I Forced YouTubers To Complete a 9000 IQ Puzzle Map...

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what is up guys today i got a bunch of my friends including myself to attempt a puzzle map now the puzzle map that we have created is filled with clues little puzzles that you really have to look deep into and tasks that you must accomplish using your big brain that's really what it all comes down to and what you need to know i had my friend gavit and a bunch of awesome builders build the actual map so he's going to be guiding me around while i do the puzzle and hopefully help me get a good time because i want to beat all the other youtubers 125 000 likes shooting big here and i will do another puzzle map since it's been a few months now also according to youtube statistics you should very well subscribe it only takes a second i would really appreciate it we're super super close to 4 million now and yeah let's do this let's go okay is there anything that i need to know is there any rules or anything anything at all before i do this puzzle map because i'm very very scared but also very excited oh basically just follow the steps on the signs and you should be good all right look at the walls sometimes are you ready to start timing me yeah okay what is this my stopwatch uh ah we don't talk about it oh okay let's just start ignoring that let's just ignore that all right bad boy halo you ready to record this puzzle map wait what's your skin my skin is the moose skippy no stop with that wait what actually is your skin oh it's the moon oh i want to get one like that why didn't you tell me what you can get one like it you should have told me you both should have done it whatever okay follow me now i'm not gonna give you any hints all right george right this way your time is going to start as soon as i say go your time has started now what the hell is this i'm the key all right finster come right through read this oh this is nice read the signs and your time has started go okay wait why so i'm really really no jesus no it was a key listen i'm really really intrigued i would say to see how you do because on the previous puzzle maps we did you did really good and then really bad so this could be your redemption okay uh find the key to open the door okay so can i can i place blocks do i get in game mode do i do i place yeah you can go and survival just look through all the chests and look for the key oh i know what it is oh that's not it um um am i supposed to be looking for a lever is that what this is yeah you gotta look for the leopard or the key um well there's gotta be some sort of trick to this um is it literally just something i have to find or is it like yeah it's just something that you have to find in one of the chests it may be hidden right okay i'm kinda under pressure here wait um soul torch why were there soul torches in there 46 of them make sure to look very carefully okay yeah no i'm definitely missing something um the key the key the key find the key to open the door the key would be probably like a secret hidden button somewhere under the chest okay it's not under um oh my god do i look really stupid right now you want a hint on where it is am i allowed hints uh i'll give you one hint for this okay it's on the left side oh just narrowed it down to 50 50 i guess where is the stupid key damn it david what am i missing look very carefully i feel like it's not in a chest there's no way it's in a chest okay look carefully look carefully carefully carefully i'm positive that you've been in the chest and that you missed it okay so now we know it's a chest um all right fine i'm just gonna look very carefully for a lever dude what i'm so confused um i give you a hint and say that they're not on the chest on the surfaces somewhere that's hidden wait so it is the hidden chest what but they're exactly the same what my brain what do you mean look carefully and look out for the differences okay arrow chain bra what why is this so hard i hope everyone does badly on this holy okay wait hold on i'm so confused literally that was me okay you know what i'm allowed to take anything i want out right uh yeah technically you could if that's what you wanted to do all right well you're gonna have a lot of fun setting this back up wait what are you gonna do oh my goodness i'm i'm assuming that it's like a button or a lever but i'm looking for i mean that would make sense you want to open iron doors right i mean i'm the key to open this door hey why is this chest look different oh my goodness you got this bad just turn on your big brain so much work what does the key look like the oliva i can't say anything oh this sucks okay i'm just gonna oh no i'm messing i messed up your chest by the way it's fine you can do whatever you want you can move anything around oh no okay so i'm looking really carefully is it just a lever that i'm looking for i don't know dude it could be it could be something like a button it could be anything oh no no you can't do that he made he took the wood and put it into a button you can't do that back in no no no you have to find it you have to find it what do you mean you can't break the wood that was pretty 2000 iq though i have to give you that i don't know what i'm supposed to do i'm so confused oh man what's going on in that brain like four minutes in we are not four minutes in it has not been four minutes no it hasn't four minutes dude oh no oh my god look at that it's the exact same block look at that stop wasting your time finn it's been five minutes dude i don't know how these blocks interact with each other you're literally missing the point what can you open an iron door with redstone oh my god i don't know i don't think i know 1.16 there are most it's not even 1.16 what do you mean pressure i found it dude it was literally where is waldo are you kidding me found the first key wow i'm mad at you for that