How I Fly A Traffic Pattern & Land A Plane| PA28

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[Music] I remember doing that the instructor stood at the side of the ramp with a radio looking on nervously as you see is why installing the patent I don't think there's a more nervous feeling than that there's absolutely nothing if you do stand there with a radio you can't control anything that's funny Oh boys girls welcome back to another video is it's it for you before we wanna fly don't try vlogging for too many planes too many engines you've got a kind of time or even a ser between where the engines are gonna start when you're gonna stop when the blades gonna start pulling into the ramp but he sees the gate loader hi today's call is passenger currency I let my currency in a single engine lapse not through choice just because I'm down in training I thought what better way to welcome myself back to the sky than to golf solo in the Cherokee and do some passenger courtesy which means I got to do three takeoffs and landings yeah I'm gonna bring him along hi boys girls we're in the airplane and we're moving on the roll oh this is flight time you'll see a disclaimer at the bottom of the screen that comes up and it says do not use this video as flight instruction which is true don't use this white shirt because I edit my videos not so take away some context from what I'm saying but having said that I've been contacted by multiple people recently through emails and messages on Instagram you wanna follow me on Instagram it's been asking the tips and tricks on how to land which is fine because it's the most difficult part of flight training in fact if anybody told you otherwise that they are lying so what I'll do while I'm flying the traffic plan today I'll kind of verbalize what's going on in my head so anybody watching this yes Jason maybe help them with the with the planets which is the goal well the goal for that to be called passenger car but two birds one stone an exactly Grand Cherokee three to zero for to romeo seven with india for touch up girls remember 3 to 0 for two are only two v Texas blah blah Bravo for the two five zero four two all right coming up to the hold shot idea what I'm looking for these landings is centerline your drift nice soft touch down good air speed control also try and test myself with where I want to craft so on this first Lundy I'm gonna put it on the thousand foot Marcus that's what I want to touch down it's not going to a pro point just before it Cherokee three two zero four two is an entire polish guy hooking me up one runway 8 to 5 right close traffic cleared for takeoff cliff dick off to five will follow the Skyhawk into right traffic so therefore two dozen centerline I've got my heading I've got my edit all right let's roll heels to the floor full o set a speed alive 55 60 65 rotate [Music] welcome to the sky with black turkey zero for two for the sequence continue up when I'll call your prize for that project continue hope you'll call it Wow feels feels a little bit weird you don't not got this for a while we're training on the ATR just pass by check out on that now coming back to flying like crap that came off the ground so easily alright 1,100 feet let accelerate oh it's coming back I don't want a lot of power in here I want to I want to kind of keep it slow cuz we're extending no we don't want to go too far out but we can slow it down way for him to do to make the call welcome back to the old line 0 for 2 cross would approve center right down to 5 and I'll call your base well Jack Ross when approved the up of the dome at you call this circle to check is 0 for 2 year following a sky hug 12 o'clock 3 miles on a long down one I'll do a look at deserve for to sky dogs inside for 0 for 2 but you're a 42 number three behind the sky Harper on my to five great touching up that so she goes reporter alright so got this guy Hawk in sight you're not going to see it on that camera but I got my runway over here coming up to the top bird nope my approach by or the gauge of weather by London is gonna be a success starts make careless wanna prove me right close traffic the settle is just as important as the last few seconds in ilanics if you don't set yourself up well and you're a squirrely and you're all over the place that you're not gonna have a successful on it so my setup is just as important as the London itself sky ox is so I want around 80 knots with one notch flops that's what I've got don't want to lose too much altitude disease he's extended quite a lot already at a 45 degree angle so I know then I'm going further out so I'm not descending as fast as I normally would this sky ock is so slow I think my turn turn on the base giver the sky off plenty room is said it's still coming down slowly my usual lump mark for Charlie I like your page Thank You the base is just the edge of this lake over here that's my usual page as far as weight on a return base and I'm Way outside of it so I don't want to be just descending as quickly as I normally would exactly not your plans 75 knots is what I'm looking for abyss which is what I've got again one of the crates er one of the things I was looking for was good air speed control Skyhawk is just coming over the threshold no will turn final 75 knots looking good it's fairly stable today how SOI seems I've got two Reds to ice on the puppy what does that mean on the glide path wakeboarding you just did a flip and fell off that's interesting Fox on a lot of dips alright made the rub we're final not your flops on shore final coming over the numbers I want to be around 65 knots if I'm coming over the numbers and I look at my my air sweetness at 65 I don't have to look at it again and I said I want to be like Caroline number the BBFS those my 65 and put it on power by now to centerline stripes before the days of foot markers which allows me to other a nice little one it we made it all right pops up let's roll 65 roti welcome back to the sky the the whole thing about the to centerline stripes before the touchdown point that is something that I've seen that has worked oh that works for me as far as mainly the points that I want to nail I pull the power off and stop and a light transition into holding the doors up to the end of the room where to centerline straights before where I want to learn and that usually allows me to hold the airplane up until I can put the wheels down on that point all right at 1,100 feet turning on on the London Eye let the noise come down a little bit too quickly so we kind of drop it I'm going to do it on this one Cherokee's here at 42 number to follow Skyhawk ahead and D right on base runway to five they're touching go well Jeff sky auction site number two clear touch you got two fives there for to roll a trip down my nose clear Cessnas still in the wrong way I'm still slightly high airspeeds okay as I turn off the final just reducing the power a little bit so I can reduce some of the