Firearms Expert Reacts To Battlefield 2042 Beta’s Guns

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I do enjoy this guys videos, he has a lot of passion for his work it seems. Especially when he gets to talk about franchises he is a fan of.

👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/LordDaisah 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

His videos are quite enjoyable since he also plays fps games and understands that some weapons look or handle that way for game balance or artistic purposes. His reaction to cursed Tarkov guns are the best.

👍︎︎ 82 👤︎︎ u/Lock3down221 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love Jonathan's weapon breakdowns, even better when he gets absolutely disgusted by some of the weaponry of games. He might have a stroke when he sees Vanguard 🤣

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/xiDemise 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really like this guy's videos

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/PozzanMWT 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

That man makes awesome videos

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/NotAHellriegelNoob 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

This guy's videos are pretty good

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/okyroki16 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love that even he dislikes the Plus System and the fact that an armor piercing bullet can damage tanks.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/DeathStalker131 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love his videos, he has several other BF videos which are also really good.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Dooder39 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Absolutely love these videos! His breakdowns are really informative and he totally understands when the inaccuracies he eyeballs are done in the name of creative freedom (but it's still a treat watching him react to cursed guns like BFV optics on WW2 guns).

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ParadoxInRaindrops 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal army's museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on today's episode he's going to be checking out the arsenal from the beta of battlefield 2042 if you want to see more of jonathan's take on the battlefield franchise make sure to subscribe as we've got videos in battlefield 1 4 5 and bad company 2 as well and if there are any other games guns and mechanics you guys want to see nothing breakdown let us know in the comment section below and of course if you'd like to help out the royal armouries museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan so only 20 years into the future we're not going to see any ray guns what we might see in fact we will see at least in some security services if not armed forces is the sig mcx or a derivative all is what i'm holding here is the bog standard vertus in 5.56 and there are different calibers available here it is labeled multi-caliber 300 blackout for example but what we're seeing here is a virtual depiction of the mcx spear which is actually a different weapon it's a derivative part of the same family broadly speaking as the conventional mcx and the virtus the rattler all of those but this thing is substantially redesigned so you can't look at this and critique the model we see in the game because this is very likely quite accurate to the real mcx spear which was created for the us government's next generation squad weapon program i think we've mentioned before on the series with several different entrants trying to really push the envelope of small arms technology in particular in terms of velocity what the us government special specified was a 6.8 caliber diameter projectile traveling at something in the order of 3000 feet per second which is very high velocity for a large bullet like that relatively large bullet with the idea of defeating potential enemy body armor like serious business ceramic um level four equivalent body armor that will stop conventional rifle rounds so that's what we're seeing here this is a fictional future where clearly somebody has adopted this however and bearing in mind we don't have an mcx spear and we may never have one um there's something not quite right about the model right off the bat here so i'm looking at this canted to the side looking into the chamber for a reload the rail on the top is not right that should be picatinny uh mill standard 1913 what's now a nato standard with regularly narrowly spaced grooves we're used to seeing that you know we know that what that rail is we don't know what it's called here the grooves are far too widely spaced they've dropped the ball there in the modelling if we're going to be nerdy about it and of course we are it's what we're here for what we see here with a a quick select wheel type arrangement to allow you to swap attachments on the fly kind of thing there's no reason why that would be the case it's just as easy if not easier to correctly attach something where you have lots of small spaces rather than limited amounts of spaces um you could argue that back and forth maybe that was their logic i don't think it holds up more interesting than that little nerdy detail is this whole idea of swapping accessories as you run around the battlefield now um quick change barrels have been a thing for a long time um they would