Firearms Expert Reacts To Rising Storm 2: Vietnam’s Guns

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They're gonna milk this guy until they run out of games lmao

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/Kaliberz 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm in the video as commander lol webercooks

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/WeberCooks_CRB 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Finaly, I've been looking for this

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/viada_00 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

It’s has come

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/boboelmonkey 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Imagine not already knowing about him

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/_Azzii_ 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm quite disappointed in amount of content they showed to him, since RS2 weapon pool is larger than any of the recent games he reviewed. He also didnt see any of Australian and French weapons there.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

So, he confirmed what we all knew already - it's a fantastic game with an extremely high level of realism with highly accurate weapons mechanics, even down to the sounds.

I'm a relatively new player to this, but this is by far the best game I've ever played.

Whenever I used to play COD I just wanted more realism. Like, way more.

RS2 Vietnam is the one.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bobbyjoe221 📅︎︎ May 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history this week he's taking a look at the period weaponry in rising storm 2 vietnam just just as we see depicted you open it up with the lever close it up and then when you pull the trigger you get that iconic bloop sound if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help up the royal army's museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan strangely enough the first thing i noticed about the ak here was the ejection pattern if you've seen a real ak fired it's got a really aggressive forward and upward ejection pattern so slight slightly weaker and off to the side ping something in my brain it wasn't quite right there that's something you're only going to get absolutely right if you've had a camera behind a real ak shooting or have found some footage of it doing that the other the other thing from this first person perspective is the depiction of recoil which i think is good the the ak is an excellent weapon but the impulse of a relatively powerful intermediate cartridge and the shape of the buttstock and the mass of the bolt carrier slamming back means it does tend to jump so although the ak was designed very much for automatic fire it was two to three rounds from the shoulder anything more than that and it does does become a bit uncontrollable and i think that comes across well um i've grabbed an ak not because none of you've seen an ak before you have this is one of my favorite objects in the collection i've chosen this russian type 2 as we as we tend to call them because of this on the butt g p dylan 1 7 and long story short this belonged to colonel gregory p dillon of the 107 air cavalry this is actually from vietnam and it's it's really something to hold this every time i pick it up just a quick word on some of the gameplay mechanics that are that i find interesting i appreciate any depiction of suppression so if you've ever played paintball or airsoft you know you know a little bit of what it's like to have something that might hurt you or at least annoy you fly right past you and it forces you to keep your head down and an awful lot of firepower is about keeping the enemies heads down while some of you maneuver into position to attack them and so many games just don't do it it's a really quite an engaging bit of gameplay if you can get it right now i haven't played this one but it looks like they might have something i didn't notice right away is the little icon that pops up where you've got your weapon resting on something and i think that implementation of a stability mechanic might be the only one i've seen i've played games where you press a button to sort of hook on to something and lmg is where the bipod sort of deploys automatically if you're in the right sort of context i haven't seen that for rifles and it's completely well not completely realistic but it's based on of course the real world where if you can at all possibly steady your weapon on something you will the weapon is visibly more stable less muzzle flip and player is able to return fire and take out the enemy so really impressive not a super common machine gun in video games though it does exist elsewhere it fits the the vietnam setting as slightly long in the tooth but not but still current ish um it looks to be well represented i haven't got one handy to show you but we do have them in the collection here i am really intrigued by something else i've not seen done before is the idea that you have to put the gun on something to reload it this uh this idea of ramboing it from the hip that happened reloading it whilst carrying it at the hip yeah it's probably doable but you wouldn't you put it you'd rest it on the deck apart from anything else you want to make yourself a smaller target while you reload and these are big heavy cumbersome thing so to have an actual mechanic where one of the downsides of having a machine gun is you've got a restaurant something to reload it thumbs up there for that for that one we've also got overheating represented which we've seen before but normally overheating is a sort of arbitrary set period of time after which the gun just stops which isn't really how it works how it works is more like what we see here where the more you fire something in a sustained way the more adverse effects you experience before it eventually fails and when it fails it's down it's gone it's not as simple as waiting for a bar to decrease as we as we normally see or maybe hammering a button to get it to somehow cool down quicker so the the idea that it's got sufficiently hot to glow red and then your point of impact deviates that's somewhat realistic so as the barrel droops very slightly and it wouldn't be noticeable necessarily unless you really went to town your bullets are no longer hitting where they used to be hitting the m79 is of course a staple of any vietnam setting and of course pretty iconic from things like terminator 2 on the fictional side of it as well i can't resist grabbing one to show you so this is a really elegant solution to a problem uh prior to this you have rifle grenades and they're real pain they've got tremendous recoil they're quite hard to aim and they're almost a throwback to the first world war where we're launching grenades off the end of bolt-action rifles the technology is not too far away from that what the shoulder fire grenade launcher allowed you to do was be a lot more precise at a given distance although we don't usually see them used with the sites in fiction the sites were pretty critical and we that exact mechanic is replicated in the game and quite excitingly the adjustable nature of the site is as