Firearms Expert Reacts to Escape From Tarkov’s Guns

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Him talking about the pimped out M4 was sorta bittersweet. He said: "I suspect with this being a realistic game, that the handling characteristics do suffer when you've got every accessory under the sun attached to your rifle". Unfortunately the current attachment system makes it so the longer, more decked out, suppressed, drum mag adorn, space rifles are the ones with both almost minimum recoil AND almost maximum ergo. I really wish rifles similar to the current meta M4s and HKs had trash ergonomics. Carrying a rifle that is almost as long as you are tall is not something someone should be able to sprint around and click heads in the blink of an eye with. Shorter rifles can look much nicer but have trash stats currently.

👍︎︎ 36 👤︎︎ u/MCdaddylongnuts 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

TL;DW: Major kudos given for the realistic modeling and sound design of weapons and their interactions with players and other models. A couple minor hiccups with drum mag + folding stock clipping through and the 101's muzzle brake being more effective IRL. Lastly a great closing quote re. excessive weapon accessory modding: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should".

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/TarkovMarcarlos 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

One point he brought up really irks me aswell: How players and scavs just don't react to being shot. Short of the falling over dead, you are almost always at 100% combat effectiveness, even after being shot multiple times, and look completely unharmed to other players.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Swissgrenadier 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I kinda wish we could've gotten YouTube Gunjesus to bless us with an episode of weapons breakdown as well