be changed in the field on certain machine guns with a certain round count to ensure that the barrel didn't get too hot so that's a that's a thing so sound suppressors you would potentially uh quick detach and take off if you know you're compromised and you need to just you don't need them anymore you might take them off probably wouldn't there isn't much advantage to doing so taking sites on and off as we see you can do here modern sites will will do have um what they call return to xero so you can in theory take them off put them on again that's really intended for sort of between missions you you don't you don't be doing that in the middle of certainly not in the middle of a firefight and probably not really while you're in the field the closest practical version of that are these hybrid sights with magnifiers that rock in and out of place or i've even seen them that do quick detach so you might put your magnifier on the gun and take it off the gun what you wouldn't do is take this site on and off many many accessories don't allow you to do that this one is not quick to attach it requires allen keys um even ones that do it's just generally not not a good idea so i can absolutely see why they've done this as the sort of next evolution in game guns but it's not what would happen in real life so somehow simply by changing magazines we are changing calibres um you can't do that you cannot simply pivot to a round with a com with completely different dimensions whether that's the much bigger longer beefier 6.8 or the much smaller squat pistol caliber round you can't do that you'd need an adapter for the magazine well you would need a different bolt to take the whole gun apart to make these changes so that is completely unrealistic and a little bit of a downer for what's meant to be a somewhat realistic first person shooter kind of intrigued to see what the gameplay possibilities are that open up from that but um a bit of a black mark from from me there i'm afraid right um a bit of a familiar sight for those of you who've been watching along at home we've got the knights armament um kac assault light assault machine gun it's quite distinctive with that um almost girder profile receiver i think perhaps more interestingly is the weapons handling whilst dangling from parachute so when we read stories wartime stories of paratroopers shooting certainly being shot at but also shooting from the parachute um not very common typically you wouldn't have access to your weapon as you parachute into a to a drop zone um certainly not in a second world war context but if you did happen to jump out of an aircraft with your firearm ready to go who knows um you're both got both hands free so you could do something with it but that's quite a lot of sort of fine motor skills um on display there when you should really be steering your parachute generally you don't want to be attracting attention whilst coming in on a parachute because it's a lot easier for ground forces to shoot up at you than it is for you to shoot off a parachute but it's a very action movie thing to do and more than anything else that's really what the battlefield games are they're like um war themed action movies that you play i think it's fair to say but um as far as the how fitting the the gun choices yep absolutely um i'd still class this as a future weapon although the design has been around for a while of course we've got to have a futuristic-looking kalashnikov in a game like this and in this case it's pretty much with a couple of detail differences the real world ak-12 well actually we've seen the original incarnation of the ak-12 the more radically different looking gun in previous battlefield games the big chunky looking thing without the classic safety selector switch of the ak things were scaled back from there and what was originally dubbed the ak-400 series was renamed the ak-12 effectively it's still a modernized ak it's still very capable so that's what we're seeing here the bus stock on this is the original version which looks like an m4 sliding type that's been replaced in production with something more unique and actually cooler looking i think now it's not called the ak-12 they've doubled the number and called it the ak-24 what makes it an ak-24 maybe that bizarre little metal loop on the side of the top cover which i have a horrible feeling is for hanging charms from we've got some funky reloads going on as well as we're used to by now a bit of an error which i imagine is a beta version thing where the what was an empty round that's flying out of the gun visibly has cartridges in it so i'm sure they'll fix that before release now not really well not really a firearm it's it's a gun i suppose or is it does it have a barrel guns need to have a barrel a grappling hook gun thing it's a bit batman it's a bit uh just cause but we now have it for better or worse in a battlefield game i think for the first time don't remember ever having a grappling gun mixed feelings about that i mean it clearly opens up some great gameplay opportunities such as we've just seen where you go shooting up the side of a structure and superhero land at the top while shooting someone in the face but needless to say that's not how actual practitioners would use a grappling gun if indeed they use grappling guns in that way i mean it has certainly been used in a sort of hostage rescue type situation something of that nature i mean as far as i know a grappling gun you can shoot