LewDix Aviation Q&A!

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[Applause] [Music] all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another video welcome back to the cockpit of seven six one two juliet the piper arrow it's q a time what are we doing today do you ask why why am i doing a q a in in the cockpit well i'm doing a long flight today i'm going picking my girlfriend up in miami so find out orlando to miami today i'll probably put the root up on the screen for you you might come up somewhere over here possibly well right there maybe put a a thing on instagram and a little video asking for your questions and the response from you all was really really good so how big is your what oh flap handle oh close one number seven six one two julia eastbound to prove runway seven clear for takeoff 75 we're all set [Music] initial altitude will go up to about 1300 because there's a bravo air space directly above us but then once we get a bit further right we'll uh we'll climb it up pull that mixture back a little bit there we go all right then little thing before we start the q a i got a lot of a lot of the same questions asked by multiple different people so if i put one question on the screen and it happens not to be your particular one that that you asked on on a video or on instagram there please don't be angry with me i'm sure you can understand i got a lot of the same questions from quite a few people so uh but with that being said i think we should crack on with the first question tino telgmer tino telgmer i i do apologize for saying these names wrong penalty which part of australia are you from it's a good start just 10 566.6 miles northwest of australia this is great banter i'm from bolton england david miller 212 what brought you to america what brought me to america was a virgin atlantic 7-4-7 me and my family used to come here on holiday quite a lot and we bought a holiday home in the year 2000. we used to come here maybe two or three times a year really enjoyed coming over here and just enjoyed the the kind of the atmosphere the the kind of lifestyle that we saw so we decided that you know we wanted to move over it so we made it happen i've got a question from a patron here if you weren't aware i am on patreon if you want to support the channel you can go over the patreon page i'll put a link to it in the description and also be something in the corner so deanna tickle great name by the way she says i would like to know how you got involved in aviation and how old were you when you started flying i like this question what got me into aviation with my granddad my granddad used to be in the royal air force which is air force in britain and when i was a kid growing up in england we used to always go to raf bases we used to go to airports having to look at the different planes and stuff like that and it was with him that i actually grew a love for aviation love of planes nobody else in the family flies so it was solely down to him unfortunately he's not with us anymore but he's always with me every day because i fly every day so we used to uh anytime he used to go on stage i was used to his uh my grandma and grandma's house every weekend so my mom and dad could go out god knows what they were up to don't even want to know dad if you're watching don't stop it oh yeah i used to stay at my grandma gunner's house every weekend me and my granddad used to go on flight simulator and fly the big planes and enjoy the time of flight simulator so yeah he's the reason that i fly that's what got me into aviation michael ledger michael ledger before we get into this is an old student of mine so i'd like to give him a quick shout out all right so there's a few different parts but the first part of it how long did it take you to get your private license i started flying in 2008 with a company called orlando flight training down in kissimmee they were a part 141 school and as i went in to do the training and whatever and get it started you know i didn't really know much about the process and whatever and put 15 grand down on an account i was kind of flying with with an instructor he left flying with another instructor they left another instructor i went through five different instructors in my in my time there and midway through 2009 i had to stop uh because i ran out of money solo a couple of times i've done cross-country solos and whatever but i'd racked up close to 100 hours and not got a private because of the messing around from that particular flight school so that was from 2008 to 2009 i stopped for a long time until 2012 and i kind of kicked myself back into gear and got back into it went up to orlando executive and met my uh met an instructor called josh johnston who actually you'll see if you go back to the very first videos on the channel which are terrible but go and have a look if you want to cringe but i met him best instructor i've ever had in reality it took me from 2008 to 2012 to get my my private license that's your name nashim sorry if i got it wrong what is the best advice you give someone that is starting their pilot journey any tips or advice that might be valuable in the long run it starts with you and your flight instructor if you enjoy coming flying if the instructor makes you feel comfortable if you have a laugh with your instructor while you're doing the training i think that's the best piece of advice i can give you find an instructor you get along with second thing don't rely solely on the instructor okay i always tell my students to go through and study study study at home and i emphasize the word study if you're just going to flight lessons and not kind of studying at home and just going in and expecting the instructor to tell tell you everything and whatever it's not going to work you've got to be an active participant in the instruction process and that's straight from the fundamentals of instructing if any instructors watching we're approaching uh 5500 feet we're gonna level it off here aaron's adventure live his question is favorite aircraft to fly and the one you want to fly most in the future i like piper arrow my ferraro is good cherokee archer but what i've always wanted to fly is a diamond da40 or the diamond twin star in future as far as an airline is concerned i want to fly a 747 that's the dream next question 79 what's the next step for you atp yes sir that's the next step mark schmidt do you work for a flight school are you an independent flight instructor i'm an independent flight instructor thanks for that mark next question oh jesus this is opening a can of worms sal asks why did