Firearms Expert Reacts To Back 4 Blood’s Guns

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/genko 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode he's going to be checking out the zombie dispatching weapons of back for blood at one nice touch i noticed as the model was spinning you see down the barrel and you can actually see the plastic crimped ends of the shotgun cartridges i do like it when things are fully modelled if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below be sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help out the royal army's museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan [Music] okay m1a this is not a legally different designation and it looks really good as with most of the guns in the game they've done a good job of modeling a lot of the detail on this our example here has the older style wooden stock with a sheet metal upper handguard polymer stocks like this are quite common now wood um although it can look nice is a pain to look after it absorbs moisture it has to be regularly oiled or lacquered or painted with something but nice bits of walnut like this do require a bit of care and they're actually more expensive to get these things carved finished maintained in the 70s ish most military firearms switched over to polymer like we see here but this is the civilian version of the rifle now it actually has the ghost of where the selector switch would have been fitted had this ever been finished as an m14 now a weird quirk of history is that although m14s were made full auto capable very few were ever issued with that switch the vast majority had the switch physically removed so that the rifleman could not use this on automatic mode it was recognized that it was very little value yes you could hit fire in a trench in an emergency but you only have a 20 round magazine the thing jumps around like crazy your sight picture just goes if you are trying to aim from the shoulder it just wasn't worth it and so they stuck with what was essentially a box magazine fed m1 garand yes it's got a different gas system on here big old bird cage flash hider which is still here on the m1a but it is essentially the the m1 garand lineage is very clear to see the reload on this is actually i find a little awkward but i'm not a proficient user of the weapon so you do have to be very positive getting that in there and then getting it out it's not difficult by any means but it's not that modern um slam it in and forget about it but we're so used to seeing interesting footnotes and a fair bit of detail actually is that the accessories that you fit to your your guns in this game come in little mock-up boxes which is quite nice showing what they are with some information looks like something you might find on the shelf in a gun store and then the corporate logo on there is slam fire which is not a real company but it is an allusion to a real thing in the firearms world which is occasionally deliberate so with some shot pump action shotguns allow you to hold the trigger down and slam fire so as the pump grip goes forward it chambers and fires the round which in theory with a fair bit of practice means you can whack out all of your shots a lot quicker in practice very rarely used the other meaning of it is not so good that is when you release the bolt on a firearm either manually or with a hold open device or even actually if it's running itself it's most worrying so the gun is cycling say and as the bolt hits home it fires itself without you pulling the trigger it's called a slam fire literally the bolt slams and fires and then usually that will cause it to come back again in some situations that can create a runaway gun where it just shoots itself until it's empty obviously none of that is good so it's a slightly ironic name i think for a firearms accessories company because it kind of implies that their stuff makes your gun malfunction it's probably worth noting that although that bit of accessory rail for an optical sight up here on the handguard is i'm sure they exist it's not the best place to be mounting a mount for an optical sight this isn't really moving much but i can feel it moving slightly you would probably lose zero after a while especially with the recoil of this thing this is why well partly why the m14 ebr and the other enhanced m14s were stripped from their stocks and a whole new chassis built for them to incorporate a mount for an optical site trying to retrospectively upgrade things is often great but comes with its challenges and that would be one of them on me okay good old zombie apocalypse staple the pump action shotgun the remington 870 which we've seen so many times now looks like a pretty good rendition of that fairly detailed despite the slightly cartoony vibe of this game and of left for dead the configuration here is what's magpul furniture so it gives it a almost a sci-fi edge really with the angular butt stock polymer foregrip with this with the stop ribs on it the heat shield on top of the barrel is not magpul and is not standard either i believe that's an aftermarket thing that would be if it was a real gun and that is really just to help protect your your hand should your fingers or contact the barrel which in this scenario