First Flight Lesson| Fundamentals Of Flying

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[Music] okay so we're gonna do an introductory flight you've never flown an airplane before correct sir perfect so while we're on the ground I'm gonna take control of everything I'm gonna get us to the roadway once we're at the runway we've got a take off clearance and an apply full power I'm gonna let you take control it was at this moment that he knew once we get to rotation speed I'm gonna tell you to slowly here let's just do a little bit of taxing so you can see how in taxes good I don't use this for taxi on the ground ears do is that the pedal saw the top of the pedals you've got brakes right pop with the pedals there's no brake so if I release the top of the pedals we should roll forward a little bit no we are rolling forward just a touch I want to break I just touch both top of the pedals if I just touch the left one we're gonna go off the left you're only applying that side of the brakes all right I'm not that so if you release those now we should again roll forward so we're rolling forward now so why brakes there you go we stopped as simple as that so if we wanted to make it a little bit more brake to the left side little bit more there you go so that's turning a little bit more now let's see if I take my feet off you can see we're going off to the left side a little bit yeah add a little bit right after that so let's see how you do kind of ban say in the center line crash me into a plane then that's on you push this throttle just a little bit forward and then bring it back as you start to roll I listen although really well but but what we will do is talk about what we're gonna do so in aviation we got speeds that we need to go by as far as maintaining for a climb for a descent coming in too long the speed that we're gonna look for for our initial rotation is 55 knots that's what we're gonna start applying back pressure to bring this this point up the next we're going to worry about is about 80 actually 79 as we apply back pressure off this takeoff if we apply too much back pressure the plane is going to slow down to a point where it's not going to fly so that's why these speeds report so we're gonna rotate slowly pull back in 55 and then once we get airborne the speed is going to increase as long as we allow it to we want to increase so the needle is around 81 bobble golf exact our short delay approved cost by Turner's for the preceding g5 left turn out runway seven cleared for takeoff lipstick off seven was shortly approved so all right you see a runway seven on the ground on number seven on the ground yeah mommy's are on the right roll we're seven there you go so we second thing we do is next thing we do is look at this to see what heading is on it's looking to me like a zero eight zero which would be right around there these two half the match up and you're always after much this with this why don't you to do is left hand on the oak right hand on the throttle attaboy nice smooth fall power with the throttle all the way then we're gonna start rolling I'm gonna keep us in control directionally I spirit desire that's all the way in there you go yeah all the way all right yeah so now we're rolling down the runway with a it's a nice centerline we're checking over here making sure our gauges are in the green yeah see the airspeed coming up to 55 yeah this car just nice easy back pressure not too much and it should come up like it oh my god amazing beautiful so no lower the nose a little bit right around there is what you're looking for for a visual and you'll see what the airspeed starts to do it starts to increase and we want to catch it around this bit I'm gonna help you out with some trim so as you see the NORs are starting to rise again yeah sweets time to go down again so you got a Porsche that over the place Porsche it over that's going to increase that airspeed there you go I mean I you see that airspeed exactly where we need it now perfect beautiful and then level the wings right there this pitch attitude is a perfect client pitch attitude in this airplane this is what we call the best rate of climb this gives us the best rate of climb in the shortest amount of time so what we're gonna want to do is level off a 1,350 say we're drifting left a little bit take me off that right side and touch all that requires is to push over with the the yoke on three you get the horizon just above this dashboard just enough to stop the trend of these needles so do that no kind of push the doors forward it's gonna take a little bit of after because we're not in turn we're not shrimp at the moment so we push it down right so you see where the horizon is in relation to where you are now and you see how much pressure that you've got to put in the role this forward about three or four times seer that relieves some pressure yeah there's a little bit too much pressure what we're gonna die that's what we use the trim for is pull the the power back a little bit to about 2100 that's a comfortable rpm same for cruise and hang out I'm not worried about you doing everything at the moment I just want to get you comfortable with the basics of the plan so your best friend in flying no matter what fine you do is the horizon if you can gauge the distance that it is now between you and the dashboard like I can see we've got a slight climb so we need to push the nose forward a little bit and to push it down just a touch right there whatever that looks like to you get used to that view you're not gonna be used to by today so don't worry but that's what you're looking for me over here and then what you do is you kind of look outside and then you're checking on what you're doing outside with your insurance here are we climbing would climb a little bit we've got a little bit of a vertical climb but all in our 1500 feet I said 13 books fine every so often you're gonna need to retrain if you've got too much pressure on this like take you hands off the controls now let's see what it does there's a slight climb you see the doors rise in a little bit so you can maybe a half a road like a half an eye area yeah hey God just just like that that's gonna be too much there's too much it used to trim it and what people do all the time is they use this as a primary flight control so if they want to send something they'll say it with this that's not the way it is you sent what you want with the yoke and then you trip so you don't have to touch the org any more okay pretty well