So I Trapped 100 Kids in GOOGLE...

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hello and welcome back to another video all right so in today's video I have trapped 159 kids on Google I don't know they probably have no idea what's going on I have no idea what's going on but essentially they're they are forming conga lines I agree with this type of behavior we have people on the L if no one on the e were you people on the O it's basically Google why have i trapped a hundred kids on google well center right here you turn it into bedrock now why is that important well you see we put green here this is a nice type of green so we go like that and red wool there we go so now 158 kids Google what do you do on Google you ask Google questions do you kind of see where this is going all right let me explain even though I really don't have to we make box I hope this works I've never tested anything like this before this is my first time doing an event like this though wish me luck stand on bedrock right now or I take you you have ten seconds okay now that they're on the bedrock we will do walls that and now they are stuck in here except for you why are you not stuck in here that it didn't go all right so how this is gonna work is basically I'm not gonna lie I don't really know but we're gonna try I will ask a question and you will step on either green or red to answer so for example ten seconds to answer what is one plus one green equals two red equals four so answer my question and and they are all running to green five four three two one undo if you did not answer you lose so if they're stuck in here they lose if you get it right you move on if you get it wrong obviously if you die luckily that was a warm-up so next time makes sure to pick an option because if you don't take you lose get to bedrock five four three two one you're okay no more warm ups oh god no not that not that not that no more warm ups so I don't know how I feel about you fine you can be the last warm-up person thing yeah all right what should one here we go I'm not gonna make it too hard I'm not gonna make it too easy you will have five seconds to decide your answer what is will say 12 times 13 I'm actually not sure so I'm gonna say dear you what's 12 times 13 156 I knew that Green is 156 red is 165 there will confuse them a little bit five four three two one zero and undo Oh okay so the answer was Green so all these people on green got it right Green was correct and anyone on red is wrong and anyone in the jail well dies sorry okay it's just the way it has to go I don't have a choice those were the rules I'm sorry I had no choice now anyone on red one so far from my lava and goodbye that is a really effective way of doing it goodbye very good to all 139 of them we will now say back on bedrock you know what I want to use barriers this time walls barrier there you go get in the middle all right there we go you will have six seconds I'm being nice this time with another second to answer my question the zombie is the first enemy mob added to Minecraft ring equals true red equals false tears their question there they go five four three two one zero undo boom okay so the answer was false red was right Green was wrong the answer was false the creeper is which means all of you will experience my lava Oh Oh God Oh No Oh everyone answered the question I feel like some people didn't answer it well we have a hundred thirty left so let's let them back in to bedrock okay they're back in 132 remain until 132 of you impressive do I make the questions even harder they're all saying no okay I won't the question is I am holding a sapling true or false Green is true five four three two one zero boom I need two easier I made it easier I wasn't vanished they could see me cheese Bob sixty four how do you mess that up how how could you possibly mess that up all the people in the jail how do you mess that up that was the easiest okay I am sorry I must do what I have to do I really don't know how you messed that up but I guess by and as for you you get a special type of Management goodbye to bedrock alright I made obsidian I made sponge I want them on obsidian go to Bobbie just cuz looks good now I want my question to be green equals true red equals false the creeper was made in error and was originally supposed to be a pig all right we'll replace it and we'll give them eight seven six five four three two one undo oh look what a surprise everyone got it right except for you you you didn't answer the question and I explained this at the start so goodbye that is a shame okay now it's getting harder in 1.8 a fully charged bow does more damage than a diamond sword alright we will give them 7 seconds to decide 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 oh look how split this one is we have a good amount on both the answer is true so many people are about to get out here no way let me demonstrate the answer let's get the Patrick alright let's tail my god your name ok let's take the Patrick right so if we take this guy and we give him a diamond sword and we say hit me boom that is for HP diamond sword ok everyone shoot me right now I was just shot I lost 6 HP from being shot at Britt slash hit me with a diamond sword 4hp meaning a fully-charged bow does more damage that is the end result this guy it was right here so let's put him right here look it up for yourself gamers the fully charged bow does more damage so all these people and red are now going to die this is sad and lava Boop goodbye everyone all these people made it through oh my gosh the number went