Flying A Plane Across The Country| Pilot Vlog

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hi-yah yeah right blogging on login well we're finally through security I got patted down three times I think he's just doing it for fun sorry I should've left me alone [Music] right rumbled kicks out fridge yeah so that in needles machines [Music] [Applause] [Music] what would this guy [Music] there is Syria we've made it to Fond du Lac Wisconsin on July we are in you and Fond du Lac means foot of the lake what I learned today oh yeah we're outside the hotel there's Raj there's Don who's selling the plane to these boys we made it we ought to I'm gonna at least charge my phone for it yeah I know I'm losing losing my thing we're gonna go to the hangar check out the aircraft with the sellers of the aircraft with really nice people hi boys girls the customary look around the hotel room from being honest is not the best but it'll do sorry it's got a big mirror double bed for all the action that's gonna go down just like in New Orleans there's gonna be a lot of sleeping well a bit of sleeping we're only here one night nice widescreen TV turn the light on turn it on wash though she is yeah let's go get some food in vogue jhalak goods al aroma so this is a restaurant view here in Wisconsin let's go [Music] yeah it works smaller in the menu [Music] good morning 801 on the next day today's the first day of actually flying the plane yeah first things first we're gonna go downstairs and I've looked at what's on offer at first I've seen a waffle machine but I'm not [Music] we'll find garrison roach hey Raj [Music] it's called I only brought a light jacket in Albatross hi boys and girls were a special place up to Fond du Lac Wisconsin to got to Walmart that's actually it's got a little tail and everything so pilots here hi kid what do you guys I'm gonna fly your plane right yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] nicely recovered oh I'll tell you what I've always liked the carnival because there's a lot of balloons all right [Music] [Music] my boys the girls rub a crumpet we're just off with Chicago approach to get a flight down the coast line another coastline it's not the coast it's just a leg then Lake Michigan take a look at Chicago climbing it's big enough just over nice glorious [Music] precedence nephew mix field that used to be down number zero three Delta squawk one two zero zero rhetoric terminated freakin to prove today alright cool so I was looking at the the Chicago skyline that was beautiful absolutely so if you get the chance wanna have a look at Chicago all right I suppose the next time you'll see us will be London it it'd be it'd be exact it'll be in 59 minutes of all goes well 59 minutes Rogers our time for some Eminem is there just what about the Snickers a lot like dogs ah remember I start roof while you love it all right we'll see you I would be traffic hot sure there are three dealt there is turning black face [Music] [Applause] [Music] and technics there are three deltas finals quick things [Music] my first thought was to go to the dark is usually boiling on the gravity Zozi not bad oh my god six-six Liberace I used to fly upward arrow Otto did you always be crazy that is crazy cuz all of a sort of what there wasn't at the school anymore that no idea where it what is it yeah so often in search of a bathroom so what was you thought on that first lake I are very good bit bumpy I'm very very choppy Chicago was good [Music] I've stepped outside the airport which means I've stepped aside into Indianapolis if you can even hear me over the Jets oh yeah - first Lego the way second leg is a little bit sure stopping in Lebanon I think it's somewhere near Nashville which is Tennessee oh yeah there we are let's continue the journey shall we [Music] [Music] because the green trees alive where you added to Tennessee where you coming from well we flew commercial to fold your life would you like Wisconsin we picked up a plane that that we bought and we're taking it back down to Kissimmee Florida oh it's awesome and he's stuffing over in Lebanon is that like he's the boss awesome yeah I stopped in there overnight and then okay at the point again tomorrow 39 to Kissimmee okay how far out are you probably 30 miles away from our stop all right ladies and gentlemen thanks for subscribing to loot Dick's aviation he's the number one Aviation youtuber here on YouTube we're just on our way to st. Louis and he's a man go ahead click that subscribe button [Applause] thank you brother we should probably explain well one two three four five which is the open frequency prepare to a district are gonna approach well yeah we will just tune it to that somebody asked for a bike check so we gave him that and then we started making out of all sides how do you do always nice to talk to fellow pilots I suppose we're only 14 miles out now apparently yeah we've both got to be really bored if we're doing this yeah we're pretty bored what's gonna play you guys go are you gonna write ten minutes left right 11 it difficult which is further than annoying the North Lebanon is just to the east of Nashville in Tennessee I only know that cuz I'm looking at for flight no more those that don't know the direction that released is in that's really picturesque what quite romantic oh my god always feel elevation again 588 yeah but if you don't maintain 1588 to them well if we could give him 1590 perhaps that would be generous would man do generous ROG too generous the summary of this month caliber yes well I'm Travis Eric is turning basement we 1-0 living I'm nothing here or what do I say what 0 no Lebanon traffic Cherokees turning final for a 0 1 nothing a little bit choppy boron very nice it's a cool little air folks it's like history's and feels raised now that's gonna be interesting when you would run this at some point there's the bat pressure is less really how does the ballooning slightly now yes sir if you want to try mom then cap it as a circuit absolutely all right well I saw the girl see how this goes just gained not for me here zero one zero op bit agree back up back to the sky boys Lebanon you go Cho no you know you got an archer is what you've got on there like this zero hot Lebanon Lebanon you've got an archer - any final zero wine it's got to be a full stop we're done after this Lebanon I see what she's got yes it's very light on the backpressure ferry isn't very light yeah ice though oh yeah smooth is anything yeah take it back welcome back to loving it hey do you want to do well the brigade have arrived with the crew car yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is so much better than the hotel in Fond du Lac Wisconsin bigger bed that's a king-size bed for all the action the same joke same joke again to get it it's got a couch take a shower freshen up going get some food it's starving Oh God in tourists good morning boys and girls 653 a.m. says last day we're gonna get breakfasts for the next stop in Georgia somewhere in Georgia we just shined breakfast they're here sorry these limited is no baby make them they've got a waffle maker [Music] little bit weird - look there's breakfast in a hangar my record some sort of flying going on it there's a bot don't know why [Music] it was a really grumpy birthday there's been a search [Applause] girls do the one for you dance question why is he doing that the Cherokee won $40 it's not about Gareth back on center line got red bucket right rudder right with a right now stop you should be afraid of that line make your really or call help [Music] [Applause] looks like an eyeball feels like an airport doesn't look like the best time I know [Music] chose this Airport I look at the information on it business sensor flight planning food internet workstations pilots lounge for mushrooms push yourself sir fuel poverty or feeling it's been over described yeah that's the FBO yep all right this is the FBO although I don't think she'll be upset there the old lady that owns this this place but I think he did that's a caravan [Music] it's like running a crash we're back hey I don't really recorded much of the way back because to be honest there's not a bit much going on but the past writer said 20 minutes or so burning minute 30 minutes when we've been in IMC we had to pick up a pop-up ifr clearance sort of a back in Florida there's a Friday exactly I'm sure you are well look you know there's watch doing hello very well thank you a very comfortable fly would recommend this best very good very little bit dip before oh look at hot hey beautiful oh it's not what it might look good on the video yeah wow yeah oh dear physical moisture [Laughter] be the airport does that mean tear continue left downwind runway three three you are cleared to land [Music] all right we're back would it breast rinky severe we don't want to be here but the plays the plane did really well how are you feeling say you feeling tight I'm quite warm from still wearing the fleece from Tennessee let's get your own get out of them clothes all right ladies and gentlemen thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 36,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Pilotlife, Aviation, ATC, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Runway, VFR, IFR, Cross Country Flight, Ferry flight
Id: dVy1QFoY5I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2017
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