I Tested How Dumb YouTubers Are...

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all right hello are you ready uh i'm kind of nervous but i am ready on the first puzzle map everyone in the comments was like skippy you didn't do it yourself you're bad you would have failed you would have got the worst time so today i am here to prove i am going to do better than everyone else why am i in lava over their bed everyone what the heck that's predicting the future you died what fine okay so come up here read the signs hello welcome to puzzle map two if you haven't seen puzzle map one go click the link in the description right now go watch that then come back it'll make a lot more sense built by bad boy halo and friends your goal is to get through all the rooms as quickly as possible every room has an entrance and an exit you must escape each room read all signs you come across if you die you will respawn back at the beginning good luck and have fun all right are you ready i hope so okay on the tv i don't wanna embarrass myself okay let's do it nah i think you'll do fine we had testers do it i just hope you can do better than they did of course i can i'm ready to go i i am not not ready all right let's do this all right i have my timer open uh-huh the second this wall disappears you may go yup make sure to read all signs gotcha those are minor sure all right three uh-huh oh and by the way you can ask me any questions oh okay um let's begin three two one go all right let's do it use pressure place to teleport around the room you can jump in lava to get back to spawn if you get stuck okay okay okay pressure plates pressure plates i can jump in lava uh red and then i want to get to green so i'm gonna go green oh my god it didn't take me to green green green green wait am i going back and forth uh green green no green no wait green oh my god this is confusing green green oh no no no no no bad what is the formula to this tell me the formula i don't understand what i'm doing wrong actually i don't understand anything that i'm doing um i was so close okay let's try a new formula let's go right every single time right i did it i did it i went right every single time and it worked wendy's off okay use pressure plates to teleport around the room you can jump and lava to get back to spawn you should get stuck all right so let's see what approach all right i'm gonna try and check oh okay so technically i want i don't want to follow the diamond i want to get to blue oh i cannot alright he got it there's variable blocks yes oh yeah the pressure plate emerald oh bad he made it to the end yeah that was quick that was really bad it just went randomly interesting how does that work okay so i jump from a diamond to a diamond that's where i started okay now i'm on an emerald so i went from an emerald to an emerald there's diamonds in a diagonal pattern i need to get to the diamond let's go back one oh that's forward oops and then i move from an emerald to a diamond you can jump in lava to go back to start at any point okay so you can really only move between the thing you're on other than when you try and go in a direction where there's not a thing you're on right no that works and i want emerald but i wanna do i need to be on lapis i think i need to be on lapis i feel like i might have better luck just randomly stepping on things until eventually i get it that's the strategy no wait if you step on these pressure plates it sends you back to spawn that's funny i know how to do it i just gotta get back to where i was here there oh dream you were on there like a few minutes ago as well i was oh i didn't know that i didn't know that i don't know why this one's red is there any particular reason why i'm guessing let's just stop stop stop you need to get over here you're gonna take a wild guess and say the diamond teleports you to diamond oh it does interesting so i need to find a lapis block if i go that way will it yeah okay it always teleports me to diamond does it teleport me to a random one no that's it wait how do i oh okay i want to die oh interesting strategy yeah what can i not get across to any of the other ones i have to teleport yeah but it teleports you to a diamond block every time oh wait no i went to emerald that time what oh wow cool i'm straight i'm just guessing now what big brain big how did i get on the emerald oh i don't know i did this hold on oh here you go i'm trying to figure out how i did it i gotta remember what i'm doing and he's back back for more i'm just gonna keep going backwards okay that's a pretty good strategy i'm gonna bring it out i know skeppy i literally i wanna watch the sun okay what happened progress i'm oh well go back and step on wait can i what happens if i always bury your blocks you guys are so dirty right now i'm getting close i really hope he takes longer than i did no no no okay what about up no yes oh no dad this is so much more fun when you host it i know you're okay just how do i get to this okay i'm literally now in an uh i'm gonna wait wait wait wait no that's definitely not it chief okay that's it is there a message to the madness there is there's a method i can tell you it's not random i think i know what it is it's the diamond blocks coincide with the diamond blocks 100 so i don't i need to get wait how do you get to the wait can you go from a lapis to a lapis to a lapis okay so lapis can only teleport you to lapis i should have figured this out you might be turned around you need to get to the door with the air above it okay i've got idea yeah but the diamond [Laughter] i promise i'm smart don't worry i got stuck on this too how do i get to the diamond one come on okay what happens if i just okay that's it if i did it once again did he step on the these pressure yes you guys are monsters i don't even know oh come on dude come on okay i just have to go slow slow and steady wins the race boys listen i'm the only married participant i don't know what that means you guys just enjoy seeing the world burn huh yes you guys don't want to see me angry all right it's like seeing bad boy halo angry hey i'm going slow going slow i'm going through yes oh are we playing um uh i knew it find the button one wait did i not find as many as i can no you'll know when you find the right button what does that mean the right person for [Music] that i knew it i knew it you would put it in there first button found wait so what do i do now what the heck is this find the button again yeah like a specific one right read the chat it said first no i know i did i did but it's just i want to get the best time so i'm gonna do whatever it takes uh button button button button okay so it's gonna be one in a really not obvious place is what i'm thinking bad where'd you put this dumb button i don't know where is that probably on the top i mean you solved the first puzzle pretty quick so i just got lucky dude i don't know what i did i can't remember where the button is on this one you don't know i didn't place it what if it's not possible it's possible down here and i was right oh you bounced nice second button found wait okay i was not over here right i'm confusing myself now this is a different spot okay you probably put this one in the water it's not gonna be an obvious one come on come on how am i doing so far bad you're doing okay oh where is it what the heck oh wait yes third button found all right uh button button button look in places where i shouldn't expect a button to be probably under here is it actually not down here okay uh button right there you wouldn't make it that one would you clearly not callahan's beach hut oh i found it bad i found it what where no ignore those two oh it's not that oh wait two i don't know why those are there just keep going keep going okay okay okay i can't even click i'm getting rid of any button you can't actually push okay thank you ah it's on this map right yes but i clicked all the buttons baby no i i did because i couldn't oh wait no i didn't oh my god it's not that no where did you put it it's on it find it i'm looking i can't find it it's on this map oh my god i was doing so good i was doing so good i was doing so good no it's not yes you forgot to put it it's on here i looked everywhere i literally looked everywhere everywhere i did i looked you're literally pretty much everywhere it's glitching me it's good oh oh my goodness uh one more button for good luck all right let's go good luck when you get back there good luck figuring it yeah what do you use like what are you gonna say i was gonna say do you like find the button mm-hmm there's so many buttons there do i really have to find the one that spoons the