Last To Leave Minecart Wins $2,000 - Challenge

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we are going to do a video means kepi we've got 500 billion I'm just King just 200 kids and they're all going to go in mine cards and we're pretty much gonna get them all out until there's only one left Skippy are you back yet anyway so whichever player is the last person alive will win remember to Like comment and subscribe or else you will never ever imagine back are you ready to do the intro okay yeah I'm ready we're doing is we have 200 kids and they are all gonna try and get inside minecarts and what they have to do is basically scabby I was kind of doing the intro while you're gone scabby I'm sorry you took forever I'd be waiting for like 10 minutes oh my goodness I'm gonna continue remember guys like comment and subscribe if you don't you will be like Skippy and you will always be afk and you will never ever come back to your keyboards get mad we have to start I don't know the commands all right bad are you ready to host this event yes alright so basically we have 177 kids around us and in the middle how many minecarts do we have 150 about 150 something okay so we have about 150 something minecarts in the middle you will all be let out at the same time 177 of you meaning 20 something of you will be out get in a minecart ASAP do you think they understand ah I think they'll figure it out alright yeah they pretty much know what to do at this point I think that outer mine carts are gonna be like hey kins super quick so I would go to the middle and try and find a spot there that's a good point I mean all you pretty much need to do is just run and hold down your right interest what this guy was standing on there there's a glass like Oh what the heck put him in back in there you little muffin head bad potato all right well let's make sure everyone is ready and let's say everyone ready and understand the rules and for the most part okay yeah oh the chat was so loaded you know so should we let them out now yes perfect I will count down and when I say go they'll be let out so I will count down from ten on Joe bad boy hallo will let you out are you ready bad yes I'm ready ten nine eight seven six this is a long countdown four three two one go alright they're out oh oh my gosh no one who's not gonna get one who what the heck oh my gosh oh they'll take him I'll take it oh there's one right here oh oh oh oh yeah there's one right there oh wait right click you muffin head there you go now did you not know how to right-click oh we got a couple me more Skippy should we kill them here here here here anyone who didn't get a minecart come near me you have one final chance alright bad go up here my hand place a block with the track on it you are not one more what here here yeah in this square just so that we have them in an enclosed area and we can see who to get out Oh smart yeah alright bad place it right here all the way up are you putting it so high I don't know again it is set up and ready to go three two one you break it go Coco Coco Coco Oh who's gonna get it was gonna get it Oh oh what a lucky guy all right we need TP that muffin out of here and then we meme the rest of them yup seems right you know what we could literally just pour lava on them nah but they're in here that's so sad F they are out and they are now spectators now we just have 163 more people nice oh we should do that again oh you think so wait wait wait bad we need to make sure no one was sneaky mmm I don't see it oh you know couple people if you get out you will be killed moving it out once we say so okay looks like they're all saved I don't see anyone do you ah I do not all right now go to red wool all right they're all going back to the red wall ten seconds get ready to block them off all right getting the world Bennett ready five four three two one zero what the okay it's somebody in a minecart yeah same word I fixed it it's all good you know we should call this what musical minecart oh no my cart that is in a second I wanna know stop to get rid of ten mine cards Ted I'll get rid of four you know so that we have one okay same thing is last time everyone get ready ooh this coming close who should I add water Oh should we add more water no but I do know saying we can do next time what actually we could probably do it now yeah let's just - oh my God look at it no not like that capi okay walls oh I like it I like it make it a little bit risky watch out for a robot once you go I like that a lot that's a good idea this is gonna be very tricky there's not that many in the same it's all pretty much like spread out on the sides and stuff this is pretty cool it's gonna be interesting we're gonna lose like 20 people all right yes instead I will count down from five on Ando you will be let out five four three two one go go go go go Oh some people found the lava some people felt a lava hole somewhat died oh no way dude oh no what's going on what's going on there's two more mine cards another one right there all right I'm due the lava and let's say anyone who didn't get a minecart come near me all right that blocked them off and we're gonna give them a chance here all right bad ready