well so you can adjust this in 100 yard increments up to well not quite up to 375 yards when you are of course at quite a steep angle just just as we see depicted you open it up with the lever close it up and then when you pull the trigger you get that iconic bloop sound which i think is really quite well represented take cover [Music] well that's a weapon that really makes one consider one's life choices isn't it i know i've said in a previous video that uh flamethrowers aren't particularly tactically effective and we're more of a psychological thing needless to say i did not mean for the poor person who gets coated in burning fuel it's more sort of on the open battlefield that they their effectiveness falls away and actually could be a bit of a liability for you if you're carrying this thing not because a shot to the tank would explode it probably wouldn't if you've seen the old mythbusters episode about gas tanks in cars it's actually pretty hard to ignite fuel tanks so that aspect of the flamethrower is as a liability is overrated but equally it's big it's heavy it's clunky you have to basically stand up and go toe-to-toe with a bunker a lot of bravery required and pretty traumatizing for everyone involved now it's true of all fighting of course but uh yeah there's a reason why flamethrowers are effectively banned although they're not actually banned and they are still on issue to certain armed forces around the world what a great representation of an m16a1 it's always it's one of those sort of go-to weapons that i immediately latch on to when i when i see or pick up a new game how have they done the weapon m16 ak mb5 slightly ak it's one of those perennial iconic firearms and this is a really good rendition as i say in terms of the detail they it's got all the right features for an m16a1 something i didn't see is any hint of unreliability that might reflect some of the realities that the soldiers had in the early years in vietnam with this weapon otherwise very good we see the bayonet fitted at one point these days we're not used to thinking of ar-15 patent uh weapons m4's m16 as having bayonets they are still issued in the us forces but the us army no longer trains with the bayonet as i understand it we the bayoneting i've seen in in the gameplay footage seems a little bit off uh it seems like you sort of pokey pokey and they fall over and obviously real bayonet combat is a bit worse than that the idea that you just sort of poke them when they fall over is perhaps a bit of a lapse in the otherwise very robust realism of this game the uh the sights the way the iron sights are done i think this is probably true of all the weapons in the game but i noticed it in particular with the m16 iron sights there's a lot of relative movement of the front and rear sight as the character moves through the space which tells me that the weapon model and therefore the hit detection effectively is respecting reality so although you're not lining the weapon up like as if you're in vr or something or had a real one it's not just cosmetic animation of a weapon and the bullets go wherever they go it is respecting where the muzzle is pointing which is really important for a realistic shooter a good implementation of an m60 i think a good lmg slash gpmg depiction so we've got all the same features as the the dp in terms of you've got to rest it on something to fire it in any way accurately good you've got to rest it on something to open the top cover put a new belt on close the top cover [ __ ] it or that great the model looks good it's another iconic vietnam war weapon it's always disappointing in a shooter where lmgs and gpmgs and things look and sound the part but they feel weak they're doing if anything less damage than the equivalent rifle round which makes no sense of course the machine gun is a rifle plus in the right situation properly rested supported and trained and all that so this looks like it really does nail that kind of force multiplier if you like of a fully automatic ball power cartridge firing weapon the the mat 49 the french submachine gun originally french anyway this is this is fascinating i had to look this up but this is the only this is only this has only appeared in vietnam games and i think it's because people have only really encountered this in the context of vietnam in the hands of bc or nva soldiers what it actually is is a as the name would imply late 40s french design for a nice compact submachine gun with a folding magazine housing foregrip it's quite an interesting weapon very square and blocky as we see in the in-game model there but it's it's nice that there's a nod to the fact that this is this is a legacy of the french involvement in vietnam people tend to forget that it all kicked off at a time when france was involved very heavily and of course other nations were involved such as australia and that's represented in the game as well right uh oh the rpg seven we've talked about it before it crops up all over the place what can we say that hasn't been said before uh 80 millimeter recoilless gun effectively with rocket assisted uh munitions we tend to call it a rocket-propelled grenade launcher it's uh it's well done here the loading the firing all looks good the model looks great too the thing i want to talk about is the back blast so we saw the warning on the screen there be be mindful of your uh back blast of your recoilless weapon because this is the thing i mean rocket launchers are no no picnic to be standing behind either because you've got a rocket exhaust in the face and a certain amount of blast but because the rpg is an open-ended gun there's a lot of high pressure backwards several meters behind and so firing it indoors is a problem probably need to redecorate after that and if there's anyone in sort of rear 180 they are not you're not going to be their favorite person and as we saw there if they're too close to the back blast they're probably actually going to die i saw the anti-air use there in reality very hard to shoot down any sort of aircraft with an rpg not guided of course has been done successfully done in somalia with trenches you dig a trench to accommodate the back of the weapon in the back blast and you lie on your back and you wait for a helicopter to fly over and you fire up into the belly of the helicopter that works and those of you who've tried it in first person shooters obviously you're not digging a trench but aiming straight up as the thing flies over you is intuitively the easiest way to do it not that it's at all easy if you'd like to support the work that we do here at the royal armouries both with gamespot um and over on our own channel have a look at the video description we have a couple of links for you in there otherwise i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 702,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, rising storm 2 vietnam, rising storm 2, vietnam, rising storm 2 weapons, rising storm 2 guns, weapons breakdown, guns breakdown, rising storm 2 expert react, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts, rising storm expert reacts
Id: o0m9NLPEncc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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