Last To Fail Jump Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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all right so in two days video we got 200 kids put them in an obsidian box sort of I think and told them last one to fail the jump is out the lot clear light wins the prize money and yeah they go through a series of challenges which progressively get harder and harder and harder with PvP on it was pretty great bad it was literally literally you guys got a watch it's awesome I love how this mash the lik button subscribe and make sure to check out the patreon yeah ok smash like and subscribe like we said or else that baked potato will literally become you and not only you so you don't want that trust me ok let's go also one last final final thing I forgot to mention this video is actually sponsored by the Archon again thank you so much to them because obviously these events are pretty expensive so try my best to get sponsors here along with the server and stuff so I appreciate anyone who's been understanding lately cuz it's been kind of stressful to deal with but we're getting there but yeah this is the IP to the Archon you can claim a free rank on there by using this code that's about it let's go for real this time all right bad we have 200 kids in the server are you ready it's a stuck wait what the heck what where's this kid he's no IFK why are we giving this kid special treatment he was ok no he wasn't I don't know looks like you just like cows and you wanted to give cows special treatment he's an adorable little cow should we let him out I don't understand why he's in here in the first place he was afk yeah okay oh my goodness fine I let him out all right let him out I swear if that guy wins now I'm done no literally he better not cuz I spent all that time building a oh I see you built a nice little I mean it's pointing at this little thing you wonder your favorite YUM I like it I like it so basically I guess we're gonna make 200 kids go to the other side yeah literally that's so much okay let me change this side of obsidian to tell me you block any block [Music] got it okay no no you don't like diamonds I mean diamonds are fine I think it's fine we're gonna make them all do right yeah let's take them I'll go to dive in this is the first heart event okay or challenge whatever you want to call it oh my gosh okay should we make multiple of them or just the one um I mean I guess we should make multiple should give them options yeah let's give them two two options yes we'll give them three one on each side right yeah okay I'll try and build an arrow I'm not very good but I think I did a good job there we go you like my arrow it's not trying that scaling and making an air line there that's better okay you have three options to get to Diamond you must get to Diamond yes yes if they don't get there and they are meems if you die dad says you're mean be careful the jump is tricky it is alright let's place our bets Kippy ah I say thirty people are out of two hundred thirty thirty-one this Nora T's gonna be way higher higher fifty no way no you know why it's gonna be 50 why cuz they're all gonna try and crowd through at the same time is more they will if they're smart they'll wait see people at the back they're smart people alright let's open it up ready opening ready the doors there you go oh my god Wow they can already died he was the first one to die hey hey hey these people walk in the door if you lock the door I kick you oh my god okay at all once you're on diamonds debt back against obsidian wall oh no they have no chance of survival yeah literally we're gonna lose so many right here we literally said at the start be careful we told them and they're just me me like look at these people there I would not mean this I would wait until like the very very end when these guys let's give them a time of it now scare them a little bit 60 seconds oh my goodness I don't know literally so many of them has anyone tried to go like back over nobody has this one a if taken I think there is swore child true war child she's shy holy I think everyone did it well other than the people who died I give everyone in jail respect I give them my respects they need it oh my god it's not are we just gonna give everyone like this is the wall oh you got a chance let's give him a chance he just came back fine why would you do that you have ten seconds to get to Diamond or bi oh they made it Wow literally they allow okay do we make him go back Skippy no no no no no what really no that's up to you oh wow if you want it but oh my goodness Kippy yeah okay I just got the best idea ever that's a bad side okay no no no we make them go back but we turn PvP on are you out of your mind are you maybe literally think about that we tell them no we don't leave it as a surprise we tell them and we can even make a PvP zone right like they won't lose hearts right like they'll have instant region don't lose hearts just they'll have instant region so they'll still take damage okay but they can't died from someone PvP right exactly oh I get it from here this is so bad bad no is this Oh bad bad no it's great let's do it sure I told them yeah what's that I had a devious master awful poop plan so imma explain while he sets it up you see the red wool from that point on PvP equals on but you have lots of region you must get to up but pvp's on so you have to be very