Instructing The Instructor| CFII In Training

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let's get it i think you're cut out for this i really don't think so either all right no you're doing fine you're doing fine so yeah more headache yeah not quite that steep not quite that's not that quite steve my controls might have controlled my controls all right i was like dicks what's wrong i don't know that's the thing my reputation is going down all right boys and girls welcome to the wheelhouse of cessna 781 bravo golf i'm in the left seat today because somebody's coming on the channel that you've never seen before i've only flown with him once i've done one ground session with him but we've got a check ride that's coming up very very soon how can you get through his training that quickly you ask well he's already cfi and he's going through cf double eye which in all honesty once you're a cfi it's a pretty easy and straightforward add-on the particular examiner that we're going with uh likes to take the controls and act like a student which i've actually done before with a cfi candidate this go around shall we deliberate not that far not that far keep that keep that keep that what do i do your controls so we're gonna go up and i'm gonna play the student a little bit on an ils approach into samford international so i actually don't know what i'm going to throw at him i don't know how i can mess up an ils i'm going to set up the cameras wait for writing and then off we go got nick if you want the privilege of flying with us be quicker cool that's going that's going it's got a beautiful nick on it all right it's uh mike controls all right your controls down close your eyes please [Music] three thousand five recovery all right so we have our nose high so we push the nose down got the full power in which we're accelerating now so we'll pull back to normal we're doing some kind of mischief over here i don't know if the unusual attitude caused that like trolls your controls your eyes [Music] oh yeah oh yeah get those eyes closed oh my god are we doing spin train today all right so the goal there we are nose down power comes out we level the wings first then pull the horizon what we're looking for there cool all right now let me figure out if you have messed with my s boss i bet that's what changed we got it we got it we got it all right we could we could leave it like that you can turn it back on you okay let's do the annapolis burger then food yeah you probably gotta check to make sure you didn't delete anything yeah points out of your uh database my fields are there he's like delete somehow figure out how to delete an approach on the foamy keep your eyes closed all right let me try what do you figure we're on an orlando approach here in 1977 right now november 71 we offered our contact 10 miles north of disney world indicating 2500 altimeter 3003 say your type aircraft request all right three zero zero three uh we are a skyhawk uh cessna 172. we'd like to pick up an rnav circle circling approach into leesburg and now we have a couple more approaches after that or i can give them to you an hour later i'll just do the rnaf circle now i'll i'll call you back about that in a second advice you know the weather at leesburg expect car now three circles a three one i already checked the nodems on this plate so the notes do not apply the nodes don't apply to us right now looking at the rnav gps three it's a leesburg we're kind of probably expecting to be going to punk you uh at or above 2000 to punch you then to jocks on right turn then it's down to 1800 to jirat which is going to be our final approach fix to punch you and join the r for three clear drug punk you join the rnav for 371 bravo golf all right so we'll go to my flight plane and we'll go down to punk you we'll go direct direct activate boom right turn two numbers upon completion of your approach fighting zero three zero i maintain two thousand departure frequency one three five point three all right upon completion approach uh fly heading 030 climb maintain 2000 departure 135.3 uh 771 private and he said to join the approach we're not clear we've got 40 requests after leesburg after leesburg we like to get uh one ils into sanford and then i lost to a full stop in executive we're three and a half for punk you that's good we haven't been clear for the approach we've just been told to join the approach so we're not descending yet a punk you at above two thousand then eighteen hundred zero then we're circling for this approach so our minimums are gonna be 700 we would need one mile visibility which we should definitely have today uh and our circling is to three one so we're expecting to join kind of a left downwind to left base to runway three one and our missed approach we've already got which is gonna be zero thirty two thousand and one and departure one thirty five three cool yeah that's one thing to watch out with students because they they're always heads down yeah but they're always going off on stuff you're not because you're you're you're the higher level you know the higher echelon sport yeah i'm really enjoying what you're doing looking good everything's looking fine i i actually like better what nick is doing what uh holding holding heading really well yeah thank you doing a brilliant job that cdi is dead nailed in the center back there really really good nice coordination and all the times 71 bravo golf cleared on everyone away three circle three one all right cleared our half three circle three one seventy one probably november two four six now we have are we flying back uh well we're still under category a and we're going to be circling at our 700. what radius around the airport will be guaranteed obstacle clearance this doesn't have the inverted c here so we have 1.3 okay and uh we'll say we're pretty much ready to approach this is kind of a lot of driving around this approach because it kind of takes us out on a tour of the countryside yeah which i can't see yeah wait come on you guys are really enjoying really nice isn't it nick i like the grass strip over here now what we're going to do is we're going to do our approach down cancel and then bail out to the graph strip yeah there you go i think nick happy because he's landed on so many soft fields before he loves the far field how many star fields did you landed on just the one nick how much one twenty one time have you gone always commenting positive things in the comments here's your number one fan okay we're gonna go right to that 041 and as always we just we're just following the magenta lines actually this is my mate we're always following the gentleman if you're not you're doing it wrong so we did lp plus v we have