Firearms Expert Reacts To Far Cry 6’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of farms and artillery at the royal armories museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode he's going to be taking a look at the bizarre guerrilla warfare weaponry found in far cry 6. this is one of the worst ideas i i think i've ever seen it's some sort of rocket weapon and they've been mounted in some sort of backpack frame and it looks like it's a lot of fun if you want to see more of jonathan's take on the far cry franchise you can check out our episode on far cry 2 and if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan breakdown let us know in the comment section below if you enjoyed this series please make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help out the royal army's museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan i somehow think of the fn fal or the foul if you prefer that as quite a far cry weapon which is weird because i've never played far cry 2 and apparently that was the last time we saw it for me it does feel like a an insurgency type scenario kind of a rifle still around all over the world it's a 1950s design as i'm sure a lot of you know this is actually approximately the configuration that's shown in the game albeit this one has a top cover mount optical sight on it and what i'm actually holding here is the german g1 which is the abortive attempt by the germans to adopt the belgian 762 fal as to how it's depicted in the game kind of as you'd expect all i'll say is that the the recoil seems to be too low famously the this and the g3 are really quite brutal to control and is only really useful for very close quarters you'd be using this in semi-automatic but always nice to see um the fal it's a bit of a classic oh my good god pausing good grief the aptly named humidora because it really does look like a cigar box that is horrific it's the only word i can use for it it's creative i'll give them that i can't really endorse it i've just noticed in the description for this thing that it includes a rate of fire 150 rounds per minute however way you cut it seems really quite high i assume that's based on some of these cowboy action shooter guys who can absolutely hammer a lever like you wouldn't believe but as this thing doesn't have a buttstock you lack the support to really kind of cane that lever they generally modify the levers on those things at least to cushion your knuckles from the from the hard steel of the lever with some sort of wrap okay so i'm seeing a lot of guys catch fire here and it seems that the uh cigar themed shotgun sets things on fire there's a thematic um relevance there although it's still a little perplexing but um you know we have got incendiary shotgun rounds in in that exist the famously dragon's breath that almost acts like a sort of flamethrower out of the muzzle they really have gone quite fantasy with this installment but i don't think that's a new thing with the far cry fan franchise this one is really interesting and i will be honest here and admit that i did not know about this rifle in fact if i hadn't cheated and looked it up i would have said that's a fictionalized version of an accuracy international rifle it's not it is absolutely correct we haven't obviously got one because i don't know what it is or didn't know what it is now i do so this is um in the real world called the alejandro developed by i think the cuban state design and manufacturing capability in 792 by 57 mauser which is a very interesting choice otherwise it looks like the photos that i can find of this thing which looks very much like a 1980s 90s vintage ai rifle with a weird sort of extra loop in the trigger guard which i think is just a stylistic flourish can't speak to its capabilities the barrel looks a little slender for a modern precision rifle but it looks like the far cry guys have done a good job modeling it presumably based on the same few images that i've been able to find the scope in the game absolutely bizarre the reticle looks like almost like an emoji or something wouldn't be very useful for precise aiming and the bizarre kind of towing shackle on the top of the scope no idea what that's supposed to be i mean i know firearms are able to do more these days with accessories and stuff but i don't think towing small vehicles is among those abilities the stetchkin machine pistol quite a good job i think and then we've then got a heavily decorated version gold plate i've got to say the decor decorative firearms in this are well done you know you could make a real gun look like that whether you would and why you would want to are separate questions looks good the stock which is a real thing it's got a holster stock like the old c96 mauser here's to be depicted as wood which is a mistake i don't think there's a wooden version easy mistake to make though because it really does look like wood but what it actually is is that what's commonly termed not strictly bakelite but it is a related phenolic resin polymer it does look rather a lot like wood it has a sort of grain to it always see reminds me of a sort of makarov on steroids that's also got an automatic function but it is there is really not that much in common between the two just sort of general um soviet family resemblance helped i think by the the shape and style and color of the grips but it's a very cool um now historic firearms wow this thing is truly special i almost don't know what to say about this so we've got a as it says an improvised compact disc launcher trying to think about this seriously if we can there's obviously very little mass in a cd it's plastic it's lightweight easily broken this thing would have to project it at kind of hypersonic speeds i think velocities for it to do what we see there in theory if you shoot a cd hard enough you can cut someone's head off with it i never thought i'd say those words but i just have it isn't just weaponized this thing still plays music which which i have to say is a nice touch so the last thing you hear before you die would be macarena i mean