would make a tremendous amount of sense because the sheer number of rounds you're putting through this thing the sheer amount of heat means that you actually would physically burn yourself if you touch the barrel so it doesn't make sense to have it on there as much as a game like this makes any sense reload is a little funky kind of lobbing cartridges into the magazine with the thumb and in reality if you've ever loaded a pump action shotgun you know that it requires a very positive firm push to seat that thing so the little claw retains the round it doesn't immediately bounce straight out but then that's everything in this game is amped up and super quick kind of charlie chaplin levels of super speed in terms of all of the handling all of the reload because otherwise you just won't be able to keep up with the action another action movie favorite it's the atchison aa12 automatic shotgun belief derived from the deu usas 12 that runs rather faster than this does so that's perhaps 600 ish rounds per minute this thing is about half that so i think the the rate that's depicted here is accurate i assume the idea there was to try and tame the thing because automatic fire from a shotgun is of questionable utility at the best of times and pretty uncontrollable with a load like buckshot or slug which you're probably gonna have to use to even get the thing to cycle so fairly exotic the chances of you coming across this in this kind of scenario are pretty slim and it wouldn't certainly wouldn't be my first choice the reliability in this situation would be pretty questionable finding ammunition wouldn't necessarily be too hard although it'd have to be the right shell length the right load to actually cycle the thing so that's that's a consideration and it's just it's too too finicky and there's no point in in full auto i mean yeah in a scenario where you have hordes of these things coming at you it would be useful for it for a brief period of time but then the reload is going to be a faff as well the the drum i mean the drum is a weak point in terms of reliability anyway they're all quite fiddly to get on it's got a bit of a thompson sub machine gun loading situation going on with a with a guide rib that you have to align and if you're stressed and panicking and tired not great so if you were stuck with this i'd say you'd probably be better off using it on semi-automatic i always think a measure of whether a game is vaguely realistic or not is if you do better with things on semi-automatic very few games achieve that and why should they it's not usually the point but i totally get the zombie apocalypse appeal of the aa-12 we need to get out of here also expected of course the ak-47 i won't get into the tired argument as to whether ak-47 is a legitimate designation or not i'll leave that to the comment section most of us could agree that this is not an ak-47 because it is in fact an akm you can see the configuration of the stamped receiver we can see the characteristic dimple over the magazine all looks good so although we don't have a modern sighting system built into this version we do have the classic soviet era sight rail from the old akm i guess we could call this now and attach to that is an over the top of the top cover picatinny rail mount and then you put your optics on there so nice to see that the ak is not being artificially kept down in terms of its capabilities you absolutely would be able to make single somewhat accurate shots like that at that distance often the ak in video games is sort of nerfed to being a glorified submachine gun but that's not the case here this this thing can hold its own as a rifle in game the reload is fine but not recommended to pull down on the magazine to remove it that locking log is at the front and you always want to push away to ensure that the thing clears the magazine well and comes off if you try and push pull like that you're quite likely to fumble it and get the magazine stuck if only momentarily which would be very bad not wrong per se but not advisable um for those of you wishing to enter the zombie apocalypse for real um don't do that so a bit of an odd pose there or position and hold as they say in the british army which i wasn't in by the way um we've got a slightly gangster tilt to the weapon and i'm not entirely sure why if you're in very tight quarters you might have to tilt the weapon to fit in whatever space you're in i can't imagine a situation where that would be very helpful other than shooting around the left side of a barrier or a wall or something of that nature which we're not doing so it seems to be a stylistic choice i suppose i don't really get it you would always want to keep it in the shoulder looking through the sight as normal whether you are standing crouching or prone oh sorry my bad we've got a barrett i don't remember having anything of that power level in the old left 4 dead gains seems to work well here essentially the heavy artillery running around with this thing shoulder firing it a bit less plausible than it would be if it was an m82 or m107 with this you've got a built-in slower rate of fire having said that the way the bolt handle is manipulated and i won't embarrass myself by demonstrating it but unless you are said