thing there is a button that you just push it and you'll see what'll happen all right find it yes oh he got it nice okay so there's one there one there it's not the most obvious ones from what i see so i'm not gonna waste most of my time on those what if it is the super obvious one though push it please he got it he got it that was pretty quick yeah he's doing really good for his time overall so far okay one here where is the button i think it's below but yeah whatever i'm pretty sure it's not over there from what i see it's coming blocks so it's technically not at the top what what no it's though that i can tell you that you're thinking is wrong the command blocks are not located where the buttons are i know what you're thinking so don't think that the buttons are limited that doesn't mean it's not at the bottom okay oh it's bad why did you do that what finn spent two minutes on it it's just a time waster it's not i didn't design this part this is the other people they wanted oh nevermind oh he got it oh my gosh onwards you like find the button dreamer yay everyone said no specific button you have to find a button there's no tricks just find the bright button it's in this area it's in this area yeah but there's a ton of buttons is there anything special about this button that i will notice uh it's one of the buttons is this one no oh there you go what have you found on the first button apparently it's no different than the other ones well look over there oh okay there's another room it's parkour maybe ooh that would be cleverbed that would be oh i could have made that okay under here probably hmm hey he found it all right there we go i'm just gonna assume it's up that was quick that was quick he made it on the first try come on dream you can do it i'm just not going for the obvious buttons but i'll press them just in case it'd be smart if this last round it's just like the most obvious button right i just have a feeling underneath the boat would be all right good luck finn i'm gonna stand half of this just in case one of it disappears in fact let me stand on four of it okay interesting where's the exit you like find the button finn no i saw your video on when you did this i'm gonna kill you i love find the button go find a button find a button that's not the button i thought that'd be the one button oh that's hidden really oh no first button found oh it's in the face you probably want to go to the snowboard you like find the button why do you keep asking me though do you like the button i'm just seeing if you like it or not i don't especially not now i think he likes it okay you know i came into this way too confident i just want to remind you that last time three times faster and now no last time is the past come on you're doing this do better finn oh my god you do better thank you for the tip skippy welcome there he goes yay this one feels like it's gonna be in the water somewhere everyone thinks that everybody says that hmm oh wait this seems obvious i don't know how everyone misses that at first yeah no dude why is it gonna be skill based you know i don't like these this is i'm really trying i promise i'm actually really oh my gosh oh my god [Laughter] that's the only way out oh my god there's no way this is that hard oh okay come on i gotta try this oh that is a little hard no it's not i didn't first try it again so okay watch don't go don't go don't go ready ready ready wait that doesn't count no no no no no why can't i not do it now there oh i did it i just watched how you did it you did it you did it good job well oh that wasn't it oh god there's more of it what if it wasn't even up here i was gonna say i would be so mad oh i don't like how quiet you just got please no oh i'd be so upset oh it was more obvious that one was obvious than that one okay i just want to say you spent like two minutes trying to get up yeah thanks man thanks that's what one of these buttons are going to kill me and it's serious there's no tricks well there's no tricks no tricks no of course not very little probably one of the most honest puzzles i've ever made interesting this has got to be a water one there's no way you have everything's water and then none of them is um [Music] maybe it isn't thank you you're really helpful maybe it is so helpful man i'm amazed at how bad people do on find the button it's not that hard this is so upsetting i feel like the other ones were so not obvious but like you could kind of tell where to go i'd have thought it'd be in here right but it's newt unless it's it's newt it's newt it's not on the pumpkin everywhere everywhere um he's missing a spot huh he's missing a spot finn i think the button is in a block in a block that hates me right now the button is in a tricky location this has got to be something yep there you go i knew that was going to be i'm so glad he got it oh i see a button it can't be a good sign right button no you like find the button i love find the button to be honest although sometimes it can make me really really angry this has got to be it was fast that was really fast listen my uh iq of 75 or whatever it is clearly is so intelligent i feel like it's going to be on one of these trees oh is it no it can't that's too easy in the water maybe no no no no no no it's got to be like in like a half slab somewhere oh like what about oh my goodness he's so quick he's smart no it can't be in there see if i were you guys i feel like you would have put it in the water somewhere else that's what i said is this a hint is this a handsome i don't know is it it could be one of the obvious ones as well oh whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on slab with water coming off of it hey get out of here i'm just spectating wait a second no way there's no way it's parkour oh wait maybe it is up here it is he went where's the sneakiest place they would be well literally oh my god he's gonna crush everyone at this race yeah i'm gonna die or not i'm gonna have to do it all again should i actually press it i don't know should you if you find a button push it to come back to the beginning oh my god i'm not going in because i know i missed something there's a red block here if you find a button push it to come back to the beginning got it if i find i know there's some stupid pattern going on and i can't figure out what it is got the button okay i pushed it and it sent me to the beginning so yeah that's what the sign said so what's my goal here like i just put buttons in the maze if you push them they send you back so just keep that in mind okay like you don't have to push the buttons okay it's a maze is there like a puzzle or a riddle or there might be oh i missed it oh wait uh i can tell you you didn't miss any signs oh no there's no signs all right um this way i haven't gone this way have we gone this way did i just go in a circle i don't know maybe i think i'm going in circles it's stressing me out i'm stressed out oh my god if you get lost yeah remember you can always just push a button what's the strategy everyone says hug the left all right let me hug the left tug the left tug to the left the left yes am i am i doing okay man am i doing okay i don't know are you i don't think so maybe i was too confident oh my goodness i can't give you any hints i know i know i know i know i know i want to oh i don't really but i can't give you any hints i know i am confusion if it's just a normal maze then where would the exit be maybe i'm just wasting my time maybe i'm not even supposed to do this at all i'm just going to push the button go back to the i think you're back in the beginning bet you i wasn't even oh wait no i was supposed to do that so i am on the right track yeah you're on the right track okay these puzzles are a lot harder than the last ones by the way yeah i figured so am i supposed to be finding an exit to this maze yeah right there's no hint in the sign signs just an instruction oh my god i'm really going to waste my time on this maze aren't i you are i am you're going to be stuck in here forever don't say that you know what's so funny was the one that one of the testers solved it like that how is there no secret strategy there is a secret strategy okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay did he get lucky or did he know what he was doing he figured it out but even though he solved it really quick it still took him 43 minutes 43 minutes how's this time i feel helpless where are you going i don't know i'm going that way i don't know okay come on you can do it i believe in you you can do it you can do it you can do it go ahead talk out loud talk out loud maybe that'll help all right i'm confused and i don't