one i don't see a lever it's probably like right in front of me and i just can't see it oh wow okay this is so stupid i guess mad because you didn't check in all the chests like you should i didn't check in all the chests you're right because i didn't think this type of memery hey hey don't blame me i didn't make the map all right yeah yeah yeah okay all right i think i know what i'm dealing with yeah okay whatever it's it's this type of map are there more chests um i don't i'm looking i don't see the item anywhere oh my goodness it's literally right there [Laughter] go go go go i'm going as quick as i can okay hurry up i want you to get the best time i'm really trying basically one of these bottom ones i'm gonna check all the bottom ones now you think i wouldn't see them oh there it is dude you opened that chest earlier and you missed it oh my god oh my god only seven and a half minutes later that is so dumb that's not even like everyone's got it you don't even need to think it's just oh it's in a chat i'm aware that's not you don't even need to think about i am something that can mix with others who make many what am i um what all right you know what we already have the key but we might as well just go in here and blue is my favorite color and i'm dead i am here to win not waste time so i am simply just going to go in all of them and i found it let's go i don't even know what the answer was what was the answer uh it was blue because it's the only primary color there okay i only chose it because it's my favorite color and something that can mix with others make many uh something i can make sure there's to make many what am i um i'm gonna guess it's probably white there's white it's colors right so i'm gonna go with white white's the only color that kind of stands out from hurry up hurry up go go go go and it's lava great you got this oh yeah you know what i'm gonna speed run this uh saying they can mix with others blue water yes okay yeah look what was that it the blue river it was the blue one i am something that you can mix with others to make many what am i what there's water there's water there's water white why was it white i don't know trial and error might be your best guesses i'm just gonna go what what color was that blue blue yet why is blue the one apparently you can like mix blue with a lot of colors i i think that's a thing i am something i can mix with others to make many what am i water what how does this help me at all look at what you're standing on it's just brown blue white orange round blue white purple pink okay blue is a compliment or whatever one of them oh wow no one got that first try except for you i'm something that can mix with others to make many what am i you need to [Laughter] the same beware of what you read well that didn't help me much at all five times six is thirty so one two three four five six seven i i don't know where i'm going with this i assure you that everything that you need is on here everything i need is on here this one is more like one of the more harder ones so it might be a hard to get but you should be able to get past it okay um yes i should probably do something because my time is ticking so yep i knew that was gonna happen be aware of what you read be aware of what you read be a oh boy nothing okay what does that say rhino it says rhino monkey read the signs rhino monkey s c is that an s or six be aware that's a five and a six i believe yeah it's a five and a six i have six be aware of what you read correct be aware of what you read one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 so 20 letters in each one b a b b be aware be aware of what you read read the signs wait what be aware of what you read five rhino and six monkeys be aware of what you read i don't know what that means yeah okay uh read the signs i read the signs be aware of what you read but what's on the sides let me read that word it says rhino monkey rhino right right right brand new rhino monkey and they're both five and six okay uh um oh my god the answers were literally there we didn't reset it and he's dead wait i don't want to say what i'm thinking in case i'm wrong and i was complete luck but if i'm right here it means i am a genius i'm pretty sure you figured it out i i think i did but i don't understand this one um i guess would it be the first one i i hope it's the first one please please please please please please wait what am i doing i thought i had it too i'm pretty sure i have it do i not have it no i think you had it i don't know what you were doing though afterwards okay well i did that the first word now it's on to the second word here's my thought process be aware of what you read e equals two e equals five which is the one i went to on there because that's a number like in the alphabet where is one i went to one but it wasn't one no you're off you were right somewhat but you you're off um oh my god there's just too many of them to guess rhino monkey that actually mean anything it gives a major hint so it's not that the letters mean like oh my god that was a complete guess that was literally a complete guess i just went oh another complete guess boom oh my god oh my god i just complete guesses yeah uh complete yes complete guest no oh okay okay dude imagine how you got that though be aware of what you read right so the amount of letters represents the number that you need to go got it yeah but i did that be aware i don't want to waste my time of what you read so explain that to me because i got the first two and then the third one was wrong yeah so you were somewhat right because b is two letters right that counts as oh my god are you whatever and then it goes to five whatever okay so if i guess this correctly it's b aware so be aware rhino five and six rhino monkey bomb bad be aware read the signs a b c d e o o he's making up for that first chess loss making up with some good