Private Pilot Lesson 1 — Introduction

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that's it yeah you can see how far needs to happen for us off okay I'm gonna push you back in just like about all him push in next page just logs and acknowledge the baggage door okay okay so what we're gonna do here is we want to inspect the outside of the aircraft we're gonna check list says take this check this and keep going around we get to the other way we check it so we're gonna check the whole fuel airplane fuel first right then we're gonna put it back looking for water and also for the colors gotta be blue here's the second one that looks good no one give it to you and they check the other three okay good all right let's go the other wing okay now there's three on the bottom okay I'm gonna you get on this side I'll get on the other side up for them out to you okay okay you have one he remembered that left right select the bottom okay check that this intent this aircraft has a buffer take you know when you have the tanks half after your quarter empty if you start doing thanks or slips you're gonna expose the fuel line to air so air gets in the lines can't have that be engineered right so we have a buffer tank right here you don't mind code the buffer tank and the engine takes a call it's a fuel from there so that's the low points we didn't check that that's right that's right at the gasket later the escalators and fuel filter make sure that the fuel is good turn it sideways you look at the very bottom so can you look at the very bottom see if there's any field any contaminants okay let's go let's go ahead and put that back in the airplane make sure that the rod is on the high side is fuel [Music] [Music] yeah mutters operator one time I came out here not here but another place I worked at and there was a paper what letter does that yes what does V stand for is do you are oh okay so those are the vor navigation antennas okay so we're looking down here we don't see any damage or anything like that everything looks good let's do our checklist I'll make sure we caught it first one is but doing some stream right wing flaps get a little more abuse the other surfaces because these are the tracks and this is the extensions that these things are on right make sure these are not buckled looks like the tracks are in good shape okay this is another movable surface so we're gonna have another weight lawyer look on this right I'm getting three piano hinges you want to make sure that they're attached Rockley yeah by the way he ever put your finger in here yeah hold it here otherwise you do this and the thing comes down you're gonna call you lucky oh yeah okay fine so I gotta come down here to the end okay on this one you see the weights are here okay and the wire is on this one is where out there there's the wire okay and then the wick of course Oh both these brakes on one side the other all right so one other thing I want to point out [Music] all right so let's use our checklist to make sure the brakes check wings flap check and run check wingtip and navigation check yep wing leading-edge check dual core quantity check we just look in there and see this yeah yeah yeah it kind of has to match what you think it's going to be on the gauge so if it says half fuel there you look inside remember the tanks are only about this thick [Music] [Music] somewhere I think on the train ahead put a rag there and then suck in metal it'll give you the horn yeah we're gonna do some stalls at some point we test every day yeah okay the next thing over here is here is the new fuel that's plates right here all right so that is the put behind this truck here so you don't get eight mill pressurization like the Phaedo 2 and B if it's in moist air you know the actuator rod looks good wait wire and wick quick to be like halfway yeah I mean yeah it should be big place but it's still asking [Music] check the tracks stanchions that come out looks like the riders good see how it goes Lana dangle and one lady came up here and said it's been like it's going sideways and then we come over here on this side we just want to make sure explain why there's a gap okay so what do you think you think it'll fly yeah okay with the kitchen everything let's take the tire breaks okay that's why you need to check let's go see even I when I'm talking to a student will miss an item tire it's connected the brakes a little notch yep notch and chalks let's keep going down po2 install warning opening joven opening yeah I was a little there taxi light landing light wing leading edge secure now you know Airlines you go on an airplane there's two things that they have to tell you how do you get on the airplane and how to operate the seat belts right all right so the seat belts are you tell the people you press the red button the seat belt will then come off to the Lauriston Center you grab the door handle pull it all the way up until it opens push out exit to the to the side or to the rear you're not going to the wash the front that's where that prop is okay pretty damp oh is that if there's emergency I'll take over in Lander there okay now the other thing you want to tell them too is that you're gonna be operating the radio and talking to the tower and good right passengers all excited about the flight so they're gonna be talking and asking questions right you want to tell them until get