know what direction i'm supposed to be going in and i'm sad because i'm wasting my time on this and i just feel helpless like a stray dog that doesn't have a home and no family and just has nowhere to go and isn't wanted by anyone oh come on anything depression now i know how techno blade felt i feel like you missed something at the beginning yeah i'd go back you you did this little write-down thing but you missed something obvious see okay here's where my head's at right i'm looking at the quartz and the cold and i'm thinking which exit has like not coal but they all have coal has nothing to do with the floor all right floors just depending okay um red orange yellow yellow green blue blue purple oh i don't even know where i'm going red yep green green god dude i don't even know how i did it i don't know how i did it i'm gonna remember wait hold on in case i die no i don't know what i did but i think i had a strategy where it was like the colors were like so purple straight like oh my gosh pink okay i'm just gonna keep that down just in case i need it i literally no idea about it press the button are you gonna press it oh there you go all right it's maze time send you back here all right so i do not push buttons is there anything pushing buttons no hints on the remember you can always go back to the beginning what are you trying to say about it i'm just saying you can always go back to the beginning just with one little boop a60 click the button oh he's not gonna click it no he's not oh my goodness you know what would have been so funny if the button had been a troll the whole time and like you click it and it sends it to the end that would have been funny like the button like the button click the button what if it doesn't send you to the beginning you haven't even clicked the button one time don't you have your curiosity spiking right now yeah push the button push the button no i think i made this too hard no well yeah you did the solution right i'm not even trying to think the solution to this is very very hard as well the solution is easy no it's not it is yeah your time is really good keep going you're doing good it's gonna be when you get back in here the second and third time yeah or you're healing hasn't clicked a button yet what if it just does something else as long as he can figure out like how he got through and like figure it out again like i'm trying to remember but since i'm going right and right and right and right i'm kind of more and more confused i'm trying to remember with the colors but i don't think it actually helps me a lot no you've almost gone through the entire maze i know almost like but this might ironically be a strategy that works at least with this it works you don't get lost yeah that's true to be fair like he's seen every color in the book yeah he's going everywhere literally literally everywhere ulf explored almost the entire maze nearly not all of it though otherwise he would have seen the exit where is he going oh my god i don't know i'm gonna end up seeing the entrance again and i'm gonna be like he hasn't clicked a button yet i know dude he's the fastest person out of all of them to complete it yes and he did it just by following the right turn strategy what press the button hmm i wonder if you should press it maze pushing buttons in the maze will send you back here there are no hints on the signs okay so we have a couple colors green doesn't seem to do anything oh i have an idea let's see if if you're a genius mr halo if i'm a cheese red orange yellow green where's green green okay blue i want to know what he's doing it's an interesting strategy what is he doing indigo okay i don't see indigo this is i know that's not indigo all right it doesn't seem like that's what it is but that would have been pretty clever that would have pretty clever okay oh my gosh oh my goodness i know what he was doing i was i was following the colors of the rainbow in order and i thought maybe that would do something but i didn't do anything i'll be honest i have no idea what i'm doing right now well sometimes people have the right idea but the wrong execution no is it really it could be it still could be the rainbow thing and i'm just being an idiot but the way scappy reacted maybe i think it probably isn't maybe it is this is worse than the last maze what this one was i i thought the solution was so easy all right it's simple you said you expected it to be simple then i think i would avoid retracing stuff you've already done i feel like i've been here but i think i made a wrong turn last time maybe brain interesting strategy cream does like green he does doesn't he you made it through press the button oh is he gonna press it hey nice yeah you pass that one continue keep going okay fine you're wasting time pushing buttons in the mice will send you back here okay so this is a maze yeah it is also amazing so green's a bad path got it i refuse to be one of the people that were not getting the idea here there's got to be there's no hints on the sign is it really just a figure it out thing yeah oh i hate this figure it out thing riddle me this is there any use for the colors is there any meaning behind any of it uh i'll just say the colors are not just for decoration oh dude i'm so frustrated with myself don't worry don't worry you're still on a good time but i will say i expected better from you it's got to be like a sequence thing right but i can't figure out the sequence that you need to go in i can well it's okay skeppy couldn't figure it out either don't tell him that but i will tell you he doesn't need to know if you think you're frustrated now wait till you come through this again oh my god i can't wait wait did the maps change no i'm assuming you're gonna die at some point yeah um okay thanks thanks for the confidence by the time you come through here the fourth time you're gonna be really proud dude think out loud think out loud as you go through it that'll help yeah sound like a dumb thumbnail just feel away no one's judging you except for everyone here's what i think the first colors you see red green okay i'll follow red green oh my god there is no more red green i will tell you this out of all the people who have gone through it there's probably like seven people only one person noticed noticed yeah one person it was figured it out i didn't think it was that hard it was maybe one but i don't think it is i do i honestly thought it was too easy what then only one person figured it out come on well that's why maybe i don't know you know what the ironic part is on the last one you were like the first person to finish the maze there's no hints though on this channel let me just say it's not easy it is if it's something i swear if it's some bs like just go forward as much as oh yeah but that's the point is that if you are paying attention it's pretty easy to figure out okay if my theory's right my theory just crumbled hey what's your theory i want to know what you think what's your theory i want to know what your theory is what is your theory i swear i don't even know if you intended i'm going to show you because i genuinely don't even think you intended he didn't get it he didn't get it he got it the same way i got it yeah keep going no this is literally my achilles heel pushing buttons in the maze will send you back here wait so i don't want to push buttons uh is this is this a trick okay it's not a trick they will definitely send you back i'll vanish to get out of your hair let's see this maze is insane okay can you at least tell me it was is there a good color or is there a bad guy i hope you guys stuck on this i can tell you there is a way to solve it if you're thinking right if you're thinking right there's a way to solve it okay well my brain big small i have a tiny brain yo i literally have the brain of a dead goldfish half the time and so it's not a good thing so far at your current pace you're doing really good so there's some motivation oh thank you skepty you know i can always rely on you to never come to the office but still motivate me maybe it's this one maybe i'm walking past it is it like occam's razor the most obvious answer is the answer well i'll just tell you that the maze took me literally forever so i thought you're gonna see the maze took me one minute i wish dude i feel really good about myself right now in my intelligence i'm literally hitting dead in after dead in that dead end right now you're doing pretty good yeah to be honest yeah there's something more no have i been down this corridor no i haven't been oh no wait is that oh bad you made this so awful i just can't wait to see him go through it again i