trip pretty well trip and it's just small adjustment so perfect so right now we're in straight and level on accelerated flight we're not we're not climbing we're not descending so what we were talking about on the ground we wanted to climb with after our power bill decline 15 Jesus asleep popular with this video souvenir as well look at I don't get paid you know for those edits I'm impressed honest good very good really impressed all right so I'm wondering if or 4000 foot Bravo a special shop so we're okay at a climb so we're gonna do we're gonna reset ourselves up into that climb pitch attitude to climb up to what I write you it may when you climb a thousand feet sort of 2500 again we're gonna want to be in 10 that airspeed that we did on the on the way out 79 knots and remember to climb we need to weigh weight we need to increase lift so it's more than white so one for power and pull back slightly that pitch I chewed right there it's maybe a little bit too much that feels better okay and then full power my full power all the way in with the yoke sorry with the Frog what's the yoke all the way you know your boy it's all about about angle of attack or increase in the angle of attack so we can create more lift so pull back a little bit more so we can bring down speed down a little bit just trying to get you used to play with the air speed because really implying air speed is king the air speed is is everything perfect okay beautiful so you can see will climbing through 2,000 feet are you doing it give me a nice shallow turn to the right side we'll go to the north side of the lake over here this is where you starts to get a little bit more complicated because you talk to stop the aerodynamics of a turn because you lose a little bit of the vertical component of the lift which is why you felt that noise going down or of it so in a turn you've got to pull back a little bit you'll understand that when you go through a road I know it beautiful it's glorious oh this is a delight I thought I was your delight I was his favorite student I saw leveling off 2500 feet so we're going through that same level of procedures some knowles over miles down push down with the yoke there you go get that they see her ice is a little bit obscured here so it's gonna be a little bit more difficult but remember we put full power in so you can pull that power back until the power is at about 21 teller which is for Victor tango landing assured we'll talk to you on the way we did a four-vector kanga thank you turn alright that's perfect so illustrate here is as you are concentrating on that this one not fifty feet above where we want it to be yeah that happens to everybody everybody it's about multitasking that's one of the things that your species is better out than mine okay so but that's what everybody does everybody gets saturated with doing something else that they forget about actually flying the plane alright so now we're going to do the opposite no we're going to descent right so we've only talked about climbing no we want it's over descending we want to increase weight so he's multiplet so how would we do that opposite power back pull that power back yeah just keep it coming back about maybe 1800 or so on this thing yeah keep it coming by obviously instead of pitching up we're gonna let the doors come down a little bit which it naturally will want to come down you should do come down there you go no he's coming down no we've got a new set going on this is how we calm down how's you doing it to me not worth this was the opposite in fact remember I said that in a turn you lose lift join it in this turn because R origin descended we're going to descend at a faster rate you see who is increasing making a turn it's going to listen faster nice and then what I want you to do is when we're at 2,000 feet I want you to level off again which again to meet the opposite what we did before we're gonna add power this time back to our original power same but raise the Noster than horizon I'm surprised I'm not dead yet we're coming on to 2,000 feet no perfect so you've got the pitch I chewed that you want cuz you got the horizon where you want it yeah and the power is changed right so we want to get that power back to where it was before to the cruise power saying of 2100 so you throw that in there to 2100 oh yeah don't push it yep that's some throttling perfect right about there that's fine you can reach rivers necessary to relieve the control pressures to keep the view that you've got it looks like it's trimmed anywhere beautiful that's the fundamentals of wine that's it West want nailed all right spits so basically an introductory flight I'm gonna get us to the runway once we get to the runway we get the takeoff clearance I'm going to allow you to be on the controls and take off if at any point you want to step in get onto the runway we'll go full power and I'll allow you to be on the controls and actually rolls in all right so for the introductory flight you've never flown an airplane before right so I'm gonna we're gonna go full power and I'm gonna allow you to be on the controls I'm gonna install that we're never gonna do this point all right so for this interrupt reef light you've never been flying before correct no so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna get us to the runway and once we get to the wrong way we get our takeoff clearance we're gonna get on the runway I'm gonna apply for power and I'm gonna allow you to be on the controls and suit once I interrupted you to kind of pull back a little bit in [Laughter] some sense when we rolling down the runway I'm gonna instruct you to be on the controls and you can do you need for me injured that's what you're gonna have to do with every lesson yeah I'm gonna transfer the controls over to you I'm gonna apply for power and I'm gonna transfer the controls over to you resonant [Laughter] introductory flight you've never flown before correct all right then so I start in the video I'm gonna transfer the controls over to you I just want to say so far I haven't missed the scene yeah yeah when you actually come in [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 47,559
Rating: 4.9122663 out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Pilotlife, Aviation, ATC, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Runway, First Flying Lesson, VFR, KORL, Climbs, Turns, Descents
Id: _cvI9YAVs14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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