oh never mind e-e-a i am i right b-e-b-o where unfortunately i can't tell you but i will tell you i had a similar thought process okay so you thought along the same line yeah i did it was pretty similar that was one two three and then one two three it's not a be aware of what wait a minute come on i'm so muffined i don't get it no to be fair you're only seven and a half minutes in so that's pretty good aware be uh where of what you read where's the five and the six rhino monkey what does that mean it's a rhino monkey so b e is it two and one two three four five two five six so why did you think six i don't know i saw the five and the six no this this is going to take forever to brute force i kind of just guessed my way through and i just got lucky really yeah b this is b aware of abcd of what wait did i oh i i went too much uh i i i thought the of was it again okay it says be aware of what you read i get it i think he's got it b i think he's got it that was pretty [Music] that was quick that was good that was good bad one two three four five five monkey no okay you really have to use your big brain for this one okay a big brain so be aware of what you read five rhinos six monkeys i'll only give you a hint so bad does that mean what's down there you just died wait you have to go through the pressure plates okay okay i'm gonna go on the second literally you just said you have to get there i didn't mean no i i'm going on the sixth one because six monkey wait one two three four five six wait i did this one already oh my god what am i doing five rhinos six monkey what does that mean i can't wait there's a sign up there but i i can't zoom in i don't have optifine what about sounds like that you know that it says something stupid be aware of what you read what does that mean five rhino6 monkey you know i'm just going on the third one oh my god i'm i'm just going i'm just gonna close this this is so dope no you won't be able to there's no way what does it mean five rhinos six monkeys i'll give you a hint in a minute [Laughter] two what does the second one mean why why is it the second one read the signs there's no signs it says be aware of what you read b a be aware of what you read i don't i hate this okay so it wasn't that one so what do you think those numbers are above the words mean i don't know if you're talking really yes it's how many letters are in each one okay now you're getting somewhere then why was it the second one i don't know was that a yes or did you know how do i know where to go i have to stand on these pressure plates uh read the signs what signs be aware of what you read what b b a o w y r what's power what signs you got to use the bower why do i jump on this i just don't stand on the oh i can't make that jump oh he's big brain dead okay jesus christ how am i supposed to know read the signs i'll give you yeah i'll give you a hint in a minute what is that i typed all the letters that weren't capitalized rhino monkey read the signs rhino monkey rhino monkey what is rhino monkey and read the science final monkey greener what do i do all right give me my hand all right you're a hint good [Music] your hint is see rhino monkey and how there's a number above each one how do you think that correlates one two three four one two three four five look at it one no it doesn't even make sense one two three four five oh doesn't even make sense all right i'm going with this one didn't you already go with that one last time no no that's a different one explain it to me um think about how those numbers what they represent to the word and then obviously read the signs what signs there's no other signs like actually they're supposed to be signs i don't see any other signs i only see these two signs well there's one up here oh george jumped in the lava oh at least you didn't do that jumping in the lava was the key to success i don't i don't get it i need another hand i don't get any more heads let's just let him sit let's just let him work it out don't give him any more hands i want to give him a hand give me a hand give me a hand give me a hand like if he just stays here for the whole time think think about like what i said and then follow the instructions once you get the first one you'll get all of them we're just gonna do this this one well not if you get it like that but how is it the second one because rhino monkey i don't get it how's it the second one okay explain that just explain how it's like what did the sign says have now read the signs that's not what the sign said be aware of what you read be aware of what you read how does that make any sense [Laughter] what does that make sense be aware of what you read what do you mean be aware of what i read i am aware get to the end then i don't get it i don't get out of here you're like on pace to win i think right because two o-r-a-n-g that was the fifth one [Laughter] [Music] i gave it to him i gave it to him i'm sorry i ruined it he's got it he's got it wow oh okay do you know how you got that or no complete guess uh yeah honestly i was just jumping on things well try and figure out why you got that this is right oh okay did bad boy halo help make this no people that know bad boy halo made this yes it's freaking rainbow color i guarantee it am i gonna have to google a picture your thought process on that last one wasn't bad just try and try and think of it another way i almost want to believe that the sides of red herrings like rhino and monkey mean nothing five and six well um think i'm giving you so many hints here i feel bad why do you why do you think it has five and six what does that like represent for the two words the letters in them okay has got five letters in it got you monkey six great now that we know that how can we use that to solve this puzzle sound like a school teacher i really do i hate this my kindergarten teacher all right i'll catch up on you later buddy