Learning To Land A Plane Is NOT Easy| PA28

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yes that's right I've got a stabilizing gimbal which means there's gonna be less of this and more of this welcome back to another video [Music] households there is doing his pre-flight this stabilizing imbel has been made possible by my very very supportive patrons on patreon so a big thank you there's got to go too you don't want a side pitcher and I always said I wanted to make the channel better and this is what I meant with getting equipment like this never getting more cameras in the future getting better editing software and stuff like that which I'm working on so with no further ado let's go on fly so just practice again what you're gonna sit all right so Piper Cherokee and northeast of Houston office it's the party's power back hold back which I don't want to take it off power by power back entering a less traffic pardon it's all gonna be left at bless pong right let's check your products as it goes on Walter away only five [Music] three three it's on the bottle where are we right now the weight right now we're out of beer brighter okay cool [Music] we do a little bit yeah do a little bit before we're settled we'll listen to the weather that's good soap I like that you've said that doing it before ten miles yeah traffic cherokee ten miles northwest of the airport at Drita left having pattern are normally five knots northeast is that Northwest I did everything else is pretty good in five four Northwest we're gonna went on a nice 45 degree angle right now because you've never seen this before I'm gonna give you a little bit of a little bit help so you got all the lakes right once you see all the lakes you should know that you're in the right area because when it is surrounded by these lakes right right so if you look kind of chill stormy sea messy sure you got it you got it you got you don't need me I'll get out so you can see we're entering on a nice 45 degree angle here right runway five I'm sorry to see enough yeah yes like that so we're gonna answer like that do that X like that okay but when we play this is the one over here exactly going back behind those right yeah so when it's on a nice 45 45 and then we're gonna continue going like that exactly yes yes I remember up a whopping once we get low enough over the roadway transition rise to the end of the runway and hold the doors up to it with power idle okay not too far back you know if it balloons on you then remember we've got to adjust the power in the pitch show okay wait I have a traffic cherokee left downwind runway five whatever all right we're being that's our standpoint let's do it all right now thank you range well be seventeen frustrate everything they always still I get into all that runway yeah there you go okay well speed are we looking for our base Phase two seventy-five seventy-five second off flops get it in there you go looking for a fight no one's around you'll win have a traffic cherokee left base runway five touch a girl whenever beautiful speed very nice do you think we'll high or low we're a bit higher than high so how are you gonna adjust yes you win here at roughly cherokee final five what is it noise how I speak whatever traffic Turkey final runway 5 when it nice and quick nice nice and short no over complication beautiful what speed do you want home final whether you want 65 65 look at you all right we're gonna play with those gusts right yeah yeah 65 there you go get the nose down that yourself start to sink a little bit so you can add a touch of power if you feel that don't don't pull back up the power off the power there you go up the power it was a little bit more power stop that sink all right probably want to keep that noise down right okay beep it not nulls don't keep the noise down keep the noise down keep it down keep it there no started with the power back and then power back Toback which I don't want don't try to take it off no power by power back I will Bach means by I just don't want to like crap like yeah no you're scared of it don't be scared of it you nailed your airspeed you're fine I mean let me give you an illustration on how I stopped coming in nice on the centerline noise I'll keep the noise down what I saw you trying to do is keep bringing the doors up we've got to keep that noise down if we seal it feel ourselves start to start to sink all I'm doing is I did not power in there yeah exactly just leveling off for a minute you know no we're not gonna sink into those trees last thing we want to do but all the time I'll keep it that nose pointed towards the number 5 all the time beep it not Noel's day all right so my speed is actually to faster than water so I'm gonna bring some power back which means I can bring the doors up slightly but still got that right so I've got a good airspeed speeds fine coming down right now I was coming back to idle my eyes are at the end of the runway and I've just holding that nose up to the end of the runway we have a good landing ok ok make sense cherokee always a winner winner here in zurich e a left downwind only five perfect there you go you know mr. Callen Winterhaven Cherokee on final only five there you go beautiful there you go just get that Knowles down a little bit more keep that power in that pose coming back too soon laughing no need for the big power adjustments back onto the center line in the wrong way now you start breaking up power back and hold that nose up to the end of the runway hold it up Bob doorman not bad not bad all right flaps up let's roll but one was better well do one more and then we'll go home I can see you're all you loaded up your bank is loaded up with with what you're doing laughs at the plant talking and all that sort of stuff what tends to happen on final is we get this thing called tunnel vision where we solely focus on baby I'm kind of the Flair where then we forget but we've got a lot on a runway right we don't want a lot on the grass next to it so if the plane goes off the route light off the track we don't correct it because we're solely focusing on getting up that that's that perfect one bit we got off at dynamic mindset we got to open up our mind a little bit think okay I've got a girl the center line the ropeway I've got on the center line of the runway go all right you know yeah our situation so settle in treatment center will open up behind kind of if you're in a car you're trying to turn a corner or trying to get away from or smashing it to a wall you turn the steering wheel right yeah same thing here do anything you can to get us on that satellite whenever traffic jerky left Ross went turning left downwind runway five whenever you're doing a good job thought man you did a good job again this is the most difficult part of training but don't get frustrated with yourself okay I usually get really pissed off oh yeah I'll still get pissed off I did a bad London the other day oh really oh you feel high or low go hi oh hi alright you go back off that power just a touch I remember no big power adjustments don't need no need to panic okay all purchases there you go there you go that's all it needed it it stopped the descent rate right though beautiful right so you're sinking again a little bit how to touch a power there you go be about nose down beautiful the speed is lucky good keep my nose down a little bit there you go speed still lucky good alright no power idle and hold the nose off that's all you but it's oh you oh you brother all you beautiful my control know what you get a rest after that that's the best London you've ever been it wasn't on the center line don't get me wrong but that was the smoothest touchdown you've ever done once I can get the toes down smooth then my brain could be like oh you're not to do the post I'm exhausted understand exactly exactly what you'll see in the video by half do is here just in case yeah just in case but that was all you okay oh yeah good stuff let's go home that's the successful last laughing all right London is the most difficult part but we'll say goodbye the nice watch good job
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 304,283
Rating: 4.9005313 out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Pilotlife, Aviation, ATC, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Runway, VFR, KORL, KGIF
Id: 98gpA4ytZeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue May 29 2018
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