yes dropping minecart here we go in three two one Oh it's like on the side goes there goes who got it who got it greens I dropped one more one more one more ah fine alright just gonna drop it in three two one there it goes and that's it alright I'm sorry guys I have no choice forgive me and their guide there they go there they go 142 remains why don't we give everyone bows wait seriously seriously we'll give everyone bows yeah give them bows they'll kill each other with one arrow hmm what would happen I don't know but you want to find out yes do it we have to all right let's do this give a bow one to do everyone has their bow and then we'll we just turn on PvP yeah all right do not leave your minecart everyone will get one arrow and PvP will be on 15 seconds oh my goodness will anyone even die I don't know I really don't know if we see anyone leave the minecart we have to kill them giving everyone one arrow there they have it oh I heard someone use the arrow so it does what really are you ready I am ready alright are you gonna turn on PvP or should I do it ah I got my bill ready - means all right count down for me okay five four three two one yeah all right one two three four five six seven eight ohh - 10 11 12 13 14 15 Oh 15 seconds over Debbie realized 6 people my gosh yeah we did okay put them on the red wool Oh Skippy I just got an idea what's your idea we take and instead of having all of them like this right we have them all against the walls and then we make a trail for these guys and we have them walk along in and then randomly Skippy we say stop and then they have to quickly jump in like literal Oh what do you call that game musical chairs it's musical minecart you know what I really don't understand this but you do your thing and I'll just watch yeah hey I literally have no idea okay go okay okay okay tell them all to get out and then you destroy all the existing mine cards right yeah so tell them to go to the red wall no just have him get out and stay right there all right so you want me to get rid of all of the mine cards okay I can do this oh I understand now I'm smart oh you figured yeah I sort of see what you're saying now how many should we have a hundred oh yeah a hundred is good okay guys let me explain you are going to walk around the blue road and then when we say potato in the chat you are going to pick a minecart and get it potato really yes hey we didn't say go we didn't say go yeah get back we got a bunch of ragamuffin Skippy it looks like that's the case you know what we should probably get rid of the lava that would be smart yeah just cause otherwise don't probably try and push each other in area okay so remember walk wise on blue bill we say potato oh you know what Skippy we can do it so once you give them a potato they get in Oh so we've ever want to put you know yes okay okay all right start walking the blue line clockwise go and they're off so once they get a potato that means they have to go inside the minecart yes keep walking if you stop walking you are dead haha look at them scabby you they're all just so ready to go to my car yeah I see them like getting ready to like right-click it they're all facing up well they do it I'm gonna try and fake Oh should we fake them out only go if we give you a potato Skippy I just got a great idea no I know you're gonna say give them another item right yeah yeah not yet we'll let them do it I'm gonna give so no one can see me hitting it and tell me one I'll do it all right three two one go I did it oh god oh my god oh my god everyone's got it oh there are a lot of people if you're out go to diamonds we will do one random minecart strap oh okay it's gonna hide look if you're trying to hide here what you don't want anyone not on the diamond will be killed we'll take care of that if your diamond you die if you're not in minecart haha do it out alright let's take a quick peek around any sneaky but this guy get all the way over here he's like move let's push him back push him back in what is he doing get in there all right let's do this race cubbies yeah I'm ready I've got a scared good luck there now it's this nasty on MC all right put him out he say I'm gonna keep him out barbecue the rest camping goodbye everyone I love you I have no choice but they must let them realize what's coming no oh my goodness no we're happy no way if he survives we have to let him live no yes no way come on I get one freebie dude he's not gonna survive there's no way that does not mean anything no we already said sorry back to diamond blocks everybody all right Skippy how many should we get rid of ah about a hundred meemers here Oh should we get rid of 20 mm let's get rid of 20 yeah bad got rid of ten mine cards one one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten Skippy I just thought of something funny what okay look you see how we have this whole wall it's like a bunch and this whole wall has like hardly any right let's get rid of like four more and make a big okay so when they get here they'll be like run run run oh I have an idea can i implement my idea yes what's the idea okey so my idea is we do something like this right oh walls to that and basically they must now parkour