Spin Recovery| Cessna 172

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three kind of cut it all right this side of the Tara and they're getting off that side and we'll see if we can find a hole get above it okay do the maneuvers like if there's holes like that will easily get above it yeah if not they're bored just bring it back in okay that's our straight if we don't get to do anything we can do like Dorian three touching girls just yeah yes good yeah we're not gonna false anything either why we're doing spins when he said it's possible we won't fall sit if we can't do that I'm gonna go we'll just come back yeah we're gonna get something a little bit out of exact like another day okay safety first right yeah safety first that's our motto there you go four six two nine nine Kissimmee down northwest departure runway three three cliff take off you Scottish Moors right runway go welcome to the sky Mon there you go we're back what do we need we're doing it aren't you a spent night into the guy study the dress [Music] let's go over that way a little bit and their level of no or we'll get over the 6,000 foot shelf or climate higher we need to flight levels of the the way that we do this is we put it in a power on stall that's throw it on star yeah we don't have to go full power with it either you're like 75% power and what we're stalling it we just kick the rudder one way or the other and he's gonna go you'll probably find that if you release any pressure on the rudder it will probably recover itself so when we're doing the full fully develop spin keep our foot on it you fullback pressure let it spin let it spin money's spent and then we'll release everything cool I don't halos neutral opposite rudder elevator down but he's gonna recover itself we've got a forward CG because too far from go ahead I control my drops across it the board and I have come across the border across the border you say that Spanish oh no that was why I said it sure you're never gonna reveal your true intentions of why you said it but reveal the full intention is why I want to do a spin with you hit the plumbin e-exactly funding lines going on as we're going into as we're doing the procedure I'll throw calibrate it makes your home rich yeah that's it that's it I mean we've been going but we'll do it anyway yeah left the highway when you're doing clearing turns you actually can see goal because of the wing in the law and we'll be able to see instead of having to do this yeah so before we go to the left we actually have to go to the right right and then go that will how many subscribers I mean lost and thrashing Assessors I don't think you don't get endorsed by says no I don't think so I don't think so unless they want to send me a free plane so that he can't have a will be a nice changed my perception whatever the reception is not going to change hey we don't know you know yeah it'll send me a plane for six months and I'll do severe tested yeah so are we gonna put it into that power on the stall situation okay so reduce the power hold altitude once it gets to 65 what the the power in nine seventy five percent seventy seventy-five percent on the power as it goes into the stall if you click the rudder one side the plane is going to want to spit go away from you so the incipient spin you catch it on the opposite side of that rotation it's gonna it's gonna stop it's not gonna go into that fully developed spin I'm actually gonna take it up to eight alright my deport don't we have any issues that's where we're going alright you ready yeah sweet both in altitude holding altitude hold him heading for now there's 65 I'm gonna give myself boats 70% 75% power okay I'm gonna hold it open then I'm gonna kick the the aircraft to the left okay there it goes power idle hey Lawrence neutral and then I'm just kicking the opposite rudder Ellison nice and easy not the pull-up nice it that's all it is lost the thousand feet I was it I was up I was good but you put in that rudder to induce it yes and ask you let it fall no power out opposite rudder absolutely push seriously wants to kick away you'll feel it can teach y'all how's he wants to kick away from it that's it kick it you I'm gonna show you one more time you think you got it over the fuel line Oh what more disappears it's 75 I'll start bringing it back carries on 65 by 75% power just hold it but it's tall there it goes a power idol opposite rudder let it slowly couple bear speeds increasing slowly come on no we're back down to 7,000 feet over he's coming off your controls I control back up to eight those please sir got a nice all over here again nice hole plenty of fields that's about 65 is about like fight power any fullback pressure for it to kick away kick it left good effect effect very very nice beautiful very very nice man that feel good yeah do another one let it go a little bit more okay you can do it here though I hear ya turn that way a little bit for for no cos is a nice hole here okay nice field down there beautiful looks like a runway but it's not will use that if we need to or when you're styling it yeah when it's going away for me let it go just just a couple of seconds bar okay you already look comfortable with us to me yeah nice nice recovery powers straight back opposite