you're not gonna go do something else oh you get it i got it i know i know the power oh you got it i'm just not casually setting up the map because i forgot to put these okay oh wait you didn't get it god i got it wait what do you mean did i just guess it twice [Laughter] what was your thought process unless i was just dumb and i couldn't count oh no i was dumb and i couldn't count oh what i don't know what it was i don't know what you're thinking no i don't know what i'm thinking either no i know i don't get it oh no i don't have it this sucks oh this sucks so bad have you even tried jumping in the lava or now why would you want me to jump in i'm just saying have you tried her now i haven't i know i just wanted you to die [Laughter] number five could mean the fifth letter of the sign right number six there are six words on the stage i think you're overthinking yeah i think this just represents this has five letters in it don't talk about anything okay okay are you looking up oh my god there's no like spark notes on this there's no shmoop answers i'm not gonna find it on yahoo answers i took a screenshot of the signs skeppy why you couldn't have just written it out i've cracked the code i don't know how to spell i'm dyslexic that has nothing okay i guess that has a little bit to do with it yeah i literally gave it to you i don't want to hear it took a screenshot yeah because i'm dyslexic i can't remember how many letters are in each word there you go i like it all warfare is based on deception don't take items from items oh my god you're making me do a maze here yes this is amazing so it's is it a maze maze or is it like a maze the item frames will help you to the ending they all represent something that you need to follow what did the quote say again all warfare is based on deception got it so i'm gonna take the paths where it's deception oh so don't take the combat paths where the heck am i you're on to something the quote can help you i think i got it i think i got it dude think you have it yeah i think i got it wait never mind this may i think you might have it oh oh oh yeah yes i actually got it let's go wait no shield you have it though i'm just following the combat you were so close yes oh you are trolling me right now you are trolling me dude no i need to follow my instincts where am i going why trust me i think you have it here yes yes don't take items out of item frames all warfare is based on deception sun tzu all warfare is based on deception okay so i can take items out of no no you can't you can't it says based on deception no don't you actually no you you it's amazing seriously yeah they're deceiving you what do you think this is bad no okay so blocks or dead ends i didn't battle block trident saddle block trident saddle block trident saddle boat name tag block trident saddle boat name tap wait a minute hold on interesting interesting maze design i don't want you to waste all your time on the maze you know what i'm just gonna brute for this okay i think i know how to solve with me is pretty quick uh wait what isn't the strategy on a maze like always go left or something when you don't know what to do um it's if you reach a dead end you may right turn or you just follow the wall and there's a lot of dead ends here why is it so bright over here i don't know i'm full bright i can see everything i'm never gonna remember these turns i i don't think you have to remember it well what if i died well there there's a no no you won't die oh i hope not oh hello needs tp hold down shift needs tp command but okay but all right nice one bad nice one good that took me to the beginning one bad good one you're so smart bro i don't get oh my goodness okay i can't believe you right now what i can't believe you once you exit this maze you're gonna be like skippy probably will oh it's really dark i can't see anything nice one dude nice one you stepped down past this the first one you literally just skipped past it well i was like it was enough you didn't even look you went to the water thing and you're not even gone you're not even done going i'm not even done okay got it shield alright forget it go on around okay probably this way i could see it being like all the way around it got lazy it just said ah you're so close yes okay very funny oh let's just make barriers right here yay yay i bet there's some pattern to that don't take it i'm not telling you anything else don't take item frames they take items out of item frames oh warfare is based on deception what oh my wait what does it say oh warfare is based on deception what does that even mean oh yeah wouldn't you why is it so dark i can't see anything what is that a saddle a trident block okay what oh so there's nothing that way i can't there's too many items to keep track of i can't there's nothing here okay i'm gonna get lost i'm getting lost dead end um gold crossbow what is going on am i meant to be like learning something here or am i just running through a maze get a bit of both probably just running through a maze wait what oh hold down shift okay wait no way did i do it what no way whatever no way i mean i know exactly what i'm doing i'm just not speaking i'm just pretending you're so close wait am i yeah really close oh no it's a troll wait i need to get that's the is that the exit that's the exit yeah okay so i need to come round maybe i have no idea what these items mean okay this could be the way this is too simple yeah it's not the way i knew it no way would you just go left wait what if i have to go right and i know i'm just wasting time maybe oh oh please don't be barriers don't be barriers oh okay dude i'm so mad this perspective is so weird it's just like people making random noises items oh warfare is based on deception all warfare is really self-deception what jesus christ no no no no no no no how do you think get over here it's like it's own little room yeah