you leave the flight school in kissimmee all right so i've got to think about this and a way to be diplomatic but get my point across in a nutshell without kind of going into too much detail and you know whatever bringing up bad stuff but i was not happy with the way that some things were done at the flight school i didn't agree with it certain ways that training should be done and when students should be allowed to solo or whatever and i had quite a lot of arguments with the owner uh at the end of the day i just thought it was best to go on my own way and do things on my own because i'd be much happier and i'd be able to give my students better training there was another reason that i left the owner of the company did his best and it kind of worked actually to stop me from flying with otto so that's why he didn't see otto on the channel for a while not because me and otto had a falling out but because otto had a falling out with the owner but yeah i i didn't like the way that i was trying to be controlled in that sense and that's another reason that i left but yeah i just feel like i'm better off as an independent flight instructor now i'm certainly more free enjoying myself giving my students better instruction so there you go are you going to be are you going to be flying with ottoman with the praying hands yes we'll be fine with ottoma you've seen him right a couple of times recently jjs double or seven when are you in our tour getting married maybe it's already happening [Music] how big is otto's channel uh yeah he's got quite a few subscribers can you give a shout out viewer from malaysia ludix aviation has made it to malaysia jeebin lee welcome to the channel you've got a shout out i hope i'm saying your name right malaysia people in malaysia are watching the channel that's insane anthony clear for the option uh number seven with you being so pale how hard is it to prevent yourself from being sunburned when flying is this difficult for me to get sunburned in the plane as it is for you to nail your lazy h ian cowan from patreon another patron thanks ian for being a part of the channel what is your favorite certificate or rating to teach private instruments cfi etc great question ian favorite reign to teach is instrument rating just the technicality and actual instrument flying flying in and out of clouds and doing the instrument approaches i love that stuff good question ian and thanks for your support on patreon what is the most worrying thing about instructing another fantastic question ollie you're awesome as your name suggests sending a student solo for the very first time that's the most worrying thing think about it you are basically endorsing a student's logbook saying that they are they're proficient to go and fly fly an airplane they will not get into an accident and they're doing it on your certificate if they have an accident it all comes back to you as an instructor on the ground when there's nothing you can do just sat on the ground watching them go around the traffic pattern or whatever that is probably the most worrying thing about instructed for me if there's cfis that are watching the channel maybe comment what you think is the most worrying thing if you agree with that or not jaguar 79 gt jags did you have any dangerous situation while flying or even an emergency landing regards from germany ludicrous in germany worldwide i've never had an in-flight emergency let's just get that out there straight away uh you may have seen a couple of videos which i'll explain in a second with with some situations that i wasn't comfortable with and kind of took the plane down but in no way have i had an emergency yet i'm sure it will happen at some point was in flight situation the thing that kind of scared me the most was probably with the student i think it was just a bad day for the student we're coming to land on final and he started to flare very high and as we flared the plane started to stall and as we stalled we were coming down to the runway and we kind of went off to the left of the runway over the grass area and i had to step in and like i cannot tell you the kind of feeling that i got on my stomach because i thought we were going to smash into the grass and break the plane and whatever but i jumped in full power nose down to regain the air flow so i pushed the nose down we kind of gained some air speed over the grass and kind of really really unstable and then we kind of climbed away and air traffic control uh kind of came over over the frequency we're just like yeah good job there was another situation a long time ago on the channel where i took off from holland on author private airstrip and i got some engine roughness just took it straight back down i didn't took power off and kind of took it back to the runway the opposite runway that we took off from ben's 5000 underpants or boxer shorts 100 it's got to be boxers i don't like underpants they're too tight on my thighs also they go up into my groin when i start walking how do you feel about the current state of cf ipad do you think it's enough to live on all right first of all you can't live on cfi pay but there's a big asterisk next to it let's take a a general day of flying or a flight block okay usually two hours let's say you arrive at eight o'clock with a student okay it takes about half an hour to pre-flight by the time you've got in the plane maybe that's another maybe five ten minutes or so that's about 40 minutes of time that you as an instructor have gone to work but are not getting paid for it right and let's say you're making 25 hour let's say you go flying for like uh an hour just over an hour let's say that's uh that's thirty dollars you're getting paid a total of thirty dollars for that block time that you've spent with that student split that up into the two hours that you've been there you're actually making um fifteen dollars an hour which really for what we do and the amount of responsibility we have as flight instructors i don't believe that is guppy at all um i mean yeah you can't live on it but you've got to do more hours and more hours and more hours the other thing as well is you'll find a lot of flight schools advertise flight instruction prices but they will take a cut of that from the flight instructor for them doing more work so i don't agree with that to kind of sum it up yeah you can live on it you're not going to throw out if you're not going to be rich or anything like that you can just the boat get by on it and that's what i was doing when i was at a flight school ren jain any advice for a newly minted pilot what should i do