it while i'm here okay so that looks good people come up here boom boom boom and then oh look there's a nice little habitat oh so that's what i'm doing it's like an open floor esque plan thing i don't know i don't know then we can go down here and we can do something like each sill quartz block seven and eleven and we'll do one more twelve there we go okay this bottom floor is gonna be like my bedroom i've always wanted to stay in one of those hotels where it's like an underwater hotel room because i think those are so cool and i just really want to stay in it but they're so expensive so now i live in one uh what do normal people have in bedrooms crafting tables furnaces a good amount of furnaces you need your chest to store your stuff obviously uh uh what else uh flowers flowers flowers flower pot flowers that's kind of cute can we get some paintings going oh oh my god that's scary no that's even worse come on give me something good give me something good it's gonna be the same too don't give me that oh my god we'll just keep that there i suppose so if you wanna go up you gotta go up then you go around just like that and then you go up this way and then there you go now we can put like some bedrooms up here okay perfect we got a bed let's go around like this oh my gosh okay go up go up go up no way oh my gosh okay that is pretty cool okay so this will be the door and then you can come in oh my god we only have 10 minutes left 10 minutes left 10 miles left 10 minutes left i'm not even here let's decorate a little bit more so actually let's move that go like that hmm does that look stupid yeah i don't know i'm trying to make it work right something that looks cool like that i think that's cool it's gonna work i don't care i like it and then we can get the flowers in yes oh my god yes i'll put these on the top oh my god i just realized i didn't do anything for the top room yet oh no this is bad uh uh gotta go upstairs i think that's good all right let's go upstairs okay chin looks good what do we want upstairs i don't even know what i want let me think let me think oh hello um i don't really know what i'm doing here let me try something we have barely any time here i'm stressing out man okay uh yeah yeah i think the best way to do this is have like a little lounge going on and have a tv decorating decorating i have used so many flowers today okay that looks fine i don't know what i'm doing this is a tv does that look anything like a tv i don't know i hope it does i'm trying really hard here we'll just use coal okay that's better that's nice that's nice i feel like and then over here we can have the hot tub made out of lava hot tub oh be careful very hot tv currently playing skippy videos perfect okay i need some glass we'll grab some of this and door i need door uh fridge fridge fridge no can't put that in i swear there was like a um spatula and a dark oak table there we go and so we can set this up like right here oh you're gonna have company over they can come and sit at your table there's all bedroom stuff but apparently it's also kitchen stuff and items and then we get this door thing put that right there boom there we go this side perfect you open your door you go in easy peasy lemon squeezy you see this i'm really good at this actually this is really nice all right now we go do the seam over like here all right it's this over here boom boom boom boom boom and get a door i'm gonna leave this little area a little bit you know it'll it'll have a little bit to be desired which is fine which is fine i could improve it a teeny bit why is there a creeper in here oh my goodness butcher100 all right so people come in through the door i'm just gonna stick that there for now they come in oh my goodness i want to go up here and you want kitchen so we'll do something like this nice little kitchenette coming around uh can we do a stove oven oh my goodness i need kitchen supplies there we go scion kitchen drawer i think i already have that cyan kitchen counter we'll grab that and what else is scion scion scion scion and some drawers and you're like counter all right perfect we got our little counter space so you're walking along you're like oh wait crud we need walls white picket fence oh actually look really cool can i put that down here well i can okay cool you know what i'm just gonna go around why not we'll give it a nice little white picket fence barrier and then what we'll do is we'll have an opening like right here there we go just to keep people from like walking on the grass or something like that um and you know what we can have a path yes and we can do that down here okay perfect so you come in here you got your kitchen you got your stuff bedroom outdoors any other outdoor stuff we need we don't really need a mailbox but we do need some hedges oak hedge why not and you want a trampoline sure we'll do a trampoline rock path what what is in this a grill a doormat okay yo whatever let's do this trampoline how big is this oh my goodness you can make it really big okay so we'll stick the trampoline like right here does this actually work oh what that is so cool oh my gosh okay there we go there we go so we got our trampoline is for jumping um you know what we'll put some hedges actually i can't put hedges down uh grass we need grass uh brush sill grass two we'll just oh fudge undo oh crud undo all right that'll work okay go down this side just like that come on boom perfect so now we have our own little park we got our trampoline over here we'll go down this way ah hurry was this rock path thing you know what maybe i should just do something like that oh yeah rock pads you do it where it like goes and circles back around flowers perfect and so now you can walk along the little rock path oh look at that boom perfect okay i think things are looking good one minute okay okay let's just get a recap we have that right and then we have the kitchen and then we have the bedroom i don't know i think i did a good job i hope i really don't know what to do we don't have much time left here we go oh hi skye are you ready uh yeah just give me a couple seconds