know this entire thing uh yeah i can't believe you hand me this what good luck oh my god it's one of these it's a puzzle skippy we basically took all the directions and we threw them in the trash okay skinny if you get confused ask a question heart attack heart attack dude literal heart attack oh my gosh at least i was right about that okay got it um oh this one's a bit more confusing diamonds hole if you die you go all the way back to the beginning don't trust me out here i don't need this um maybe i just go down here or no no okay okay gold emeralds lapis diamonds don't know okay okay gold emeralds lapis diamonds oh i don't want to go back to the beginning gold emerald what do you think you had to do on the first one well i won't tell which one doesn't burn okay but so why'd you pick cobblestone because it doesn't burn okay i'll tell you you're supposed to pick the different thing got it got it got it got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it oh oh why'd you pick gold because that's the only one when you mine it it's like a you know what i mean yeah nice now figure this one out oh poop is this snow is it snow yeah that's snow okay snow iron wood okay when you mine this you get planks when you mine this you get the block you don't get the block you do get the block you don't get the block i don't know what happens when you mine this can you tell me i literally don't know what happens when you mine this um i mean you get the block but you get the same block back yeah but i mean um wait a minute white brown white brown yikes what is unique are there two entrances nope just one okay oh my god question question good would you mind this with like what's the block you're supposed to mine this one oh you might whatever shovel would work okay so that's not it um i feel like it has to be snow but i don't want to die at the same time uh i would just be careful about applying the previous rounds logic to this round i think that's what you're doing you're thinking about what happens when you mine it and you're doing the same thing here so just keep that in mind oh i got it why did you pick that one nice what nice what nice why'd you pick it i'm not gonna tell you my reasoning no one should ever know my reasoning split the difference so there's wood and this is not food okay oh wow wow this is really impressive okay so the difference again lapis emerald gold so which one does not give the thing gold wow wow oh my gosh oh my god you're gonna get this one too what the heck that did you tell them all i didn't i literally didn't know sulsan iron block uh snow wait snow is four snow is four i think a snow block is for snow balls and cells wait would four planks iron nine and solsten i don't know what it would be but technically would be iron okay whatever oopsie i was like doing so good he is still doing so good oh no don't let this ruin your momentum what's he doing he's going on the same one i think yeah oh what a good strategy it worked about the difference good luck dream so for this one you're supposed to pick the door that is different from the other three theirs are orientated all the same way there's the same amount of materials on each wood in the middle all the same like is it would the difference be like down in the hole or one of them if you jump in you'll survive but do you see the different blocks that outline the doors and it's wood yay now it gets harder gold yay what made you pick that one drops orcs guys snow soul sand iron log interesting gotta be soul sand it's gotta be soul sand it's gotta be so sad i'm i'm trusting no oh i really hope you remember the maze dude he'll figure it out good news is you don't have to find all the buttons again i vaguely remember what i'm supposed to do here okay there you go there we go spot the difference my mind's fried now that's not the same block wait is that the same block yeah it's a different block oh what the heck did you mean to go in yeah you mentioned i said no you should have just said now it's the only one that's like a different block to the other ones it's not though it is a different block how do people not see this that how where is he saying it's a different block i don't know it's a different you've used like dark wood and the bottom on spruce no they're all the same they're all spruce yeah i'm so confused i thought this was so easy it was bad i might need to make it more easier finn fan fan stand here and look for five seconds and then you'll have the answer ah are you serious keep looking it's like one of those things where once you see it you can't oh my god i'm so scared of getting the wrong answer now yeah no more freebies screw it i'm just gonna laughs [Music] wow i hate you you better get it right now you better get it right i'm muting my mic i'm not saying anything i'm pretty sure scabby got this one first i did they're all the same blocks on the floor i don't know oh wait oh wait unless it's goodbye oh i'm so smart hey what do you think that one drops as a block that was it nice i thought this one was really obvious as well but i'm not it's not all blocks found in nature besides iron maybe i don't know maybe i'm gonna thunk about a bit more yeah i'm not saying anything oh wait wait wait wait it's definitely this please no i thought that too it was the only nether block though well enjoy trying to get back spot the difference oh i'm usually good at these it's gotta be with is it the stairs so one of these kills me right remember if you die three of them will kill you one of them you can get through okay um it's gotta be you're supposed to go through the one that is different from the others okay the one that's different from the others is there's some don't be shy starting yeah i feel like it's right in front of my face but at the same time i don't want to make a big oopsies okay the blocks that outline the doors are what's important the blocks are you're just giving them the answers aren't you well no i'm saying that's that's how you solve it let's see so we've got wait no that's not it i thought i was like i got this i don't got this people okay no that was the wrong one i didn't actually want him to die would you not get a tp no you gotta start at the beginning okay i believe in you skippy come on use that big brain okay you did it do i have to do this part again no good okay so it's not so bad then oh my god no bad i cleared my chat please tell me what i wrote down nope bad nope i'm going to stop my recording go look at it okay uh you said just write down exactly what i wrote to make it the most fair thank you all right i know what i'm doing i think pink purple left pink okay got it pink purple oh dang it okay this is the exit yay okay excuse me thank you thank you all right back to where i was stone let me through all right this one was the gold yeah it was the gold all right here's my thinking now that i'm back here and i'm angry that i died it's not snow it's not this so um it's one of these two still have no clue i'm just gonna say wood total yes thank christ you would wait what yup what was your reasoning no i'm not telling you it's stupid oh my god okay uh tnt redstone jukebox whatever that is oh right and dispenser do these two link with each other like in minecraft like these two link with each other tnt romero there's a commonality about three of them and you need to find the one that doesn't share that what why'd you jump in nope because how does a noteblock have a commonality oh my god i'm sorry i shouldn't be laughing i want to swear and say naughty words you made it no say very bad words right now no sorry did you figure it out no oh well good luck wow hey you don't have to find the buttons again i mean you can if you want the problem yeah oh yeah do you remember where you went or no not really but technically since i spent a lot of time on right what if i go left oh my goodness he's going to do that i'm laughing pretty sure there's only one way out but yeah but like technically it could be faster if i go to the left hmm i feel like there's something with the colors that i'm not getting but i don't really know i mean you can ask us any question you want we'll answer them is there anything with the colors that could help me to solve the maze the colors are not just for decoration so that kind of answers my question but the problem is how exactly you're gonna feel like a silly little muffin head when you know the solution come on 86 maybe he's like me maybe he's just you know what i'm saying bad maybe did you give up on your left turn strat you're just wandering now yeah this is what everyone else did do you like dead ends a16 [Music] you just need to look a little