it up over something give it a tug to make sure it's wrapped around whatever you've attached to and then climb up it or attach to it and wrap repel down it's pushing the boundaries of tactical kit i think but they do exist grappling guns the chris vector we have covered this one before very futuristic looking gun but is is it a future gun i don't know i don't have a crystal ball or a time machine battlefield has a bit of a history just because of having to anticipate what real world military forces are going to do technology has kind of plateaued and certainly for military forces you need a significant advantage to adopt something new and potentially unproven as well it's the other thing things have to mature over time to become become seen as reliable to make it through trials and the vector has the disadvantage of being a pistol caliber weapon and so and those things are uh niche weapons these days they're for security forces maybe maybe police and they cannot penetrate body armor nine millimeter 45 they cannot penetrate body armor so and the big drive at the moment in the military side of things is to combat pier level forces with body armor and in this sort of private military contractor insurgent type scenario you know everyone has got body armor it's proliferated now so if we're playing the crystal ball game i don't really necessarily see that being a battlefield weapon fascinating design more fascinating even i think that it is becoming such a pop culture darling um like the p90 did really a military weapon the revolver no serious military user is going to be using revolvers for just about anything even magnum revolvers like this this is meant to be a taurus uh model the the shape of the rear sight is identical this version has as some modern magnum revolvers do have an accessory rail on the barrel flat which this is too old to have that but it's the same size proportions and power this is really a target pistol i know it might seem odd but um the the ability to accurately control with follow-up shots magnum pistols is you know it's a sporting discipline um they're also used for for hunting in certain situations as well what they're not used for is attacking enemy soldiers just to really take the biscuit here what we're seeing is a switch to arm piercing handgun rails um those are a thing sort of for soft body armor what they can't do is the slightest bit of damage to armored vehicle armor certainly not an armored vehicle such as we saw getting shot at there i don't care how armor-piercing the bullet is there is not enough propellant there is not a fast enough burn rate and the the bullet is not aerodynamic enough or um does not have the the right sectional density even if it's a super hard tungsten penetrator to get anywhere through tank armor um that's kind of why tanks have tank guns you know i think i'm i'm quite um accepting of balancing out realism with cool um for me that's just a step too far i don't really see why it i don't think it even helps necessarily gameplay either because for me at least it's better to have a dedicated anti-tank weapon that can do meaningful damage yeah i'm not i'm not a huge fan of that the reload trick he's doing here is plausible so the the unfired rounds are heavier so the fire cases will stay in the cylinder and it is possible to let inertia or gravity drop the unfired rounds into your hand save those for a reload and then hit the ejector rod to eject the fired cases and what we see here is plausible it might not work every time but i think if you got familiar enough with the weapon you could probably make it happen every time so that's that's really that's quite an impressive bit of um bit of work there yeah manual shotguns are still around because they're flexible but that's really more of a police law enforcement type scenario to a limited extent applies to military forces but they will be using they'll either be using manually or manually operated shotguns purely for breaching for taking down doors that kind of thing or they'll be using self-loading shotguns that they might use for both breaching and for close quarter fighting but they will be self-loading um you need the advantage of semi-automatic fire and even then they're not common um the british army used a combat shotgun the benelli m4 in afghanistan and then when the conflict drew down it set its side and abandoned shotguns again okay i don't know if this is another beta version glitch but switching ammunition for a shotgun eminently doable it's done quite a bit but the glitch comes in if it i hope it is a glitch that simply by swapping the ammunition type in the menu your gun is magically full again i'm hoping that's not actually a gameplay feature so i would expect to see shotguns become probably less common in future and the manual shotgun really hasn't got a place on a on a literal battlefield right a fictional designation for what is actually the um sarco uh trg sniper rifle uh modern sniper rifle with a machined lightweight alloy chassis rather than a conventional wooden stock you know the drill by now and a bolt action still so we're 20 years on we're still using bolt actions i think that's plausible i think there'll always be a plate on always perhaps but there will be a place as recently as that for both guns in the sniper roll 338 lapper magnum um very hot cartridge right now uh literally um as well as uh fashionably and will continue to be so 338 gives you that power to reach out long distance