that's that feels like a fate worse than death to me we've got um the russian groza here a little sort of bullpup aks 74u equivalent effectively not remarkable to see that in a video game we've covered it before the thing i've wanted to sort of talk about is that rather splendid homemade red dot sight which appears to be a can of sardines anchovies maybe they've put a bit of glass on it and for the red dot there is like a laser pointer complete with cute little laser radiation warning i don't know what class laser this is shining onto the glass to create your site and i think for an improvised site you'd be better off just duct taping the laser to the weapon and trying to zero that to it and using that as your site just literally a laser sight rather than trying to turn it into a red dot but i admire the creativity and the concept and it's clearly a overarching theme of semi-improvised firearms which is interesting in itself okay being careful not to take out my uh computer with this monster now this one has had quite a bit of it cut away i don't know if you can see on camera but this is a rare hk21e that has been cut away for instructional purposes that's what this is this is the hk21e and it is this belt fed machine gun version of the g3 is what this is i've done a decent job with it with the animation of this it's just occurred to me that a lot of lmgs or well any mg that you're sort of ramboing hip hip firing may not always show you the disintegrating links that hold the belt of ammunition together so what's holding these together as the round is either pushed through or pulled out fall away and that's what we see tumbling out of the side of this gun here in quite an authentic fashion and it's just occurred to me that some games at least will have overlooked the fact that we should be seeing links coming out of the gun maybe it's just that the graphics here are current generation and it's drawn my eye to it right we've got an m14 specifically the socom 16 version an interesting choice in itself perhaps more interesting is the muzzle attachment clear it says it is a uh a resolver suppressor so a sort of fabricated sound suppressor it looks like the back part is an oil filter but then what looks like clip to that is like a like a windshield wiper filler bottle thing this would work depending on your definition of the word work so oil filters will remove some decibels from the report of a shot bearing in mind this is a full power rifle so it's very loud to begin with the plastic component is going to act as an expansion chamber to some degree it has a very large aperture at the end though so it's not going to be super effective if it is effective and you get a build up of pressure within that container the container is likely to split you know there's a reason why sound suppressors are not made out of soft plastic it's liable to split after one or two shots right so this thing in actual use is really quite interesting heating is definitely a problem for suppressors they are con because they're containing propellant gases that have that have not long come out of the very hot chamber and the increasingly hot barrel depending on how many shots you're firing they will retain heat but this is highly gamified so it getting hotter and becoming inefficient to the point of the gunshots no longer being suppressed i don't think that could happen also this is heating up so much that it catches fire and the barrel can can glow red hot white hot and actually bend and a bullet can even come out of the side of the barrel if it gets hot enough so that level of heat absolutely what it can't do is put itself out there's not a little miniature team of firemen uh firefighters running down the barrel and putting out the the flame so you'd have to you'd have to quench this in some water or something or just crack on and hope that the heat didn't become catastrophic for the whole weapon but it's a very interesting twist kind of kind of the next level of video game improvised suppresses it's quite interesting to see okay one of my favorite firearms of all time the ar-15 this is the m16a1 which is i think by a lot of popular consensus at this point the best of the lot this is possibly the best in-game model of one that i've seen so far there's some really nice texture texturing on the handguards depending on when the actual the rifle was made and what sort of service life it's had you get all sorts of interesting texture changes on these smooth slightly flimsy plastic handguards and um we've got it there it looks like they have been they're actually over painted interesting to see it's not just the improvised sound suppressors that are kind of heating up and catching fire the commercial ones like this are as well but they're heating up really quickly so after not many shots they're glowing bright red it would take a lot more than that for it for this thing to glow just because that's an indicator that the whole rifle is overheating quite an intriguing way to try and balance out the advantages of the sound suppressor makes you make careful use of it [Music] this is one of the weirder things in the game not because it isn't a real gun it is so what we see here is a slightly weird thing in its own right a revolving sporting shotgun that's then been turned sort of back into a revolver pistol by simply chopping it down like you would saw off a shotgun normally now if this thing was around in fictional cuba then you may well want to do that to make better use of it but you'd still be better off with a real revolver just being a shotgun doesn't make something super powerful so i suppose the the advantage here over a conventional revolver would be that so limited shots but large capacity uh so a handgun firing buckshot if you can manage the thing in theory would be worth having in this kind of improbable scenario that we find ourselves playing in not so much in any real world scenario so a real thing that has been heavily rule of cooled oh okay insta pause and for some reason i haven't even taken in what the gun is yet but i've seen the