rudder in it you can feel Oh easy once they come over the yeah over the spit but this time let it go even further twenty feet above the ground girl you're good love all the weights Mike I said he nice and easy on the recover it's disconcerting because you're going to probably to the potty into the ground but nice and easy we've got plenty of altitude what feeling those G's we're stress at the point yeah I should have put a little bit more right rudder to make you go to the right yeah lovely ball yeah yeah you want to do it for one yeah like your spiritual controls you're gonna have to keep it full rudder deflection to keep it spinning so you're actually trying to keep this thing spinning power idle halos neutral opposite order then recover it how you feeling good yeah I'm not sick yet no no yes haven't jumped out of three years old yeah my stomach is still pretty good yeah we were just say the easy jumps are these these things usually skydiving when are you gonna do it oh you don't want to I remember we set by videos before yeah are you gonna try to get me to do this everybody knows he didn't even post the whole video because I had a questionnaire for people who wanted him to skydive I'm not even putting up the values I was a good instructional video with during my student pilot days yeah you trashed it just [ __ ] eggs you don't run this channel I do we're right on top of Louie's over here I just build over there cool all right 8,000 feet I'm gonna let it go in the fully develop spit I there we go alright you know start to bring it back copies coming on nice and easy got another power I'll start then induce it just not gonna spin it laughs yeah about 75% power open it back up it back hold it back how's it spit this up hold it there it is yeah they wrote a not a whit now all the recovery nice and easy definitely on this one okay okay Heidi airspeed gets yeah nice it easy okay cool you want to you want another demonstration oh you want to go for it I'll go for it sweet I had a little bit of kick to it yes it took the to spin yeah he's fully developed yes you know the the the Dame would win is creating a lot of a lot more drag you've got the the outer wing creating lift which is actually forcing the wing over just creating more lift just all conducive to making the plane spit all right so which are you gonna do it right although I left left yeah about 75 and you might need to help me with this they wanted to recover fall back fall back yep full left rudder he's not left rudder going full left rudder aye recovery recovery wasn't enough for Audrina it wasn't so it keep default the full full deflection is now with the rudder but I need to really do really just point yourself in this what you're doing everything that you're not supposed to fit as a pilot okay all your training so far has been to get away from everything are you trying to put yourself into it you know like a habit of going into it trying to get away from it right away exactly yeah alright cool full deflection with the rudder ball by full left rudder full full all the way all the way and keep either keep either but fully developed recover they got nice nice perfect perfect yeah perfect autumn at this speed did Eva decrease that watch how do you feel with them I feel good nice I feel cool Mike girls your control my controls that was really nice the ASB yeah wizard was really nice she didn't let it increase too much and the pull up was was nice and easy now but I feel good about it I was nice good stuff cool we did it mom and we're still here to tell yeah well you're reaching that I'm not trying to grab your leg like that well it's not trip that's the first have you seen it that's the third time I've caught myself you got to see you on the video my superior aircraft half the trip was a real man that uh trim exactly there you go the turkey won't fall it was a trim affair doing the dumb that's ridiculous that's the last even worse yeah sweet map I was fine Alvin Jimmy terrorists tried hard for six to nine I know we're about 10 miles to the northwest no more 6:00 to 9:00 or 9:15 Dario left downwind for runway 33 you've got a cap off a successful spin that's where the successful whopping the only way it's all pressure right no pressure whatsoever or which explains everything you taught me some well the whole reason I go off on it just to just to hide that I'm actually flying going profit or for 6090 number two you found the Mustang that's turning a right base runway three three Kirtland [Music] welcome to the great talk to the ground and left the Bravo or short run without a citation I think there it is see the Cessna Citation don't flow because they've got a long way but attentively you think that's a real plane that's a real plane because the wings are in the correct position low on the fuselage rather than high but it's okay that they designed this particular plane with the wings in the incorrect position but with that comes some performance issues it's more prone to spit [Music]
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 232,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Spins, Spin Training, Cessna 172
Id: 1Tbk8fz09DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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