out of the traffic pattern I don't want to talk because that call could be for me and I don't be on this panel must be off during engine startup for damage to the right here the on switch right here and that's off is off for started switch off the engine okay so we have to planning it and shut it down we start with the fuel and that stops running right okay so we had to put fuel back in so these are the few listen throttle this is the mixture right so they both have to be allowing in the loud the field alright so let's push this one in half [Music] alright next thing we want to do is turn the electric fuel pump on and watch the fuel flow when they justify hold up there so it's 2 or 3 seconds and then turn it off there's five [Music] no we just flooded the engine cool okay so what we have to do is bring the mixture back all the way out and then we in the starting procedure we have you started to crank it it'll suddenly the air fuel mixture will be perfectly right then I'll supplier up and then we push that edge if I kidding okay okay next your mixture I'll cut off that's the whole thing there so it's calling all of it yep they really feel funky up next to me and then when the starch just looks in the oil pressures only folks offens it itches switch start okay so now you're gonna start it just in your car okay okay now before we actually problem clear prop up the window clear prop red not and your thumb on the button and then go ahead [Applause] 1,000 one of the things I checked on when we we're doing the pre-flight and I looked up the wings and any frost on it at all you can't fly it okay we're gonna make a left here they're left there right erinite a lead on these big off okay very good nice shirt this by the way is your between you and I this is my volume for you and I there's a squirrel just a big mud a big one it's a scrub I'll put my scrubs all the way down and I turn yours all way down and especially on the ground it'll clip my sentences okay so left hand continued to hold the yoke this is pretty good easily yes okay I give you everything you can take if you're wrong with it that I'm comfortable with it then I'll let you do it well it's easy there's no problem with that [Applause] okay you want to keep your left hand on the yoke at all time there one of the reasons for that is because during gusty conditions oh yeah big deal flap up and down and hit the stops it's just okay I'm looking at the website and Alyssa looks like the width is for my left and that's exactly what the weather said a little bit we're going to lines up here offset left J pull the power back go go get down about 25 feet we're gonna do a u-turn and head back into the web okay okay starts turn follow around okay so the wind is blowing sort of there goes so we'll stop get the notes real straight there you go those will straight in now come to a stop out here hey go excellent now we're gonna use our checklist let's see age taxing if you don't want to but you can okay I just keep my toes seatbacks that's really for the back seat okay it's almost upright position which it is right yep alright seatbelts a short harnesses now what you want to do is just going that check the inertia lock and then look back at your past here make sure their seatbelt is on okay flight controls all right now yeah the thumbs up remember that yeah this time is up that's going up and it's also pointing take a look at the back oh can you see it the runner yep okay okay so you [Music] okay now we want to make sure that it works so go ahead make sure this is okay so lines is - no that's three [Applause] [Music] okay yep you okay and the last one with the airplane is flat and little balls in the center right okay good okay all set there yeah no taxis right here okay show you that procedure if you want to what we do is we bring the up into the green which is close to full power separate the lien out oh I see it on Bianca when you spawn it [Music] before by 22 all right and then they give another hand chairborne okay now we're gonna bring it back to yeah okay [Music] we do I need about a back to a thousand [Music] is there any way you can fix this for this cold air you can see we want to keep this frequency on this one let's see how short of the line now we don't want to get into well no that's best attack so edge marking okay but you'll see it which is the changeover from taxiway to runway yes the whole short one yeah what I do is I tell people if you want to stop as soon as you can't see it over the cowling see the cowling covers it stop okay [Music] okay let's slow down hold it right there okay now let's call flight service and we're gonna go from calm to head copter and now we're on this radio I am so I'm gonna get my call and open up the flight plan and what I here's how I do it come on guys get off your coffee cup I'm is it zero yeah he's not very spotting so we're gonna have to open it up in the air all right let's go ahead and we're gonna first debate there's three things we have to do before takeoff just the net no we don't even need the doubt okay just the strobes okay we already said the RPMs right so we do cross countries okay so that's why I want to get you to happen okay hey thanks yeah yeah whenever the towers close the town frequency becomes Yoko okay well you're gonna steer with the runners Oh push all the way push all the way all the way to the stop [Music] the