our advisory device contact executive tower 118.7 7a1 bravo golf radar service terminated keep your squad code though and contact leesburg tower 119.35 uh leesburg tower skyhawk 781 bravo golf is uh five from giraffe inbound on the r nav three circle two three one scott 781 bravo golf leesburg tower circle west for left base runway 3-1 report drought so we'll get over here and actually we can be down to 1800 here all right so we're right about our 1800s so we'll power that up and we're two from our final approach to fix and so we have a a little bit like a six degree intercept so that's bringing it back all right one dot low and i'm gonna go ahead and report drop and at least we're tower 71 bravo golf uh we're jarrod inbound that's the one bravo golf for our report circling all right report circling i won't rub it off all right now we're gonna be down to 700. we're crossing the left that one three one power back and we're in now we're kind of using keeping this really key part of our scan and we're going to be looking to circle actually i have my trusty copilot here who's going to tell me whether we have the field in sight okay we're going to need to have the runway in that the runway we intend to land on in sight for us to execute this circle let's say you commence the circle yeah and all of a sudden you're back in a cloud yeah so we're going to turn towards our landing runway so since we're making a left down the left base we're going to be turning left towards the center of the runway complex then climbing up okay then once we are safely established in a climb we're going to make our turnout instructions which is going to be that zero believe it was 0 30. so we're a little fast so we're going to pull that power back a little bit and we're using our pitch and trim to kind of keep on glide slope with a thousand for 700. we're coming back in uh as soon as we get to 700 we're not going to go below minimal uh we're going to probably stop that [Music] 750 for safety we're kind of in and out of them at the moment but all right it's in sight now all right you got it in sight all right so we don't really necessarily need to go much lower than this then so if we're out if we're visible we're going to power up a little bit here to kind of hold our our speed and and go level and we'll go ahead and i'm going to go visible visual and i'm going to report circling uh leesburg tower 71 bravo golf uh now circling for three one runway 3-1 cleared for options cleared option 3-1 at 71 rover all right so we're going to do a touch and go sounds good [Music] all right we'll go there and we'll do our touch and go fu gravity every single one put my own welcome back to the sky welcome back welcome back all right we're live it up with 0 30 and we'll go ahead and put that departure and before i even get on with them mike trolls trolls i'm just dude all right but i kind of know what i'm doing at the moment sky 71 bravo golf zero three zero climbing uh one thousand for a two thousand never miss seventy one bravo golf landed a departure ident expect the ils roommate two seven right at stanford so you can brief it for me a while yeah yeah let me well first let's let me just go ahead and get it set up so we'll go and plug this in here two seven right all righty uh and let me go ahead and get the atis and i'm keeping an eye on what you're doing one two five nine seven five oh no we don't do that oh we don't want to try that remember remember just like vfr where we want to not skid and slip okay yeah sorry that's quite planned we have a little bit of flying to do so procedure approach ios we probably don't wanna we're having a little button aren't we just trying to make nick's sick that's all i'm trying to do it definitely is worse in the back seat i'm sure looking at the ils two seven right orlando sanford uh we have 11 000 foot runway so we should have enough touchdown zone 45 airport village in 55. notes do not apply traffic no it's not applied make sure you you focus on the flying wall i'll brief i'll just read it out though okay okay in fact you know what we'll do heads down we'll bring it out here right okay to kind of make it a little easier we'll maintain vfr 3000 and cleared into cross bravo let's come back to our approach plate again we're looking at the right thing charts current notes don't apply we like to say we have everything configured right three is already done so we're not distracting ourselves here so we're coming in kind of like a right downwind right base for this so we're kind of out here somewhere we're gonna be expecting some kind of right turn right turn right turn to get on there we need to be at or above 600 the whole time he's got us up to 3000 so he's going to give us some decent so at above 1600 at uxfim if he brings us all the way out there uh out of 1600 at volvo so we'll see uh final approach fix 600 feet gonna be udemy and straight in ils two seven right uh the minimums are gonna be 245 and a half a mile which is 200 agl so 245 and half is the minimum i got the radios from now all right so like any anything that i do that you see is you know right isn't right it could be anything okay all right have you figured out what you're gonna do yet no okay just let it let it come yes let it happen just let my natural tendencies come out [Laughter] just channel your inner uh instruments too oh boy there you go come on all right we'll pretend that you're at least have a private pilot place yeah well we're doing an island i want to do instrument first now now dear student do we know when we would have to fly that holding pattern that's there so i picked it there um i can tell you maybe some things when we wouldn't sure yeah when wouldn't we do it uh straight in approach right like if he said straight in right if he said straight in yeah uh if you're doing holding in lieu of the procedure if you're flying to your alternate you don't need to fly the procedure turn you're alternate yeah i don't know about that no i thought i read thought what about if we're getting radar vector oh yeah that you definitely don't yeah okay you don't get it i'm stupid so there's your there's your altitude so we're going to be ready to put in uh put in some power a little bit in advance of where you want to level off at there you go not quite that much legion 2106 is going to maintain 4 000. let's get that nose down a little bit make small power changes when we look at this attitude here want to keep probably keep within plus minus 5 degrees of pitch most of the time and so if you're still descending you may be put a little more power just a touch not a lot a lot maybe 50 rpm or something and then we'll just use our trim at this point to hold level here right we don't