that's why you shouldn't have broke it you're doing something all warfare is based on deception look i'm just going to follow the weapons i could be smart oh i'm a genius oh okay you've been after the last time there yeah he really did it's crazy this is a time saver that was pretty good yeah that was actually really good just jump over that don't take items out of item frames all warfare is based on deception sun tzu i'm an expert on sun tzu oh yeah go ace this maze i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it it's literally said all warfare is based on deception oh my god i can't tell if the don't take the items it's like it is serious seriously please i worked really hard what are the signs say then all warfare is based on deception okay interesting even more interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting yeah but guess what you're not done why would it do this to make a close yes this is garbage it's wait i mean is it not assumed that i've cracked the code at this point if i have yes technically you've done it yeah yeah let's go okay [Music] there are more ways to do this more than one case i can break anything above the grass right yeah anything above the grass is fair game okay so far so good can't remember if the flowers helped me in any way eight oh my god i almost broke that do not want to break those break break break break i think you might have the strategy down here i hope so ah i don't think i do how am i gonna break that piece of wood without breaking any of those is that part of it there's multiple ways of doing this you can think of it and if it doesn't work out i can reset it and i just go down one oh you can't brass blocks are off limits oh my gosh okay how the heck do i do this there's multiple ways this is tricky um i think i'm just gonna sacrifice it and break that one because i'm wasting time okay and i'm just gonna get this and then move on all right time is running no it definitely is gonna need this for sure one two but you didn't give me a furnace no no furnace oh my god what four five six seven and you didn't give me enough for wait did you didn't give me enough for furniture there's multiple ways of doing this maybe you don't need a furnace maybe you do bro why i'm gonna be off i already know i am one two three pieces of this what what are you on about wow i messed up here didn't i maybe you did maybe you didn't it's all a part of the strategy all depends there's multiple ways of getting to the other side i really hope i'm on the right track here i'm gonna break how many blocks is it a lot uh the required blocks is 40 but once again you can jump over to the other side to save time oh 40 you said yeah oh good to know i feel like you can pull it off in a short amount of time now let's see 49 14 21 23 24 25 26 27 27 of 40. so we need to get more we have 28 here and we'll turn these into those we have 30 now and then we have 36. okay okay you know what i think i can do this you think you're gonna do it i think i can do this all right let's see it can you turn these into oh my god you can dude i got it down i didn't know you can turn those into slabs oh i've gotten it i've gotten it 100 see if you can make it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18. wait what 19 20 24 25 26 if the fences glitch me off can you tp back yeah sure all right i've got hell offenses i am good dude oh yeah this is easy this is easy almost isn't even hard oh my god boom i have so many dudes i have so many let's here we go first time don't fall oh no one of these okay so i'm allowed to break anything i want right anything above the grass and you cannot break the grass i can't like the grass blocks yeah no that's all flow modes let's drink all of this because i'm gonna need that having built one of these i think i'm using my uh brain power i think i'm gonna use it really well here i hope you do um this was probably my favorite thing to build so i think i think i have an idea i think you'll get it first try i hope definitely definitely a decoy it's a decoy there's coal here and then interesting there's a hidden block in these areas so i i know what i have to make so far i have to make a pic in order to get some of that stuff so i could probably make slabs but i don't think there'd be enough ah oh i might have goofed wait what did you do wrong wait i can't smelt anything is there enough iron to smell there might be let's see what do you mean is there enough to smell to make what to make a furnace can you mean stone yeah i don't know if you can use mossy no you cannot okay so i only have seven cobbles done what am i supposed to do with only seven okay well i know i gotta get the fences so that's one thing didn't even give me an axe skeppy i don't even have an app hey it wasn't me don't blame me i'm just here to sit and watch you be miserable yeah i know you're watching me be miserable i think you're doing a good job to be fair you're 15 minutes in okay that's pretty good that's respectable yeah well how long did it take you well i'll tell you once you finish i better beat your record no i don't want you to no i want me to i don't want you to i want me too we'll see we'll see am i really just supposed to mind these that just seems thin seem to make a lot of sense what can i use these for i don't think i can use these for anything definitely feel like they're saying i'm missing okay so i know i can turn these into slabs oh my goodness i can turn these into slabs too i go boop boop boop boop and that should be enough okay that is easy uh let's go am i gonna be sent back yeah yeah you're good wait if you fall no i'll tp you okay good i'm not gonna have that little well just don't fall i didn't fall yeah okay i'm sure you probably did i actually didn't for once all right i gotta speed run this come on come on come on come on come on oh no very respectable though honestly very very respectable