unit you probably aren't going to be flicking it back and forth like a target rifle bolt this is substantial powerful springs in there you've got to get that forward and down we don't really get the sense of the meatiness of this design from the animations that's the optics there's no reason why you would have to have a magnifying optical sight on this thing that's its real world purpose of course for reasonably long range shooting explosive ordnance disposal anti-materiel aircraft vehicles structures radar dishes and sometimes for shooting enemy personnel as well usually that requires a fair bit of magnification from a scope but in this fictional scenario where you're using it for essentially as a giant glorified shotgun red dot is fine even the iron sights probably fine you would be very tired very quickly even if you were quite sizable i think so with certain weapon configurations this crouched down tilt the weapon thing does make sense so something like this barrett equipped with its conventional long-range magnified optic you only have two options using that at close range it's basically it's like try walking around your your house with a pair of binoculars or something it's not sensible to be looking through a magnified lens and trying to get around at close quarters so you have two options either look over the scope which could be quite awkward with this thing or count it over i think in this case tilting it makes a certain amount of sense why you'd only do that when crouched though that doesn't quite make sense i'll take this okay pause at 7 14. what the hell is happening there looks like whenever you eject a mag the slide magically goes to the rear am i seeing that right right i don't know if it's a resident evil connection but i think having a beretta in a zombie game does take a few boxes now this says beretta m9 it's not an m9 because it has the accessory rail under or on the dust cover under the barrel but it's not an m9a1 because it has the wrong shape of trigger guard because when they added that rail they reprofiled the trigger guard which used to curve inwards like this one to be a flat surface to mate with the back of the light or laser module that you're fitting so this is a curious hybrid of m9 and m9a1 right a curious oversight here with beretta whenever we hit reload we which flick out the magazine and magically the slide leaps to the rear and locks open regardless of the state of the weapon so i'm hoping that gets fixed at some point because that will be distracting to nerds of a certain stripe like me so it's even more of a 93r in 92 clothing than i thought because it's actually three round burst only which is exactly what the 93r does doesn't actually allow for auto fire and neither does this now if you're trying to kind of gunsmith this thing to fire more than one round quickly that's achievable for fully automatic i don't think it would be achievable but certainly not very easily and not without leaving some visible evidence on this on this gun to turn it into a three-round burst mechanism that requires widgets and dewiki's inside the gun that don't exist inside this gun without getting into the details of how you would make it fully automatic of course it is substantially more straightforward to look at doing that i wouldn't raise too much of an eyebrow if this thing was full auto i'm raising both eyebrows at once that it is very round burst reloading incoming right so our third shotgun now the benelli m4 super 90 semi-automatic shotgun used for military law enforcement competition purposes this one's relatively vanilla for for a modern um tactical shotgun i mean if you had to take a shotgun into this level of frenetic combat of any kind it's an excellent choice what doesn't make a huge amount of sense and i suspect this has been done deliberately to elicit a comment is a magnified optic on a shotgun not entirely out of the question if you were trying to deliver slugs at 50 meters or more maybe you might want a magnified optic to do that but it would hamper your ability to use it as a close quarters weapon something else we can see through this scope is the always-on tracers as i think i'm going to start calling them now which are not not just a video game thing a movie thing every gun that fires a shot has a tracer effect coming out of it whether or not it's loaded with traces and we see that weirdly up close to the scope so we see several tracer patterns of pieces of shot as they emerge magnified out of the end of the gun it's nice to say you wouldn't see that in reality you probably see a little a wisp of smoke and maybe an effect on target and that would be it so we have another m4 that isn't an m4 here now it's very close however because of the very high resolution here we can see that is not an issue lower receiver that is if this was real either a dealer sample or illicitly produced select fire ar15 lower receiver and it has some sort of skull and crossbones makers mark on there someone who's played the game can tell us what it actually says but it's not us government issue this is a civilian configuration of ar-15 but it is select fire it's fully automatic it is semi-automatic and obviously has the safe position as well the reload is interesting it's very slick