down just like that there was so many people dude we're down to 21 from that one question what a this guy didn't ask the question and you're already gone get out of here okay we can undo that now get on Bobby Wow only 19 left Wow only 20 left so how did you guys know that let's turn off the chat and they've said I've tested it before we're pros at minecraft I've been playing since 2013 guests I know Bo spammers minecraft since 2010 and Bo spammers alright well congrats it paid off that got out like everyone including you I see you get out of here this one isn't a Minecraft related question this one is just a normal question I yes I can't think of anything series give me a true or false questions I can't think of anything they're waiting a group of dolphins is called a pod true or false we'll give them 5 4 3 2 1 0 undo okay so the answer was true it was true I didn't even know that so you're welcome if I just taught you that you sorry bye both of you - ah B minecraft was originally called cave game true or false 3 2 1 OOP okay no one even went to red go back these people are smart next question all right someone vanished alright so they can see me right now and I have a green name over my head for them at least and they can see that there are 17 players remaining in the event however this is gonna be a trick question there are currently 17 players remaining and playing this event boom five seconds so the answers actually false five four three two one zero freedo ooh okay most of them got it but these two didn't so it was a trick question because I'm not playing in the event and kill step II boom now there's 16 I'm sorry I'm sorry I had to trick you to get you out I had no other choice so now get out of here and you too and you as well now we only have 13 okay back to minecraft questions if water is placed directly above a source block of lava it will turn the lava into Kabul true or false okay okay okay five four three two one boom they seem to be answering in packs now you are all correct it would turn it into obsidian I go to ask you a question where they split up and they don't know and they split all right all right there's no way all of you will get this someone's gonna get out one block in the nether is equivalent to four blocks in the overworld all right we'll give them five four three two one zero redo boom yes I got someone let's go be like Douw let's send him back hey what you doing blogging out ha ha where did he go he's gone alright let's undo this go to bedrock you know what I'm getting bored I want to do an on question one everyone follow me we need to play around with the Google we haven't even had a chance to play around with Google everyone get on a letter of Google right now you have been warned alright three two one that lava boom boom boom oh this is cool oh no the Oh is like cutoff for that's okay that bedrock oh my god that's a long pathway everyone step on and OH get to the Oh dead to the Oh everyone get to capital G alright they're gonna do that I want to do a revival my number is gonna be 13 because the strong players remaining and it sounds like 14 minus one three two one mute the chat and I believe in quiz adore III seven I said 13 first so I will revive him put him right there there you go get to the capital G okay we're gonna undo that they're all on the G and let's make them parkour to the Oh parkour to the oh this one all the way around to get to the oh let's make it a little bit tougher for you huh huh shall we that's a little bit unfair think he'll be fine there yeah yeah let's make them part towards to the other oh debt to the yellow oh it's a little bit harder but I think we'll have someone hopefully mess up here oh yeah oh oh no oh my gosh no no no no no no no so many of them are just oh my gosh I didn't think is that hard ten seconds oh no they did so well answering the questions you did so Oh No clearly parkour is not their strong suit no I feel bad I wonder if they can do this jump now it's kind of hard actually can I put oh yeah it's possible get to the blue G get to the blue G are they gonna do that will they have to go like that and then do it again oh oh one person made it another another yes no oh okay that was really sad yeah there yeah there yup perfect whoo that is really sad we have two people remaining right now we have two contestants remaining so the whole videos about asking questions and answering them right so why don't we do just that we have our platform right here we're going to set this bit too bad Brock and then green and then red on bedrock if you step on the wrong block as in hesitate you will lose screen equals true red equals false you will have three seconds to answer is five plus five ten all right bedrock is 6 times 6 36 all right bedrock is 7 times 5 35 oh I thought we all saw it no poor guy heard Boop you win do you want to give f70 any money true or false Oh true all right well let's figure out how much get on gold for $10 all right get on gold for $30 yeah on gold for $50 oh we get on gold for $100 there we go f 70 Congrats you win 100 perd you win 900 and that is the event today dropping 100 kids on Google thank you for watching if you enjoyed subscribe right now please and yeah I'm gonna go send them their monies bye
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 5,518,408
Rating: 4.8910713 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, google, so i trapped, so i trapped 100 kids, 100 kids, 100 players
Id: 5edwRMuWoIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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