time are you gonna make it what did you forget i forgot to make the hay and i forgot to yoink let me look in your inventory hold on let me see what are you what are you doing wrong oh i i still have other you forgot to make that and i still have two more it's fine it doesn't matter well that wasted you some time it only weighs me like a couple's our kids okay okay you're right you're right come on come on come on faster faster go on bad boy halo go on go go go all right and boop and that was easy sweet easy now do this oh come on find the keys don't form okay barrier blocks anymore so you're allowed to use everything above the grass you can basically do whatever you have to get to the other side there's only two logs yeah i don't know why i'm breaking i feel like i don't need it don't fall what if there's just barrier blocks somewhere that can run along that would be clever um nothing yeah there's fences that i could get as ores so only above the grass yeah everything above the grass is fair game okay what if i do this make a pickaxe maybe there's something hidden ooh in here ooh okay is that chest in here i don't think there's anything hidden but the pickaxe is probably a smart way to go about it there's nothing here if there's something hidden in the other one i don't know why am i still minding this i'm wasting time oh wait what if i can do this what are you trying to make some hay bales okay and then i get these i mine this with a wood pickaxe i don't think so no how long have you been playing my car for i don't know um wait i'm gonna get the fences i don't want to make x because i need the blocks i think i can just jump across and like do this i think i don't know if that's the what i'm meant to do oh if i die do i go all the way back to the beginning if you don't have enough blocks you have to restart this but not all the way back not all the way back no just here i'm like there's no way i'm getting back here again okay come on come on i feel like i don't even need this many blocks but i'm just doing it just in case i mean it's a fair bit of blocks to get there i don't even know if this is what i meant to do i think it is it is it is you're supposed to get unlocked stack over there you have to go through here i don't have enough blocks exactly there you go that's the whole puzzle um wait what oh what if i try to get a sapling to grow it there's no sapling um i can't break this stuff no i only have 7 10 15 uh 17 20 that's not enough how many blocks is this across i think i have enough you know what what if i just do it uh you can restart it yes oh no i don't think it's enough is it ah i think you'll get kinda close oh my god wait can you not other yeah oh my god please there's no way you'll make that you're so far away oh okay so i just wasted all this yeah do you want me to restart it um wait a second what can i possibly do with this um don't fall what if i do fall i just died oh what if i just like and then i just get loads of hay bales and i can get across you know how long that would take you wait do i have any bone meal no you have to restart i'll tell you that much how do i get all the stuff back uh here i got you oh no oh there was me bear with me i think i replaced it oops wait i was gonna mess with my time just a little bit how do i get across i don't understand yeah crashing table isn't there sorry i repasted it i don't have a crafting table now yeah you have to make one right but did you not like pick up the piece of wood all right there was only two logs though the crafting table was there and how did you because pickaxe because there's only two logs and then there's a crafting table oh the crashing table was there yeah i think oh my bad i'll deduct that off your time oops how do i get a car it's just something really obvious i can just take no no no you can't you can't you guys i just faced it wrong dude once they tell you you're just gonna be so mad the red wool i can take this no you can't it's all part of the game like it's not like a trick like that it's just something you're missing i don't know i don't know you got it you're doing so good yes yes yes i can make slabs yes wait that's it but there's not enough need to go get the other stuff can you make mossy slabs oh you can what wait so is this i don't think i have enough there's no way well you haven't taken everything okay i'll come back i'll come back this is a waste of time i don't know why i'm doing this i i'm still doing it i know it's a waste of time and i'm still doing it and i don't know why i imagine you make it do you have enough locks or no no wait what else can i get um what george oh the fences yes i can't make fence slabs oh my god oh no there you go oh it's so annoying i'm like it's all glitched over here it's all dark for me oh yeah it did like 10 minutes for the lighting glitch oh that's not even i can't even get those ones what you can i just broke it in wait i can't break it what i don't know what's happening come on i don't know how many i but i need every single one um you're pretty close okay let's go let's go go go go go go go go you sure you don't want to get everything first oh no oh you can get it back okay you're chilling let's go i think it's so hard to place i'll wait no i can't do it no i need one more i need one more go get it what else go get one more wait one more i can get the crafting table you can get anything i'll just take these the hay bale yeah those two that do that oh i'm an idiot okay there you go i just miscrafted it okay come on run run run what okay all right i guess we'll allow it don't fall so you have to get uh this side you have to stack across and you can break anything above the grass you can break anything above the grass yeah but you can't break the grass i think he's got it concentrated i know to be fair your time is still pretty good it's crazy how you made that back up right you thinking