bit closer oh oh oh walk us through your thought process there is no thought process because he did it alright so this is where spot the difference you go to cobblestone you jump there we go [Music] i think i just got the the next one like this olson actually gives me doesn't give me anything like that would make more sense i wish you whatever that's right i was wrong what do the other three have in common you can't just think what is the different thing you gotta think about with the other three iron block gives you nine ironing guards no i think it gives you like snow block gives you force nobles if i'm right and look log gives you four planks okay but couldn't we almost use like an infinite number of blocks for that like will we really pick these blocks like that's you gotta be thinking use your big brain i mean if i try all of them at some point i will do it did you forget something a6 whatever oh yeah oh all right so we know it's not soul stance it's interesting what does soul say having come with the others i was just what i went with was that soul sands less so blocked than the others i went with the biome like i went into soul sand too and i was like what well soul sand is less of a block than the others so i guess it's snow again it's i guess it could be the dropping snow drops multiple and all the rest drop one i feel like snow is probably the outlier out of the other ones but last time my logic was wrong so soul thing and now i know soul sand has to have something in common with the other two so instead of thinking about what's different i can think about what's 33 chance oh that's a smart way of thinking i want to give him a hint so bad no it's getting no hints okay oh we got it what no i didn't oh wait no we didn't i thought he went in i missed it she did not get it oh there you go you found out a trick now that you've figured that out i can tell you the trick to that what if you literally just well this is one of the ways you can do it if you just pick a direction and only go in that direction you'll make it so dream what was your initial method to the maze um i was trying to figure out i was trying to go bit with the rainbow it does not work i don't know kind of one that doesn't know what indigo is it's indigo it goes pink pink i'm surprised anyone got that no one got that okay well so my method was right you got it no you ended up figuring out you got hung up at the beginning by yay got it what so what is different about that well you figured it out do you want me to tell you the answer i'd like to know yes okay so all three of those things can be used to craft mobs except for the logs no that makes no golems there's so many other differences okay exactly would have been the right option because there's so many things different about it has big brains okay now we're thinking about crafting recipes you need redstone you don't need some for tnt need sand all right well not that um it's gonna be something so stupid it has to be that they can all be activated other than the redstone block itself right that that has to be the answer i mean what you just said was true that's a factual thing it's the factual thing that all three can be activated except for the redstone blocks all right if you're confident then jump in i'm gonna die but okay oh yay thank god that is the last one of those i hate that now let me just say let me just say for this one you really have to overthink about it so snow blocks are craftable iron blocks are craftable neither of the other two are so both of those could be in the same category all of them are found in nature besides the iron one so that's the only difference there it's not because of the nether uh biomes wouldn't matter with these because you know we already established that that's not you know accurate yeah biomes are not important it doesn't seem to be a color thing because you know they're too brown too why you wouldn't do something color related anyway the only other one i think is just the founding nature thing like you cannot find this but i'm gonna do it can scare me hug me goodbye i'm not saying anything just just hug me goodbye it's fine all right i'll see you back at the beginning so it's a thing right can you tell me what this is now that i've actually figured out a method to doing this that's not the way it's a rainbow you i don't know the colors neither do you hi thank you thank you i don't know the colors to the rainbow either i'm the only one who's ever been to kindy garden apparently it's kindergarten yeah that's you kimi garden red orange yellow green blue purple pink how do you guys not know i know red orange i didn't even know that you know for a fact that it's not two of them right unless it is oh do you want to go in there oh don't go don't go you know for a fact it's not two of them okay yeah i know think about the difference though there's like the other two ones meltable if it's snow i'm gonna be mad at you but if the reason is not because it's not like it's not meltable there we go you know when you like take a test and you like keep asking the teacher you're like you keep getting things out it's like a multiple choice this is ridiculous all i'm saying is it's not because you have 10 seconds go you can't just do that you kind of sign random things look finn just pick i remember you've somehow managed to make all three of them it's so good i'm loving this hey at least you figured out how to do this one come on finn what's the color of the rainbow a red and orange and yellow and green is that it yeah greens this doesn't actually feel like the the real colors of the rainbow it is red yellow green blue purple pink what if you're wrong i'm not hey siri what are the colors of the rainbow i found blue red indigo green and orange okay siri's not putting them in order okay there's two ways to solve they're all redstone related things they're all in the tab of oh wait dude it's genuinely this is just guessing now because there's like okay they're all redstone blocks can we agree on that they're all right they genuinely are are they all of them can be activated by redstone can they yes they can are you sure about that yeah prove it put a redstone block next to all of these they'll all activate besides the actual redstone block oh really then you're wasting time just pick one and jump in you might have had there's no i just like dnt i'm gonna die it's gotta be no blog then there's no way what is your reasoning for picking tnt because you made this a bit hard i did not make it hard well then it'll be hard for everybody so i wasn't looking close enough that was the detail you guys gave me spot the use your big brain something that outlines the door oh you're on a default texture pack right yeah okay cool don't necessarily overthink this one yeah don't overthink this one it's really not complicated yeah preston come here just stand here and just five seconds just pay attention and then make your choice i almost just want to tell him bad no don't tell me don't tell me it's gonna make it worse we can't anyway okay i see wood wood wood oh there he goes i hate my life i was thinking way too much about the detail dude oh sugar this is one you can overthink yeah i don't know though all right like this one has got to be i'm going with my gut boys what was your thought process what's wrong what what tell us what you were thinking at least i don't know i thought like one of them can like all three of those well i guess i can't really smelt i i don't know boys i guess one of them you were on the right path yeah thanks man [Laughter] it's down it's down back to the cobblestone back to the cobblestone remember you don't want to start all over again so really think about it take your time okay well i mean the thing is one of these can be smelted so i feel like that's the only logical thing because none of these other ones can be smelted yeah yeah i'm using my noggin boys oh no no no okay um badge still hasn't explained this one to me so i don't know i can't help you this one's we got soul sand snow it can't be biome related because that wouldn't make any sense see bad that's what i thought yeah i mean biome related would make sense but you can break down all of these can be crafted except for one you can technically craft iron blocks down iron ingots wood into a many different things i think snow you can make snowballs with but soul sand i'm googling this and you craft with a soul sand you cannot craft a soul sandwich that's an interesting line of reasoning well like what else would it be i mean one and then also everything is found in the overworld except for the soul sand three of these things have something