center line and so I see enemies eyes down pull back now for my poor old man there you go hold it right there now you want to hold it down this is your airspeed first thing you want to do is you want to get the ball Center that's your primary control a down so you're ready [Music] go and get the watch the ball is Saturday [Music] see the road I was talking about let's start out director [Music] bring it back the nose down at the same time back there you go looking good fall back fall back don't be afraid don't be afraid there you go see you climb 200 feet down so you got a holder nose down right I wanna push it down a little bit man we're gonna go back okay alright they're back at the other place you bring that back in the airplane up the nose goes down about how's that feel [Music] hey Homer those doubts here and claiming all the notes down the first thing I want you to do take a look and see the distance from the - two inches three inches whatever you think okay but that is gonna be here [Music] I think at least go down both nose down a little bit don't you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay well you know the top of the little volcano 6500 feet [Applause] [Applause] okay then you bring the nose up dating well the best thing to do is not to reach women for Klein because anyway you get back in the black you gotta read them to thing over and over again right you're Desmet it crews anyways it is like at Crosetti [Music] [Music] you can't do it I'll give this a blessings but I'll push it as hard as I can to get you through the course indeed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey just relax we're not [Music] you're gonna tire yourself out if you get too tight [Music] and being the tight one being the offense maybe on your simulator why'd you switch hands [Music] [Music] don't you approach him and tell him we want blade bollocks on weight again over here are the GPS I'm gonna hit nearest so I add nearest okay and you want to go to what the nearest airport okay now we've nowhere - effort where we are urselves zero zero which is a Rosa Rosa paneer part four five six miles to the south east right I saw her golden [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] box [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] accelerate yourself bring it back [Music] there you go i'll be trimmed down for you right [Music] you Oh danced back and forth right okay so first thing I'm gonna have you do is touch Rolls Royce do not airplane that works [Music] right okay [Music] [Music] [Music] there is my DC sucess I want you to start your steep turns [Music] now we're gonna breathe in the dumpee I have a every stage night we love spent a lot of time doing it but or the repetition you'll get real good okay on the other [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the area make sure there's no other aircraft out here that's polite following right some of the area they'll tell us okay I made that back up to 23 gonna lock it a little more for a pretty long right eye in this direction I looking further point you see anything I do not see 45 we look at the back by rain don't wait up [Music] they get that degree during here look at airplanes [Music] the well dig my feet on and then just do a long turn those [Applause] standing over here ball falls to the inside of the church that ball in the center so I have to do the coordination between Iran and their runners to keep the ball Center so for instance I'm gonna be doing a turn to the left I spied my Turner's my detriment to it keep runners in there and see how the ball stays in the center and I can peg that they all right the ball stays right in the center [Music] [Music] to begin with this we're just gonna do 20 degree bags Wow I just want it agrees [Music] [Music] [Applause] they're going there you go excellent I'm about a coordinated degrees is degrees it's just a bagel okay let's go degrees later nose up a little bit as you're going down there you go [Music] what could he go see at a MIDI Bhalla with that so let's go there to break it over the three so the answer is well what we do is we we go look outside then we say word is always I've got the - I love it too much there you go holes there's a letter right there I said I had 30 degrees here there's 30 degrees back on when they help you little bit hey I take a look at the ways of cutting the - yes exactly are here notice that you're not going up you're not going down we're stable say boy I'm alright hey my thirty degree [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] five seconds and then look back at the altimeter to see how you doing [Applause] readjusted [Applause] I do out there I can't even thank over to all right tell us - I'll break it up break it up richer okay now release the back burner they get you two inches again that same thing to the left okay tell us how the nose is going down yeah what we want to do is we want to bring the nose up there are different providers [Applause] bring that nose up just a bit right there another turn ever I swear that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] roll out the airplane why is that well if because you're using the energy of whip down so you're surprised to get right so when you come out of the journal that energy you say for the turn now is Oh give it to the lift [Music] [Music] it's like we got a little dusting