altitude cess there is no longer on the runway three white swan' red slightly high hyper v hotel hotel to five who likes to rights clearly now we're gonna bring the last notch flaps in a guy wait board it below me that's pretty cool now maybe the doors are too centreline stripes before the thousand foot markers which is where I want to learn I felt myself try or 65 knots which is exactly where I want to be Cheyenne 901 3 November charlie wave to centerline stripes that's the three centerline stripes about to centerline stripes powers idle by Isaac to the end of the runway just hold it a little bit would you like 65 rotate welcome back to the sky alright 1,100 feet level it off Cherokee zero four two number three follows Skyhawk 12 o'clock mile and a half on the downward or funny are only two five clear touch-and-go number three scarf in sight such a girl with a lump on the thousand foot markers again be completely honest reader with your ami Orlando Executive Shane in front of you slow down while holding relief of those am in for roll Skyhawk it's going to pass my weight now keep this the same copied a little bit quickest with your shorten up the traffic fun 75 knots on the base coming down descent race coming 500 feet per minute 35 knots looking good I can feel an imbalance in the wing just look at that it wants to dip that outside there's more fuel on the right side really killer slightly high there we go we're out of ice low no I've got my eyes off my a midpoint Knowles is on my a point to centerline stripes before the close of foot markers air speed needs to be decreased for a 65 now will look e good there's three theres two hours off and I'm holding the nose to the end of the runway so I could that's annoying alright SAFF the curtsy out the way now I'm just gonna play right I'm gonna try and put it oh I wish it should I put it on the numbers I put on two five bus around with this for a little bit words that you never want to say if your instructor is law impossible which tells me with the witness today at 3 never mind probably the power off to centre line charts before the runway it's very non funny I do it sooner because my air speed controls finally choose flight so I need to pull the power off earlier but we're gonna put out now on the numbers using all right there Winfield pop phone bill pressures fine switch thanks TV Emily repeal pressures off yeah Cherokee's your a42 your number four verify f sky hug 12 o'clock one mile on sight in sight sir fulton cherokee 0:42 number four only two five there touch and go number four played such a girl it was a perfect day by air speeds a little bit law I'm just keeping it slow cuz I don't want to go up too far from the airport I am actually spending my old money on this so I don't have to go out Melbourne and then fly all the way back just to just to do it here this is one of the reasons that you do a you practice law flight through the traffic pattern you need to keep it slow you know because you got a Gulfstream London you got a Cessna Rover in there you go Cessna roller and you're number four for London don't wanna be flying all the way out just to fly all the way back into a really long 10 mile final Wow slow don't got much off is so the only time I'm gonna start properly descending I've just sent it a little bit because I wasn't paying attention gonna bore on but I'm only gonna set proper fine alright so I'm on the glide slope we're gonna start descending you know if you proving my air screen to a normal air speed which is around 75 what I want we two notches our flaps got my sky Hawk is so and try and put it on the numbers two ways to Red's looking good slow down of course if I might slob are busy sticking me towards the the those are for marketers that's not what I want so I'm gonna have to be a little bit lawful this looks really weird it feels really weird so I know I'm too high my glide slope but I'm too high what all right there we go I'm gonna fly it onto the numbers keep it really slow fly onto the numbers oh wait Sol's the grass there's the grass my speed it's where I want it crunch iwas i7l folks I wrote my to 5 flowing line way to 85 I didn't have my funnel flew it into the tried to be a smooth touchdown fluid into the ground back to this guy it's gonna be full stop 1 it soft field technique that toes therefore - this one's gonna be a full stop there's a report you read your turbulent wake turbulence at these centers for the first third of the soft touchdown for Pandora's office I'll be honest - my performance today I hit the best in my opinion I think I could have no better this this is the reason that you would they want you to do passenger currency because if you're taking a passenger flight you've got to be on the game people are bored yeah you take it you've all be dads your girlfriend you know you got to keep these people safe so they want you to be proficient they're not the checkride you probably get asked it was the difference between being current or being proficient like current beat is that you're legal to go on fly proficient means you're actually being safe and doing things well I just being current doesn't automatically make you safe you know it just makes you legal I didn't like two of them this one's gonna be good I just cut my nail we're clear to London I'm a second flat said okay here we go soft feel technique I'm high-pass not swaps I'll tell you what I'm gonna put it on the blocks soft field technique so remember before I said that our floor you pass the blocks so I'm power reduction pointer to center line strikes before the blocks is not working so I've heard a little bit before that's a baby two and a half here we go wait lock soon haha powers off all the finals towards the end the runway a little bit of a balloon oh but look at that we sell we sell on the runway and hold the nose up soft field clean the plane up ball ground back up get the hop stops stop paying money all right after LA and fox respects my opinion of that is all game performance even though the Lundy's were smooth and kind of soft I did the exact same thing I tell my students not to do which is to let the doors come down too quickly please excuse me I'm gonna attribute that to flying the ATR simulator with that you can kind of release the controls after you've touched down on the mains and the noise comes down fairly slowly thanks for watching if you're not subscribe get yourself subscribed hit the North get your belt so you can be notified for when new videos are posted and all that sort of stuff tell your friends if you want to get any channel merchandise lewd exhibition [Music]
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 59,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Pilotlife, Aviation, ATC, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Runway, traffic pattern, KORL, Touch and go
Id: mpiI9TQc4aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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