Abigail's First Flight Lesson! | Introduction to Private Pilot

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on this episode join me on the first episode of a new series as I think 16 year old Abigail from Ground Zero as a private ball that's your first day god feels great hustle [Music] abigail is a sophomore in high school and has always had the desire to learn how to fly a few years ago she had her introductory flight and hadn't gone any brother until now her father reached out to me about taking her on from start to finish and for the last couple of years haven't taken on any primary students as I've been focusing primarily on getting multi-engine helicopter tail will and seaplane training but I've been really missing teaching someone from the ground up so Abigail is now in the shoes we completed a considerable amount of grouse and pre-flight training before today on some crummy weather days and today we had some wide open blue sky to get her back in here come along and Abigail official first lesson towards Private Pilot all right cool all right so now we've been starting a new check we've done all of that see how we got Magneto's all pressure to start within 30 seconds max fuel pump comes off so go ahead and turn the fuel pump off so that button right there now the reason why we do that there's two fuel pumps on the airplane once a mechanically driven fuel pump and one's an electrically driven fuel pump we're going to make sure that the mechanical driven fuel pump is providing enough fuel for the engine and Casey the arcs for the electrical fuel cells make sense so now so that's there that's RPM 1000 starting engine checklist complete now that before taxi so alternator switch is already on I went ahead did that as a flow switch on either breed a so the voltmeter right here yep see if you turn it off it goes into the yellow really quick right but turn it back on there we go see faster on your selector okay so now we're gonna switch the fuel selector over to the right the reason why we do that is because we want to verify that we can get a good steady stream of fuel coming from the opposite fuel tank that we're gonna take off with come to the fuel selector and we've got good fuel flow on both sides does that make sense it's a validation excellent these are your pots remember so bring that over bring it all the way to the right back position just to make sure they will all the way they do now come back to the take-off position pretty cool huh so it's indicating takeoff position and we can look outside and visually see that it indicates take the opposition make sense okay so before taxi checklist is complete right there the red background with the white lettering that's a mandatory airport marking sign is the indication of a wall short position for a runway or it could be for some other things on the field this is four one five three three this is where we look both ways clear right clear left we're gonna get the lights on strobes on and we're going to be sterile completely as we're crossing the runway sterile means we're going to keep it means we're going to we're going to limit our conversation to looking outside and procedural stuff so clear left right three three at charlie temple left and right board [Music] all right we're clear when we get crossed the whole short line hey Lena light will come off and we got everything else normal all right so now I'm gonna have you practice taxiing I'm gonna come to a complete stop and let you start fresh all right what we're looking for on taxi is a pretty good so one hand on the throttle hey the wind is coming from our tail so we want the yoke neutral and we want the yoke forward okay I'm off the brakes okay so your heels be on the floor right your toes should be on the bottom of the rudder pedals right and you only need the brakes as required you can move your feet up to tap the brakes if you need to but we don't want to ride the bridge right into brakes or bag okay so do you have the flight controls you say I have the flight control you had the flight controls all right so just advanced just a nudge of power there you go now we're underway your taxi in base a left rudder there you go see and now we're starting to get a little bit fast so just crack the power back just there you go and she'll just coast now keep in mind we've got the wind come in from behind us pushing us so what that does is I helps increase our speed all right so now what I want to do normally you wouldn't do this while you're taxiing but I like for you to do some s turns about the centreline to go back and forth and all this does is get you acquainted with how do your plane handles taxi in if you see that you need to slow down pull the power back if you see the et de speed-up just add just a nudge everything happens slowly now if you need the brakes you use them that's what they're there for we don't want to ever get the habit of riding the brakes that's bad or aircraft ownership and bad airmanship so when we get down here all the way to idle I got it we're gonna turn into the okay bring it around with two three right yeah so you see the windsock we're gonna put the nose wheel into the wind okay the brakes hey there you go now straighten it up there you go okay now necklace all right so when we are approaching the runway we want to look at final listen to the air traffic control listen to the seat that we are 1.20 on the side I said to zero when it's favourite to zero the sign says to there's two zero on asphalt right there alright bring it on here on the center line here we got a right cross when we run the center line the compass says pretty close to zero so does a heading indicator okay and on the elk one hand on the throttle heels to the floor all right I'm off the brakes go ahead advance power to put rpm all the way in full power power comes all the way okay and is the rudder pedals to keep the airplane under centerline you got a right cross