careful look a rough stop going on the Red Bull there's just like very close to it this is literally gonna be crazy burning to be on okay once they pass they pretty much have to go in Amaral's or we take them is everyone ready shift for yes okay a lot of people are shifting a lot of people aren't ready but we met at a health point yeah do we count down and we'll open it up all right I'll sit over here and five they're off they're off they're off they're off okay oh my goodness so now we're getting here bad look how many people got to the other side oh my don't have a start and they're just too scared to go and now they died through the void if they fail they're literally so many people died Skippy no what the heck oh we just turned off the region look how many people just died yeah those are literally people who were in the void oh my gosh okay all right so these are our finalists wait a minute Skippy what have we got rid of like this stuff and then we just put like a jump like right here right we leave PvP on in the red zone just have them do like a three-block jump are you sure about this yeah blows well yeah we're putting that you are scaring me bad all right I'm opening up the thing okay locking knees off so we don't get any tricky muffins hey stay oh they're going they're going no they're not supposed to okay red equals pupae zone get to Diamond without dying no people were there earlier okay they're going now Oh are they not gonna hit oh dude oh my gosh this actually worked out way too all literally I guess best idea there's no reason okay okay there's no reason on right now oh they got to be really careful you have to time it so perfectly I saw that know so many rips dude so many trips if you times this perfectly you could get so many people out yeah 45 seconds do fire breath man is killing a lot of people watching that's smart that's what I would do I was doing people every 100 all right we only have 5 people left and that's pretty much it every made it that's there but not really okay so skip we need to do the exact same thing but they go back and we basically let them PvP for as much as they want wait so like think about its cavity Pele will jump across okay and then they're like chill here and like try and punch people but they it's like careful cuz they might get punched in I get it but like what's the goal here well we just tell them to get back to Emerald but we say you can still go in the PvP zone okay I'm gonna explain it to them alright I'm too scared I can't they love to go okay I explained the rules for them Skippy mm-hmm I'm gonna send him over okay all right three two one go oh no it's pee oh there are some people would you do would you go to the emeralds or would you stay on PvP um I would literally just run straight to the airboats I wouldn't risk it right oh thank you don't knock back so far over yes he's so lucky maybe not no no maybe yeah what what is back cuz he's trying not to get this is great I love it someone went back I don't know my goodness why is he trying to bait people think so oh my oh oh I can't believe people did that I was so insane No okay now that they're all back on the emerald block what now bad what do we make okay no I was gonna say let's make him go back to diamond high well you see bad what that's always an option war in the book for them to go back oh my goodness you're gonna make it so they have a little platform job they're making it even harder baby okay your total Mohammed is that emerald over here there we go what the heck okay all right bad Walt seems as if we have made it very complicated for them you like to go about this should we just tell them to go and just to be careful yeah yeah let's do it all right go to diamonds in ten run to emeralds in scabby should we make him run back they all just ran uh yeah I don't really know what happened there but go for it I mean it works when I say go three two one go okay let's see what happens oh oh and no one died well what can i but that's about it okay we're gonna make him run back this time we'll do a countdown scabby should we make this a little bit harder hmm what are you thinking I'm thinking we do something like this that way they just have to be a little bit more careful and now we just gotta break this and there we go yeah so they really have to be careful when they jump now yeah ready bad yep you be on in red zone go to gold in five four three two one zero whoo a lot of people get knocked into the lava this time oh dude look at that oh my goodness they have to be super careful literally the best strategy here is to wait numb rush across you rush across and someone's gonna punch you you wait wait to the head and then you go but even if you wait you're still time exactly run as soon as you have a clear space but not before see look yeah smart smart muffins look at this Doge is it clear there you go oh my goodness I just got the best idea ever what is it what do we do this right should we go boo boo and then we do all are you kidding me no let's do this can I make it one worse one worse how can you make this worse is to do oh my god don't think they're in the clear in the walk-in all right should we have him run Amaral no no bad boy idiot is an idiot Hey yes region I say yes to regions Gibby you're only giving them 15 seconds of region good to go there okay go to Emeralds when we say go watch some people are gonna go now they better