in common and just because this may throw someone else off i'll say it is not what biomes they're founded huh would have been nice to know oh okay i mean three of these can be found in the overworld one of these can't be found in the overworld but one of these also at the same time is compact and the other one's not so good no ah great i've seen this before i gotta be a professional maze runner by the end of this oh he's b we did i stepped on my pressure no i did it dude that was you dude sand stormed me i am so sorry it's okay dude we'll just get out of your office paycheck you can crash something livable oh no oh my god i hate life oh all right replace what i said in the chat seriously boop good luck have you figured out the main secret yet nope you haven't nope well you seem to know the path even though you haven't figured it out there you go yay you have no clue how the maze is done no clue i i have my own understanding i have my own understanding but i don't think that's um the method you guys have now just imagine if you died again please don't say that just imagine okay how awful please don't say that oh my goodness did i go into wood i don't know did you hope so recording hey get out get out buddy left your channel okay i jumped in there which one you jump in the noteblock yeah so it has to be this one is that nope [Laughter] what is it what's your thinking come on this one is the hardest one so oh i don't know dude i don't know i don't know man i went in there because i thought it would make the most sense because these are all like projectiles and this is like a nice fun one wait what do you mean they're all projectiles like these can shoot bows these light up the tnt okay you're why are you matching them together like you're like these light up tnt and like these shoot bows like treat each of them as individuals if i'm wrong i'm leaving oh i don't know come on you can do it this literally there's only two after this and one of them is really quick spencer jukebox tnt redstone you light this up it blows up redstone oh redstone is linked to the everything except the jukebox why is it not the jukebox oh my god i don't know i don't even know what it is redstone will activate all these do i get a hint no ah okay i just don't want to use your big brain i know you're nervous i am nervous but you're wasting time by not just picking one and jumping in right oh my god nothing nothing absolutely nothing i just you were right about me wasting time oh my god that was so okay hey there he goes there he goes there you go did you figure it out yet no oh you just memorized the pattern like me and everyone else okay look it's obvious i don't even care what you say all right so here i don't really get the difference but i guess it's okay it's just not oak trick question they all kill you he's got it hey all right okay now what it is please all right so this is the last one this is the last one redstone is it not blocks yeah not blocked so they all activate with redstone i mean this one does not activate actually it's what triggers so this is the trigger and the trigger so technically what a genius nice that was that it though that's one of it that one has two solutions okay so they're all in the redstone category of being activated by redstone so then wouldn't it just be red are they are they all activated by redstone besides a redstone block but then again you can it's it's all of oh my god i figured it out did he figure it out were you trying to tempt me did you figure out the one you're just on so would you what was the answer for this one their states can all be changed by redstone yes that is one of the answers no it wasn't bad you just said that no that is technically one of the answers okay remember you want to jump in the door that does not share the characteristic that the other three share wood finally boys this is the last one oh dear lord okay one of these i think all of these can technically be hooked up with redstone dispensers can shoot stuff i mean this one oh dude i don't know what the big thing is here homie mmm all right we're gonna yolo it boys well how did you know how did you know got it [Music] what does it do it says do not press what does it do is it like a command block there it says do not press the button okay i'm too scared to press it so i'm not going to what if it just like took me to the end okay oh no i'm gonna go no no no no no um press the button to start and reset if you get stuck no building on red walls you cannot pick up water what water um good luck oh for this one you're not allowed to pick up any blocks from the grass or lower okay huh farm and uh any blocks you place over the ravine you're not allowed to pick up so all i have to do is get to over there that's it just build a cross that's all i have to do with what uh figure it out okay good luck so i need enough blocks from where i am to get to there yes it is doable there's three solutions i think it only gave me one stick okay uh oh push this button if you need to reset wait do i need to reset i don't know if you ever need to just push the button dude i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew i knew it because i got four sticks instead of two last time so resetting was actually good i don't know wait bad what what if i just throw all my items down and reset it you can't do that why not remove them no no okay okay no no no no no no no no no no no i'm just saying i outsmarted it i'm just saying yes i did no two years debbie push the button again no i don't want to you have to bad i didn't reset anything why did you do that you wasted my time i cleared one of your items so get get going oh my god you just wasted my time no you don't need to push it oh my goodness you wasted my time you wasted your time go there was no reason for you to do that oh my goodness you're so close guppy okay i don't even understand how to do this oh you can't grow anything so don't worry about it oh fun okay i know there was yeah okay um i guess i'll take that i think everything i can get am i on the right track here bad i just broke a leaf i don't think i was supposed to do that wait what if i was i was supposed to get saplings and grow it am i supposed to do that gross stuff no okay i mean uh no you can't get anything below that level okay you are not a good listener mine this isn't a very good mine this is a mine you should probably turn that into that that would make sense okay bad am i supposed to like get the items from the mine because even then i wouldn't have enough blocks to get to the other side because that's like at least one two three four five 10 15 23 blocks is my guess and i have oh i know i know i'll turn my wii into okay big brain big brain that's two more brain michaels more likes five seven eleven twelve sixteen um okay you know what i'll give up this to make that oh i just gave up five blocks i better get more than five one two three four five six okay good that was a good trade-off then day two 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 31 35 36 37 there's no way i won't make it maybe there's no way i won't make it let's go sign but i had another sign from last time maybe i smelted with it no i didn't i used coal i remember maybe if that's what gets me i'm gonna be mad oh come on you can do it one big brain two three four so i can't remind this hurry skeptic i can't remind it you cannot break those blocks once you put them down over here okay trap door oh my goodness oh my goodness scary come on i'm going i'm going i'm going as fast as i can trap door truck door if i don't make it i'm literally gonna cry oh my god i'm so close wait i'm gonna make it no bad no no no no no that doesn't count that doesn't count it glitches that's your own fault i did it i took so long okay okay okay i know everyone's gonna do better than me good job skeppy how do you feel i'm not going to tell you are you sure you don't want to are you sure sure sure is going to start and reset if you get stuck no building on red rules you cannot pick up water if you die here you will not be sent back to spawn okay so mine okay and there's a chest with some stuff in it so diamond x okay so i'm gonna go there farm why would i farm i don't know i'm just gonna break stuff because seeds and saplings won't grow by the way so if you die you actually spawn back here so this is the last level all right all you have to do is build and stay across there's no barrier blocks or anything like that technically i have six cobblestone plus i could get the trapdoors plus the fans and technically i should be able to cross six no never mind i don't have enough but i can get the chest as well why farm