besides flying for and enjoy being a pilot my kind of philosophy the way that i explain things to my private students a private pilot's license is a license for you to go out and learn and bear with me on this one because you're thinking to yourself well we've already learned throughout the training well yeah you've learned with an instructor by your side most of the time now it's time for you to take that private license get out and fly and experience things on your own because when you've not got that safety net next to you everything becomes a lot different you learn so much i would say a fly as much as you can that's my advice will crother i know you're from england because i sent you a shirt if you were a curry what would you be i'd be a vindaloo because in the cockpit i'm always hotter than the sun i'm always sweating and stuff and if you leave me in here for a while and i start smelling like a vindaloo anyway so fozzy bear ones are you spin current what's your outlook on spin training great question fozzy bear being current in the united states in the f with the fba you just have to have an endorsement so i am current whether i'd be proficient at spins is a different question i've not done spin since i was training for my cfi uh which was close to two years ago but as far as what's my view on spin training i feel like it's uh neglected at least here in the us for the private you don't have to do a spin you just get taught the theory behind it and whatever i feel like if a student is exposed to a spin what it feels like and how to properly recover from it that's what we should be doing but then again you've got aircraft like this one you this is it's been approved the only spin improved ones that i've ever been in are cessna 172s so not everybody trains on a 172 so it'd be difficult to implement that from the faa i think everybody should be exposed to a spin at least once how many pages in your cfi notebook how long did it take you to write love the vids keep up the awesome stuff thank you keep up the watching i appreciate it cookie man it's not a notebook it's a massive folder i'll put it on the screen now took me a good few weeks to do but i was going on it solid and writing it all out and it's all my own writing i didn't buy it from uh from anywhere but that's how big it is louisa oh she's my friend okay if you don't know where louisa is which you probably won't but you've seen her in the video before i'll put her right here there she is hi luisa unless you sneeze i felt it on the back who are your favorite people pilots obviously you're not a pilot but you are one of my favorite people okay i do like it what do you think about colombian people love colombian people my girlfriend's colombian you're colombian juan colombian what's your dream airline to work for good question virgin atlantic that's what i want to fly for nathan rover what's your take on the pilot shortage is now a good time to try and start flying professionally absolutely everybody is hiring the amount of people retiring outweighs the production of pilots at the moment it's good for people like me who's going for the atp soon they're getting a job i've already been talking with an airline and they're keen to you know they're offering all these big bonuses to sign on you know everybody all the airlines are competing for pilots so it's a great time to do it so that's a good question yeah do you recommend ppl holders to get a cpl or cfi before getting into the big stuff so here's the thing to be a cfi you have to have your commercial pilot's license to get to atp you need to have your commercial license so you've got to go through private instrument get your commercial and then i'd say go on to cfi before going to an airline it's the best way to build hours unless you get lucky and find like an aerial survey job be singer 339. just curious to know if you're instructed to build a powers with the goal to get a job with the airlines yes i am next question mcl spotting hd how many hours do you have i have just passed 1 350 hours the faa requires 1 500 before getting a full atp so i'm closing in on it uh are you getting your mei add-on soon that's your multi-engine instructor add-on soon can we expect multi-engine training videos in the future so i'm not getting my mei i'm not gonna be a multi-engine instructor i will however be doing my multi-engine rating pretty soon i will be recording it so you will see that at some point soon but i'm not getting my mei yoko stick yolk all day every day i don't know there's something about it that i prefer not a fan of the stick i think otto's a fan of the stick otto might be a fan of the stick what's the most common mistakes you see students and how can they avoid them forgetting your fundamentals of flying private students at least you know straighten level doing turns clients descent using outside references using the horizon and stuff like that i always find that they'll keep the nose high they'll keep the nose low they won't reference the horizon the head will be inside the plane most of the time and as a private student will mostly be well all the time with vfr you know if you see the nose too far away from the horizon pull it up if it's too far above it push it down use that horizon as an instructor it's really kind of hitting a bit of turbulence because of this uh cumulus cloud next to us as an instructor it's really frustrating to see that because that's such a fundamental thing darren foley oh here we go can you descend as fast as bolton wanderers from the premier league with a bit of a winky face you cheeky a bit of context for the people that don't know bolt wanderers is the football team than our support uh in england i'm from bolton it's my hometown team bolt until i die we were in the premier league which is the top division in england for for a long time and then we went over it and we've not been in it for quite a while now and darren thinks he's funny bringing that up can you descend as fast as bolt one just from the premier league well darren we can send it just as fast as i can descend on your mother calm down any tips for a new cfi don't be like darren give your student an environment that is fun i can't tell you how many instructors i've had in the past that made me feel uncomfortable that have made me not want to be in the cockpit with them and it stops learning most of all let them make mistakes after all we all learn from mistakes advice for a cfi and training yeah make your lesson plans in my opinion don't buy your lesson plans okay because you can't buy them it gets all the information in your head as