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Throwawaythispoopy 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today he's going to be breaking down the guns of escape from tarkov just to see how accurate the game's arsenal is portrayed spoiler alert he's pretty impressed so we've got the the macaron the sound effects are probably the best i've heard let us know if there are any other games guns or mechanics you want jonathan to break down in the comments section down below make sure to subscribe for more videos like this and if you want to support jonathan's work and the royal armouries museum check out the links in the description of this video alright here's jonathan's take on escape from tarkov of course wow um this is the first time seeing of taco i've heard a lot of people talk about it seeing a lot written about it that it has a lot of realism in its depiction of firearm and just from that short clip right away i can see what they're talking about so we've got the the makarov or makarov very much a cold war pistol very much a sidearm it's not not really a combat weapon although people with the training can obviously use it that way and it's really nicely modelled the sound effects are probably the best i've heard just from that short clip but that that sounds like a gun being fired in a building perhaps um i don't know how much it changes as you move in and out of spaces perhaps we'll see and the way it's handled is really cool the brass check the press check that he does to make sure that it's chambered around a bit of a modern thing but um it is done and it is in there and you get to see the cartridge in the in the gun the only thing that threw me off initially was the the wacky drum magazine which i am not familiar with as being a real thing and i can't imagine why it would be a real thing as far as i know there isn't a drum mag for a macaron perhaps someone can prove me wrong but i really like what i'm seeing so far pausing okay i'm even more impressed now the one thing that i thought was a bit wacky with the drum magazine the logic or the lack of logic there would be that it makes it very heavy and uncontrollable the physics of all that would make would mean that the muzzle would wobble about as you're trying to shoot it and that's exactly what we see happen which which i'm really impressed by that's a really nice mixture of unreality in using a drum magazine with a pistol which is uncommon and absolute attention to detail in making the weapon change how it's being fired i've not really seen that done in that way before uh the other thing i i really like is the depiction of muzzle flashes depending on where you are in the environment and whether the gases that that have been produced on firing happen to reignite or not which is the main cause of muzzle flash this this is a realistic depiction so a lot of shots you see fired are nothing but smoke and then on on some shots in some light conditions you get more of a classic muzzle flash so there's an awful lot of attention to detail here [Music] awesome so the gun we're looking at here is of course the the p90 really nicely done again i'm often obsessing about rates of fire when i'm when i'm looking at stuff like this and that looks to be spot-on sounds great looks great we've got i think the the base model of p90 as i have behind me somewhere with the ring sights optic on it from the early 90s and this has got side rails fitted to it allowing the accessories that we see including the green visible laser um so this this being a thoroughly russian game it's not at all surprising that a lot of what we see is our firearms of of russian or old soviet origin and the the as val makes a lot of sense in this game it's all quiet all the time effectively and to aid that it's firing a very interesting cartridge it's subsonic so it won't make that crack as it leaves the muzzle inevitably everything's a trade-off so just like as with the american equivalent 300 whisper or 300 blackouts you get reduced penetration and the beauty of this game is that you can swap out different ammunition types which will allow you to tweak that compromise between effectively stopping power and quietness but given that you are skulking around in a sort of post-industrial landscape trying not to die a very quiet weapon that is automatic and relatively speaking has good penetration is is going to be sought after and i suspect it will be in the game as well [Laughter] so we've just seen our unfortunate uh player there run out of ammunition that quiet click must be the loudest click in the world in real life when that when that happens what happens amusingly is the two actually interact uh in in sort of virtual space usually with the game your the the emitter of your bullets would just click through all your bullets would be stopped by the by the model in front of you but it wouldn't be a realistic interaction but interestingly what we see there is that the shotgun that the guy's trying to kill him with gets pushed against his body and can't effectively finish him off at least he might hit him but he can't can't be finished up and he's able to then pull out an entrenching until beat the guys so it's something new that i've not seen in a video game before in terms of how people and weapons interact in the physical space both the firearms and the guns are firing where they're pointed they don't magically snap to the aiming point and put a bullet out in the same direction they always would they fire where they're pointed which is which shows how well everything is modeled pausing that's a really nice ak it's it's the ak-101 part of the 100 series kalashnikov very very well depicted i think good rate of fire good model good textures all the right features are on there well modeled in semi-automatic mode it's climbing too much in automatic slightly frustrated to see that because that muzzle break that's on the end of this series of rifles is tremendously effective now if you if you're loosely holding it yeah it probably will still climb vertically but a trained person or even the likes of me can hold a weapon like that on target on automatic and it will pretty much just sit there the downside is that the guys to the left and right of you get deafened if they're not wearing um hearing protection because the blast is going out sideways and to the rear to pull the gun forward against recoil pausing well there's your problem it was going so well until we saw the stock being folded up now firstly i should say brilliant to see the stock actually getting folded up so to have it modeled at all is really impressive uh whereas with this magazine on it's not really a problem we take that off and we fit the rpk drum magazine that we've just seen fitted in the game you've seen the problem already the folding stop just clips through the drum magazine so i'm sure this this being a game that's not still in progress i'm sure they're going to address that because it's it's a fairly it sticks out a bit like a sore thumb when you see it happen okay you're gonna pause there i keep talking about gameplay rather than guns but uh i'm just very impressed with with with all it really but um like most first person shooters it doesn't really matter what you shoot someone with unless unless it's modelling like a 50 bmg or something and there's some graphic effect on the target and the ragdoll 50 feet away or something like that normally the sort of the injury or animation death animation is fairly consistent and it's sometimes a bit underwhelming this game seems to it knows what weapon you're shooting what ammunition is loaded in it and what effect that's having on the enemy something like this sv98 powerful cartridge 762x54 again the russian long-range cartridge effectively now um and that has a lot of punch so that's why we see what we see when the guy goes tumbling out the tower and people just drop like a stone when they're shot in the head with this thing pausing there the toz bolt action shotgun that we see here is definitively a a civilian weapon bolt action shotguns are not particularly common they have the the downside of being slow to to operate there's usually a better way to do it be it pump action lever action even or a self-loading design it's it's an interesting one it makes sense in this context um and looks appropriately sort of apocalyptic so i can see why it's in the game i'm not sure how popular it is in the game uh a 20 gauge shotgun is not as good as a 12 gauge shotgun broadly speaking pausing we've got another uniquely russian weapon in this uniquely russian game the ks23 and it's it's a it's this unusual 23 millimeter cartridge type with quite a range of different ammunition and we see two different types here we've got that ear ringing um flashbang round that's that's very interesting in terms of gameplay normally you'd have to throw a grenade to have that effect the other cartridge we see used here i gather is effectively a buckshot type conventional shotgun round unusually for a video game it's it's used at quite some distance i don't know what real world distance that equated to that we saw there but the ability to shoot someone at that distance is very unusual in a game going going right back to doom 2 with the super shotgun shotguns are this bizarre devastating effect out to about five meters or something and then just suddenly the it's like the neo it's like neo in the matrix just stops the pellets in mid-air and they drop to the ground or have have no real effect real life's not like that buck shot at sort of beyond 25 ish meters is perhaps questionable in terms of will you hit them and will the pattern cause enough damage to to drop an enemy soldier especially if they're wearing armor nonetheless you can hit a man-sized target at that distance and probably at the distance that we saw there and even if you hit them with two or three of the pellets they're probably going to be seriously reconsidering their options at that point pausing um yeah i didn't i didn't realize they'd modeled nerf guns in uh tarkov as well as real ones because uh for an m4 this is not very effective so what what's actually happened in that clip there is the guy is shrugging off shots and it's not necessarily reflecting the um capability of the of the weapon or the ammunition as in the real world it it depends where you're hit very much how much adrenaline is in the system how motivated you are perhaps people are on drugs even all of which affects how you respond to a gunshot wound on the face of it seeing this guy get hit multiple times i'd expect him to respond visibly to being hit in some way and he doesn't so i'm not sure about that but the fact that he can carry on fighting until the last shot hits something critical is absolutely realistic the the rifle itself looks to be well modeled um our player here has really tricked it out now this is not uncommon to see people like the ar15 platform for the ability to accessorize depending on their level of training they will often pile accessories onto these guns to the point where they become cumbersome and a little bit ridiculous and this being a realistic game i suspect the handling characteristics do suffer when you've got every accessory under the sun attached to your rifle uh right the mp5 i'd be disappointed if there wasn't an mp5 in this game classic gun one of my favorites there's a check animation that you see there where the magazine's taken out and you can see the round in the top of the mag very minor detail but it looks like it's modeled as a single column or rather a single feed at the top and actually if you look into a loaded mp5 magazine you can see the round next to it because they sit side by side partly what makes it a very good magazine incredibly minor detail considering that not many years ago we've got first person shooters where there are no bullets visible in the magazine this is well modeled but i think the very next level of precision might be to to more accurately to pick the rounds in the magazine i'm gonna pause okay i feel like i'm being trolled here because the mp5 has suddenly been customized to death as well it's got everything under the sun on it but an eotech site we've got a neotech magnifier we've got a laser light module some sort of foregrip modular 4n to take all of that and i think i saw a drum magazine as well possibly a different stock so just illustrating the lengths that one can go to but um just because you can doesn't mean you should thank you so much for watching um this has been a breakdown of the weapons and the ammunition of escape from tarkov and i am thoroughly impressed so i hope to see you again in a future video if you would like to we have got a link to donate to the royal armouries uh it's difficult times at the moment for museums it will help us continue to make videos with our friends at gamespot no pressure at all but if you feel that you can would like to please do donate [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 2,134,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, tarkov, escape from tarkov beta, expert reacts, escape from tarkov weapons, escape from tarkov guns, tarkov weapons, tarkov guns, tarkov guns breakdown, tarkov weapons breakdown, weapons breakdown, makarov pistol p90, submachine gun, ak 101 assault rifle, m4a1 carbine, as val rifle, sv98 sniper rifle, ks23 shotgun, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries
Id: sSRDwTlp9OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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