want to okay sorry makes you nervous that's okay make sure you can trim so your hands off right if you let go what is going to happen yeah it seems pretty alright now can you tell me what you're looking at here which instruments are you focusing on i'm just on that one no we want to we want to we want to bounce around a little bit so we're going to use a radial scan right so we're going to look at this one they want to look at our heading back here okay nevermind seventy one bravo guys turn right hitting one four zero one four zero one marble seventy one probably turn right hitting one eight zero one eight zero one bravo yeah yeah not quite as much uh not quite as much on the controls there so just thinking yeah nice smooth because i'm trying to chase it no don't don't chase it make a make a move wait for a result make this is gonna be an amazing client slope i can tell yeah never miss 71 bravo hitting two seven zero intercept two seven array localizer uh two uh three all right we'll turn right two seven zero intercept the two seven right localizer uh 71 bravo golf i was like no no no i was like oh that's blue dicks what's wrong i don't know that's the thing my reputation is going down i was like when is he gonna mess with me on the radio yeah internet or eight all right so we're the center for localizer we're not clear for the approaches we cannot descend okay all right no we don't wanna turn past we're turning to two seven zero no no general turn general turns i'll get to the one back we're on the localizer so that's fine i'm just going to hold west 2000 until you're established unlocalizer include ios roommate 27 right approach 2 30 stylus play for the uh ios 2 sound right uh one probably nearly set silver links oh now you're really gonna shave yourself all right so we're getting off localizer here so we need to turn right a little because we're yeah okay we need a little wind correction remember the wind was coming that way of course yeah yeah so let's let's turn maybe like that much more over here let's just pick a heading and bracket and see how it works right so we can cheat use our gps and see our track is greater than our dtk so we should be coming to the right and he's coming in right now we're going to turn back a few degrees there all right let's let's you know we're looking at all our instruments here and we're still 2 000 and we're clear for the approach so we can actually get down to 1600 so let's get down hold the power back zero five zero at four runway two seven right clear for the option for the option 27 right it's one brother all right pull back yeah so we're gonna be right at that 1600 we're one dot low so let's go ahead and and reduce the power a little bit and we're gonna we're below 110 so we can put in that first notch of flaps 450 foot per minute descent here so we want to maintain about 85 knots right so nice nice loose grip on it right don't yeah no just keep the focus all right this which which instruments are you looking at just this one i don't know we need to also look at this right we need to include this in your scan as well and so we're a little bit low so we're gonna we need to control the glide slope with our pitch and our trim and if we get low than 85 we're gonna add a little bit of power okay so i need a little bit of power just a little bit not how much just a little and then uh yeah so if if if this is going to the left we need to fly a little bit left right okay so it's coming off to the left so we want to be left to that heading button right left yeah more head yeah not quite that steep not quite that's not that quite steep my controls like control my controls all right all right so let's get let's get you settled down here and i'll turn it back over to you you're doing fine you're doing fine we'll just get it we'll just get it so i think you're cut out for this really don't think so either all right no you're doing fine you're doing fine so just relax all right so we we've got him back in the donut right we've got our power basically set where we want it we're kind of reintercepting our glides or reintercepting our localizer we're still a little high so i'm going to pull back a little because we're fast and you can your controls again my controls and just try to kind of keep it kind of where it's at so just focus on that heading and and come over to here look at the attitude indicator so for turning we're not doing the right thing right we don't normally want to just be turning because we're going straight and we're going down one three four high three six click push down a little bit yeah and if we get a little fast we can put a little power out we don't want to mess with the power too much yeah we're looking for a minimum of 245 245 yes so we're 900 for 245 we're looking okay right now we're a little high that's okay but our decent is above our 450 that we're looking for so that means we're intercepting it here yeah 800 for 245 yeah millionaire report thank you both oh no no we don't know we don't want to do this i felt the belt on that one uh brilliant brilliant okay this is looking all right we're just still a little high so we just need to pull a little power and get down there you go and now we're kind of going down pretty quickly so we need to be adding power once we get re-intercept in that glide so not quite that much let's keep it at like 16. that was working for us right yeah okay yeah 16 was looking good skyhawk four microsoft entered two mile final runway three six wins three west bank real close we're a little low 400 for 245. yeah so whoa no let's let's let's stay coordinated on those rudders it's getting so that's okay it's a real sensitive but my controls is from yeah controls just watch how i how i kind of reintercept this all right right so we're a little fast on pulling power making nice smooth adjustments you know once it's moving quickly we need to make kind of a little bit more of an adjustment to get it and now we're we're past our minimums and your controls you want to do touch and go yeah let's do it all right cool now we might have enough runway to get this cessna down possibly full flops there we go it's a lot heavier on the left side that makes sense that was nice [Applause] [Music] oh that was nice that was nice that was uh that was it was that was an experience i enjoyed that you need to do more you need to do more uh no the tragedy is that's how i fly in ils broke this is how they teach us in the sound [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 16,259
Rating: 4.9884391 out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot, CFII
Id: tddB1tZMOkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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