we've got uh drop the magazine magazine goes on and then the thumb is held in a position where we can immediately hit the bolt release that's doable but you'd have to have some skill to be able to pull that off every time i mean the classic example of an ar-15 reload which is actually taught in or has been taught anyway in military circles and law enforcement circles is val kilmer's reload in heat in the big street battle where it's quite slow and deliberate but sufficiently flawless that it's been used as teaching material and you can see there how the magazine goes on he's probably tugging slightly to make sure it's fitted and then he's separately hitting the bolt release here it's all done in a fluid motion moving toward the station we'll keep an eye on them and update you on the situation as it oh develops this is a bit of a greatest hits of zombie slash action movie guns of course we've got a deagle of course we have now our 50 here is um it is a mark 19 but it's not the latest version that we see in bat for blood which has i believe it's got the shorter barrel assembly and it's got built-in compensator ports up here on the barrel and as far as mounting magnifying optical sights on a pistol which isn't usually very helpful unless you are target shooting or maybe hunting large creatures this is one of the better sort of ways to mount a site because the slide's not banging back and forth and messing up your accuracy not degrading the actual sight in terms of actual utility of this thing i'm not sure it's it's not it's not the bomb proof reliability of something like a glock low capacity seven rounds of 50 action express it's maybe not an ideal choice and yes it's powerful but it's not rifle level of power or even shotgun level of power would you bother um i mean you might find it it's much more of a recreational firearm than it is a practical one i have fond memories of the um m16 from left 4 dead and left 2 and we've got another one here and it has been updated it is either an m16 a3 or a4 the one i've grabbed just makes life uh more confusing because this isn't even an m16a2 a and this will break some some hearts for for um ar-15 enthusiasts but this is an old model 01 lower receiver with various bits of m16a2 furniture and an m16a2 upper receiver that has then had its carrying handle cut off and a uh original nato spec rail fitted to it and this as you haven't already guessed this is british experimentation in the 1980s to see how the very well proven world standard m16 would fare when fitted with a four power british optical sight so you don't often see an m16 with a sunset on it so i thought i'd show it to you so we have all the a2 features here that i would expect except for barrel is the wrong profile you can see here this is the standard a2 heavy profile barrel the flash hider is weirdly stretched and the hand guard is weirdly fat you can probably see from from this one everything looks a bit beefy but otherwise it's kind of what we'd expect to see a bit of a detail on the m16 when we're looking through the scope here we're looking we're looking along the top of this classic ribbed handguard and what we're not seeing are these many holes for cooling it just looks to be it's the right sort of texture ish but that should be drilled at the factory with all of these holes and they're not there so that hand guard is a bit of an anomaly but what i noticed more than anything else about this and frankly everything else i've seen so far it's the sheer amount of gore all over your hands all over the guns i think we do need to talk about that briefly brains are not a test medium for military rifles mud sand water ice but not blood brains uh the sort of stuff that's flying absolutely everywhere if you did slather your firearm in something of that texture shall we say what would happen well i don't think it would be good i especially don't think the um holding the thing on on the wonk like this that we're seeing done in this game that would not end well because the stuff that's coming over the gun and landing in this ejection port that's the last place you want anything to be landing and as you're firing it stuff is going to be landing in there never mind the fact that you might then get stuff on the magazine and introduce it into the magazine well that could end badly too getting it on your left optics could render them unusable and you'd have to tilt it on the side and maybe that's the point so suffice to say zombie goo and firearms would not mix this is a very faithful as far as i can see impression of the us m249 scored automatic weapon variant of the fn minimi 5.56 millimeter light machine gun uh you can always spot the 249 because of the upper hand guard which isn't usually present on other minimi variants it seems to work as it ought to except that when we have the thing tilted on the side there's some some pretty worryingly lethargic case ejection going on there i don't know if it was a glitch but i've noticed that when the player stops shooting the very pretty column of spent cases coming vertically up out of the gun seems to just vanish into thin air whatever was still in the air just vanishes and if that's something that might get fixed what of course i don't think the game lets you