of snow on them out there nice [Applause] [Music] okay lower the dose [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the way the next time 30 degree [Applause] [Music] don't right now you're looking at that - aren't you do is keep your eyes mostly on the window outside [Music] [Music] he knows this Rafi break it up hey you gonna pick up that ERISA ball sad brothers there you go right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they roll out at zero degrees [Music] okay 2:06 here again [Music] oh that's crazy got good hand-eye coordination and I think you're gonna do [Music] stealing it right and you to get that back in the state of them same altitude rupees back but you're right Roger one angel might not be looking for the topic right now 6,500 [Applause] watch the fly were you why on earth in order to do that it's got to go down so that's what you're doing is you're coming down [Music] but he's a decline nose down special cell right okay so you know what this is your this is your speak okay there's a hundred and baby back [Music] how's the airplane gonna compensate by slowing down actually you're holding your own tonight they're at 2,000 rpm that's really slippery up here so it's gonna take some fire board to go down to 80 I just watched in my helmet here it starts to go down they spray the nose outbreak [Music] really raising those up to 80 and ANSI it holds at AlphaTech hold it pretty good rady [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the training you up and down so now you know that makes it claim and bring the power back to around 80 hey let the nose come down so to maintains a tea [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] does the trimmer this our own together right and that is your elements all right all right let's go ahead and give okay level wanna break the nose down bring the bar back to 2000 okay now that's best to our left-hand turn headache 0:18 O'Keefe it goes out all right there yeah keep it at 80 cuz you true the Brady right all right I like that look at that ball ball to the left [Applause] okay well that's nice where we could even go slower but we can't do it without flaps why don't you reach over there since the or my heart see ah who in the light aren't there go ahead reach over put all the flaps down 100% we're doing 60 I say we're doing fine this is called slowly hey and this is what you'll probably need to do at some point this axe in excess of slow flight we don't go down below 60 on our mouth budges [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fifty-five there you go let's make a rainy Eddy [Applause] [Music] okay that's good [Music] [Music] yeah it'll bake them at 50 degrees okay notice that bad now your ears ear bad altitude doesn't change right all right so that's how you fix that fool speed slows me that's it okay now broad try to use that technique again what we do is take turns okay so now we're gonna go back to cruise I want you to get full power the flaps up ten degrees only position [Applause] but good good and all the way up hello is an illness that's climb a little celery Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] you physically hold that nose he get you through three inches give it back on you go away okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] before you get the nice nice roll out there you go keep coming out bad there you go yeah those ones coming up off the carpet it'll release that back pressure [Applause] [Applause] I know don't let it nobody gets down to sixty you got the brain the power back up to do that some pretty good hey left-hand turn headache 3 3 0 breeze Mickey's ball Center don't go over so hard 50 degrees of Bank don't keep it a 55 remember we have to add a little bit of attorney [Music] [Applause] power back to 2000 [Applause] okay give me a right-hander I'm heading 0-60 row 15 degrees a bank 16 degrees fifty-five added about a bit of power power there you go hold those up bones up a bit I'll hold up 55 they go okay that 0-62 roll out [Music] claps up dead agree to the time your altitude indeed [Applause] [Music] okay so we're gonna go back in the base down say get your checklist okay let's take a look at the do dissent so we want to make sure adjusts are they [Applause] and collapse we're gonna he is a blast beforehand okay [Applause] yeah feels back to 2000 yeah because we're not coming down right back right here the upsetting means is if we get high pressure and really dense air we have to actually bring it back a little bit more so it could be anywhere from 19 to 2100 rpm [Music] [Music] okay let's jumble laughter see this road right here on let's go over the road they in that way [Music] that is William de Foix we're gonna do a lot that you goes over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so the next check before we land of course is the pre landing checklist they're gonna do that before we get in through the eye and to the airport traffic area reason for that is that you want to concentrate on grabbing guide calls and altitudes and stuff like that and he can't be looking at a checklist [Music] okay so 2,000 rpm is bringing this down around 500 feet of better baby baby passengers and you fly this is about the best rate of descent although I used to blow on dear passengers eardrums out [Music] okay so you're familiar with you I got the airplane you got the airplane