their way out of this box getting to a minecart wait so you're just gonna make it they have to parkour their way out and whoever is the last one a dream that's so oh my god that's really videos alright so what they have to do is start off by climbing this ladder right here and then once they go up here they will have to make a series of jumps going either this way or that way to get out of this box alright so it starts off pretty easy just someone blocks and then we go to two blocks and then we go up a bit and then another two block and then it's the reblock and then finally one of those and then they're out once they get here it can simply jump down into the water and get themselves a minecart I like that oh so they have to jump in like that yes oh okay okay way to team mess up they have to go oh no all right bad I think we're ready so obviously once you get out of the parkour get inside a minecart there are 80 ish minecarts meaning 80% survival rate ish alright everyone get ready 5 4 3 2 1 go and they're off is it was gonna make it who's not gonna make it oh dude they're all crowded next to each other they can barely see they're probably so mad go go into my car we'll just keep doing oh my god epal oh my god that's a red ooo they're off they're off many kids are in mine carts many kids are still trying to the parkour dude they're filling up fast but there's still a lot of space remaining there's so many people missing that last final jump right oh my gosh how about faces they're still a good amount still good amount go go go come on oh my goodness and they're taking fall damage they need to be careful so careful Oh what if someone dies from falling in it no it is so muddy oh no I think it's full oh we have one there's one minecart it's alright I think that's a it's full that is it okay if you didn't get a minecart go to diamonds so what I'm thinking right is we do something like this we put two spots right there and right in there and it is exclusive only to the parkour kids so they basically have to go in here and go out to people will survive all right bad when I say go put the parkour back can you do that for me yes perfect get ready to do the parkour again all right ready yes five four three two one go all right and they're off whoo this is gonna be interesting it's gonna be very close these are the people who are prying up the best at parkour I know Oh big rip cigrip hey that one kid what are you gonna do about him um Skippy I know what to do with him oh no but we have to kill him so he's out of the event Oh let's barbecue first everyone go to middle okay bad get rid of ten minecarts we'll also get rid of ten three four five six seven eight nine Oh what the heck oh wow okay Skippy I know a way to make this even funnier what one my cart yeah let's just put like two mine guards just like that they literally like slowed down just for this spot okay yeah that's great all right same thing as last time walk around blue only go in my cart once you get potato and they're all right well oh they're going that's crazy should we ban shifting um yeah let's say no shifting allowed there we go they can still slow walk though it's so funny all right let me vanish up tell me when you want me to do it I haven't seen anyone go in without burns so that's good they're behaving I guess let's go ahead and do it in like a couple seconds just let me know when I'm not looking I'm just gonna hit it once you say go all right ready three you want to what wait wait I see a few people not walking around wait back look at this cookie kid vanishing teepee to me okay ah now he went bad a lot of people get to this area and they don't want to keep going and they just turn back [Music] listen everyone if you turn around and I see it happen from this point on I'm not warning again I will slash kill you keep going around do not turn around okay I remember you want me to do it I'll do it oh so I went in two people went in kill Soros kill TNT that's yeah I think I'm keeping an eye out for anyone being sneaky ready all right three now - yeah one did it oh my gosh oh no that's so unlucky right look at these all right let me and let's give these muffins a chance to get mine card Oh bad look at you didn't go in Oh getting I want the mm is he gonna get the mm doesn't look like it all right bad ready yes here we go dropping in three two one okay and yo one look at how it floats on people that's so weird Antone bear okay bad do you want to kill them or give them one more chance um let's do one more I want Skippy's face to get a chance to get okay do it you go okay boo boo boo boo boo boo and a booty and boo boo who got it Evan MC gaming ah so the rest these muffins get boiled and lava right is correct all right well goodbye do-do-do-do roasty-toasty everyone stand on blue all right should we tell them to go round again yeah let's have them start walking let's get rid of a couple more okay getting rid of some mine carts three four five six seven eight okay I got rid of eight oh thank you ready something you should you should one two three four five six seven eight all right they got innovate too ruddy bad yes I am ready Oh running keep running down really be an IRA and do what