anything's happening yeah nothing you're just not saying anything but maybe you'd say something you can't use the walls by the way wait i can't use the walls yeah you have to stack in the middle okay if i use three stone i'll get one two three iron backs yeah one two three iron like i'll just be using the same amount i guess i might as well mine the coal though nicole might as well just in case he needs it later big for close sub nap just a few more blocks he's done it oh can i get these blocks back [Laughter] you give the hand scappy i'll say what i said to you um it's obvious and once you know what it is you feel like what the hell how did i miss that how is it so obvious um think about it it's easy slapping up look i'll splash you with splash potion of iq again oh yeah he just gets it straight away no i actually i need another hand oh he's understood it now i don't get it i don't have enough blocks to make it even if i go up try going up and maybe it'll work oh oh did he get it what no bruh okay let's watch all right i'll watch oh what i'm gonna cut this bridge if you try and do that why because you're not supposed to go like that and to get through the hole if you can somehow make that i'll count it so what you missed was you're supposed to make slabs all right so for this one uh you can break anything above the grass don't question it i hate to replace this like 10 times it can break anything above the grass yes anything above the grass that is correct anything above the grass yeah just not the cords damn it it's kind of what i was hoping there seems to be an awful lot of this i don't know whether i'm going to start farming i can't break the grass right uh no anything out of seats i genuinely don't know huh i don't think you can if i read it in a way that maybe wasn't intended is that okay uh yeah you just can't use the walls i can't place on the walls yes not even like bedrock or anything like that yes you have to stack across in a straight line nice and skippy i'm talking to you just you right okay i know i'm not going to win this i think you have a good chance you know i listen your time actually isn't terrible if you can ace this one and ace the next one you will do good wait what if i mess this up what happens uh you'll reset yeah it'll reset as well yes so listen scary buddy i i know i'm not gonna i know i'm not gonna win this okay this is this is pretty good this this challenge i spent 10 minutes on find the item in the chest guppy seven and a half minutes yeah seven and a half yeah thanks for that ecoboost so um i'm gonna i'm gonna try something that i've kind of wanted to try for a little bit but i don't know if it'll work i'm just gonna give it a go find it funny that i'm gonna try it so i'm gonna try it just you know i feel like i have to what are you doing come on i'm working on it buddy i'm down okay okay yeah no i see you i don't i'm i'm watching your inventory no no i think you got this huh i don't i do i do i believe in you like an odd number of mossy cobble and cobble though hurry up go go go okay fine this is not enough blocks by a long way you sure yeah oh wait i can get one more thank you finally you saw that i was like is he going to see that [Laughter] did you get it it drops is this gonna be enough blocks it didn't initially seem like it but it might i think you're doing well me too as long as i'm not like five blocks away from it by the end you're chilling dude you're chilling okay there you go hey okay find the keys what does that mean on each one of the areas there is a hidden key that you have to find so like on this one it's a button uh no you have to look i'm just gonna say look for it like an item you need to find an item to use to open the doors there's four layers of doors what look carefully there's things that blend in this is sure found it yeah i got key number one so is that enough oh my god three more layers ah three more keys done number two let's start open that up there's two more keys to go and it's the finish okay okay okay what the heck do i no okay surely not um i was a key where would you put me dude this one's hard coming back to that one ah key where are you key okay six need one more one more key this one's hard would you say this one's the hardest one no i feel like this one would be one of the easiest ones okay well then i'm trying too hard i'd say go through everything i thought you could open that okay what am i missing look at the things around you and i suggest jumping uh oh i should have gotten that i am a dumbo i think you got it you jump on that oh what you almost got you're so close it's just on the other side isn't it oh my god what are you doing to me why did you put it on this side i hate you it was a 50 50. yeah it really was got it that one was kind of tricky not gonna lie i didn't even know you could go up that thing and open open oh i'm done i did it how long was that fine and done that was 27 no 36. no that's good i'm taking that 27 minutes is respectable i think and these are test scores they're just empty oh my god i'm so happy with that i am really really happy with that that's not a bad time i feel like it would take longer yeah no all right dude well i'm gonna go take this map show it to other youtubers thank you so much for building this map and yeah thanks for the the hints that you gave me well they weren't hit like it'd be i think it'd be fair to give though to others too i will or maybe i won't no i won't okay wait what is what what's keys i don't know find the keys find the keys am i allowed to break anything here oh no okay well there's a button here i'm guessing that i need to push one of these didn't tell me where to start so this is the one that i see that has buttons um i'm gonna push the buttons any buttons in the world keep in mind your goal here is to find the keys so yes so i'm gonna so on all four of these there's a key on each one you