exchange of controls though you've done purple things turns left and right ball centered coordination of that pressure you put a probe back pressure [Applause] and elevator bar speed control we did today we can set your face but you did really well for your first lesson you look normally I have a lot of people especially with the banks they get nervous [Music] okay so now you know [Applause] hold it there [Applause] you're descending you want to keep it on the [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right back there [Music] [Music] okay so what we do is what we get to you can see that over there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 1:04 academic or sound bass okay you could say one two your initial call us gotta be yeah it's alright [Applause] 2:00 p.m. okay now you can see I rode out there on just here laughs okay we right side of it and then came over corn we're gonna don't come in is about as close to you need to be okay and then we're gonna be on the right side of the road [Applause] right there reporting William calm so we actually gonna land on either side but normally we land that to four so that's what I'm going to hey those down I'll keep your hunter IPM alright with the wind boy hey bar boiling it down way but we're actually headed okay so we have to use they again the non-towered push teacher right but we're gonna call it and we're gonna say around do you let me know what you can see if I feel like it's rotating generator later it would pass out of it we're gonna announce that we're at the radar dome invalid for to point at the Edward Charlie says tomorrow for head hard Yakka Delta for phase 2 for at the window hey let the nose come down a bit [Music] [Music] okay instead of pushing the power and I want you to bring the nose up and slow down to eat something that knows I've been trim it Brady tell us before keep the right of the road but the other way first yeah that's the back of the airplane knows that I would go up there you go so that's good right there and it'll just take a second to slow down they come to the right okay Tao Edwards traffic for like a delta in bound for South Bay's the radar dome go ahead little more the bus route they called it there now what we need to do is be able to let it go and then it'll stay there so we're gonna have a little more trip oh yes state going at 80 and [Music] we want to crab and I think I should be proud all right there all right then we are pointing it in a little bit but we're okay okay so what the next thing we're gonna do is when we get to see the thresholded or white lines and see what the chevron the yellow Chevron's honor yes there's a little white line at the fresh all right at that point all right bring that smile back to 1500 rpm and the reason once [Music] we want to be 70 it's like hey let's roll out here hold your smile at 15 how about 70 [Music] back down back down another 15 18 okay we're hold it right there are getting on the centerline bring it back just I know but better call the center you go get your eyes all the way down the runway that kicks your peripheral vision [Applause] [Applause] and then go ahead and do a u-turn oh yeah now we're gonna turn around they go and they will follow the leader all the lead hops off they run back head go ahead use your brakes as needed okay we're gonna cross the double lines all parts of the airplane have to cross that line or you come to a stop necklace okay there you go let's come to the stop [Applause] [Music] alright let's go ahead and taxi the fuel spit [Music] Gregg I think you need goes up the video the battery's dead the video camera okay okay the first one is a few all second one is outbound but what is inbound right for taxing Kapaun around to the right okay we're gonna overshoot it just a bit square it up I get that way around get ready turn now and we'll come out so what the weight is kind of like at the bird the red hose wheel is yeah we come to a stop right there okay yes a white one Magneto's off okay and master off master oh so there's three answers mixture bang you know and master okay cool all right so enough key takes key out let's go ahead and put the brake on and while you holding up here we gonna turn it okay jewel selector left to right nope we're gonna hold it right there until we actually park it okay this is just a temporary he did very fart up till the we're gonna refuel so I'm going to show you the refueling procedure you you want to get thing is turn the master on and on the rotating beacon the Messier knelt there yeah and then the beacon beacon and you're all set the stray so what you're gonna do is open this up a bit right and then you're clear prop clear prop and then you're gonna start it to the point where you soon as it fires you push this in you got to be real quick on it okay go back to the skip one space and going to the next one looks like space all the way down perfect okay so that master off bastard get your master and magnet and then lights
Channel: Aviation Plus
Views: 70,850
Rating: 4.802403 out of 5
Keywords: Aviation, video, games, simulators, PC, Gaming, pilot, training, Cessna, 172, PPL, aeroclub, aero, club, mountains, edwards, afb, airforce, Pilot, License, cessna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 59sec (6479 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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