why do you tell me to farm there's lava there i cannot break the cobblestone either yep there are no secret paths you literally have to just build to the exit across oh he made a stone pick oh yeah i'm not sure it's really useful i wouldn't break to see if there was some stuff below it but apparently not what could be something like i just have to build through it maybe you should try maybe if you try to go across that could be an idea well remember if you die you respond if you need to reset just push the button oh so it resets my stuff as well like it'll reset everything you can't drop the items and reset it oh i tried that too i am dumb why didn't i just make slabs interesting he's thinking very big brains six slabs oh yeah but if i make six slabs okay you know what you have to do oh this is gonna be close this is gonna be so close this is gonna be really close oh my goodness okay this is it moment of truth yeah and move my cat is leeching on my keyboard oh my goodness oh my god oh my god a6 i guess we'll find out oh that doesn't [Music] i don't understand why you were switching between the fences why didn't you just put them all at the same time you would have beaten the record yeah you're like a major offense then i'm gonna do this thing than fence than this thing that was close well looks like it might be second place for good only 16. 860 you can still get second okay move yen okay there we go what he was on on the escape button oh you can use ian to help you get across cass can jump really far i'm not sure it's going to help me to go up through there i hate this oh oh my goodness you could still get second place you still get a second place go please place go go go go go oh my goodness okay he's gonna make it right he might make it he should really he might i think he can yes oh um does he have anything more i don't know that mike doesn't have to make it oh my goodness is that a wait don't go one two i think yeah it's four go okay he just falls no go make it again make it again go go go go go and why did you go it was only oh my gosh oh my goodness i'm switching versions no no no no no what are you i'm done i'm done no no no he's gonna get like the second or third place if you just okay okay go go go it's just a four block just run run run run [Music] 46 he could have 11. like 30 something minutes i know he was so he's so close do not press the button do not press the button okay you sure you don't want to go back and press it no it tells me nonsense press no building on red walls you cannot pick up water if you die here you will not be sent back to spawn what yeah like so once you're in response or what no building on red blocks or just the right red walls push the button to start and if you get stuck you can push it again all right let's see what he does uh you can't break the grass or anything below it by the way okay basically anything you can break you're allowed to oh and uh saplings and plants won't grow okay am i supposed to get across yes you have to get to the other side and once you start stacking you can't break those blocks okay interesting oh my goodness will it reset the land i might yeah i'm just gonna get i'm just pushing the button will reset everything okay well oh i respond yeah you respawn here you don't have to do the whole thing again you know the torture okay yeah no i'm not sure if i'll have enough but i might you can probably make that jump what i don't know if he's that good at parkour come on dream you got this okay well i'm out of blocks um i recommend resetting yeah me too okay yeah i'm gonna reset good plan i know something i missed so all right i can get sticks i didn't think about that i can get this i did not misplace any blocks either because then i will waste them waste them yes ooh he made slabs oh very very big big brain watch this this is this is the big brain the big brain moment here [Music] no way dude if he gets this he might he actually might if he does i'm gonna be inside i don't know this one's gonna be close yeah i have tons of blocks left you do i have a lot left no way no no oh my you left some stuff i love some water oh that is that is true yeah what what i want to know what he's thinking why why did he make that noise because you know what i realized did you realize you realized something you might have realized two things actually i realized multiple things come on dream you can do this here's for leave oh interesting i think you're gonna have the best time on this part of the course for sure oh definitely dude yeah definitely you've probably been here for like 10 minutes makes most people 20 minutes oh yeah i have plenty of blocks left okay well yay firework thank you yay congrats thank you actually did really good i think he did the best he did not necessarily do the best uh come back here here's the times oh never mind you did way better than finn though so far dream you are i don't know if you're looking for the rainbow thing then if i went because i thought about that really quickly and then i was in the maze for like another 20 minutes yeah i'm sorry did you think of the rainbow thing i think preston mentioned it yeah he mentioned it but he didn't go through with it so all you have to do is build to the other side if you mess up just push the button again to reset also saplings don't grow yeah you can't grow saplings or crops okay i'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you just need to be really selective on what you pick and you can craft all of them into some form of blocks you could technically get everything here if you wanted to right bad yeah you can break any blocks that's cool once you place a block over the ravine though you cannot pick it back up oh my god this is actually really smart you know what i i didn't give you enough credit this is actually kind of smart okay well done i figured it out hold on i'm just gonna i'm just gonna give you guys a hint to my plan i'm just gonna take a bath for a minute just over here i just feel like wetting my body a little bit i don't know sign said you can't pick up the water what no yeah get that vlog off again are you rage quitting twice push the button fan reset you're gonna have to reset finally the only thing i can otherwise thunk is that there's enough material here to build across exactly but it looks too far for that you know what scavi we should have just made this the puzzle just this just this section this was the hardest one i guess there doesn't seem to be any barrier blocks although i am checking for it you can't build on the on the wall correct so if i play something it just won't okay you can't parkour right i'm gonna take a guess i'm gonna say that i only have to build across part of the way and there's gonna be barrier blocks to take me the rest of the barrier blocks nope really yep you have everything you need to get over to the other side be careful here make sure you're not missing anything i love how he leaves the furnace and crafting table there every single time it's because i don't need i don't know if i need it yet i think this is good you need everything that you can get yeah i know but i don't know if i need that yet all right all right honestly i'm really wondering if he'll be able to make this there's no way he might be able to i'm not oh there's got to be something else that i'm missing here oh every time i figure something else out but i'm like oh god okay what did you figure out what did you think oh okay so three or three cobblestone they make it they make a heck in there oh well three covers three that's what i was going to do with the wood yeah interesting okay fine time to do this whole thing memorizing my like all right i've got to get who are these three of these extras great thank you honestly i think i made this way too hard this feels like a hypixel mini game now yay it is fine i'm amazing oh bad you are i wouldn't go that far i worked hard on this one okay dude did the diamonds be used for anything some things are decoys well there's literally only the dead bush in the diamonds that you can't pick up in the carrots i guess wait what happens when you mind the dead bush they just break like um they do they just break like oh they go into sticks oh wait yeah no yeah no it's good that he did he mined it with shears and i was like no way no but he didn't have to restart yeah well no one's gonna make it for sure now okay okay okay okay oh my god i didn't even know i could do that right now if you if you update that will the sign fall i really have not i wonder oh it doesn't doesn't that interesting very interesting all right he's gonna make it right he's gonna make it um there's a good chance