belt of cartridges feeding into it and they all have dimpled primers we see this in movies all the time because inert rounds are usually or are often made from fired cases it's interesting because games of course don't have to worry about economics of making inert rounds you don't have to worry about safety at all so that's just a mistake they have modeled a fired round okay the gun itself is the rpd as some of you might have spotted if you didn't don't feel bad because it's missing its probably probably its most obvious recognition feature which is that um distinctive clamshell wooden handguard that's not there instead we've got some sort of a vertical foregrip a pistol grip i can't quite make out what it is almost looked ar15 shaped that's been clamped in place around the barrel i don't i haven't seen an rpd missing its handguard and with a vertical full grip so i'm guessing that's meant to be some sort of an improvised modification in keeping with the delightful colour scheme and the various other bells and whistles that we see attached to weapons in this game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the svd makes yet another comeback i am not at all surprised to see it in the game an interesting point on these in the wild as it were when they're recovered from conflict zones where they are in use they're in use with an optical sight but if you didn't have access to the optical sight what would you do well i don't think it would be this i think you would just rely on the iron sights it's a lot more about the skill of the user and the inherent accuracy of the of the weapon you can't just slap a scope on something and magically become more accurate as we see in pop culture and you what you definitely don't want to do is lash up literally a telescopic site from some vaguely cylindrical found objects and lenses of some sort and then draw on the reticle with a sharpie that is not going to lend itself to any kind of precision even if you can get this thing to reliably shoot to point of aim at a given distance it is not going to retain that ability for more than one shot i don't know if i'm allowed to use the word batshit on this channel but um they can bleep it uh if not this is one of the worst ideas i i think i've ever seen i mean practically speaking there's no reason why you couldn't do it you would end up with a char broiled backside what this should have if you i mean i can't believe i'm even suggesting this please don't try and recreate this at home is some sort of a shield coming down off the back of it i mean you get away with that with um jet packs just to an extent where due to the way you're holding yourself you don't get scorched necessarily but it looks to me like your backside or your right foot the way he's crashing down would suffer some some heat at least um discomfort shall we say so what is this thing well you tell me it's some sort of rocket weapon i'm guessing they're meant to be like laws rockets or something but they don't look like a lure rocket and they've been mounted in some sort of backpack frame triggered with some sort of electrical ignition i've now realized that this thing has some sort of homing capability so these are not just uh dumb rockets how are i mean i suppose passive infrared if the missiles have some sort of passive infrared seeker you need some sort of a cue be that an audio tone or a red light something to show that this thing is ready to launch and is locked on not getting any of that with the backpack launcher it's just magically guiding itself onto the target quite effectively by the look of it but i can absolutely see why they put in this in the game because it really does change things up and it looks like it's a lot of fun [Music] okay quite an exciting one this the bp2 actually the vhs2 for a moment i wondered if bp was some sort of play on betamax as the uh age-old rival to vhs i'm aging myself with this comment i realized here is a real croatian hs product bhs ii and it looks pretty good got all of the right features this thing has is unusual for a bullpup firearm in that it has an adjustable buttstock normally with it with a bullpup because you don't have a conventional stock on it you can't adjust for things like body armor different body shapes they obviously wanted to build that in how successful it will be remains unclear but this has already become quite significant in the movie world and it's now bleeding through into games as well so our version is the is the k2 so it has the carbine length barrel whereas the version of the game is the full length rifle barrel but everything else about it is the same okay so watching this thing in action the rail on the top is different to what's fitted to our rifle now i don't know this system well enough yet to know whether what's shown in the game is a correct rail or if they've got it wrong but ours has backup sites built in to the rail which means the view at the back of the gun is quite different to what we see here normally of course you'd want some sort of a sight on there in this case it has backup sights clamped to the rail itself instead that's possible that's an option they have got the the reload correct which is cool so if we [ __ ] this with a magazine on simulate it being empty and then replace the magazine and what he's doing there is reaching to the rear and pressing this catch to allow the bolt to go home so they've done the homework on this so yeah i think one of the more accurate guns in the game in terms of depiction thanks very much for watching guys we always appreciate it that was the guns of far cry 6. have a look in the description for links over to the royal armouries we've got social media stuff going on got our own youtube channel and of course we'll be back on gamespot again next week thanks a lot [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 1,028,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7ibM9QcqGxI
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Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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