do that you'll be familiar with from things like battlefield is actually provide any sort of meaningful support fire the zombies aren't going to react to being suppressed anyway but you could pick them off with you know short controlled bursts and perhaps offer more effective cover than running around with the team blazing away from the hit but i realize that doesn't support the gameplay of this particular game very well and actually practically speaking you probably just get left behind and eaten or clawed to death or whatever while you're lying down trying to lay down fire all right sawn off shotgun another one from the tick list of weapons we would expect to see in a zombie game now this one i've picked here this is quite a vintage piece 1880s would have been actually quite a nice attractive sporting shotgun at one time but it's had a bit of a hard life and has then had the barrels cut down for some sort of criminal purpose this came to us from one of the uk police forces having been seized in a criminal context but it does have what uh called uh domestic damascus barrels where the steel wire iron wire is twisted to create the barrels would have looked really nice originally the gun we see in the game is well it's straight out doom two isn't it it's it doesn't have the the butt stock still in place which really you would want for any kind of serious use it's a classic sauna shotgun store of barrels and sawn off stock and it has the much more common top lever does still have external hammers like this one though and they're both 12 ball or 12 gauge at one nice touch i noticed as the model was spinning uh you see down the barrel and you can actually see the plastic crimped ends of the shotgun cartridges i do like it when things are fully modelled all working parts in there doing their thing ideally i realize it's not always necessary or there's time for it but it's nice when things are modeled as though they're real two triggers on this as indeed on um most double barrel shotguns not all even when they only have one trigger though it only fires one barrel first then the next these are sporting purpose firearms and the idea is to have two shots to shoot birds clays whatever it is so these modified movie guns most likely and certainly video game guns that go off that set off both barrels with one pull of the trigger you'd have to modify the thing fairly significantly to get it to do that as to why that one's called the belgian well this one's a a british maker but um belgium was a real gun making hub for all sorts of different guns of all sorts of different qualities from very early in history all the way up until well now and in the 19th century uh early 20th century there were lots of cheap belgian shotguns being made so that may be why it's called the belgian right well this is a bit of a gangster special intratech tech 9 or in this case the interdynamic kg9 because this thing kept getting reinvented um designed originally as a machine pistol in europe ended up as a semi-automatic pistol although it looks like a machine pistol for the u.s self-defense market essentially fell into the wrong hands frequently it's a classic gang weapon it's not amazing but it would be around in an urban environment in the u.s if you were to happen across firearms perhaps converted to full auto i'm sure some of them would be tech nines whether they would run reliably is another matter whether you could hit anything without a shoulder stock is another matter we do have sling loops on this one so you could put it on a sling push it out for some measure of control it's not likely to be super accurate and not necessarily super reliable either but it does it does fit the world i think in case anyone's thinking that um this thing firing with the bolt forward or closed bolt operation is wrong well it depends on the variance i mean this one is actually open bolt so it would fire and then blow back most of the well the tech 9 as a variant was designed to be semi-automatic only and therefore they redesigned the bolt to be closed when fired so they changed the whole design inside in a way in a bid to make it legally not readily convertible if that makes sense the worry from the authorities would it was it would be easily converted to fully automatic making it more of a very useful criminal weapon usually when i point that nerdy fact out it's because someone's modeled the gun incorrectly in this case nope it should be bolt forward and even if you converted it to full auto it would still fire from the closed bolt like that oh careless those were the guns of back full blood which i will definitely be trying out at some point as a veteran left for dead fan thank you very much for watching as always we've got the links in the description for donations or anything you might want to check out from us over at the royal armouries museum do come and visit us if you can check out our social media check out our youtube channel you might find something of interest there otherwise see you again next time [Music]
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 757,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6C2NSRtvkm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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