okay the time is up yes the time is is almost uh it is very close to being up some people would make the argument to say that it is uh but it really doesn't it really isn't because sometimes things are not up when we think they are okay i mean i'll take your word for it but like the time is kinda up yeah no you're right that's the time we're still building and the the time is very well off yeah no the time time is definitely yeah that's so it's literally just so opera yes this this is what people would say the time is shall i shall i teleport to you now no no i would definitely not tell you oh okay because the time is up but i should teleport to you no no you should not i think we will mutually agree on who's built to look at first you know what i think this is a good idea who do you think we should look at first uh not it well i mean but who do you think like suit me or you you you think we should look at my build first we always look at yours first okay so if we look at my first that means we're not looking at yours first right we're gonna look at mine after we look at yours okay you're still building and i'm not no i'm not building tb to me you can see i'm not building okay i'm coming right now ready okay go ahead wait wait wait i'm coming are you ready oh my god you went all out except there's literally monsters in your house yeah ignore those okay whoa all right i need to give you a tour okay if i can there we go so you step one you come in and you close this door which keeps the crushing water pressure you've got obviously you gotta check and see if you got a mail oh i like that maybe grill a hamburger while you're here right and look mine is very uh nature oriented we have our tree you got little park benches so you want to just sit here come and sit next to me scott oh this is so relaxing yeah you want to sit and stare at this awesome you can do that while the adorable wait let's fly around do you not have a bedroom well no there's a bedroom i'll show you oh okay okay and then look oh look we also have a trampoline so no way and bouncy bouncy yo this is my exercise for the day and look i even made a little garden rock path so you can walk around enjoy the scenery so cute it's very cute exactly it's very cute so follow me then you go upstairs boom and this is obviously we have a handrail for safety but we have a kitchen this is where you would go to uh you could put stuff oh no i fell oh hey you jumped over minus points because it's not safe what i put a handrail it's your fault for going over it and then we got a go go sit go sit this is our our beverage oh place flying is not enabled all right he got kicked for flying so we got beverages so you can open the coolers take out a drink while we look at it there's some beverages in there no there would be but you drank them all oh yeah again more seating but this is like if we have more guests over then you come up here and you can go either way you see on the left is uh i think my room on the right is your room so there you go oh this is so awesome and i can parkour over to your room so like if you're ever sleeping one night and it's like four in the morning i'll just parkour over to your room and be like yo what's up dad and then you'll yell at me then i would look at you through these little blinds and i would shut them up pretend like you didn't see me exactly no one's home scary goodbye oh bad i'm gonna break the glass and water's gonna suffocate everywhere that's what i would do if you ignored me wow okay wow you would kill us boats because that's what would happen the water would come in and smush us okay i give your house an 8.5 out of 10. oh i can't even lie it's good thank you thank you it is good i'm ready to see your house then i guess yeah no mine is pretty much already what oh i see my house it's not as cool as yours hmm oh that's the case kitty i'm sure it's good you mean that i'm sure you made it look as amazing as you can yeah i did even though it's not as good as mine come on nope your house is gonna be smelly well mine is gonna be a winner just teleport to me all right tp skippy okay get in the vote okay where are we going to my house what skivvy that's not under water yes it is all right oh okay in the house see it extends down i guess that counts okay welcome oh man you ready right oh so this is just a little thing for design it's kind of cool you you want to try it it's for design for a design a cart with a flower yes for design this is a couch and that's a carpet where ah i have a tv and it's currently playing steppy videos okay that's pretty cool so we can like literally chill here and we can talk about life and just watch videos or tv or whatever yeah and then i would yell at you i'd be like put something else on i want to watch the discovery channel oh god let's just go down what i like watching animals animals are cool okay i do too occasionally this is the hot tub and be careful because it's very hot yeah that's a pretty hot hot tub it is a hot hot tub hey skeppy you missed something what you didn't like munch monster munch and then call okay okay all right let's go downstairs so over here is oh kitchen and i love the view and it drips lava do you use that to cook with i see you have a table set up for dinner so we can go no no no no okay let's go and this this is the creme de la creme the creme brulee under water bedroom oh this is cool because it's nice and dark i think i like it it looks good hey i think i got my bed what this is my bedroom my bed whatever what do you rate it what do you rate it out of ten uh the whole house the whole house let me go up and take it all in yeah all right i think i'm going to give you yes yes and eight yes four out of ten get out what hey
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 3,622,389
Rating: 4.9508934 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, dream smp, build competition, safest house skeppy, underwater house skeppy, secret house skeppy, build competition vs badboyhalo, badboyhalo
Id: PnJpJBl4X_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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