have to find the key on each one got it got it find the key yes on each one on each button can't break any blocks correct how did they do this okay so i think that means yeah that means this was re-teleported in the fact that those were up this is something to do with the buttons i think for something definitely missing something over here there's probably a button on the stones that would be harder to see if you can't find this one i would come back to it that would be my advice i'm going to come back to this one fine i'm not allowed to break any blocks no you can't wait a minute there are two spaces two spaces of what we're two spaces on that thingy that one you got a key that makes more sense there he goes okay that makes it a little now that means you have three more keys to go that was a total bait and switch oh okay so they have something on each side has been found but the question is where is the thing over here my guess is it's right there back over there i'm gonna check here first yes okay that makes more sense can you go up these so you can okay then it's up here i realized that very sneaky sneaky sneaky sneaky oh and he's got it i am gorgeous right wow oh my goodness that would have been a muffiny endeavor three four yay go on the throne and stop the time yay done all right so if you follow me over here i took 27 minutes 46 and you took 29.02 what no i did not online [Music] [Music] whatever look at that time whatever dude five minutes is nothing boom i hate you they don't call me the muffin potato man for nothing boom that was great there's more this is the last one find the keys okay i'm looking the keys are they levers again oh you found one already that was quick yeah oh there's a there's another one no those aren't keys are there buttons i can use them as keys i was like wow that was quick okay let's do a little bit of swimming you know that's pointless the buttons are not keys are they going to be under here gotta be or not or is it there to deceive you it's there to deceive me um not here oh dispensers oh not in there okay i got one okay wait how many keys do i need there's one per corner and you need four keys so there's four corners one perk okay i got that corner oh my god oh i just found another one oh i was gonna say these chests are filled with like stupid things like last time um do i have to go to the nether wait do i i don't want to learn you but you're on track to get the best time wait what if i wait whatever no i got string is that a key no why is there a string at the top i think you broke it so it gave you string i don't know why what these don't drop string what i have no idea it's a vines i swear i saw drop a string why can't i climb it okay there oh it's in that one no something you'd miss it okay last key is over here somewhere apparently not up here not there wait where is the key there is the key i got it i got it wow wait what if i need four oh cause there's two wait one two three four take the throne okay where's the throne this is the throne yeah okay george your time oh what was it what was it no oh my god what is that like 40 seconds oh my god i was so close dude if you hadn't kept going back and forth on the stupid building the build oh yeah if i didn't mess that up ah that is so close so wait who else has done it let's see finn got like 30 something oh these aren't people yeah i know well they're people but they didn't play oh jesus am i allowed to break stuff in here uh no oh geez there's one on each corner one keeper corner there's one oh it's two out of four there's another one oh just one more [Music] time what was my time your time and you cheated on like two of the things i won i won i won i wanted [Music] oh god it's another find the key find the key so there's one key on each biome and you're going to need a total of four keys is it breaking a key or is it like clicking you have to collect the key oh collect it okay click a button do i get maybe who knows i didn't even know i could climb up these things did you just figure that out yeah minecraft's got such good additions i like this version uh oh wait you can open those yeah see i don't know what's one point sixteen did you get the key yes i did nice three more oh wait no fin pin that needs to be reset i know for a fact you can go under this you can open this if you want that's nothing if it was me i'd hide something in the stairs or like a like fraction of a block like this where you can still see the dirt that would be pretty clever wait there's a dispenser here i feel like that's something there's nothing in it hey here we go two out of four fifty percent fifty percent boom another one easy seventy five percent what i'm this is fast okay oh yeah no you're doing good barrel barrel hidden barrels oh god there's just a many many barrels oh let's just found and stop the time all right right this way dude but i was the moderator for all four of you guys and gave you guys such good hints i got nothing yeah that's true i thought there was more to the puzzles other than just like a speed challenge of do exactly what it was the color one was the only one the genuine i think you did good though like you you did pretty good the first one if you hadn't have taken seven and a half minutes you would have been out of there and you would have got first maybe it ruined your momentum you're like all right uh thank you to the builders for building this and yeah finn any last words for the video i hate this all right i love this bye 100k like can we do it again you
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 3,635,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, badboyhalo, f1nn5ter, georgenotfound, sapnap, dream team, escape room, puzzle map, minecraft puzzle map, i tested how smart, i tested how dumb
Id: fGS8J6nziGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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