people look at me vanish some people go like that and going the white oh look look you see that oh I have an idea they got us down the blue right oh my goodness i right or am i right yeah they do okay here we go I'm gonna get the potatoes in three two one now I didn't Oh I ain't Skippy we gotta we gotta mean this up so let's go ahead and just roast all of them right now wait really okay that'll work sorry guys no free minecarts this time that's so cruel they think they have a shot at being revived but they don't this is so mean Skippy this is your idea this is your idea dude really telling them to get in there to die no they don't know that oh my gosh okay I'm diamonds oh all right so all those meemers got me and Skippy they did they did do we let these guys go back to walking again mmm Skippy I got it let's have them all go into the diamond so we can do a head count and then let's make the ring smaller okay that way it's not so big okay bad what are we doing now all right we have a certain number of people let's put 30 minecarts around this inner track okay all right I got rid of all the outside ones so you place 15 all place 15 1 2 3 4 5 and that's 30 there we go alright so then we do that and they're all nice and settled now we tell them to walk be okay and now Skippy this is the one we're gonna do the fake-out in wait are you sure we're gonna be able to catch everyone yes thank you I feel like we won't I have a plan for catching it ready you ready for it what are you gonna do oh wait you know what just to make the plan extra spicy I'm gonna shrink their walking line so yours are the meadow Skippy I am going to create a wall this second you give them the fake item right and I'm gonna make a wall that's gonna catch a bunch of that is so smart mmm they're going to be very upset walk around emerald same rules apply only get in a minecart once you get a potato and only a potato good luck do not go in otherwise no exceptions was that clear enough bad are you ready I am the command ready go ahead whatever all right bad I'm doing it over here so literally no one can see okay hey I'm gonna do a carrot one are you ready yes tell me when all right I will no oh oh oh my god get them out we go no way that was a carrot not potato you see let's kill her okay they are probably so mad right now I just got out there oh I'm sorry guys they got way too antsy yeah now they're paying the price okay bad so we have 27 players didn't have like how many mine cards I say 20 mine carts will stay so let's completely replace all the mine carts okay and ten each that was devious bad that was values yeah that literally got so many people who are paying attention oh this is gonna be good should we do it again no yes yes they would go into a minecart once you get a potato oh my goodness yes okay I'm gonna do it okay whenever you're ready I'm gonna do it in three two one don't I did it oh oh we got one we got one oh good all right okay this time I'm a potato for real yeah yeah let's do a potato hurry up okay ready yeah three two one potato oh oh they weren't ready they were not expecting that at all oh they're means well it's me mum should we give them a chance or now um you know what let's kill them and then let's do the revival okay like a oh my god we this guy I'm sorry CJ plan oh man Kevi we are down to 19 yeah this is probably the most intense game yeah okay um what number do you want let's do how about near wide skipping I think we did 14 last time right no we did 64 or 64 yeah right sure we did 14 let's do 14 minus one have we done that 13 let's do it all right three two one go boom someone had to have set it oh my goodness there's so many you know what's it I am checking we got one one said it was his name BJ from mine dude I just killed this kid bro he was the last one I killed he's so lucky I can't believe that okay then alright how many should we get rid of Skippy um with 20 players we have 19 mine carts oh yeah we did it yeah you're right we do have 20 players yeah we have exactly 20 you know what that means I don't we input you want to do ten mine cards are you kidding me well I'm thinking we do ten but we can have them Moo being oh okay okay okay yeah like that hmm all right so we have a love-in minecarts yes take them out Skippy that would be so mean dude you know what would be devious why a poisonous potato wait but that might confuse them they might think that Nazi - only a potato but it technically is a potato it's just a poisonous one all right if you say regular wait do cooked pork chop has that kind of looks like a potato okay all right oh my goodness that it'll look perfect okay well um let me give at a cooked pork chop one okay bad are you ready yeah go walk around emerald now only go in minecart if you get a cut corners so I'm just doing this so they don't cut corners okay bad are you ready I'm gonna do it right now I did it anyway no no no no what they've all do what I just thought of Skippy that we can use to make sure none of them are memeing if we literally just put a fence like this walls fence then literally they can't run down wait what happened right click then it went in what is that literally he's out right bye-bye wha that was the