stay Oh three two one here we go and who's gonna fall oh my goodness no one oh yeah that actually helped a lot those are the only people who died oh my gosh okay now that we've got this super hard thing should we make him go back to gold site we could or or or oh yeah I see what you're doing alright now you can make them go back oh my goodness okay get ready to go to Gold side okay we're gonna make him go in five four three yo one go oh this is it oh my gosh we're not gonna get anyone I think a couple of punching each other you just have to punch once they're on the red yeah literally oh they're being super care they're not even hitting each other look at everyone have like an alliance hmm no one is hitting each other it's this Skippy they're scared to cross this lava strip here yes that makes sense you know what I think I know how to solve this problem now what is the solution we boom now they have to go back but they only have this little bitty area okay can I tell them to go yes emerald boom ooo ooo I saw some PvP go on yep there's more PvP happening for sure oh that guy got and lava buddy got out so that seemed pretty easy but going back the other way like this is not gonna be easy not at all yeah this is gonna be totally muffiny Oh Skippy for this I'm gonna get rid of this little lava strip on their way back okay good idea all right in five four three two one Oh and they're off okay yeah we got some people getting knocked in nine so careful yeah it's so much thinner look at how many of them are punching each other so bad for you let's just try to go peaceful you may just no pet no I'm to LaVon oh my goodness oh this guy just oh well he literally just jumped in lava Oh Oh fire breath and just died poor guy it was cause of this guy this guy killed him Aaron fish oh he's a Doge ice cream a lot of fun I love it when they get memes I'm sure you do oh my goodness Pepe I got a great idea we should expand the PvP zone to include like this bit - oh remember green yeah you should probably let them know though alright Skippy the PvP area is it's super shiny and it literally we expanded it so it's this entire area are we uh ready to let them go yes let's do it alright everyone go emerald good luck all right now they know let's see what happens to people not out couple meemers should get neem ooh dude what this guy's ow oh my goodness this is Aaron guy it just keeps memeing he loves killing people ah let's see you let's see how this plays out oh nice I almost got knocked in yeah okay there we go okay I think if we send them back Skippy it's going to be really I think this next round yeah yeah this is gonna be the most deadly round but you know what Skippy I don't think it's deadly enough what why is it not deadly enough we need to make it even narrower okay okay alright okay are you ready I am alright let's do a countdown three two one let's see what I knew that would happen at some point this is like the riskiest are we here yeah there's like nothing you can do once you're in lava you're done for yeah literally you have to be super careful I guess you could stand on the right here knock them back but like wow yeah that would be so risky someone could literally come behind let's see if that happens to anyone people need to be super careful no right oh oh so this one is actually more risky to wait to the end now mm-hmm why because people are watching oh yeah look all of these guys are getting me no look in the chat how many people we got oh that was such a deadly round one I literally love this should we make him do go back and do it again that what did you do oh okay gay is narrower be careful Oh big not that many people got out oh yeah oh oh he gotta be careful okay Oh careful what was that job yeah and everyone save I loved your idea Skippy that was literally car we're doing that yeah let's do it on this side and we'll make it nice and narrow and we'll so we can get that nice ball I think this will be our deadliest round let's find out a narrower are you ready to do three to watch this go oh oh you're right this is very deadly oh my goodness are people gonna try and knock them in let's see if they try too much you can do in your nail somehow oh look you can see people are timing to like jump up and knock him back oh my goodness oh come on Brent down oh yeah let's go knocked in there yeah I'm so glad he made it hey yes the pig I want this kind of wind Skippy the big 10,000 you can't say that what did he win no no no no we can't we can't oh my goodness that would be nuts all right bad you made that narrow but what if I guess interest boy that's interesting it's kind of like a little zig zag thing pretty much oh my goodness okay this is gonna be interesting buddy yeah I'm ready go to emerald in there oh oh oh oh this is so me me yeah I can't this is actually kind of scary Oh be careful guys be careful Oh after people what is this guy doing why he what we have about 35 people okay what should we do yeah be I've got it okay so you see how we've got this whole memory right here right do this and we do this yes up you're crazy leave that one key you're actually insane Gabby this is gonna get so many peas you're actually insane okay okay I want to see how this turns out how many do you think will get out pan yeah I think tends to come out okay you ready I'm ready ready 3 2 1 go oh my gosh there's no safe time to go if you go early you die you