How To Fly A Plane - Learn to fly a plane in 5 minutes.

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first thing you want to do is pull your plane out of the hangar make sure you don't pull too fast otherwise I might take off now you get no plane [Music] all right so today I'm gonna teach you how to fly an airplane you're stuck at home quarantined you can't do anything time to learn new life skill learn to fly a plane I bet I can teach you to fly a plane in like ten minutes really easy [Music] few things gonna have an order fly playing hi Pat and coffee otherwise you're not going set step 1 get your coffee get your iPad this is the coffee this is the iPad all right before the start to play we want to make sure our lovers are good this is the twisty lever this is a pushy lever now you don't use these and then see you're ready go ahead start it up ready go we're gonna do is this steer the aircraft we're going with the steering wheel that's right but if the planes coming at you they're actually reversed so we're gonna push on the push knob and then we're going so we're gonna steer from our turn left it's very simple just turn left straighten up - go straight and then we're gonna do a right turn SuperDuper simple all right you've mastered what they're called their level turns we did not lose or increase altitude just then all right now we're gonna do what's called taxing I don't know why it's called acting I don't have any passengers and no one's banged me if you know why it's called taxing through the comments in the comment area or put a comment somewhere else I'd like to see that [Music] all right so firstly the business is communicating on the radio but those traffic grommets and Julia Brothers crossing 1 7 3 5 Bravo Northwest all right now you know how to talk on the radio in an uncontrolled field all right the next thing I want to do is call the run-up so we're gonna do a run-up and we want to do a Mac check this is a good time to pause right take off do you want to take it nice and sip your coffee all right this is your next lesson in radio communication at an unpowered airport north traffic remedy 9 7 Julia Bravo's departing runway 3 5 million Northwest departure Northwest traffic alright now you're fully versed in communication at a non powered airport so when do is I want to take off in order to take off we're going to push on the push knob and we're going to pull on the boiler this is the runway this is where we do the taking off alright so I'm gonna push on the push now push push push push alright once you're going full speed put your heels on the floor that's the hardest part of this whole thing now you want to look at your gauges they look good now once you feel like you're going through fast like to drive down the highway we're just gonna pull back now you know how to take off an airplane so simple now we're in cruise flight that's it you just point the nose wherever you want to go all right now that's not talking for the tower entire company and I say to Julia problems three miles southwest so jennifer otwal runway three five clear attaching all of traffic three five let's go left traffic now you know everything you need to know about communicating at our Airport so now imma teach you how to land a plane really really easy all right so you see the runway we want to aim the plane at the runway now when you're about to hit it you pull back just a little bit don't hit it that's a landing those white lines they're called the thousand foot markers to call that because they're a thousand feet long it doesn't look like it that's because we're very high all right now we're gonna do the landing you'll know you've landed when the wheels touch the ground you'll be able to feel it it'll feel like you're not flying anymore it'll feel like you're driving in a car that's how you'll know you've landed so I haven't landed I haven't landed I haven't landed I don't land it haven't landed this is called floating down the runway there's a very popular maneuver with students then you want to get on the brakes really really hard so you can slow this plane down you'll know you're done braking when the plane stops you probably notice the whole time I'm flying I keep my hand right here on this knob it's because the plane doesn't have an armrest and this is just there's nowhere to put it so that's the best we could do hiren turn turn turn turn what's up birdie all right now one on the base leg on the ground and now we're gonna turn down wait on the taxiway yeah that works pattern this guy padded on the ground but now we're down one four three five only we're driving all right so now you know how to take off you know how to land know how to talk on the radio at a non-towered airport and you know how to talk on a radio in a tower to airport come back next week and I'll show you how we get our instrument rating [Music] click this link to see the most recent video upload click this link to see a video that YouTube thinks you might like click this link to subscribe to my channel [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Just Plane Silly
Views: 424,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fly a plane, learn to fly a plane, how to fly an airplane, learn to fly, learning to fly, how to get a pilot license, take off, quarantine pilot, quarantine, aviation humor, flying satire, Flight lessons, general aviation maintenance, beechcraft bonanza landing, beechcraft bonanza, general aviation, General aviation videos
Id: XAoOpOuc2Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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