rule right oh no minecart that's it this muffin head you're gonna have to get him out I'm not killing amuq I'm sorry right now look they're all in a line yeah one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven and weave nineteen oh my goodness that adds a little bit of spice there we go all right you ready I'm gonna do it now yeah let's do it okay here we go good luck good luck all three two one go I didn't think of it oh I did it oh is that it that's literally it oh look at all love okay we're gonna have to get rid of them now all our revival died that quick top 10 bad top 10 yeah this is literally the most intense thing ever all right I say we do seven minecarts Devon for these 10 muffins yeah seven are out I think that'll work all right bad go ahead and play seven all right getting them set up wait so that means three people will be out that is correct seven minecarts will be placed okay I don't think yeah can we please do a poisonous potato please no and tell them it has to be a normal potato I think it'll work if we tell them it has to be a normal person say it okay only get in minecart if it is a normal veto all right let me get the fence ready just in case any meemers get memes no everyone's gonna fall Reds can be normal they're gonna fall for it I bet we'll get two people okay wait luck do it went stat mine cart path no all them I'm gonna do a carrot first right and then we will go to a poisonous potato I think that's work wait what yeah he literally gonna die though right he tried to cut the corner off he's gonna die scabby serious yeah he's probably going to no way he dies in three bro oh jeez oh my god that would have been such a big rip all right bad ready yes three two one don't carry it no one right no no what I think it's harder for them to mess up yeah so maybe that gives them time to notice so instead of a carrot we now move on to the poisonous potato Oh No here we go right yeah three two one don't Oh what do we get someone else yes oh my god oh my god he's gone for a guy so we got to we got to wait should we give one of these to a chance I don't know let's do it just cuz I wonder what the odds would be god you lied forget it okay Skippy let's do a random red or blue okay bad they're here all right tell them to take red or blue all right ah which one do you want save how about whichever wing pops up is safe can we do that which ever block pops up is saved I check in we got one red one blue all right ready yup three two one go for it kid survives all right well we're down to nine this time we won't mean them and yeah put down six my cards fix mine cards we only have nine people sanity boy we should do one mine car are you crazy okay okay maybe not one maybe five six five okay fine six make up your mind I said six from the beginning buddy I'm gonna do it right now like right now right now oh yeah one boom gone done oh oh there's one more kidding already are we doing three minecarts this time yes let's do three that'd be so intense we have six people right should we make the track even smaller let's do it okay okay I like that all right oh this is nice it's so even alright we have locked off the edges and are we ready that is your question I think we are ready I think faking them out will really work this time I'm gonna do another poisonous potato wait you're gonna do another one snapping yes you are such a mean ready muffin are you ready Oh hold on let me get the fence ready there we go go ahead why all right in rules good luck all oh no please don't get out don't get out three two one go oh my goodness back person almost dead I didn't say anything so I'm gonna give them a normal potato I'm not looking Tommy wine I'm not looking I'm looking I'm gonna get rid of the fence okay go ahead ready 3 2 1 go I was looking in oh I'm sorry okay bad now the question is do we only have one minecart or do we have to oh my goodness you know what I think if we're gonna do that just having one just having this wine just wine let's do it okay do you guys understand what's at stake here I think they know that took $2,000 so this might sound terrible but we got you all in a call cuz we plan on having just one Mike hurt going around so yeah I'm gonna fill the center with lava so be careful okay guys so remember once we give you a potato first person to get into the minecart $2,000 all right guys get ready within the next 10 seconds somewhere in that bag could be right now it could be literally right now I call literally hit it right now ah so wait for normal it was gonna be a poisonous lucrat is why did you go in monsters colleges if y'all ah surreal Wow first event - hi I have a question did you try and go to the minecart or did you know and I feel so packed for YouTube but Congrats you guys made it really far thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed subscribe and look if you have not already bad you have anything else to say thank you for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 5,244,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, last to leave, first to, challenge minecraft
Id: J755jxgHrPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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