with armor penetrating capability but it's also just a almost the perfect sniper round for military purposes for the time being at least so i'd expect to see it and here it is now 338 lapra magnum is a very long range relatively flat shooting powerful cartridge um but we see here at i think what was it 400 and something meters i don't think we'd see that much bullet drop on that cartridge at that distance um but battlefield has always kind of artificially induced bullet drop to make things manageable on it on a map on the hardware of the day the uh likewise the rail system on the top of the gun is standard on sniper rifles now it's no longer a proprietary setup albeit the weird battlefield 9 2042 rail the scope looks a bit weird in terms of the reticle that's that's quite an old-fashioned looking um what would have once been very thin gauge wire inside the scope and is now generally etched onto something um there are no there are no graphic graduations on there there's no nothing else going on now i'm not great on long-range marksmanship i haven't seen as many scopes some of you probably have but i'd expect some sort of symbology in there in a future version of a magnified optical sight and we're not seeing it there um in fact i would hope to see some electro optical sighting systems on sniper rifles and moment i haven't seen those perhaps they're in the game perhaps they'll be added later thermal guided triggers bullet drop range estimation with lasers all of those sort of features are already out there and i'd expect those to become standard and miniaturized maybe even with little built-in drones that fly downrange and measure the wind for you downrange um not seeing much 2042 about this sniper rifle but it i can believe it be around reloading ammunition now of course glock is still going to be going strong in 2042 absolutely no doubt about that the fact they'll become more ubiquitous rather than less um how much will they change don't know every five ten years glock really releases a slightly different block um this is a version of the glock 18 it's got a very high g number which by the way does not refer to the patent some people insist on saying um you don't get a different patent for every model of gun you invent no more than ford gets a different patent for every model of focus that it creates anyway sorry so it's meant to be like a future glock it's the same capability as the 18 so fully automatic same as this semi-auto full auto selector switch on the side what i've chosen from from the collection to show you um because we don't have future non-existent glocks um incidentally the frame on this is closest to a generation 4 which the 18 doesn't exist in it only comes in gen 3. i've chosen our earliest 18 which is a generation 2 so it doesn't have the accessory rail on the front it doesn't have the finger grooves or the thumb groove on the side but modern blocks have returned to a finger grooveless frame anyway and it's the oldest one we have so this will be mid 80s it does fire in for auto various options available so this has a plus two base plate that gives you two extra rounds over the normal 17 you've got the classic 33 rounder which we have as well and you have drum magazines now i don't know if um battlefield is giving you that option but it's one of the few cases where drum magazine on a pistol might make some sort of sense just some sense there is something there is a feature on on this virtual glock that does not exist on any real ones and that's a weird addition to the front of the frame it doesn't appear to be a clamp on accessory rail should have its own accessory rail anyway i don't know what purpose that's serving but it does make it look slightly futuristic and may justify the um g57 i think it was glock has such an after-market of components that you can get a frame that looks like almost anything i've not seen one with that feature on it though so the current version of the carl gustav recoilless gun coil this weapon is the m4 we have an earlier version we've shown on the channel before so it's not a guided system it is you know you point and shoot and then the potential for upgrade upgrade really is in payload that's in the munition to make it more armor penetrative or whatever effect you want on target uh but also electro optical aiming systems that make it easier to put that thing on target what doesn't make it easier to put the munition the um projectile on target is a little electronic message that says round fired please reload i think the big clue there is the big flash and bang and hopefully a tank exploding in front of you that's a bit of a cue to reload i don't think you need a little message to tell you how to do it i suspect they've included that as a bit of fun thanks everyone that was the guns of battlefield 2042 which i am excited to play although i'm not quite sure what i'm going to get around to it as always we have a link in the description for donations or even membership or the membership program for the royal armouries museum you can check out our social media streams if you like we have events going on and we have our three sites that you can come and visit if you're able to reach them in any case i'll see you again next time thanks [Music]
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 646,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u6SzbVSbmoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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