go little guy oh I love this oh when I got out I saw about ah dude if you get there just chilling the gold ooo I got ya big big wins yeah okay I'm sure he's for Pig - I hope he does I really wanted to he's got such a great skin I we need to we need to spice up this side um I guess you know what's Gabby I liked your original gate idea but let's literally make it a 1 by 1 k okay should we do that okay okay yeah like look at that how many people will die I think I just want to find out look at the games okay how many people you think you'll buy five I big twenty ready 3 2 1 go oh why I literally thought we would lose more than this oh it's so we gonna get out here oh you know why I think the problem was people were scared to stand here because it's too easy to get punched yourself you know what I think the problem is I think the problem is it should be like that oh my goodness and remove these mm-hmm that's what I think should happen this is kind of a funny little bounce you know what let's see what happens oh yay three two one go oh we got a meme er we did we did too so far looks like everybody is pretty much not trying to do the whole punch people thing punch blocked alright well now that they have to go back are you thinking we thank you dead with this here they can literally stand like right here what should we open up a couple like holes yeah just to get some meemers alright that's how you go this is gonna be emerald Oh got one oh that guy got punched you have to be so tear yeah this one is very risky come on big he made it yeah he made it oh this is gonna be such a weird one look at this this is going to get so weird like it's just such an awkward jump that is gonna get people out well because you have to like once you jump over you have to like stop for a second yeah I'm gonna make it even more like weird so they have to go one more up oh my goodness literally this is gonna get so many good Debbi literally so many oh dude this isn't awkward it's almost it's awkward is you all right let's start all right go oh this is gonna guess oh yeah oh my god yeah big no big it was my favorite Skippy no I'm so sad now dude that John people are failing who the duck made it oh oh oh oh amazing died Oh didn't he win - he's won - so far yes oh man should we tell him to go back now we literally have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Skippy we make it narrower should we I'm making it kinda like weird yeah oh I see what you're yeah that jump in here and they're chillin all right you can tell them to go whenever you want okay three two one go oh it's gonna get out here oh wait yeah you're right mom I talked it out no one I guess you have to go accurate let's make the go back yeah that jump is so hard there I'm gonna narrow it just a smidge okay there we go Oh gold oh wait is that possible it is possible yes okay everyone say your time they're so scared literally that is your job Oh are they gonna die oh my goodness he might oh look no one's going everyone's too scared yeah this is a hard job I would probably wait until I saw so everyone's waiting oh dude oh they messed up on the second world my gosh oh my gosh if this guy blocks everyone he could win they have to all go at the same time yeah this guy could live going one by one is not the smart idea here doing one by one is not the smart this is so hard Skippy is this it this is it this literally could be a is this it is this it oh my goodness no no dude there's three people literally two people Skippy no way wait this arrived this guy got back in unless you guys yeah he's good unless this guy survives he wins oh dude bro there's no way he survived that literally he's price sitting there regen yeah boom Australia you have to make it or he wins he can punch you off so yeah King Brian are you there yes I'm here are you there boom Australia yeah okay so you guys understand what's going on right boom you need to make this tonight King you can literally punch him and keep him from winning so boom you have to make this first jump which is gonna be very hard so I guess just are you both nervous I'm pretty your time and go whenever you can obviously go in here good luck no chance of making this oh you can do it no you can't get past I don't know if I should be giving you advice here Brian might not like it but what I would do is just get to the first jump because then he can't hit you there and then just find out which way you want to go but I'm gonna keep my mouth shut that's all day oh my goodness this is something you were on fire right earlier [Laughter] my dude if you would children verse one please he drive you made that jump I was good I wasn't gonna be able to punch you do cheesy bread good job how do you feel king bran brown I'm just I don't know how you survived all of these but you did it alright well excuse the PayPal we'll get that over to congrats again dude thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it smash lik and subscribe but bad do you have anything else to say if you don't smash lik and subscribe you will never get any berry cupcakes ever that's it bye
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,547,172
Rating: 4.9403706 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, last to, first to, minecraft $1000, minecraft challenge
Id: HJH-iWLqYbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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