you typing it out or whatever and it gets it all in your head and you've structured it your way that's good for you using what we call the building blocks of learning going from simple to complex it kind of verbalize your way through everything imagine that you're in the plane talking to yourself through maneuvers okay we're doing uh we're doing a stall okay why do we do a stall okay well we do it because of this such and such how do we do it we set up for a power off stalls if they're coming into land you'll start to see relationships between things as you kind of verbalize it so loot for the lightning bolt what things can i do at home in order to minimize the amount of money i spend on training study at home do a home study course buy like climb sporties uh shepherd air even king schools they've got a good system even though it's old that's going to minimize the amount of ground sessions that you're going to have to do i'm an instructor that doesn't believe in forcing ground uh upon people again another reason i'm doing things independently you know part 61 doesn't have an hour requirement like an hourly requirement for doing ground school so study it at home and uh get the written test done as soon as you possibly can would be interesting to hear the different challenges for ppl students instrument students and cfi students okay ppl students always struggle with kind of doing things on their own they get used to having a safety net next to them so let's say they're doing communication and there's something that they don't hear quite right they'll initially turn to the instructor and look at the instructors if what do i do what do i do what do i do the point of being a pilot or the point of flight training is the instructor wants you to do things on your own so you've got to take the steps to do things on your own so the the private wants to have their hand held all the time instrument guys maybe they've been flying for a little while uh on their own and they've kind of got out of things like doing checklists sometimes they struggle with getting back into that when you're under the hood simulated imc or in actual imc you have to visualize what's going on outside of the plane while you're not looking outside of the plane and that's what i see a lot of people struggling with so commercial students i'm not really struggling much because i think commercial is an easy rating cfi students struggle with that same thing that i just thought about verbalizing the way through as you're doing maneuvers because it can be distracting if you're trying to talk to a student and actually perform the maneuver at the same time it's you know it's it can be quite difficult next question carlos alberto lucio montenegro great name his initials spell calm nice like it if you shoot has a little reduction hearing ability could he have problems in the medical examination what are your recommendations with that the faa have standards for how your hearing should be i think it's something like the guys the examiner's got to stand six feet behind you or whatever and say something and you've got to hear it or something like that but let's say you know you've got hearing difficulties you can see a professional and see what you can do to to help it out and then you can get a statement of demonstrated ability a solder so if you can demonstrate to to the faa that you can still fly the plane safely that you're a competent pilot even with a little bit of hearing issue then you're gonna be golden so i'd look into that ryan mcelroy brother sister reunion no he wants to come flying actually so i gotta get my sister back in uh back in the flight flyboy raj if you could go back and change anything in your training either the passion path you chores schools etc what would it be i would probably change spending 15 grand and not getting a private license at the beginning of training to this day you know it kind of niggles me with the stuff that went on the with the amount of different instructors i was given but at the time you know i i didn't know any better so we went through it and it happened you can't change it but what i will say if i didn't do those 100 hours before i got my private then i would be at this point now you know what i mean i won't be at 1350 i'll be at 12.50 and i'll have more time to go before going to an airline one more question okay this is a burning question i get quite a lot coaster coaster aviation asks this jay schwartz he lives down in miami actually or close to miami high wink or low wing great question i'm a low wingman myself i prefer the feel of it feels to me more like an airliner i find it more stable in uh in maneuvers maybe some people disagree with that but that's just what i find it's my personal personal preference so i'm a low wing guy that's where we'll cap off this q and a q a dub this is this has taken a lot of time to do this has been good it's been an hour and a half of q a i like it nice and smooth we've got some cloud buildups going on you can probably see from that i'm gonna turn the cameras off and i'll get you to rejoin me as i'm underneath the glass bravo in miami going into land at miami executive airport which is kilo tango mike bravo if you're interested thanks for the questions everybody if you enjoyed us doing this then you should certainly let me know in the comments maybe in future you can think of some different questions and maybe we'll get another uh q a video going at some point but for now i'm going to say goodbye and i'll see you when we're approaching tamiyami all right see you later [Music] yeah flying with students you lose proficiency so it's good to kind of come up on my own and not fly with a shooting because i'm actually in control i'm actually having to do everything rather than talk people through it it is we've got approach briefing we're doing nine right seat belts are on prop we'll put it forward make sure fuel pump landing light can go on now one two three traffic snow factor if you'd like you start that left turn direct to the numbers roger left turn directly thanks wanted julia thanks [Music] three green down and locked coming in approach speed landing could have been a little bit better if i'm being hyper critical but i've been really critical
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 34,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Pilotlife, Aviation, ATC, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Runway, KORL, Orlando Executive, KTMB, Miami Executive, Q&A, VFR
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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