one that's good good control input the airspeed is coming up the gauges are in the green we got good fuel pressure slowly pop fly back pressure there you go start bringing it back there you go bring it back bring it back there you go excellent now look at this pitch attitude right here a little bit too low so go ahead and bring a little bit more back pressure there you go looking good that's your first takeoff feels great haha so oh okay little pitch attitude will climb there we go there you go yeah it is every so often you want to lure those just a little bit out for you and look for traffic making sure no one's coming in the opposite direction all right let's go out here to the right all right turn a yoke to the right and then add a little bit of right rudder pressure ain't no look how high our pitch attitude is there you go awesome Oh what we've got here is we got our psi telling us we're climbing it's gonna catch up with this capillary traffic sacada five for Papa Charlie is part of gear into the Southwest support five horses Papa trolley perhaps I have the flight controls controls alright look around beautiful day to fly to the outer borough readout below 2500 you go so 2500 so we're gonna I'm gonna trim the airplane up to show you that your plane will fly just fine a level flight just by trimming it up okay so we got the airspeed up we got it we're starting to work a trim in I'm gonna bring the power back so that we don't redline it okay bring the mixture back Hey so the sequence of events our pitch allow the airspeed to increase pull the power back so take it in for a moment enjoy it Wow then cool beautiful so we talked about this on the ground what makes an airplane turn and that's cause the airplane a turn what does that mean all right we're straight level right now right yep we know we're straight and level as we can see our wing tips and I using our eyes that we're level with the horizon right yep so looking out there we can see that we got that much earth and that much sky we can back it up with the instruments but at this very early stage of the game we just want to focus on looking outside primarily and then backing it up with the instruments okay so look at the home horizon right all right now if I want to turn the airplane I want to turn the airplane you've already done it but I want to talk about it more thoroughly with you yeah let's turn the airplane I'm gonna clear to the left I'm gonna look left I'm gonna look forward and I'm gonna lead off hey feed off with aileron a little bit of back pressure a little bit of rudder and I'm gonna come to the left and the airplane turns okay now we're gonna get away from the Fort Hood restrictions move more closer towards the belt damn yeah okay [Music] - Charlie delts are up let me know when you ready to cut loose looks like one up just north of the airport 1000 what thing I'm going to show to you before we or I pass the controls back to you we talked a little bit about or so some of the older airplanes I bought a y'all strength today yep hey the offspring is an accurate reflection of what the relative wind is doing across the wings if I get crooked or if I get uncoordinated rather look at what the y'all string does yeah okay the offspring is pointing with the direction of the relative web that's what that means right now what that's telling you right now is that the left wing is getting all of that relative wind but the right wing is getting disturbed relative air flow because the fuselage in the Indian cowan is blocking a good flow of air across the wing which could be bad in a stall scenario which we'll talk about later look at the ball the ball was kicked out way out there the y'all string is showing that you're out of whack the way you fix that is by stepping on the ball it comes right back to the coordinated position alright or stepping on a stepping away from the head of the snake on the da string okay okay that's how the offspring works that's how coordination works without using the rudder look at the offspring it's not perfectly straight over you see that ball is slightly to the right eight that's known as a slip hey now watch what happens to this spring and look out there in the horizon when I roll left okay look at what the nose does look at that you see how the nose initially turn to the right that's known as adverse yaw those adverse yaw so the purpose of the rudder is to compensate for adverse okay so we want to lead off with aileron rudder a little bit of elevator in order to prevent the airplane from descending Hey all right you have the flight controls now flight controls all right see the lake over there Lake Stillhouse yep go ahead and turn towards Lake still house you're clear and what do you do we're right there you go look right Abigail's first official lesson went exactly as planned and it was a blast this episode was the first of several to come as we travel down the journey towards her a private pilot certificate I look forward to bringing you all along as we cover not all but some of her training during her progress join us next episode as a bring along for an extensive discussion on stall and spin awareness avoidance recognition and recovery until next episode fly safe keep learning and never give up on a dream so long
Channel: All American Aviation
Views: 22,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: women, women in aviation, girl, girl in aviation, young aviators, young pilot, how to fly, tampico, sacoto, tb9, aviation, learning to fly, aviation film, aviation learning, high school pilot, covid19, covid19flying, pilot, aviator, aircraft, aopa, flywithaopa, pilotlife, youtube, youtber, aviationyoutube, flyingyoutube, youtubepilot, first solo, solo, aviation girl, aviation woman, private pilot, aviation education, young, fly, flyer, woman flyer, young aviator
Id: O7uGP-iiBS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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