he will yeah i don't think he's missing anything come on thing you got this whoa oh my goodness he's gonna die oh there's always a weird glitch with fences sometimes where you can phase through them which would have sucked oh wait i actually i didn't make hay bales good thing i brought the crafting table and then the leaves okay this has got to be [Music] all right and congrats 57 minutes on the dot man okay you did good you did really good i did i did final thoughts i'm glad that i finished it this time you know do you not press the button okay dude wait are you guys laughing am i not is the last one yep you're at the last part to start and reset if you get stuck no building on red walls you can't pick up water if you die here you will not be sent back to spawn wait press button to start okay you cannot pick up water no building on red walls wait a second it's like there's something here i'm missing out on is there a hidden chest oh okay chest and it was no building on red walls is that it yeah okay uh oh but i've got to make it across let's see how he does okay so the goal is just get across can i mine everything everything except the grass level envelope okay everything about the grass level and below okay so if you can break it you can mine it all right i'm not gonna break the trees then because those could give me saplings um these are dead but i can get sticks from these which i can make ladders i guess and take that ooh mine oh do i really want to mine this i mean i'm gonna waste resources though that are super valuable but i can only get diamond if i've got okay i gotta build a cross too eh there's to be a method to the madness here unfortunately there is okay hold on i think i know what it is wait how much i oh there's five iron if i'm not a big dumb here maybe that isn't going to help me i've got i've got like some cooking in my little noodle okay what are you thinking i mean i'm thinking about making a water bucket bad aren't you not allowed to get the water yeah oh you're not allowed to get the water no water oh okay okay okay now i was smart though that was smart i don't get why using a pickaxe would be good here because if i use a pickaxe i'm gonna lose out on more materials than not except for the fact that i can get more cobblestone if i do like i definitely need the cobblestone though i don't think the iron is useful at all though so i'm gonna make wooden pickaxe oh actually that's pretty bad because i can get six slabs but then i can get more with those because there's more pieces of stone so i think this is the way to go so i'm only gonna get this the cobblestone pieces i think that's what i'm supposed to do i can make a lot of slabs with this now so with this i could get stone slabs it gives me 12. but with wheat i can only make i only make two hay bales so i've got basically right now boys i've got two hay bales trap doors a chest you know there's gotta be a way for me to play stuff but i can also parkour on it that's the thing the thing is once you build it you can't break it so how would you parkour that's true but there's no way i gotta build a straight line though right mm-hmm that's exactly what you have is this like one of the optical illusions no is it closer what's up you have everything you need over here i don't know if i need coal i feel like i can't do anything with that i mean i'm just gonna do it just for the the trolls and lulls boys but you know what i mean mm-hmm don't worry if you die you won't have to go all the way back okay i'm just wanting to see how close this is gonna get me oh oh no oh he's pretty close oh wait what is your face i faced through it don't worry have your stuff back oh okay dude boys about the lipstick building up i feel like is unnecessary too oh my god [Laughter] oh my gosh bro i am sufficiently lacking in materials though sign unfortunately is not going to help me today i've got carrots but can you make anything with carrots i can make a carrot on a stick no i can't even do that but the carrots have significance uh there are certain things that are just there to distract you i don't think i can do anything with the carrot it looks like how many blocks am i scaling like 12. i can't tell you you're close and you can't break a block when you've already placed it right that is correct if you need to reset just push the button right here this button i mean i feel like i can build up and diagonally that might have to be the play because if i was up and diagonally then i could probably just jump across think about that that's what i'm saying dude i feel like if i diagonally built up i actually have a chance of making it there are at least two solutions oh really yes okay so there's two solutions i want to waste any time i don't think the tree is gonna help me i think breaking it's better than not and there's no silk touch so i can't get leaves right can you get leaves with shears i don't know can you could you okay that's it i'm googling it can you get leaves with how long have you played minecraft four i don't want to talk about this those are the default tools for breaking leaves but these can be only obtained with shears so i do need to make that stupid pickaxe okay but i get the sticks from this right here that's where i get my sticks from i almost used an oak plank could that have been a big waste i went wrong last time i think nice i got i got these but i need enough to make a wooden pickaxe so i still i'm gonna have to break down the oak wood that i was given no way around that unfortunately but i can use the sticks from this gonna give me the cobblestone pickaxe i just feel like the diamonds are a bait though like the diamonds are a bait there's only reason to make one set of shears too you mind call the one i think you can mine coal with this okay you can cool so i can take this and make these shears i'm gonna make these shears i'm gonna mine this i'm not gonna need this anymore i've got the shears now so i can get these these confounded leaves yes okay there he goes okay that just gave me an additional 13 blocks that's massive actually i've got everything on the island that i can build with i believe do you have everything you could build with can science do anything i don't think science can build a thing and signs do anything i don't think science can do anything i wonder if there's a block that he's missing i don't know i mean let's do something buried i sure wonder if there's a block preston is missing dude listen there's nothing i can do okay leave me alone i sure wonder let's see if he can make it okay you want to fight me chief no no no no no i don't think there's anything else i can do with this stuff what are the blocks over here over where over here what are these fires it's a block you can use it to stack wait but i can't use wait you got a big brain now you got a tiny brain right now i'll give you one more hit bad what can i give him one more hit what no he did something last time that was smart what there he got it he's got oh yeah he's a smart potato you didn't even try to be an intelligent man no he's got it dude he's got it he might know i feel like i still don't have enough though to make it across fully i got to be careful by these fences because they they try yup yup okay fences don't bully me please okay just in case can ever be too safe okay now we got the chest going down with that little bit of reach right there is nice uh frick doesn't i need to jump here oh no is that a five block or a six block this is a here don't drop one two three four five oh i can make that oh that's true actually because it's raised by one so technically by the laws dictated by the parkour gods in 2010 of the java version of minecraft i should be able to make this jump what a legend oh my gosh 42 minutes 21 seconds god bless america and god bless bad boy halo good job okay guys how did i do i need to know i will say you i'm pretty sure you beat every single tester's time so good job that just the tester's time we had five testers you're the only person to go after me wait is the tester a youtuber are the testers like play testers like players uh they they're very smart people [Laughter] you you beat all of them i don't need your sympathy no i'm just saying you beat them all that's good plus one you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 4,409,355
Rating: 4.9431024 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, dream, prestonplayz, a6d, badboyhalo, f1nn5ter, preston, i tested how smart youtubers are...
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 10sec (4570 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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